Daniel A. Bernath; phony CPO

| December 11, 2013

Editor’s Note: Daniel A. Bernath passed away on January 21, 2018

Daniel Bernath

Scotty sent this to us over the weekend and I was holding on to it for a drought, but our own Ex-PH2 was excited that Daniel A. Bernath was a PH2, too. Just by looking at the rank on his sleeve, you can tell he’s a phony since, instead of laying out the bucks for new rank, he had a stripe embroidered on the sleeve. He has service stripes for twenty years of service, but his FOIA tells a different story;

3 years and change in active service, and a couple of years in the Reserves. Now let’s do some math – you’ll need most of your fingers, he’s wearing seven awards in the picture and the FOIA says that he has five. Well, finally we got a Navy phony who is not a SEAL.

Bernath portlandia medals

DSCF0759.jpg~original Bernath Caddy

Bernath portlandia medals close up

Bernath crash

ADDED: Look familiar? Courtesy of Sparks to whom I bow for his superior Google-foo belt.

John SheppardDaniel Bernath

From MCPO;

Bernath photos 3

Category: Phony soldiers

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Sparks – let us not even mention their names in the same sentence.

We honor the real PH1 with all the honor he deserves. And we honor Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath with the honor HE deserves:

#3 on GOOOOOOOGLE and rising, like Paul (of the Ballsack). MCPON attention. Media attention. Pending discommendation from the VFW.

Keep rocking the fraud, Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath. How’s Lady Karma’s heel in your ass feeling?


@849 and @850 Absolutely Ex, it would be an honor to encourage a man like John Sheppard. I agree with OWB, John Sheppard, if you read this Sir, everyone here is proud of you and your service to our country. I was not Navy either but I have tremendous respect for the courage of combat photographers and cameramen. A brother vet extends a huge…thank you Sir.

A Proud Infidel

@843, ExHack, I think you’re being polite about it.

Daniel A. Bernath the FAKE E7, ExHack is quite right.
Like the caption on the movie poster for “The Fly” said, –


Green Thumb

Bernath strikes me as being interested in two things:

Meaty cocks and keeping that two-hole clean and ready to rock!


@853 ExHack you are so right and thanks for the reminder. One, John Sheppard, is a true veteran, hero and man of honor.

The other I won’t mention here.



He is qualified to be the new corporate counsel for Phildo and Paul (of the Ballsack).

Turd guzzler!


Jonn. I sent a request to the Hair already. Considering the following:

Everything prior
MCPON involved
VFW investagating his behavior
Discovering Shep’s photo
Shep’s service with ST-1
Everything to come

Do you think you could pull a favor with Don and have make a quality feature video on this POS?


It also kind of figures that asshat Bernath would have a history with the person whose photo he tried to coopt as his own. That would explain why he didn’t just grab the photo of a random chief off of the website, but PH1 Shepard’s photo. It seems to be part of Bernath’s psychological pathology. He first tried to steal Shepard’s photos, then tries to steal part of his identity. Despite Bernath’s bluster about his wealth, cars, and wife, somewhere he wishes that he was Shepard and has spent his adult life trying to be him.

A Proud Infidel

I’m a fan of Richard Marcinco (CPT, USN, Ret., Founder of USN SEAL Team Six), and I remember reading in one of his books about one of his Instructors’ quotes, it was “_____, YOU ARE LOWER THAN WHALE SHIT, AND THAT IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE *BLEEEP* OCEAN!!!”

I think that of Daniel A. Bernath the FAKE E7, he/it is MUCH lower than whale shit!!.


Proud, that saying has been around a very long time, and is not exclusively Navy. At least the folks who introduced it to me weren’t Navy. 😉


@841 – I think there’s a long line of folks, me included, whou would be happy to assist on that detail. I’m a former Zoomie who is now an Army Engineer Officer so I’m not up to speed on the Navy way of doing things, but isn’t there a term (or command) in the Navy……something like “Sweepers, man your brooms!”? If so, MCPO you may give the command when ready. You all really lit this bastard up; it truly is all over but the shouting! This was something to behold, truly one for the ages.


“Sweepers, Sweepers, man your brooms. Give the ship a good clean sweep down both fore and aft! Sweep down all lower decks, ladder backs and passageways! Sweepers.”


@865 – Thank you. 🙂


PH1 Sheppard (@852): glad to see you here, amigo. Welcome. Wish you’d found us under better circumstances.

Just An Old Dog

This guy is lower then whale shit.


@861 – good insight Bobo.

Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath undoubtedly knows the real PH1 was and is an infinitely better man than he. Weak, cowardly, petty, underachieving shitbags like Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath revel in bringing their betters down to their level. Unfortunately for him, they’re rarely successful in their attempts; their betters are their betters for good reason.

Virtual Insanity

Oh. My. God.

I’m not worthy of this company.

Thank you Jonn, Sparks, MCPO, and Ex-PH2 for allowing me to just watch this event.

I stand before you, an aviator, humbled. (We don’t get like that very often)

So, what is demanded of Bernath, should he decide it is time to make amends?

Or has he pushed this august body beyond that opportunity?


Well, this sentence from the man’s VFW bio explains much:

“Daniel Alan Bernath traces his family back to pre American Revolutionary New Jersey.”


I’d recommend NOT following the link unless you have a strong stomach and/or want to get truly p!ssed. It contains a sh!tload of what appear to be baldfaced lies.

Given the number of tools and fools we’ve seen here at TAH who hail from NJ, there really must be something in the water in that state.


PH1 Sheppard: thank you for your honorable and valorous service. If you ever find yourself flying through LAS, I owe you a Starbucks or a drink, just for being the man you are. We are all very glad to learn of you and your service. You are what the Jews call a “mensch.”

We are also sorry you ever had the displeasure of knowing the Phony Chief and being multiply victimized by him. But he’s getting his just desserts now, and his just desserts are not the kind that Ex-PH2 would prepare.

The Phony Chief had best hope that Don and Diane Shipley don’t take an interest in him and do a Youtube Special on him – that just-dessert would be a $h!t-Fudge Sundae with kitty-litter “nuts” on top. But it sounds like that is in the works for him as well!


Shep, you hang in there. I’ll be sending you regular e-mails with my stuff, so you can see what I’m up to.

No matter how long it’s been, I still love you, man.


I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night after correctly calculating fuel consumption to reach my destination.

I’ve posted this link before on Narcissists:


Here is another link if you want to dig deeper into the subject:


It is a long read, but I think you will recognize the traits of several posers and sockpuppets in the discussion.

It helps to explain why someone would steal another’s work.

There are some good studies out there on the relationship between Narcissists and criminal behavior if you want to research it.

There’s a heck of a lot of relevant stuff to the poser playbook in the second link. You can *bank* on it.


Why is he rocking the AC wings on his VFW bio when there is no mention of them being awarded on the FOIA release? Maybe the VFW post needs to check the DD-214 one more time.


@873 – And Bernasty can wash it all down with a nice, warm cup of Shut The Fuck Up!

A Proud Infidel

Ex-PH2, you rock!! And I DO NOT pity the dolts that incur your wrath, they’re getting what they deserve! If there’s ever anything I can do to help, let me know!!

BTW, an off-topic note, there are other sites I’ve posted on that have regional “meets”, and I have had the pleasure of meeting up with other TAH’ers in my part of the woods. Maybe we can have “meets” in some way or another? My “neck of the woods” is on the Gulf of Mexico, and is VERY “Red State America”!


Shep. Welcome aboard. You can come in the CPO Mess anytime as my guest. Just knock three times and enter.

Watch me dissect Bernath from stem to stern.

I serve over 1/3 of my career in NSW as a shoe.


Sorry, Ex. Message was a reply to 872.


Danny Boi is too busy getting his forehead mushroom stamped down at the local glory hole to read this


Gotcha, Mustang2LT. I suspect a big pot of steaming hot extra strength STFU is the only thing he will ever get from a real Navy Chief.


What we need to do is plan the TAH National Convention.

Hotel Must Have Bar!

PH-1 John Shepard

Thank you all for your kind words! with all the things going on in my life and my general health, it is very encouraging to see that others have nice things to say about me!
But even tho I was a Syracuse University grad in the Navy Photojournalism program I still don’t communicate very well — especially now in my later years. What he hell…I’m 70!! So I want to make it clear that I served with SEALS, but was not a “regulation” SEAL. I was what they now call a “Shoe.” a techie. And my duty in Vietnam when I went back to the “regular Navy,” as a combat photographer was far more dangerous than MY time with the TEAMS!!
lol lol As an aside, The VA, after 10 years of my jumping thru their hoops, awarded me a 100% disability! Too bad I can’t enjoy it because of the AGENT ORANGE exposure. One of the VA docs told me that I actually died in Vietnam — I just hadn’t been buried yet!! The biggest thrill when I was in Vietnam was delivering two babies! Although I killed people there, I also brought life into the world!!


E-6 type, 1 ea

Embassy Suites has a free happy hour!

Green Thumb


Toss in the other than honorable COL W. The Third as well.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Well damn, I miss Danni Boi getting his ass handed to him in spades. I have not read every post since 3:00pm this afternoon, but I may repeat someone when I say that he was the one that came back here over a week ago and start slinging shit? Like Gawd Damn, if he would have just crawled back into his little dark hole and kept his stupid mouth shut, then he would not have brought this storm on himself.

Damn Danni Boi, you are like some stupid towel head who has blown themselves up making bombs, and you have no one to blame but yourself, and you sure s hell have no legal grounds to sue anyone. You are the one facing a lawsuit for stealing and altering copyrighted material.

So Danni Boi, we warned you, now face the consequences ASSHOLE.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Oh and one other thing, MCPO NYC, something tells me that a one Gregory Charles Banks is about to blow his own ass up too.


Before I hit the rack for the night, I have one last thing to say, addressing the scurrilous and vilest of the vile slimebuckets on Earth. And in case anyone wonders about barnacles, those are those nasty, abrasive sucking critters that attach themselves to everything in the water from ships’s hulls to piers, and try to suck the life out of them if they can.

dandan the very bad man bernastypants, a/k/a danial a bernath: the entire country (USA) is going to get a full readout of your asinine and belligerent behavior, your frauds, forgeries and lies, and the fact that you have lied about everything since Day One. You have also, in a review on Amazon, outed yourself as a troublemaker.

So if you’re planning to rip off my work from my blog to get even with me for outing you, you hag’s breathed codpiece clamp, you should know that every single photograph on my blog is digital. None of that work is from film. Period.

I have the metadata files that prove my ownership of my work, which makes it copyrighted from the day it’s shot. Also, the locations of all those images are embedded in the metadata files. Any claims by you that it’s your stuff are in violation of the International Copyright Law, which has some severe penalties that you won’t be able to get out of.

You do not have my permission to use any of my images or to quote anything I write. Anyone who reads this is now a witness.

You may think you’re being clever, but clever is 150 miles ahead of you and the distance is opening. You’re just a lazy fuck that thinks he can sponge off of everyone else, but it doesn’t work that way. It catches up with you.

Rip off someone I knew so long ago that you weren’t worthy to shine his Corfams?

You will wish you had never started down this path.

Your come to Jesus encounter is coming.

Green Thumb


The only barnacles this clown has are the ones on his semen-stained beard.

Just An Old Dog

“You may think you’re being clever, but clever is 150 miles ahead of you and the distance is opening.”

Not only is it 150 miles ahead, he can’t figure out how much gas he needs to get there…….


PH1(AC) – you’re a real hero, and one that served honorably… Bernath took from you, and I hope you are able to go after his pathetic ass and may him pay dearly for what he has done to you over the years. Bernath likes filing suits for $10 million, maybe you should drop one on him for $20 million?

MCPO and others… top notch work on dropping the hammer on Bernath. I e-mailed his VFW post commander last week with an extensive number of links to this and other sites letting him know that one of his members was way out of line that this would be getting out of control real quick. Time to drop the other show via the media. Two other medial outlet is Willamette Week (a smaller paper in the area) and The Columbian, which is over in Vancouver, WA (Bernath probably has clients over in Clark County, WA)



BTW – MCPO/Jonn… send what you have to LARS LARSON… conservative radio talk show host over in Portland. I bet he would air this on both his local and national programs in a heartbeat!!!


Man oh man…Daniel A. Bernath (Google hit) the rounds keep dropping in on your position. That sucking sensation you are feeling? That’d be the ground around you being softened up big time, bro. Maybe you ought to reconsider the position you are in, hoist the white flag while you can and surrender, because your intelligence quotient isn’t working so well now. Wait, wait, wait! I take that back. I see no valid reason why we shouldn’t keep the heat cranked up on your worthless ass. So, happy “sailing” or whatever the vernacular is. Heh.


Let’s do keep the heat on this maggot.


PH1 Sheppard: no thanks are necessary. For many of us, you’re an elder brother-in-arms. You served, and did your duty – honorably – during a time when many others didn’t. For that, it’s you that deserve our thanks.

Come back anytime you like. You’re always welcome here.


I want all of your names ding danit.~ Wanna be CPO Crash Bernath ( Hon )


Oh, yes, lest I let it go and large-and-stupid barnaclebutt tries to take it down, this is a copy of that review wherein he outed himself as a troublemaker, in the first sentence of the review, to wit:


How To Go Directly Into Solo Law Practice Without Missing a Meal by Gerald M Singer Edition: Hardcover 4 used & new from $19.00
I bought his book and had a 30 year private practice from lawschool, June 19, 2013
This review is from: How To Go Directly Into Solo Law Practice Without Missing a Meal (Hardcover)

“->I saw how miserable people were as associates at law firms and decided that as I was always a troublemaker and was best my own boss that I’d try this. <-

I then worked on my own using his principles. Peculiar thing was that I would get a job offer (to be an associate at mid sized law firms) about every one to two months from one of the lawyers whom I was doing appearances for or writing briefs or motions for. First year out of law school I made $50,000 (in 1985). It was tough going but nobody said a lawyer's life is full of glee. It is a miserable heart breaking existence but overall you get to help your fellow man and you can live in a decent house, eat 3 times a day and feel that you've helped people. Before credit cards would let you be a merchant I would do the work first and had to sue so many fellow lawyers in small claims court. Now with credit cards, just "charge" what you think the work will be per hour and let the credit card company chase any deadbeat lawyer who hires you."

Direct quote. And I have a screen capture on my hard drive, in case this review disappears. Also note the last sentence in the review that indicates bernutsky doesn't understand billable hours or hourly rates. Yes, that is a seriously good way to stiff clients, isn't it?


Shep has served well and even more importantly he has entered on to the long and painful road named “Ultimate Sacrifice”. You see his exposure to agent orange has effected his health severely. He is very ill.

So we all need to double down. Meaning if say and do something … 3 or 4 more of you should do the same or similar. From the press to letters and from emails to cross posting.

I want Shep to witness the full force of our efforts to protect and secure his Valor while destroying any fantasy Danny has about his.

Combat Historian

bernastypants the fake E-7: you are a vile, pathetic, and disgusting cockroach who has stolen not just the valor of others, but their professional work as well. You are the lowest of the low, and may you seriously and earnestly GO FUCK YOURSELF, you pathetic scumbag…

Combat Historian

PH-1 Shepard, thank you for your service. Am deeply sorry to hear you are so ill. Take it day by day, and know we are pulling and praying for you. God Bless…


MCPO: sorry, amigo. Didn’t see your request above to post the photos in the comments until well after Jonn had already done that.


At the risk of repeating myself – “and especially for you, Bernath” – this very NSFW video seems uniquely apropos.

Stealing the photo of a seriously ill man and passing it off as yourself after Photoshopping same is pretty damn low – even for a low-life bottom-feeder without honor such as yourself.


I know Shep’s whole life story, which was pretty rough in places.

Not once has he EVER felt sorry for himself or made excuses. He has made it quite clear that, if something happened, it is what it is, and he’s moved on.

He sure as hell does not deserve what bernutsky has tried to do to him (and to others). This SV thief needs to be taken down, but good.

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