Wanted; Dennis Chevalier
Dennis Chevalier pretended to be an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel who flew C130s in missions over Iraq. He also pretended to be a Stolen Valor hunter who never busted a poser. He’s actually a corporal in the Texas State Guard (not to be confused with the Texas national Guard).
Category: Phony soldiers
Hiding behind fake names shows only one thing…cowardice and it tells the world you can’t risk exposing your criminal history and lack of military service/experience.
Is cowardice what men and women of honor covet these days?
Man-up and show your true selves, else go back to your mothers basement and jerk off but leave the world to those of us that have stepped up to help others for those that cannot help themselves.
You have never been a meat-shield and I have.
C’mon, shitbag–anyone with even White-Belt Google-Fu could find my real name, address, and cell phone number within about two minutes.
Knowing that, you’ll also know I’ve never been arrested, charged with or convicted of a crime, filed for bankruptcy, etc. I don’t beat my kids, I like dogs, and while I like cheese most of the time, I’m not even going to attempt to eat seven pounds of it at one sitting.
I’m an honorably discharged ET1/SS, having served on two SSN’s and a tender, with a recruiting tour tacked on the end. I was picked up for ROTC after boot, did a couple of years of college, but didn’t finish, and went back on AD. Only after I left the Navy did I finish my degree. It ain’t much, but it’s real, and it’s mine.
So yeah, I’ll play ball with ya, fucker. You want to answer any of the questions that have been posed to you in a COMPLETE and TRUTHFUL manner? I doubt you even KNOW the truth anymore.
NHSparky – I think the fact that you have 2 SSN’s is messing with the master profiler’s head. He has access to databases that most police departments would be jealous of. Plus, he is a meat shield. 2 SSN’s is just too much to process.
WTF is a “meat shield”? Meat puppet, more like.
And he probably beats it like it owes him money.
I think a meat shield is an aviation term. My informants tell me it is the third component of a dutch rudder. (NSFW if you google it)
“And he probably beats it like it owes him money.”
NHSparky you’re killing me this morning! That’s two coffee spews on the keyboard thanks to you. 😀
I spent 12 years in Law Enforcement and you are what we call “Hollywooding it”. You are trying so hard to prove you are innocent that it is blatently obvious. BTW if you were truely there and did what you claim, you would have nothing to prove. On yet another note, the few Lt Col. I have worked with have displayed far more tact than the garbage you spew out. Even my last commander who was conceded as hell would never resort to the shenanigans you are trying.
So I’m a coward hiding behind a fake name? The name of CATM is because I was in the Combat Arms Training and Maintenance section of the USAF Security Forces formerly known as Security Police. The same Security Police that you claim to have gone through our school as a civilian. Civilians do not go through our LE and ABGD academy, the contract security guards receive NO FORMAL training and the DOAF Police go to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) so you would never have held an AFSC in Security Police as you claim. As for who I am, I hide from no one. I did 12 years in the USAF and was medically retired. I will provide my name, DD-214, 12 years of photos, and even the names and numbers of my former squad leader, 1st Sgt, and Commander (all of which watched as I left the squadron in tears on my last day before terminal leave as this was not how I wanted my career to end). Send me an e-mail and this “coward who has never served” will prove you wrong. You were never part of my family of Blue Berets and that crappy contractor card you posted on your “evidence” blog don’t mean shit. If you want a teaser of who I am, feel free to click on the members tab and scroll towards the bottom. I’m the guy sitting on the roof of my guntruck next to my .50 with PEST MANAGEMENT magnets on the turret skirt. By the way, that photo is a glimpse of what Security Police does so you might want to brush up on your ABGD and Army lingo, and maybe some of our history before you claim to be one of us buddy . Go wait in hell for me, I should join you soon to torment your sorry ass till the end of time.
Get em’ Red Hat…..Fuck YOU, Dennis you BITCH….
/602/605/2T291-Trans and Aerial Port 1984-2007, Kadena/Peterson/Andrews AFB.
Thank you Chip. My former family may not have the best and Lord knows not brightest, but we all did our time in the jailhouse doing LE and FTXs. Something this (to quote Duke Nukem) “Inspiration for birth control” did not do, which makes it a bit personal for me.
Oh I have some questions for you Chevy boy. If you were Air Force Security Police like you claim on your “evidence” page. What is the ONE situation that the presence of innocent bystanders or hostages WILL NOT DETER YOU FROM USING DEADLY FORCE. Anyone who was Security Police will know this, as it was beaten into our brains in training. What condition is the M-9 pistol carried in? Oh heres an easy one. What do you do if someone breaks red while you are posted as a CBS on a PL1 resource with no alpha? As you can tell, I’m not letting that little white lie go.
Chevy Chevette Scooter, the only thing you’ve have ever done to help anyone EVER is to help yourself to your ex-wives’ money and goodwill, and to help yourself to a career that DID NOT EXIST ANYWHERE, except in the dim recesses of that dormant organ you have for a brain.
I have more time on active duty in the Navy than you have on the couch in your last ex-wife’s living room. Ex-PH2 tells everyone here what I did in the Navy and how long I was in.
It tells evveryone else except you, of course, because you are so stupid you don’t even know you’re alive.
You are a liar, a looter and a pillager, a thief of bravado, and a dimwitted sack of dried cat litter. The only thing you’ve ever done well was con some women into believing your unmitigated crap.
Well, I’m a woman and I don’t believe anything you say.
Meat Shield?!? LMAO!
So Dennis Cheese Whiz Sparkle Pony Chevelier/LIAR you were “Meat Shield”?
Did you wield the cattle prod or was it used on you as you were shepherding the cattle and sheep into the slaughter house?
Hiding behind a fake persona shows only one thing…cowardice, and it tells the world you can’t risk exposing your true self and criminal history and lack of real military service/experience
Man up and show you true self. Admit your lies and fabrications.
I’m sure the only meat you ever shielded was the ballsack resting on your chin.
I have made screen shots of 7 post I made here answering you and they are now gone…hmmmmmm
I have seven screen shots of you claiming to be ATP pilot and flying C-130H in Iraq along with various other asinine claims… and they are all gone too. Someone has been cleaning up their own shit trail. Do meat shields do that?
Did you bother to check the “older comments” here, “genius”? Or the other thread(s) on this site about you?
You’re so convoluted and inconstant in what you’ve said here and elsewhere, I’m beginning to think you need written instructions on how to take a leak so you don’t confuse the procedure for doing so with that for another action.
LOL…. ChipNASA nailed it. Cheveliar is our chewtoy. What a gift!
You guys don’t seem to want to accept the fact you’re dealing with an expert in internet warfare; with a man who’s the best with computers, with phones, with his printer. A man who’s been trained to ignore cholesterol. Ignore sodium. To live off bricks of cheese. To eat enough ham to make a billy goat puke.
In Wilmer, his job was to dispose of enemy personnel.
To kill!
To win by attrition.
Well gentlemen, Chevalier was the best. And he’ll have the documents to prove it, as soon as the flood waters evaporate.
now THAT is a great taunt!
Hot damn that was a good taunt.
Ok. Hiding behind a fake name…hmm…no, how about a description of who I am. I was a NCO in the United States Army. I live in the Pineywoods (do you know where that is?) Hence, I use the nickname to describe me…I am the Pineywoods NCO. I served 11 years and 40 days proudly, including two year-long tours in Iraq. I was discharged IAW Army Regulation 635-200, Chapter 18. I admit I was discharged due to weight control issues, which is listed in that specific chapter. I will be very happy if anyone asks, to post my ACTUAL, not modified, DD-214 here upon request. And everything listed in my ACTUAL DD-214 is accurate. Please be advised that it may take me a little while to reply since now I am a student at a highly respected university in the Pineywoods area and I also have other commitments, including a job and a family and many, many friends that have supported me in every endeavor since returning home and in every viewpoint and situation that I have stated or felt or confirmed not just since I returned home but from day one in my life. Having said that, I AM NO COWARD!! I am not someone who when asked a simple question responded by calling the person who asked the question names or screamed insults at them. I have been formulating my opinion since day one of this wonderful discussion and right now, it is my opinion, based on what I have seen, what I have read, and how I interpret what is presented to me at all locations. Hence, I am making my own judgment and my judgment is mine alone. But I have been recently reminded of something else, forgiveness…and how that should be interpreted. So, I am turning to forgiveness, which means for me to put in the hands of the Almighty and those who seek the truth humbly. Because I ask for forgiveness every time I get emotionally charged here and believe me, HE has given it freely. Figure it out one way or another. That’s all…for… Read more »
You’re forgiven.
At the risk of stating the obvious – well, obvious to everyone but you, apparently: Pineywoods NCO wasn’t asking for your forgiveness, Chevette. And I doubt he gives a tinker’s damn about your forgiveness.
PineyWoods – I spend most of my weekends in Red River County. Are you in that neck of the woods?
Respectfully, no…never have been in Red River county. A little more south…near a town named after some trees close to I-20.
Come up and hog hunt some time.
Why don’t we skip all the formalities of this year’s tournament and declare this guy the winner?
Because the Rotund Ranger and Queef Bernath are giving this clown a run for his money.
Who else is going to round out the Fecal Four?
Stermer is a dark horse.
So is “Gay Jay” Kerwin.
That motherfucker cannot even pronounce Hooah the correct way.
I can’t predict the outcome but I must say that Cheveliar has worked damn hard to win this year. The original thread was dead with maybe 400 comments and then Linda showed up to breathe some life into it. Then Cooper showed up. Since then Dennis himself has been a regular, lying out his ass at every opportunity. He has really put some effort into it… must be his competitive nature.
That’s my thinking, too. He’s working VERY hard at this. He should be at least the number one overall seed.
Don’t forget the ex-wives who literally turned up the heat on the Chevette Scooter.
Regarding anonymity, cowardice, and etc. If Jonn, TSO, Scotty, Hondo, Enigma, or anyone else that regularly posts here with integrity wants to know who I am and what’s on my record…you ask and I will provide. However, I’ll be damned if I am going to provide such information to Serial Embellisher Dennis Cheveliar who has proven time and again that he has even less honor than intelligence. So Chevy – FUCK YOU. I don’t owe you a goddam thing. You can’t fix stupid.
I forgive you anyway
No one here wants your “forgiveness”, Chevette.
What we want is either (1) a credible explanation for your apparently false claims, if one exists; or (2) an acknowledgement that those claims were baldfaced lies, plus an apology for same.
Specifically, we’d like a credible explanation of your multiple false claims of (1) being a Retired USAF (NOT CAP) LtCol, and (2) piloting a C-130H in Iraq.
Once or twice might be an honest mistake. But you’re way past “once or twice”.
By credible, we mean one backed by independently verifiable evidence. We’ve seen far to many bogus documents provided by fakers to buy anything you provide directly. Doveryai, no proveryai, tovarish.
So if you’re going to claim “I was hacked” as an explanation, provide supporting evidence that can be independently verified of the hacking. Otherwise, don’t bother. No one here is going to believe that without proof, given your past dubious claims and exhibited pattern of changing your story as you see fit.
I wonder if he drives a turd-colored Chevy?
I will leave that up to your individual imaginations.
It’s a brown Ford Probe.
LebbenB Way to be!!! Love it. Spot on! 😀
I forgive you, numnuts. It doesn’t seem that you can help telling constant lies.
Re Round Ranger. He is perplexing of late and is screwing up sure a top seed. He’s not following Poser SOP. Since someone put up a wanted poster of him in Morgantown, he’s been in hull defilade. Is that embarrassment or he learned from others that the easiest way to fall off the radar is to shut up since Bernasty et al get all the attention. I’m thinking he is itching to make a come back and will strike after Bernasty and Scooter LtCol-Doc go silent.
Or maybe Ranger is just screwing this up like everything else he has done in life?
When I think of Dennis…my mind goes to the scene in the Blues Brothers when Bob from Bobs Country Bunker presents Jake and Ellwood with thei bar tab…except I hear “You boys ate alot of cheese…”
From his website circa 2000:
Mr. Dennis H. Chevalier is a Microsoft Certified Professional, Computer Security Consultant, Private Investigator, Deputy Constable and Instructor with a reputation for diligence and hard work for both government agencies and major corporations.
Mr. Chevalier has been trained by the U.S. Government in Intelligence, Covert Operations, Technical Surveillance, and is a graduate of the Defense Intelligence School with extensive field experience.
He has attended private and government sponsored TSCM (Technical Surveillance Counter-Measures), TEMPEST, SIGINT, technical intelligence, and security training in the United States.
Also, he maintains a vast private reference library regarding technical surveillance devices, and TSCM protocols used internationally.
In addition to a strong background in intelligence operations and electronics he also has extensive training in tactical operations, including Instructor and Master Instructor certifications for: Pistol, Shotgun, Rifle, Sniper Weapons Systems, Assault Weapons, Grenade Launchers, Chemical Weapons, Explosive Breaching, Stun and Distraction Devices, Straight/Expandable and Riot Baton, Non Lethal Use of Force, Specialty Impact Munitions, Riot Control, Vehicle Operations, and related tactical subjects.
Mr. Chevalier is a graduate of multiple executive protection, SWAT/SRT, and special operations training programs. He is also a factory trained and certified armorer on multiple military and police weapons systems, and holds an expert marksman rating with those systems. Mr. Chevalier holds the following degrees: BA-Criminal Justice, MA-Psychology, BS-Computer Science, and a MS in Information Systems Management.
Dennis, I have a serious question. Were you ever involved in the SWICKLE project?
Defense Intelligence School?? In what world? I know of one and that one requires a clearance. I wonder what I will find if I call back to Bolling AFB and ask about this claim.
…the same thing you will find if you contact Gunter AFB about his alledged 81150 (Security Specialist) and 81152 (Law Enforcement Specialist) certs…nothing.
No e-tool certification from John Gidunk? This man is OBVIOUSLY a fake.
Was wondering if anyone else caught that, MT FAO.
Further: one would think that an “esteemed investigator” could at least get the name of the school correct. It hasn’t been named the “Defense Intelligence School” for over 30 years. (smile)
I tried to talk to you, you ran.
Dennis had a new facebook page under the name of Denny Howard. I broke a long time rule and made a facebook page with my real name and sent him a message. In that message I asked if we could talk, No arguing no fighting no interrogation. Just talk. I gave him my word that I would not share his facebook page with anyone. Well he never replied and took that page down and ran.
Three times I have tried to post to his wall. Three times the comment never appears.
Dennis I read your conversations. I have a little news for you. Combat Vets do not think they are Gods. They just dont put up with BS.
You are not a combat Vet. You want to equate your exploits as the same as military but they are not.
Oh and your CSM buddy at Texas state Guard? There is no way He can have a CIB with 3 stars. He is what, Early 40S.
I had Hopes that you would come clean. Its not going to happen.
Interesting reading there…got to it from the TSG site. See he’s sucking his thumb about TAH. Liked a couple of these statements he made:
I do understand Joel but they think they are the ONLY ones to do this. As a cop I have been shot and almost died and then returned to duty just like them yet I am repeatedly told its NOT the same thing. They have a double standard that really pisses me off
March 21 at 8:33am · Edited
Denny Howard I was awarded the medal of valor and purple heart in security service, verified by my police chief and yet most vets look at that as being still scum.
Your record of service is outstanding. You are the only Ranger I ever met that has 3 CIB’s a hero in my book!!!!
You are a fucking turd SJ (the spy) and since I only have 28 on that page it won’t take long to figure it out.
Dennis, YOU are a coward and nothing more. As a coward you do what every coward does. Makes up lives they never lived. Hides behind false credentials and then ducks and covers when caught and confronted.
You can take your wannabee police purple heart and valor award and pound them up your ass because that is what they are worth and where they belong based on their phony value.
When you become half the man in being or in service that SJ is, then open your pie hole, or cheese hole. Until then take a seat at the kid’s table and between bites of cheese, have a big glass of STFU and get a life…a REAL life for a change! Not the phony one your have crafted and created.
“LT. Col. Dennis Chevalier, USAF, Medically Retired, PhD”…MY ASS!!!
You are Dennis Chevalier, expert at being and creating anything and everything…phony to impress yourself first and then attempt to impress others!
(NSFW Swearing)
This is for you…..
SJ I say…thank you for serving as a Law Enforcement Office! Thank you Sir. Being shot or shot at in my book…equates to the same demands of facing threats and overcoming them as a soldier might have to. You have a further disadvantage in my mind that all LEOs have. A soldier in a combat zone knows to expect the enemy at all times and all places. As a Police Officer, though you are vigilant and aware at all times, you do not know where the threat may come from. It could be a simple tail light out traffic stop and a wanted fugitive behind the wheel who is adamant, to the point of taking your life not to be arrested. A simple domestic disturbance where the beaten spouse suddenly turns on the officer, arresting the offender, and stabs or shoots him. The most innocent of situations can become life threatening in the span of a heartbeat. So kudos to you SJ sir! Again, thank you for serving your community! I know there are respected opinions differing from mine. I take no offense at those opinions and do respect them. What I have written is my opinion and I hold fast to it.
Sparks, SJ was quoting Denny.
…Interesting reading there…got to it from the TSG site. See he’s sucking his thumb about TAH. Liked a couple of these statements he made:
Sparks…GHP is correct. I’m no LEO (and neither is Bullethead for that matter).
Well after this I will go clean the egg off my face. At any rate to all LEOs who may read my post, I do mean what I said. THAT DOES NOT INCLUDE YOU DENNIS CHEVALIER!!!
Nah…the Physical Therapist was twisting your knee in directions it isn’t supposed go and you missed the nuance. 🙂
SJ you are too kind. I felt kinda foolish on that one. So I am taking your lead and blaming it on my Physical Therapy this morning! 😀
By the way…when it comes to twisting my knee in all sorts of ugly forms not normally used in real life, they are the Masters Of The Universe! But that’s what it takes to get off this darned crutch and get better. 😀
Re: “Also, he maintains a vast private reference library regarding technical surveillance devices, and TSCM protocols used internationally.”
He has room for this “VAST” library in an apartment that floods? Maybe one of the 6 ex-wives can comment on his vastness?
He has a lab! The picture of him in the lab coat was taken in one “courner” of the lab. The lab is real! Just like his ATP Cert.!
Holy Crap,
In just looking through friends and friends of friends,
I have found not one but 2 guys claiming to be SEALs. One 3 Cib with 3 stars. 2 Silver stars, 4 Purple hearts.
Its time to contact the governors officer in Texas and demand an investigation.
Linda is a professional background checker. Perhaps she can help.
You sir are a liar.
Chevy, you are a loser.
Spending a lot of time here on this blog, huh.
You are wasting time that could be spent looking for another wife or, at the very least, some more cheese.
Green Thumb…sometimes I take off on a long rant and I forget this fact until I see your posts. It can all be said succinctly with very few words…such as…TURD!
Thanks for the reminder. 😀
RE: “Doc-LtCol’s” comment: “You sir are a liar.”
Who? Re what? Would have thought you would have learned the need for specificity during your dissertation effort?
SJ: maybe not. Some colleges in the past have allegedly been rather lax in their academic requirements – in fact, lax on pretty much everything other than payments for degrees rendered.
Not sure, but I think those kind of colleges were generally unaccredited, and were called some kind of mill. Maybe I’m wrong.
Where is this atrocity taking place? is there a nest a shit-vipers that needs smoked out and called out for ass-hattery?
Enigma I found your message in the “other” section so no message alerts are given. Sorry BUT you sent this that 7 hours ago and then block me. I didn’t block you.
If this is your idea of being fair and honest spare me the B.S.
I have posted the proof of that message along with your actions and lie that you were not going to broadcast the FB page name.
Dennis I created a facebook page under my real name. It is blank. I dont use facebook. I created the account to try and talk to you.
You took your page down, I dont care what you post. IF you want to talk to me we can do that. I have tried over and over.
I didnt block you. Why would I? you deleted your page.
no I didn’t its still there
No Dennis Its not
I am done with you. IF you want to talk find my Email, I have posted it several times.
Until then keep rocking the lie.
You are like a hemorrhoid, A pain in the ass from time to time but will go away sooner or later.
After contact the Tarrant County DA’s office twice regarding Denni-Boi’s claim that he has taken out a “Stalking Complaint” against me. They have simply told me thst Dennis-Boi is full of it.
I will not respond to Dennis-Boi any longer, nor will I go to his stupid website regarding the BULL SHIT he keeps posting. As I have said before, he needs find a lawyer to take his case. Then he can file a lawsuit against the cyber-bullies that Dennis-Boi claims are harassing him.
As of last night, Daniel Bernath has my vote for the top tourney seed, and unless Dennis-Boi does something worse than what DanDan did last night, I am done with Dennis-Boi.
I’ll tell you what, Dennis, the thread I closed to comments gave me a headache because you’re an idiot. You have nothing to prove that you didn’t lie and you expect us to say we’re sorry just because you say so. Don Shipley says you’re a phoney, if my opinion isn’t good enough for you. If you have something that exonerates you, please send it, if not, just do yourself a favor and STFU.
I do Jonn, the papers of the law suit will be in a week at most. I will post them on my blog then.
Is this the suit you filed and (if I remember what I’ve read elsewhere correctly) later voluntarily withdrew before trial, Chevette?
If so, hopefully you’re also going to post a notarized admission from the individual you claim “hacked” you that he in fact did so. Because in and of itself, filing a suit proves absolutely diddly-squat – particularly if you later withdraw the suit voluntarily and the matter never goes to trial.
Still, stranger things have happened. We’ll see what kind of “documentation” you post next.
Hondo you’re just too stupid for your own good so STFU!
Hey Shitferbrians, Still waiting on the specific date, time and location of your officer involved shooting and the date and place of your medal of valor ( I believe you said it was for a school hostage crisis in 1986 or so?)
Things like that dont happen in a media vacuum. There has to be an archive of it.
I don’t recommend holding your breath, Just An Old Dog.
Hold on to that “Hondo is just too stupid” thought, Chevette. See what kind of mileage you get out of it.
Tell the truth: you need me to post those step-by-step instructions for you on how to take a leak I spoke about earlier, don’t you?
Ah, Chevette Scooter! You really don’t get it, do you, Scooter?
D’you know why the Chevette Scooter didn’t last very long? Because it was a failure, just like you.
STFU is not proof that you have a lawsuit filed. Neither is posting some crap that you made up on your blog, you numbskull.
Seriously, do you even HAVE one brain cell working? Or are you running on ‘D’ batteries for now?
EX, his last living brain cell died two days ago, and he is now running on just “one” triple AAA battery.
Awww, shucks! And Radio Shack is closing all of its stores, going out of bidniess.
Where, oh, where will Chevy Chevette Scooter get replacements?
So Dennis, I was wondering, I have this hankering for some cheese, could you recommend some bulk brands to me? Preferably in the 7-10 lb range. I was looking to pair it with Dr Pepper or maybe a diet soda.
Bulk cheese only goes well with “Whine” in mass quantities
This discussion with Chevette here certainly proves that point, MT FAO.
Say, Denny Penny, are you a member of any professional groups? You’d think that an internationally known, high speed investigator such as yourself would belong to all sorts of organizations of the security and other professional investigator variety. Lacking that, do you at least hold a Costco card?
Well he’s certainly no Danni-Butt-Boi Bearnasty ….That Bitch is a member of the Radio Shack Battery Of the Month Club.
/fucking-a-right Bubba!!
I have a Costco card! If I pay up the dues on it and get it re-activated, can I get in on that International Security gig?
Sounds like fun.
Sigh-and this is why people should be required to pass IQ tests and background checks before being allowed to possess a keyboard.
Or reproduce.
This is for the real men here…..an amusing military situation.
You don’t even have the brass this weapon ejected and then slipped down to this fine gentleman’s ass crack.
folks, here, raise your hand if this has happened to you in any shape of form?
/Scar on the back of my neck, my shoulder blade, and my lower back and I NEVER FIRED A WEAPON OFF THE RANGE (Chairforce YAY! LMFAO)
Happened to a lady I went shooting with one time. The brass from a .45 I loaned her went down the front of her shirt. I thought I could curse fluently till that happened.
I never caught brass but maybe this counts. At the BT range for our first day of live fire, I learned how not to take aim. I placed my nose where I thought it should be and, after a few rounds, my lower face was so bloody, they asked if I was shot. I learned that the recoil, while slight, is rather pronounced when one’s nose is receiving it.
I have an RWS Diana .177 caliber break barrel air rifle with scope…..I was running and gunning through the neighborhood back yards and trying to climb over the 3 1/2 standard wire fence and take out a 25-30 lb ground hog that had tunneled under the deck. I was on like my 3rd shot and I was walking and shooting…not cheek and shoulder butt planted and I fired.
It’s a piston fired system with a bit of recoil.
Guess where I got it from the rim of the scope…..guess….
/yep, you hit the nail on the nose.
Well I never caught brass either, but in my ARNG unit in CT (2/102nd C co) I was down range raising targets when a round impacted the bolts that hold the target frame in place, the round splintered and put some metal in my cheek and lips….the medics were thrilled because for the first time in the 2 years they had been going to this range they actually had something to do…I was a bit less amused but it’s all good…
I was on a gun team as a young soldier. Gunner, AG and AB. I have caught ALOT of brass down my shirt.
Yep, 9mm brass stuck between neck and collar. That smarts a little. * still finished the course of fire though.
For a while there I thought someone had slipped a magnet in my bra. I was catching one or two every time I’d work with my kids on my Daddy’s old .22 rifle. Turns out I was just standing to close to them and my bra was lonely and finally wanted to hold something.
b> That’s HAWT!!!
/yes, I *had* to go there…xoxo
Just for you,Chip.
Well, while I have never caught brass flying down my shirt, I have had a lot of brass LOOKING down my shirt.
On the other hand, I do have some scars that have tales to tell…. 😉
I Had to laugh. Had it happen to me more than once. It goes with the job.
See Dennis… This young lady’s “fail” is forever a greater accomplishment than anything and EVERYTHING you have ever or ever *WILL* accomplish, because she a soldier and not a FRAUD.
While you are explaining things to us, Denny Penny, when and where was that school shooting again? There were only three in Texas in the 1980’s, and two of those were suicides.
Go ahead, we will give you time to search around to attempt to select the correct one of the three to claim as the one in which you got shot.
He says I didnt use my real name.?? I need some help guys, If I am not me then who am I?
Hey Dennis,
Say My Name Bitch
I’ll just leave this right here…..A little bit of Sinaloa corridos.
Heisenberg Song Breaking Bad(English Subs): http://youtu.be/BUmpTKXpIdM
My Apologizes Mr Dennis H Chevaliar… I found evidence via video of your being shot as an LEO.
/Mutherfsucker THAT is FUNNY!!!!!
7 lbs of cheese
I was getting ready to post this same cartoon. Damn, you beat me to the punch, you magnificent bastard!
“I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor, dumb bastard die for his country.”
Taking up on your reference, Mustang2LT.
More like beat you to the cheese…
I read your book,,,,
The early bird gets the worm, but the second RAT gets the cheese.
This dude just won’t give up. You have to award him points for persistence, just not any for intelligence. Oh well, we’ll give him the attention he craves. Chevette, be careful what you wish for.
Enigma4you and yours truly are “famous” lol…Well more E4Y than me ..I just got an(Hon) mention lol (see what I did there?)…
Poor Sparkle Pony must’ve run out of cheese…his C&P has gotten rather sloppy 🙂
PineyWoodsNCO and I also made his hit parade. I made Fake CPO Bernath’s list, and now Cheveliar’s….one more and I get a T-shirt, right?
BTW I reached out to Jim Parker today (the bad man who allegedly was “sued” by Cheveliar). Perhaps he will join our fun and games. Tomorrow I am going to invite the owner of tscm.com and see if has some nice words for Cheveliar.
Dennis Chevalier: Now they say my entire TXSG command are fakes.
A look at what you posted shows that they singled out certain individuals on your friends list as being fakers. Nowhere, on the posts that you reference, do they claim that your entire TXSG
unit, or the TXSG itself, consists “entirely” of fakes.
Dennis Chevalier: Hiding behind fake names… cowardice… refusing to risk criminal history
We fire at the enemy from cover and concealment. That’s not cowardice, that’s smarts. The last thing we need is someone to stalk our families, refrigerators, or us.
Dennis Chevalier: Man-up and show your true selves, else go back to your mothers basement and jerk off but leave the world to those of us that have stepped up for those that cannot help themselves.
You do realize that a good number of us that post here are veterans, do you? We have the experiences that you like to lie about having. The reality is that you’ve stepped up your persona, via phony claims. You’ve also stepped up your eating, to include devouring 7 pounds of cheese and 10 pounds of ham in one setting.
Dennis Chevalier: Most of the cadre of TAH have never been a meat-shield. I have.
As useless as you come across to us, I wouldn’t be surprised if they told you to be a human shield… to at least have you do something that you’re useful for.
Oh, I think if smeone actually fired a shot at him, or in his general direction, he’d run away… to the nearest cheese shop.
This guy takes a lot of shots…in the face at his weekly Crisco party.
Dennis Chevalier: Some of the intelligent members of TAH are starting to ask for forgiveness.
No they’re not. They’re asking you to answer specific questions, and to coach your replies with the view of answering up to your phony military claims… and to provide sources that could independently be verified when it comes to some of the police decorations you’re claiming.
Dennis Chevalier: Your merry band of military rejects and misfits is the biggest bunch of hypocrites and liars on the internet under the mistaken belief that you are the only ones that KNOW truth.
Says the guy that only did 20 days in the National Guard, and who is about to get the boot from the Texas State Guard.
…as for being the only ones that know the truth? You know the fact that you didn’t serve in Iraq, didn’t fly C130s, and were never a retired Air Force LTC. TAH is willing to expose that truth, you refuse to come clean.
Dennis Chevalier: My God man you are psychotic!
This is an example of you deflecting your traits to others. People are seeing your replies on TAH and on your blog as replies from a psychotic person. Your psychotic behavior is apparent to everybody but you.
Dennis Chevalier: They demanded answers thinking they have ANY right to do so, but being the nice guy I am…I answered them anyway. Even seeing it with their own eyes; they reject the facts…
No, you didn’t answer our questions. You answered questions we didn’t ask you, and dodged the questions we actually asked you. Yet, you’re still wondering why we’re rejecting your response. The reality here is that you’re getting frustrated with our refusal to let you steer us away from your trail.
Also, you talk about posting the last piece of evidence. You haven’t even posted your first piece of evidence supporting your original claims with regard to being a retired Air Force LTC, a C130 pilot, and a Gulf War Veteran. You haven’t posted any evidence proving that someone made those claims for you via hacking your accounts, or creating them for you.
If your last piece of evidence is a continuation of your strawman/red herring games, it’s not game over. The cold hard reality here is that you lost before this exchange began.
It is soooo difficult to wait to see what Denny Penny will offer us in the morning! His words guarantee to entertain. It’s almost as if he is posing as a stand up comic, except for having no apparent intention to be funny, and the obvious thing about most likely having trouble standing for his delivery of the daily menu of silliness.
Will he invent a new special friend? Will he submit Change 53 to Original Lie #3, or Change 72 to Original Lie #6? Does he have a “new” modified document to show us? How many members of this veteran community will he malign today? And, finally, can he maintain his fascination with cut % paste?
Anticipation can be so exciting!
Admin folks..please fix my comment above…miced up real name..
Well ha! its in moderation…please fix it before posting.:)
Toasty Coastie: I’ve trashed the comment in question (to make sure it didn’t get approved w/o the requested change) and will let Jonn know what happened. Go ahead and repost it.
Thanks Hondo 🙂 will do…
OMG … You are moderating recipies. Holy crap … WRONG THREAD DUDE … And DUDETTES!
So in honour of all this talk of cheese and with the approval of my hubby and his unit on sharability, I wrote a recipe for you wonderful folks here at TAH…
A special nod to MCPO and all Irish folks as well as those that have a love of corned beef.
Blarney Ball
2.5 cups cooked and shredded corned beef.
16 oz cream cheese softened
3/4 cup chopped green onion/scallions
1 cup diced tomatoes~(Set aside for later).
1.5 teaspoon minced garlic
1.5 teaspoon organic onion powder
2 teaspoon organic ground black peppercorns
6 butter lettuce leaves rinsed and dried (set aside for later)
Saran wrap
Chilled plate
Set diced tomatoes, lettuce and crackers aside.
Mix all ingredients in a large bowl til everything is well blended.
Take a large piece of saran wrap and place it on counter.
Place cream cheese and corned beef mixture into center. Folder saran wrap around the cream cheese and roll into a ball. Place in fridge for 1/2 hour.
Take chilled plate and put lettuce leaves on it arranging so plate is covered.
Place cream cheese ball onto center of lettuce covered plate.
Take diced tomatoes and spread them around cheese ball.
Take crackers and layer them around edge of plate.
To serve, spread cheese dip onto cracker, add a small piece of lettuce and a few tomatoes on top then eat. 🙂
Enjoy! ♥♥♥
That’s a wee bit shy of 7 lbs.
I’m jus’ sayin’.
I’m sure the recipe is scalable. If not, make 7 of ’em. 🙂
Why yes..it almost is lol…and yes it can be adjusted accordingly… 🙂
You don’t read too good, do you?
What you need to do to make this all go away is post links to other sites, not your site, other sites that are not your now discredited site that you didn’t make because they are not made by you, as in not your own site.
Can you begin to comprehend that? Has the concept of ‘not your own site’ clicked yet?
With all of those letters after your name, I’d have to assume that you have some basic level of education that would require you to have written some kind of academic work requiring references and foot notes. As an example, let’s say that I am writing an academic work on the law enforcement history of Texas, and in it there is a chapter about officer shootings. There might be a sentence in it that would look something like “In 1986, Officer Dennis Chevalier was wounded during a school shooting in Dallas. He was awarded the police Purple Heart medal for his wounds.” Then at the bottom of the page would be a source note that could be independently verified and would looks something like “Jim Garamone, “Operation Noble Eagle,” Combat Edge 10, no. 8 (January 2002): 7.“
If you gave us something like that, then we could independently verify your claims instead of looking at scraps of unsourced and unreferenced paper on a slanted web site. Again, it’s basic academics, something with your supposed level of education should be very familiar with.
Dennis…you are a “one note Charlie”. You keep referencing the same tired, non-informative in any way, web site. It does not explain anything asked of you. Not in the least. You have been asked for simple proof of the claims YOU made. Or else, apologize for making those same said FALSE claims. Look at it like this Dennis. If you are down at the DMV and they ask repeatedly for your old driver’s license in order to issue your new one, you don’t keep handing them an ID card from Costco. They are going to call bullshit and bogus on that all day long. That is in essence what you are doing here. Can you possibly understand that concept? Did I explain it simply and clearly enough for you to grasp? Your “web site” is worthless garbage proving nothing. It is not what you have been repeatedly asked to provide. So who is dense here Dennis? You or we who are asking for YOUR proof of YOUR claims to fame?
He needs to hire an interpreter that’s fluent in retard speak, so that he could translate what we say into retard terms for Dennis Chevalier to understand.
He needs to hire an interpreter that’s fluent in retard speak, so that he could translate what we say into retard terms for Dennis Chevalier to understand.
Jesus H. Tapdancin Christ.
You make Baghdad Bob look like a believable guy, you know that?
So he still refuses to tell us when and where this alleged incident occurred? Shocking. Just shocking. (Not.)
Maybe he could at least tell us whether it was his right or left hand that was injured?
I see that Denny Howard (aka fake Doc-LtCol) posted on his FB yesterday re a shooting: “I have been through grand juries for use of force issues and they are a nightmare.”
Wonder if he would elaborate here on when he had done this? Or, it’s just more BS?
You can find ole Denny by going to the Texas State Guard FB page. That’s where he praises a 3 CIB CSM etc.
Dennis’s recipe:
Cheese Orgy
7 lbs of cheese, in a bag, cubed.
5 lbs of grapes
1 couch
1 TV
1 Police scanner
33 challenge coins
Rip open the bag of cheese, sit on the couch, turn on the TV, scratch your groin area where your balls are supposed to be, listen to the police scanner, fondle the challenge coins, look for women to meet on craigslist, scratch ear by inserting finger in opposite ear, document your own insanity by posting on your own blog under different made up names, eat cheese, wash down with grapes, repeat until brain has been permanently damaged.
GDP, you left out ‘smell your fingers after scratching’. (Easy Rider, Peter Fonda)
Ex-PH2: not sure that’s what “scratch ‘n sniff” is supposed to mean. But I guess it could work for a broken-down, worn-out old Chevette somewhere. Whatever.
Make sure you add gargling balls.
I found Denny’s Mug Shot
Judge: Counselor, what is keeping your briefcase from closing and what is that smell? Attorney: Your Honor, it is my client’s retainer. Judge: Counselor, I won’t ask again, what is in your briefcase!? Attorney: Your Honor it is a five pound block of extra sharp cheddar cheese. Judge: Counselor, why is it open on the end and why did you take cheese as a retainer? Attorney: Your Honor, The cheese was the only item of substance my client had to offer for a retainer. Judge: Counselor, I am getting worn with this. Are you dodging my questions? I asked why is it open and why do I smell it!? Attorney: Well…Your Honor it is open because it was originally a seven pound block of cheese but my client ate two pounds while waiting for his case to be called. Judge: Counselor! Are you not aware there is NO food or beverages allowed in my court room and no eating allowed in this court either!? Attorney: Yes Your Honor I am aware and I informed my client of court rules, however he wrestled the block of cheese from my brief case and ate the two pounds in a matter of three minutes. Judge: Counselor, I will not hold you in contempt since you made your client aware of my court’s rules. However, you, yes you, stand up and state your name. “Dennis Chevalier, USAF Medically Retired, PhD”. Your sir honor sir. Judge: Mr. Chevalier I don’t care about your credentials, which seems to be the matter before the court today. What I do care about is that after being instructed otherwise, you took it upon yourself to eat two pounds on cheese in three minute, which by the way amazes me, in my court room! Judge: Therefore Mr, Chevalier, I am holding you in contempt of court and ordering you to be held in county lockup for two days. I will instruct the lock up that you will NOT be allowed any cheese or cheese products during your incarceration as well. Bailiff, take Mr. Chevalier into custody. Judge: MR. CHEVALIER PUT… Read more »
Bubba and Thor, taking pity on their new friend for having his nuts stomped several times did him a favor. They duck taped all his man junk to his stomach…you know since they were so swollen and all. Who says prisoners can’t be kind too? But in keeping with jail house tradition they did shave his ass and tattoo a pair of tits on his back.
Who would have ever thought. That out of all the dirt bag phonies that are posted here. An Air Force Poser would become of of the biggest pain in the ass idiots we have ever encountered.
But Sparks, he was a LtCol in the AF and a PFC in the Army (TSG).
Hmmm, maybe there is an equivalency thing there (ducking shoes being thrown by AF brethren!)
It’s been done…..
Radar: Hey! Hey! Wait a minute! I can’t go in there!
Hawkeye: Pish Tosh!
Radar: Aw, c’mon. I’m just a Corporal!
Hawkeye: Do you think that kept Hitler out of the Officer’s Club?
B.J.: I really wouldn’t want to get him into any trouble.
Hawkeye: No problem. Just let me have some of your costume jewelery.
B.J.: Uh, I’ve had only five weeks of indoctrination. Is this what they call a Field Promotion?
Hawkeye: For being brave and nearsighted above and beyond the call.
Radar: Losing a Jeep. Impersonating an officer. All in two hours. If I get in trouble, my mother will kill me!
Hawkeye: What are mothers for?
Radar: Hey! What about my stripes?
Hawkeye: Radar, you’ve heard of Lieutenant-Generals? Sergent-Majors? You are now a Corporal-Captain.
Radar: [under his breath] Hawk!
Hawkeye: Huh?
Radar: That Colonel.
Hawkeye: What Colonel? There’s enough brass in here to make a spittoon.
Radar: Over there at eight o’clock. He keeps staring at me.
Hawkeye: He’s probably crazy about you.
Radar: [under his breath] Hawk!
Hawkeye: Huh?
Radar: [under his breath] He’s coming over here!
Hawkeye: Play hard to get.
Radar: Don’t horse around!
Colonel: Boys.
B.J.: Sir.
Hawkeye: Colonel.
Colonel: You all know this is an Officer’s Club, don’t you?
Hawkeye: I’m a Captain, Plain Clothes Division.
Colonel: Uh huh. Corporal Stripes and Captains Bars?
Hawkeye: That’s a new directive from the Pentagon. That’s right out of G2 and G3 making a G5 Combined Officers Op-Tech Glitch. We’re experimenting with a new rank: Corporal-Captain. We’re down here taking a survey, to see, uh, you know, if everybody likes it, uh, asking everybody in Seoul.
B.J.: Goldman-Hawkins, right?
Hawkeye: Right.
Colonel: Well, I don’t like it. I don’t like it at all!
Hawkeye: [to BJ] Uh, put down one “No;” one “Against.”
B.J.: Right. One “Negative; Corporal-Captain.”
Hawkeye: Thank you, Colonel. We really appreciate your help in this.
Colonel: No, Sir! I don’t like it at all!
Radar: He doesn’t like it at all.
Maybe Private Major Jay Kerwin could’ve talked the colonel into the “yes” category. 😀
SJ: minor quibble: the TSG is NOT part of the US Army and is not uniformed Federal military service.
Chevalier reputedly lasted less than a month in the ARNG, which is part of the US Army. Assuming that is true – e.g., that Chevalier did join the ARNG but lasted less than a month – I kinda doubt he made PFC in the ARNG before he was released.
Repeat after me: ( Learn it, know it, LIVE it. )
“Jelly or Syrup?”
“Jelly or Syrup?”
“Jelly or Syrup?”
“Jelly or Syrup?”
ChipNASA…you’re killin’ me again! 😀 Coffee on the keyboard!
Dennis thinks the answer is “both”! He’s MESNA, so it must be right.
Little Chevette’s bullshit recipe. one part pure hogwash, mix in 2 parts innuendo some half truths and sprinkle a few actual facts on top. Stir until the smell gets attention.
Sit in front of your computer gobbling cheesewizz out of the can while cackling “I’ve been hacked!” “you can’t handle the truth!!”.
Poor little heavy Chevy, always feeling inadequate, always desiring attention. Picked last for every team in school, he had big dreams. But he never could quite measure up, so he created a world in which he was a **STAR**.
As he jumps from job to job, marriage to marriage, never finding what makes him feel whole until now. Finally the little scooter has the center stage! Time for a little cheddar and a cheer! You are a front runner in the Ballduster Tournament!
That is my diagnosis.
Dr Ford(hon) of the Chrysler Institute, Dodge Kansas.
You forgot “half-baked.”
When I am wrong I admit it.
Yesterday I said Dennis took down his facebook page and ran. To his credit he did not. He blocked me, before he ever responded. When I went to look yesterday morning I got a page not found. I looked several times yesterday and today and got a page not found.
I did find him today using another account. He has removed the 3 Star CIB conversation. But thats ok.
If you have nothing to hide, then why are you doing your best to keep people from finding out what you have said in the past and whats going on now?
I know several good men who right now are faced with some very ugly false accusations. They have been nothing but upfront and honest. If in fact we have this all wrong as you claim then why hide it? The simple answer is you are caught and are trying to contain the damage.
Enigma4you: Occam’s Razor. That’s operative here until proven otherwise.
Comprendez-vous Occam’s Razor, Chevette?
Used for a close shave?
(^_*)>” wink-nudge
While engaging in a one-dimensional drunkard’s walk, perhaps? (smile)
Henceforth I will refer to Chaeliar’s “evidence” blog as “The Mangina Monologues”.
I understand that’s one hellaciously cheesy production . . . .
Hondo are we talking, “head cheese” here again? Just want to be sure I am on track. By the way Dennis…WASH THAT THING ONCE IN A WHILE! Nobody and I mean NOBODY likes smegma.
I’ll defer the answer to that question to Chevette.
Aw come on Hondo…say it, say the word…
I think his cheese of choice is “fumunda cheese”
Valkyrie, I sometimes forget…there are ladies present. Sorry. 😀
A proper lesson for this jerk is to read the story about Petty Officer 2nd Class Mark A. Mayo. Over and over again until he understands that what he tried to steal from us is something that only we who have been there will ever have. Our honor.
You have done NOTHING, Dennis, to earn the kind of respect that we all have for this fine young man. You are NOT a member of the brotherhood who honors him today. You are not one of us.
“You have hounded me on the Internet, called my friends and family with your hate filled lies, posted wanted poster all over the Internet and real world, hurt my son and violated his privacy, caused me financial lose, estranged me from my Guard family and placed me in real danger of death.” – Dennis Chevalier
No, you did these things to yourself. All you have to do is answer our questions, truthfully and factually, without trying to give your own rationalizations. Realize that the gig is up, and realize that you have control and anger issues. What we’re asking is reasonable, comply and do what we ask/recommend and you’ll see this eventually go away. You’ll still be a contender for this year’s Stolen Valor Tournament, but you won’t be sitting at 2nd place.
You brought your son into this, you caused the hurt. All of those charges are things that could be traced to your actions. You need to man up and own up to your mistakes and missteps.
The only “death” that I’m seeing is with the phony persona that you’re desperately trying to hold up.
You’re making this harder on yourself. We’re no nonsense people, we’re not tormenting you. We’re holding you accountable for actions you refuse to own up to. We’ve given you recommendations on what to do next.
“Why don’t you come to my hotel right now Jay and I will show you “why”. Huh?
I’ll tell you why, it because you and the others are cowards!” – Dennis Chevalier
The only thing that you want to show him is how you treated your ex-wife when she was recovering-the violent part.
From The Mangina Monologues:
And then in the next breath, dumbass said this:
The jokes write themselves…..
Still too stupid to correct his MESNA claim:
Dennis, give me your password (is it “c130hcompasscall” or “meathshield1961” ?) and I will edit/correct all your idiotic blathering bullshit so at least it is spelled correctly.
FORMER member of MESNA
Thanks for your email!
I can confirm that at one time Dennis was a member, but is not currently.
Best regards,
[Name redacted]
[Full Name redacted]
Membership Assistant
American Mensa, Ltd.
Are you HIQH enough for Mensa?
Take our admission test and find out.
And I can guess there would be three reasons for no longer being a member:
1. He did not pay the annual membership dues.
2. He did not qualify for membership.
3. Voluntarily terminated. This reason is less probable since he still touts MENSA membership.
But he doesn’t tout MENSA membership…. he touts MESNA membership! (whatever the hell MESNA is).
BTW he has his MENSA acceptance letter and his IQ score posted at the Mangina Monologues.
Howdy GD! …[H]e touts MESNA…
Yeah, I know. But he oughta be saying he is a FORMER member of MENSA.
Me? I’m a founding member of
I am right there with you ghp. In HS I had a job at a neighborhood hardware store. The owner was MENSA as were about 3 of the employees (all older than me). They could not pour piss out of a boot with instructions written on the heel. I know that is a real small sample size, but I figured MENSA was not something I would ever pursue. I might look in to MESNA though….
I bet Chevy’s two-hole has seen a lot of action.
Not so sure GT. All that cheese can really clog up the plumbing. Oh, maybe you mean the Roto-rooter man action? now that’s possible.
Denny is smarter then we thought. In the back of every Poser/Embellisher’s mind is the thought that once the layers of bullshit are pulled back their may be something they did that could land them in the hoosecow.
Denny’s constant consumption of cheese has ensured his colon is impacted/hardened to the point that it couldn’t be penetrated by an RPG-7, much less Bubba and Thor.
Crafty man, that Denny.
You would think that was his plan… it just happens to be an unintended consequence, not something he actually thought of. Truth be told, have you ever wondered why he shaves his head the way he does? I mean it looks like a giant phallus. Not just because he is a giant dickhead, but though I am unable to see it from my end of things I think it is to make up for some other physical shortcomings if you know what I mean.
Seriously though DC, please stop eating the cheese! The poop has backed up so far it has pinched off your brain stem. Shit for brains is not just some cute saying, it is a real affliction. Self-induced, but very real none the less.
“You should never hold your farts in. If you do, they travel up your spine, into your brain, and that’s where shitty ideas come from!” – Unknown
In Dennis Chevalier PhD(?)’s case, that, and his cheese-clogged bowels have pushed that SHIT into his cranium, making him the SHITHEAD that he is!!
Dennis Chevalier claims 33 years of service when he retired with less than 20. Notice how he spells the whole thing out. He lists himself as “civil affairs.” He definitely has the wrong attitude for someone doing civil affairs:
“”CPL Dennis Chevalier hails from Nashville, Tennessee. A resident of Hurst, Texas, he was sworn in to the Texas State Guard on 17 March 2012 with the 4th Regiment 2nd Battalion located in Arlington, Texas at the age of 50. He is a retired 33 year member of the United States Air Force Auxiliary Civil Air Patrol with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.”
SMH…that’s all for now.