The next best thing to phonies

| May 2, 2012

Mary sent us these links to the Third Brigade Star Fleet Marine Corps’ Mutual Masturbation Society. Ya know, what you do with your off time is completely up to you, but you don’t have to put it on the internet;

I’m sure this dickweed earned all of these ribbons, but I think I don’t want to ask him what he got them for;

Are you Army folks still thinking how cool it would be to wear MARPAT after seeing this;

I’m pretty sure that just by it’s name, the Marine Corps is somehow related to large bodies of water, so why would we need a Marine Corps in space? Check out the other pictures at this link.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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NR Pax

They ain’t hurting anyone.
They ain’t claiming to be SF folks.
They ain’t stealing money.

So honestly, I don’t see what the fuss is.

@Lucky: If you ever get the chance to see the Starship Troopers anime from the 80s, do so. Still took a few liberties with the book, but it’s far better than the alleged movie from the mid-90s.


NR Pax, check out Rouchnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles, a CGI kids show from the early 2000’s



I just wish they’d finished the series. And, while it was better than “Doogie Howser, S.S.”, I’d still like to see a real movie adaptation of the book.


And JPJ, not dissing their dressing up or hobbies, and I am a giant Trekkie, but I still believe that Starship Troopers is BETTER! So Say we all!!


49 and 54 – Amen to Starship Troopers. Don’t forget “The Forever War”. I feel better now, I thought I had turned into a fat fuck afer being out a quarter century…. they beat my time by about 20 years. BUT hey, they’re collecting toys for kids? That’s all right in my book, fat flaky and funky though they may be.

Reminds me of being Day Room Orderly ‘way back when and listening to all the Dungeons and Dragons guys…. finally brought my carburetor in and some carb cleaner and let the fumes clear ’em out. The fumes were easier to handle than “My warlock trumps your dragon” or whatever.

Just Plain Jason

I refuse to acknowledge that Verhooven made a movie in any way affiliated with the book. Which was a coincidence until some exec bought the rights Verhooven read part of the book and quit before finishing his movie. Come on I know this is nitpicky, but Rico was Phillipeano, the Navy was almost all women, cap drops, sgt Zimm, his dad, dizzy, no psychics…


Whoa there, folks! People who dress up in funny costumes sort of expect others to enjoy their dress up costuming, don’t they? If not, then they might need to get some thicker skin.

Not sure that anyone commenting above was doing so seriously. And that is the way I will continue to see it no matter what. 😉

So far, we are still free to laugh at that which is funny looking. And these guys certainly are that. Actually – a pretty great marketing tool for their charity.


I totally agree: Starship Troopers (the book) is FAR better! And I join all who condemn that crap Verhooven made. Where was the power armor? Where was the commentary on technology versus brute strength? Argghhh!


I have to agree with Jason and company on this one: these folks aren’t doing any harm. Someone posted above that they should be told about using real medals and ribbons among their fantasy ones, and I think that is a good idea. But trash these folks out? No.



Not to pick nits on your nitpick, but psychics were at least mentioned in the book, when Rico is at OCS and discussing the composition of the ideal M.I. division.

[T]he special talents attached to Logistics & Communications are all ranked as officers. If it will make a memory man, a telepath, a senser, or a lucky man happy to have me salute him, I’m glad to oblige; he is more valuable than I am and I could not replace him if I lived to be two hundred.

Later on, Third Lieutenant Rico gets a visit from one of those special talents who maps out the Bug tunnels under the area his platoon is responsible for.

CI Roller Dude

I was trying to figure out the ribbons…I think some were from the “Battle of Klingon” and a few from the Vulcan Defense service…the rest I’m still looking up.

(I’m just kidding….)


Anything that Dutch piece of crap (veerhoven) made, is suspect, the guy made the movie as a comment on Facism! The bugs were gay, and not like the book at all!


I agree–they’re harmless, but damn they can be an easy target.

“Mommy, will I ever have sex?”

“Not as long as you wear that.”

And I thought Furries were funny.


I’ll defend these guys. I know a bunch of guys like this. They are harmless, and for the most part respectful of the military. And quite honestly, its refreshing to see someone that likes the Star Trek stuff taking on a different role than the traditional Klingon/Vulcan/Starfleet Officer rolls.
I mean come on. You know that if push came to shove, it wouldn’t be the captain of a Starfleet capitol ship beaming into the thick of the of the sh*t, leading boarding parties and whatnot….He’d call the grunts, the jarhards, the dogfaces, the leathernecks, the doughboys, the cap troopers…you know. The enlisted men who get things done just like they always have.

@ 17) /thinks for a minute… “What were his drops?’ 😉

Also, you guys are leaving out two of Scifi’s best representations of Space Marines. The Marines from Aliens “I like to keep this handy…for close encounters…” /cocks shotgun

And don’t forget the Marines from HALO…Keeping up with the Master Chief takes some doing.



Nothing. NOTHING. Trekkies ever do will be as fucked up as furries. Nothing. Ever.

Unless, of course, there are Trekkie Furries. Which, this being the internet, I’m sure there are. With slash fanfic and everything.



“Unless, of course, there are Trekkie Furries. Which, this being the internet, I’m sure there are. With slash fanfic and everything.”

I’ll just leave this here….


Mal: I don’t think JPJ got past the fact that it was Doogie freakin Howser dressed as an S.S. reject playing him.
BTW Dizzy has 1, just one referance in the whole book:”that was the drop Dizzy bought it” and they baesed a love triangle around the in the movie? Esepcially since the MI was most definatly NOT co-ed.



CI–in the immortal words of South Park’s Mister Garrison:



@Luck agree with you and unless you never even read the book, I don’t see how someone could think that was the message of the book. It was quite the opposite, the society was a democracy the requirement to vote was having served a term of service. The term of service was designed to ensure the people responsible for making decisions that could affect the whole of did so with a clear understanding of what they where doing.

Time to dust off my copy and read read it 🙂

Just Plain Jason

Now Furries are free game those guys are freaks!

Now you gotta cut me some slack I haven’t read starship troopers in a while.

In Deep Space Nine they had a couple episodes with ground pounders. I would say it is probably the best of all the shows.


And on the Starship troopers thread, Carmen liked Johnny, but wasn’t that into him. Her career was Fleet, and he was MI.
And I think it’s a safe assumption that we can never again reference that abortion of a movie that took this book’s name. The book is a classic of military scifi, from a perspective that a non veteran could never match. It gets to the core of what we do, and why we do it.
The movie? It watches like a liberals worst nightmare of the future, complete with a fascistic, military run wartime economy, and innocent children becoming brainwashed bloodthirsty killers. I can’t articulate how bad that movie sucks. In fact, on the “CPT’s Lefty Suck-O-Scale’ this movie rates somewhere between watching Rosie O’ Donnel shave her legs and Jane Fonda lecturing on the meaning of the Constitution. Never mention that movie again here. If you feel compelled to, go watch the Trekkie Furry pron…and spend the rest of the week washing your eyes in bleach.
That is all. /endrant.


John: Terrible ones, and in the same scene as male ass. Not ok. And also, they weren’t Denise Richards, so they aren’t worth the time of watching the rest of that visual emesis.



Who needs slash fic when it was on TV?


Okay, granted, the movie had boobies and coed showers.

Just Plain Jason

The production company that made Act of Valor needs to get some $$ to make a real version of Starship Troopers. I just wonder how people would react to a Phillipeano lead?


Never read the book, but saw the Starship Troopers movie on Camp Schwab with a bunch of other male jarheads in 1997. Really enjoyed the women MI in the shower scene, especially since not many women let alone young ones on Schwab.


@76 YatYas: you gotta read the book. You’ll be glad you did.


Does it have pictures?

Yat Yas 1833

Gentlemen, you know I’m old Corps and I hate ‘posers’ more than anyone (thanks Hondo for talking me out of going after ‘GySgt Pimples’ in Kingman) IMHO, these guys are harmless. If this outlet let’s them do some good it’s ok in my book. SFMC is a joke, they’re not claiming USMC, so I say let them have their tune. From the photos I saw, there was not a single ribbon I recognized. They wren’t claiming anything SVA. I say leave them be.

Yat Yas 1833

@79 *let them have their FUN*


#78 YatYas :

Nope, no pics but I’ll second the thought that you won’t regret taking the time to read it.


The SFMC is just like the Society for Creative Anachronism- a place for people who hate their lives to have a place to “what if” life- generally harmless to the average outsider.


Yeah, I got nothing, I’m about to have an aneurysm…so…much…DERP!

The Dead Man


That movie made by the fruitloop Verhoven was originally called Bughunt, he’d never read the book, let alone heard of it. Guy’s definitely a burger and fries short of a happy meal though, he thinks Robocop is a Jesus allegory.

These guys are harmless. Take it from a fellow geek who goes to cons solely to take funny pictures, most of them know it’s silly. Hell even the furries that were there didn’t scare me. Maybe the internet’s made me jaded…


you know they maybe harmless, and they do good things in the community, (golf clap) but still if your a grown man role playing sci-fi dress up you bring the same equal opportunity bashing that I dish out to LARPers, D&D players and non-scottish people wearing kilts.

Maybe its also because I am fan of Star Wars so to quote the movie Fanboys “we dont hawk the Trek, so get off our land, GET OF OUR LAND”.

@JPJ I dont drive a truck, and despite PTing 5 to 6 days a week I still have a great personality. and its not because i hate myself that creates the need for making fun of others, this shit is just effing weird.


So now we bash the SCA too? Christ, Smaj, I guess my life is just too fucked up for your comprehension, because I’ve been a member of the SCA for about 20 years, and I decidedly don’t hate my life… Neither do the other guys and gals who are members and veterans at the same time, one of whom I deployed with to OIF.

“Ooh, he’s doing something ‘different’, let’s fuck with him! Ooh, she’s got a ‘weird’ hobby, let’s trash her! Ooh, look at them, they’ve dared to do something original, let’s show our collective asses and make fun of them!”

A real winning philosophy there, folks… Really encourages people to step outside the box… NOT!

The Bear

Colonial marines, yes. We’ve seen them in Alien. The Marine Corps in Space Above and Beyond? Yes.

The actual, proper Space Marines, aka Adeptus Astartes? Hell yes.

But Trek? Well, that can only be answered with: lol


Sorry HvyGunner, I dont get LARPing, I mean what was so great about medieval times? disease famine, infant mortality, I really want to do that in my free time. And hey you may be cool guy, but alot the LARPers I have met, are out right effing strange.


First off, the SCA isn’t LARPing. Different animal… The fighting is full speed, full force. The SCA is based on the concept of Arthurian chivalry and courtesy, which, sad to say, seems in short supply these days.

And, yes, we have our fair share of “weirdos”. We tend to ignore them, why don’t you?

The point is, I really don’t care whether you want to participate. This is about respecting other folks ecclectic hobbies. It would be one thing if it was a group that posed a threat to society, or usurped the battle honors of a vet, or pushed an agenda counter to the Constitution.

But these are just groups having a bit of fun, doing no harm…

Like I said, I could speak volumes about guys who wear funny hats and hipwaders, casting pieces of fluff across the top of a stream for fish to chase, but I don’t. I’m not a fisherman, but if fishing gives a fellow peace, I’ll keep my mouth shut and respect that.

Where’s the respect? Where’s the old precept of “If you can’t saying anything nice, don’t say anything at all?”

Where’s the civility? Are we losing touch with that?


I am not going to read all nearly 100 comments here but….

wow. I am a geek by nature but even the LARP/Dress up stuff gets me. still…to each his/her own.

where I take exception is that they seem to be using REAL awards for the fake stuff they do. I have known about the Star Trek Marine thing for a while, and I thought thier awards were based on volunteering and doing things for the club they were a part of. And I thought they made thier own ribbons.

althought….the dude sorrounded by andorans…..ok….maybe that was a bit cool. What can i say? I am a cheap date.


I take it all back.

I take it all back.

The pic with the real Marine with the Star Fleet Marine.

I am sooooo sorry. I take it back.

dear gawd that was horrible.


Can anybody solve the riddle for me? Why does it seem that conventions full of guys who appear to never be able to get laid [yes, a generalization, mea culpa]…..attract stark raving hotties?

The pictures I’ve sen from ComiCon, DragonCon, and others, are mystifying.


I can’t….and I have witnessed it.

Makes no sense.

I can’t get my wife to wear a princess leia bikini.


Steadfast&Loyal, have you tried to sneak in Wonder Woman? Women like the whole strength and beauty…


Said stark raving hotties know they’re of no threat to them. None what so ever.


you bring the same equal opportunity bashing that I dish out to LARPers, D&D players and non-scottish people wearing kilts.

Now I feel left out… I never LARPed, and I haven’t played D&D in over a decade. I still play MMOs… does that count?

Simple… the women are just as messed up in the head as the guys are. 🙂


CI- if being a fat geeky nerd gets you the amazing women…. I’m thinking “stupid like a fox”.

Just Plain Jason

Oh and those of you who spend your time at gun shows I want you to think of who you see there and who you can see at Comicon… Brush up on your geekspeak.


@78 YatYas: nope, no pictures! And not nary a hint of sex…then again, it WAS written in the late 50s, Rico (the main protagonist) wistfully gets the hots for a former schoolmate, but that’s about it. Some of the book is a vehicle for Heinlein’s political views, interesting reading. And you’ll enjoy Rico’s journey through boot camp.


I just read through the entire string here in about 15 minutes. I believe I have just aged 3 years … and it is still werid!


Marine–funny, ain’t it, how “conservative,” or at least libertarian in thought processes Heinlein became after he served in the Navy. He was a self-avowed socialist up to that point. Guess it did kind of wake him up.