Daniel A. Bernath; phony CPO

| December 11, 2013

Editor’s Note: Daniel A. Bernath passed away on January 21, 2018

Daniel Bernath

Scotty sent this to us over the weekend and I was holding on to it for a drought, but our own Ex-PH2 was excited that Daniel A. Bernath was a PH2, too. Just by looking at the rank on his sleeve, you can tell he’s a phony since, instead of laying out the bucks for new rank, he had a stripe embroidered on the sleeve. He has service stripes for twenty years of service, but his FOIA tells a different story;

3 years and change in active service, and a couple of years in the Reserves. Now let’s do some math – you’ll need most of your fingers, he’s wearing seven awards in the picture and the FOIA says that he has five. Well, finally we got a Navy phony who is not a SEAL.

Bernath portlandia medals

DSCF0759.jpg~original Bernath Caddy

Bernath portlandia medals close up

Bernath crash

ADDED: Look familiar? Courtesy of Sparks to whom I bow for his superior Google-foo belt.

John SheppardDaniel Bernath

From MCPO;

Bernath photos 3

Category: Phony soldiers

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Danny Boy,

“Weather decks are secure, rig for high seas, stand by for heavy rolls”.

You are EF’d!

3/17 air cav

@802…Portland oregon closest big cit


ROG Air Cav.


Master Chief, forwarded info to you. Go to page 52.

Just An Old Dog

A perfect match, and it explains the fucked up rocker. Daniel A Bernath ( Aka Buttblast AKA Birdbath) had to draw it in, Really hoping the VFW flushes this terd.


Thanks, Sparks and Jonn.



3/17 air cav

Hope this story. Makes the local. News tonight. I live maybe 25 miles from this asshat. Just so readers know, Tigard Oregon where dipshit claims to live, is not a destination. It’s pretty much car dealerships and strip molls. Further, its not on the Oregon coast.


You are all AWESOME!

Green Thumb


What a fucking loser.


Bernath you are one stupid son of a bitch aint you? Holy crap… I for one, have enjoyed watching this blow up in his face.
Hell of a job Navy!! Too bad you cannot keel haul the bastard.


MCPO! Turd bird resides in Tigard, OR, a sort of suburb PDX, about 15 mi south as crow flies. Member Tigard VFW.



Apologies to one and all EXCEPT BERNATH for cussing like a bosun’s mate.

No, I have not been taking lessons from Mrs. S.


Sorry for the criss-cross on your send, 3/17.


Sparks. You are a modern day Sherlock Holmes. Nice work.


I’m going to go fix supper now.

The world is now a much better place, thanks to Sparks, Jonn and to Scotty, who brought this clown to light.


EX-PH2. Send me the phone # in CA.

3/17 air cav

@819——No problem, we’re all just trying to expose him as thoroughly as possible and as soon as possible.

EX-PH2…… Bet your going to sleep better tonight.


Bravo Zulu, Sparks. Great job. It figures that the lazy POS wouldn’t venture too far off the navyphoto.net website to get a photo. I wonder why he’d go through all the work to turn PH1’s crow into a PHC’s crow, though.


Looks like the PDX local television broadcasters are:

KPTV (Fox12)

All can be accessed using their call numbers and a (dot) com. Putting a www in front of the call sign depends upon how you roll in that regard.

This was from a very quick look – there well could be others. The Oregonian is at OregonLive (dot) comm.


The Oregon bar may want to take a look at this class act’s moral character. And people wonder why lawyers have such a bad reputation… Yikes… Did he use Paint to draw the additional Chief’s rank on the patch?

Great investigative work! I declare Sparks the Winner of the Internet (Hon).


Sparks – Way to go!


I just got the phone with Shep. He retired from the Navy. He served 5 tours in VN with ST-1 as a shoe Combat Camera. He is 70 and suffers greatly from the effects of agent orange. He greatly appreciates what we have done. He will visit here shortly. He would like to hear and see what we do to Danny Boy as he believes he might be same person who attempted to credit for many of his photos.

Stand by for more. Off the email Shep Blog Thread address.


Yes, way to go Sparks! Hot damn!


Awwww, Jonn, that’s a great story at that link. Wonderful. Have always admired the man, but never knew about his history with the Navy. Well done, sir.

3/17 air cav

Damn, I know this isn’t a feel good story, but it sure feels good to me.

Rob in NH

Sparks! Bravo Zulu!!!!

MCPO and Ex-PH2, BZ also! Go get him shipmates!

Very impressive work!


#828: Where is GIBBS?

I had no idea Bill Cosby was a veteran. None, zip, zero.


Street? With crew, who needs Gibbs??



Errr, THIS crew. 😀


Hibernated this morning and afternoon. All caught up now.

Master Chief, awesome job slapping down this shit stain and closing the noose about his fat, greasy, gibbed neck.

Ex-PH2 … you’re such a learned Renaissance womyn I almost forgot you were capable of such language at 792. Thank Gods I had no coffee to blow out my nose.

Sparks … you rock bro. OutSTANDing! Look forward to seeing PH1 Shep visit to take back his honor from Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath, who just hit … wait for it … #3 for this thread in the GOOOOOOOOGLE ranking!

And Jonn … as always, thank you for making all this possible. Normally this site is like popcorn for me, but Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath made this one personal for me.

The klieg lights are on and the cockroach should be running hard for the nearest dark, dirty corner.


Damn good job, Sparks. Kudos.

And kudos for the excellent job of cursing that j-hole out, Ex-PH2. IMO no apologies to anyone here are necessary. This low-life lying bastard had it coming. If anything, you went easy on him.

Now, it looks like Lady Karma is fast approaching our self-proclaimed “honorary chief”. And tonight, Lady Karma IMO appears to be exceedingly angry. Enraged, even.

You won’t like her when she’s angry, Bernath.


Jonn, great story on Bill Cosby. I never knew he was an Honorary Chief or in the Navy for that matter.

@821 Ex-PH, I had no idea in a hundred years someone here would know Sheppard. But to find out YOU knew him is just perfect, poetic Karma and justice all rolled into one. Don’t apologize for you language either. He has that and far more coming to him.

@828 Master Chief, thanks for all you have done and are doing.

@Jonn, thanks for posting the side by sides. Kinda takes away the doubts.

As for me…just plain ass dumb luck I guess.


Danny Boy,

Shep does not send his regards. He is a good man and retired Navy man.

Thanks to several members here we have dismantled your fraud completely.

Now we get the word out. Other the media, VFW and any public license and certification that you may hold, I am going to the VA, HSI, DHS OIG, Oregon state police.

Media first though, it makes the mulitiple agency initiative sooooo much easier.

Any questions?


Give ’em hell, Master Chief! I’ll return with the mop, bucket, broom and shovel after the mess is over. Hooah. 😎


I spoke with Shep for about an hour. He is not doing well.

Captain Bennett is not the only person Bernath stole from. Yes, Bernath stole the photographs that Shep shot as a combat cameraman with SEAL Team 1 in Vietnam, and tried to claim they were his until Shep found out and put a stop to it.

Bernath needs to be pounded down so far he’ll meet the real Punisher.


Hondo: Tonight, Lady Karma looks and sounds a lot like the younger avatar of a certain Navy shutter-snapper in a pressed khaki skirt, with a true Navy vocabulary.

Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath, be afraid, be very, very afraid. Lady Karma is not cooking her special upgraded SOS for you, or any of her other culinary delights. The only thing she has for you is a patent-leather Navy woman’s dress pump that’s about to go right up your commodious ass.

Mr Blue

Wonder what pathetic excuse Daniel A. Bernath, liar and fraud has for this?


@842: Combat cameraman with the SEALs. Hardcore. Y’all know … THAT could be the vector that gets the Shipleys and The Hair involved.

Ex, if you speak to him again, let Shep know lots of people here (by unhappy accident) are most honored to be learning of the REAL photo-journo that the Phat Pharting-Sharting Phony tried to steal the honor of – and we honor HIM and HIS service.


ExHack, he knows. And there is more to come.


@842 Ex I am truly sorry to hear John Sheppard is not doing well. He has all my respect for being a combat cameraman. I hope and wish the very best for him. He certainly deserves better than to have been “stolen” photographically by the likes of Bernath. I hope Daniel A. Bernath gets everything he has coming to him. Hopefully it will also be, everything he deserves.

A Proud Infidel

@774, MCPO, DAMN NICE HIT!!! You “fragged” the shit, piss, and snot out of him/it with that, and @809, SWEEEEET! NICE WORK, SPARKS!! You took MCPO’s “fragging” and turned it into a direct hit with a 155mm WP round, forget regular, that asswipe is extra crispy!! I hope I get the pleasure of getting to meet you and more of the other regulars here on TAH face to face some day, I’m good for a round or three, buy me a pizza, and I’ll split it with you!!!!


Sparks, et al., I sent Shep’s info to Jonn.

If anyone wants to send him e-mail, cards and letters of support, he would appreciate it deeply.


Shep, when you do get to read all this, just know that a whole bunch of good folks have your six on this. Some of us even have no connection to the US Navy, other than having some good buddies who served there, BUT that just does not matter. Having known a couple of combat photogs who served around the time you did, I consider this pretty personal as well.

So, for you and them, this is beginning to look like the outcome we had hoped for all along, and not taking as long as it sometimes does.

A Proud Infidel

@842, Ex-PH2, I think he has set himself up for an ass-beating so painful, he’ll WISH he got hit by The Punisher, I think Daniel A. Bernath the FAKE E7 is about to be taken on a slow trip through hell that he has set himself up for!!

John Sheppard, PH-1 AC, Ret.

This was a shock to me. The photoshopping was horrible too!! Several years ago a friend sent me Bernaths website or some photos he claimed he shot. They were not his!! They were mine and the newspaper I worked for substantiated that fact.!! I contacted him and told him I would sue him if he did not immediately remove them from his website. These were copyrighted photos! He hemed and hawed and said that someone else must have. Yeah. Right! The problem is that he has done these things and lied his whole life! He is out of control! Who knows what he will do next?! It could be much more serious that lying!

3/17 air cav

Never thought I would ever say it. GO NAVY. Your man SHEPPARD a real legit hero. Five tours Vietnam. Assigned to the SEALS , no walk in the park.

Bernath, photo shopping, rotten, no good valor thief, trying to take credit for photos taken by SHEPPARD some of which had to have been in harms way.

Bernath, you asshole, are lower than a manhole cover. Be patient, KARMA, is just around the corner.

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