Randy Abbott; more Marine embellishment

| August 20, 2014

Randy Abbott

(Marshall Rand) Randy Abbott is a paralyzed former Marine who teaches other paralyzed people, especially veterans, how to surf despite their condition. That’s laudable enough especially if you add to the story that he was mugged a few weeks back and someone stole his surfboards. But that’s where his trouble began. The media picked up on that story;

Randy Abbott gets around in a wheelchair, paralyzed from the waist down. But that hasn’t prevented him from surfing three or four times a week. You see, it wasn’t that long ago doctors told him he would never surf again after a back surgery went terribly wrong.

After spending fourteen years as a Marine Corps recon scout sniper, Abbott’s body got pretty banged up. When he got out of the service he needed back surgery. But during that surgery his spinal cord ended up getting accidentally severed, leaving him paralyzed.

Another article says that he joined at 16 years old;

The kid who enlisted in the Marines at age 16 — and carved waves in Indonesia, Todos Santos and Mavericks before a 2007 back surgery gone bad cost him the use of his legs — has rolled a long way toward acceptance of life’s cruel uncertainties.

Some folks have told me that he’s not really paralyzed, that he uses the wheelchair because of pain from an operation he had in 2007 which doctors botched badly. I’m no doctor, so I won’t go there. But military records I do know;



He served about 7 years, not 14. He joined the Marines in 1984 which made him 19 (I redacted his birth date, so trust me) not 16 when he joined. He refueled vehicles, not as Recon Marine, but as a fuelman. So his operation being the result of the years that he spent jumping from airplanes and helicopters, busting brush and being the most Marine he could be is pretty much BS. He had the operation 17 years after he got out from running a Marine Corps gas station. Not that there’s anything wrong with that – unless you try to tell folks that you’re some kind of trained killer that the Marines used up and threw away.

But it was the article about the stolen surf boards that brought him to the attention of some folks who call themselves “A Buncha Damn Cowboys”. They say they’re members of the Scout Sniper and Marine Recon community and they get all of the credit for this research. I figure that I’d better credit them so they don’t come in the night. But they’re the ones who are upset most about this.

Oh, yeah, here’s a speech he gave at a Travis Manion Charity Run;




And his obligatory Scout Sniper tattoo that proves everything I’ve said about him is a lie;


ADDED: So, Randy wanted me to call him .

Category: Phony soldiers

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Yeah, I spoke directly to the guys who outted this fraud … They are a group of former RECON and SCOUT types including qualified Navy Corpsman.

They did complete job outting this poor little soul.

He needs to take on a gallon of seawater and go away.

James in Gulf Breeze

Masterchief – what’s the phrase take on a gallon of seawater here mean?

Respectfully, James


Randy, I think MC refers to what happens to the body after drinking seawater, mainly death. Because of its salinity, seawater actually dehydrates you and causes depleted body fluids, muscle cramps, dry mouth, and yes, thirst.

The body tries to compensate for fluid loss by increasing the heart rate and constricting blood vessels to maintain blood pressure and flow to vital organs. You’re also most likely to feel nausea, weakness and even delirium. As you become more dehydrated, the coping mechanism fails. If you still don’t drink any water to reverse the effects of excess sodium, the brain and other organs receive less blood, leading to coma, organ failure and eventually death.


Well this is pretty shity, I thought I was doing a good deed for a true hero, and i paid for a custome surfboard for Randy. I know people have set up a bank account for donations on new boards, any information for me on this would be great! I would love to be re-embursed for the hard earned money that I put into this scam. Pretty sad and shity people do this kind of stuff… Any information would be appreciated.


You will probably never get your money back. I am truly sorry, but there it is. Con artists are usually con artists because if they had any assets to speak of – if they had anything resembling a work ethic to make something of themselves honestly – they wouldn’t choose to con. He probably doesn’t have a pot to piss in. Console yourself knowing you tried to do a good thing for someone who you believed deserved it, and be a little wiser the next time this situation presents itself.


Skrewe deese loh-lyfe lion baxterd.



Are you medicated?


Nah, just trying to speak Marine.


(chuckling) Hardly. Just having a bit of fun with language this AM.


I got to “After spending fourteen years as a Marine Corps recon scout sniper” and quit reading. I didn’t have to read his records because, well you know………… I just don’t understand it.

James in Gulf Breeze

Is it bad that almost anybody who says anything like this now I instantly disbelieve?

Pinto Nag



I’ve gotten to the point that I don’t even believe my own stories about when I was in. I did an FOIA request on myself a while back just to see what was really available. All I got back were a few of my enlistment contracts and paperwork when I transferred from the Guard to Active duty in 1984. Must not have checked the correct block on the request form. But based on that, I’m a lying sack of poser shit…I need to report myself to Jonn or Scotty.


I’ve got every piece of paper documenting what I did for 25 years while in the Army (really 24Y, 11M, 3W but whose counting?). I was an army Musician. I’m proud of what I did and feel absolutely NO need to embellish my service. I just don’t get it. I just don’t get it………(walking away slowly shaking my head)


Great work Jonn! The Recon/Sniper/SARC community appreciates you outing this fraud!


Okay…. this guy has a nonprofit by the name of “The View From 42”. It exists, supposedly, to train rescue and service dogs for veterans.

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/rollingthroughlifewithasmile

Vimeo Video:

LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/randy-abbott/79/401/149

Self Tribute (read the comments underneath): http://www.theinertia.com/surf/a-paralyzed-surfer-shares-his-story-its-always-overhead-for-me/

Here’s the kicker:
Self Serve Entity Status Letter – Entity Search Summary
The following Entity was found. Please click on the ‘Generate Letter’ button to produce the Entity Status Letter for this entity.
Entity ID: 3305556
Entity Name: THE VIEW FROM 42
Address: 132 N EL CAMINO REAL ENCINITAS, CA 92024-2801
Entity Status: SUSPENDED
Exempt Status: NOT EXEMPT

Pictures of dogs being trained seem to be scarce.


What is it with phonies and dogs? Hell, dogs are loyal to a fault and deserve better than a fraud. Full disclosure, I have 5 canines running around the house and couldn’t imagine things being any other way.


He’s taken down his Facebook page.


Do a search on “The View From 42 NonProfit”. The guy started a nonprofit 4 years ago to train rescue and service dogs for veterans….. only problem is, CA suspended his entity registration and tax exempt status. Plus, so far, I have turned up no evidence of dogs being trained. I posted links to it all but because of the links, my post is awaiting moderation.


Also he claims that his spinal cord was partially severed due to a surgeon’s mistake. Then he claims he spent 2.5 years in the hospital… ” Two-and-a-half years in the hospital, more surgeries than you really want to know, being put into a drug induced coma for months on end just to keep me alive – all because someone made a mistake.”
and –
“In 2007, I went into the hospital for a simple Microlumbar Discectomy. During the surgery there were complications and the surgeon partially cut my spinal cord and tethered the cord. Long story short, I am paralyzed from the waist down. I suffer from Arachnodidise, Distonia, RSD, and have had a constant headache that will never go away.

I spent over two-and-a-half years in the hospital with numerous surgeries that lasted over 24 hours, and died on them numerous times.”

Coma for months on end, died on them numerous times…. yada yada yada. For some reason I think this guy embellishes. Nice tattoo though!


Yeah, that’s kinda questionable. A medical error like that is a prime candidate for a 7-figure malpractice award – if proven.

Somehow I’m guessing he’s exaggerating things a bit . . . or maybe more than a bit.

Green Thumb

This man needs a hearty handshake and a warm cup of soup.

Followed by a giant ice cream sandwich.


You are a giving soul; truly an inspiration to all here!

Jane Doe

Yeah, he did sue and rumor has it he received $1.3 Million dollars…and he still set up a “go fund me” site to raise money to buy new surfboards! Funny how the surfboards that were stolen ended up damaged…what did the thieves throw them from their truck? Were there any witnesses to this so called robbery? Do his stories EVER end?

jason nasrallah

I really laffed at the “coma for months on end” comment. I was in a coma for a short period of time and came out with some neurological problems. If he had been in a coma for MONTHS on end I seriously doubt he would be getting around as well as he is.


Durn, he sure can’t spell worth a damn.

I had to look up arachondidise, because while I’ve heard of a lot of things, this is one disorder I’ve never come across.

Like I said, he can’t spell worth a damn.

He’s trying to use arachnoiditis in his repertoire of stuff.

Arachnoiditis is a debilitating condition characterized by severe stinging and burning pain and neurologic problems. It is caused by an inflammation of the arachnoid lining—one of the 3 linings that surround the brain and spinal cord. This inflammation causes constant irritation, scarring, and binding of nerve roots and blood vessels.

The predominant symptom of arachnoiditis is chronic and persistent pain in the lower back, lower limbs or, in severe cases, throughout the entire body.

It’s a chronic condition that does cause pain, but not paralysis and frankly, if he had back surgery and his spinal CORD was snipped, I doubt he’d have any feeling in his legs at all.


Plus the guy has a couple fund me sites on the web taking donations based on his story.

Green Thumb

If this motherfucker is not paralyzed and is using that wheelchair to advance his “cause”, we have a problem.


In the vimeo video one can see one of his legs briefly (knee to calf). I paused it. The leg looked a lot more muscular than I would have expected but I have NO experience in making a judgement. Others here might.


GDC, I ended up in a wheelchair about a year before this clown claims he did. Fortunately, I still have partial use of my legs. I can get around my house using forearm crutches most times, but when out and about I’m in the chair. I have lost some muscle mass in my legs, but not nearly what one who was full time in a chair for seven years would have. I haven’t watched all of his video, but just from the beginning of the one at his Vimeo site, I think he’s scamming folks. If I could see properly, his car doesn’t have hand controls. I couldn’t see to the right of the steering wheel, but the left has no controls and he was steering with his right hand, so no controls on that side either. He must be using his feet for the gas and brake. I also watched him getting in and out of his wheelchair. He does so much the same way I do. That indicates he may have some use of his legs. Also, as you pointed out, he has too much muscle mass for someone who’s been paralyzed for at least seven years. The guy may suffer from a partial paralysis, or he may use the chair due to sever pain. But I would almost guarantee that he is not fully paralyzed from the waist down. An other thing I noticed which leaves me suspect that he’s completely paralyzed. Everyone I know who is actually paralyzed cannot control how their legs fall in the chair. Think about the people you’ve seen in chairs. Most will have their knees laying over to one side or the other, or they strap their legs together to keep them straight. This guy has his knees up legs straight and together. He could only do that if he had some control of them. This is all from my observations of a single video. I’m no doctor, but I do have a few years experience with a chair. I could be completely off base with my observations, but I don’t… Read more »


Hey ArmyATC, I am sorry to hear it. I recall you made a reference to your wheelchair the other day and it surprised and saddened me. FWIW when I worked for an airline for several years, I assisted many aisle chair passengers and I always tried to be genuinely sensitive to their predicament. Your observations about muscle mass and leg control substantiate my own anecdotal observations. Also FWIW I used to be a Ramp Tower Controller at LAX. I used to ground control A/C in a limited spot of real estate between Terminal 3 and the international terminal (TBIT) and sequence traffic to/from the gate, and in/out of the alley in accordance with what the real ATC guys had going on. I used to listen to them melt the microphone every day, all day….particularly when they reversed the pattern. Good times and a ton of respect for the pro ATC guys out there. Take care and keep swinging.


ARMY ATC sorry about the chair. I read his injury was a T-11 which controls head and neck movement with normal muscle strength. Normal shoulder movement. Full use of arms, wrists and fingers.

Partial paralysis of lower body and legs. Upper body strength and balance will vary depending on level of injury, but the lower the level, the stronger the upper body strength and balance.

A manual wheelchair may be used for everyday living, with the ability to go over uneven ground.

I agree with your statement about the partial paralysis. I have spent time with people with spinal cord injuries and paralysis- there is not way they can move so easily or have such muscle mass from anything I have seen.


Thanks you two. The chair doesn’t bother me. it is what it is. I gave my own little bio just to point out the problem with this Abbott turds story. Guys like Abbott really piss me off. They lean on their disabilities to garner sympathy form folks and take things from them. Fuck him.


Its not about the chair. Its about him using the chair and disability as a tool to con people out of money. This is a person who takes money from strangers in the name of being a disabled decorated military veteran to help children.
When in fact he served, and may or may not be as disabled as he states, and has a history of violence.
He wears that chair and tattoo like a crown. He uses the dogs (why always a dog?) and the kids to garner more sympathy.
For money.


and there is a PHOTO of him getting out of his vehicle. I will forward it to JL

Jane Doe

Well…according to the lawsuit against the hospital and attending doc, he is NOT claiming paralysis. Rather, it is so painful to walk that he is forced to use a wheelchair. I repeat, he is NOT PARALYZED!!

John Doe


Jane Doe

I was interviewed by the attorney representing the hospital and attending doc. I asked if Randy was claiming to be paralyzed. The attorney said no, rather Randy was in so much pain that he needed to use the chair…paid out over $1M!! And still collecting money on his FB and FAKE non profit!

I just want to help the dogs find new homes…anyone know the status on them? I have an email into Channel 10 and 8 asking them to do a story to help find homes for the dogs if need be.

john Doe

i know some who knows the dogs status

Jane Doe

Are they in need of rescue or are they still at the facility? Please let me know if they need help. I’ll do whatever I can. Thx!

John Doe

I emailed the admin and asked them to contact you and to give you my e-mail


Interesting. he’s in so much pain he has to have wheels, yet he can drive without hand controls and surf all day. Sounds like someone may have pulled a fast one on the hospital.


Yeah, well he says in his videos that he is paralysed.


GDContractor…great work! WOW…proof that he even lied about his ‘non profit’..


I am not sure what lies he told in the past about it, but his FB Page is up right now claiming NonProfit status. In my mind, he is lying right now for sure. Apparently over the past few years the mission of his not-non-profit has changed from “training rescue and service dogs for veterans” to “… helping people who have disabilities live beyond there disabilities, helping them with Post Tramatic Growth.”

My guess is that people wanted to see pictures of dogs and shit, and he didn’t have any.

A Proud Infidel®™

That fella is one big rolling geyser of BULLSHIT!!


At 6:19 in the Vimeo Video (link above) he can be seen wearing what looks to me like a 7.62 boat tail bullet on a lanyard around his neck. I take it all back. He’s legit.


His “dog training” center was just given an eviction notice….while he was surfing in Florida. People are scrambling to try to find a place for the dogs so they do not go back to shelters. Where was Randy? Hamming it up in Florida


A phony and now I find out the dogs are at risk. Man, fuck this guy. I hope he gets hit by a truck, runned over by a damned old train, gored by a bull, and so on.

Mustang1LT 's Dog

What he said!
Do you know how hard it is to text when you don’t have fingers?


Yea and I got screwed out of money for buying him a new surfboard thinking I was doing a good deed. my heart bleeds people really do this to good people. I wish he would refund my money for the board I had custom done for him… Just sucks!


He is absolutely paralyzed and there absolutely are hand controls on his car. I’ve driven with him many times and spent enough time to know he is paralyzed. He has musculature on his legs because he suffers from dystopia, a condition that causes severe and uncontrollable muscle contractions for which he receives injections in his legs to control. I have witnessed all this on a personal basis many times. Regardless of his other untruths, you are all wrong about your opinions and information regarding his paralysis. There ARE hand controls on his car, take a closer look. Don’t be guilty of participating in an all out witch hunt and keep to the facts. You all have every right to strong opinions to his military embellishment but stick to the moral principles you all value and don’t blow this past what it really is.

jon doe

meriam webster medical definition of ,

dystopia: Malposition of anatomical body part
Malposition:wrong or faulty position


I remember thinking to myself when I first saw the article that this guy was probably full of shit. Some local news station put the story on their Facebook feed and I got lambasted for saying what I thought. Wish I remembered what station or exactly when it was put up because I’d like to go provide them with a big FU right about now


Channel 10 out of San Diego

Jane Doe

Channel 10, Steve Fiorina – I’ve sent him an email updating him on the fraud. Hoping he will do an update story.



It is truly a sad day when the US Marine Recon and Scout Sniper community has to spend their precious little “free” time tracking down information to prove that a Marine is disgracing OUR Corps. I am proud to be a Marine and consider every Marine my Brother (or Sister) but this poser puke is NOT my brother anymore. Marine Recon, Force Recon and Scout Snipers have given blood, sweat and even their very lives earning those ratings and serving in those billets. This puke needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible under the Stolen Valor Act and any other state and/or Federal statutes (fraud, wire fraud, mail fraud all come to mind) for his crimes. He not only stole valor but stole money. Further, he stole CREDIBILITY from REAL Recon Marines and Scout Snipers. Hey, Randy… It SUCKS TO BE YOU EVEN MORE NOW!!! You picked the wrong community to steal valor from, you piece of human feces!!!

Combat Historian

Hey, he’s legit. He refueled the 1st Recon Battalion’s vehicles, so that makes him a 1st Recon Battalion scout-sniper whatever, right ??? ///


Just like serving food to Special Forces makes you Special Forces.


It would be a simple matter to discover if the guy is faking or not. if anyone is in his area, just get a pic of the drivers area of his car. Specifically the area of the dash on either side of the steering wheel. If no hand controls are present, then the guy isn’t paralyzed and is able to use his feet for the gas and brake. I didn’t notice any on the left side from the view of his car in the Vimeo video and he drives with his right hand, so there wouldn’t be hand controls on that side. I also didn’t notice one of the newer steering wheel rings that controls the gas pedal function.


In before he uses this defense…

“I didn’t say I was a scout sniper…I was a 1391 bulk fuel specialist…..a “WINDOW WIPER”…..


/or is it window *licker*??


I think Mr. Randy Abbott deleted his facebook account…Can anyone find him???


The tactical truck stop tattoos must not be cool enough.


Bulk fuel specialist!

Where the water dogs at?

A Proud Infidel®™

What a toad snot-sniffing dickheaded shit-for-brained asswipe peckerheaded booger-eating bedwetter!

Mark A. Lauer

I say we jack him up, take his wheel, and leave him up on blocks in the ‘hood. See how long it would be before he decides to get the use of his legs back.


Let’s be cool gents. Keep the personal attacks at bay. This guy is faking his military but lets keep his disability and other aspects out of the discussion…


I agree about needless personal attacks; however, respectfully, I think there are serious indicators that he might have lied about more than his military service. The status of his non-profit entity is an example. In regards to his disability, I think skepticism is appropriate given his narrative about his hospital stay and the details he provided therein.


“The View from 42” was suspended by the CA Sec. of State’s Office. I find no entity listed with the IRS, suspended or otherwise.

From the CA SoS website:

Entity Name: THE VIEW FROM 42
Entity Number: C3305556
Date Filed: 06/25/2010
Jurisdiction: CALIFORNIA

Based on this information, I can only assume that any donations made to “The View from 42” are not tax deductible.

If any donations were used for personal use, it could be construed as “self-dealing” and prosecutable under the IRS rules governing nonprofits.


Yep, see this link. Per state of CA, not exempt. http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=54644&cpage=1#comment-1709952


I disagree. He made his disability a major part of his fakery. As far as I’m concerned it’s no holds barred on him.


He isn’t going to get a pass because he uses a wheelchair which he may not really need.


Abbot wrote: ” I suffer from Arachnodidise, Distonia, RSD, …”

Well, two of those medical conditions are misspelled. Just sayin.


WHAT DISABILITIES?!?! The motherfucker can walk!!! I AM a Recon Sniper and have more people than you can imagine verify I am 100% legit. I am also currently on crutch from my SIXTH leg surgery and I haven’t asked anybody for a single penny nor will I EVER,


Why do these guys lie about their backgrounds? FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK!! seriously..be proud of what you do! Don’t lie about it! if you are bulkfuel..own it! Be a Marine…Be a MAN! DAMMIT this pisses me off!


Here is his twitter feed in case anyone cares.
Apparently he thinks that other peoples opinions are highly overrated for some reason.


“Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!”


More like Randy Asshatt

SSGT LoGiudice

I think a true operator down-plays being an an operator. There is a special time to talk about being an operator, and that is to other operators. Generally it is no ones business what I did while I was in…I’m rather proud I made it 7 yrs in the duck with no NJP, and got to go to some really cool schools. Most Marines don’t have stories like that…the ones that do remain humble. This smelled like Shit River the second I read it. I wish him no harm, but he should pay back every penny he earned on the backs of true Recon Marines. And he should be given a cease and desist order from a true Recon Attorney, Eric Toberson, anyone know him? We Recon types prefer to lay low, we know the watch list is growing and I don’t want anyone watching what I do. My .02.
SF Airborne OUT!

Jane Doe

Where is the audio? Can we share this on the news??


Damn Jonn… the guy leads off with “I lied” and you just say “We know”??? You could have at least offered him Deputy Secretary of Obvious.


I’d like to have heard more on his paralysis claim. In a Vimeo video showing him getting driving and getting out of his car he was using no hand controls. They would be a necessity for someone who is paralyzed as Abbott claims.


You are both a gentleman and a scholar 😉 Great work!…



Jonn, you fucking rock!!! I can’t believe he still claims he’s “paralyzed.” Just shows he’s not ready to fully come clean.


His whole charity scam relies in people believing he’s paralyzed. One look in his car will disabuse folks of that. he has no hand controls in it, a necessity for someone who was truly paralyzed as he claims. I’m not saying that he hasn’t lost some of the use of his legs. He may have, even to the point of needing a chair for many things. But he certainly isn’t paralyzed in the classical sense that he has no use of his legs at all.


To repeat my earlier post, Randy is definitely paralyzed and there ARE hand controls on his car. This community has every right to strong feelings and opinions about the admitted embellishment of his military career. I don’t claim to understand the psychology behind this behavior, how it starts and grows until the story becomes part of someone’s psyche. I suspect it doesn’t start or finish with bad intention and intent to rob valor from the true sniper community, but from a deeper, personal space. Doesn’t make it right. However with regards to his paralysis this is becoming a witch hunt and you all don’t have the facts correctly and your opinions are veering away from the moral principles you all hold dear. He is paralyzed, he has hand controls on his car, and he suffers from all the other complications he spoke of that keep him in pain and with uncontrollable muscle spasms, and other issues that contribute to his paralysis. I have spent enough time with him to verify this and set the record straight at least with this part of the conversation.


Okay, we get it. He suffers from medical conditions that he cannot spell correctly.

Was he in an induced coma for “months on end”?


Did he die “on them” countless times?

Or, has he embellished his medical history similar to the way he has embellished his military history? As far as I’m concerned, everyone has a legitimate reason to be skeptical of every word this liar has ever uttered.


Still not buying it. What side are the hand controls on? As one can see from the Vimeo video, it isn’t on the left. Also, he drives with his right hand, so it isn’t on the right. So tell us more about those hand controls. Also, unless you are a doctor who ahs examined him, how can you say with any certainty that he is actually paralyzed? Are you relying on Abbott to tell you the truth?


Ever consider those ‘spasms’ are an act? Just saying…

The guy really should have taken up acting. At least he would make money the legit way.

jon doe

Truthful: to quote your earlier post ” He has musculature on his legs because he suffers from dystopia, a condition that causes severe and uncontrollable muscle contractions for which he receives injections in his legs to control. Did you diagnose him with this or is this what he told you?

See meriam webster medical definition of ,

dystopia: Malposition of anatomical body part
Malposition:wrong or faulty position


Ha ha darn auto correct on phone. Should read dystonia and I have observed first hand the spasms myself. Impossible to fake. I’ve driven the car, controls on the left. Again I have the utmost respect for all of you who have bravely served and protected our country. I’m just stating a truth as I witness it.


Then how do you explain the lack of hand controls in the Vimeo video? How do you explain the lack of wasted muscles that would be evident on someone paralyzed and unable to use his legs? How do you explain the control of his legs he appears to show while in his wheelchair? his legs aren’t wasted and fall to the sides as the legs of the truly paralyzed. This all comes from my own observations and experiences.

jon doe

And let’s not lose site of the fact that he did not merely embellish his Military Career for egotistical reasons but also for financial gain. His Non-profit is not in fact a Non-profit,He apparently has no business license. I would not call it a witch hunt people are digging to see if anything is true.


One of my favorite Randy stories is when he claimed to have bone cancer. He went so far as shaving his head, pretending to throw up in the bathroom after his “chemo” treatments and…wait for it…he convinced his landlord to spare him paying rent for a year! Needless to say, the landlord finally figured him out and kicked the dumb ass out. Oh…and to my knowledge, NOBODY survives bone cancer!

If his lips are moving, he’s lying.

This is not a witch hunt. These are facts witnessed by many people. Ask him and watch his lip quiver as he lies. He’s a con, don’t be offended. Prisons are full of them.

The Liar

John Lulyeas;
I personally want to apologize to you for being dishonest and lying about what I did in the military. I apologize for dishonoring you and all other Recon Scout/Snipers with my actions and dishonesty. I do not know how to reach out to all of them, I’m asking if you could please pass on my message of apology for my dishonesty and lying.

Thank you for your time.


The Liar? Seriously? You won’t even use your real name? Turd. Like Jonn said to you in your phone conversation. We know you’re a liar. So what else have you lied about? Being paralyzed? I’ve seen the video with no hand controls on your car.

Hack Stone

This doesn’t even qualify as a half-assed attempt to make up for your lies. “I am truly sorry for any lies that I may have told, but not enough to use my real name.” I guess that you have not received your “Welcome To Stolen Valor” manual yet. Check with Jonn to get the FedEx tracking number for the one that he shipped out to you.


ISP check aisle three. I’d bet that “Truthful” and “The Liar” are the same sockpuppet…and most likely a love interest of the embellisher.

Just another check mark on the poser playlist.

Green Thumb

You are an exceptionally low shitbag.

To use a wheelchair puts you in in esteemed company.


Apology not accepted.


Can you at least make an attempt to spell Jonn’s name right? Cheezus H. Rice it’s here on the website. Hell, it’s in the comments ON THIS PAGE!

A Burned Bridge

The Liar…
People verifying your paralysis is here nor there. The fact of the matter is you are a true liar. People lie everyday, but they do not call the media and make speeches about who they are not.
This is one story that sticks out in my head where I have genuinely lost respect for Abbott. He told a story about being in battle and a comrade sacrificed his life to save Abbott’s. Abbott says every year he goes to this fallen comrade’s family to pay respect for this young man saving his life. So correct me if I’m wrong… It was verified that Abbott served during peace time and never saw combat.

How could you make up a story like this Liar? You stated that you ‘do not know how to reach out to all of them’…. why don’t you first start with your real name when addressing this forum? And… you’re very experienced at contacting the media with your fantasy life… I suggest you “out” yourself completely and wipe your slate clean.



Funny how things work out … Aye!

Good job!


Hopefully another successful “Slash. Out.”
Jonn got this guy to turn around so quick it almost qualifies as a hip shoot.


“Splash” not slash – oops…


Jonn was provided with the goods from a group of hardcore Marine Recon and Sniper bubbas.

Jonn has something that most don’t have, including the referenced group …

Media outlets monitor what Jonn says (because it matters) …

Jonn and TAH has a voice!


Yes he did and yes TAH is heard. In other words, Jonn had some good Forward Observers, and he got steel on target. We’ll still need to do a good BDA to ensure Mr Wheels comes completely clean…

Hack Stone

Would the phrase “Wheels up” be appropriate for this thread?

Aviation Girl

Are you referring to his “Go Fund Me” page? One of the admins who created the “Go Fund Me” page ceased donations once he was exposed, and has since returned the donations, which are still being processed.


His medical condition is summed up in the New England Medical Journal:

Rectal Cranial Inversion (head up ass).

Good job to the Marine Sniper Recon Group for reaching out.

Pass the word about TAH and send readers here for all in the future.

Saddened to Hear

I understand why people on this post are upset and why they feel as though they were lied to if they personally knew Randy. But please don’t ignore the fact that he has helped many people. I have worked personally with Randy and he has helped tremendously with my dog after he started showing aggression. Randy offered free training sessions for rescue dogs on Sundays and I honestly don’t believe my dog would be alive today if it wasn’t for what Randy did for him. I will be forever grateful to him, regardless of what is going on.
I don’t agree with what he mislead people to believe, but he is still a person who has done some good for others. If you don’t personally know him or his situation, you really shouldn’t be so quick to place judgment towards him. He obviously admits that he was wrong and I’m sure he regrets every lie he has ever told. I pray for him during this rough time.


Horse shit. he may have done some good…some. How does that negate the lies he’s told and the fraud he perpetrated? How many dogs did others have to find homes for because he basically abandoned them? How many people have given funds to him based on his lies, and where did that money go to? It would appear obvious that it didn’t go to the charity he was collecting for else there wouldn’t have been a problem with those poor animals. He’s played up his wheelchair and his lies about his service to garner sympathy from people and enrich himself. As a 100% disabled veteran confined to a wheelchair, he disgusts me. He’s a turd. A smelly, disgusting turd. Fuck him.


You know what they say about one “oh shit”….
In his case this was a big “oh shit” that won’t be healed by teaching a couple of dogs to behave.

A Proud Infidel®™

Do the crime, do the time.

If you’re willing to lie for something, then you’re willing to fry for your lie!!


I know Randy. I worked with Randy, and I believed him when he said that he would help my partner and I with our rehabilitation program. He made sure that he was front and center every time we were interviewed on television. He lied, and told the newscaster that HE trained the horses on the property. At the time, I thought it was an honest mistake. He used us until it was no longer to his benefit, and then he disappeared – with all the “donors” he was supposed to be bringing, with the coalition of charities he was supposed to be creating that would help us all to raise the funds we need to help the people for whom we have a passion. I’m thrilled he helped your dog. He trampled over many of us to do it.

I know him and I know his motivation. He did good for others while making sure that he was front and center, and getting the glory and limelight. I, and my organization, are fighters. We WILL get back on our feet, and we WILL help the veterans we believe in. I DO know him. I HAVE spent hours with him, believing the lies he told, and trusting him to do the things and bring the people he promised. He damaged my organization in unspeakable ways. Fortunately, we are strong, and we are fixing the things that Randy broke. Regret or no, Randy left deep scars, he needs to fix them, and an apology just isn’t going to do it.

A Burned Bridge

Glad he helped your dog. I personally referred him to MANY people that also needed help. They went to a few of these “free training classes” and when surfing took priority and I mean for his own fun… he stopped returning phone calls left from these people in need. I personally know 3 cases where “Randy hasn’t called me back” and these dogs had to be given up.
So again… I’m glad you served him in a way where there was benefit enough to him to help YOUR dog.


Facebook page down.
Twitter feed down.
Vimeo video down.
Hey Snapperhead, don’t forget to take that stupid bullet necklace off.

jon doe

I had a 1SGT once who would say that one “Awe shit will screw up a whole lot of atta boy’s”. Well it seems Randy has a quite a few Awe Shits, and he used them for financial gain. It is sad that people and animals were used and deceived in his schemes. Yes he did a lot of good for others,but only if it benefited himself.

Aviation Girl

“Randy Abbott” aka “Marshall Rand Abbott III” is a liar and a thief. Simple as that. This is what THOSE TYPE of people do. They embellish a military career, most of them have a history of violence, they say something so outrageous that nobody will question them. – Randy Abbott lied about his military service and went so far as to tattoo himself for credibility with a Sniper tattoo. c’mon? who does that? – Randy Abbott uses his wheelchair as a tool for deceiving people – his level of paralysis is questionable at best – He put up a fake Charity/Non-Profit to solicit money in the name of a good cause. – His good cause is admirable- helping kids with disabilities so nobody will question it – He made sure his social profile showed lots of touching photos of him with kids, and being wheeled around on the sand and shaking hands – He lied about someone robbing his specially made surfboards (my opinion and I stand by it) to gain media attention which = money He is a fraud. He lied about his military service. There is no Charity. There is no Non-Profit. He may or may not be paralyzed to the extent he claims. He may or may not have been robbed from him specially made surf boards (I call BS- but that’s just me). He should never step a foot around a child, especially a disabled one, because of his history of violence towards women. Not once, not twice, not three times…. keep counting- at last count it was 7. He called JL and 2 women and said he lied and asked for forgiveness then immediately flew to Florida to “run game” on a new state, with a new community. He has an idiot blogger woman backing him up and quoting scriptures (you know who you are and can kiss my ass) about forgiveness, then continues the same pattern of fraudulent activity as before. A person’s character can be determined by their ACTIONS. Watch his actions, do not listen to his words. He is showing everyone what… Read more »

Green Thumb

“He called JL and 2 women and said he lied and asked for forgiveness then immediately flew to Florida to “run game” on a new state, with a new community.”

I wonder if he checked in with All-Points Logistics? I mean, after all, it IS their turf.

Dave Hardin

This ALS bucket thing seems to be the craze so I will make him a challenge. If he pours a bucket of piss over his head, crawls 50 feet through shit and kisses my ass….all is forgiven.

Dave Hardin

He can even use dog shit if he likes.

Aviation girl

The poser POS bucket challenge?
I second that challenge behind DH

Green Thumb

His enlistment timeline is entirely possible.

He enlisted at 16 and did 20 years until 36.

Being hardcore like he is, he asked for another 20.


Theresa Mark

seeking information on The View from 42 Non-Profit/Charity

Please forward to anyone who may have information:


Theresa Mark


What’s the latest on this shitbag? Is he still in California or has he rolled somewhere else where no one knows him? I get the feeling that this particular turd will never stop with the lies and fraud.


you mean this Randy Abbott? The Rescue Horse Trainer? only… NOT?



Randy did not and has not ever trained the horses for Rising Phoenix Equine Rehabilitation. He told Craig Herrera that. The really hurtful thing, is that the REAL trainer is standing with the horse during the interview. Will trained those horses, and helped them to become rehabilitation partners. NOT Randy!


The Shit bag,oxygen waster Randy Abbott is camping in Mammoth Lakes California.

another screwed one

Camping….in the wheelchair, really. That scumback went on a little vacation with his girlfriend. Well if she is not living under a rock she should know what kind of man he is by now .

Not surprised

I knew Randy for over a year as I rescued a dog through another legitimate non profit and he was referred by them. He does seem to be paralyzed. I say seem because I am not a doctor so cannot confirm it. But I have seen him appear to have uncontrollable muscle spasm, I have driven him to places and I have witnessed him getting in and out of my car using his upper body only.
I considered Randy a friend, I knew him prior to winning his settlement when money was tight and he helped dogs to rehabilitate. I used to help him in many different areas. I felt things weren’t adding up and began to distance myself from him at the same time he began developing a network of surfers. Once he no longer needed me and had others to run his errands for him he completely quit contacting me.
As I am disappointed I am not surprised. The sad thing about all of this is that he could have done all he wanted to do legitamately, he didn’t need to lie. He could have helped vets, dogs, those with disabilities, all of it without the lies.

Screwed the wrong one

Randy is a lying, manipulating, calculating, abusive and cheating monster. How would you act if he would not be in the wheelchair?? Excactly… he uses his disability, he thinks he is untouchable and he is still living like nothing happen.
Stories like the one that all his Marine Recon Sniper buddies committed suicide except him & another guy who named his son after him just make me throw up.
Appologizing to JL & 2 women, who are this women?? Because the public papers saying that he has restraining orders from all his wifes & girl friend. Being a liar about the military is already sick, being a women abuser absolutely not accectable. Whats next?? Don’t let this guy get away with it, he got money from the lawsuit?? why is he not using his own money for all the things that he does?? why does he get sponsered by companies???? Check all the stickers on his car…billabong,go pro, dragonfly, CAF…. hopefully they know by now who this scumbag is.
2 guys stealing surfboards from the car and pulled him out of his wheelchair and he has 2 scratches, one on the ellbow & one on the knee…hmmmm???
Really…….. and Iam sure they never found the car or the guys….
Get him where he belongs ….behind bars !!!


The comment “all of his recon buddies committed suicide except him and one other guy etc takes the cake !!!!
Him saying his heart stopped 10 times on the operating table is pale in comparison or maybe the the time he faked having bone cancer to get out of paying rent .
Such a P.O.S.

the fiddler

It should be called “the view from 45” because of all the crap he is sitting in. There could be a book written on here from all the lies he told and is still probably telling. People this sick do not know how crazy they are.This guy truly is a pathological liar and has the tattoos to prove it. Funny how he doesn’t have any ink showing what M.C he has claimed to have been in though? Hopefully this guy stops lying to himself and everybody else and gets the help and punishment he deserves. Its time for him to eat a big shit sandwich and finally be a real man, instead of a huge Poser and a fake.


The P.O.S is in Florida telling people that he is a member of the H.A.M.C..
I guess having a bunch of Recon Marines pissed at him was not enough.
Now he wants the H.A. To join in.


Yeah, this guy’s going to come to a bad end if he keeps this shit up. Pissing off Recon Marines AND Hell’s Angels? That can’t be good for you…


What’s truly pathetic about this turd is that he could have done good things without all the lies. He didn’t need to build himself up to be a big hero.