An explanation of sorts

| August 14, 2013

A number of you have asked us why all of the Wickre discussions were closed to comments. It wasn’t anything that you guys did, it was Wickre. He’s the reason we can’t have nice things. He started using your screen names to post comments, well, here they are, rather than try to explain their content;

Sockpuppet Psul

You’ll notice all of those comments, screen shot from my “Trash” folder, are from the same IP address, one that we’ve identified as one of the ones Psul uses along with a scad of others.

He started posting them a little after 11 o’clock the other night. I think he was doing it to set us up for a lawsuit because he couldn’t find any comments that y’all have made about in the manner he’d like. But, I didn’t want to stay up all night babysitting his punkass, because unlike Psul, I have job, for a few more months anyway. And then he sent me this email;

I have had it with you. You get your stupid blog off my name or everytingn you thought about will occur.

Lawsuits, damages, court hearings, Va I will haul down your site at IBM get seavey fired from his cush job and turn you over to the VA

Paul Wickre
VP DHS Business Development

F*cking idiot moron, what does the VA care about what I do? He takes his cues from Wittgenfeld who is going to sic his mental health professional on us. But Wickre didn’t darken our virtual doorstep yesterday. I guess he cried himself to sleep and was nursing the biggest hangover of his life all day yesterday.

Category: Shitbags

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Virtual Insanity

So, i was just cruising the internet, looking for Psul’s droppings, and found this:

It’s from some time ago, but it’s classic Psul in the comments. He has been trying to “clean up the internet” for a long time.

I wonder who Trevor Frye is to Paul…and, also, if he knows young Trevor was convicted.

A Proud Infidel

I wonder how soon he’ll be back again, his type always thinks it has ONE more thing that’s sure to intimidate just the way he wants to, and it’ll fail as miserably as everything else he’s tried in the past! Hey Paul K. Wickre, I’m somewhere in the Southeastern US, if your sleuthing skills are anything like you brag they are, come visit me, OH, it’s in “Red State America”, and my neighbors are just as trigger happy as I am!!

Just an Old Dog

Psul can’t seem to handle stress very well, even self induced, that’s probably why he had to take a bit of time off in high school ( about his Junior Year) and go to Sandy Springs Friends School. Its a prep school, but probably a good place to stick an asshole kid who had drinking or drug problems to try and straighten them out, In all fairness though Paul’s dad could have been on the downhill slide by then, since he checked out in 1973,and the stress could have made him act out. Paul graduated Montgomery Blair High School that year, then went to the overpriced Catholic University near DC. For such a pricey place you think the average SAT Scores would be much higher, but they seem to be willing to take the money and give the “lucky sperm” folks some sort of diploma.
A history of overpaying for shit, that’s the legacy.

Virtual Insanity

In the link i posted above, he claims to be a member of the Twitter-Google management team. Classic.


@452/453: I think the third scenario is the most likely. I’m sorry to admit that while my betters were serving the Nation in the .mil, I was working in politics in California deluding myself that that was a form of “service.” (And it was, just not the kind I thought it was.) In my albeit limited experience, legislative staffer types are not sentimental people. They are often superficial, concerned about appearances, and will cut their losses as needed. Psul has been a major appearance problem for Karen for a long time, to judge from those Montgomery County court records (I think someone posted a similar catalog of sins from nearby Fairfax County, VA.) However, for her own peculiar strategy, she may have decided that his petty arrest history and misbehavior was less of an appearance problem than divorcing him. (I have a theory on this, but it’s unsupported, so I won’t share.) (It’s also VERY possible that Karen, despite being outwardly successful in her career, is a battered woman who lives in fear of Psul. Most of the women in my life would let Psul rage on them for all of a half-minute before beating him to within an inch of his life, but bullies are often very good at finding the weak points in their victims’ psychological armor, and Psul is nothing if not a bully. The major support for the last theory – that Karen is, as you put it, the recording secretary for Psul’s Lucky Sperm Club, equally contemptuous of Soldiers, the law, persons of color, etc. – is that I just can’t imagine Psul getting validation for his deeply cherished bigotries and sense of entitlement from anywhere in the outside world. Granted, Va-ginny and Maryland are in the South, but this is 2013. Even down South, the majority of people reject those kinds of attitudes. He could only get validation at home, where he could let his bigotries fester unhindered by social disapproval. But Psul may not need validation. We’ve been giving him negative validation for a month and he keeps coming back for more. That… Read more »


VI: if I recall correctly, Frye also used to work for APL in the DC area. Not sure, but I think he either worked with or for Wickre out of the same office.


ExHack, I frequently add baby carrots, too, under the pot roast with the onions. I do that with corned beef briskets, also. And whether or not you add wine to it is an individual choice. I find it to be just fine without the wine in the pot. I prefer the wine in a glass on the side.

Heidi, you’re always welcome at my table if you can get Mikey to take his naptime elsewhere. I may have a good recipe for bacon mac and cheese. Have to try it first.

Well, are we anticipating a takedown on Wilson by local LEOs? A little something on the news at 10, perhaps? The dog barking in the night?

I thought that tonight, I might run up a rough on the first chapter of my next book while we’re waiting to find out what happens in Bethesda on Wilson Drive. And I have that ‘Anger Management’ essay that I found a while back that someone wrote. Puts me on the floor.



As a matter of fact, he did. In fact, he worked for the spokesperson for the Sperm Drinkers of the Month club, Psul Wickless himself.

In fact, Wickless defended Frye on the web when Frye found himself in some legal trouble dealing with…wait for it…a woman.

For example look here ( Look at the tone and style of writing. It reminds me very much of ole Wickless’ first visit here.


Continuing @464

If you look here ( You’ll see ole Frye and Wickless on the same listing. Frye is shown as “DHS Account Executive” and Wickless is shown as “Vice President DHS Business Development”. Both of Springfield VA.

I have a screenshot of it in case it gets….edited.


@461 – Karen may not be just physically abused, but psychologically abused (Paul is probably a screaming skull type of guy that would lose it with her at the drop of a hat). Maybe Paul doing time in the Federal pound him in the ass lockup would be the impetus for her to divorce him and get her life back in order?

My best guess for Paul – he’ll play the arrogant ass when he’s visited by the LEOs, but when they drop all of the shit on him that he’s pulled, he breaks down like a 4 year old that dropped his ice cream cone on a August afternoon (especially when he realizes that no attorney that has represented him in the past will help him out in this shit storm). He’ll try to cut a deal to keep from going away for a long while – flips like a light switch on Phil and APL and drags out all of the skeletons from the closet in DC and FLA.


Read those threats had to run some errands and oh crap….before I forget, Paul K Wickre (Goggle hit). Paul, look it here boy. I warned you quite a while back that you were looking to hook a ride in the backseat of Crown Victoria. Looks like that prediction came true, which is good for us and looking very bad now for you.

HOWEVER, should you manage to KY jelly your way out the potential shit storm thats going to hit your front door real soon, just bring your happy ass right on down to Douglas County, Ga. Now, after you arrive here expect the utmost in southern hospitality (We’ll include the favorite southern saying, “Bless your heart”).

Now these are pure facts. Plain and simple just for you, Paul. You may walk or drive on to the property. I will be courteous and professional no more, no less. As a special incentive, there will be the obligatory Ford Crown Victoria, maybe even a brand spanking new Dodge Charger complete with bells, whistles and lights for your personal entertainment.

However, should you decide otherwise the Chevrolet 2500 panel van meaning it has no windows and zip, zero, nada for bells, whistles and lights will be one of two optional rides for you.

The third option is, riding trussed up like a feral hog in the back of a Ford F-250 because it will be much easier to hose out the fecal mess you will leave behind after you are off loaded in the sally port at county lockup.

By the way, Douglas County Jail is a brand new (just opened last December) jail facility where you will have the ultimate experience in guest relations. I hope you and your friends are coming to visit, too. We have plenty of rooms available in our new jail, cable TV, a cot and several hot meals every day.

Not quite sure about any other amenities but that gives you a basic over view of Douglas County’s newest recreational facility for wayward yoots such as yourself….


I ran across this – it concerns Paul’s father and mother back in 1961…

Looks like the Wickre men have a problem with money management…


@463: Ex, I add wine to reduced-sodium broth. Just cheap red. Glass for the crockpot, a glass for me. Rosemary and a bay leaf or two often end up in there, too.

@466: We can only hope he rolls over on Phildo. That might keep him from jail time if he has credible knowledge of Federal felonies. And yes, I have little doubt that Karen has been an abused woman, one way or the other. If she’s smart, she spends very little time at home … although from Jonn’s description of yesterday’s phone call, she’s now having to manage the crisis directly.

@467: for Psul, all you need are a few scruffy, sullen rough-tradey yoots like young Trevor, and a deputy who can be bribed to sneak in some amyl nitrates and cheap hooch, and that’ll be paradise. The booze and the boys will remove the horrid memories of TAH and he will be happy.

2/17 Air Cav

@457. VI–Congrats. That’s a helluva find. Those comments are PURE Wickre. It was as if he was practicing at that site for his run here.

2/17 Air Cav

@460. Yeah but he misspells Twitter and gets caught.

Virtual Insanity


That’s what I found so fascinating.

He was trying desperately to cover for somebody he felt some loyalty to, while it was obvious to the casual observer the individual was a jackwagon.

The past is prologue.


If the warrant for his arrest was sworn out today, it would most likely not be served until tomorrow. Hopefully we get one more night to poke Paul K. Wickre with a stick before Bubba starts poking him with a “stick.”

Frankly Opinionated

@#457 Virtual Insanity:
Thanks for that link. I dropped by there and left a tidbit for the readers, bringing them sort of up to date, on what Paul K. Wickre has been up to.


Considering that he’s been combative with the police, I doubt wickre will cave in and have a ‘big baby meltdown’ into a sniveling pile of strange smells and weird noises.

No, I think he’ll be more likely to get into a ‘roid rage type of episode, and it will take six or seven dozen of Bethesda’s finest, plus a few hefty EMTs and firefighters, to bring him to his knees.

They should be careful. He might bite.


Oh damn it! I forgot a couple of small details for Paul K. Wickre (Goggle hit). DCSO offers bracelets and waist chains in one color only; silver. We also offer (if you are a good little boy) an inmate work program so you needn’t worry nor fret about getting proper exercise on a daily basis. And since it is starting into fall down here, you might have to work a bit harder than you normally would to maintain body temperature.

I’ll request the DA and Sheriff see to it that you be given preferential treatment, assigned to the road cleanup crew because we have some citizens (such as yourself) that insist on throwing their trash out on our county roads and city streets. I’ll inquire too if they still offer the “Bubba & Tyrone” new prisoner reception and jail training specialist program, too.

One way or the other, you should fit in quite well with the other guests and feel right at home too, just fine.


What have I missed?

I have been working on my 1980 MGB LE.

It is sweet!

Not as sweet as the “click click” sound emanating from Psul’s wrists!



A lot of the free radio apps out there also give you access to police scanners. I have it up listening right now. It would make my day to hear the takedown of Paul K. Wickre from half way around the world


I forget, what county does Psul live ?

Frankly Opinionated

So, Trevor Frye, Gooooooooglehit, and Paul K. Wickre, ‘nother one Pauli Boi, seem to have parallel lifestyles. Both get drunk, both have a lack of respect for the ladies, and both are in the employ of Phillip Dale Monkress, Gooooooooglefued him too, at All Points Logistics, Shazam, I got all 4 of them in one post.
Ol’ “Threatens to murder us”, Pauli Boi is racking up the hits for his whole crew.


@475 nah I bet they will just hit a concussion bomb, go in and taser his ass until he pisses himself … God I wish they would POV that .. I would watch that in reruns.



I believe it is Montgomery county


I have them up on Broadcastify now.

Frankly Opinionated

@#481: I would even contribute to their P.A.L. or F.O.P. if they would be sure to get video of the event and share it with us. But if we have to wait and get it through FOIA, no donations, not even a coupon for the Coffee Shop.


Ex, Mikey wil move, since I’m always hungry. So any news?


“I am from the school that behavioural[sic] difficulties should be worked out in person by the person charged and the governing authorities.” -Paul K. Wickre, from the comments section of

You see guys? Paul K. Wickre just wanted to talk to the governing authorities, seeking treatment for behaviouraliaourlal difficulties. TAH was merely the vehicle to accomplish this task.


@486 *snickerfit*


Hate to say it, guys – but Nik scooped y’all on that bit of “Wikre news” a couple of months ago.

Virtual Insanity

Well, Hondo, I’ve slept since then….

And probably forgot.


that keeps … me from secure procreation.

Okay, I know that 202 is from last night, but I just have to ask…

“Secure procreation”? Is that some sort of BDSM/ “50 Shades of Wickre” thing that I really don’t want to know about?


I’m with EX-PH2 on the fact that Paul will have a “roid rage episode”. Can we please (I’ll beg if I have to) have a news crew standing by so that when Paul flips out on the police we can all see it?

If the police scanner idea works out, make sure you can record it.

Green Thumb

I can only imagine Phildo is buying a lot of drinks right now…

Green Thumb

And I hope the PR Colonel that “misplaced” his Honor and Integrity is drinking with him….


Heidi, no news here.

Someone else said wickre probably won’t get a visit until sometime on the weekend, but what if they wait until Monday? He’ll be home, fantasizing about how much damage he thinks he can inflict on the not-unsuspecting 10 to 15 of us unnamed ones. I’m wondering whether he’ll run or slam the door in the LEOs’ faces.

I’d like to see that. 🙂


@491, unfortunately it doesn’t allow recording.


I’m just looking forward to hearing about today’s excitement.

Green Thumb

What is big and fat and goes “queef” in the night?

Paul’s (of the Ballsack) mouth.

A real no-brainer.


RM3(SS)@315, unfortunately, “I’ve got an R/O against the Wickre monster” club is not that exclusive. There are plenty of members in that club.


Ok …

Green Thumb

Yo Phildo,

What is long and hard and does not like to be stretched?

A prison sentence.


Green – That is not the ending I thought it would be.

Green Thumb


I digress…

Joe Williams

With the friends Paul K. Wickre has made with the local and state LEOs. I expect Paul will fall down several times and have trouble getting in the squad car. Think headache. Joe


He must be busy trying to clean up the bathroom where he missed the bowl more than once.

My guess is the maid refuses to do it any more and may have quit to go work at Hooters where she can get some real money.


@490 no it means he is no longer getting laid … OOOOOOOPPPPPPSSSS!!!!!

@492 not for long, I did some inquiries on ppl I know and apparently did manage to raise some eyebrows and they are taking a close look at his company, and these dudes don’t play .. they are AAAALL business …

Phildo I’m going to be in DC in february, have to go and mmm talk with some ppl, guess your name and Psul’s will have to come as you have been involved within the last year .. BOOOYYYAAAAAA

So if you tried to hide and try to make me forget you claimed SEAL you lying piece of crap, nope .. haven’t forgotten not at all, I hold dear and close to my heart UDT so I take it personally when ppl steal that valor. (And no, in no way I’m claiming I was even remotely close to making BUD/S, just some stuff from before has made me just have a really liking for them)

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