An explanation of sorts
A number of you have asked us why all of the Wickre discussions were closed to comments. It wasn’t anything that you guys did, it was Wickre. He’s the reason we can’t have nice things. He started using your screen names to post comments, well, here they are, rather than try to explain their content;
You’ll notice all of those comments, screen shot from my “Trash” folder, are from the same IP address, one that we’ve identified as one of the ones Psul uses along with a scad of others.
He started posting them a little after 11 o’clock the other night. I think he was doing it to set us up for a lawsuit because he couldn’t find any comments that y’all have made about in the manner he’d like. But, I didn’t want to stay up all night babysitting his punkass, because unlike Psul, I have job, for a few more months anyway. And then he sent me this email;
I have had it with you. You get your stupid blog off my name or everytingn you thought about will occur.
Lawsuits, damages, court hearings, Va I will haul down your site at IBM get seavey fired from his cush job and turn you over to the VA
Paul Wickre
VP DHS Business Development
F*cking idiot moron, what does the VA care about what I do? He takes his cues from Wittgenfeld who is going to sic his mental health professional on us. But Wickre didn’t darken our virtual doorstep yesterday. I guess he cried himself to sleep and was nursing the biggest hangover of his life all day yesterday.
Category: Shitbags
Paul K. Wickre could well have someone else checking in for him. Or, there could be someone else checking in ON him.
His wife may be wanting to see if someone from All Points Logistics such as Phillip Dale Monkress or even Trevor Frye is commenting here about his dilemma. If it is Pauli Boi, surely he must really be itching to hit the comment box, but perhaps doesn’t want to face the failure of seeing his comment go to moderation.
He is such a PATHETIC LOSER.
On a lighter note, I had a great day today; training my pup, “Karma”,(which is of a breed and usage that actually has value), built her the first of her dog houses, named it “The House of Karma”. Shot a half dozen magazines of ammo on the range here at the farm, and cleaned a bunch of my weaponry while listening to “Alabama” sing patriotic songs and my absolute favorite of theirs: “You Can’t Keep a Good Man Down”. Life is good when you don’t consider yourself an “elite”, or a member of the lucky sperm club.
Suck it, Paul.
RE#632 NavCWORet:
Since he doesn’t care to have a conversation with us, wouldn’t his just sitting and reading be sorta like that wacky neighbor who is always window peeking the neighborhood? Not a big threat, but crazy as a loon.
It must suck to be Paul K. Wickre.
I’m going to put in my two literary cents’ worth on the situation at hand.
There are three types of villains: bullies, bastards and bitches.
Phildo is a bastard. psul the uncool is not just a bully, he is also Phildo’s bitch.
Just because we don’t see his drivel posted here and there, slavering all over the place, it does not mean that he is not around. Perhaps he may think he has some kind of — and don’t take it the wrong way — some kind of ‘fan club’, except that we are truly NOT FANS of psulie-o the uncoolie-o or his bastardly boss Phildo “Philodough” Monkress.
I don’t think he’s locked up anywhere; he’s just blocked and put into the trash bin where he belongs. Ain’t that right, psul the uncool?
I also think that the timing of this does actually have a great deal to do with this continuing postponement of Phildo’s DUI trial. If he loses his clearance and his contacts, it becomes a moot point, doesn’t it?
For that reason, I expect, as I previously said, another screaming tantrum thrown at us around 8/27, mostly in an effort to skeer usn’s silly…. as if that could happen.
I’ve been more frightened of the horseflies that show up in the woods — the size of helicopters — than I am of those two idiots.
So we still don’t know how he’s hanging, darn
Heidi, don’t get my hopes up with that word. 🙂
This turd (and Phildo) is (are) Bullshit Artist(s).
Do not forget that.
Just a heads up.
Phildo, are you going to “pick me up?”
Well ex- it could be right/left in a twist I just dont know, knowing the man he is, geez
Gt, not going to ask
And word has it that “Phildo” and APL are avoiding calls seeking clarification of Phildo’s claims with respect to his Native American, Law Enforcement and former military (SEAL) status.
Will the retired Air Force Colonel please step up?
Time to help yourself, sir.
Phildo is a joke and a black hole for taxpayer and citizen’s dollars. The paycheck cannot be worth justifying Phildo’s claims (lies) and Paul’s (of the Ballsack) behavior.
Not to mention Phildo’s criminal behavior and current charges.
Why is this clown the CEO of APL?
Maybe you should be in charge?
Should not be hard.
GT – APL is in major trouble due to Plildonious Minimus’ DUI and the disclosure that he is not who he has claimed to be. Fellow leaders at APL are either (1) totally clueless on “the boss'” background and the lies that follow him like a case of herpes, or (2) they are part of the coverup of Phil’s “history”. APL is following their lawyer’s advice, and their own Risk Management plan (if they had one) on not talking and praying the shitstorm goes away. The problem that the have now is the DUI trial and Paulie NoNutz showing upmon this blog making threats against everyone here.
Best case scenario right now for them – one of the “C” level execs stepping up and telling Phildonious to take an extended leave (more like a “go the fuck away” statement), and start talking to the Feds about what has been happening for the last 10-15 years concerning their contracting practices. This would be an ideal time for Paulie to flip on Phil and APL in order to get a reduced sentence for his threats to Jonn and TSO (5 years in the hole for a 57 year old man would probably be detrimental to his health).
Paulie – stop the lurking and turn yourself in to the local LEOs. This whole mess is of your doing and the only way of getting it to stop is to surrender to law enforcement, get the mental health assistance you need (not only for you but your family’s well being) and let the Feds know about your involvement at APL. If Phil beats you to the punch, he will make you the fall guy for everything that has happened since you we’re hired at APL. You will go to jail – the length of time is up to you…
HMCS, I highly doubt that the Philsbury Hoe-Boy (aka Paul K. Wickre) will turn himself into police. Right now, I can see this ending one of three ways.
1) He checks himself into a laughing academy and gets arrested when he is discharged after they see through his supposed problems.
2) He attempts to flee and gets arrested when the police puts out a BOLO for his warrant.
3) He gets piss drunk and continues his asshatery and gets arrested when the police execute the warrant at his house.
I highly doubt he has the intelligence or actual connections to contemplate anything else. Heck, the fact that only a real estate lawyer would handle his problem with us speaks volumes about his “contacts.”
HEY…. FlagWaver…?
4. Is when the Maryland State Police arrest Jonn V. Lilyea at his government job first….. near his Silver Spring Maryland apartment where he operates his iPredator computers.
That paperwork was signed, sealed, being delivered to the head of the stolen valor mafia today, if they can find him…
Well, I guess we were about due for a periodic flare-up of our other online hemorrhoid . . . .
Not to mention a sane/rational person would have seen what Monkress was trying to do (if he was in fact trying to use Wickre as a “shiny” to distract) and said “Screw this!” at some point BEFORE communicating death threats to combat veterans.
Seems to me the Lucky Sperm (Guzzler) Club needs a little bleach in that gene pool.
@670- aw, is Dallas mad because hims isn’t getting all the attention?
Silver Spring?
Can either of those maroons ever get anything right?
That was a rhetorical question. No need to answer.
Hey, dumbbuttski whipitnflogit, one of my villains was (sort of) named after you, but he got eaten by a shark. Wishful thinking on my part, you know.
Hey, Witless, you haven’t figured out that the thoroughbred that you were riding turned out to be a jackass? You actually fell for all of Paul’s sugar daddy lies and figured that you could use his “wealth” and “connections” to further your agenda. Here’s a tip, he has neither. If you would actually do some research on your own, you would have figured it out.
By the way, Witless, you’ve won the Mongolian National Lottery. If you could just manage to send a $5000 retainer and your bank account information, the $5M winnings will be wired directly into your account.
Are you and Paul playing the “who can be a bigger dumbass” game?
Whipitnflogit had the shark coming, great scene
Thanks, Heidig, I haven’t figured out what to do with Bledsoe yet, but he’s such an idiot I saved him for the next ‘bad guy bites the big one’ episode.
I’m mystified by this bit from psul the uncool in his e-mail blather up at the top: ‘I will haul down your site at IBM’.
Can someone tell me what IBM has to do with this, or any other, blog or website? Is paul k wickre really so dimwitted about computers and the intertubes that he actually thinks IBM has anything to do with it?
Hey, psulie-o the uncoolie-o, if you’re that far behind on technocrap and what’s going on with it, that’s a REAL good reason you can’t find a job anywhere.
I’ll bet he thinks Wang is still in business marketing word processors for office use.
@ 677
The only “Wang” Paul is interested in is Phil’s.
@678 – Airforcekj, ROFLMAO!
Good thing I ran out of ice tea before I read that.
You said it for me, too!!!
Dillwad, go back to dressing like a clown…. you really live that identity as it is.
In case anyone is wondering about Psul’s visits, here’s a roundup over the last several hours;
Aug 19 2013 8:32am 1 action 10s
Aug 19 2013 7:27am 3 actions 2m 21s
Aug 19 2013 4:51am 3 actions 1m 28s
Aug 19 2013 2:28am 4 actions 2m 42s
Aug 19 2013 12:18am 9 actions 12m 47s
Aug 18 2013 7:48pm 3 actions 1m 18s
Aug 18 2013 5:24pm 6 actions 5m 1s
That makes 235 visits since May 20th
Is he just visiting, or looking for a hole in the perimeter?
I had a witty response all put up for BuTtPlUgGeD 41, but then came to the stark realization that he wouldn’t be able to understand it.
Any grown man who willingly writes their name like a 12 year old girl doesn’t have the wherewithal to understand much.
The only “hole” he’s looking for is on the backside of Phil.
You are making this so easy for me.
Morning Folks……Stand by for MY BALLS UPDATE!!!!..
yep, still there.
I wish I could travel to MoCo Maryland to await the inevitable STUFFIN’ and CUFFIN’…”kew kew kew kew kew ..Roscoe P. COLETRAIN!!! Gonna Get them Wickre Boys!”
Airforcekj – You thought it was unintentional on my part? Hah!
SoftLayer is owned by IBM… Got that picture Goobers ..?
Ex You are the best!!
Go away Dullass….you’re not wanted here.
@687 – Oooooooo! Someone is sockpuppeting Whipitnflogit!
That’s FAR too coherent for LoNGranGEpaTRol41, sport. Try harder.
Cash Money says “Daily logistical operations and coordination are breaking down between various remote APL sites. What once used to be routine has now become cumbersome due to seclusion, distrust and suspicion”.
Cash Money says “Phil Monkress has become reclusive to the point of intentional disregard of company operations”.
Cash Money also says “Loyalty and bonus money (although unethical) would seem to have become bywords in stabilizing operations. The only problem are those less senior members that are overlooked. Subversion and disinformation reign supreme.”
I say we get together and buy the flying assclown a new parachute,,,, one that opens on impact.
I know where he can come across a few that were just dunked in seawater a few times.
But the problem there is, salt crystals do nasty things to parachute material, and ya really got to check them close.
And I’m gonna take a wild guess here and say that even if DullASS does checks his chutes before he packs them (and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t) he’s so bleary eyed from cheap booze he’d probably miss the signs anyway.
It’s pretty obvious that he counts to three and opens his chute, cause he’s too fuckin stupid to count to five.
Phildo and Paul (of the Ballsack): Lets see, a pathological liar and a mentally unstable conman.
And APL receives taxpayer funds how?
I wish we were able to be at Paul K. Wickre’s arrest. We could have a hell of a tailgate party. Good food, good drinks, and our favorite music, with all of us sporting TAH tee shirts. I’ll make a Psul Playlist. First up is:
Any music ideas for the Paulie goes to the slammer playlist please post them because I’m actually going to make one for my phone.
Psulie-boi’s cellmate is warming up with a nice little jailhouse rendition of NIN’s “Closer” so I’m told.
“SoftLayer is owned by IBM… Got that picture Goobers ..?” What the hell does that mean? I’m guessing that there is supposed to be something pertinent to TAH in that but I don’t know what.
It means that IBM bought SoftLayer Technologies on June 6, 2013, that’s all.
‘Goobers’ are those funky choco-covered things you get in the box marked “Goobers” at the movie theater. Or it could refer to ‘Goober’, the guy from the ‘Gomer Pyle’ TV series.
I doubt, however, that Big Blue will answer the call of a disgruntled fat blowhard paid to act as a cyberbully on behalf of a contractor who is defrauding the taxpayers, in addition to his (posted) death threats to various and sundry posting persons pertinent to this blog.
So, large and nasty, so you lose again.
351BG, I would offer ‘Jailhouse Rock’ but even though I’m not a huge Elvis fan, I believe the King is too cool for psul.
Maybe ‘Ride of the Valkyrie’ by Wagner?
Or that dodo bird ‘doom on you’ sequence from ‘Ice Age’?
Ex-PH2: yep – “Goober” Pyle was “Gomer” Pyle’s cousin.
Hey, wait a min – “Goober”, “Gomer”, cousins. “Dallas”, “Psulie”, . . . ?
I sure would like to know what kind of mischief those two think they’re going to cook up.
While I’m waiting to find out, I will be making a valiant attempt to finish up two stories and get a good start on the second volume of my book about SEALs.
I know I should feel honored that I got a reply from LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41, but instead I feel like I need a shower. With that said, allow me to break down what you wrote and point out exactly how stupid it makes you sound (as opposed to how stupid you really are, which is kind of my point). HEY…. FlagWaver…? I know you might be confused by your obvious lack of coordination using your own shift key, but I am not. My screen name of ‘Flagwaver’ has only one capitalization as it is used as a name. It is an actual word in the American language and is defined as “one who is intensely and conspicuously patriotic.” So, there is no second capitalization in it as it is written correctly in my board handle. 4. Is when the Maryland State Police arrest Jonn V. Lilyea at his government job first….. Since you obviously typed this in a word processor program before posting it, I am curious why there are so many errors. Those little underlined words means something it wrong with it and can be fixed really easily in the word. Secondly, why would law enforcement arrest a person for swearing out a complaint against another individual after presenting the evidence of a broadcast intent of assault across state lines? I think you should watch a little more Perry Mason before posting such things. Finally, ellipsis are only three periods, not five. When a word processor auto-corrects them correctly, and you keep on poking the key, it makes you look spastic. However, you also used them wrong. At the end of a sentence, they are used to indicate an unfinished thought that trails off into silence. Admittedly, I use them to show a pause in a thought, but at least I use them half-way correctly. They can also be used to show a broken statement, like I am using them below. …near his Silver Spring Maryland apartment where he operates his iPredator computers. First of all, Jonn isn’t using an iPredator program. Since he runs this blog, he… Read more »
PH2: Maybe they be sitting at co-joined desks, spitting in the palm of their hands rubbing ’em together them giving each a high five, every time one of them *farts*?
@701 Nice.
@683 was me. I cleared out my cookies and forgot to replace my information.
SoftLayer is owned by IBM… Got that picture Goobers ..?
Yes. That’s true, It’s also irrelevant.
You’re a joke. That is also true, and it’s much more relevant.
Hey FlAgWaVeR… You are soooo full of your supply remf job huh…
I think I’ll go jump out of the ionosphere as the sun goes down…. what will you be doing in your supply depot…? Nothing..?
Soooo you weenies think that IBM will have nothing to say about your iPredator activites on their for profit servers over at SoftLayer…. YOU are delusional… Watch and see…
This is how I picture these two jackasses
Hey Hondo…. what’s your real name and affiliation with the S.F.A….. ? Esquiring minds want to know…
Lilyea and Seavey going to court… Blowers losing his job over at the V.A. in Boston Then “Hondo P. Cultrain” attached to the S.F.A. Case in North Carolina and my renumerations… Anybody else need to go, want to go, on a “perp-walk” for Dallas..?
iPredators are people iAddicted… just like everybody y hereon… and they go around cyber/harassing and dishonoring the combat disabled for their fun and profit… THAT’S YOU.. Goobers.
I wasn’t the goobers or gomers… I was the Airborne Ranger Drill Sergeant at 22 years old. NOT even jar-head Sgt. Carter could hold a candle to me. This place is “Gomerland” man…
You know, the way you type your name like a half-witted 12 year old girl, you have exactly no room to call anyone a goober or a gomer.
You’ve made a joke of yourself. A side-show act. You really want to believe you are somebody, but really you’re a court jester, without the prestige.
“Lilyea and Seavey going to court… Blowers losing his job over at the V.A. in Boston”
You know you turds keep saying that. Don’t you ever get tired of being wrong?