An explanation of sorts

| August 14, 2013

A number of you have asked us why all of the Wickre discussions were closed to comments. It wasn’t anything that you guys did, it was Wickre. He’s the reason we can’t have nice things. He started using your screen names to post comments, well, here they are, rather than try to explain their content;

Sockpuppet Psul

You’ll notice all of those comments, screen shot from my “Trash” folder, are from the same IP address, one that we’ve identified as one of the ones Psul uses along with a scad of others.

He started posting them a little after 11 o’clock the other night. I think he was doing it to set us up for a lawsuit because he couldn’t find any comments that y’all have made about in the manner he’d like. But, I didn’t want to stay up all night babysitting his punkass, because unlike Psul, I have job, for a few more months anyway. And then he sent me this email;

I have had it with you. You get your stupid blog off my name or everytingn you thought about will occur.

Lawsuits, damages, court hearings, Va I will haul down your site at IBM get seavey fired from his cush job and turn you over to the VA

Paul Wickre
VP DHS Business Development

F*cking idiot moron, what does the VA care about what I do? He takes his cues from Wittgenfeld who is going to sic his mental health professional on us. But Wickre didn’t darken our virtual doorstep yesterday. I guess he cried himself to sleep and was nursing the biggest hangover of his life all day yesterday.

Category: Shitbags

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@ 707 … I want in. Please add me … thanks!


Don’t you ever get tired of being wrong?

To tell the truth, Twist, I don’t think they have enough of a grip on reality to realize they’ve been proven wrong time after time.

It’s kinda sad.

Old Trooper

@707: I have never heard someone blow their own horn as hard as you do. You must really have a small wiener, that you have to compensate for, by talking like you’re gawds gift to the world. I wouldn’t walk across the street to piss on you if you were on fire.


Shit this dumbass spells as bad as Psul. Don’t they know how low life they sound when they can’t spell.



I have never heard someone blow their own horn as hard as you do.

He’s used to blowing his…ahem…”horn”. Nobody else will get close enough to the clown to do it. I’m surprised he’s flexible enough to get the job done.


I’m seriously beginning to wonder if these two might somehow be related.


Oh, and WitLessOnan? Go pound your piston, preferably while using sand as a lubricant.


Hey, DullASS–Custer was a Brigadier General at the age of 23. Still doesn’t make him any less of a d-bag fuckup. Nor does it you, “gomer.”

And for the last time–this ain’t about you, so go dive through the ionosphere. Preferably without an oxygen tank or pressure suit. I’d imagine trying to skydive up there without either above the Armstrong limit might get a bit uncomfortable before you either passed out or simply stroked out from your blood boiling.

But the thought of it does bring a smile to my face, dipshit.

Green Thumb

Leggo my Phildo.


@707. While you successfully completed the Basic Parachutist’s Course, you are not now, nor have you EVER been an Airborne Ranger. You have not, do not and never will show the discipline, honor and integrity that members of that august regiment show on a daily basis.

That you were a Drill Sergeant is only indicative of the sorry state of the US Army at the time. If you were among the “best and brightest” charged with molding civilians into Soldiers, then we should count our lucky stars that the US was never engaged in a major war after Viet Nam. The Soldiers you produced would have most certainly been a liability to their respective units.

Pathetic. No, not pathetic because that would mean I have some sort of sympathy for you. I have NONE. You have personally set Veteran’s issues BACK by a good ten years if not more by your continuous babbling to all who listen to you.


WitLessOnan. Rofl you win 10 internetz! (See, I can goofy spell too.)


Hey dingle berry Wittgenfeld. What is your affiliation with the S.F.A.? Here let me answer that for you ….NONE

My Sheriff still hasn’t contacted me either ass-clown. Another one of your lies.

My internet provider still hasn’t shut me down yet either dumb ass. Keep on thinking that it’s Hughes net fool.

Shall I continue with the bullshit lies that you’ve been spreading ? so much for any merits of anything you say old man.

Here is a little reminder of your stupidity catching up with you.

Green Thumb

Phildo has been “Philling” the two-holes of American taxpayers for years.


@ 701 – Nice beat down. Well said.


@707 – Witless: Wet your bed much?


Well, aren’t you the precious little snowflake, 705 LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41. You know, I bet that if you actually paid any attention in class, you might have realized that what you said was so full of stupid, it was leaking you all over the deck. Hey FlAgWaVeR… You are soooo full of your supply remf job huh… If you had spent any actual time in the military, you would know that not all 92Y are REMFs. I was not attached to an infantry company, I was assigned to an infantry company. The means that I wasn’t in the supply room during maneuvers, I was right there with the unit, packing the extra weight of more water, food, and ammunition for them. I went through the same training as my unit, was assigned the same duties as my unit, and deployed with my unit. The only difference is that I wasn’t a graduate of the Benning Reformatory Academy nor did I wear the halo and cord. I think I’ll go jump out of the ionosphere as the sun goes down…. what will you be doing in your supply depot…? Nothing..? First off, the ionosphere is not a solid object, so you can’t really jump off of it. As for jumping out of an aircraft in the ionosphere would be very unwise. First off, the upper window of HALO jumps are made at 11km, which is about 39km lower than the ionosphere begins. The only person to ever have jumped from that height was a daredevil with MAJOR support. But, if you want to give it a try, be my guest. Please film it so we can have a laugh as you die of any number of maladies that are suffered that high. As for a supply depot, I have never actually been stationed at one. I’ve traveled to one quite a number of times, but I have never been assigned to one. As for what is done at supply depots, I wouldn’t say it is nothing. Anyone who has ever been in the military knows that supply never actually does… Read more »

Virtual Insanity


In the comments to your link above he said we’d see when he walked into SFA headquarters…did that ever happen? Now that we’re two months after his post?

A Proud Infidel

Hey ShoRtbUsBoY41, do you try to be as big of an idiot as you can, or does it come to you naturally? I can SHIT a more coherent statement than yours after eating only half a can of alphabet soup!!


Witless, I honestly have no idea how it would feel to know that the best part of my life happened more than 40 years ago, and that I had to keep trying to recreate it every day of my life to try and add some kind of substance to every breath that I took. In a way, I feel sorry for you. But then I look at your foolish ranting and self aggrandizing, and I say screw it, you are really a flaming asshole.


#707 typed: “Esquiring minds want to know…”

“Esquiring”? Really?


OIF '06-'07-'08

Well how ‘ya do’in RaDiOTElepHOneOpERaTOR? Come around to see how much of a meltdown your friend Paul K Wickre(aka “BITCH BIO”) had?


@725 – Another superb beat down. “Snowflake” – I love it.

Witless bedwetter, expelled from SFA. Nicely done, turd.


Thank you, thank you.

I’ll be here all week.

Tip your waitress and try the veal.


I think #707 is trying to pull an “internet bar dick contest” be careful tho Psul might think is a buffet .. just sayin’ .. juuuuuust sayin’


You know what the guys in the MoCo lock up are going to be getting shortly…… ass too, ass too, ass too. ass too.


726 Virtual Insanity, No, He never went to the SFA. I don’t believe he contacted them at all. He knew it wouldn’t do him any good if he did. Just the same as he never showed up in Branson MO last Veterans day either. The most recent photo I have of dingleberry shows a pitiful wrinkled up old drunk hanging out of a motel window with a hammer in his hand. He didn’t look to weigh 150 lbs & was peaked as hell.

Frankly Opinionated

Dayum! Paul K. Wickre, and his similarly proven liar friend, Whipitnflogit, are each hell bent on proving what we have already determined; that they are both PATHETIC LOSERS.
“Jump out of the ionisphere…”
You don’t have the necessary physical condition to do that even if you had the connections. Just one more of your lies, Dullass. While I have never been a West Point Cadet, I do live their pledge, “I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.” and the last 4 words of it demand that I would never, ever, consider you as an acquaintance at any level. I do not associate with those of your type.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

This is like an oil well that’s blown its’ cap….there is just no end to the flow of heavy dark material….

These dudes must have zero events on their calendar that they can just poke around all day long and generate tired, delusional diatribes of inanity that make the drug-addled ramblings of Castaneda seem like theoretical physics.

I did think at one time no one could be this stupid, once again I have learned to my chagrin that you can never the challenge the gods of stupid because they never cease to educate you on the sheer magnitude and depth of their impact on the short bus intellects that populate the poser kingdoms of stolen valor.


Wow. I take time away from TAH to do other important things and when I come back here, what do I find?

Why, it’s PRC3 operator dumbbuttskiass whipitinflogit his little old self, showin’ up and trying to impress the people he thinks he’s looking down on.

In fact, I think it’s fair to say that the only ‘prick’ dullass whipitout ever had in his hands was probably the one he carried on his back.

Oh, yeah – ‘dark and deadly jungles’? Not so much. They were only dark and nasty at night, and only if the moon didn’t shine. The rest of the time, the guys were under that triple canopy, which was like being swallowed by a big, green throat, or they were out in the elephant grass, either boiling or freezing, depending on where they were.

Other than the amusement factor in watching you implode, you old fart, you’re boring as all getout, dumbbuttski.

Just an Old Dog

LOngDoNGSucKiT41 said

“I think I’ll go jump out of the ionosphere as the sun goes down….”

That would be a real trick, since the world record for a parachute jump ( made with a pressure suit and jumping from a specially made helium Balloon) was from 7 Miles BELOW the Ionosphere.
The little put putt prop planes you jump your fabby old ass out fall a bit short of the Ionosphere, About 43,000 meters to be exact.
Then again you like to play loose with facts anyway,


Virtual Insanity

VOV 735…

I was thinking more along the lines of the joke that ends with, “…last thing I saw was that poor monkey trying to put the cork back in….”

Virtual Insanity

Oops, VOV 737.


I think we really need a TAH Psychologist for Dillwad Wittlessone. The guy hitches his 4th point to any phony who gives him a shred of attention… I can only imagine the messages flying back and forth between these jackasses, a virtual narcissistic circle jerk. Except there is no one in the middle they are all just jerking themselves off by telling the other their tales of grandeur and victimization at the hands of the evil TAH Cabal.
Seriously though Dallas, what is your affiliation with SFA, and why is it your membership was revoked by them? Remember a copy of that letter was forwarded and published here. You were tossed for lying on your application, for your piss poor conduct, and the list went on… not sure why you are asking Hondo what his status is with the SFA, never saw him claim any.
You on the other hand wielded it like a sword trying intimidate other REAL Veterans. Douchenozzle


Ex-PH2: more likely WitLessOnan “humped” a PRC-25 or PRC-77 in Vietnam. (The PRC-10 was the VHF tac radio used early in Vietnam, but was replaced by the PRC-25 starting in 1965 – years before WitLessOnan ever joined the Army. It’s theoretically possible there might have still been a few around in 1969 in US units, but fairly unlikely.)

The PRC-25 was primary VHF tactical radio used by US ground forces for much of Vietnam. The PRC-77 was its replacement (essentially the same radio with a fully solid-state power amp vice a vacuum-tube output stage). Deployment of the PRC-77 to Vietnam to replace the PRC-25 began in 1968, so WitLessOnan could have carried either.

If he was humping a HF radio at times, that would likely have been a PRC-74. Not all that likely, but possible.


@739 Bulls eye. This guy just physically cannot stop embellishing can he?

You’d think embellishing facts and bloviating are necessary bodily functions for this doofus.

Psul's Liver


Please tell him to stop … I can’t take this much longer!

No more vodka and gin … only ginger all and V8!


Hondo@743, at some point in my distinguished radio repair career, pulled what I thought was an RT-841 (the actual radio of the AN/PRC-77). At least, that was what the data tag said. So, I slide the case off of the radio, and what the fudge do I find inside? Tubes where there should be transistors. (That’s transistors, Paul K. Wickre, not transvestites). Some grunt comm guy pulled a fast one on Maintenance Battalion and got a free upgrade. This was probably 1990, in 29 Palms or maybe Desert Shield. Don’t recall exactly. So yeah, a few stray RT-505B’s are probably still out there. A similar story: A few years later, maybe ’92 or ’93, I was at 1st ELMACO on Pendleton, and we got a bunch of pre-positioned comm gear that came of the storage ship for periodic PMCS. Well, Hack got to work on the mine detectors, since he did such a stellar job as the only comm guy at 3rd Combat Engineers a few years before. So, I get these three mine detectors, a model that I have never seen before. The cases were show room ready. It looked like they shipped directly from the manufacturer. I open the first mine detector, and inside I see the operators manual with “SECRET” in bold font on the cover. “Oh, shit, we have a comsec violation here.” I take it over to god old MGySgt Juliano, the coolest Comm Maintenance Chief you will ever meet. he starts flipping through it, and these mine detectors were manufactured in about 1949. You couldn’t find batteries for these if you tried. His response was “Anything that had electronics back then was considered secret.” He ended up shipping them to the Marine Corps Museum. I forget the particular model, but it was the same one that they had on M*A*S*H when Frank Burns thought the buried kimchee was a land mine. The great unanswered question is who was the idiot that put mine detectors that were over forty years old on a ship to be used in combat, and where did he think they… Read more »

Laughing Wolf

#707 WitLeSsWoNdEr, sure, add me to the list. Cost me my job, please. My boss is an asshole anyway, even if he does occasionally let me drink on the job.

Hondo, I’m with you and either they are related or they drank the same koolaid at some point to erode their minds to this level.

Just an Old Dog

“Hondo, I’m with you and either they are related or they drank the same koolaid at some point to erode their minds to this level.”

Answer to our prayers, some Jim Jones type asshole attracting all the stolen valor types to some remote jungle location and having them drink grape Koolaid spiked with rat poison.

I would probably die myself from laughing so hard, but it would be worth it.

Green Thumb

I wonder if Phildo is still drinking with his MC that are cool with posers?

They keep wiping posts.

Dug in, if you will?

Yo, Phildo, still buying the drinks for the “underlings?”

Must be, because word has it that you are the cocktail party joke on the Merrit island social scene, if invited.

Maybe you should fold up and kick it with the “Big Dawg” in his Section 8.

Have the Colonel that “misplaced” his honor drive you there, and “pick you up”.



You were tossed for lying on your application, for your piss poor conduct, and the list went on

Not that we’d really expect him to tell the truth.

Sounds to me like he’s got exactly the same affiliation with the SFA that I have. Which is to say…none, zip, zilch, nada.

Officer Huffman

We have some further questions as your operation of communication facilities in Mineral County.There are other questions as to the WVA cyber/computer code as to illegal monitoring operations . The Md authority has further questions, as to “abuse, harass and annoy in several States”.

I will be
Back on duty station Wednesday and need you to call me as to your complaint.
It seems to me, based on the calls from attorneys, that we need to review your report.

WVA State Troopers


I was in Okinawa and living in the dorms we had concrete and re-bar building and *bugs*….
I was working Air Cargo and TMO and we had these little green cans of spray……we took them back to the dorms and like the Wd-40 with a straw, bombed the rooms along the cracks and the cork board edges we had and then *EVERYTHING* came out. ants roaches and all hell broke loose to get out.
It was very effective…….because on the label…from the 1970s…..DDT….Yay!!!!



/and die


Now, why do you suppose a member of the WV State Police would post a comment here originating from a wireless POP in the western part of the Baltimore, MD, metro area?


I was in Okinawa and living in the dorms we had concrete and re-bar building and *bugs*….
I was working Air Cargo and TMO and we had these little green cans of spray……we took them back to the dorms and like the Wd-40 with a straw, bombed the rooms along the cracks and the cork board edges we had and then *EVERYTHING* came out. ants roaches and all hell broke loose to get out.
It was very effective…….because on the label…from the 1970s…..DDT….Yay!!!!


Hang on folks, the drunkstorm is about to hit.

The Al

@751- hi, psul. Your wife let you go buy some Thunderbird?

Frankly Opinionated

RE #751 Officer Huffman:
Really Dullass, or is it Paul K. Wickre, attempting to impersonate a LEO. If, on the rare chance, that it is “Officer Huffman”, allow me to ask: “What in hell are you doing using your official position here in a Mil-blog conversation? You are truly a douche, and for taking up with the PATHETIC LOSER, Weak Ree, you are in the same category.” Not that I think for one minute that this is really “Officer Huffman” commenting.
Pauli Boi, and you, Whipitnflogit, are a pair of PATHETIC LOSERS and both Confirmed, proven LIARS. Suck it.



You need more Popsicle sticks and duct tape for your limp dick.

VIAGRA® isn’t working any more.

I *WISH* this pussy biatch was up in the area where I had *people* to reach from Merritt Island Florida/Cocoa Beach and the Government IG.


I’m guessing it’s Wickless and not Witless. Otherwise it would have been “OfFiCeR HuFfMaN”. In other words, it would have looked like a halfwit 12 year old girl wrote it, rather than a drunken, no self-esteem, tranny.