Fool me once, shame on you

| December 5, 2011

I will absolutely disappoint all of my conservative friends and readers if you force me to choose between Obama and Gingrich. Look, I was Gingrich’s biggest fan until he was caught doing the same thing he went after Clinton for during the impeachment proceedings. I admired him for engineering the coup in 1993 that put Congress in Republican control for the first time in 50 years. i’d actually been a fan for years before as I read about him in Hedrick Smith’s “The Power Game

Why do you think that the Washington Post runs an article today announcing that Democrat strategists are “worried” about Gingrich. Probably because the Post wants to see a Gingrich candidacy, like when they convinced us that McCain was a better choice than George W. Bush. When they tried to tell us that they’d have voted for McCain and we believed them and ran McCain against their worst candidate since Jimmy Carter.

Republicans are about to blow their easiest election in decades by putting the corrupt Gingrich against the incompetent boob currently occupying the White House. I’ll sit the election out before I get fooled again. I have nothing good to say about Gingrich and I won’t swallow my pride all next year just to avoid a second Obama term.

Yeah, I choked down a McCain candidate, but I’m not plastering a phony smile on my face for Gingrich for a whole year like I did in 2008. You folks had better get your shit together and put up a better choice, because I’ll shut this blog down before it supports that corrupt buffoon Gingrich.

How’s that for some Monday morning controversy?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Shitbags

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Toothless Dawg

2-17 AirCav sez: “Normally, I’d be all for that healthy check and balance but after the damage Obama has done thus far, I’d like to see a Republican in the White House SO LONG AS he or she is willing to lead in undoing what the Big O has done”

Amen Brother … Amen!!!

Toothless Dawg

… and then there is this re: Ron Paul

No thanks!!!

Just Plain Jason

Just the thought of voting for Newt makes my stomach turn. He is a symbol of politics as usual and would sell his firstborn if he thought it would get him ahead.


Any Body other than BHO or prepare to ride over the Cliff with Obama. There is no return. Get in there and work for your candidate but in the end we must vote and we have but one choice. It is not just Obama, it is all the leftest he has put in power to run our lives.


@eagle keeper: Thank you…I think 😉
USS Liberty: there is a blast from the past with many conspiracy theorists among the Paulbots front and center. Anyways, when a country threatens, repeatedly to wipe another off the face of the earth and sets out to obtain nukes to do it only a fool would stand by and watch. I had a neighbor once that threatened to kill me. Did I just laugh it off and think he was no threat? Nope, I went in the house and strapped on my stainless 357 Mag. Only dead men take their foes lightly.


Oh, and when I went back outside and pronounced myself ready, willing and able whenever he felt bulletproof his eyes lit up. that was the last time he ever spoke to me.

Eagle Keeper

Toothless Dawg,

John Ziegler (from the link you provided): “… I believe that, allowed to roam free, terrorists will change our way of life and force us to give up our freedoms if we don’t get serious about combating Islamic fascism [sic].”

1. Since 9/11, our “way of life” has been changed more — our freedoms have been given up more — by the actions of our own government: TSA.

2. “Islamic fascism”? Guy’s a tard’s tard.

Because (to quote El Rushbo) words mean things.

Eagle Keeper

jonp (54): I had a neighbor once that threatened to kill me. Did I just laugh it off and think he was no threat? Nope, I went in the house and strapped on my stainless 357 Mag.

EK: But you didn’t go over, kick his door down and blow him and his family away. You let him know you were prepared to deal with his threat. Had he not left you alone, you would have defended yourself.

I have no problem whatsoever with Israel either letting Iran know their threats won’t be taken lying down, or — if Israel has reason to believe that Iran poses a clear and present danger — “going all Osirek” on ’em. Under Just War theory, you don’t have to wait to get hit. You can attack preemptively if an enemy attack is imminent.

What I do have a problem with is this idea that America has to be involved against Iran on Israel’s behalf. Neo-con interventionists want America to keep the preventive (i.e., aggressive and illegal) war card on the table against Iran. No thanks.

Incidentally, Ron Paul was one of the few in Congress who approved of Israel’s 1981 bombing of the Osirek reactor — while both the Reagan administration and the UN condemned it.


Our lives have indeed been changed for the worse by successive administrations and the TSA. That much we agree upon without question. Islamic facism is used in the purest sense of both the terms. I would refer you to a good primer on the subject of the rise of the fascist state,, but also the seminal study by someone who was there, William Shirer
If you can not see the parallels between The Third Reich and the complete subjugation of the self to the state and Islamic Countries in the person to the religion then mores the pity to you.


eagle keeper: you are being intentionally obtuse in this. The difference is that my neighbor did not have nuclear weapons. Seriously……


Eagle Keeper…

“Incidentally, Ron Paul was one of the few in Congress who approved of Israel’s 1981 bombing of the Osirek reactor…”

So we can now put Paul down as pro-prempetive war?

It’s Osirak, bot Osirek.I make spelling mistakes sometimes too.

Eagle Keeper

jonp(54): USS Liberty: there is a blast from the past with many conspiracy theorists among the Paulbots front and center.

EK: Innuendo and pejoratives.Correction: The men of the USS Liberty — the US sailors who experienced not just the deadly attack, but the ire of their own chain-of-command for talking about what happened that day — they are “front and center.”

Get educated.

Eagle Keeper

Ben (61): So we can now put Paul down as pro-prempetive war?

Frank: Pre-emptive war — military action taken before an imminent attack — is justifiable under Just War doctrine.Preventive war — attacking a nation because of what they might do someday — is aggressive and therefore illegal.

I have no idea of the details behind the Osirak reactor, and how/why Israel felt it posed a threat. But they did, and they took limited military action to neutralize it. They even attacked on a Sunday to minimize injury to the reactor’s French technicians.

Ron Paul defended Israel’s sovereignty in their actions, while the Reagan administration and UN sought to condemn them.

So to answer yur question, I don’t think President Ron Paul wouldn’t just sit idly if heavily-armed enemy ships or aircraft were headed toward America.

And for a better understanding of the vital distinction between preemptive (legal) war and preventive (illegal) war, consider the film “The Minority Report”.

Eagle Keeper


BTW, I’d seen it spelled both ways. For some reason, “Osirek” just stuck. But thanks for the heads up.

Eagle Keeper

“You say ‘Gaddafi,’ I say “Qadaffi’ …” 😉

2-17 AirCav

Jeez. If Paul were president, I guess he’d just talk everyone to death.

Eagle Keeper

Beats hell out of vaporizing them, I’d say …


“get educated” really? don’t you mean indoctrinated? such a statement with its implication that you are more educated and worldly than the plebeians you thoroughly disdain having to hold base concourse with says much more about you than it does me. I have an education, I am wise enough to know that I don’t know more than an audience I have never met. Too bad that you did not learn humility in your “education”.

Susie Q

I have just 3 words to say for those that won’t votye for the Republican nominee, or that will vote 3rd party…or those that think Oboma bing in the White house as log as we hold the House and Senate…

Supreme Court Justices.

Oh and, are you out of your effin minds? This country can’t stand 4 more years of the POS in the White House. Supposedly, people on this site should have an ounce of sanity, but damn…

Doc Bailey

I would like to posit, that despite what those air heads at State might say (incompetence it seems is their favorite trait) Israel really is our only ally in that Gulf. All the rest have us over the Barrel and they know it. OPEC is perhaps one of the single dirtiest, and corrupt conglomerates, and we allow them to screw us.

there are also a lot of good cases for all the nastier things in war. Preemption, Reciprocity, and other such ideas. Why didn’t the Germans use chemical weapons on D-Day (they had them in the area)? Because they KNEW the Americans would retaliate.


Just to clarify:
I don’t think very highly of men who can’t keep their hands to themselves. Gingrich came in all “Contract With America”, we’re going to fix DC, etc, etc, etc. Then he had to resign.

So now he’s on his third wife and, apparently, has had a Come to Jesus Moment. Having experienced that exact thing nearly thirty years ago, I know it can be real. Not having any kind of personal contact (over time) with Gingrich, I have no basis for evaluating whether his was real or not.

Have I mentioned how tired I am of politicians talking up up family values and Jesus, to get tight with the Religious Right?

The fruit ALWAYS tells the truth, irregardless of what the lips say, but in this instance, under these circumstances, even not knowing what the reality was with respect to the condition of his soul (does he truly have some integrity now?), I would vote for him. Because to leave that Enemy of the Republic in the White House is … not good, for many, many reasons.

I would even vote for Romney, though I see him as Obama Lite. The difference between them being, Romney ain’t a Marxist, ain’t out to destroy, er, excuse me, “fundamentally transform” , the Republic, though he clearly is a Big Government kind of guy.

We can probably survive a Gingrich or Romney Presidency. I doubt the same is true for another Obama term.

Consider carefully your decision, Jonn. Like you’re disarming a booby-trapped IED, and one wrong move turns you into red mist.


I’m not a fan of a single one of them, but I will vote for any joker in a suit (or an admiral themed pant suit in the case of Bachmann) that the republicans put against Obama. I’ll do anything within the limits of the law to get him out of the White House.

Obama has to be (the) One and done over any other consideration.


President Ron Paul

I’ll suck start a shotgun or move to Mars before that happens.


President Ron Paul
Beat me to it, again, Sparky.
We can probably survive a Gingrich or Romney Presidency. I doubt the same is true for another Obama term.
Exactly, and the detritus left behind from another term for Obama will be with us for years and years. Can anyone say Kagan, Sotomayor or anyone of the various lefty law professors he might appoint, like Michael Avery? Hell, he’s a law prof, just like Kagan, I’m sure that O would love to put someone just like him, if not him, on SCOTUS.

Doc Bailey

So here’s a serious question for all of you. Given that there have only been 20 expulsions from the congress in it entire history (pretty appalling considering the characters in it) Wouldn’t tightening the rules, nay, the laws regarding behavior, be a first?

After that shouldn’t it be a goal to rein in that oh so corrupt third branch, and actually I dunno DEFINE “High Crimes and misdemeanors”? Perhaps there ought to be a review process. After all no one voted on Roe V. Wade. Doesn’t matter where you stand on it, until it’s voted on, its 9 people that have made this decision for all of us.

Lastly the Oval Office is almost Imperial in its power. Obama could not possibly have done so much power if it were not for the “Cold War Consensus” that gave almost Godly powers to the presidency.

I think it won’t matter a damn who is out next president, it’s gonna hurt. Barry’s done such a stellar job of screwing up, that we’ll spend the next 50 years trying to fix it. OR a Republican will try to fix it, and when it (necessarily) hurts, the GOP will be stuck with that poison pill for a long time. Personally I think we’re pretty screwed either way.

Buckle up. Its gonna be a bumpy ride.

2-17 AirCav

Doc: Funny how a different conclusion can be reached from the same information. The way I see it, the 20 expulsions are high precisely because of the type of cads, scoundrels, and spineless characters in it! All the rules in the world are meaningless if the rule enforcers and interpreters are buddy-buddy with the rule breakers. Time and again, public opinion polls rate congress just below used-car salesmen yet used car lots are still in business and voters keep returning their own representatives to the House and their senators to the Senate. My point is that under our system, once someone is elected to office, he stays in office until those who put him there say otherwise. So, in the final analysis, we, the people, are responsible for the mess.

Doc Bailey

@76: I never said otherwise. People do not take ownership of their government. Personally I’m mad as hell that Veterans are chomping at the bit to go and put boot to ass.

Having said all that. You can not foresee the future, nor, that perhaps a person will use that influence for ill. What you can do is punish the ever loving shit out of people when they do. If anything the laws should hold congress to a higher standard. They should live in Barracks, only eat at designated places, and their pay should only be enough to pay whatever bills a reasonable person might have. Lastly I would throw down term limits. NO WAY should someone stay in the senate for 50 freaking years (I’m surprised they’re not trying to rename the state West Byrdinia)

2-17 AirCav

Well, they do talk to each other nicely. “Would the gentleman from New York kindly yield?” As for the Pork King, you have now hit on the real issue. If the citizenry would take a slightly wider view of thing than “What useless projects has my senator brought home for us?, then maybe we’d make some headway. But, again, the self-centeredness of the voters is what the pols play to and always have.


I am so frustrated this election. We have a bunch of people who can’t debate their way out of a paperbag.. just following along the whole Repubs are stupid meme. Then the two that can debate aren’t conservative at all. UGH!
Right now I am just going to vote for anybody but Obama and hope they are smart enough to nominate conservative justices. If it weren’t for the justices then I could see the wisdom of Obama as POTUS with a GOP congress. More gridlock means nothing gets done means they can’t screw up anything!


@79 – ” If it weren’t for the justices then I could see the wisdom of Obama as POTUS with a GOP congress. More gridlock means nothing gets done means they can’t screw up anything!”

That’s why I agree with TSO in that the Senate is far more important than the White House. Senate judicial confirmation…..

2-17 AirCav

First things first, Melle. The good news is that there is a conservative majority in the Supreme Court and while some of them are ideologues, they are not beholden to lobbyists, voters, and even those who appointed them. Once they’re in, they’re in. Thank goodness for that quite undemocratic body! Second is the presidency. Obama goes. That’s numero uno. The disdain most Americans hold for him is, unfortunately, not attributable to his design on reshaping America and minimizing us globally, but is owing to the abysmal economy. But that’s enough to see him gone and his successor will put the economy front and center, regardless of who it is. That’s enough for now, as I see it. If it’s the Ken Doll, the Cad (pick one), the girl scout, or someone else, it’s not Obama and that’s reason enough to be hopeful and optimistic.

Eagle Keeper

jonp (68): “get educated” really? don’t you mean indoctrinated? such a statement with its implication that you are more educated and worldly [yadda yadda yadda]

EK: Yes, really.

I made that comment in the context of your aassertion that you are more educated and worldly:

“USS Liberty: there is a blast from the past with many conspiracy theorists among the Paulbots front and center.”

So, why do you disbelieve the sailors of the USS Liberty? The men who were there, who shed their blood and lost shipmates? Who were ordered by their own military not to speak of the incident further?

Why do you disbelieve the others who heard the Israeli transmissions that day, indicating that the pilots knew they were attacking a ship flying a US flag?

Why do you disbelieve the pilot who radioed back that the ship was American and, when ordered to follow through with the attack, returned to his base instead, only to be arrested?

So yes, I say again: Get educated. (Rather than regurgitate pejoratives about “conspiracy theories” and “paulbots.”)

There are books and articles on the Liberty incident galore, but maybe you can start with this radio interview of USS Liberty sailors Phillip Tourney and Ron Kukal.

2-17 AirCav

Hey, Tostoy. Do us a favor and stick to this thread. That way, we know where you are.


Whoever said they would vote what their principles are, I am with you…Chuck Baldwin…yeah. That is what my problem was last time…McCain was Hilary/Obama light and there was no way I was going left of conservative.
Everyone whined that I “wasted” my vote. Whatever. I would do it again. Give me someone to vote for and I will. Leave me hanging and every Chuck who matches what I think will still get it.


That is a huge part of the problem. Your vote is yours and yours alone. It is not the voter’s responsibility to vote a certain way in order to skew the results of an election. If a party wants to win an election, it is their responsibility to mount a candidate for whom people will vote.

Blame the people who are really responsible! The voters out here are crying, pleading for a true conservative candidate, for many reasons. We know that the dems will not offer one, so that leaves everyone else to give us such a candidate.

Nobody can say what is the correct way to vote. We each get to make that decision on our own using whatever criteria we want to use. For now anyway.

Eagle Keeper

2-17 AirCav,


Sorry, Short Bus. Didn’t mean to make your head hurt …

2-17 AirCav

Dammit. Here’s the letter l. Jam it between the o and the s in Tostoy in comment 83.

Eagle Keeper


Yeah, I knew what you meant.

Doing everything I can to stifle my “frustrated editor” urges.



@eaglekeeper: I never said I was more educated than anyone. I believe it was you who told me to get educated. Nice little dig with the misspelling of assertations. I used to do that in 5th grade also.
If I want your education I guess I’ll just hang out on Alex Jones site or cruise a few Ron Paul rallies or maybe listen in on an OWS gathering.
Might be time to come back to planet reality. Our country is being destroyed by the Marxist in the Whitehouse. Now is not the time to play games. Dr. Paul is not the answer. No-one would take him seriously or vote for him, he has entered the Ralph Nader realm. ANY of the Republican candidates can beat Obama. Pick one, any one and do not split the vote by a third party.


Ah, but jonp, you are missing the point here. By running as a third party and taking however many votes with him, they get to feel all pompous and self-righteous should they successfully punish the Rep candidate for being on the ballot instead of “their” candidate. Rather insane, but that seems to be the way they think. Perhaps I should say that is how they feel. ‘Cause it’s all about them and what they want, not what the country needs or anything altruistic like that.


@90 – Do you have an alter-ego or something? This from the same person who posted something eminently rational in post 85?

Eagle Keeper

jonp (89): I never said I was more educated than anyone. I believe it was you who told me to get educated.

Frank: 🙄 And I never said you said you were more educated than anyone. I told you to get educated because, when I mentioned the USS Liberty incident, you trotted out the “conspiracy theory” and “paulbot” retorts.

Which is to say, no retorts at all.

And then you give an encore: “Alex Jones!” “Ron Paul!!” OWS!!!”

And interestingly, you still haven’t managed to explain why you don’t believe the sailors of the USS Liberty, or the various other sources of evidence that flies in the face of the Official Explanation.

jonp (89): Nice little dig with the misspelling of assertations. I used to do that in 5th grade also.

Frank: 😆 And you call me a “conspiracy theorist”?! How does “aassertion” constitute a “dig”?!

See my comment at (88) re. “frustrated editor” urges.

To paraphrase Freud, sometimes a typo is just a typo.

jonp (89): Our country is being destroyed by the Marxist in the Whitehouse. Now is not the time to play games. Dr. Paul is not the answer.

Frank: Dr. Paul knows more about economics than Nobama and the other six dwarves put together. He was the on;y candidate who predicted the housing bubble.

I’ll takes my chances voting for Paaul — even (expecially?) if he ends up running third party.

I see no difference between Obama the Marxist Newt the Marxist. (And Romney? Are you kidding me?!)


OWB, at #90, I thought that your point was “eminently rational”. The self-stroking could accurately be described as “third party syndrome”.


Thank you. Perhaps this would be a good time to mention something about consequences, intended or otherwise?

Maybe not. Too nuanced.


Memo to anyone who actually gives a shit about Ron Paul or any of his mouth-breathing drones:

–He DID in fact run as a third-party candidate in 2008 after he got all butt-hurt. IIRC, Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) got about 160K votes, and Paul got 47,500.

How fucking sad is it that someone as batshit insane as McKinney can outdraw you Ronulans by an over 3:1 margin.

Don’t go away angry, just go away.

Eagle Keeper


Uh … whatever. 🙄

It would appear that the Louisiana Taxayer Party managed to get Ron Paul’s name on the ballot in LA.

That is clearly not the same thing as the man himself running third party.

I’m not at all angry, but I sure as shootin’ ain’t goin’ away.

Eagle Keeper

(And besides, I voted for Chuck Baldwin in 2008.)


I keep telling ya that Lew Rockwell shit’ll rot your brain, but will you listen?


Eagle Keeper

NHSparky: Side-stepper of inconvenient facts if they don’t come from approved sources.


Inconvenient facts–which ones might those be? You mean where Paul wrote racist newsletters and hangs out with guys from Stormfront?

Those inconvenient facts?