An explanation of sorts

| August 14, 2013

A number of you have asked us why all of the Wickre discussions were closed to comments. It wasn’t anything that you guys did, it was Wickre. He’s the reason we can’t have nice things. He started using your screen names to post comments, well, here they are, rather than try to explain their content;

Sockpuppet Psul

You’ll notice all of those comments, screen shot from my “Trash” folder, are from the same IP address, one that we’ve identified as one of the ones Psul uses along with a scad of others.

He started posting them a little after 11 o’clock the other night. I think he was doing it to set us up for a lawsuit because he couldn’t find any comments that y’all have made about in the manner he’d like. But, I didn’t want to stay up all night babysitting his punkass, because unlike Psul, I have job, for a few more months anyway. And then he sent me this email;

I have had it with you. You get your stupid blog off my name or everytingn you thought about will occur.

Lawsuits, damages, court hearings, Va I will haul down your site at IBM get seavey fired from his cush job and turn you over to the VA

Paul Wickre
VP DHS Business Development

F*cking idiot moron, what does the VA care about what I do? He takes his cues from Wittgenfeld who is going to sic his mental health professional on us. But Wickre didn’t darken our virtual doorstep yesterday. I guess he cried himself to sleep and was nursing the biggest hangover of his life all day yesterday.

Category: Shitbags

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Nav – I can’t believe you got so close to a Wickre in the wild. That’s a disturbing picture of its natural habitat.



Nav, that almost made me spray bourbon all over my keyboard. This would have been a bad sign as it’s my first drink of the night. Bad omen.



Well played.

Question for the room: does anyone have the link to that cached picture of Psul, Phildo and the rest of Phildo’s APL wrecking crew mugging for the camera all self-congratulatory? It’s in one of the threads, but I don’t care to sort through 5,000 posts (as Psul keeps reminding us – he made himself famous!) It’s a good time to remind ourselves of the real Indian-food-filled diaper in the room – Psul, who’s almost done for good here, is more like a wet fart in a high wind.

Virtual Insanity

I actually have the digits of it.


Thx Chief. I just wanted to put a name to the face, just in case he somehow does come out this way.


@509 If you make a meme with that face … 😛 use the background of angry wolf 😛 XDD


Well, good night all. See you in the morning.

Oh, who is setting up the arrest pool? I’m in! $20 for Sunday between noon and 2!


No meme, sorry. Not that enterprising tonight. Today I did all my laundry (including bedding), dishes, vacuumed, changed the water filter on the fridge, brushed the dog again, hit Target for nonperishables and cleaning supplies (taking Ex-PH2’s advice to stock up on pantry items just in case), placed my order at AIM Surplus for the special-price closeout Troy Battlemags with the hot-pink followers, met my business partner for a working lunch, and did some editing on my friend’s book. I am tuckered out! It is work cleaning up after myself, two cats and an old-girl Catahoula/GSD mutt!


Put me down for 6-8am on Sunday. Strike at dawn, or what passes for dawn when dealing with a terminal drunkard who will still be passed out at that hour. Sadly, that will mean the po-po will haul him out in his bodily-fluid soaked undies, because Karen’s Hazmat crew probably doesn’t show up that early to power-wash Psul’s rumpus room.


Chief, I have a better one for you: PRESERVE ESSENCE. Maybe a double, Psul and General Ripper together. I can’t believe the fool actually talked about his essence!


Man, I love the internet!


Ah, yes – good old Strangelove’s “Jack D”:

I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

. . . .

Nineteen hundred and forty-six. 1946, Mandrake. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It’s incredibly obvious, isn’t it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That’s the way your hard-core Commie works.


I do not avoid women, Mandrake. BUT I DO DENY THEM MY ESSENCE.


My day late tribute to the passing of Elvis Presley. Set to the tune of Heartbreak Hotel.

Well, I used to be big shot
An executive at APL
Then it all came crashing down on me
I blame it on This Ain’t Hell

You make me so angry, Hondo
You will see the end of days

And although I should look for work
I’m too busy posting here
Should be working on my resume
Instead of being a sock puppeteer

You make me so angry, Green Thumb
Misery will be on your doorstep

Well, the my records keeps getting posted
It makes me look quite insane
Bankruptcies, DUI’s and no contact orders
You’ve derailed my gravy train

You make me so angry, Bobo
I will push the scale to justified “manslaugter”

Hey now, if Phil Monkress deserts you
And you anger starts to swell
Just get drunk at 3:00 AM
And post on This Ain’t Hell

Frankly Opinionated

Aaaah, another night with the peace and quiet that the internet occasionally needs in order to refresh itself.
That we didn’t hear from Paul K. Wickre could well mean that he was busy setting up a lawyer and bondsman for the upcoming arrest that even his dim bulb self could see coming. Or is he perhaps, trying to purge his computer of all his drivel, falsely thinking that he can scrub the memory from it?
He shows a pattern of attempting to defend the indefensible, sticking up for the slimy Trevor Frye a year ago and now, more recently, for Phillip Dale Monkress. Makes me wonder if perhaps his true slot at All Points Logistics is as the “company slime protector”.
H’mmmmm, just noticed that, once again, I got all 4 of them a Goooooooooooooooooooooooooogle hit.
Does being a proven LIAR assure one of employment at APL? And to be a PATHETIC LOSER, double the surety of a position there?
0545 hours here in the beautiful Florida Panhandle, and time to eat some breakfast, and head down to the Destin Poker Run to see some of my boating friends. Have a great weekend Y’all, and Pauli Boy; just don’t fight the handcuffs, they will not stretch.


Man, but Paul K. Wickre sure can roll out meme worthy quotes, can’t he? Well of hate, secure procreations, sanctity of essences, etc…. it is all classics, all the time with him. I don’t even know how bad he’s failing in German, but if its anywhere close to his English, his ass-hattery must rival invading the USSR for the title of “dumbest things ever expressed in German”.

Its like some mad scientist placed a Casey Kasem top 40 list of YouTube fail videos, a bottle of Thunderbird, and a computer keyboard into that chamber from “The Fly”, pulled the lever, and Paul K. Wickre came walking out.


I take it that nothing was allowed to pass the battlements last night. No dogs barked in the night in my end of the world, although I heard some kids scrambling southward at 11PM for some kind of confab. As long as they stay out of my little yard, I don’t care.
It’s pretty quiet this morning. I need to get the kitchen and bathrooms cleaned up and do some laundry, and fix something for breakfast. Then mow the lawn, which is getting rather shaggy and pull some weeds.

Then I can head out with my camera and get some dragonfly photos.

Old Trooper

So; do we know, yet, if Paulie got to spend the night in the crowbar hotel?


Let’s not be too hard on the witless, unresourceful psul the uncool. He shows signs of either short term memory loss (not a good sign at his age 57) or loss of brain matter from excess alcohol.

Remember when he did the copy/pasta pastey thing last week?

This is an excerpt from that: ’35 active members over 5500 posts’. Not the difference in numbers between then, and now. In his angry fetid blasts above, he has us at 10 to 15 members with 5000 posts.

I’m tellin’ you, the dorkwad is losing it. And that’s the kindest thing I can think of to say about him.

Combat Historian

Jonn, it would be nice if psul checked into a hospital with a rubber room and involuntary commitment rules…

Old Trooper

@528: So, in other words, the coward is on the lamb like the little bitch that he is, hiding out in a hospital to avoid state/federal reality?


Hospital. Well, that should make it an easy pickup for the 4Chan Party Van.

Green Thumb

I wonder what Phildo’s or APL’s position is on this development?


“Dodging calls from the WV state police.”

Hmmm… why am I not surprised? I wonder if he is aware of that ‘you can run, but you can’t hide forever’ thingy?

Maybe we’ll have a quiet weekend.


I would check his shed in the back yard. He probably hiding under an old tarp, half naked, covered in his own feces, clutching a plastic bottle of cheap gin.

Green Thumb

If I was Phildo, I would start to become worried.


Do you suppose that at this point in his futile battle, he may be considering that it wasn’t such a great idea fighting Phil Monkress’ battle? What has he accomplished? Phil’s lies are still on the inter-tubes, his career resembles the Hindenberg crashing into the Titanic, and yet, the TAH board members go on with their careers and military pensions. I would venture to say that at least he considers this a Pyrrhic victory, but despite the devastation he has brought down on the House Of Wickre, he hasn’t hurt any of us in the least.


He might very well be traveling. Y’all be safe! I’m so worried about him, that I’m fixing to take a nap, with my door open headphones in and nekkid!

Straight talk : It would be nice if he did get some mental help. Except for the fact that he’d just use that as an excuse and steal our day in court. But I’m a nice person so I wish him the best! (The best of the worst cellmates that is)

If this comment doesn’t make sense it’s cause I’ve been awake for way to long! Happy Birthday!


@528–It might have been one of those rare lucid moments he had that he looked at or maybe (however unlikely) remembered what he had written, and it finally dawned on him that he had finally (again) well and truly fucked himself.

I think he’s gonna “secure procreation” now, whether he wants it or not.

And again, Psulie-boi, it ain’t Jessup you’re looking at now–it’s much, much worse.


Showed the Paul posts to the wife last night. Off to pick up two new concealment holsters this morning. Thanks, Paul!


So it seems he’s going to use the internet bully excuse. The mean awful people kept teasing me and drove me to make death threats. They hurt me so much I had to go to the hospital. It’s the same story over and over. He is never wrong and can’t take responsibility for his actions. It’s never his fault and always someone else’s. That’s a pathetic excuse for a kid let alone someone his age.


Arrest pool:

Because of the circumstances, it is probably considered moderate to high risk. Therefore and considering most judges won’t approve a “dead of the night” warrant execution, I am going with 0600 and 0700 for 20 bucks. Typically best time … Unless Intel suggests otherwise.

Yes there are limits on when you can execute warrants. Typically 0000 – 0600 are off the table because the accused needs his sleep too.


Airforcekj: Ariel Castro, the guy who kidnaped and held hostage 3 women for 10 years in his house, raped them repeatedly and beat them regularly, used the same excuse: it was THEIR fault. It’s a common ploy for victimizers to blame their victims for what happened.

In psulie-o the uncoolie-o’s case, there is all that recorded evidence that he started this all by his lonesome and kept it going.

I don’t feel sorry for him. It’s a relief to know that he isn’t pounding the keyboard/door some place, trying to get in. Of course, it could mean that he’s traveling, too. I did take that into consideration.

I’ll print out that photo from the ‘Shame’ column, just in case I need it for the poh-lease people. 😉


I don’t want anyone to get hurt. However, purchasing required implements for self protection is always a sound idea.

However, when it comes to Psul, I hope he at least resists and argues with the LEO’s when they first come into contact with him.

Being hit by a taser is one hell of a motivator and will forever make him think twice about threatening anyone.

2/17 Air Cav

MD law prohibits the acknowledgement of an open warrant in order to keep bailbondsmen from offering their services to wanted persons and thereby tipping them off. But between comments here and calls or visits to his residence, he probably has concluded that the police would like to ‘talk’ with him. So, what to do? Run? No. Call an attorney? Yes. You call an attorney and then you get your butt into treatment or a hospital of some sort. Then on Monday, the atty calls the police, says that his client will be coming in when he’s released from care, and that’s that. That’s the usual arrangement but…Wickre is a very unual fellow and who knows what he might be planning.


Its like some mad scientist placed a Casey Kasem top 40 list of YouTube fail videos, a bottle of Thunderbird, and a computer keyboard into that chamber from “The Fly”, pulled the lever, and Paul K. Wickre came walking out.

That’s funny shit right there.



So, in other words, the coward is on the lamb like the little bitch that he is, hiding out in a hospital to avoid state/federal reality?

Now usually it’s written “on the lam”, with no “b”. But this is Psul we’re talking about so you might well be right. Poor little lamb.


Showed the Paul posts to the wife last night. Off to pick up two new concealment holsters this morning. Thanks, Paul!

You, Sir, know how to make lemonade out of lemons. Well done.

Old Trooper

@537: Nekkid? Really? Damn, I’m too far away 😛



that I’m fixing to take a nap, with my door open headphones in and nekkid!

Oh. So that’s how y’all roll in Florida.


@537 & 548

“In the south there’s a difference between ‘Naked’ and ‘Nekkid.’ ‘Naked’ means you don’t have any clothes on. Nekkid’ means you don’t have any clothes on … and you’re up to somethin!” – Lewis Grizzard (God rest his soul)


Still no sign of psulie-o the uncoolie-o?

Anyone have his license plate numbers? Can we put out a BOLO on him?

I spent less on cat food this time, so I think I’ll engage in another foray into the world of super-discount shopping at Superfresh, where they have limes for 10/$1 and cebollitas (shallot sized spring onions) at 3/$1, and I may be able to find fresh dill over there or at Lewisfresh. That’s for dill pickles. And they are durn good.

If I can get Mike to do the cheetah stud dance, I’ll try to get it recorded. I figured out how to put my little camera on video and it shoots at 3 different speeds.


No sign of the walking Pustule. That’s ok because I’m headed out for a day of fun.


It’s 92 today with 100% humidity. In other words, it’s hotter than 3 rats fucking in a wool sock!


PH2–I had his license plate at one point, but not going to put it up here. Doesn’t serve any useful purpose. However, if I see a shitbox Jag with MD plates, I’m taking no chances. (smile)


Ex- why don’t you grow your dill yourself?

Val yep


Ex-PH2: for Psulie-boi, maybe the “fence marking dance” might be more apropos.

Hypothetically speaking, of course.

Green Thumb

Dill is fairly easy to grow.

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