Why Does Obama Bow?

| June 22, 2012

This is a topic rife with psychological and political implications, most of which will not be welcomed in the liberal world of Obama supporters. This supposedly most confident man we elected to lead our country to greatness back in 2008 seems to have some inherent tendency to show deference to foreign leaders of countries of far lesser global importance and strength than our own.

Why is this, the average American might ask?

My immediate assessment is that this is simply a manifestation of the huge fraud perpetrated against the American people in 2008 when we elected an inexperienced, first-term senator, whose major life accomplishment had been as a former community organizer, to be the president of the United States. He didn’t deserve the position nor the honor. Nor did he deserve the phony Nobel Prize for Peace bestowed for nothing more than being Europe’s loudest, leading, liberal barking dog. He well knew he didn’t deserve the office or the honor and now, in moments of meeting more intelligent, more accomplished and more deserving politicians in the world, men and women of actual accomplishment in their own countries, he simply can’t restrain himself from displaying his own acknowledgement of the fact that he is undeserving of being where he is. Call it Affirmative Action Induced Inferiority Syndrome, or AAIIS.
We did not become the most wealthy, the most powerful, the most influential nation in the world by accident, as it appears this affirmative action president appears to believe. That achievement came through hard work and sacrifice and a willingness to show the world through our always determined and, yes, even sometimes belligerent, posture that we, the people of America, believe that we have found the path to freedom and prosperity for humanity through our capitalistic economy and our republican form of government. A president who had come up the hard way, without the preferential treatment Obama received because he was half-black, might better understand the truth of that. He might have a better sense of why his country leads the world in prosperity for our citizens and realize the fact that most Americans would love to lead all the other citizens of the world to the same levels of freedom and prosperity.

But this guy, supposedly the most powerful man in the world, bows down? I’m of two minds here, the first being that he’s suffering from AAIIS and is simply insecure and unsure of himself. That would seem to be borne out by his wimpy acquiescence to the horrid disrespect shown him by the Russians on repeated occasions. The other, more sinister, view I must consider is that he intentionally seeks to debase our nation in the theater of world politics for purposes of advancing his socialist agenda. Remember the basic tenet of socialism: it is a leveling of all things, including nations.

What more graphic demonstration of the leveling of geopolitical power could there be than the leader of the world’s most powerful nation-state bowing to third world tyrants?

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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“Which is why poetrooper is not only a racist but he’s also a pussy because he won’t take this swill behind his safe blog. He knows he’ll get a lot of attaboys from his fellow racists, or racist apologists here.” -Insipid, post #27

“Crossposted at American Thinker” -Poetrooper, in the very article Insipid was commenting on.

You see dickbreath? This is one reason why nobody here takes you seriously. This, and that dumbass pie chart from that idiot Pelosi’s office that you take as gospel, still pretending that even if it wasn’t wrong at the start (it was), that it still holds relevance two years later (it doesn’t). Why don’t you tell us why Obama’s $1 trillion stimulus package, the second round of bailouts, or that 400 billion dollar omnibus bill that Obama signed into law fall under “Bush’s ’09 budget” or are taken as “Bush spending”, even though Obama’s signature is on them, and they were all passed after Bush left office? Maybe you’d be interested in telling us why senate democrats haven’t passed a budget since then? Would you like to tell us about baseline budgeting, how that works when there’s no official budget to follow, and why we keep having to rise the debt cieling if Obama is oh so awesome at economics?


#44: OK, first I want to start with the fact that I don’t know where you get your facts, but I highly doubt that HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of innocent people were killed in Afghanistan or Iraq. Sorry, but I have been to both places, and I’m certain that US military exercise a lot of caution on this, if for no other reason than to avoid the “Death by Powerpoint” shit that would come down from shooting an actual innocent civilian. Secondly, innocents that were killed probably would not have been that way if they had (a) not been around a gun fight or (b) ratted on the insurgents instead of trying to hide them, because they are “Aka” (Pashto for uncle). And I’m certain that if the bad guys would stop hiding amongst the “innocents” then we would have far fewer civilian deaths. NOW, moving on from that, I don’t recall ever hearing people anywhere blaming Ghengis Khan for anything still, or Hitler, or Stalin, hmmm…In fact, I am fairly certain that they are not being blamed for anything (legitimately, I know there are your fringe whack-jobs that still blame them, years after their deaths)…in fact, it’s the idiots that cling to their ideals still, you know the leftist socialist, the POS white supremesist, ect. As far as it being racist, for calling the President an “affermative action” president…finding it hard to follow your logic. I know plenty of people (blacks) who voted for him because of his skin color (racists), and I know plenty of whites that did not want to be viewed as racists so they voted for the black man (racists still). Sounds to me like it’s an affermative action thing…but then what do I know. I’m just a young (relatively) white male conservative, guess now you will proceed to tell me that I’m stupid (I beg to differ), racist (just because I’m from Arkansas doesn’t make me KKK), or out of touch with reality (hardly). But you go right ahead, fire away. I’m gonna continue to laugh at your pathetic drivel, because from you, it’s always… Read more »


insipid is lying, once again. Standard practice to call black conservatives oreos: black on the outside, white on the inside.

If, in fact, insipid reads the Puffho, he’d have read this post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/15/allen-west-primary-florida-district_n_1278900.html. From the comments: “Why would any black listen to this Oreo?” Referring to Rep Alan West.

A single simple Google search of “black republican oreo” returns 90,000 results.

A more complicated Google search of “black republicans oreo + huffington post” returns 15,600 results.


Colonel West isn’t an “Oreo”. He is a Rino. He has voted
with the Congressional Black Caucus on [3] key pieces of legislation; talking the talk, but not walking the walk.

In fact, after apologizing disingenuously to some of his
constituents, saying that he voted that way because he got
misinformation from his staff, he voted w/ the CBC [again].

Are you naive enough to believe that he’ll repeal Obamacare?


Um. Let me rephrase that: Are you naive enough
to beleve that he [wants] to repeal Obamacare?


Along with the Pigford II scam, for which West voted, also,
Obamacare is, in effect, redistribution of wealth from the
whites to people of color and reparations for blacks, also.
(Also known as theft by blacks on a massive scale, imho.)


Funny thing about Obame: He has expressed disdain
for colonialists, when, in fact, if it wasn’t for
those dastardly colonialists, it is very likely
that he wouldn’t have lived past the age of 30,
and he would have lived in a grass hut in Kenya,
instead of now imagining himself to be royalty.


According to Allen West:

“Allen West says that he didn’t do enough due diligence on the Pigford amendment and says he may have to take this one ‘in the shorts’”

h/t therightscoop.

A lot of people failed to perform due diligence, and had it not been for Breitbart’s ‘oopsy’ almost no one would ever have know of it. The nice thing about Pigford is that the IRS has the list of recipients, and they’d better have had a farm.


That’s a whole lotta hate you’re spewing there, Brian. Sounds like you are once again trying to prove that your name is actually spelled “troll.” You are certainly not showing much in common with the majority of us here.



Um, explain to me again, OWB, why I should
give a rat’s ass what you think? From what
I’ve seen, you don’t contribute squat here.



The only question in my mind is whether Brian is a paid member of the trolletariat, or an independent. The Vast Leftwing Conspiracy of funding and controlling the trolletariat is being exposed on other sites.


Dave @ #59, 4th pp -Thats interesting. I didn’t know that.
Trouble is, unscrupulous attorneys got lots of that money,
and they will get to keep it, even if their clients lied.
Who would be surpised to learn that unscrupulous attorneys
put their clients up it. (Nothing to lose, a lot to gain.)


Dave @ #62 – Asshole. I haven’t given you
any reason to have made such a snotty remark.


@ #62: Yep. There is one other possibility. The extremes of political philosophy do finally bend and meld together on the back side of sanity.

Which brings us back to the actual topic. 😉


You’re one slimy and creepy little sick freak.


Does anyone else see the hypocrisy in the following, “ended to big to fail, rescued the auto industry”? Wasn’t the whole thing about Government Motors and Fiat West(Chrysler) that they were, in the vernacular, too big to fail?
I remember the anchors practically weeping over the suppliers, the delivery drivers and everyone else that had to be bailed out, along with the base, the UAW. So, if the “auto industry” had to be helped, to mitigate the horrible losses to the unions, would that not be “Too big to fail”?


Hondo, thanks for the info on posting pix, but I only have the e-mail/web sized jpeg images, so unless I can find a way to drop in a pic of my large-and-in-charge Michael (the Magnificent), I’ll have to settle for saying that he takes up 75% of four 12×12 inch piles on kitchen floor, weighs 22 pounds, is very hairy, snores when he’s asleep and likes KFC and girls.


Oh, and this one is for the nitwits who think a law that includes punishing someone for refusing to buy a product is constitutional (which it ain’t – “no cruel or unusual punishment”):

The day I get thrown into jail for refusing to buy health insurance that I don’t need or want is the day I can get every free-thinking American to show up and bail me out. And I sincerely doubt that the cops will even arrest me or fine me.

Rattle on, you simian probocis.


Don’t you think that you were being a little too harsh when you
called insipid a liar. I don’t think that he lied intentionally.


@40- Russ Vaugh-I do no give a flying fuck what color your wife is or what color your kids are. Nor do i really care what your wife thinks. The fact that she married you is a good indication that she is as dumb as a sack of hammers.

Calling Barack Obama an “Affirmative Action President” is racist. It doesn’t matter if the person making the statement is black, if he is related to black people or if “some of his best friends are black”. It’s a racist statement. It just is. And as far as our relative bravery is concerned, your statements would be a lot more impressive if you weren’t hiding behind your wife’s apron. Furthermore, there is not a single solitary statement that I made that i would not make anywhere, including calling you a racist piece of shit. Though if i were on “Meet The Press” I’d probably substitute the word “excrement”.

But the fact is that you would not go on MTP and use a term like “Affirmative Action President” because you KNOW it’s racist. Nor would the Romney campaign let you use such a term and if you did use such a term as a surrogate of theirs, you’d soon stop being a surrogate.

Which is the genius, and the cowardice of Republican media. They can say all the racist things they want on blogs such as this and others, blow all the dog whistles they want on talk radio and Mitt Romney gets to throw up his hands and say “Hey, I have nothing to do with those folks!” Of course the moment some gay activist is caught flipping the bird to the Sainted Reagan then you all get on your feinting couches and demand that Obama personally condemn her, and possibly audit here.

I’m sorry, but you’re a racist because you use racist terms. I don’t care who you’re married to, i don’t care what your kids look like. I don’t care what YOU look like. Stop doing it and i’ll stop calling you that.


@69- You should study the actual law. It does not hae an criminal penalty for not buying health insurance. You are merely denied the tax credit. Just like you’e not put in jail for not owning home, you just don’t get a homeowners deduction.


Allow me, an indigenous little red chick, to call you a flaming fucking idiot, Insipid. It would appear that you’ve not the intellect necessary to comprehend what you’ve been told repeatedly. To that end, I won’t explain what others have told you to the point of redundancy, I’ll simply say that just as you espouse that you couldn’t give less of a flying fuck (obviously another lie since you continue to post novellas of ad hominem attacks with very poor structure), we really don’t give a fat rat monkey’s ass as to the irrelevance of your obviously-misguided juvenile rants.

Have a lovely day. Or not, whichever


“NOW, moving on from that, I don’t recall ever hearing people anywhere blaming Ghengis Khan for anything still, or Hitler, or Stalin, hmmm…In fact, I am fairly certain that they are not being blamed for anything (legitimately, I know there are your fringe whack-jobs that still blame them, years after their deaths)…in fact, it’s the idiots that cling to their ideals still, you know the leftist socialist, the POS white supremesist, ect.” ============================================================= I’m pretty sure people are stll blaming Hitler for the Hollocaust, Stalin for his purges, and Genghis Kahn for the Mongul invasions. If it’s someones fault,it is someone’s fault. The passage of time does not render them blameless. Bush got us into an unecessary war and tanked the world economy. He was to blame last year, he’s to blame now,he will be to blame ten and 100 years from now. ========================================================== “As far as it being racist, for calling the President an “affermative action” president…finding it hard to follow your logic. I know plenty of people (blacks) who voted for him because of his skin color (racists), and I know plenty of whites that did not want to be viewed as racists so they voted for the black man (racists still). ============================================================ Fist off,where the fuck other than the institute of “I know plenty of people” are you getting this shit from? Blacks were voting overwhelmingly Democratic LONG before PBO got on the ballot. Did it excite some blacks to go out and vote? Probably. Did it excite some racist whites to also come out and vote? Again, probably. In case you didn’t notice, 2008 was the biggest turn-out in history. But of course you’re certain that the first was determinative and discount the latter because you’re desperate for some explanation as to how you got beat. There’s been 44 Presidents and ONE has been black. Furthermore there are NO Black Senators and ONE black governor. There is no rationality other than sheer desperation to explain your loss to suppose that President Obama’s skin color was an advantage. Furthermore there is evidence that it is a disadvantage… Read more »


Correction Ros, I didn’t say I couldn’t give a flying fuck, about everything. I said I couldn’t give a flying fuck as to what color his wife is. Calling Barack Obama an Affirmative Action President is racist, regardless of the color of the person making the statement or the color of the people who are apologizing for the statement.


The definiion of insipid hasn’t changed since the last time you posted it, Russ. I knew the definition when i picked it as my nickname. Here’s a definition YOU may consider:

the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning: the irony of her reply, “How nice!” when I said I had to work all weekend.

Literature .
a technique of indicating, as through character or plot development, an intention or attitude opposite to that which is actually or ostensibly stated.

(especially in contemporary writing) a manner of organizing a work so as to give full expression to contradictory or complementary impulses, attitudes, etc., especially as a means of indicating detachment from a subject, theme, or emotion.


I hear no one apologizing for the statement, not one. Why? Because it’s accurate.

Are you saying that there wasn’t a rather large (huge) voting bloc who wanted him in office just so they COULD have a “black” President, not because he was qualified?


The word is irony. I didn’t cut and paste far enough.


Here’s a study that says you wrong:


Plus, again, are you naieve enough to think that there was not a huge segment of people who wouldn’t vote for PBO because he was black? Accordig to the study, that number exceeds the number of people rushng out to vote for the black man. Plus, again,where are all the black governors and Senators?


Apparently, ars bubulum stercus, you didn’t read the section that is currently under consideration by the Supreme Court, which is to wit: anyone who does not buy health care insurance will be fined.
If that is not punitive, then what is it? Peanut butter? Refusal to pay a fine can get you put in jail. Got that?
You really did not read that piece of legislation, did you? I did, start to finish. 2600++ pages of gobbledygook legislation, a compleat effort (no, not complete) by the Democratic party to displace common sense with confusing verbiage.


Well, you’re just wrong. You did not read the legislation and if you did you didn’t understand it. Politifact rated that “You can go to jail” line “pants on fire:



From the above article:

As plainly stated on page 111 of the law, “In the case of any failure by a taxpayer to timely pay any penalty imposed by this section, such taxpayer shall not be subject to any criminal prosecution or penalty with respect to such failure.” There would also be no liens or levies placed on property for failure to pay.

Instead, the law would allow the government to collect the tax by deducting it from any IRS tax-refund checks or other government payments.

Just to be certain we weren’t missing anything, we asked Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s office for their take on the issue.

“The law does not send people to jail for not paying the fine,” confirmed Brian Gottstein, Cuccinelli’s director of communication.


Here’s the penalty clause:

`(a) Requirement To Maintain Minimum Essential Coverage- An applicable individual shall for each month beginning
after 2013 ensure that the individual, and any dependent of the individual who is an applicable individual, is covered
under minimum essential coverage for such month.
`(b) Shared Responsibility Payment-
`(1) IN GENERAL- If an applicable individual fails to meet the requirement of subsection (a) for 1 or more months during
any calendar year beginning after 2013, then, except as provided in subsection (d), there is hereby imposed a penalty
with respect to the individual in the amount determined under subsection (c).

Oh, and it’s not a tax. It’s a fine. A fine, as a penalty, is not a tax. A fine is, for example, what you pay for a parking ticket.


It doesn’t matter what you call it, it’s a tax. It raises revenue, it’s reported on our tax returns and it is enforced by the IRS. It is calculated based on a percentage of adjusted gross income or a fixed amount, whichever is larger. It is long standing law that we judge things by what they do, not by what it is called. The Constitution itslelf uses several synonyms for tax, duties, imposts, excises, and — in Article I, section 7 — “revenue.” The mandate is revenue, it is a tax.


I’m very glad i expanded your vocabulary, Russ. Would you suddenly agree with me if i called myself omniscient?


Obama may not have been successful in delivering a lot of what he promised, but he has helped the country maintain a slow but steady course out of the mess created by the Bush presidencies – the wars and the economic crisis. And as for bowing – Bush policies have made America the biggest debtor country in the world, so we better start getting used to the idea of bowing to the Chinese, Indians, Japanese, Arabs – whoever will bankroll our bankrupt economy.


Actually, insipid, if you were to call yourself omniscient we’d think you deluded. And we’d all have a good belly-laugh about how arrogantly deluded you were.


Calling Barack Obama an “Affirmative Action President” is racist.

And if he was 100 percent white as opposed to 50/50, he’d have sailed to victory in 2008. Yeah, I almost kept a straight face typing that.

Jonn Lilyea

Calling Obama the ‘affirmative action president” is no more racist than saying that about anyone else who got their job through the affirmative action program. And if pointing out affirmative action hires is racist, then isn’t the whole affirmative action program racist?


@ #88 – Whoa, was that ever revisionist history.

At the time of the 2008 election, unemployment was at 4.7%, and it didn’t begin to skyrocket up to 9.2% (16% realistically) until after Obama was inaugurated, a vote of no confidence in that empty suit, street hustler and pretentious, decadent dilletante.

The economy didn’t tank until a year and a half after Democrats regained control of both houses of Congress, and inflation didn’t begin to skyrocket upward until a year after Obama was inaugurated.

When the Bush Administration left office, the Middle East was stabilised. Since the chronic screw-ups in the Obama Administration came into office, the entire Middle East has become completely destabilized.

Under Obama and control of Congress by the Democrats between 2009 and 2010, the Debt increased to more than it was under all previous presidents combined.

The incompetent Obama Administration has been an unmitigated disaster, both overseas and domestically.


(Never mind that it is unprecedented, I repeat, UNPRECEDENTED that Obama has now shirked all of his responsibilities to spend the entire 4th year of his disasterous presidency in full campaign mode, not trying to save the jobs of other people, but trying to save only his own job, so that he can continue to live like royalty at the expense of the rest of us. He is an embarrassmment and a disgrace to this country. Even other world leaders think that he is a putz without any qualifications whatsoever to be POTUS. Only a fool or an imbecile or a psycho would vote to reelect that empty suit, of which there aren’t any shortages in the Democrat Party.))


Stop it Jonn, you’re going to make his head explode from all them thar facts and logic thingies you’re using on him.

And I’m sure his head is still sore enough from those weekend slap fights he’s been in lately.


Here’s another way of looking at it.

Although it isn’t politically correct to recognize this fact, because it offends ditzy, bleeding-heart liberals, sensible people might say that “racism”, per se, is inherently natural and ingrained in all of us. It goes to the issue of survival of the fittest, which has been going on ever since cro magnon man attained supremacy over the Neanderthals, who subsequently went extinct, because they could not adapt. Because of the screwy ideas of liberals, such people are no longer allowed to become extinct through natural processes. They become a protected species and wards of the state, for reasons too controvercial to mention here.

Just a thought.


They become a protected species and wards of the state and a burden on the rest of us, for reasons too controvercial to mention here.


I guess being president of the United States means that you can’t be respectful.


Who has ever been more courteous, more gracious and more respectful than GHWBush and GWBush were, even with their
nastiest and most vile critics. The Bushs are a class act.


Could it possibly be that he was taught manners, and to show deference to his elders? To all you assholes with negative comments above, and to the writer of this piece — you certainly have too much time on your hands. They would be put to better use trying to find your tiny penises (with a magnifying glass and tweezers) in your grey and funky granny panties. Do me a favor: Kiss my large, round, brown and pleasantly scented ASS. It will give you something else to do for the next 6 months. Peace nstuff.


The Make-Believe President has too much time on HIS hands — wrapped around golf (and other) CLUBS .
don’t know if you’ve ever been US FORCES, but I suggest you read more comments here — your cursing is clearly inadequate .

Jonn Lilyea

It took you a month to come up with that?


The fact that you believe that he can’t win, without evidence says more about you than it does about President Obama.