Paul Wickre doesn’t like me, so he makes up lies
I think this is mostly wishful thinking on his part, though.

Needless to say, I’ve behaved myself and Wickre is pissing in the wind. TSO has a similar restraining order, so we have a road trip to DC on Friday. I’ll be singing all the way there and all the back.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
Dude is in orbit and slowly drifting off.
Good luck.
Paul sounds like he needs a hurt feelings report.
Attempted rape? Geez Jonn, wear a raincoat before you go there, who knows what kind of disease is present.
Excuse me while I go vomit now. blech.
I would have said MOPP gear myself. With multiple decon showers afterwords.
Wait a minute! I thought he was coming after YOU and TSO?
Nope, it seems that he was lying to us when he threatened to kill us. Can you believe it?
Now I’m pissed – because I can’t be in DC on Friday.
Can’t wait to hear all about it
I wanted to go, too. 🙁
I could send a picture, so I’m there by proxy.
Ex-PH2…Off topic. Can you please tell me the emoticon keyboard code for the one you used? Thank you very much.
Sparks: it’s : and ( right next to each other, no space between. The 🙂 is : and ) together.
There is a list of keyboard codes somewhere, but I don’t know where it is located. Try typing emoticons in your search block.
This link is for keyboard codes for things like accented words.
Ex-PH2…Thank you for your answer and the link!
See, now that’s just bullshit right there. You can’t go making a promise like that, get our hopes up and then go all chicken shit!
I’m guessing that you will be carrying copies of his diatribes. Bet the judge will like those.
I tried hard to get down there, but I just can’t swing the expenses right now.
Having said that, it’s too bad that we couldn’t get someone who lives nearby to liveblog the event, you know?
It’s be a hoot to have both audio and video of the whole affair, as well as a running blog description.
Poor work ethic on his part.
OMG, why do I have to be TDY this month? WHY???
Jonn, I would totally take a leave day to come see this and support you guys!
If there’s any way to get photos, please do!
It’s trap! He’s using this to lure you into an ambush!
Reminds me of the worn movie scenario in which the watcher assumes he has the upper hand because he is, after all watching his prey. And, lo and behold, it turns out that there were watchers watching the watcher. It’s nearly always a fatal mistake, in the movies.
Will his team of crack (head) assassins be testifying? What about Elaine Ricci? Will she be making a command appearance? While you are there, can you pick me up some FirsTech Solutions swag? I hear that FirsTech Solution 45 RPM record inserts are collector items.
I would be curious to see if he shows up sober.
And if his breath smells like taint.
I’d be curious to see if he shows up at all.
Oh, dear me! After all those e-mails where he threatened various and sundry parties connected with TAH with extreme violence and death, and the crank phone calls he made, too!
Is it possible we’ll get another report of a perp name psulie-o the uncoolie-o doing the frog walk?
We’ve been so NOT noticing that entire entourage of him and whatever follows him around. I guess he just does not like being ignored.
What proof does he of shooting and destruction of property by you. I am sure if you ever shot at him. You would not miss his fat bloated body. Rape, not shots to the STds from attacking your body.If this is a real legal statement, what is the panalty for a false statement? Psul has a huge case of projection going against you. These are the same threats he made against you,TSO and many others here at TAH. All I have to say is Parmler paul Wiakre is the feral hogs ned to eat, so bring it. Joe PS sorry fr the bad spelling, the pain meds are kicking in. Sidenote,they do not affect my aim. Joe
It was all of those drive-by wheel chair shootings, right?
Legal disclaimer, if Paul or his hired assinians are on my property they are trepassing. So warned Joe
Joe, I read this comment several times and realized that one word needed a slight correction. ‘assinians’ should be Abyssinians’, so it reads as follows:
‘if Paul or his hired Abyssinians are on my property they are trespassing’.
I hope you didn’t mind my tiny editing.
“if Paul or his hired Abyssinians are on my property they are trespassing’.
That is a little “catty” on your part, isn’t it?
I bow to your perceptivenes, RGR4-78.
Jonn, doesn’t your attorney know a legal remedy to put this legal harassment crap to a halt? I thought every state by now had laws in place to prevent this kind of BS.
Texas and Oklahoma are two Vet friendly states as is most Southern States. Alec, I am short 20 K . Would you send the 20K so you will not be mistaken for a liar? Joe
Sorry, last comment in wrong place. Would someone Please move it to the tax talk. Thank You Joe
Enjoy your drive and singing. Counter? I was in a similar gig with a stalker in Tejas. You have much more “crazy” than I did, and I won. Judge chastised her and the prosecutor. I smiled. Good luck and I feel your pain. Mr Moron Wick Dick can suck my pecker. Fight the Fight brother.
It looks like Karen Williams Wickre is just as bat shit crazy as Paul. It must have been the fumes of his home made hooch and formaldehyde that’s driven her there. Well, that or having to spread her legs for him occasionally (hey, Paul, birthday’s coming up, maybe Karen will put out).
I hope that this one ends up the same way as the earlier one, with Paul being escorted by one of the county’s finest to a holding tank. Maybe now that Karen is in on it, she’ll get a chance to try the perp walk, too.
Paul, allow me to quote one of the wise prophets of our time, Agent J
“don’t start nothing, won’t BE nothing”
Too bad you didn’t follow that advise.
Damn, you and TSO get to have all the fun.
What are the chances you just show up at your local PD. Every night at a certain time, say hi. Get on tape being there. Then you SUE this guy for his $5 cars his 1$ ties and the fact it is wasting the courts time. He lost, sided with a liar and he lost. All of us believed a friend once in our lives and were proven wrong. To destroy your life and your wives life is insane. My brother married a crack whore, he loves her, worships her, she ripped my mom off over $10,000 and he still worships her. My brother is a LEO promised mom not to act unless she gets physical. Cannot control any of them, but even family members are screwed up. I sent the cops, he pulls a badge and blames my mom and me. Blue wall…. cops do not care about emails apologizing for her stealing, say his e mail isn’t secure. Yep.
Hey, lookie there… precedence.
“His defeats will continue to mount and it will be easier and easier to convince judges to dismiss his cases. Sooner or later, a team will put together a motion to have him declared a vexatious litigant — thus blunting his ability to harass through litigation. Once he’s declared a vexatious litigant in one jurisdiction, others will follow more easily. Most of all, more and more people will do what he hates most: talk about who he is and what he’s done.”
I think it is just a fantasy the little twink has. I will bet anything he has been practicing on his gag reflex. Paul Wickre is just a pussy, the little coward has probably always punked out of actually meeting anyone.
Oh goody! Think you can get video or at least still images when he gets frog marched out in handcuffs again? Shame they wouldn’t let you last time.
It will be interesting to see how he explains all of those emails that he sent to you, and then filed a restraining order for everything he threatened to do to your family and property.
This should get interesting. Someone needs to remind the employees of FirsTech Solutions that they will be testifying under oath. Then he can tell the judge about that murder in North Philly that he said that he committed. And then he can discuss why he sent emails threatening to rape and murder family members of TAH commentators. Or his threats to my 3rd Grade Teacher. I guess the anger there is his pent up hostility towards his own 3rd Grade Teacher, who gave him failing grades for his dismal efforts on writing assignments, which lead to such gems as “raw meth on the curb” and “gnag”. As to (dang, I did it again) Karen Williams, I attribute her participation to Stockholm Syndrome. Spending years trapped in a relationship with this imbecile would wear anyone down. Maybe the next time Paul gets locked up, she will have enough of a head start to pack her shit and escape the asylum. But do you know who the biggest victim is in all of this? That’s right, Elaine Ricci.
I wonder if this charade was solely concocted to help Karen Williams in the job hunt. By now, she’s likely toxic in her field, but if she can tell people she and Paul were unjustly smeared, and look, we even got a restraint order, regardless of merit, the filing will be used by her to infer that all the drama and malfeasance accusations are manufactured by some bloggers. However, this could all backfire and we can now add perjury to the laundry list, but A for effort?
I’ll vote for that.
I think that you’re giving them too much credit. I think that this is a campaign to wear down Jonn and TSO with constant interruptions and travel demands in the hope that they will finally fold and provide some small capitulation which Paul will be able to claim as a win. I honestly don’t think that either has thought through the branches and sequels to this plan, and it’s going to end up biting them in the ass.
Both complaints are in the same hand writing. Ms. Williams may not be aware that she is a party to this bit of shenanigans. If so, that should go well.
I think SmAll Paul WickRE has been listening to Led Zeppelins Immigrant song backwards again. It makes the Viking blood pump. A little Meth helps too.
p.s Question are you diving that new Bradly Fighting Vehicle John its cool.
I respectfully wouldn’t give these guys space to get the front page attention that they want. It’s like feeding trolls…there is no real winning and it puts you in their most easily defended turf. That’s what they want.
Psul needs to be locked away in a padded room with nothing but crayons. He is a danger to himself and others, as demonstrated by numerous instances of threats of real violence, and real acts of harrasment. I hope you get to see him do another Perp Walk.
Paul Kevin Wickre of FirsTech Solutions is simply too stupid to realize that you have his threatening phone messages recorded, his threatening emails saved, and blocked blog posts of his all archived. Meanwhile, he is showing up to court with a record of courtroom incompetence, a failed business venture, some made up shit about an army retiree acting like a navy man and a printout of some haploid study that he saw on the internet. This should go well for him.
On a serious note, you and TSO need to use this venue to bring attention to the plight of poor Elaine Ricci, Jonn. I fear that Paul K. Wickre and his willing accomplice Ms. Williams may have done something terrible to her.
#justiceforelaine #scoobydoowhereareyou
If Mr Psul Wickre of the non pecker doesn’t show up in court, can the judge issue a bench warrant for his arrest?
It seems to me that Paul Kevin Wickre may be feeling that he is sliding in the Goooooogle rankings, and wants to push his name back to the top.
Poor fella wants to feel the fame, no matter how he has to pull it off.
I’d like to know if those restraining orders can be dismissed with prejudice? That could make it difficult for him to try that again.
Geezo-pete, I sure would like to be there. 🙁
I promised my wife I wouldn’t let my blood pressure get up, so I will say this:
I’m truly sorry that you guys have to continue going through this shit, because some batshit crazy asshole, his apparently just as batshit crazy wife, and other sundry associates are allowed to make printed threats against your lives and then be able to turn around and commit perjury in a court in order to continue their harassment. It seems that any court that continues to allow such flagrant misuse and perjury isn’t a court of law, but rather a court of clowns. If he and his wife aren’t arrested and charged with harassment, perjury, and making grave threats through electronic media, then it will just confirm my suspicions.
It’s great to see you guys that were assassinated by Psul, SlUrRPp, et al, posting from the grave.
They should have made it easier on him and just a Check All box.
I keep wondering when Psul’s name will turn up on TAH’s wall of shame dead pukes that just didn’t have the guts…
This shit right here is why I hate the ex part hearings that restraining orders get. One can say whatever one wants and there is no way to counter this shit unless you go to hearing. Went through this nonsense with my little sister 6 months ago. Thankfully she no showed the hearing so my order (and the one she took out on mom) was quashed.
If this turd doesn’t show, it’s likely all that will happen is the order is quashed. If he does show up a couple of things could happen. There is of course the possibility that the order gets quashed, but I’ve also seen the judge slap orders on everybody concerned and call it a day.
My advice would be to buy a glove that is too small to fit your hand, then practice trying to put it on. It really works.
Now you’ve done it, GDC.
L Taylor will be here any moment to scold us and tell us why that isn’t funny and we’re all racists.
Yeah VI, there I go again. My bad.
Hey on another note, to any LEO types out there: What does a verbal rape kit look like and how do you go about getting tissue samples?
“Verbal rape” may be the new term for “ripping someone a new one”. If that’s actionable, Paul K. Wickre will have to take out hundreds of restraining orders.
No, Lars will be ranting over Poetrooper’s new thread. That will keep him occupied all day.
If the Spandex won’t constrict, you must acquit.
Ground Control, to Major Tom.
Floating in a tin can….
This guy is certifiable. Jonn, Good luck with this guys mental diarrhea.
I’ll be downtown that day. Give me a heads up if you need moral support, or a live-tweeter, or maybe just a cameraman.
Are there enough of us in the NCR to convene a TAH Beer Summit? I would recommend holding it in Alexandria. Easier to park there, a lot of military friendly establishments, and Paul won’t cross into VA because he probably still has a few outstanding warrants.
That could be amenable. I want to see the despicable war criminal Hack Stone with my own eyes, at least before those ninja assassins catch up with you. Who else is in?
I want to make this abundantly clear; I did not have sexual relations with Paul Wickre’s mailbox.
Time and place. What the hell, it’s Friday.
If I may.
I think you should contact the District Attorney’s office and ask how you can submit threatening emails and phone messages sent by a person who is now requesting a restraining order against you. You know, so they are legal and cannot be called hearsay or fabricated. Ask if you can send them to the D.A.’s office for them to be printed and marked into evidence, and/or reviewed for possibly perjury and/or filing a false or vexatious document.
Well, according to the DRC, my arrest Friday is imminent, probably at least as imminent as it’s been for the last two years.
You would think that they would have to provide proof, before a restraining order is handed out. That could then be grounds for perjury. I know, it’s too simple for the legal system, which it seems has been morphed into a giant joke. If it wasn’t; this fuckstick would have been thrown in the jug a year ago.
I can’t wait for Friday’s Hot Wash and AAR. Jonn and TSO colluding will make for an epic read.
I can’t wait to see the AAR, and the upcoming youtube video of the court cam!!! Please say you’re going to post it!
I’ll +1 on the AAR/Hotwash post request. Should make for an interesting read.
I expect 5 ups and 5 downs.
Well, if it is, and you find out about it, let us know.
Now we know the reason for the new ride.
Road trip!
Since the software sales does not seem to be working for Paul Wickre, perhaps he can enter the exciting field of cosmetology.
Psul could not qualify, they have standards…..
Unless it was cosmetology for his love buddy Butt-nut Bernath!
Paul may snuggle up to Bernath, but his heart will always belong to Phil Monkress. He even wrote in an email that Phil broke his heart. I always suspected that the had a Brokedick Mountain vibe going.
Speaking of Bernath, where did he go? I haven’t seen anything spewing from his mouth for several weeks. He must be busy flying from military base to military base so he can personally watch government employees get fired and military personnel get court martialed for visiting TAH.
I know that the DC area is weird to the nth, but in Texas at least filing a false report like that is grounds for prosecution.
A female tried that on my brother, wound up in jail.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish one and all a Happy Paul Wickre Day. Remember to wear your Spandex, otherwise you will get punched and your mailbox door will fall off.
This is seriously a messed up system of justice when some clown in whose presence no one wants to be can force you to be in his presence while attempting to get a court order to make you stay away from him. Well, duh – that’s what everyone was doing until ordered by a court to look at him. Which no one wants to do.
Evidently someone hasn’t been paying enough attention to him. Exceptionally sad that a court can force people to give him attention they would otherwise not give him. Or even sell him.
The strange just continues to get more and more strange.
I was just over on IMDB to see who Paul shares a birthday with, and one of the celebrities born on this date includes actor Peter Graves, most noted for his role on Mission Impossible. In an eerie coincidence, each episode of Mission Impossible would open with James Phelps receiving his instructions on a tape, which would self destruct after being played. The weird part is that after receiving his instructions from Phil Monkress to attack TAH, Paul Wickre’s career self destructed. So, Paul has that going for him, which is nice.
I’ve given this episode of The Strange World of Pickwickre Peckerwood a lot of thought. Well, some thought. Well, a little bit of thought, really. Well, actually, as little thought as possible.
peckerwood is an attention-seeking spoiled brat drama queen. Ol’ larstheomniscient is an attention-seeking spoiled brat. We could set them up for a meet-up and see if the universe implodes into a black hole in that particular spot. If so, we’d be rid of both of them.
Just my view of it.
I’ll go back to hunting Snakes now.
If Paul Wickre and Dennis Chevalier had a love child:
Oh, you just had to do that, didn’t you, Hack?
With the massive recall of Mac & cheese, I know of at least two dinner plates that are going to be empty. Somehow, this all ties into the disappearance of Elaine Ricci.
Perhaps we should start a “gofundme” site?
Safe journey today MMFIC and TSO! We anxiously await a Hotwash/AAR. Bet TSO will even weave in a reference to the “Holy Name of Sponge Bob” in the narrative.
PS: anyone seen anything from 3/17? I can’t see that he’s checked in an a long time. I can relate to what he’s going through and am concerned.
sj: he commented here a couple of days ago after he’d visited one of the other regulars. I think he’s hanging in there.
I’m more worried about TSO. I hope the Leprechaun didn’t get him!
Today is not only the first day of spring; it is also the day of a full solar eclipse.
This allows people to see the sun’s coma (and corona) if they have the right equipment. It is a day without a night and a night without a day. It’s on the other side of the planet this time, so we can’t see it.
In Buddhism, Rahu is the bodiless head of an Asura, that swallos the sun causing eclipses. In Vedic Astrology Rahu is seen as an Asura or demon who does his best to plunge any area of Life he controls into chaos, mystery, and cruelty. He is associated with the World of material manifestation and worldly desire, as well as random, uncontrolled growth without Wisdom or understanding.
Rahu can also bestow wealth of all sorts, including wisdom and understanding. Rahu does appreciate sacrificial offerings of radishes, saffron, lead, coal, blankets, sesame and satnaja, if Rahu is not in a good position in one’s horoscope.
– Source: China Buddhism encyclopedia.
I find it odd that psul the uncool aka pickwickre peckerwood has to explain himself and his misbehavior (again) to a judge on the day that Rahu swallows the Sun. He will not benefit from it.