Dallas Wittgenfeld

| April 23, 2012

This guy’s records are a big question mark. He’s wearing a CIB, but according to his records, he was a commo guy in Vietnam, so there is no way he’s authorized to wear a CIB. He’s also wearing infantry brass with the blue background and a blue rope which he’s also not authorized to wear. But his FOIA says he was awarded a CIB;

But then I’ve never seen a FOIA that listed Letters of Commendation and Certificates of Achievement, either. So all of that makes me suspicious. Here’s his record of assignments from his Form 2-1;

The dates of his assignments coincide to the history of his two Ranger units, according to the 75th Ranger Regiment Association. But like I said, if he altered his military records to add the CIB, there’s no reason to believe he didn’t alter his assignments, too. The fact that he’s listed as a 05B20 while he was in Advanced Individual training is suspicious, too. I’m sure he wasn’t a Sergeant E-5 after four months of service.

And here’s a picture of him wearing a green beret at the Wall, and that’s a Purple Heart and Ranger scroll on his chest;

According to the Special Forces Association membership rules, he’s not eligible to be a member based on his assignments to Ranger units, so the green beret thing is right out.

You and I both know from looking at these records that he’s not authorized all of the infantry stuff, but how that CIB got in his records, I’ll never know, well, unless he gives up the ghost and tells us the truth. Not holding my breath.

Thanks to the folks at Scotty’s Hideaway, for the stuff.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Well, since I KNEW sailors stationed at Subic Bay and Olongapo, back in the very long ago, I’ll use what THEY said to me, not your diluted reference.

And no Marine that I knew coming back from Vietnam ever used ‘me luv you long time, GI’ when telling me about the boomboom girls. It was ‘I love you no shit, Marine, buy me drink, Phuong give you numbah one blow job long time, short time, you pick, Marine, only 4000P.’

Tim Ramey

Not propping him up. But I’m gonna get the orders or I”m gonna find out they don’t exist. I’m not like you guys who will wait for months and months and just keep bitching. I want the shit in my hand yesterday.

I will find the truth, that I assure you.

2-17 AirCav

I don’t get it. I got suckered twice in the same thread. Guess I’m too soft or too stupid. I thought Raney was sincere with the cmt at 680, what with his sentiments regarding his Dad. Then he comes back and fans what I thought were fading embers. I’ll just retire now and contemplate where I went wrong.



It appears that, based on the time stamp of each, frequency and number of, and the delusional and confusing posts by Tim Ramey, he has been awake and at his computer for 24 to 36 hours.

It must be terribly lonely in the PI.



@708, Someone has watched Full Metal Jacket one too many times.


@Twist: “Full Metal Jacket” only once. Verbage direct from Chink Morris, who told me he was just glad to be back home, while I was on leave after boot.

MCPO, probably ran out of money.


Timmy , Timmy, Timmy , Pay attention to detail chubby. you answered the first part of my question which was if your father was an orig. member of the 151st Indiana National guard which you confirmed as a yes he was. Now considering that Dallas wasn’t assigned to the HHC IIFORCEV until 29 Apr. of 70, ( 5 months after the orig. 151st Guard members rotated out of RVN. ) It appears that Dallas is lying about your own fathers time in country.Or is there proof that your father stayed in country and served with the 75th . and then went on with Dallas to serve with the HHC II FFORCEV that Dallas is claiming that he did in the photo posted on Dallas Wittgenfeld’s f/b profile. Of course unlike you, what I’m commenting on is fact & not hearsay.


Excuse me admins , Comment 714 is mine. i’m on a diff. pc right now & didn’t see that I wasn’t logged on..my, mistake.. dropping and pumping out 50 push ups now.


Actually, Ramey – we’ve done quite a bit more than sit around and bitch. Getting paperwork back from NPRC takes a while sometimes – especially if you end up dealing with a tech who doesn’t know what they can and cannot release and have to reprocess the same request multiple times.

Regarding Wittenfeld’s CIB: there’s never been any question that something in his official records shows Wittgenfeld has a CIB. The question has always been whether or not the CIB was legitimate under the regs of the day.

If what the ABCMR case states is accurate, Wittgenfeld’s CIB may well be legit. I’ll want to find and read a copy of USARV Reg 672-1 myself to satisfy myself it actually says what the ABCMR says it does – the Army reg of the day doesn’t say that at all. However, the ABCMR doesn’t usually screw up interpreting historical or current regs, either. They’ve got a damn good staff.

That USARV reg might not be available on-line, given its age; the fact that it was a local vice DA reg; and the length of time it’s been obsolete. Might have to find a hardcopy in an archive to check it out.

Tim Ramey

Hondo I just received 2 sets of orders:

1) Orders awarding Wittgenfeld the SMOS of 11B2P

2) The Combat Infantryman’s badge

Where and how should I send them?

Tim Ramey

These orders contain the names of many other soldiers and their SSN’s have been redacted by NPRC.


Well goody-goody fucking gumdrops, they do exist.

So tell me Timmah, does that excuse his Grade-A fucktardery since then?

Does it excuse him FLYING drunk?

Does it excuse him falsely claiming BSM-V’s on multiple occasions?

Hoookay, thanks for playing, you may run along now.

Tim Ramey

Sorry you feel that way.

Tim Ramey

Tumbleweeds blowing across the prarie….


Timmy are you smoking some of that local juju weed over in the PI? Scroll to the very top and look for the CONTACT US link or do you need one of Yawn’s houseboys to crawl out from under your desk and do it for you?


BTW one more thing for you Timmy…these orders you claim to have received will be verified, I am sure, as authentic and if you are trying to pull a fast one by doing what Dallas has thus far refused to do I’d suggest you rethink that idea.


Tim – use the “Contact Us” Link.. it is not hard. it goes right to Jonn’s email…

Tim Ramey

OEF_Veteran: I’ve never uttered a disrespectful word to you. Ever.

Never said anything untoward to you.

You don’t like me fine. But please remember I’ve never done anything to you.

I’ve never claimed wartime service

I’ve never claimed a medal, ribbon, badge or tab that I didn’t earn.

Don’t ever threaten me, scumbag.

Been out of the Army for almost 30 years, and I see the mentality hasn’t changed at all.

Happiest day of my fucking life was when I was discharged. Why? Because of people who talk and act like you.

Tim Ramey

Get a life, people. Can’t play Soldier your whole life…

Yat Yas 1833

Tim Ramey, I’ve been coming here less than a year,as such I don’t remember seeing your name before. If you look in the “Phony Soldier” section of this blog you’ll see what we have come up against. Some realize they’re busted, tuck tail and slink away. Others, once they’re busted, make more outrageous claims then come the ridiculous threats of lawsuits, threats of physical violence, etc. No one here is trying to play “soldier”. The largest majority of us are either Honorably Discharged or Honorably Retired veterans from all branches. I myself served a very boring single three year tour in the Marine Corps in the ’70s. I received an Honorable Discharge as a Sgt. (E-5). I have never exaggerated my service or decorations and I won’t abide anyone who does.


Get a life, people. Can’t play Soldier your whole life…

Says the guy who can’t get laid without going to the PI. Most of us gave up the, “fuck, suck, run amok” games before we reached half your age, scooter.

Food for thought.

Just Plain Jason
Tim Ramey

I just sent emails to the President of the Company D(RANGER) 151st Airborne Infantry Association, and the 75th RRA. I’ve submitted RANGER Wittgenfeld’s orders and stated that as far as I’m concerned Ranger Wittgenfeld has never worn anything on his uniform that he hasn’t earned.

End of story and case closed.

This will be my last post on this piece of shit blog and the piece of shit people that inhabit it.

Just Plain Jason
Just an Old Dog

I noticed that Mr Ramey mentioned a gentleman by the name of Darrell Holder that was awarded a Silver Star. If he is really good with records he may want to contact the people who keep the online database of Silver Star recipients as There is no one by the name of Holder in the US Army that received a Silver Star in Vietnam. If he has Evidence to the contrary he could correct that.

Just an Old Dog

I just looked up the citation on the Unit’s website, Be great if they could fix the website to reflect Mr Holder’s award. Even better if perchance it never made it onto his DD214 get the record corrected.

Just Plain Jason

This flare up clocked in at around 130 posts (including my nonsense), which if Mr. Ramey…if that is your real name…you could have simply saved us all of the time and aggravation by simply and quietly sending in the documents you currently say you are sending in. I would be willing to bet that Jonn and TSO would have put out one of the BIGGEST retractions EVER! In the HISTORY of blogs. Now how long should it take for said documents to come around and to be verified. I don’t know you know how e-mail runs these days, it can be slow and all. Now if the documents you send are legit and it verifies that Dallas Wittgenfield is completely legit I will take a picture of myself kissing my cat Mackinac’s ass and send it in to TSO so that it can be posted. Don’t worry they have my e-mail and everything so it will be on the up and up. I will also type an apology on my own behalf for referring to Wittgenfield as the “flying assclown”. So remember legit documents=pic of me kissing cat butt and an apology. I will also be expecting a visit from the Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny that same day…

Joe Williams

One other little thing,Dullass talks down and belttles all the Sandbox Warriors. Only his actions are acceptable. While you are at it,Please post a copy of his orders for the Air Medal he also cliams.

Tim Ramey

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Tim Ramey

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Tim Ramey

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Just Plain Jason

Tim I think you may have opened up something you may not have wanted to open. I am not sure if you are just not aware of what you just did or if you are being honest.

Tim Ramey

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ARCOM with valor def not the same thing as a BSM with valor. Timmah youre a tool. And if those records were so quickly available to you why hasnt the ass clown produced them? Something smells fishy here…….


Timmah, I thought you weren’t coming back, man?


Ramey: as I’ve said multiple times: there has never been any question as to whether something in Wittgenfeld’s records showed he had a CIB. His ARCOM w/V has also never been questioned. What was always in question was whether or not Wittgenfeld’s CIB was legitimate under the regs in effect in 1969 and 1970. We’ve seen official documents that turned out to be in error and which were later revoked here, too. See Aden, Ken. I’ve had a redacted copy of Wittgenfeld’s CIB orders for months, as well as proof of his 11B SMOS (a redacted DA20 – that document shows slightly different date for his MOS, but close enough to not matter; written orders sometime lag VOCO). What was still in question was whether or not he’d ever (a) served as an infantryman and (b) been in a firefight after award of that 11B MOS while performing duties as an infantryman. What I didn’t have – and still have not verified – was word of the alleged policy exception in USARV Reg 672-1 allowing infantry RTOs award of the CIB in Vietnam. Assuming USARV Reg 672-1 says what you (and the ABCMR) states it does, it looks like Wittgenfeld’s CIB may be legit after all. If that’s true, USARV apparently took local liberties with the existing Army reg of the day and “Big Army” decided to either approve the exception or look the other way. I can’t say either would shock me, since I’ve seen DA “look the other way” in other cases when I thought they shouldn’t. But I’ll want to read the pertinent part of USARV 672-1 it for myself – just to be sure. And just in case you didn’t notice: the 11B orders you posted show you were flat wrong regarding your (and Wittgenfeld’s) “everybody got an 11F SMOS” claim above. 11B isn’t the same as 11F. Both are Infantry MOS, but they’re not the same MOS. The next time you correspond with or speak to Wittgenfeld, tell him he should have been man enough to send Jonn the docs himself. I’m not buying you… Read more »


@713, I was refering to Tim using the “me love you long time” reference, not you. Sorry that I wasn’t clear on that.


@746 Twist — Thank you, did not know that, but I did feel it was necessary then, and always, to be clear about my sources of information,especially when they’re that specific. So if I have questions about MOS’s, it’s because the Navy uses rate, note MOS, for job designations, and sometimes I feel as though I need a crypto dictionary to follow the jargon.

As to TR’s continuing verbal forays:
‘Don’t ever threaten me, scumbag.’ — NO ONE HAS THREATENED YOU, RAMEY.

‘Been out of the Army for almost 30 years, and I see the mentality hasn’t changed at all. Happiest day of my fucking life was when I was discharged. Why? Because of people who talk and act like you.’ — THEN WHY IN THE BLUE-EYED WORLD DO YOU KEEP COMING BACK HERE?

It seems that this is another one of Whipitnflogit’s manifestations of his histrionic personality disorder, so, people, I think NHSparky and Bubblehead Ray would agree that it’s time to cut line and run. U think there are more important subjects to discuss.


…that should be “I think there are more important…etc.”

Not enough caffeine. Must make stronger tea on rising. Paint peeler.


Damn shutterbugs and shore duty pukes…lol. Whoever said a good cup of coffee is where you can see a dime in the bottom of the cup was lying. A good cup of coffee is where you see a dime DISSOLVE in the bottom of the cup.

And Timmah…just to paint the obvious for ya…nobody is buying the bullshit. Save your pesos for more short times and drowning your sorrows over pitchers of mojo.


OK, Sparky, you’re on. This ain’t no sh1t: At NPC, when I was in the Still Photo Print lab, the unwritten rule was that whoever took the last cup of coffee out of the big pot — those old steel percolators, remember them? — whoever took the last cup had to make a new pot. PH1 Ray Mouncey frequently took the last cup but NEVER EVEr made a new pot. It fell to me, one day, as I was still a PHAN (that’s E-3 to you USA/USMC types) to make a new pot, and as I do not drink coffee, I did not want to have to follow up for someone who was a lazy frack and wanted people to do everything for him — and I mean, EVERYTHING. However, I agreed to make the next pot. I also asked why there was no big pot of hot water for those who wanted to make tea or those Lipton instant soups that had just started coming into the commissary or even hot chocolate on a cold winter day. That was taken under advisement by Chief (PHSC) Kasukaitis, who retired (as I understand it) to Christchurch later on. As I was cleaning up the mess left behind by others, I asked PH3 Liz Spaulding, also known as Liz the Blob, how to make coffee in that giant percolator. She told me to fill the basket to the second line — seriously! To the second line. That’s almost half a pound of coffee. And then, she said, fill the pot with water up to the line. So I dutifully spooned a half pound of coffee into the basket, to the second line, filled the tank to the line with water, put the basket into the percolator, put the lid on the pot, and turned it on. A few minutes later, LT Tuthill (mustang, really good guy), our division officer, came into the Still lab with his personal coffee mug in his hand. He had the habit, as he told me later, of drinking about twenty cups of coffee a day, and had… Read more »


ACtually, it might have been a full pound of coffee grounds. It was a four-pound can, and I used a lot.


So the Doucherocket actually was awarded a CIB and it is apparently legit. Wow why didn’t he just come out and show the orders early on and this entire hoopla would have been over and done with. I guess this is what happens when a person is such an attention whore that they will do anything to remain relevant in society.

I’ll say it here and now…

My apologies for doubting that your CIB and 11B MOS were legit Doucherocket but as stated above you could have brought this to an end a lot sooner instead of being an attention whore and not simply doing the right thing.


Still doesn’t explain why or how he got into SFA (although I totally understand why they booted his ass) or why he’s STILL claiming to be SF.


He is still an arogant and disrespectful POS!

The manner in which he refers to other people suggests he is a BAD APPLE. The assclownery he engages in while wearing the his own modified uniforms is disgraceful. No apologies here. He has proven to be and has acted like a class A Jackass … from start to finish!

He is not what he says he is. His actions and the record prove so!

Tim Ramey

I happen to think you’re an arrogant and bloviating prick. Someone needs to knock that fucking smirk off your face, squid!


Timmah–seriously. Just because you come here under Anon doesn’t mean we don’t know and can’t prove very easily it’s you.

Why don’t you go stand in front of a Jeepney already? It’s apparent that you can’t follow the advice you gave yourself in post 730.

Don’t go away mad, Timmah–just go away.


Sparky, don’t talk to it. You’re only encouraging it.