The Stolen Valor Triad & the wheelchair drive-by

| October 22, 2014

Stolen Valor triad

Yes, the Stolen Valor Triad of Dallas Wittgenfeld, “Palmer” Paul Wickre, and Daniel A. Bernath have been working overtime to prove that they’re the dumbest MFers on the planet. They claim that I drove two-and-a-half hours to fire three bullets at poor Paul Wickre’s house;

Slander Lawsuit

I don’t know what a “Ruger .222” is, do you? Whatever it is, I don’t think that it’s logical to think that I would drive five hours to shoot at a house and then leave evidence that would lead back to me. Of course, if it were .222 shell casings it wouldn’t lead back to me, anyway. They claim that I did a drive-by in my wheelchair which is absolutely ridiculous for a number of reasons – not the least of which is; nobody in Wickre’s neighborhood noticed a guy in a wheelchair with a rifle? Of course, we all know that their reason for including that is to make fun of the fact that I’m paralyzed. Ha-ha-ha.

They continue that people with ALS go crazy. Stephen Hawking has had ALS since 1974, so I want to be that crazy. The “three round volley” proves that it was a military shooter. The only three round volley that I know of is zeroing the M16. I wouldn’t be zeroing my rifle at a house.

Somehow, Wittgenfeld is convinced for some reason that I’ve been ordered by a judge to keep my guns locked in a safe – keep thinking that, Dumbass. He believes that because he’s just dumb enough to believe everything that the other two dumbasses tell him.

Now then there’s this message from Wickre who uses proxy servers to comment here when he wants to make threats, but as I’ve told him, our traffic monitor tracks computers, not IP addresses;

Joey Teti
Submitted on 2014/10/20 at 11:51 pm

As a supporter of Joe, dont worry ALS boy youre lawsuit is being drafted, this ones gonna be good and ultimately shut your BS spewing ass up. ohhh and the default judgment and garnishment of your retirement is gonna be classy. You fucken prick, dont worry the shot will be taken from a long way, you wont even hear it. Stand the fuck by

I’m not dumb enough to make death threats to anyone, but these numbnuts aren’t that all that bright. I’m tired of all of Wickre’s empty threats. He’s been telling me that this lawsuit is coming for more than a year now, but like the ShoRtBus WInDowLicKer, he never shows.

The Stolen Valor Triad has been including Frank Visconi is their emails, so now I’m scared – two idiots with law degrees.

Category: Bernath, Shitbags

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Bernath's Fuel Gauge

This is what you call STUPID to the power of at least 1,000,000

Delilah T.

When you let enough of this looney-tunery pile up in a place where it never goes away, it becomes an exercise in watching paint dry: how long will it take before the layers start to peel away?

Okay, I didn’t mean to wax metaphorical about the illiterate brainfarting that these birdwitted loobies cook up, but another way to put it is like naming your dog Karma and watching her chase her own tail. Eventually, she grabs it.

There’s enough in the stuff that they post online for a full 3-day discussion at a mental health conference.


I missed something. Where are “instructions to their group” published? I must not be on distribution.

I thought we were a “cadre”? Oh, wait, that is from the other jewel of colossal ignorance, Chevy.


Dennis Howard Chevalier is a veteran of Operation Desert Phony. Hopefully, there’s a real veteran in Dennis Chevalier’s area that offers the same classes that Dennis Chevalier offers.

As for Paul K. Wickre, the only shots that took place at his residence are the piss splattered everywhere but the toilet. Since Paul K. Wickre can’t even aim in broad daylight while fully awake, his mother in law had to rub his face on the floor splattered with his urine… so that Mrs. Wickre could start giving him incentives to aim for the toilet bowl.

As for Dallas Wittgenfeld (google hit), the guy is a special forces wannabe has been. Whenever he does his jumps, he looks more like a “God is taking a shit” re-enactment than he does someone jumping out of an airplane.

Green Thumb

Maggots, cowards and losers.

That pretty much sums up Bernath, Wickre, Chevy, Visconi, Dumbass Dallas and Phildo.,


Fucking idiot assholes…
Nice shooting BTW !!!
Especially with that .222, one question though, do you reload your own rounds since those are so impossible to get ???
If so, why did you leave shell casings ???
Take care my friend. You are much more important than they could ever hope to be…


You know … I’m just shaking my head here.

That someone would even make this kind of shit up and post it somewhere online just shows how mentally unstable they really are.

Fuck them.


.222, .223, whatever it takes!

The STOOPID runs strong and deep in that bunch.


All 12 guages


Oh … and just FYI there is a .222 Remington Magnum round. Damn near impossible to find unless you’re reloading yourself.


Ooops Thunderstixx beat me to it.


But yet again, Ruger ammo?

Not so much.


not to mention the old .222, a competitor to the .223 which kind f died out after the government adopted 5.56×45. Not a bad round, but kind of hard to find, and never chambered in a Ruger autoloader.

Al T.

Hmmmmm…… I used to have a .222. Cartridge is legitimate, though it tends to be used in bolt action rifles.

Bravo four

I haven’t been a “skin head” since basic training! I’d prefer to be called a “high and tight”.


I prefer plain ol’ bald.

Green Thumb

All three of those clowns in the picture above look like pedophiles.

Keep your pants up folks when near those meatgazers.


Whenever I see a post that mentions at least one of the 5 dorks of the apocalype, I stop, fasten the seatbelt that I installed on my desk chair for such occasions, and then read on.

Today the seatbelt didn’t help. I just pulled the chair down with me when I started laughing.


…the 5 dorks of the apocalype…

Thank you. I just spit out a mouthful of perfectly good coffee because of you. I hope you’re happy.

Pigmy Puncher

…the 5 dorks of the apocalype…

That has to be the funniest thing I’ve read in a week. Thanks for the laugh!

Pineywoods NCO

Are we sure there’s just five?

Let’s see

Failing Frankie
Dullass Witless
Can’t Piss straight Paul
Dan “Beneath common sense”
“Stinky Cheese” Chevy
Phil the Nil
Cody “X Box King” Sterner

and the list goes on…

All of them, unflushable turds on the toilet bowl of life.


Hopefully no computers were harmed in the process.

Joe Williams

Chief,follow this Marine’s lead on this one.Use a 5 point safety belt used in racing. Also as I found out bolt your chair to the floorto prevent rollovers. I have a single shot .222 single shot (break open) by CZ. Yes the rounds are hard to find and I reload. Joe


My bad, there’s 6 dorks of the apocalypse.

1. Not a lawyer
2. PuRpLe PeTeR eAtEr
3. Cheese slayer
4. Wicker basket
5. Vagcounti
6. Reverend Colon (Colyer)


You sir, have now shaken my faith in you.

How can our S2 be expected to track the right targets when you keep adding more?



Semper Gumby!


I’m with my MP brother here. Think our S2 needs needs a short trip to the watering hole though, to refresh his intel skillz. lol.

Green Thumb

5. Vagcounti – The known and confirmed document forger.


I would hire Jared Stern to crack the case. You know he has the intelligence, couter terrorism and operational background.


Oh wow.

I am so sad Jonn. Your .222 didn’t come with the kung fu grip adapter and full assualt mode selector switch? Mine did.

Guess you couldn’t swing for the full upgrades.

charles w

Mine has a compass in the stock and a thing that tells time.

A Proud Infidel®™

Next they’ll be saying someone fired a heat-seeking 12 gauge shotgun round at one of them ore their houses. I don’t think ANY of these shmendricks will ever stop shitting flaming squirrels!


Does Wickre do stupid shit in an airplane too ?


One can only hope.


He was probably the drunk I witnessed on my last flight, that fought with the stewardess’s over being served more alcohol. But, I cannot swear to it.



I know gas is getting high Jonn. But really ? Wheel chair drive by’s ? I can see this trend catching on in the hood quick.


Damn, you beat me to it. Better get new rubber on those wheels, that’s quite a trek.


Just to confuse ’em, MY Mini-14 fires both 5.56x45mm NATO AND .223 Remington rounds.

The stupid is strong with this one.


Is that a real police report?

These two are mentally deranged. How the fuck has law enforcement not gotten involved yet with their bullshit?


If brains were dynamite, these three wouldn’t have the collective wherewithal to blow a nose.


If brains were cotton, these clowns put together still wouldn’t have enough to make a tampon for a piss ant.



I just re-read that tirade and just noticed that he claims we had helicopter recon of his house.

That’s so cool. Not that stalking someone is cool, but that we actually have a helicopter recon unit! So….

when do we go into Syria? 😎


I’m sorry Steadfast, but your going to have to leave the room now. We do not talk about our soooouuuuppppeeeeerrr secret squirrel operations here.

You need to have Space Shuttle Door Gunner Clearence to have these discussions.

Ohhh. Btw. I still need directions to the website where our marching orders are published.


We also have helicopter gunships and an old Spectre AC-130. Part of the TAH Airforce ya know.


I thought we ditched Spooky in favor of the A-10 we were getting from the government when they shut the program down?


The A-10 didn’t have room for the wet bar and big plasma TV.


That makes much more sense now. Thank you for clarifying. 🙂


Ahhhh …. “Puff the Magic Dragon”. Had a friend who was a gunner on one. Although automatic mode, he said sometimes they’s disconnect it so they could manually fire the miniguns.


Really? You’ve one in your inventory? Cool beans!


Hi everyone

This is my first post, but I saw Jonn (Mr Lilyea).

I even took a photo. This is how he did it:

I hope that worked properly.

Jonn Lilyea

Welcome, Miffy. I wish I had the $50k for one of those chairs.


Thank you sir! Wow they cost $50,000???? Holy macaroni!

That pic was meant just as a joke and I hope and pray it was taken that way.

I’m not certain how to address all of you and I don’t want to be disrespectful. Should I use your ranks or am I permitted to call you by your names?


Sure. I’m asshole, he’s numb nuts, he’s dickweed, and so on.

We’re an informal bunch here.

Hey, Bernath! Rustle, rustle, bitch!

Pineywoods NCO


You forgot me, I’m “Goatsmeller”


Hmmm. You can call me anything you want. I just my not respond to it is all. Lol

Welcome Miffy.

Old Trooper

Miffy; I answer to pretty much anything (just ask my Drill Instructor) and most of us don’t get offended by much. If you would hear how Jonn and I address each other, you would probably blush. 🙂

Retired Master

Miffy, Welcome to the site. Just don’t call me late for a drink. BTW I prefer Jamesons..

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Call me anything except “Late for dinner.”

Hahahaha! You guys are amazing! And mad!

I sent Mr Lilyea an email a few days ago and Here’s an excerpt:

“6. I respect and honour the USA military because they have been keeping all of us safe for years and years. Yes, all of us, everywhere in the world.
7. I believe that Good will triumph over evil because evil is all about breaking things down”

Anyway, all I want to say is that NONE of you should be paying attention to the morons out there because you are all heroes.

I know that because if you did what I know you did, you HAVE to be heroes. You helped to save the world from evil. I’m not sure what other definition of hero is required.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you


Welcome and thank you for the comments.

Dave Hardin

Ranks work for me. I will answer to: Major Phukup, General Paynindass, or my foreign service title Sultan of Shitbirds. I don’t get too Miffy over what you call me. Best Regards.

Kinda old ET1

Welcome Miffy. Since I currently live in the American South, I readily answer to Sugar and Honey.


Welcome aboard, Miffy! I’m just one of Lilyea’s *dickweeds*, ya know? Keeping keep the dayroom clean and stuff…


Jonn, There may be a way for you to get one at no cost. Contact the Action Track folks at the link below. Explain your situation and they’ll help you to get one through one of the several organizations that want all wheelchair bound vets to have one. They’re good folks at Action Track Chairs, willing to bend over backwards to help a disabled veteran out.

The Action Trackchair distributor for your area is;

Colleen Grehlinger


The Trackchair is a lot less than $50k also. The stand up version with all the features is under $20k.


Damn, that makes my brain hurt! Eight hours of “Death by PowerPoint” classes and now this?! This is too much! AAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!
These guys are Intergalactically, Weapon’s Grade, Death Star, Stupid. Beavis and Butthead are geniuses compared to these guys.


Easy, LT…easy, sir. Gotta keep your mind in one piece, otherwise we can’t let you have the map n compass. *salute* hehehe…


Why is it that, when I go spend time on my own stuff, all hell breaks loose in the form of clouds of brainfarts from these imbeciles?

Can’t I leave for even one hour? Are they THAT obssessed with making asses of themselves every damned day?

Jonn, I am SO sorry you have to put up with these CHILDREN in adult bodies, like this.

You deserve better.

You don’t have any allergies to nuts, other than these three nutballs, do you?

Oh, for pickwickre peckerwood:
C’est quoi la différence entre ta cravate et la queue d’un chien? La queue du chien elle cache tout le trou-du cul.


Jerry Springer won’t have them oh his show. They’re so fucked up even Jerry can’t believe it.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

That’s some battery in your wheel chair if it powers you to his house and back, you might want to get in touch with Elon Musk he seems to be struggling finding some range in his cheaper battery packs….


There simply are no words to appropriately respond to this level of insanity. Well, there are, but at least some of the readers here are considered polite society.

Meanwhile, are none of them intelligent and/or mature enough to realize that it is they who control the residents inside their own heads? None of us has any interest in residing there. But they seem to like obsessing over people who have no interest in them.

Oh, well.


Wheelchair drive-by?

Reminds me of

Clop-clop clop-clop clop-clop bang-bang clop-clop…. an Amish drive-by


Wasn’t there a reality TV show about Amish mobsters? Think it was called Amish Mafia….


Yeah, wheelchair drive-by: You’re my hero, man.


Screw that, TSO.

Tomahawk launcher. Trust me on this one.


Jonn, I assume your next chair will have a pedestal mount so you can carry a larger weapon?


We should pass the plate for a tracked wheelchair with Mk19. No reason to half ass it.


I’m in! It should have a dual mount for a 249 also.

Old Trooper

Great idea. I’m more of a mini-gun type, though. We could power the chair with a Chevy ZZ4 crate motor, so it could pull the trailer full of ammo needed for said mini-gun.

I’m just sayin’


Get him the titanium bucket seat and a GAU-8

A Proud Infidel®™

Meh, give it a turbocharged Detroit 8-71 with glasspack mufflers, that will make a statement!


Nope. 16V149T with 2 Roots blowers and 4 turbochargers. Now THAT’s an engine! Man, that is a screamer. 2-cycle Detroit Diesel with all that forced induction…..of course, that’s from my days working on generator paralleling switchgear systems. Light off 4 of those fuckers at once, you couldn’t even be in the same room with those generator sets. You felt the pistons thumping in your chest. Ah, good times, good times.

Mr Wolf

mini-gun or nuthin’. Why half-ass it?


If we are adding all this fine stuff, why not go full bore and armour the chair and install a crows system…..seems much more economical, plus it would safwr. 🙂


Wheelchair technical–even better.

Delilah T.

Remember to include the family nukes in that setup.


What a collection of utter assholes… taking the stupid to extreme levels.


The new TV show hosted by Joe Teti – Extreme Stupidity meets Goobers Gone Wild.

That Guy

As an actual skinhead, oldschool spirit of 69 two-tone heart kind of cat, I take offense.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

This lot between all of them doesn’t have two brain cells to rub together.

A Proud Infidel®™

I have cut plenty of MRE farts that were at least a few hundred times smarter than all of them put together!!


I hear ya, Proud. I think the deuce I dropped this morning has more intelligence than our Cabal of Fucktardery! And it looks so much like Giduck…..

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

An assailant fired three “described as Ruger .222” rounds recovered from the home of Paul Wickre and Karen Williams today.
The slugs were imbedded in brick and just below the living room
windows. Windows were broken.

Its embedded not imbedded you morons.

If you are going to write a fake news report then for the love of God at least try to get the fake facts correct.

Rounds are fully loaded ready to fire. Bullets or bullet fragments would be recovered.

Any bullet embedded and recovered from brick would be so deformed that caliber would be difficult if not impossible to determine, to say a make and model that fired it is pure science fiction.

Lets use a Ruger 10/22 as an example. One of the most popular .22 caliber rifles ever made. Its a semi auto.

Compare it to a Mossberg Model 44 US, a Bolt Action .22 produced in great quantities in the 40’s and 50’s.

It would take a firearms forensic technician with a full lab to determine what gun fired what round. that is assuming that both spent shell casings and usable spent rounds were recovered.

now why don’t you fucktards go embed your heads up one another’s asses a little more?


now why don’t you fucktards go embed your heads up one another’s asses a little more?

OOH! OOh! OOOO … Mista Kattah, I know the answer! They’re called



Psul is forgetting that his address is posted all over the Circuit Court of Maryland’s website for each of his 17 separate cases. Also, given Psul’s sunny disposition which has been exemplified by getting tossed from every bar in the neighborhood, legal actions with neighbors, and hearing the local PD laugh every time that his name is mentioned, I’m sure that there are people beyond TAH who really dislike him.

I’m also seriously doubting that there were any shots fired near casa Wickre. That would be some serious shooting if someone were to fire a rifle from a car, across his lawn, and into the house and have a group like that. It all looks like more stupidity from the challenged trio. Maybe I’ll swing by the Montgomery PD and see if there was a police report filed.


“Maryland Judiciary Case Search” is your friend!


Day-yumm! He’s been a busy little boy. 34 cases (one continuation listed two other times so 36)?


There used to be a shit load more, but somehow he got his lawyer to remove the nolo pros ones. (That the DA decided not to pursue, because he’s a lazy no good fuckstain.)

HS Junior

Yeesh. Sounds like there’s a hell of a lot of people who would want to harm him. Not sure how he settled on the TAH nation as the perpetrators so quickly given that (assuming it happened), but OK.


Because, son. He went “full retard”, Never go “full retard”. Just saying. 😉

HS Junior

Fer the last goddamn time, the phrase is FULL WICKRE, ya hear?! FULL WICKRE!!! 😀

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

The shot grouping is from a Tom Clancy video game called Splinter Cell Conviction


You beat me to it. I was typing that comment when the power went out.


Check out the legal disclaimer underneath. Wouldn’t it be funny if copyright law finally brought this jackwagon down?

License: Only for personal, Commercial usage: Not allowed, The copyright belongs to the Author Mi9 is not responsible for the content of this Publisher’s Description. We encourage you to determine whether this product or your intended use is legal. We do not encourage or condone the use of any wallpapers in violation of applicable laws.


You can even see where he covered up the Tom Clancy logo.

Dave Hardin

The last time I seen this kind of behavior from someone they were running for POTUS. Remember Ross Perot? Vietnamese hit squads were after him. Sorry but I am staring to love these crazy guys. Wasn’t Perot’s theme song ‘Crazy’ by Pasty Cline? Tree rounds in triangulated fire and all they could hit was the brick under a window? I will bet the dumbass didn’t realize the rounds would break the window when he faked the shooting. Gotta go, not sure if I should clean my weapons or shave my head first.


Clean the weapons. That haircut will wait, troop. lol.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you


We don’t use Helicopters, we use drones or when we cant get one of those we use U2’s or worst case sat technology.

HS Junior

Really? Didn’t we get an early model OH-58 in the last round of sequestration because the fed couldn’t pay the maintenance bills? 🙂


Yea, what did you do with it? Always put the toys back in the box…M’k?

JarHead Pat

BAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, You just can’t make this shit up. wtf. bro, you know you gotta police up your shell casings, ahahahahah. Is that the vaunted .222 auto-mag that all all high speed operators use? NICE. Nice grouping by the way.


I’m not a lawyer of any type or sort, but seems to me that they’ve committed a fair solid case of liable. And, at least the one them ( the guy who’s computer you tracked) made what can only be seen as an actual death threat, no interpretation needed.

So, a civil sueage and a criminal court charge double whammy?

Or, I guess you could wait around until one of them decides to murder the other and try to pin it on you.

HS Junior

And with any DA except the one in Jonn’s AO, some or all of that might actually happen…

Hack Stone

This armed assault on FirsTech Corporate Headquarters must have occurred while his armed security guards were away from their post for mandatory ethics training. My primary concern is whether the mailbox with the missing door made it through unscathed.


Damn! You just reminded me that my annual Ethics Training (online) is due.

[Really, it is.]

This is a reminder of things coming up due:

Training: New FY15 Security Module has been loaded. Although it is not due until May but [redacted] tracks this monthly and it would be of benefit to our Division if this is taken ASAP.
If you are a new employee, the module will be uploaded to your Training profile. Users cannot search for the module.

SAFETY: Reminder that the Building Emergency Action Plan is a mandatory training module. Please come by to sign the safety roster ASAP.

ETHICS: If you have not already done so, check your Training profile, there may be an ethics module that you need to complete by 10/31/14.


Just took it (mandatory on-line ethics training)- it sucked, and like our mandatory on-line security training will never be updated.


“I don’t often put three .222 Rugers into a brick house…but when I do, I shoot a tighter group. Stay frosty and thirsty my friends.”

Old Trooper

I suppose it never occurred to that dumbfuck Wickre that he’s probably pissed off so many people that it could have been anyone else? Also; if there were 3 shots fired into his residence; where’s the police report? Fucking moron.

Old Trooper

Also; .222 is a great varmint round. Shoots flat and is quite accurate.

Here’s one in Oregon for sale–marlin-arms–222–with-sako-action-


Yes it is a great varmint round. We use them up here for shooting rock chucks.


that’s a year and a half old ad. Even at that time $700 is pretty cheap – bet the barrel’s trash.

I am still trying to wrap my head around two guns being an arsenal… hell, my wife and my daughters own more than that apiece. That doesn’t even cover the necessary minimum.

Sam Naomi

This is my second posting, both never showed up, thought maybe I was taken off the blog, or I might have said something out of line.

HS Junior

You might have mistyped something in your email or selected a different one; that happens to a lot of folks. If it does, then TAH will read that as being your first comment and will automatically moderate it.

Sam Naomi

Thanks HS Junior,
No big deal, guess I was’nt payiny attention. I’ll give Jonn a call later on, I’am sure I goofed.


HS Junior

Either way, everything’s showing up fine now, so you’re good.

Old Trooper

I was thinking about this, some more, since I’ve been working on my wife’s car (I hate Hondas, because they think everyone has hands the size of a 10 year old girl, so you can’t get in there to work on things) and getting more crabby as the day goes on.

I love how these chuckleheads talk all sorts of tough and then try to make themselves out to be these defenseless victims in the next sentence. What a bunch of pussies these guys are, especially WiNdOw LiCkEr ShOrTbUs RiDeR. That punk is probably still upset because he got bitch slapped by a Girl Scout for trying to stand by the table and eat all the sample cookies. Wickre is whining because his G-string is riding up in his mangina and Bernath is just plain nuts and needs to be committed.

Green Thumb

All the while Phil Monkress of All-Points Logistics gazes at their meat and breathes heavily.


When I moved back to Japan I bought two Hondas, one new and one used. I take them to the dealership for service. The mechanics who work on the cars do have hands the size of a 10 year old.

Delilah T. (NOT Michelle Malkin)

Let’s remember a few things, people.

1 – Not one of those braindead twatwaffles has enough functioning cranial ganglia to do anything truly creative, so they come up with crap like this all the time.

2 – All three of them have the mistaken idea that each of them is even vaguely clever. They aren’t, not as a group, not as individuals. They’re mostly just stupid, as a group and as individuals.

3 – All three of them are attention whores, in spades.

4 – All three of them are boring, stupid and useless.

Not much else can be said about them individually, or as a group.


Originally posted by Delilah T. (NOT Michelle Malkin)

1 — Not one of those braindead twatwaffles has enough functioning cranial ganglia to do anything truly creative, so they come up with crap like this all the time.

Dallas Wittgenfeld, Daniel Alan Bernath, Paul K. Wickre, Dennis Howard Chevalier, Frank Visconi, Philip Dale Monkress, and the rest of the crew don’t have the collective “brightness” in their heads to power the dimmest light bulb out there for a few seconds.

Green Thumb


Pineywoods NCO

But Chevy has enough cheese fartness to be mistaken for a sperm whale.


You had me at “twatwaffles”…hehehe

Just an Old Dog

Im just impressed that 3 bullets can break through a window, then circle back and embed themselves in bricks below the window frame.


Well … nobody’s pointed out that those are exit holes. Therefore, the inside of the Wicker Dwelling must have aluminium siding … or light-gauge steel. Really, that’s what a car door looks like after rounds pass from the inside to the outside.

And …. where’s the brick dust?

Dennis - not chevy

During the time it took those three mesna candidates to come up with their latest flight of mental furballery; shouldn’t it have occurred to some of them to spell America’s correctly?


JaOD, thats those supa sekrit rebounders Jonn breifed us on, last year. Hooah?

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe they were some soopoerdooperseekritskwirrel special heat-seeking rifle bullet that malfunctioned?


I have a brand new Ruger .22 Long, does this make me a witness, suspect or alligator?

Maybe Jared Stern can conduct a private investigation.


No, but Ex PO2 Daniel Alan Bernath was never a CPO, honorary or actual. He is a chief plane crash guy though.

Green Thumb

And a Chief Manhole Inspector.


GT always cracks me up.
Guess I must be one of the ‘skin head’ members of this group. Approaching 50, tho, it’s genetics, not exactly choice.
Hmm, got a .204, numerous .22’s and .223’s, a couple .243’s, and a few .270’s. Guess I’m missing one in the collection in the .2 caliber range. Just when you think you have them all covered…


I’m really tickled they didn’t mention a .46 ACP…I’d give my dawgs left hind leg for onna them. 😎


None of the above. You’re still having memory issues from that horrible boating accident where we were hauling all the TAH rifles to a secret island on Lake Winnipesaukee, and we capsized and lost them all…

A Proud Infidel®™

The Supremely Slimy Slithering Shmendricks of Stupidity blither yet again!!!


The 3 Douches of Stolen Valor
All for dumb and dumb for all.


I am seriously considering building Lilyea one of those tracked wheelchairs. Who can handle the weapons system?
Need somebody that can program a solar powered tablet. Lets see, anybody a radar tech? Need GPS and commo, too. Fuck these clowns, they wanna play games? heh.

A Proud Infidel®™

SCREW solar panels, give it a diesel engine with “Cherry Bomb” mufflers, that will make a statement going down the street!!


And add those taillights with the blue lens in the center that makes them change from red to fuschia when they pass you.

Add a pile of glass packs for the mufflers, some spicy shiny chrome, and kowabunga!

A Proud Infidel®™

You mean the “Cat’s eye” taillights, and “Cherry Bomb” is a very popular name brand of glass-pack muffler which when put on a diesel will make noise that will cause Priuses and other cars like it as well as their owners spontaneously implode from fright!!


I’d like ot see that.


Hey, wait a minute …. I drive a Prius.


Hell … I’d better get a Ranger Tab and Jump Wings for my ride now. Don’t want any of you worms to be laughing at me when you pass me up.

Green Thumb

Only if you lower it.


I still advocate a tracked armored box ala Ravenor, if anyone has read Warhammer 40k books, you know the character, along with a crows system.

Kinda old ET1

RADAR tech here, can do GPS as well…