Phillip Dale Monkress; phony SEAL in FL

| May 9, 2013

The discussion on Monkress has moved here.

Editor’s Note: Monkress needed a bump up to the top. His lawyer is sending threatening letters to our friends and I guess she decided after a phone call with me, that her threats would only be a day’s welcomed distraction. Someone is walking the halls of Congress with Monkress’ DD214 today asking questions. I’ve added some more evidence that Monkress called himself a Navy SEAL, which seems to be their defense these days, that he never said he was a SEAL. So Lori Benton of Ford & Harrison, Attorneys at Law, you know our number.

Someone sent us some information on Phillip Dale Monkress who was outed late last year by POW Network as a phony SEAL, but he’s still rockin’ the lie, so it’s time to call out the pitchfork brigade. Here’s picture of him in his motorcycle club, the US Military Veterans’ Motorcycle Club;

Notice the Trident peaking out from his vest? Well, here are his records;

Aside from the fact that Captain Larry Bailey, a real SEAL, says there’s no record of Monkress in the system, his records don’t mention BUD/S, well, unless a Computer System Maintenance Technician is the same as a SEAL in Navy talk. Here are his assignments;

He’s the CEO and president of “All-Points Logistics” in Titusville, FL, and according to the screenshots at POW Network, he works with US government contracts and claims he’s a Native-American. I wonder if that is even true, as well, since clearly, he wasn’t a SEAL. Someone at the DVA OIG ought to check on his claims of being a 100% disabled veteran, too.

ADDED: It seems the lawyers are trying to make the point that Monkress never called himself a SEAL, but here’s a page from the Brevard Business News which reprints a slide presentation in their publication;

Monkress APL ad
And an alert reader found a Florida Today article behind a pay wall. Scroll down and you’ll see where the article calls Monkress a Navy SEAL. Where’d the reporter get that idea?

Florida Today Monkress article
Here’s an ad that BBN ran in their publication about a business conference. But Monkress never claimed to be a SEAL, right?


Category: Phony soldiers

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It would have said so in his assignments and records. He extended so EAOS matched PRD. No mention of reenlistment.

And I’m not sure if DS was a STAR-eligible rate even in the early 90’s. If it was CREO 1 or 2 it might have been, but he never went to a “C” school so no way he picked up DS2 that way.

I only dealt with DS’s when I was on the tender (Holland) and mostly they dealt with workstation and other computer issues, making sure everybody had a registered copy of Windows, antivirus software, shit like that–remember, this guy served when LAN’s were just getting started, and nobody had e-mail, Internet access was virtually nonexistent, etc.

IIRC, they did away with the DS rating just before I got out.

Deer Slayer

We can all contact his motorcycle club and expose this fraud. looks like they have an email and a guestbook

Men Of War MC



Posted to his National MC guest book. Looks like he was reported on 11/2011. Surprised this was just found.


Change that I sent them a private email.


hang him in the public square!!!!!!!!! lol get mid evil on him


@31 T-Man, hell yea 1st Amendment. Not slamming your post, yet if we can light a humble torch here. Motorcycle Clubs… indy riders… everything in between, vets or no vets, there are TONS of awesome people in this small world. The MC this guy was or is still part of is HIGHLY respected. And I will not comment further on this specifically…the business or members of ANY other MC it is NONE of our business, RESPECT to the US Military Vets MC. Shit happens. How many fakers were sitting Presidents or officers of non-motorcycle Veteran groups? I have gotten more than one email with a intro photo of a fat faced guy with a pin covered hat, caption reading “President of X Veteran group busted for fake military service”. We cannot or should NOT label an entire group for the sins of one person, unless you are in PETA, the Westboro Baptist Church, or a group which wants to violently overthrow the USG, I’m probably forgetting a few hundred other formal professional douchebag associations but the point it’s….. Shit happens. People with low self-esteem or outright sociopaths are in every single sect of society, with vets, or fake vets it’s really the most incredible disappointing thing to see. We have REAL Frogmen in this MC, they have encountered fake SEALS before in person and what happened I will not discuss, but there are very effective ways to deal with this. REAL SEALS do not like fake SEALS one bit, and have an AXE to grind with fakes. I was a Marine, when I see a fake Marine, I have an axe to grind, if you were authentic, and see a rip off of your brand you want to destroy it, it’s the Veteran Uncanny Valley. I’m not sure what your experience is in the biker crowd, 9 times out of 10, you will meet authentic, nice, strong, loyal, guys with combat or military service. To quote the movie team America, good men who served honorably…we’re dicks. The fake Veterans are pussies. And Fake SEALS are assholes. Pussies don’t like dicks,… Read more »

lone wolf biker

MWMC you are right on about the Mil Vets–they are an alright bunch. It’s a shame that guys like the fake aquatic animal infilterate there ranks. Im not a vet but i respect those guys and figure they will handle there bizness


@ 57 well put! FUCKING FUNNY … eveytime I hear or read this!

“I’m not sure what your experience is in the biker crowd, 9 times out of 10, you will meet authentic, nice, strong, loyal, guys with combat or military service. To quote the movie team America, good men who served honorably…we’re dicks. The fake Veterans are pussies. And Fake SEALS are assholes. Pussies don’t like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes: assholes that just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is: they fuck too much or fuck when it isn’t appropriate – and it takes a pussy to show them that. But sometimes, pussies can be so full of shit that they become assholes themselves… because pussies are an inch and half away from ass holes. I don’t know much about this crazy, crazy world, but I do know this: If you don’t let us fuck these assholes, we’re going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit!”

Valor is earned

Wonder If dude is gonna at least defend hisself?


Not likely, and if he does, it won’t turn out well. DS’s aren’t dumb, so it’s unlikely he’ll come in here blustering, rationalizing, continuing his bullshit line, or threatening to sue Jonn.

But I’ve been wrong before….


Where is his DD214? Not here.


I have seen that club at local events. They are well respected. Now they have an integrity problem in their ranks. I wonder how they are handling it? Surely there must be some disciplinary action from them. Most MC’s are hardcore about members fucking lying to their own brothers.


Valor is earned

Ive seen them around too. Youd figure they’ll take care of bizness


I dont care much about the biker stuff. I think it is terrible that he had it written on his company bio. I wonder what his business associates think about this lie? If they even know yet. His company seems to be a succesful government contractor. I am still waiting for his response. Will it be an excuse or an apology? Man up!

Doc Dreg

Well if he is a govt contractor he probably has a govt clearance which could be suspended on the whole honesty thing.


Nothing like “crow for breakfast”!!!!

I know this guy personally and I have heard that he is going to all of his clients and gov’t teammates and telling them about the “misunderstanding”…

you can look at his linkedin page and his company’s website and get a listing of all of the companies he works with and send emails to the CEO’s and HR folks….

I just don’t understand the need to romanticize or embellish a perfectly respectable military service record…

Can he be charged or indicted under the “Stolen Valor Act”?

Green Thumb


That is funny.

Valor is earned

So he ain’t gonna own up, huh? Anyone heard
From his MC?

Doc Dreg



Where else can we post this?? It needs more exposure!

valor is earned

Florida Today?


We emailed this dude, he said “I never claimed to be a SEAL, it was my Father’s Trident…”

Doc Dreg

Capt. Bailey probably would have checked for that. He is telling yet another lie.


Oh, so it was his “father’s Trident”. I see.

My dad had the Medal for Humane Action and the Army of Occupation Medal (Germany), both with Berlin Airlift Device. But I don’t wear those – because I didn’t earn them.

Freaking tool.

John Miska

Back in college I had a roomate who was engaged to a Navy SEAL. He gave me a baseball hat with a stylized Trident on it. When asked about it I told people I had a friend with the Teams. Later once when he was here with some of his team over beer one of the guys gave me a lecture about it …because I was a vet and never claimed to be whatit represented and I wore it just because it was a gift they let it slide….I never wore that hat again.
But the wearing of the actual badge is really something else!!!!

Green Thumb

Any new info on this maggot?


I dated Phil from 2008 til late 2010. Even after i moved from FLA to SC we still kept in touch and saw each other. He would book a room here in Greenville at the hyatt for us and visit cuz it was only an hour and half from his office in atlanta. When i questioned him about phoney SEAL allegations he said it was a misunderstamding then he blocked my number and emails. huh? Guess they are true. i dated this man 4 yrs.He even bought me a car. Believe i may still have reciept!14 000 on his debit card then bloks me? Guess i was a fool too. Divorce papers? did this man get married again. he Just came to see me in april or may!!! maggot i agree


Hope this man doesnt still have TS clearance. Delusion of grandure!! Phil needs serious meds!

Green Thumb


You got a clean break and got out. Good for you.

This dude is a loser.


Yes miss anonymous, he is currently married, and for a fact was when he last saw you. I hope his wife reads this.


I see a lot of people talking about this guy and as a COMBAT WOUNDED, DISABLIED VETERAN, I thought I would put in my two cents. 1.) Is all of this based off the picture shown above? (If so…really?) I could care less what anyone wears on a leather vest… I have seen a lot of MC vests with all kinds of crazy stuff on them. Is there a picture of this guy in a uniform? Most club vests that have stuff on the front are because they have sentimental value to the person. In fact I know of several motorcycle clubs that have “Pilot wings” and even though they are the exact same ones issued by the US and GERMAN Military… I PROMISE THEY WERE NOT EARNED BY FLYING A PLANE! 🙂 If you get bored sometime and want to hear a really good story… ask me how I “earned” my wings! 2.) The chick that was giving up ass for a car… you sound creditable to me. I have paid a whore for services before too. You must have some great skills; maybe you should put the car on your resume. That is impressive. (Act like a hoe, get treated like a hoe) 3.) FmrAPLman109… why are you a no longer an APL man? Might you be a little bitter about something? Tell us about YOUR military background. 4.) ALL OF YOU TOUGH GUY BIKER TYPES…. It says here his MC was contacted, and for some reason he is still there? Maybe they have a little more insight then you do? Also if he is wearing the “Trident” on club colors and said it was his daddy’s… was he talking Biological daddy or the person that raised him in the MC WORLD? NOT GETTING INTO MC POLITICS, but I think it is better you have all the facts before you start trying to push any MC to do something. THEY MIGHT HAVE MEMEBRS THAT ARE WILLING TO PUSH BACK! 5.) Indian… well I will just say this; Show me a redneck that does not have family that was… Read more »


Sounds like our noob is a little butt-hurt.

Wearing a “Budweiser” when you didn’t earn it is a big no-no. I don’t care who you’re “honoring”.


Bingo, NHSparky.

Let me lay it out for you in terms you might understand, “SAINT”. Wearing a SEAL Trident – or a Green Beret – you didn’t earn is kinda like walking into a biker bar wearing 1% MC “colors” when you’re not a member. It pisses people off you probably don’t want pissed off at you.

Except with SEALS and SF, you’re not going to end up dead. Not sure that’s necessarily true with 1% MC clubs.


I might be a noob, but I don’t jump to conclusions. Just not as cut and dry as the others I have seen on here. I did not say it was right to wear it… I just said I needed more facts. People do stupid shit all the time without intending to be disrespectful. I THINK this might be one of those situations. I look at many of the other FAKE HEROS on here and it is 100% hands down deserving of a swift kick in the ass. I believe in The Stolen Valor Act and believe it should be enforced. I just don’t see non-veterans and angry women having a say in this. That is just me… my personal thoughts. If people want to come after me for my way of thinking… so be it. I earned my purple heart in combat; I earned my Bronze Star with “V” device, my CIB, my Meritorious Service Medal, etc. My 14 years in the Army and the blood I have shed for my country make me believe I have earned my right to speak my mind. Maybe not but it is nice to think so.


Wow “Saint” make excuses much?


Hondo I completely understand both from an MC point of view and as a veteran. If you want to compare this to the MC world I would say it is like a guy walking up to a memeber of an MC and calling him “BROTHER”. I am sure the “RUB” (Rich Urban Biker) might not think he is doing anything wrong until he has been corrected. But once again, what do I know?


“I earned my Bronze Star with “V” device, my CIB, my Meritorious Service Medal,”

So if I wore my daddy’s or biker buddy’s Silver Star on my MC vest that would be A-OK if I was “just showin respect”?

As someone with 23 years in the Army so far, 4 combat deployments, a CAB, Ranger Tab, Airborne and Air Assault and all the other yada-yada of a lifer…I would be highly offended if a Vet were wearing any of that sh*t unearned.

A 14 year old kid with a SEAL Trident pinned to a high school jacket is one thing…a grown ass man who happens to be a Navy Vet…AND in a military MC wearing it…is a whole different story


You have every right to speak your mind, “SAINT”. As do I. And I disagree with you.

I’m sure people wear 1% MC colors through ignorance without intending to “offend” at times too. Some even live through the experience. But I understand they’re generally somewhat the worse for wear afterwards.

Monkress just should count his lucky stars that the SEAL community is more professional than that. My take is that what he did is just as offensive to them.


LMAO Yep just as I thought, I ASKED for more info… FACTS… never backed this guy or anyone else. BUT you have done exactly as I predicted… come after me for it.


Like I said guys, I just wanted to know more. Does that make me a bad guy too?


Saint..we are just busting your balls…seeing where you are coming from…

Nothing wrong with standing your ground. No one here is saying you did anything wrong.


🙂 Just checking… hell I was about to start posting my DD214


Look, SAINT: all the facts necessary for an informed decision are in the article above. Monkress was in the Navy; ergo, he knows exactly what the Trident is and what it represents. And that also means he knows how damn offensive it is to SEALs for others to claim, falsely, that they’re a SEAL.

Monkress’ records show he was never a SEAL; therefore, he doesn’t rate the Trident. But he’s wearing it anyway, in public. And he knows exactly what that means – and how offensive it is. In short: he’s trading on the valor of other, better men to make himself look good by false association.

That’s all anyone needs to know about this situation. Anything else is irrelevant or an excuse.

We don’t spoon-feed folks here at TAH. We lay out the facts and state opinions – but we expect people to read what’s there and think for themselves.


@85–I THINK this might be one of those situations.

I don’t. Look at the other side of his vest. First class crow? When I clearly point out there’s no way he ever even SAW an E-6 exam, let alone passed one, let alone cut a high enough score to make rate?

There’s too much shit here for there NOT to be something seriously jacked up about this guy.


BUT you have done exactly as I predicted… come after me for it.

Read your post @82 again. Who came after who? And that kinda puts your whole vet claim bit into question. No self-respecting NCO would fling that kind of monkey shit at the bars of the cage and then claim the moral high ground.

Just sayin.


I will say it once again Hondo. I did not condone his actions. I just wanted to see more facts. From what I have read on here, contact was made with the guy, he gave his EXCUSE or whatever and the corrections were made? (I don’t know)
Him being in the Navy, YES he should know better. Being in a MC world is a different situation. The MC world has its own UCMJ so to speak. Honestly IF I gave something to a member of my MC to wear (If I was in a MC wink wink) and he did not wear it… he MIGHT have a problem.
What does who he has sex with, his club, or his Indian heritage have to do with him being wrong for wearing the Trident? Tell the guy he is wrong and explain that his actions are not respectful… then you will know if the guy is truly a douche or not by his response and actions. Being one of those people that read whats there and trying to think for themselves… I just asked if he was ever seen in a uniform like 99% of all the others listed on here. Can you not see my reason at all for asking?

Yat Yas 1833

@ 85 SAINT, I generally agree with what you said but I will take one HUGE exception.
Your, “I just don’t see non-veterans and angry women having a say in this.” is way out of line. There are female vets here who have very right to say their piece. My daughter was/is prouder of my Marine Corps than I am and wanted to be a Marine was deemed ineligible because of asthma.




Yat Yas I was not saying WOMEN VETERANS do not have a say… I was saying ANGRY EX-LOVERS.