Marines against Shamar Thomas

| October 20, 2011

I know Sporkmaster has written a few times about Shamar Thomas, the huge clown who thought it was appropriate to pin his ribbons on his utility uniform and yell at police. Apparently, some other Marines have taken exception with his behavior and formed a Facebook group called Marines Against Shamar Thomas…and he’s not happy about it. Paul sends us these screen shots;

Category: Shitbags

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Christian, please don’t even start to think he speaks for all Marines, or even a significant number of them. He wasn’t brave. He effectively risked nothing and basked in the phony and fleeting glory the left will give him until they decide he and his ilk are no longer useful, then will be tossed on the shitpile like so much else they’ve used and thrown away.

And seriously, cut your fucking hair, get that shit out of your noses, ears, tongues, and where the fuck ever else you’re sticking shit these days, and learn that NOBODY has the “right” to have all their creature comforts provided for on anyone else’s backs but their own.

Pass this bit of advice along to your fellow fucktards: The world does not owe you a fucking thing.


Interesting that he claims to have seen unarmed civilians “being hurt” but the NYPD but he didn’t have the intestinal fortitude to do anything about it. So then he screams incoherently at the cops a few days later? Then there’s his comments about “if you want to kill someone go to Iraq!” I’ve been downrange a couple times myself, and I don’t know too many guys who talk about things like that unless they were guys who never did anything…


This guys nothing but a drama queen.




LOL @51- “And seriously, cut your fucking hair, get that shit out of your noses, ears, tongues, and where the fuck ever else you’re sticking shit these days…”

You better have been typing that one handed while shaking a fist in the air furiously.


Sorry to disappoint, teddy. I find a verbal and mental beatdown of these clowns is in many ways far more satisfying than a verbal one.

And if it’s delivered particularly well, lasts a lot longer.

Doc Bailey

@50 You’re an idiot.

John Riley

I have received PM’s from ex-Marines who support the OWS losers. To these enablers who should know better, I would like to ask if they’ve seen the OWS “Anti-Capitalism” signs? Have they heard the anti-Semitic slogans and slurs? Do Jewish people serve in the Marine Corps? How does that make them feel? The Communist Party of the USA supports the OWS crowd, as does former terrorist, Bill Ayers. So does the leader of Iran. Wanna be part of it still? NO – The root of the phony OWS lies directly at the feet of the administration, who are desperately trying to counter the Tea Party, and foment unrest. Just read “Rules for Radicals” by the communist, Saul Alinsky. That particular book is a real HIT with this administration, I’ve heard. Class warfare, turning one citizen against another, and stirring up racial unrest. A Marine Sergeant told me that the Tea Party wants to do away with our government. He needs to educate himself on the facts. The Tea Party believes in fiscal responsibility and LIMITED government. MOST of the OWS crowd believes in something way different. “They have it, and I want it! Boo-hoo-hoo -sob, sob, whimper.” Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Thy shalt not covet thy neighbors belongings. To all the coffee-house Marxist intellectuals (NOT), socialism and communism are GREAT if you want to stand in line to buy toilet paper.


Perhaps he really was in the marines, but this was a staged event. Not sure of the intent, but most staged events are designed to divide and conquer. This seems to pit police against marines, and marines against each other. When everybody is squabbling amongst themselves, the people with power dictate through the media, new organizational principles by which we are supposed to live by. It is becoming obvious they are attempting to use OWS to consolidate financial resources and centralize power, which means less wealth and rights for you and me. So beware when you are instructed to fear and hate any group, because you are simultaneously being manipulated.

tyler s

Anyone doing any bashing on this site is obviously misinformed and or brain washed. Sgt. Thomas Was just trying to point out that the police were using excessive force against peaceful protesters, the people that him and all of you swore to protect. Doesn’t really matter if you agree with ows, they still have the right to peacefully protest. You have all let down me and let down the majority of people in the country. You should be ashamed.

Adirondack Patriot

Tyler, you are an ass. Go away.

Come back when have proof that the NYPD was using excessive force that night.

You can’t because there was none. Zero. Zip. Nada. Kinda like your prospects for a job.

The excessive force that has been confirmed is by the OWS protestors against their sexual assault victims.

You should be ashamed.

tyler s

Wow Have you watched the videos. Have you seen the marine vet Scott Olsen that was shot in the face by police in Oakland and when people came to his aid the police threw a flashbang at them. And why do you think I don’t Have a job Just because I support te right to protest

tyler s

And if you you want more proof there is this little web site called you tube and its filled with proof of police using excessive force. Let me guess you get all your info from fox news and people like glenn beck and bill o’riley you have a brain. Use the damn thing. Open your eyes . Just because your a soldier and you do what your told doesn’t mean you have to think what your told

Adirondack Patriot

Tyler, you great defender of free speech, can you tell where “Marines Against Shamar Thomas” went?

Why did the little sergeant down THAT free speech?

Get over yourself. By the way, Anthony Bologna was right to pepper spray those protestors. When a cop tells you to leave, you leave. If not, accept the consequences and quit whining like little pussies.

tyler s

If he was right in what he did Why was he docked ten days pay. And im not sure if you remember this from history class but this country came about because a bunch of people were pissed off because they were not being properly treated by there government and didn’t have the right to speak out against government so the protested. And now its happening again


“When a cop tells you to leave, you leave. If not, accept the consequences and quit whining like little pussies.”

Not moving when a cop tells you to move is basic civil disobedience. It is illegal by definition and intent, but it doesn’t give an officer carte blanch to do whatever he wants in response. I’ve told Iraqis to “yuh’lla” many times without getting a response, I didn’t whip out my Asp and start beating them with it because I could. That’s just not smart.

Additionally, civil disobedience is often staged PRECISELY TO bait police, soldiers, etc INTO over-reacting. That Tony Baloney fell for it illustrates to me that his SA just ain’t there.

Part of your responsibility as a civil servant is to have good judgement. It’s why the retirement benefits are so nice. The minute your job is easy, you’re doing something wrong. Go grab the protesters, flex cuff them, and unceremoniously toss them into the van. Play the game, that’s all it is. You can’t win, you can only come out of it with your career, honor, and dignity in-tact.

Adirondack Patriot

Oh, cut the dramatics. There was no police brutality, just protestor stupidity. Stage craft and posturing. Comparing OWS with Iraq proves your stupidity.

And Shamar Thomas’ as well.

Adirondack Patriot

And Anthony Bologna getting his pay docked was a small political price to pay. The next time I see him, I’ll buy him dinner. I’m sure pepper spraying feckless whiners who’ve grown fat and lazy off the work of others was worth it.


They are using force on protesters in OAKLAND that would not be deemed suitable for use on protesters in IRAQ in 2005. In OAKLAND they have specifically enumerated Constitutional right to protest. In IRAQ, they did not.

Differentiate between hating hippies and the fact that their rights are synonymous with yours.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people PEACEABLY to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Wanted to emphasize that one word for ya. Dealing drugs, rape, theft, and threatening things like, “We kill white bitches like you” ain’t exactly peacable, knowwhutImeanVern?


tyler the talking robot ask, “And why do you think I don’t Have a job Just because I support te right to protest”

No, you moron. You do not have a job because the ones that do not require basic literacy are too taxing for you.


As for .03, it’s either stuck in a time wary (1968-69) or wishes it could have been there. Very groovy, mon.


#70, not to mention, Sparky, that throwing rocks and bottles doesn’t quite fall under “peacably” assemble.
I note that .03 and Tyler failed to mention that little thing.
And, trespassing in a park, after hours, is not “civil disobedience”, nor is the throwing of rocks and bottles.

Adirondack Patriot

Tyler, I forgot. Thanks to OWS, Anthony Bologna and the rest of the NYPD are making thousands and thousands of dollars in overtime. CPO Bologna will make more in overtime, and he is going to write the 10-day dock off his taxes as a penalty.

So, while OWS morons criticize the police and the rich, you and the OWS crowd are making the police rich!

I love irony!

Maytag --- Nam 66/67

Tyler —-you look stupid— the more you say the stupider you sound. Pack your dumb ass up and move on. If you fuck with the cops they will beat your ass for being stupid. Like others here have said if they tell you to leave and you stand there — you need your ass beat. Get a Job and Stop your candy ass whining!
Man I done got pissed at another Idiot!

Zero Ponsdorf

Maytag. If that is the one Maytag I know. Welcome aboard. Shoulda said it sooner and all that.


How many of these people aren’t peaceably assembling? How many people need to be jagoffs before the police are justified in treating the entire protest as an unruly mob?

You’re picking and choosing who you want to exemplify the actions taking place, you’re not looking at the entire picture. The vast majority of the crowd is “peaceably assembled”.


Oh, horseshit.

Adirondack Patriot

PointOhTree: They were peaceably assembled in Oakland? Really?

This was back on October 18th:

“This comes on the heels of increasing reports of illegal drug and alcohol abuse, fighting, and sexual harassment in and around the camp of about 100 tents, Boyd said.”

Yeah. Peaceable.

Old Trooper

@77: You have a point there, except I wouldn’t say they were “assembled”, but rather squaters. When those that don’t do as they are told, such as not being allowed to block traffic or go down to certain areas, etc. and they do anyway, then they get to eat pavement and inhale pepper spray, it’s that simple. IOW their right to free speech doesn’t override everyone elses rights.


@79, Smoking pot, drinking, maybe a few people fighting, and *gasp* SEXUAL HARRASSMENT? Shred the Constitution right away, this is just far too much for the Republic to bear!

@80, I agree that once illegal things happen that law enforcement action is necessary, but since when is the default mode of police to brutalize people rather than just subdue them with the least force reasonable and arrest them?

A line is being crossed. Cops think they’re operators now-a-days.


“The vast majority of the crowd is “peaceably assembled”. And breaking the law by being in the park after it closes. That’s criminal trespass, not “peaceably assembled”..
“How many people need to be jagoffs before the police are justified in treating the entire protest as an unruly mob?”. Doesn’t matter how many, once they’re told to leave, and don’t, they become a mob. Buh bye, see you in the cell block. The only complaint I have is that the city leaders should have gotten rid of them the first night they violated the park ordinance. Then it wouldn’t have grown like it did.


So you make no differentiation between how you handle a crowd of rioters, and how you handle a crowd of people simply exercising civil disobedience?

Adirondack Patriot

PointOhTree: Let us know where you live son we can send pot-smoking, drunken slobs to your front yard. I’m sure you’ll embrace and support their “peaceable” behavior, Mr. Constitution.


I live in California, I’m surrounded by them. Let me know the next time you go to a protest of some kind, I’ll make sure to have the police on stand-by waiting for the first libertarian to stumble out of his RV with a beer buzz and a little weed, then we release the hounds.


Another genius who read a book, took a class, and watched too much TV. It really, really, really needs to be PR-24’ed.


Book learnin’ not your style, 2-17AirCav? Or are you just looking for a way to be dismissive without having to offer up your own justifications?


Newsflash, point. The police HAVE acted with remarkable restraint given the actions of the OWS types thus far. 50 years ago they would have taken a baton arcross the kidneys or a bullet. Now they just cry a bit. Not even close.


Weak exit, NHSparky. Weak exit.


The fact you couldn’t rebut what I said tells me all I needed to know.


Seeing the comments on here, and reading what most people have written about the OWS protests, I can only come to the conclusion that the majority of Americans aren’t worth defending in the first place.

Since when was it normal for peaceful protesters to be put down with violence from police? the 60s? How can anyone find that acceptable in any form? Regardless if you agree with them or not, free speech should be protected. Who gives a fuck whether or not they were in the military, or wearing a uniform…

I’m sure this will just get flames, but fuck every one of you who thinks this shit is okay. My father was a Navy SEAL and served in Vietnam, and that doesn’t make anything I say any more or less legitimate, because it doesn’t matter. At all.

Why should civilians care if you served in an immoral and illegal military action? And what does that have to do with protecting free speech, and not treating our own citizens, who are protesting non-violently, like violent rioters?


It seems like most of you just like to have a chance to say something you think is clever, and put other people down, than actually examine what your statements mean, and whether or not they are morally defensible or not….


OWS protestors are causing problems and comitting crimes all over the place, which is what happens when the dregs and undesirables of society convene en masse in one place. Are the police supposed to just stand by and watch? I don’t think so. Of course they have a right to assemble peacefully. Key word PEACEFULLY. The OWS crowd seems to forget that part, and when they act on that, it’s time for the police to intervene; do what the police say, it’s simple, and everyone parts ways. Don’t do what the police say, face the consequences of your actions. As far as the “illegal and immoral military action”. Give it a rest dude. As for what civilians care and/or think about the military or military actions, who gives a shit? A great deal of responsibility comes with earning the right to wear a uniform, especially a uniform of the armed forces of this country. Serving in the military does not give anyone the right to choose which laws they want to obey. I suggest you read DoD directive 1344.10, POLITICAL ACTIVITIES BY MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES ON ACTIVE DUTY. Bear in mind this also has regulations for members of the armed forces NOT on active duty as well. So your father was a SEAL, good for him. My question is what the fuck have you done lately?


And on a side note as far as saying your father was a SEAL, I would be very, VERY cautious tossing such a claim around like that. Frauds are very easily debunked these days, ESPECIALLY with this crowd. Not saying your father wasn’t, just giving you a heads up.

thomas vesely

when the shit hits the fan in your country and millions rise up………..will the military fire on citizens,
that is the only question.

thomas vesely

as in egypt or syria.

thomas vesely

a lot of you sound like goons.
you swore to defend.
and BTW; the treatment of vets should have you protesting.

thomas vesely

look at the problems returning soldiers face.
aren’t you indignant ?


@93: “what the fuck have you done lately?” I believe it’s immoral to serve in the military for personal reasons, especially nowadays when a large number (maybe even a majority?) of people enlist simply because they don’t have any other economic / career choice. I believe it’s immoral to fish for recruits by highlighting the financial benefits. You should only serve if you believe in protecting the country and its citizens by doing what is right. I also believe in the outcome of the Nuremberg trials, in that you shouldn’t blindly follow orders simply because they are orders. Even the lowest people need to use their judgment in their own actions. When so much of what America does is so immoral on so many levels, how can anyone care about petty protocol when it comes to speaking out? …And, really, what evidence do you have that the OWS protesters are committing crimes and breaking the law? Other than some random people “selling heroin” and “having under-age sex”. There is no evidence that any of the protesters have become violent unless it was initiated by the police, in -ANY- of the protests. It sickens me that so many authoritarians believe that “protester” means “degenerate riff-raff”. There are all kinds of people at the protests. It isn’t just the lazy, greedy trash trying to take advantage of our government. @94: I don’t really care if people think that’s a fraudulent claim. That’s the internet. Anyone who says anything at all is always immediately met with, “I don’t believe you”. I was -going- to say that: My father was a Navy SEAL, and he is an asshole. He is racist, he doesn’t have good moral sense, and he is not a rational person in many ways. Simply serving does not make you some paragon of morality. Most of the people I know who have served or are serving simply did so because they had no direction in life and had no other choice, because they had no career goals or any economic opportunity. They all joined because it seemed like the best way… Read more »


Since when was it normal for peaceful protesters to be put down with violence from police?

Try being one and maybe, just maybe, you’ll have a point.