Jacob Wayne Smith; phony SEAL

| October 31, 2016

Jacob Wayne Smith

Someone sent us their work on this Jacob Wayne Smith fellow. He owns the Smith Family Dojo ninja school.

Smith family Dojo

In private conversations, he claims that he was a SEAL and an EOD guy and that in the middle of his training to be a chaplain, the Army fired him;

Jacob Wayne Smith claims1

Jacob Wayne Smith claims2

Jacob Wayne Smith claims5

Jacob Wayne Smith claims6

Jacob Wayne Smith claims7

I don’t know why he thought that a former SEAL would enjoy being a wheeled vehicle mechanic when a war breaks out, but there you go.

The Navy says “who?”;

Jacob Wayne Smith Navy FOIA

The Army does know him however. He spent eight years in the Army Reserves and he was discharged after a tour of Iraq;

Jacob Wayne Smith Army FOIA

Jacob Wayne Smith Army FOIA 2

Jacob Wayne Smith Army FOIA Training

No SEAL, no EOD. There is some discussion on the ninja forums about his qualifications in the martial arts, but I know nothing about any of that, so I’ll just stay in my wheelhouse.

Got any guesses why he left the service?


Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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2/17 Air Cav


Reading this guy’s claims makes my head hurt. What a freak show.


My brain spontaneously ripped itself in half after I read all of his voluminous crap.


Even if we cut him some slack and say he meant 187 combat equipment jumps there’s that whole no jump school thing. This slug needs a box of rock salt!


After covertly watching him score 1 Million on Galactica in the arcade they recruited that heart breaker and life taker directly into combat. It’s happened before


That and his Mad Skilz on Call of Duty…


Someone tell the stupid ass, Seals are NAVY, no wonder the Army fired him, LOL waddayoyo!!

Frankie Cee "in the Clear"

I have been talking to his “former” fiance, at Facebook messenger. She is done with him and has asked me to share this with Y’all. I assured her that he, not she, is our target and we will respect her privacy.
She says:
“Btw, I would appreciate it if yall kept me out of this. Yes I replied to his stupid Facebook post. It’s out there. But I was completely blindsided by this and I had nothing to do with anything that he said. Bringing personal details about MY home and MY family is going too far. You want to air his dirty laundry? Fine. Please spare my family, because Jake won’t be a part of it from here on out.
Please and thank you.”


Doo rag? Check

Vest with POW patch? NO
Dog? NO
Icy war face stare? NO

Poser failure.


Chow Hall Commando Food Blister Body? Check


187 Combat Jumps????? That’s a lot of mustard stains. YGBSM.

The Other Whitey

Have that many combat jumps taken place in the history of warfare?


He is including his jump with the 3rd Stormtrooper Regiment at the Battle of Hoth…


Im sure that includes his enlistment with the New Republic. With his combat Engineering he invented the Ultimate Weapon that destroys planets on Starkiller Base that destroys planets. Also he is Kylo Ren’s personal body guard with his vast knowledge of Martial Arts. Watch out!! He has the force behind him!!


There are South African and Rhodesian troops with that many believe it or not


In 1995 we worked with some Zimbabwean troops who had at least 40 – 50 combat jumps during their support of the FRELIMO during their civil war in Mozambique in the 1980’s and early 90’s.

They would use static line jumps from C-47 and CASA-212 aircraft to insert troops tactically in much the same way we would use helicopters. This was the 1st Commando Group of the ZNA (Zimbabwe National Army), I think they were formerly the Rhodesian African Rifles.


Yeah, I jumped with a couple of guys like you describe. We thought it strange.


Once you get to 100 they just smear the whole mustard jar all over your pocket. 😀


I thought they just put a gold-plated mustard jar on the wings hanging from the bottom of the parachute. (smile)


Jacob Wayne Smith: Exponential Epic Fail.


For a guy who claims to be a martial arts “master”, his purple sash in Kung Fu and blue belts in Jiu Jitsu and Tae Kwon Do are not that impressive. Those are all intermediate levels of proficiency at best.


IME…His BB rankings listed don’t qualify him for the titles he is claiming. That’s bold and bigger fukk up than listing those stupid color belts. Not prudent at all.


IDC SARC, Good to see you back in the fray. I’m guessing the homework is all caught up now.


Thanks….I unfortunately, had to drop the course. Good news is they saw it was beyond my control and gave me a full refund. The VA should stay off my dick about it since I got the full refund.


Bad break there, brother. Glad they gave you the refund, and hope the VA is just as understanding.
Better luck next time round.


I was already registered for the next course and I’m in the second year of the program…all is well.


Welcome back…


Good to see you again IDC SARC.

chata ortega

your martial arts are a fraud, and you are ripping people off. your shihan http://www.prescottkarate.com/shinpu-ren-lineage-vance… makes claims of being “From 1971 until 1998 Hanshi Steele competed frequently in full contact, light contact, point contact, no contact, bare knuckles, bare feet, the whole transition of martial arts competition from the 1970’s until present day. He had the privilege of competing against such people as Benny (The Jet) Urquidez, (NO RECORD OF THIS EVER HAVING HAPPPENED) Chip Wright, students of Mr. Bill Wallace, students of Tadashi Yamashita, Al DeCostos (YOU MUST MEAN Al Dacascos) and his students. Hanshi Steele speaks very fondly of the warrior spirit from those times, the incredible talent of the many martial artists that would come together and demonstrate that spirit time and again in the ring. During his time in Oregon he also was accepted as a trainer for the Department of Corrections officers. (NOT WITHOUT THAT ASLET CERTIFICATION) This training included but was not limited to self defense, cuffing, baton, tazers (ITS TASER) , mace, CPR, and inmate staff relations. Shortly thereafter he became an instructor for the Oregon Police Academy (NOT WITHOUT THAT ASLET CERTIFICATION) and a member of T.E.R.T (tactical emergency response team) and a member of the Oregon S.W.A.T (NOT WITHOUT AN LEO CERTIFICATION) to help keep peace in the prisons.(BULLSHIT) He was one of 6 members of the Police Olympic Team. (The California Police Olympics were first held in 1967. The concept evolved over the years and led to the creation of the World Police & Fire Games Federation—a non-profit organization, run by the Californian Police Athletics Federation—in 1983. Two years later, in 1985, the first World Police & Fire Games were held in San Jose, California, USA, with nearly 5,000 competitors.) He has spent time providing additional training to Marines in knife fighting and stealth techniques for kill training.” WHERE IN OREGON, DO THE MARINES HAVE A BASE? H2H training is a back seat measure, and more is trained in weapons training, cuz if you have to rely on h2h, then your ao has been breached and the shit has hit… Read more »

Bill M

Welcome home, IDC SARC.


D’oh! Joe


I can’t imagine why his ex wife is keeping guys daughter away and his boys won’t talk to him.




and then some.


What I have a hard time understanding, is that he was in the Guard.. and yet he tries to play it off like you can just change your MOS at will. To go from Combat Engineer to 11M (especially at a time when there was no school for 11M) and then Sapper school to be a tanker.

This fool doesn’t even try to remain plausible.


Well, why can’t you change your MOS at will? Doesn’t it stand for Mustard On Sandwich? You should be able to change mustards without having to explain yourself, shouldn’t you?


You’re right. Clearly you can also just become a Chaplain at will. Then again, a guy that graduated boot camp “early”… he must be able to do all sorts of ninja shit.

Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

For now, his Facebook page is open for others to comment on his posts. I left him some love. I expect him to block me in 3,2,1,!
Jacob Wayne Smith Goooooogle is FOREVER, dude. Here is the fame that you have so desperately been seeking.
Light him up, folks.


Love the Facebook photo with his “Native Veteran” ball cap. Has the Indian feathers on it. Turd.


Jacob Wayne Smith Is now a famous google
Shit Bag


Navy SEAL ? Sounds more like a Navy SLOTH! I bet he has Judo Chopped more jelly donuts than he cares to remember, ohhh the horror!


Well, there is a very large animal called an elephant seal. Maybe that was his Navy specialty. (smile)

Or maybe he’s also known as (AKA) “A. Lyon Baxtard”.


I would opt for the moniker of Sea Cow, AKA the Manatee.


More like Sea Slug…


What is it with the majority of these posers. Giving the idiots the benefit of doubt, they must be somewhat computer literate. Google the shit you’re gonna claim.

“Sent to Norfolk, VA for EOD school.” EOD school has never been anywhere freakin’ near Norfolk.

Can’t stand these bastards!

But like others have said, “You’re intergoogle famous now, bitch!”


Ain’t it the truth. These ass hats think no one will ever read the details and the devil is always in the details. Like the guy who told me he did Air Force basic at Travis AFB. I said, “Da Fuck!!??”


I once had a guy try to tell me that he was a Marine who had served with the ‘1st Demolition Battalion’. He said that he had gone through Marine Corps Boot Camp and ‘expert demolition’ training at Fort Leavenworth.

I. Shit. You. Not.


Um, maybe he was trying to tell you he’d spent some time at the USDB? (smile)


SMH. It’s not every Marine that trains at Army posts. Especially for the coveted 1st Demolition Battalion.

Marine 0331

I had a turd approach me last year in a mall claiming to be Marine Recon and said he was stationed in North Carolina but did elaborate. I asked him where he went to boot camp and be said North Carolina. I asked him where he did his ITS and he said, “Lejeune.” I then asked him if he heard of Camp Geiger and he said, “yeah I heard of it but never been there.” I started to go off on him and then my wife grabbed me and yanked me away.


Aww cmon, guys. He’s totes legit. Jerry Foster vouched for him, said they were both double crimping pimps from way back. And seriously, how many times have we seen SEAL/EOD twin pins guys getting pulled to be wheel and track mechanics? It happens literally like three times a week.


How’s the master of the hidden gerbil trick doing? Anything new on Turd Chaser Jerry Foster?


Jerry Foster, the phony Navy Commander and Demented Magician is still slurping cock in Simi Valley.

DAV Chapter 55 swept it all under the rug since Jerry apologized.



Not only did Chapter 55 sweep it under the rug but so did national.

Anyway, I’m sure he’s still wearing diapers and dressing like a baby with his weirdo friends. Oops! Did I let the proverbial cat out of the bag?

Doc Savage

Good Lord Almighty…..I don’t even know where to begin with this walking,talking abortion.

But, as a former SAPPER instructor (1998-2000 ), I can tell you that particular part of his hot mess bullshit is patently false.


Totally aside from his military claims, I had to LOL at the fact that he enlisted in the Navy in Nov of 1993 “the day after I turned 17” and then he did his 4 years, meaning he would have been discharged in November of 1997 around the time of his 21st birthday.

Apparently besides being a Navy SEAL and serving in Central America and Bosnia, he must have also had the time to complete a full 4 academic years of college because 9 months after he was discharged he completed his master’s degree!

So not only is he a hardcore warrior stud, he’s also apparently some kind of Sheldon Cooper style genius who can complete college and grad school in 9 months.

And yet…despite his Navy SEAL and EOD training, the Army could find no better use for him than to turn wrenches.


PS: Almost forgot the “Early graduation from boot camp.”

“Well, Seaman, we’ve decided that you are so high speed and competent that we’re going to just skip ahead of all the assessments and tests at the end of boot camp and send you out to the fleet now.”

Yeah, that’s something that happens.


“….passed my Master’s Degree, June 1998.”

I didn’t know that you could pass/fail a Master’s Degree.

What a fucking moron.


Well, you know the old saw about degrees:
BS – Bull Sh..
MS – More Sh..
PhD – Piled Higher and Deeper.

Jacob Wayne Smith has a Master Degree in fiction.


“PS: Almost forgot the Early graduation from boot camp.”

I believe he meant early graduation from High School, but I could be wrong.


Kinda like the fuckwads who “were so impressive in basic training that they pulled me out early and sent me to sniper/Q course/BUDs” etc. school. I guess if you were REALLY high-speed low drag they would have just dropped you off in the jungle somewhere sans Basic, school, MOS and all. Just given a rifle and a target government to topple.


I also love how he claimed the Army “retired” him because he “could no longer perform my duties, i.e. APFT”. I’d guess that could be close to the truth, and that the ARNG possibly discharged him for repeated APFT failure.

Oh, and I thought the “196 HALO/HAHO jumps” (out of 217 total) claim was a nice touch, too. Bullsh!t, but a nice touch nonetheless. Go big or go home!


And how about this little gem:

“I refused Sergeant 3 times…I didn’t care for the pay, and didn’t want to be in charge of a bunch of idiots that were going to get killed in combat.”

Refused Sergeant? 3 times? Because he “didn’t care for the pay”? What a bunch of shit.

And if those “idiots” would have been under ol’ Jakie’s leadership in an actual combat situation, the danger of them being killed would have been very real indeed. In fact, they probably would’ve fragged his bloated clown-boy ass.


“I was promoted to Corporal and demoted back to Specialist in the same tour in 2009.”

Again, what a fucking moron.


Not to defend the guy, but that’s arguably correct.

In the Army, a Corporal is considered a junior NCO, typically occupies a leadership position, and has the directive authority of an NCO. Movement from Specialist to Corporal, though pay remains constant, is generally thought of as a move up – and a move the other way is thought of as a de facto demotion.


I agree. I can see his ass getting kicked back into the E-4 Mafia for being a fat bastard, fuck off.


Back in the old days when someone would go from SP/5 to SGT or SP/6 to SSG it was usually referred to as a “lateral promotion” (because the pay grade didn’t change but the rank/responsibility did.)

Odd but I don’t ever recall hearing a SSG-to-SP/6 referred to as a “lateral DE-motion.”

From my vague recollection, going from SGT/SSG to SP/5 or SP/6 usually happened if a soldier with a non-combat MOS was moved from a leadership position to a non-leadership position in the same MOS (often this happened when the soldier transferred from one unit to another.)

I also seem to recall that it wasn’t uncommon for soldiers who, on paper, were SP/4, SP/5 or SP/6 being allowed to wear “hard stripes” by their unit when they were assigned to a squad or section leader position, even though the unit didn’t put any paperwork in that officially “promoted” them to the “hard stripe” rank.

The reason I bring this up here is that it might lead to unwarranted accusations of “stolen valor” if a soldier’s records show he was a SP/5 or SP/6 and he was claiming he was a SGT or SSG.


All true. I didn’t address any of that because this guy was talking about 2009.

As I recall, we called that “reverting to” Specialist. But that was now 30+ years ago (SP5 and SP6 went away circa 1985), so my memory could well be wrong about that.


What became of the current SP5 and SP6 types when the change was made? Did they automatically become hard stripes or was there an attrition period of some sort? Old spec fives need to know.


Yes, they became hard stripers.

I was in the National Guard in 1985 but I don’t recall ever seeing a SP/6 after about 1983 or so.


Thanks Martinjmpr. Seems that would rub some the wrong way unless some sort of NCO course was req. Dunno, I turned down E6 in nam at re-up or DEROS. I chose the latter.


26L: By the time they got around to making the change, Specialists in the E-5 and E-6 grades were already considered NCOs despite the “specialist” moniker so it didn’t really matter. IIRC they had the same NCOES requirements for promotion, they could hold the same duties (for example, where head count called for an E-5 that E-5 could either be a SGT or a SP/5, and where Staff Duty NCO had to be an E-6 it didn’t matter whether it was a SP/6 or a SSG.)

It was even common practice to refer to a SP/5 who was in a leadership position (say as the NCOIC of an intelligence section) as “Sergeant” at least informally. I also saw the NCOIC at a TMC (Troop Medical Clinic) referred to as “Staff Sergant” by his commander even though the NCOIC was wearing SP/6 rank.

So in essence, eliminating the SP/6 and SP/5 rank just formalized what the Army had already recognized, that E-5’s and E-6’s were NCOs with all the authority and responsibility that being an NCO entails.


I got wrapped up in the SPC/CPL goat rope in 1990. By the time they figured out how cut the orders laterally promoting me to CPL, I was 3 days from pinning on SGT stripes.


My point was that he admitted the demotion. You know, being the super Navy Seal, Sapper, Rambo etc, etc, etc, hero that he is.

I had to fucking laugh with the “Chaplain” route, nice touch fat fuck.


OK. The Army is currently the only service with a “dual rank” at E4, and as I recall has been for a while. Didn’t know if you were aware of the Army’s distinction between the two.

And yeah – admitting he “couldn’t hang” as a Corporal doesn’t exactly lend credence to his claims of being a “high-speed/low-drag special operator”.


You could argue, that its not only “dual rank” at E4 in the Army.

You have DoD Select Corporal who is an E-4.

You have the non DoD Select Corporal (promoted by the unit) who is an E-4.

And you have the Specalist E-4.

The Army goes back and forth on doing away with the Coporal rank.


The rank of “Specialist” in any form only dates to 1955. Prior to that date, there were no specialist ranks. Rather, at times they were specialty ratings within the Army’s existing rank structure – similar to the Navy’s rate structure – or were designated non-supervisory technicians.

From 1902-1948 there were technicians and/or specialists within the 7 enlisted grades that existed at the time (E8 and E9 did not exist until they were created in 1958). However, from 1902-1942 Army “specialists” held a rank equivalent to that of PFC; they also had a additional specialist rating (1 to 6, 6 lowest) and received extra pay based on that specialist rating.

In 1942, the Army’s enlisted structure was changed. From 1942-1948 these soldiers were called “Technicians” and were found in the middle 3 enlisted grades; they were paid the same as other enlisted soldiers in their paygrade. Technician ranks were apparently discontinued in 1948.

In 1955, Specialist ranks were first created. These ranks were found at grades E4 and above and had the formal rank Specialist-Nth Class, where N was their E-grade number. SP8 and SP9 were created when E8 and E9 were created in 1958, but were abolished in 1968. SP7 went away in 1978; SP5 and SP6, in 1985. Only Specialist/E4 now remains as an Army rank; it was renamed from Specialist Fourth Class when SP5 and SP6 were eliminated.

In contrast, the rank of Corporal has existed in the US Army since 1775. It is one of two Army enlisted ranks that has been in continuous use since the American Revolution.

I don’t think the Army has any plans to eliminate the rank of Corporal. If anything, I’d guess the rank of Specialist may be the one on borrowed time.




The Texas State Guard tried earlier this year to do away with the Specialist rank, but changed their minds about a month later, probably because it’s still in use in the U.S. Army.

ifcs guy

To clarify a bit, Hondo, in 1955 when the spec ranks were introduced, the spec number did not correspond to the E-(number). E-4 was a Spec 3. The army had it bass ackwards. Good to see spec’s above E-4 are history. It was always confusing.


True – my error. For a 4-year period (1955-1959), there were 4 “Specialist” ranks: MSP (E7), SP1 (E6), SP2 (E5), and SP3 (E4). Those were redesignated SP7/6/5/4 in 1959, shortly after enlisted grades E8 and E9 were created and SP8/SP9 were established.


What is a “DOD select corporal?” I’ve never heard that term. In my experience a corporal is a SPC who is put into a leadership position by his unit and they then put in the paperwork to promote him (or they don’t but they let him/her wear the stripes anyway.)

“DOD Select” doesn’t make sense to me – I though the Company commander promoted up through E-4, E-5 and E-6 are promoted via points Army-wide and E-7 and above are selected by a DA promotion board? That’s the way it was when I was in.

Why would DoD “select” a corporal? For that matter, there is (or was) no job title for a corporal. E-4 (regardless of rank) is skill level 1 (SL1), E-5 is SL 2, E-6 is SL3, E-7 is SL 4, and so on. This is reflected in MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) designations such as 11B10 (11B Infantryman, Skill level 1 which would be pay grade E-1 through E-4), 31B3P (Military Policeman, E-6, Parachutist), etc.

In my experience a corporal is pretty much a unicorn – typically a squared away SPC who is put into an E-5 (sl-2) or in some cases even an E-6 (SL-3) slot, but because the points are too high in his MOS he can’t get promoted to SGT.


Continuing my thought: Unless things have changed there is actually no TO&E (Table of Organzation and Equipment) slot for a corporal.

Any squad leader, team leader, section chief, etc, is going to be at least a SL-2, since the TO&E goes by skill level rather than rank.

So a corporal, pretty much by definition, is someone who is filling a spot on the TO&E that he shouldn’t: An E-4 filling an E-5 slot.


well, I believe by the late ’70s/ early ’80s it was MOS-specific – depending on your MOS you were promoted from PFC to E-4 either SPC or CPL. Think it split more or less along the lines of combat arms/support, and if you were 11B, for example, your progression was PV2-PFC-CPL-SGT. If you were a 71L you went PV2-PFC-SP4-SGT.


Can’t say I’ve ever heard of a “DoD Select Corporal” either, Martinjmpr. And though I didn’t do an exhaustive search, I can’t seem to find any reference to same in official documentation using a Google search.


In 2008 I was attached to 25th ID in Iraq. After I recieved a lateral promotion to CPL, I had a run in with one of their E-7’s who told me I wasn’t a real CPL because I wasn’t selected by the DoD. I had no idea what he was talking about so I asked some of the 25th CPL’s and SGT’s what that guy was on about. According to them DoD select CPL’s were E-4/E-3’s who were promoted much the same way SGT’s were. This means they were boarded, and their promotion orders came from the DoD and not the unit.

Later while with the 82nd BSB out of FOB Hammer I had the same issue. My stripes weren’t “hard” enough for them because my orders were from the unit, not the DoD.

Thats the extent of my investigation into it.

In Afghanistan in 2010 is when we were told that the CPL rank was going away. I swear I even remember reading an ALARACT about it. But I can’t find it so maybe I was high from the burning fields of poppy or something.

19D2OR4 - Smitty

It was known as a DA Corporal because it was a permanent rank. It was not actually from the DA, and definitely not the DoD. Difference was the promotion authority. Company commanders promoted Company (temporary) Corporals. Battalion or Brigade commanders promoted DA (again not actually DA) corporals.


When I was in Korea I was in an Ambulance platoon, the platoon SGT was an E-5 and he was leaving so my unit sent me to the promotion board, due to me being the highest ranking E-4 and proving I could handle things. After the board (about 2 weeks) they gave me corporal so that I could fill in for the SGT that left. When I left Korea I planned on taking it off because I thought that I was lateraled in the unit but all of my paperwork and orders came to me stating corporal. When I asked around I was told by my First SGT that it was due to them submitting paperwork to DA, the two ways are command team puts in paperwork thru DA for long term or they do it in house with out submitting anything but all of your papers will come to you as SPC. Long story short I kept it until I pinned five.

19D2OR4 - Smitty

Actually all of that changed either last year or the year before. History lesson for you non-Army types. Back in the day (pre WW1), your rank belonged to your unit and you tended to stay with the same unit for your entire career. You could make it all the way to SGM with say the 3rd Cav and if you then decided to move to 2nd Cav, you would revert back to PVT. Fun fact, a good example of this is President Lincoln. During the Blackhawk War, he was a Captain in charge of a company of Illinois Volunteers. In the middle of the campaign, his company was disbanded and he was moved to another unit. As he was not a commissioned officer (he was elected to it), he reverted to PVT in the new company.. but I digress. ‘Company Corporal’ was a holdover from this tradition. It was bestowed upon a SPC holding a leadership position in the Company. If he was later moved out of that position, or moved to another unit, he would revert to SPC. It was a temporary rank only. There was also what was known as a DA Corporal. A DA Corporal is someone who had his promotion signed off by the first O-6 (may have been O-5) in his chain of command. It was a permanent rank that transferred commands. It was generally only bestowed upon SPCs that had been to the SGT promotion board and were promotable, but just waiting on points (which is why you often only saw CPLs in non-combat jobs with high cut-off scores in the past ten years). Although it was not required to have gone to the board, it was the most common rule. Now for the current reg: There are no more company corporals or DA Corporals. They have basically combined the two. Now to get Corporal, you have to be a SPC in an E5 slot doing the duties of an E5. Promotion is done via a DA4187 and must be signed by the firsr O-5 in the chain of command (or O-3 in the… Read more »


Thanks for the correction above! I appreciate it. It was driving me crazy that I couldn’t find DoD Corpral and it never occurred to me to look for DA.

The only difference I saw between the two (me and the DA Corprals) was that they had to do NCO-ER’s and I didn’t


Citation, please? Not doubting you, just would like to know the current regulatory reference.


“Eating out of garbage cans” at BUDS?

OK. Sure. Uh huh.


Straight out of ‘GI Jane’


Looks like he’s been eating out of the dumpster behind Cinnabon.

Silentium Est Aureum

Ate a SEAL, maybe.

Dude is minimum 40 percent bodyfat. Hard to be a sooper-sekret ninja when every time you tiptoe across the room, the fucking RADIO skips.


Good thing he wasn’t on-board a sub or nuke carrier. You’d have had to keep him away from the reactor in order to avoid neutrons reflected from body fat increasing the reactivity. (smile)


Addendum: and while the above is mostly in jest – it’s not completely a joke.



There’s a joke about fat and China Syndrome trying to make its way to the surface.

And now that I looked up China Syndrome…

I didn’t realize that it came out shortly before the 3 Mile Island incident. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_China_Syndrome

Silentium Est Aureum

Yup. Neutrons could have been thermalized and reflected back into the core.

That could have REALLY fucked up the RO’s day…Shimming in, sir! Aw, fuck it, just scamming the bitch.


In Vannikov’s case, exactly that happened. Fat is composed of mostly low-Z nuclei (predominantly carbon/hydrogen, with a little O thrown in). Makes a pretty good moderator/reflector. (smile)

Silentium Est Aureum

Doubt he’d ever get through the escape trunk on the boat, anyway.

Unless you greased his hips and threw in a candy bar.


RADIO skips. Spew alert, please. 🙂
That hunk of lard probably also makes the crypto in the radio shack drop its keys!


I love his comment about the local VFW being closed to outsiders. I’m guessing that they heard his bullshit and told him to get lost.

Here’s more of his bullshit over at Rally Point: https://www.rallypoint.com/profiles/640290-spc-jacob-smith

I’m betting that his favorite fighting technique is “felching ass clown”

Just An Old Dog

He’s added in a couple of Iraq Tours and a non combatant evacuation in the horn of Africa,

Dennis - not chevy

I especially liked the part about the accommodation medals.



He must not have Google installed on his super secret nano tablet.


I noticed that too. When did the Holiday Inn start issuing medals?


Good for a discount at the Navy Lodge.


He was awarded the Accommodation Medal for licking two holes and working balls. After all, he’s a very accommodating guy.

Just An Old Dog

Accomodation, AKA the Ike Densmorew memorial medal

Dolch Mann

Y’all might wanna drop a dime on this poser at: https://www.rallypoint.com/give_feedback I am sure they would not want his type sullying their website.


Based on the above documentation here’s what think happened:

He enlisted in the Navy, washed out (graduated early). Went to college (good on him).

In 2001 plauged by his sense of failure and desire to wash his sins clean he enlisted in the Oregan National Guard. Again, good on him.

Took him a year to get all the waivers/pass his APFT to get back in (with an RE code of 3 its a lot harder to enlist). He deployed to Iraq, likely served as route clearance (mechinized infantry) and hung out in the motorpool a lot. He may have done a stint in the reserves and been assigned to the motorpool May 2009 to May 2010) while awaiting reclass (which he didn’t make because of APFT issues).

The killer is, there is nothing wrong with his service. If I’m reading between the lines right (other than how it started and ended) he had a perfectly servicable career.

I seriously want to start offering a service to these guys. $200 and I’ll take your fiction and make it plausable. Supporting documentation is on them though. My willingness to hide behind “free speech” doesn’t extend to forgery.


What a Shitbag!


What a trip the Oregon guard was over there in 09-10 doing route clearance some of there engineers were with or attached to AF and Navy EOD… I had to do a ton of reports with these guys over IEDs
I don’t remember this turd ?
Another shit bag
Enjoy your Google fame loser


Shit I’m wrong about them having engineers they where 11B doing route clearance
This turd is a super shit bag


I left some TAH love over on his dojo page, in the reviews,,,lol



Already sanitized and comments hidden/disabled. This guy sure is ninja quick with the fb settings!

Dolch Mann

was just there, refreshed page, comments still there. 1846hrs 31 oct 2016. keep on keepin’ on folks!


Yep, bullshit and comments still there. He’s the brightest that’s been exposed here. I’ll just leave him some love…


NOT the brightest!!!!! Damn my fat fingers. Just Damn them.


Well obviously the guy is a retard. It’s not like you have to be a navy seal to be a good ninja. Most modern ninjas were never in the military. Of course his fake credential probably had the ninjers flocking to him for training. I’m sure they all got to sit around eating pizza, talking about stealth and watching teenage mutant ninja turtles. Too bad he shit all over a good military record.


He should change his name to “splinter” and move to the sewer where he belongs.


Let’s see if I have this right. * He was 17 when he entered the Navy in November of 1993 for a total of four years. * Completed BUDS & EOD and was attached to SEAL Team 4. * Left the Navy in 1997. * Attained a BS & Masters in four years of college in 1998. * Enlisted in the Oregon National Guard sometime after September 11, 2011. * Went to Basic & AIT for 12B (Combat Engineer) * Deployed to Iraq in 2003 where he was retrained & served as a 11M (Mech. Infantry). * Deployed again to Iraq in 2004 where he served as a 11M (Mech. Infantry). * Completed SAPPER training in 2006 at Ft. Leonard Wood. * Trained as a 19K ( M1 Armor Crewman) and as a 88M (Motor Transport Operator) but worked as a Track Mechanic (91Series). * Deployed to Iraq in 2009 as a 11M (Mech. Infantry). * Promoted to Corporal and then “reduced” to Spec. 4 in Iraq. * “Retired” in 2014 * Had 217 jumps (187 of them combat jumps). He said he received his BS & Masters in 1998 but left the Navy in 1997 yet states that while he was in the Oregon National Guard in 2006 he was still in college? (Yet he said he graduated in 1998 with a BS & Masters)? Served for 16 years (according to him) and was a Navy SEAL, 12B, 19K, 11M, 88M. (By the way, an 88M is a Motor Transport Operator not a Track Mechanic which is a 91 series MOS), and yet “retired” only as an E-4?. Also completed SAPPER training which he tries to make the impression that he was trained to blow shit up when it really is a Army Leadership Course. You can tell this guy is so full of shit just by looking at his picture. Looks like it has backed up on him and went straight to his gut. Wouldn’t want to be anywhere’s near him if he ever farted. Looks like “Fat Bastard” from Austin Powers. Any self respecting dog wouldn’t be… Read more »


Yeah, the first Sliders time-travel move I encountered was also that – since he joined Navy at tender age of 17, he must have studied on his massive amount of off time when relaxing from Navy Seal duties.

And as if that was not enough to study full time while being combat arms Navy, then he squeezed in a Masters in those 6 months directly after leaving the Navy.

This guy doesn’t even try to remain believable.

Dolch Mann

if the above link does not work, here is the workaround: https://www.google.com/search?q=jacob%20wayne%20smith%20Sr&tbm=isch&slpassthru=1 top row, 2nd from left.


Apparently you have to be logged into the site for either link.

Dolch Mann

maybe someone can send a copy of that picture to the admin?


According to the rallypoint link above, his “Master Degree” wasn’t an academic degree but a martial arts “degree”:

“Jul 1998 Master Degree Martial Arts”

Whatever that means.


He has a masters degree in sucking cock.


That explains the stains on the front of his ACU shirt…


Annnnnd the creepy smile.


Found this video.

He appears to live in a trailer park while he demonstrates the “Form of the Demon Blade”.


His form sorta reminds me of that “Shovel Guy”, John Gudick.


Oh man Skyjumper! I am sitting in a starbucks getting some work done, and decided to take a mental break and catch up on TAH. Clicked the link you provided, and now everyone else here in the Park City Starbucks is staring at the dude cracking up that cannot get the smile off of his face. Comedy gold man.


By the way,after review, I believe the form of divine wind blade is far superior to the form of demon blade. Of course that is just my novice opinion.


Jacob Wayne Smith knows about wind. Jacob Wayne Smith is windier than a sack full of farts…

Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

Yep, Jacob “Jake” Wayne Smith (<<<Google hit), can "Break Wind", but he can only "Cut the Cheese". This guy is about as close to Null and Void as ol' Soup Sandwich was. I wonder if he is planning to venture up to the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex to work some cases with the round mound of Walmart parking lot security. And share some cheese while he is there.


I’m thinking Head(giver) of security at All Points Logistics.

A Proud Infidel®™

Are we sure he’s not showing off his “Dumb-dumb Blade” kata?


Here’s what my response would be to his “Demon Sword”


Yeah…that’s got Grandmaster written all over it. FFS

Dolch Mann

His facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ShihanSmithatTheSmithFamilyDojo1998/?fref=ts ‘demo’ of Blade of Divine Wind and Form of the Demon Blade both look like shit. His moves are more wooden than his cheap pine bokken! The figure 8 movement with his bullshit form, is not even a technique that is from any distant form of reality! https://www.facebook.com/ShihanSmithatTheSmithFamilyDojo1998/videos/547447758778348/ Disgusting and BELOW amateur level. Kinda reminds me of the “star wars” kid of internet infamy, except the star wars kid is actually BETTER at it than this bagocat-turds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GJOVPjhXMY watch and compare!


Jacob Wayne Smith Is a turd


“Refused SGT 3 times because he didn’t want to be in charge of a bunch of idiots that were gonna get killed”

What a way to disparage real service men you POS poser!

A Proud Infidel®™

He looks like a very highly trained jelly doughnut assassin! I’ll put my Black Belts in Yakimandu, Egg Foo Yung and Chop Suey against his any day!!

Deplorable B Woodman

Stolen Valor. The rancid cherry topping the shit sundae. I wonder how long it will take for his ninja students to find out what a turd he is, and for him to lose his dojo? Couldn’t happen soon enough to suit me.

Just An Old Dog

Does he even have a Business, or is that entirely made up as well? I couldn’t find anything under that name except one in NC and its not him.

Dolch Mann

IIRC he did not have a dojo yet, but was training out of doors. Prolly hard to keep room enough in a trailer for that fat head of his, & another he’d be defrauding, with his fake l33t skillz n shit.

Green Thumb

Ninja shitbag.

What a fat loser.


The Pentagon was ‘bombed on 01 SEP 2001’? Thought it was 11SEP01.

Hack Stone

They were the advance party.


It was his magical thoughts getting the best of him

Dolch Mann

Ah, Temporal Cognitive Dissonance…

chooee lee

The Boatswain Mate rating requires a five year service obligation. He must have completed that early just like he did boot camp.


He’s high speed/low drag. Probably a time traveler, also. He can go back in time and do extra stuff. That would explain it.

sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

wow maybe he was in that covert secret tactical unit known as the manatee’s or the walrus commandos ?…or maybe that ceremonial unit, pig patrol

A Proud Infidel®™

Has The Hair®™ been alerted yet? I can picture that boy screeching and shitting his pants in the presence of The Hair®™.


He claims that he graduated BUD/S Class 230 in the Spring of 1994.

Seeing as another well known SEAL – Marcus Luttrell – graduated BUD/S Class 228 in April 2000, that’s a pretty cool time travel trick that Mr Smith has pulled off. He managed to drag a ENTIRE BUD/S class back 6+ years.

Or it was a wormhole…he went in first and plugged the exit with his svelte body and the rest of the class bounced off him and back to their regular timeline.

Just An Old Dog

This Sorry SOS penned this on Rally Point about a year ago.

I thought EOF was bogus most of the time. Especially when we would see insurgents digging holes, or even shooting at us, and we were told, “Duck and cover.” or “It’s not any of our business.” REMF’s have NO business on a battlefield… especially in command of troops. I was in many tours over in war zones… fresh luey from ROTC thought he knew his $#!t, well… I made him feel like an E1 private fresh out of basic training… that’s why I was busted back to Specialist.

If you are going to have ROE/EOF… then people NEED to follow the instructions and NOT try and get their men and women killed. When you are being shot at… you CAN fire back. If they are pointing weapons at you… you can point back… even give them a warning. If they are pointing a Green laser at you, shoot a pen flare at them. That really chaps their hide.

Iraqi’s don’t like it, but you have to treat them like children… but they are nothing more than cowards and bullies. The more I went out on missions with my Lt., the more I wanted to boot him in the head. He was a pompous prick that thought he knew everything, but what he didn’t realize is that when you have a guy that has had 12 years experience and 6 of that was in combat… you need to take off the gold bars, shut the f#$% up, and listen… or you’ll wind up in a pine box.

Those of you who haven’t deployed… God speed. Listen to your experienced vets! NO MATTER WHAT THEIR RANK IS!!!! They will get your A$$’s home. Don’t get cocky or complacent… as soon as you do, you’re dead. Those of you who have deployed, come home soon and have a drink. I salute you my brothers and sisters. Wish I was going with you!!!

Dolch Mann

his account at rallypoint has been deleted by the website admin.



The fat fuck made it a few hours before pulling out the “dead hero friend” card and apology tour.

“First, I wish to come clean on a lot of information. My buddy Marc had served as a SEAL for 5 years during the 90’s and had told me his life. I was a kid, that much is true. I did enlist in the Navy, as he did, and I was dischatged with Bronchial Pneumonia after completing boot camp for the suspension of asthma.
Marc had told me these awesome stories and I had retold them SO MANY times that I began to believe I was there with him. Fact 1, being bullied as a kid, I wanted to be better than everyone else, so I would not get fucked with. Fact 2, I got caught up in the fantasy….”

Still a fucking cocksucker.


Let me correct that.

Fat. Fucking. Cocksucker.


Yeah, right. We believe you, Jacob Wayne Smith. NOT!! Let me guess–all of those martial arts accomplishments were also stories from your “friend”, too, right?


Seems he’s selective on coming clean. No mention that he’s full of shite regarding being shot twice, receiving the Bronze Star, 187 combat jumps and on and on.

This guy has one brain cell and it’s fighting for dominance…



A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO he MIGHT have two, one is in a tiny wheelchair and the other is pushing it in circles around his head. If brains were dynamite he wouldn’t have enough to blow his nose!


Mr Smith, if you’re reading this, you should post everything that you just said on your own Facebook page and leave it there. Coming clean with your friends will make you feel a lot better.

Also, what’s your SEAL friends last name?


Here’s a tip for you BTW… your friends name Marc seems familiar.

Let me think, oh yes, Marc – Marcus

There’s a pretty well known Marcus that’s a SEAL. Marcus Luttrell. Marcus graduated from BUD/S Class 228. You claimed BUD/S Class 230.

If you’re trying to claim a connection to Marcus Luttrell, just take a set of those nunchuks and smack yourself with them.

Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

Or, Marc Lee, the first SEAL killed in Iraq, I believe. Son of the great Ms. Debbie Lee.


He’s a “Call of Booty – Buttsekks Warrior” fucking assclown for pulling the “dead friend” card (like that’s NEVER been played here).

Here’s hoping that Lady Karma takes a big bite out of your fat ass JACOB WAYNE SMITH for the bullshit that you’ve been spewing out of your cake hole for years.



Where was this posted ex-OS2?


Look under his photo at the end of the post. He posted it on Facebook.

Jake Smith Works at Retired.


Well, he just posted this on his FB page.


Many of you have heard my stories from being in the military. Many of the are true, but there are stories from the past I had embellished on. My friend Marc and I joined the Navy around the same time, and he went on to have a great career… I myself did not. I told his stories so many time that I began to believe them to be mine. Fact is, I caught Bronchial Pneumonia while I was serving, and the Navy medically separated me on suspicion of Athsma. I was so pissed and embarrassed, that I continued to talk as if I were in and served.
I DID serve in the Army, with many MANY good men and women. I am very ashamed of the embellishments that I have spoken of. I only wish Marc was around so I could apologize to him. Please forgive my stupidity.

A Proud Infidel®™

A VERY hollow-sounding apology IMHO, my bet is he currently plans to resurrect his game once he thinks the heat is off.

Dolch Mann

PS: He (JS Sr) forgot to mention that the Navy knows nothing of him…..
JS Sr NEVER joined the US Navy anyway, maybe it was the Navy of Hungary…
Either that or his apology was feigned as well…..


Man I HATE these sorry fat fucks!!!

“It was my buddy’s fault for telling me seal stories blah blah blah ……..”

Well, my recruiter was SF for 6 years before getting orders to serve as a recruiter. I loved having a recruiter who was tabbed out but I don’t recall ever thinking that it made me SF.


How long before he’ll claim the PTSD from Bronchial Pneumonia and look for a dog. He already has the doo rag.


It just got real on his apology on his facebook page. His betrothed just entered the fray, and she isn’t happy.


I imagine the wedding will be postponed….


Ha! Ha! I think you may be right. She was giving him a verbal beat down. Well deserved IMHO…


Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned… here’s hoping she dumps JACOB WAYNE SMITH for being a serial liar.



For those of you who don’t see this on FB.

Karen Luffman Fontenot This just has my head spinning. As I said before, I’m not going to quibble over what you did & didn’t do. I wasn’t there, and honestly I can’t say at this point what is true and what is not.
What I do know is you have admitted to lying to me repeatedly over shit that never even needed to be said! The one thing I said to you from the start was… DON’T LIE TO ME. but you did. Over and over again. And worse, YOU LIED TO MY KIDS.
How dare you.

THAT my friends is going to leave a mark.

Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

I have been talking with Ms Fontenot,in Facebook messenger. This lady, unlike many other posers, seems to “get it”. I believe that she will be intelligent enough to realize that if he will lie about little things, that he will damned sure lie about the big stuff. I have let her know that we have seen, that in most cases, that the military lies are but the tip of the problem.

Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

I am thinking that there is a house trailer in a trailer park in Wichita Falls TX, that is going to have one side of the main bed, quite vacant soon. In the few things she has said to me, I don’t see her being gullible enough to think that he has had his “Come to Jesus” moment. I told her that he is not sorry that he lied, just sorry that he got caught lying.


Wichita Falls TX, Ah, my old tech School stomping grounds…..Sheppard AFB, TX.
July and Aug 1984.

Dennis - not chevy

September through November 1975 for me.
The joke that went around was, “What does a tornado and a divorce have in common? Either way someone loses a trailer.”


We were only 5 years after Terrible Tuesday and a LOT of the town was still on shaky ground. More than once we were dragging out mattresses down the hall to the basement.


Better she find out now than after a wedding – but she should have kept her knees together a bit longer.


But, will it make an impression on Jacob Wayne Smith the serial liar?

She might make an impression on him if she uses a 2×4 on his head. Either one.


Hey Jake,

Look on the bright side, you have an exciting, lucrative career sucking cock ninja style behind dumpsters to look forward to. Perhaps you could offer double dutch rudders at Flying J and triples at Pilot.

Go fuck yourself Jacob Wayne Smith.

Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

I have been talking to his “former” fiance, at Facebook messenger. She is done with him and has asked me to share this with Y’all. I assured her that he, not she, is our target and we will respect her privacy.
She says:
“Btw, I would appreciate it if yall kept me out of this. Yes I replied to his stupid Facebook post. It’s out there. But I was completely blindsided by this and I had nothing to do with anything that he said. Bringing personal details about MY home and MY family is going too far. You want to air his dirty laundry? Fine. Please spare my family, because Jake won’t be a part of it from here on out.
Please and thank you.”


And there are some who still say Stolen Valor is a victimless crime, well here is a prime example thats not true.

Every lie you tell can affect others around you. Thankfully she got wise before tying the knot, I wish her the best in her future.

Jacob the Wad Gobbler on the other hand can insert a pineapple fronds first up his ass. The coward shut down his facebook pages when the heat was turned up instead of facing the music.

Rant Over//

Green Thumb

This loser lets Phildo do him in the ass.

Enough said.

Just another straight up ball-working dude.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if his “Self Defense” classes aren’t something like this:




Is it just me but Ms Karen Luffman Fontenot, I both feel sad for you and glad at the same time.

Go forth and be well and take care of yourself & your family.

This too shall pass.

A Proud Infidel®™

If that’s true I say Kudos to her for throwing out the trash and doing what’s right.


Let me guess. Our hero here was living in the fiancée’s trailer that she was paying for while he ran around playing dress-up in his bogus Ninja costume. And he was probably scarfing up all of her chow, too, from the looks of him. That’s just great.

Hope she waves off on this assclown for good.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ah-so he’s not only a lying pile of pigeon shit, he was sponging off of her as well! I wonder what he does with the money he says he makes from his MA “school”?


If all else fails he can fall back on his fake Masters Degree… 🙂

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if a bogus MA does one any better than a Piled-higher-&-Deeper from an unaccredited diploma mill?


LOL! Good question.

IMHO the one constant with these Posers seems to be they aren’t willing to put forth the effort to be the things they claim to be.

I’ve been serving for more than thirty years as a POG Soldier but I’m proud of my career, wouldn’t even think of claiming what I’m not.



The fat fuck deserves it. Enjoy sucking cock ninja style Jake.

Green Thumb



Well, better homeless than her performing a “bobbitectomy” on JACOB WAYNE SMITH and watching all the neighborhood dogs chewing up what’s left of his little peter…

Dolch Mann


After further review, I have suspended his account effective immediately. His account was un-verified and his profile read like one of the levels from the upcoming Call of Duty game. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Obviously, with all the accounts here on RallyPoint, a few do pass through the cracks but are normally seen eventually.”


Fat fucking liar deserved it, good on Rally Point.

Dolch Mann

IN ONE OF THE EMAILS LISTED, smith says he is rated 100% by the VA for PTSD, etc… I wonder if this is also fraudulent as his bronze star claim. Anyone here able to check that out? I did not know that getting booted from the NG for failing the AFPT was grounds for claiming a disability. Maybe he was in the 101st Little Debbies Brigade, and one night while furiously tryong to abuse himself in his pup tent, they were bombarded with ho-hos and snickers, and our brave young hero just popped out of his pup tent and gobbled them all up, saving his unit, thus earning his BS medal for Gluttony that went above and beyond the call of duty….


Fatty fat fuck couldn’t do correct push ups and caught the PTSD. For therapy, he sucks cock and mumbles “push ups are mean”.

Dolch Mann

Fatty Fat Fuck needs a tete-a-tete with Boaty McBoatface….. heheheheheh!