Seven Years of TAH

| September 23, 2013

Today is our blogoversary. Seven years ago I got booted from Right Nation and it was like the millionth time I’d been booted from various forums (including the History Channel) and I decided to start a forum that couldn’t boot me. It began as an opinion blog like the millions of others and became a military-oriented blog through about two years of knocking around until I found my niche in the military community. I’m truly humbled by the fact that thousands of you choose to spend a couple of minutes everyday with us. I’m truly humbled by the friends I’ve made over the last seven years.

I’m proud of the blog, but I’m always cognizant of the fact that I couldn’t have done it without you and the established bloggers who found some value in my idiot ramblings through the English language. We’d probably be just one of the countless voices in the wilderness without support from Matt Burden and Jim Hanson at Blackfive, Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit, all of the guys (especially DrewM and Andy) at Ace of Spades and Michelle Malkin.

I guess it was five years ago that I took on COB6 and TSO as co-bloggers and that truly changed our direction and improved our success. We have about 20 others who can write here and do so occasionally when their muses poke them. I appreciate everything that they’ve done for me without pay over the years. Hondo being the most recent who has been a great help in both writing posts and research on phonies.

But, we’ve always been a reader-driven blog which is why most of the posts I write come from you guys so we can talk about the things that interest you, with some Stolen Valor busts mixed in. We write about ten posts everyday because I’ve found that to be the magic number – to talk about everything you want to talk about. But more than 10 posts leave nothing to talk about tomorrow. So that’s how I arrived at the number.

I’ve had a number of offers to work for other blogs and news folks, but my loyalties remain with this blog mostly because I don’t like to be told what to do and no one else offers me the opportunity to bust phonies. I treasure my friendships in the Stolen Valor business with Doug Sterner, Mary Schantag and Don Shipley, as well as Scotty and the Guardian of Valor folks who all fill my inbox with tips when I need them most. And the ex-wives and ex-girlfriends who also dish dirt on their ex-es.

The ladies at Victory Girls wrote to tell me that their first anniversary is also today, so stop by and throw kisses at them.

Category: Pointless blather

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Old Trooper

“HEY dumb asses….. I was found NOT GUILTY… soooo you are cyber/harassing me… with my mug shot for whipping the ass of a Navy SEAL poser..?”

Ninja please. The only ass you could whip is a dead mule.


Congrats. I came here for the stolen valor, and stayed for the rest.


Congratulations on seven years of exposing the fakes Jonn! Thank you and your staff for providing me with endless articles to laugh at, and hundreds of dumbasses to mock.


Happy Blogoversary to Jonn and the TAH crew!

Zero Ponsdorf

Happy Birthday TAH and Jonn.


Happy Anniversary, Jonn, TAH, and crew! You’re still only a pup in dog’s years! 😉


Dallas’s hairline has retreated to a galaxy far, far away to be with Luke Skywalker


Hey, DullASS?

Really, scooter, you should know better than to try to bullshit this crowd, ya know?

You claim you were found not guilty? Seems Volusia County clerk has a different opinion than you.

Case No: 2013 106483 MMDL
State of Florida versus Dallas George Wittgenfeld
Next Court Date: 11/13/2013 1:30 PM

Sucks for you, bro. Want some folks to show up at the Deland courthouse to be your little cheering section, bro?


Unless you blog, you may not be fully aware of the time and effort it takes to run a blog. For the most part, people see the final post that can be read in a couple of minutes. But it takes much longer to write the post, proof read it for content, add links, proof read for spelling and then monitor every response.

Blogs like TAH are the new media in that they inform, argueably educate, and allow for interaction and discussion far above the big newspapers, networks etc.

Countless hours go into a blog like this. For the most part, it is always a labor of love very few bloggers make money, much less significant money, off of a blog.

Seven years for such an effort is to be congratulated, as well as looked up to with respect.

From a relative newbie blogger (2 1/2 years) to an “elder statesman” of the genre, my sincere and heartfelt congratulations and wishes for more success in the future.


Congrats Jonn and thanks for taking me on when you did.

Now, back under my rock.


# 58 NHSparky, Please don’t call that dingleberry bastard Wittgenfeld Scooter. I refuse to share my nickname with the toothless baldheaded old drunk.


Congo rats Jonn and all the other folks who post here at TAH. I lurk more than I comment now but yall have provided me with quality entertainment and well thought out posts for a couple of years now. I dont remember how I found this blog but I do enjoy it.

And I can also see that the Wittlessone is over here acting silly. I guess in a way thats a good thing, as that means hes not filling up my FB inbox with his nonsensical and childish messages. I think weve found an ignoranus and his name is Dallas.

Green Thumb

Great job, guys.


Mazal-Tov, John and the TAH Posse!

@ The cut-paste-n-run Queen @ #14 & # 28: You’re even a sadder example of American manhood than Billy Clinton, Anthony Weiner or Rosie O’Donnell are………So, there is that.

Carlos Danger

Happy Anny Versary jackwagons. ::shotguns beer, passes out::

Common Sense

Congrats! You guys do fine job on this blog and invaluable service in outing phonies.

I don’t remember when or where I first linked through, but can’t say enough about what you guys do.

It was due to Jonn and this blog that I was able to get my daughter out of a bad boyfriend situation (poser in training) and recognized the signs within a couple of days.

She is now getting married to a terrific guy who is leaving for Army basic training a few weeks after the wedding.

I never miss a post!


Congratulations on your seven year anniversary from an occasional lurker from Ace of Spades!

Hey ya, CV!



Came across the site from Terminal Lance phony thread and stayed for the laughs……and cries.

Just Plain Jason

Honestly I have to thank Jonn, TSO and everyone I have met here. Many of you have helped me along my journey of recovery. I have been in treatment for PTS for a couple years. In many ways the people here have helped me along the way. A few times Jonn and TSO have reached out to me on a personal level. Most of the time on here I am a purveyor of dick and fart jokes, which is really where I belong. Good work guys and keep it up!


Re Wittless a few hours ago: “stay close, hang around your phones today, OK… big doings going on as I write this…”

Anyone’s phone ring today? Sun is down. Have we seen this movie before?

Currahee John

Happy Blogoversary! Thank you for both fighting the good fight and providing hours upon hours of clean-cut, family-friendly and uplifting entertainment!

Oh, and Wrecker & Witless – add me to your “30” roll, please. It would be an honor, really. Thanks.



Counting on alla muh fingaz n toez, let’s see here…By gosh! You are fity ate! 😉 Happy birthday, Jonn and kudos on the 7th anniversary of TAH. Enjoy it hell, I love it here. At least we can cut loose without having the ban hammer dropped on us left and right, jeez that got old. LOL!

Hey Dallas, in case nobody has told you lately? Fuck you in the ear with a frozen trout and get yourself already.

Green Thumb

Dullass is not even original anymore.

And I find it ironic how is always invoking other’s names and professions in his delusional quest for…well…I do not know. Only he does.

Just a sad individual/criminal that time has passed by.

His future consists of being Santa at some mall around Christmas (hopefully security does their due diligence) or shoveling mulch in your neighbors yard.

If anything, he deserves our sympathy and possibly handouts.


Hopefully the best has yet to come from TAH. Great stuff over the years. Keep on trucking, when I say best has yet to come. Hopefully we get some more Golden material from Paul Wickre, Witless guy and some more legendary phonies.


Another day and nobody served me, nobody arrested me, and no ninja dickweed death squads are lurking in the bushes.

IOW, just another day. Sucks for you, DullASS.

Seven years, one day, and counting.


I discovered this site about 5-6 years ago when as a forced into retirement,depressed person I typed this aint hell but you can see it from here into a search engine and pretty much have been reading something from your blog every day. it made me realize that I am not the only one who realizes that the inmates run the asylum. also really love your outing of posers. usually I lurk in the shadows but thought I would send a little note to say thanks john keep up the good work atw


I noticed on you face book… you want people to quit suiciding..?

Then why do you play on the cyber/suicide blog called “This Ain’t Hell” and chide the 100% combat disabled PTSD Vietnam War Veterans of the elite Airborne Rangers for your cyber/sport illegal activities…?

Shame on you. You are obviously one of the reasons Veterans blow their heads off…. just to get away from you and your United States of America’s Stolen Valor Reich…

This is the screed that Dullass sent me yesterday on FB. And then there were the obligatory accusations of cyber harassment and stalking of the combat disabled. I dont know whether to be amused or irritated by the fact that he messaged me but Im leaning more to the amused side for now. Just another amusement I guess I have to thank TAH for 🙂

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Wittgenfeld mugshot


Michelle, what is you fake profile name here in this cyber/suicide blog..?

Have you personally chided me here….. now don’t lie…

The LRRP 41 Cometh to FoX network in New York City…

I think your fake profile is “flagwaver”…

Wittgenfeld Case Information


Yes, that’s really Witless, and yes, apparently he thinks that Flagwaver is Michelle.

/wave, hi Michelle. Nice seeing you in Vegas and emailing with me the other day.

Green Thumb


Green Thumb


Let me help you out on something you may have missed.

Those that have earned Ranger Tab usually still honor and attempt to live the tenets of the creed even after they leave service.

Guess you missed that, huh?


At least he isn’t still trying to bullshit people into thinking he was found not guilty of being a drunk fucktard when in fact he doesn’t go to court for another six weeks.

DullASS? Ain’t Google a bitch?


Since Michelle doesn’t live in NY and since Wittless won’t leave Florida, I suspect this is another impotent posting by the DuMbAsS 69.


Wow, so I’m Michelle Malkin? Wow. I never knew. Boy will my wife be surprised to hear about this. Last I checked, Michelle wasn’t a veteran. Michelle didn’t serve in the Quartermaster Corps. Michelle wasn’t a mid-thirties Caucasian male with salt-and-pepper dark brown hair (though typically shaved clean), who stands 6’4″ and tips the scales at close to 230.

ShOrT BuS RiDeR -3, if this is what your top secret CIA ninja spy trail assassin school taught you, you need to write to them to return the cracker jack box tops you sent them for the certification paper. I know it’s probably your favoritest macaroni and crayon art on the refrigerator, but it is for someone more deserving.

And, Sparky, Google may be a bitch, but so it the Witless one. Or, he will be soon.


At least you are in good company there, Flagwaver!

In a different neighborhood, some loony lefties had themselves convinced that I was actually Bill O’Reilly posting anonymously. Yes, they are beyond goofy, and in a mental league with some of the pet trolls here.

Jonn, I have no doubt, is highly impressed to have such celebrities posting here. Uh-huh. Yeah.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@86 So you’re saying Malkin is a tall female plumper who dyes her hair?



@88, VOV, I would respectfully tell you to kiss my ass, but I’m a nice guy. So, in the immortal words of Vice President Dick Cheney: Go fuck yourself.

(and that was tongue in cheek, by the way)

As for Michelle, I find her quite attractive, but that’s just my opinion.


Dude is virtually beyond parody:

With great milbloggers/warriors Mark Seavey and @jrsalzman at Venetian for salute to the troops weekend==>

Mark C. Seavey once qestioned about
is affiliations with Michelle Malkin..and he mentioned onlya photo op…

Which I believe is not really true. I believe she is mil/kook blogging cyber/suicide posts on the “this ain’ hell” blog. That blog was recntly expelled off, from the (bee-hive) ISP servers where they committ their bullicide illegal activities….

I think I hve caugh Michelle Malkin (in the bag) there. Cyber forensics will tell me soon.


When did I ever say it was just a photo op? I love Michelle, and she brought me to blogging. If it wasn’t for Ms Malkin I wouldn’t have my job, wouldn’t have my wife, and I wouldn’t be blogging here. I’ve never been as appreciative of anyone like I am Michelle.

That said, she’s a little busy to be commenting here. I’m lucky when she can reply to my emails. But she’s the absolute sweetest person ever, and she gave me a nice hug in Vegas. Absolutely love the lady.

A Proud Infidel

Hey MoNkEyFucKeR41, had any good trysts with primates lately?…

Happy Seventh Anniversary, TAH!! I hope there will be many more to come, and I’m sure there will, how many asswipe clowns have promised to shut this site down so far?


Is that boring old fart Dumbasastick Whipitnflogit still running off at the mouth on his keyboard?

Can you spell attention whore? I’ll be that you can!

Like I said elsewhere above, TAH – happy anniversary, many happy returns and many more bloggings to come!!!



The CSO at Fox News will be notified.

They will have your photo at the entrance to the building along with your extensive CV.

Dumb ass!


John (and everyone you thanked above),
I’ve only been a reader here for about a year, but thank you for creating a space where veterans can be comfortable speaking as veterans. I’m only bummed that it took me so long to find you guys.


Yo, WitLessOne – IMO, this clip was made for you. (Warning: link is DEFINITELY NSFW)

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Wittgenfeld mugshot

Hey… New Hampshire Sparkless aka NHSparky.

YOU , idiots need to check out the law in Florida a little bit closer….. The November court date is to exspunge my record for all time… PooF….. Get it right dumb asses and quit cyber/harassing me in your West Virginia blog shit-hole here, with my (not guilty) incarseration picture….

In November..? The only thing in the courtroom will be my signature and the Judges signature…. I won’t be there. PooF the LRP 41 is extracted, again…. for another mission, as usual.

And Sparkless… what is your real name so I can “swoop-you” into the light of day. If you are a LEO..? You are breaking the intrastate cyber/laws across the land. Go look and see (read) what all you can NOT do.. like you are doing.

Wittgenfeld Case Information


Hey Dumb Ass Witless,

What does “swoop-you into the light of day” mean?

It sounds pretty scary and ominous.

Old Tanker

Dang….talk about crotchrot of the brain….


Wow. dullasasstick witlessandwandering is back and doing the lyingass-ridiculous-rumblegrumble-part again.

You know, I’m having second thoughts about killing off your character, dumbass. You keeping popping up, smelling like something other than roses, and hellbent on letting everyone know how many more brain cells you’ve destroyed recently.

I might be able to use that in the next book. OH! I have it! It’s your long-lost and equally dysfunctional illegitimate twin brother. That solves that problem.

The only question is, if your character was not a bastard and your twin brother was, how is that possible? Wait! You’re both bastards!


So, guys, that’s the question for the day: If you have identical twin brothers and one is illegitimate and the other is not, how is that possible?

All answers are appreciated deeply.