Please Sir, You Must RESIGN, RIGHT NOW!

| March 16, 2009

When retired General Erik K. Shinseki was announced as the new head of the Department of Veterans Affairs, I applauded the President’s choice. That in itself is very unusual for me.

I didn’t do that because Gen. Shinseki and I have always agreed, we have not; but I know Gen. Shinseki personally and have always thought of him as a thoughtful, brilliant officer that put the affairs of soldiers at the top of his priorities. Especially me.

When then MG Shinseki first took command of 1st Cavalry Division I was a brand new Captain (and light fighter struggling in a heavy Armor Division). Shinseki was a very welcomed arrival in the division because nothing could be worse than the previous commander, MG Wes Clark.

The difference was day and night. Within weeks morale had swung 180 degrees!

Then something amazing happened to me. I was offered command of an Infantry company. The problem was I had not yet attended the required Infantry Officer Advance Course at Fort Benning and Infantry Branch said NO WAY.

Shinseki got involved and after a long discussing with me and my commander, he called whoever division commanders call and I took command within two weeks. He pulled the same rabbit out of his hat 16 months later and ultimately I did go to the advance course but I had 30 months of company command under my belt when I arrived.

Years later I found myself in the Pentagon when General Shinseki showed up as the new Army Chief of Staff. I was very happy for him and told everyone who would listen that he was a soldier’s General.

Then came his directive that all soldiers would be issued a black beret!

As a former member of the 75th Ranger Regiment along with Jonn, I vehemently disagreed with his decision and told him so.

But my faith in him as a soldier and officer of impeccable integrity made me accept the order. I am an old soldier and when a General gives an order that is not illegal, unethical or immoral, I salute and move out whether I personally like it or not.

This new approach to screwing veterans however is beyond my parameters. Based on implied contract rules of law where there is not a veteran alive today that ever thought he would be liable for his own care after a combat related injury; I am not at all certain that this change is remotely LAWFUL.

Even if some pony-tailed Chicago lawyer finds a loophole to make this legal, no one with an IQ above that of a pencil sharpener can argue that it is ETHICAL.

But most important is the MORAL part. Anyone who thinks this idea is remotely moral is either retarded or just plain un-American. Where is the morality in a country sending a person to war and then refusing to pay for his care after being maimed in the war?

This is beyond immoral, it is un-American! And I will debate this issue with any dumbass veteran who voted for this amateur. If you’re not a veteran don’t contact me. If you want to defend this as a veteran (and you know we will check), I will do so in any forum you like as often as you like and I will ask nor offer quarter.

To all you trolls out there, consider this before taking my challenge:

President Obama wants to charge combat wounded veterans for care to save $500 million while simultaneously GRANTING $900 million to terrorist in Palestine to recover from the beat down that they sorely deserved.

I know whose side I am on, do you?

To General Shinseki I say RESIGN NOW. This is the only possible way to preserve your integrity as a soldier’s soldier. To do anything less is to slap the face of every wounded warrior and leave yourself as nothing more than a liar and pathetic political hack.

I don’t call for you resignation because of any malfeasance that you did but as a principled position against this atrocity and solidarity with the soldiers that you once commanded.

Please Sir, You Must RESIGN, RIGHT NOW!

Category: Politics

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Here is my question.

If a wounded soldier does not have insurance, does this mean the VA will not take care of him?

If we move to a nationalized health care system, with the VA already being over worked, will people who did not put their lives on the line get care quicker then the soldiers who might cost a bit more?

Could they set up regulations that health insurance questionaires can not ask if the person being covered has military service/service connected injuries?

Is there a possibility that the troops will just use their own insurance if they have it, up until their maximum coverage, and then the VA takes the rest? This would put pressure on the family if they then run out of coverage money, but would the VA possibly be put in charge of caring for their families?

I know its a stretch, but is there anyway this can be set up that it doesnt screw Joe?

If Shinseki has come out to say he will fight for the Veteran’s rights, wouldnt it be better that he stay in officer where he can fight, then to resign and let a puppet be put in place that wont fight for us?

Believe me, I’m furious about this. I think it just shows another slice of the joke of a President we have, however before I get angry and start to throw things, I’m trying to see if there is some way this can be done that wont just be a huge shaft to us.

COB 6 Wrote: Your questions are thoughtful and unfortunately all answered in the negative for veterans. You must understand that a Cabinet member is not their to “fight” the president; rather to serve him. My hope is that Shinseki will choose to make a statement and opt to not serve such a disastrous policy.



While not a veteran, I’ll weigh in here. I pay taxes to pay YOU to defend me with deadly force — and with your life. I also pay taxes to take care of you if you are wounded in battle, to bury you if you (God forbid) fall in battle, and to support the families of those who have fallen. It is a solemn contract between us — sometimes paid in blood and catastrophic injury. But it is a moral and legal contract never-the-less.

This is an absolute outrage and a direct insult to all of the military, active and retired. It also is an insult to me, the taxpayer — and a misuse of the money that I put in trust with the government to take care of you if you need it. It SHALL NOT STAND.

I take the Mrs. each month to the Univ of Wisc hospital to receive her care for Parkinson’s…and the VA hospital is next door. It is an honor to be able to say “thank you” to those veterans I see every month…and we’re going to take this away?


Thank you, your son, your daughter, and your wife for all of the service you give this country. And thanks to all who wear the uniform or are retired. We would not have the right to have this discussion without your service.



I will join you, COB6. This is not acceptable in any way, shape or form.

I, to ask that The general resign, now!! You got your stars, now stand up and fight for your men because the President is not going to do so.


Cob6, I agree, if Gen. Shinseki has an ounce of integrity, he has to resign, and do it now!!!! This is an insult, but hey, we have to find some way to pay off the Palestinians, ACORN and the other hippy dregs that voted for the POS at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Frankly Opinionated

I am a veteran, with no service related condition. I enjoy the care that I get, and to date have found it to be more than adequate. My VA trips are not only acceptable, I even look forward to going, largely because of the excellent attitude by 100% of the staff.
This latest troubles me, not because of my veteran status, but rather, just as Snowman feels: ” I am a United States Citizen. There is no higher position in politics than I! I support the troops of our military, both financially and morally. I support the government of this country, both financially,(and how!), and morally. This latest suggestion is not at all what I have told our troops that I would offer in exchange for their pledge to do all that is necessary to defend me.”
COB6- How can we contact Gen. Shinseki’s office? By e-mail preferably, and by phone? If there should be a petition, or such, would you post it here at TAH?
THIS CANNOT, MUST NOT STAND! My military, deserves better, and this citizen will stand and fight for those who have done that for my freedom.
Got a theme for a design for my online shop, reference this? Perhaps a Pile of Horseshit with a particular script? Readers? Leave your suggestions in comments to this post, and I will oblige, even donate all profits to Soldiers Angels. It ain’t about the money, but rather about the principle.
nuf sed


This won’t pass. No way, no how. But Shinseki must resign in protest, and if not, then in disgrace.

Here’s what a friend e-mailed me over the weekend:
A veteran – whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve – is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America,” for an amount of “Up to and including my life.”

That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.


I’m with you. I’m linking this to my site, and asking the General to resign.


[…] II: MilBloggers are pissed, rightfully […]

Tommy V

I’ll be honest with you. I just find this hard to believe. I am no fan of Obama, but I really suspect this is demagoguery. It’s just too ridiculous.

Is someone twisting something around? Does it sound worse than it is?

Soldiers responsible for their own treatment? I just can’t buy it.

Not that I think Obama has a moral problem with it, but it’s just so politically stupid I suspect somewhere someone is making this what it is not.

Seriously. It’s just too awful. It can’t be true.


This is OUTRAGEOUS – I will also do what I can to make certain this does not stand. While I am not a veteran, I would never consider not supporting anyone in our military or their familes and most especially those who were wounded and need care. My daughter is a medic to boot, and I have the greatest respect for all of our service members…and thank you all who are reading this for your service.


Vet with a service-connected (non-combat) disability that would have probably run out my lifetime medical benefit under a private medical insurance, and it’s left me with a pile of pre-existing condition disabilities and disqualifications for coverage. The military and VA gave me (at least) superb medical care, although the paperwork …. The longer Shenseki doesn’t publicly protest or explain this, the lower he falls in my eyes. He has a hard choice to make, it seems, but for some of us it looks beyond easy. There may be some good reason for him to approve of this, but he’d better get the explanation out, and it had best be beyond damned good. (I don’t think he has one; I think he’s in stunned shock at the betrayal he’s been handed to implement.)


Your eloquence and personally experience are beyond mine but I share the same assessment of Gen Clark and unfortunately now of Gen Shinseki. I originally posted this comment today on KDH and I hope to cruise the blogosphere and beat the drum. As a retired Marine I now have the luxury of using my business as a bully pulpit for those that serve in uniform and especially those that serve in Harm’s Way, I’ll continue to do so. The alternative is to allow our Veterans to become the unwilling rape victim of a Commander In Chief who seems to have no regard.

I think it’s reasonable to assume that a good portion of the military voting population was sitting on the fence until General Colin Powell gave his endorsement. For some it was a very confusing signal from a man who many of my friends had considered a very viable candidate for President himself. As this comes full circle, that is the prediction of what many have warned would happen, I wonder if General Powell has any regrets. We have abandoned our flag and our constitution.

I, along with the majority of my peers, bit my tongue while on Joint Staff when President Clinton was Commander In Chief. His indiscretions with an intern under any reasonable review would have gotten any officer, any military member, court-martialled and not for reasons sensationalized. The program itself subordinates a young intern under very unique circumstances that imply special confidence, mentorship, and trust.

If what is being reported is true regarding President Obama and his abandonment of Veterans, then those in the military who were brided to him through General Powell’s endorsement and ultimately voted for him, have become President Obama’s metaphorical whore. It was the Tree of Liberty that was to be sprinkled with the blood of the Patriots from time to time not the President’s Garden of Socialism. What has this nation come to if we abandoned our men and women in uniform?

With Utmost Respect ~ Semper Fi, Hank
Owner/Founder Sniper’s Brew


I felt the same way about the berets as you did. I joined in ’99 with the understanding that in the Army you had to become a double or tripple volunteer to earn a beret that established you as something elite. But when I was handed my beret I wore it with pride, although I didn’t earn it and it was something that had been taken away from another unit. I follow orders, and doso with a smile on my face.
I’m also in full agreement about resignations. I’d like to think that if this goes through there will be a lot of brass resigning out of principle. I doubt we’ll see it, but I want to beleive that the men who I have served under love and care for their soldiers as I loved and cared for the men who served with me.
I love this country as others love their parents, and I hold dear the sacred documents that I swore an oath to uphold and defend. I am in full agreement that this is immoral, disrespectful and frankly evil. I pray for this country everyday. I’m no longer active duty, and I have no service related injuries, but I’m more than willing to suffer one to set this right.


Frankly Opinionated, how about the photo of the pile of horseshit with the caption,”this is what the Obamunist thinks of veterans”.

AF Ticker

This is part of the paper prepared by Bobby R. Price, LT, USN (Ret), Desert Storm Vet and Ms. Karyn Damian, US Army Veteran on April 13 2005. [I believe it sums up what this Imposter in Chief has never understood. He now send his wife to attempt to scam the Veterans Families into believing that he is all for us but like his entire campaign, his lies and promises it amounts to nothing but empty words. BEWARE FOR THE ENEMY IS AMONG US!] Bracketed comments are mine This short white paper is being written to bring to light the deep concern the veteran’s community has regarding the consistent under funding of the Veterans Affairs Health Care system. We have carried the message over and over to veteran’s organizations such as the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, Disabled American Veterans, American Legion, Purple Heart Association and many others. Over the years, these organizations have been instrumental in gaining small changes and each year they are required to readdress the same. This paper will describe the specific legislation requirements the veteran’s of this great country are planning to voice to the government. This will be conveyed by an organized march on the nation’s capital, Washington DC on June 8, 2005. It is our intention to insure that the Congress, Senate and members of the Executive Branch hear us loud and clear. We are not going to tolerate the continued under funding of the VA Health Care system from this day forward. This country owes veterans of the past, those who are serving now and those who will serve in the future, the very best of care. We will task our government to stop balancing the budget on the backs of veterans. [Or building a National Health Care Program on our backs to satisfy this narcissistic impostor’s ego ] Each and every one of us made a bet with the government and the American people. The bet was simple but carries heavy consequences. “The bet: We, the American Veteran will defend this nation from all enemies, foreign or domestic.… Read more »

(Once a) SGT Gene Anselm

Not only a disgrace, but a missed opportunity to fine-tune a medical support system for the country as a whole. See SGT Gene Harrison on Old War Dogs for a medical plan for the military.

Aid to the distressed is part of a great nation’s function. How to do it is tough. Many countries that think it can be done on the cheap, fail to reveal that the only way to afford it is to increase the number of people who die.

Medicine divides into diagnosis and therapy. Diagnosis now requires a diagnostic suite that can run to $35 million. Therapy (except surgery) depends on a viable pharmaceutical industry. Forget medical training and find therapeutic solutions to defined diagnostics.


Linked at UCV. Well said, Sir.


[…] of Irish music…stay for the education on Vets being shafted by Lefty’s and a plea for the resignation of General Shinseki. […]


Like others who have commented, I am not a veteran. Rather, I am the Great Niece, Daughter, Niece and cousin to veterans who have served this country from WW2 forward. Currently I have 3 family treasures serving, 1 in Iraq, 1 scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan in June, the other just entered basic training.

I don’t think there are even words to express my outrage at this latest debacle being perpetrated on our military and veterans. No American citizen should be in support of this, whether you have family who serve or have served, or not. Each and every person needs to stand up and demand the resignation of anyone who does support it. This is a no brainer folks. These men and women pledge their lives to protect and defend US with their own. No veteran should EVER have to pay for healthcare IMHO, especially if they have served in combat. They should have access to the finest healthcare this country has to offer whenever and wherever they need it. Without these men and women and their true love of our country and way of life, we would not exist. And that may well be what some people want.


Well, how about if Obummer gets wounded in action? Would that make him keep benifits for others like him?

Just a thought.


If this does get leg’s (I too hope it does)I will be in DC in a dixie minute. I would think that every Veteran organization will surround the capitol and the VA hq just to let them know – this shit ain’t flying. I refuse to surrender and I refuse to let the General off the hook on this stupid DA suggestion.

To Uncle Jimbo – your TN VFF State Captains are still hard at work.

airborne injun

He’s just spit in the face of every veteran and their families…if he had just one ounce of integrity left, he would resign ASAP!Unfortunately,he will place his ego and pride above the sacrifices of veterans.I am a disabled veteran,my stepson is in the U.S. Army with two tours in Iraq and has been wounded,my niece is serving in the Persian Gulf for her second tour with the U.S. Navy, and lastly my youngest son is currently serving in the U.S. Marine Corps preparing for his first combat deployment. I pray for our Military and their families and certainly for our country!


[…] again to Phelps) This Ain’t Hell has this to […]

Frankly Opinionated

Upnorth, TAH readers et al:
Don’t bother me, don’t call me, don’t interrupt my train of thought. I am on a high priority mission. I had suggested a pile of horseshit and a script. Farmer neighbor, conservative sort, sez that since this is a Democrat endeavor that we are calling attention to; that I should come to his paddock and shoot a photo of DONKEY crap. I agree, and am off to get the photo. Then on to my local Photoshop to put it all together. Before finalizing it, I will check back here to see which is the most concise script for said design.
So far it will read: “Obama’s gift to America’s Veterans” Not too long, but someone may say something with fewer words. Hopefully, we’ll see the donkey in the shot.
nuf sed


what did you jokers think Obama would do to the military? Love It? He HATES THE MILITARY!!!! If there is one thought you can bank your life on, it is that ONE.

Dinky Dau

This breach in faith with the Warriors that keep us Free is completely unacceptable.. I would expect something like this from our Moonbat in Chief, who has never had the pleasure of wearing the Uniform of the U.S. Military (or had a real job for that matter), but for one of our own to even consider such a thing and dishonor his fellow Soldiers is beyond disgraceful. It is a betrayal is epic in proportion..

Ben Gentry jr

How can someone who has worn the uniform of a branch of the US Military ever think about supporting something like this is beyond my imagination. I am sure that if he was a wounded veteran he would be whistleing a different tune. I am not a veteran, but I support all who have served ,are serving and those that one day will serve and their families as well.

COB6 Wrote: Interestingly Mr. Gentry, General Shinseki lost half of a foot in Vietnam. Hopefully he will do the honorable thing.


[…] stuff on this abounds around the Web, however one that is particularly striking is here.  Thanks […]


COB6: I am blessed to have never known the offer of favortism from the enemy (Shinseki). I had no particular opinion of him when he was named CoS, until he stole a beret, and ordered it from China for distribution across the Army. It was an idiotic politically correct move which earned my ire, all because he noted the esprit de corps of the 7th SFG(A) during a parade he’d attended.

He was too stubborn to fix his arrogant mistake, but sometimes good officers maintain a commitment to their errors for the sake of hubristic consistency.

Then he refused to allow modern boots that would have cost the Army nothing more and greatly improved the most important asset of a Soldier: his tired old dogs.

Then he moved forward with the Stryker in a bid to get rid of Armor.

For these reasons, I opposed Shinseki as VA Secretary, from the beginning, in opposition to B5. Shinseki has a history of screwing the Troops and this comes as no surprise. Obama committed a major political blunder, but that is also no surprise.


Forgiveness? Gen Shinseki selected to head the VA….

One of the few things about the Obama Administration I am happy to see is that he’s selecting his appointees early. I am less happy about many of his selections but few will get the disdain I have for his……

Jim Higginbotham

let me get into this.
when i joined the Marine Corps way back in 1957, i SIGNED a contract, just like our troops do today..
this Obama and SCUM like him dont HONOR any contract or law
so this will have to be decided by the federal courts.

Mark Wardrip

Sometimes “Leadership” is not leadership. Ultimately, the truth is self-evident. The cream rises to the top and the useless waste is separated and discarded. This is the case here and I have no doubt that the honorable will be honored.

Thomas Foster Altman

Look, the matter could not be more clear. We spend little enough now on the wariors who keep us free. Saving money on them so we can give it to the enemy sucks.
Time for peaceful resistance is sliping away. Fight now peacefully, today may be your last chance.

John Ryan

When it is time for a liberal to make a decision it is said they follow their heart.

Conservatives allegedly use their brain when they make decisions.

So after the announcement was made that the politicians intended to screw the vets who were injured responding to a call to arms the politicians made, I only have one question.

What further proof do Americans require in order to accept the fact our government has been taken over by reptiles?

My prayer is they all resign and fight each other to the death over a rock too small for anyone of them to hide under.


[…] Gateway Pundit, and we second the motion of This Ain’t Hell: To General Shinseki I say RESIGN NOW. This is the only possible way to preserve your integrity as […]


[…] veterans don’t like it. One is even calling for General Shinseki to resign in protest. David Rehnein, national commander of the American Legion continues to speak out against the […]

Keven Cabra

Let me get this straight, I being a disabled veteran must now have health care insurance? So why do I need the VA again? Isn’t enough that I have a doctor who ignores my medical conditions, but knows that I have high cholesterol? Isn’t it enough that I am a medical laboratory rat with no say in how they screw me? As for the black beret, Col. do you know why every Army trooper wears the black beret? In my honest opinion it is because the Army now looks tougher. Not that they are neccesarily tougher, but they look tougher. Now if he really wanted them to look tougher and be tougher he should have given them a hot pink beret, wear that a few days and your tough or you learn to run faster.

If we do not take our government back we lose the whole game.

Space is not the final frontier……

The human mind is!


When Shinseki was appointed to run the VA, I knew veterans were in trouble. I think this is just the tip of the proverbal iceberg. Shenseki is a polical leftist hack, who will sell out Active and Veterans for his own ambitions. Maybe suceeding Inou or Akaka in the Senate? H Obama is anti Military and veterans. He has used or should I say misused the executive to circument the legislative process already several times. He and his henchnan Shenseki must not be allowed to get away with screwing the veteran this time. It is probably past time for Americans who care about this country and its pending diaster to hit the streets and demand that Shenseki resign or be fired. The Veterans Service Organizations, Shenseki and Obama support our veterans or resign. Lets get started!


The fact that it has even been considered is wrong, America has always taken care of her own, how can it even been considered that the wounded and maimed Veterans of this country be responsible for their own medical. That is beyond any slap in the face. This man needs to go and anyone that has been chosen to work with him needs to go. I thought that when we got a Veteran in to run the Veterans Administration things would finally get better, sorry to say that I am wrong. He Needs To Go!!!!!!!!!


38Paka Says:
March 18th, 2009 at 10:53 am
When Shinseki was appointed to run the VA, I knew veterans were in trouble. I think this is just the tip of the proverbal iceberg. Shenseki is a polical leftist hack, who will sell out the Active military and our Veterans, for his own ambitions. Maybe suceeding Inoua or Akaka in the Senate? H Obama is anti-Military, and anti-Veterans. He has used, or should I say misused the executive order to circumvent the legislative process several times. He and his henchnan, Shenseki, must not be allowed to get away with screwing the veteran this time. It is probably past time for Americans, who care about this country, and its pending diaster to hit the streets and demand that Shenseki resign or be fired. The Veterans Service Organizations, need to get involved,and demand that Shenseki and Obama abandon their support for this un-American proposal, or resign. Lets get started!


This is absolutely outrages, if this goes into affect, to me and others this will be the last straw.

Art Schefler

Obama and his cronies better learn quick that you don’t mess with old people or Vets.
If he keeps his tactics up, he will fing an all volunteer force dwindling to nothing.


OK, we’ve been attacked by a domestic enemy who supports Hammas rather than it’s Veterans.

How do you intend to counterattack?

Get involved in voter registration and take a job collecting census data if you’re able. Take back our congress in 2010. If they’re in, vote them out. Let whoever is voted in know they’re gone in 2 years if they don’t support the USA against this enemy.

Acorn Got 4 BILLION dollars for the 2010 census and elections. We don’t have the money but if we get out and register we have the numbers (even if we are honest, which Acorn won’t be)

This is a political, NOT A GRIPPING, WAR! Get organized or get screwed.


I think there are quite a few people who had a false impression of Shinseki as a “truth to power” straight talker because of his statements before the Iraq invasion. Unfortunately, he is just another political player who was hedging his bets against failure.

Thom Keach

How can this be happening in America? Where is the country I volunteered to defend in Viet Nam? Where is the country that my step-son defended in both Desert Shield and Desert Storm? How can a general in the US Army even consider such an immoral act? The man should retire and go live in a VA Hospice for a while. Maybe that would bring him to his senses. If I lose my VA benefits or have to start paying full price for them I will be on the streets. But I would give up all my benefits to see to it the combat wounded vets keep theirs. Can a career officer really want to harm the very troops that probably kept him alive while he sat in his comfy office and directed and demanded their unquestioned loyalty and willingness to defend our country?
General you make me sick…


[…] COB6 of This Ain’t Hell is calling on General Erik K. Shinseki, the new head of the Department of Veterans Affairs, to resign in protest. […]

Larry Payne, CW4 (Ret)

I agree with the position that the US Has the responsibility of taking care of those injured due to combat. Look at the civilian sector. If you are working for a company of the government and are injured on the job then workmen Comp kicks in and between that and the companies insurance the individual is taken care of and then Social Security kicks in.

Screw those that try to do other wise for our soldiers.

Larry Payne
37 1/2 years US Army
CW4 Retired

Defenestrate Shinseki

When Shinseki decreed the black berets for all, I knew he was a wuss. And there are generals who will sucj up to Obama about the homosexuals because they know zilch about fighting and don’t reallt care. Wes Clark, fershure, but there are more. Clintonista 4-stars. Shakeovelli or something. Aother euss.

Better yet, Shinseke should defenestrate himself! From the top of the Washington monument! Whilst holding tight to UknowWHO.


[…] H/T Col Riley This Ain’t Hell But You Can See It From Here […]

Corbin Douthitt

This is toatlly unacceptable! I cannot imagine ANY General worth his stars that would allow such treatment of our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines! These policies must be stopped and our veterans treated with respect.
I served in the navy during ’65-’69, a year in the Tex Army Nat. Guard and a year with the AF reserve. No combat- no real medals, just time served. I am fortunate that I do not need the services of the VA, but there are many who do and many more who will. ANY ranking militaryman, and Congressman or Senator that supports this should be tarred and feathered and run out of the country, and any retirement benefits rescinded!