An early weekend open thread

| February 28, 2014

My wife is forcing me to go that portal to Hell, Metro DC, today, so I’m giving you your weekend open thread now. My code monkey hippie chick says that the new TAH will launch tonight while most of you are sleeping, so don’t freak out when you dial us up tomorrow. She assures me that there will be problems, so don’t be hesitant telling us about things you might encounter and we’ll get them fixed as fast as we can. You night owls might experience problems if you’re on when she’s loading the new format.

Drop off links to your blog, news you’ve found that might be of interest to this crowd, or your favorite recipe in this thread of comments. Have at it.

And welcome back, Sparks, you have a lot of catching up to do what with all of the news that broke here this week.

Category: Administrative

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@48 Val

Holy cow! That was great! I looked for the “web extra” but didn’t see it. If you see when they post the follow-up, can you post a link?

I had to laugh about the POS poser Jim Van Fleet saying that once exposed, he would stop and “it would all go away”. Ummmm, no, it just started.


@ 48. Saw that earlier today. Well worth the 6 mins of uncomfortable pain.


@36 – can hardly wait!


Valkyrie, check your e-mail. Sent you two.


1000 percent chance that Wittgenfeld takes credit for our upgrade by somehow claiming we got tossed off another server.


It’s been 24 hours, I’m surprised he hasn’t thrown that claim around on FB, here, and to every booger-eating “friend” of his.


He probably can’t find TAH.


When the update drops I’ll post it.

Sparks – Sorry I’ve not said so before, but welcome back and I’m glad you are doing so well. Also leave the medical stuff to those that know about little water filled bulbs.



Another #$%^&* ice storm on the way this weekend!

Grrrrrrrrrrr! That means I have to get up at the ass crack of dawn to go to the store before all the damned milk and bread is gone from the shelves tomorrow.


@57 We already did that. We have a couple weeks worth of supplies ready. My wife insists on it as do I. Not only is she Alaskan, but Mormon too. Mormons believe in having a two year supply of supplies.


Sparks, I’ve been there and I feel your pain. In the late 80s, I had jaw surgery done. Coming out of my sleep, I had an enormous intern standing at my bedside. Told me he was there to remove my catheter. Told him I was ready. He grabbed a hold of it and yanked it like a chainsaw. I literally stood up in the bed. He immediately started cussing, knowing he had effed up. He was very apologetic, and since no real damage had been done, I forgave him. We talked a bit, and I found out that I was the first one he was allowed to perform unsupervised. I ran into him a few years later, at another duty station, and he was still as apologetic as could be.

Maybe that’s why I was able to pass a 10mm stone, unmedicated, on my own… Hmm…


Would you guys quit telling these dick stories? I’m having major shrinkage that no amount of Viagra will overcome.


We have 2.5 feet of frozen snow everywhere. Another 10 – 15 inches coming Sunday night into Monday. Skiing is great, my son takes a medal everytime he races and Al Gore and all his global warming hippie freak friends can KMRIA!

In the city it ain’t so bad. However there are many large piles of frozen snow and ice full of cig butts, China food containers, coffe cups and other trash items.

Al Gore can still KMRIA!


RIA? I figured the rest out


@62 SJ I think…Red Irish Ass or Royal Irish Ass


Sparks, welcome back, brother. And, if it needs to be said, don’t ever try to perform a medical procedure on yourself. Especially under the influence of pain meds.


Sparks: it’s “Royal”. (smile)


@4, Welcome back Sparks, and thanks for the visuals.

I shall not be able to urinate without thinking about it the rest of weekend.

Frankly Opinionated

Jerry 920: Did you ever own a Semi truck, or two?

E-6 type, 1 ea

For your viewing pleasure:

Name is Budley Hughes, here’s his Facebook page:

Have a great weekend, all! 😀


YouTube “FDNY UBL Kiss My Royal Irish Ass Madison Square Garden”

Or Google “KMRIA” as see where it takes you.

You will know a bit more about me!


Clams – I don’t know if you saw on the thread Jonn posted on the video I linked earlier but the “extra” link was posted there. It’s this guy’s apology so to speak, doesn’t seem very apologetic to me. Anyway here’s the link in case you missed it.

Wow! I figured out how to do that from my phone.


yep. saw it. 🙂

Jim Legans, Jr

Ceremony tomorrow for the 150th Fighter Squadron becoming the 150th Special Operations Squadron of the New Mexico Air National Guard on Kirtland Air Force Base. Patriot Guard Riders and American Legion Riders are invited and will be providing Flags and escorts. (Pictures to follow.)

There’s a winter storm blowing in tonight and out tomorrow. Temps will drop into the low 60’s. Some rain and maybe snow above 6000′. (Only 21 days of winter left.)

Riding weather has been in the high 60’s and low 70’s for the past week. I love living in the high desert.

Jim Legans, Jr

Sparks, that shit sounds no bueno. Hope your dick is okay.


Holy Guacamole, Batman! Dang, Sparks. I think you just gave me a new understanding of the term “rip cord.”

Anyway, welcome back to the hacienda!

Green Thumb

Cool website!

Still trying to figure it out.


Hey I love it! Got to play around a little. Thanks for all the hard work Jonn. I know your “hippie chick” web page writer worked hard too. This is too cool.

Green Thumb

I just re-read this while having lunch.

Almost could not eat as I was laughing so hard.

Also, like you guys, playing around and trying to figure this out.


Jonn, I like the “Military Records”, tab at the top. Great place for quick reference to these important items and documents. Thank you.

Pineywoods NCO

This is awesome, Jonn and team. Really well done, like it a lot.

Common Sense

Love the new look, but where the heck did the RSS feed go? I live and die by RSS.

Common Sense

Nevermind, the posts just showed up. Delayed reaction!


Common Sense. What do you use the RSS feed for and is it different/better for you. I saw and obvious difference before the new blog versions. Any help would be appreciated.


Great look!


HOw the hell am I supposed to find anything here?

Kinda old ET1

The same as the rest of us PH2… Just keep poking and pushing buttons… 🙂


WTF. From my BlackBerry this place looks a nuvo French Boutique hotel in NYC. This is going to take a while to figure out!

John Robert Mallernee

Has this URL been posted here, yet?

You’re going to LOVE reading about this little boy, and what he did!

You might even find yourself smiling through your tears.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

I need help, I cant think of a better place to ask about coffee.

My Son, the one in the Navy and deployed has asked me to find him a certain coffee.

Now Im not a coffee drinker. I am trying to find a Peruvian blend coffee in a black and purple bag. He says he thinks it came from walmart. I have looked on walmarts site and cant find it any place. Any of you good folks know this blend?


I think the maker of the kind you described is “Brown Gold” it’s all I could find in a purple and black bag. Here’s the images to see if it’s correct.


I know we’re not supposed to complain about someone else’s “interior designs” but I liked being able to read the whole story without having to click on the article. Plus I can’t watch the videos from my phone ,it tells me that the plug in is not supported. And last one I promise, but you have to click through to see all the comments. I do love being able to reply to someone’s comment though and the camouflage is a nice touch.

You know there will always be whining about changes anytime they’re made. I’ll learn to deal because I love it here so much. I hope the changes bring lots more and new traffic for TAH. With lots more money and exposure for the posers.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

got it thanks, thats it. My google fue was not strong today sending him a case of it


You’re welcome, we all have those days when our Google fu is on the blink.


It is snowing.

I am unhappy and cranky about snow. It should not be falling out of my sky today.

It should be falling on the houses of one or more Stolen Valor POSers, who do not deserve to leave hibernation until they have confessed their sins of commission.

But they won’t.


So sorry it is snowing on you again Ex. If only we could make it snow on the posers and take away their sunshine. 😀

John Robert Mallernee

Here’s the URL of another news report that will cheer your heart while moistening your eyes:


I like the new look of the website. It wasn’t broken, so you didn’t fix it. Just improved it some.


Jonn mentioned the Member’s Gallery at the top of the site in the Valkyrie post. Scrolled through it and a lot of active posters are not in the gallery. I for one like putting a face to a name…even if it is just a handle. Come on folks…send a mugshot to Jonn. Let the posers see who they are dealing with. I didn’t see Valkyrie’s pix. Ex-PH2 leads the pack with an angelic look.


SJ – it’s a group picture of a little meet and greet Frankie, Proud, Julie and I had. I’m the last one to the right. It’s was towards the bottom but I’ve not checked it out since the changes. FYI only. And I agree about Ex-PH2 she looks as sweet as she is, don’t let her grumpiness fool you.


Jonn, I posted a not too long answer on the Palin thread and it cut it off. Is there a character limit in Replying to a person’s comment, just not in an original? Thanks in advance for your help.

2/17 Air Cav

Where the hell am I?

2/17 Air Cav

Man, I hate change. I thought there were going to be fairies and unicorns. This is scaring me. Mommmmmyyyyyyy…


SJ, my looks are deceiving.


I’m going to post this quote here, from a financial analyst who has a high rate of accuracy in his forecasts.

“Gold, Silver, and Crude Oil all looked strong when the week began. But when Jupiter squared Uranus on Wednesday, they reversed down too – even though the Euro currency spiked up sharply on Friday against the U.S. Dollar. The grain markets showed much life – the kind of “life” you would expect with Uranus square Pluto, which can represent a threat to the growing or harvesting of foods. Despite the reported low inflation environment, foods and metals continue to show strength.

How long before it shows up in the price indexes?

Probably about as long as it will take the Federal Reserve to give an accounting of how much Gold it really holds in Fort Knox, which is another topic of intrigue altogether that may get revealed shortly, by way of China, which is due in April to give a five-year report on its Gold holdings.

Five years ago it showed holding of slightly over 1,000 tons and the USA well-over 5,000 tons. There is speculation those numbers may be reversed– that China now has over 5,000 tons – and if so…. someone at the Fed will have some explaining to do.

Since there is not that much Gold in the world for both the USA and China to have over 5,000 tons each, where did China import it all from?

This may be the revelation associated with the grand cardinal cross in April that shocks the world.”

Make a note of this. It’s nothing to panic over, but if this forecast holds up, and China has acquired a LOT of USA gold, it may/will have consequences. Nothing wrong with being prepared, you know.

Green Thumb

“But when Jupiter squared Uranus on Wednesday, they reversed down too.”

Much like Phildo and his boys…..


Why does no one say ‘Get your flabby ass out of my sight, jodaveep. I’m Canadian / French / Italian – whatever’? Why?

If only someone would repulse that drunken idiot…. it is a dream I have.

Frankly Opinionated

“Angelic Look”? H’mmm. Sexy as hell. Yes, but Angelic? Hehehehe.


Thank you, Frankly O. 🙂


John Giduck is truly international now. I took a Giduck on a completely different continent today. Different continent, but like Giduck, same old shit.

I just need to take a Giduck in Moscow later this week to complete the circle.

For reference, Phildo takes it in the pooper but Giduck is what comes out of Phildo’s pooper.

Frankly Opinionated

Looks like this new rollover has gone smoothly. Bravo Zulu to your tech nut, or nutess.


Nice website but I prefer the old layout in a few ways. The alternating colors and numbers in the comments made it easier to read for me. Where are the Article category tags? Maybe you could bring some of that stuff back?


After reading for awhile I agree with you.