Daniel Bernath; the serial failure
So I’ve been busy the last few days fending off the latest attack from the worst lawyer on the planet, Daniel A. Bernath. He filed a restraining order against me that would keep me 300 feet from him at any given time. I’ve pretty much satisfied that particular requirement by living 2600 miles from him. When Bernath sent the restraining order to the Mineral County Sheriff’s Department, he was lucky that he got a young deputy to serve it. He told the young deputy that I was an extensively-trained and crazy veteran. The deputy wasn’t a veteran, so he completely fell for it and then he convinced two State Troopers of the story.
I knew something was up when they called and asked me to come to the troopers’ barracks. When I showed up, they immediately patted me down for weapons, and one of the troopers asked me if I was a veteran. So I knew something was up immediately. They showed me the restraining order and I signed for it. Then they told me that they would have to take my guns. I politely argued with them they couldn’t because I hadn’t had the benefit of my Constitutional protections of the 4th Amendment in regards to my due process.
The officers told me that Judge Fun’s signature on the order fulfilled that protection. I explained that it didn’t really, but then they responded that they’re not lawyers, they could only go by what they had been told by corrupt Bernath. So I let them follow me to my house and they made me sit my car (which they had searched without my permission) while they went in my house (without a warrant) and gathered up my guns and ammunition and took them away.
So I did a little research on my own after they finally let me in my own house and found that they were wrong. I called the county prosecutor’s office and talked to the assistant prosecutor who was unwilling to straighten the thing out in my favor. So, I started an information war of my own and sent the whole story to my delegate in the West Virginia legislature. He called the sheriff, who seemed unaware of the whole story.
Needless to say, the guns are all locked up in my gun safe now, after some fairly sheepish police officers were directed by the sheriff to return them to me.
In the process of all of that, we discovered that Daniel A. Bernath’s restraining order would have no force in West Virginia since the State has no statute in that regard other than for domestic partners. So unless Bernath wants to move into my spare bedroom, his restraining order is of no use to anyone. You know, legal genius that he is.
I guess my point is that I could have lied to the police and been a complete asshole, which is usually my nature, but I cooperated with them, even though I knew they were wrong and a few days later, I was made whole with no court dates in my future for being a jerk. Yes, they were heavy handed and what they did was probably actionable in a court of law, but it was only a minor temporary inconvenience to me and now Bernath looks like an incompetent dick in three states.
It’s pretty difficult to make me look like a criminal on paper anyway. I don’t even have a parking ticket. I have a CCW which means that I’ve passed West Virginia State Police background checks. A few months ago before I retired from my civilian job, I held a Top Secret security clearance, which means I passed a federal government background check including interviews with friends, family and neighbors. So it’s tough case to make.
The sheriff even took time out of his busy day to bring the weapons back himself, so even though I could make a Federal case out of the whole thing, they admitted that they were wrong, and I think the point has been made that it shouldn’t happen again. I appreciate that folks who make mistakes own up to it. You know, people unlike Bernath.
Category: Shitbags
Jesus H. the stupid runs deep sometimes. Well always when bernastypants is involved apparently.
Glad it all worked out in your favor, despite all the idiotic hassles you faced.
Just wait, Jonn. It is going to get better. I was served yesterday with a civil filing from Crash and Bernath. You are named, among many others. The tort is actually a cross complaint from something Hyatt filed against him, seeking $249,000 from each person for “infliction of severe mental distress.”
The thing reads like his website. It even includes a couple of pictures and quotes I made that didn’t even reference him (one about Jesus and one that I shares just for shits and giggles before I even knew he existed).
So, be on the lookout for more ass-hattery and feel free to contact me if you want some more details about his amateurish court papers.
Yeah, I got that one on Friday. It has quotes from me that I wrote in 2011. More frivolous shit. If you want to join our defense, let me know. I told the lawyers that you might be interested.
Yes, please. Email me and let me know what you need from me. I don’t mind when he goes after me; I find it quite entertaining as I am well protected. However, when he went after my wife and friends… (sh)it got real.
I’m interested as well, please include me if you can.
Same here Jonn.
Y’all lemme know what I can do to help.
What can you say about this mess that hasn’t already been said. Bernath is one piece of shit who just needs to lay low and shut up.
Crazy old fuck needs some serious meds.
Gee, am I in that, too? If I’m not, am SO disappointed!
You’re an asshole! Sue me, asshole!
Come on, dandan the messedhisdidiesman, sue me, too!
Bernath is a extra oozy pile of incompetent shit.
Your polite cooperation — even though you knew you were right — and working within the system worked out in your favor in the end.
And, I suppose anything else eminating from that particular individual will be held in contempt by local law enforcement agencies — who will (hopefully) consider the source. Actions like that do not stand in his favour.
Yeah, but I cheated myself out of the fame (or notoriety) of some other bloggers who took the police to the mats. And I didn’t get a cool free gun from the NRA.
Geez flag waver, how did bernath get your information?
The way I understand it, if you use the same screen name here that you use somewhere else that makes you have a profile, Bernath has nothing else to do with his day than Google the shit out of your screen name until he finds an open profile somewhere. I’ve gotten phone calls from people he thought that he had discovered who never heard of this blog before, but that didn’t stop him from harassing the shit out of them. One poor lady in Missouri ran a veterans’ homeless shelter and he threatened her endlessly thinking she was one of the members here. He’s shameless. There are more than 40 people on the lawsuit who he’s listed in the suit as screen names because he couldn’t find their real IDs.
Did I make it?
Jonn, adding to Green Thumbs question, did I make the list by screen name? If I did can I get a copy if it? 😀
Did I make the list? Please say yes, it would be nice if someone loved me.
CATM if you look below at Jonn’s list, which is short, it names all those NOT NAMED in the action. Looks like we made it! YooHoo!!!
What list where? I apologize for being a little slow on the uptake.
Disregard. I found it. I’m such a hammerhead.
Found it too, didn’t think to scroll down. It’s one of those days.
Gideon Nathaniel Smith phone number 405 269 1833, I live in stillwater oklahoma. Add me, I want in on the fun. I’m not as nice as Jonn or patient as TSO
Also, I was concerned about ya, Jonn when we had no posts monday. Was hoping ya weren’t ill
I had to give Bernath my name because he could not find it, although it was right in front of him all the time.
I wanted Bernath to have my name at the time and place of my choosing.
He believes that he is smarter than the collective … We are 10 steps in front of him.
We win and he well …
Here is a good illustration of the technique that Bernath is using to find people’s real identities. Basically, if you have nothing but time and an Internet connection on your hands, It is pretty simple to build a “profile” on most people on the Internet.
It is one of those scary OPSEC power point presentations that strive to up the paranoia level in the organization, but this actually has some good information. In my opinion anyway.
Thanks for that-interesting to see how foreign intel could use fairly innocuous comments to garner intelligence. Based on that I will try to be more careful, but I still feel pretty safe against someone like Bernath just using google-fu against me.
Thanks for the PPP presentation. I have never had to use that software for anything – EVER. That was very informative.
Hey, bernustsless, can you see which finger I’m holding up?
This guy is something else. With all those Google skills they ought to make this guy an honorary Naval Intel guy or CIA analyst. Someone give Breath a junior G-man badge.
Some of this is conjecture and the rest is speculation, but all is under investigation.
Initially, he listed my parents’ address as mine. The VA kept sending my stuff to them since that was my “address” when I deployed.
The day after I updated my contact information at a VA kiosk (did it a dozen times over the phone to no avail), he posted my address and phone number. My actual address and phone number.
However, John is a little right. He tracked my being Flagwaver back to my facebook page and actual name. From there, he was able to track down the charitable organizations I work for and began harassing them. Too bad they use Disney as a parent company, so I was informed of the legal sodomizing they gave him regarding further contact.
Heck, he even tracked one of my close friends and named him in the suit. The guy is just an innocent martial arts instructor who runs a world-renowned anti-bullying education system. I’m not blowing smoke, either, it’s catching on big in Europe and Japan now.
So, as I said, there is currently a VA investigation into the matter. If it comes to light that he gained my contact info from them, I’ll definitely push for criminal charges to be filed.
Crash and Bernath, when you read this, just remember that this isn’t a threat. It is a promise of possible legal action for possible illegal behavior.
That’s why my friends list is blocked from anyone who isn’t a friend and I’m more careful about who I friend, but Bernath and Wittgenfeld and his pals are completely blocked from my Facebook.
Knowing how shameless Bernath and Witless are…they probably have made fake accounts on facebook and tried to inflitrate you guys.
One good thing this whole episode has done for me, is I finally got Lifelock, so that’s good, I guess.
Flagwaiver … My team has your back.
Master Chief–please contact me when you have a chance. If you don’t have my cell phone or e-mail, I believe you can still get it from Jonn.
Thanks, shipmate.
Master Chief,
If this old AW1 can be of service, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I give Jonn permission to pass along my email addy & contact info to you.
I’ve kept checking my site and emails but so far Faux Chief Bernath hasn’t made contact. I kinda feel left out. Sigh.
Ah well, I stand ready to do whatever I can.
Never been aboard anything larger than an 80′ fishing boat out of Montauk, but if an old Armor guy can help shoot me off an email.
This just stands to prove that Vets are not the unstable crazies the media makes you guys out to be and that Crash is a boob. Except people like boobs, but no one likes Crash.
I like your logic!
That is perhaps the best thing I have ever read on this blog! Yay, boobs!
There are boobs, and there are boobies.
There is the blue-footed boobie, in the South Pacific. It’s called a boobie for a good reason. Like dandan the nitwitted bernastypantsman, the blue-footed boobie frequently engages in crash landings, even under favorable conditions. It also has trouble figuring out where and how to navigate terrain.
Then there are boobs, but they’re usually dressed up in satin or silk, or even velvet, hiked up with corsets and found in the Land of Hornbitch Romance Novels. And there is always someone around like the Earl of Vestibule, who will make successful forays into that Most Distant Land, to solve the problem with sword or muzzle-loading pistola… or whatever.
Not unstable crazies; Well organized, trained and educated, methodical, and meticulous unstable crazies. It’s what we do.
It’s a crying shame that the courts and LEO’s time has to be taken up with the demented, frivolous, and moronic rantings of the fake CPO and crappy lawer Daniel Bernath.
Thanks for the background Jonn. More and more clear what crap you go through to keep TAH alive. I appreciate it.
SJ I have to add to your comment. Thank you Jonn. Sometimes I forget that besides all the work in researching news for us to read and all the emails you answer, you have to deal with this sort of shit every day. Thanks for all you do for TAH and us Jonn! Thanks a lot.
I agree, seldom comment but alway check in three to four times a day. Thank you Jonn and good luck.
And the crazy man can’t even see that instead of his inflicting some sort of harm on you, Jonn, that he handed you a whole group of new best friends.
Best possible outcome actually. And a fairly small investment of your time in gaining an excellent return. Not that you should have been subjected to any of it. When walking among the loons, a bit of the excrement is bound to be taken home occasionally. Better to make fertilizer of it than just rant about it.
You go, Jonn!
What a fucking embarrassment to the USN to have POS as one of its own. He needs some serious bulkhead counseling. Goddamn piker.
Very big embarrassment. I hate that this shitbird wore the same uniform as I did.
I am sorry this rather strange person is taking up your time. I am glad you have this site up and continue to out those who do not deserve to wear the honors they wear.
“…this rather strange person…” …
probably the understatement of the year…
Beyond an understatement…
Daniel A. Bernath is automatic winner of the SVT Invitational.
Definitely not a paper champ.
Good work keeping it in the box and waiting everyone out. Ball is in your court.
Bernath is not, never was nor will he ever be a Genuine or Honorary CPO. PERIOD.
Bernath and his team are a day late and a dollar short.
For those who don’t know …
Hoey vs. Bernath has been filed and served Oregon. I have a great team of lawyers.
My suit is an action that when my team prevails, all of Bernaths actions, behavior and resultant harm will be exposed. I want to go to trial … And permit a jury to decide.
Bernath in a phoncon challenged me and the MCPON regarding his fraud and false claims of being an HCPO.
Further, the current president and many members of the NANP have confirmed he was never conferred an HCPO (by them because only the MCPON can do that).
I replied with responses from 3 MCPONs (2 of which I personally know) and they aske, “who” and said, “no”.
Because, a group of honorable senior officers and Master Chiefs essentially shut down Bernath’s claim … He believed it would be wise then to come after me, contact my employer, badger me with mail threats and post disgusting content associated with my name on the internet, while causing Dallas Widgetfield to do essentially the same thing.
Well Bernath and Widgetfield you both have underestimated me, the CPO Mess, gracious America Patriots, the legal system, my employer and law enforcement … You have their attention now and the all have your number. And I have ALL the resources, support and creds any Master Chief Petty Officer could ever need!
So, Bernath challenged me … And I answered … He did not listen and was not nor is taken seriously … Therefore, I will see you in court.
By the way: Anyone served with Bernath vs. Hyatt et al (with 51 people engaged in conspiracy, some indentified only by blog name) … Don’t sweat it … I (along with several others) are taking that on too.
What the hell is wrong with this guy? He got out of the Navy over 40 years ago and only did 3 years. He needs to move on its not like he had some amazing career in the Navy. This guy is clearly a little nuts. This guy’s got some problems.
His greatest achievement, seemingly, was being photographed taking a bath in a deep sink onboard ship. It speaks volumes … Being forced to or volunteering to take a bath in a deep sink onboard a ship MEANS something.
Do not f*ck with dragons or Master Chiefs, because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
Jeebus what a tool.
Ed–that is also one of the things where I’m listed as having issued a death threat.
So if I were to post, say, “DANIEL A. Bernath, please do not run around with sharp objects in your hand OR play recklessly with BB Guns, YOU’LL PUT YOUR EYE OUT!!”
*OOP!* I dood it again!
You have to be frakking kidding me.
Daniel Alan Bernath, I do not wish death upon you. I wish for you a very long and interesting life.
A very long investigated and court filled life!
Thanks NHS, my footprint is pretty light on social networks, and where I do post is well guarded. Dipstick boy will need a lot more than Google-fu to track me.
Go get ’em, Tiger!
[New reader] As you say, by regulation, only the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) may authorize the recognition of an individual as an Honorary Chief Petty Officer. As I recall from an article elsewhere on the ‘net, the Office of the MCPON is tasked with creating and displaying a log list – with name, whether or not they had prior service in the military, and the date they were recognized – making that challenge mention easily met.
/standing by with popcorn for all
D’oh…no text after the youtube linky or it doesn’t post…..
Those of you
not namedlisted only by screen name are Gravel, Noah Gross, Valkyrie, 68W58, A ProudInfidel, HS Sophomore, RM3, SJ, Enigma4U, Just An Old Dog. I’m sorry if you didn’t make the cut. Better luck next time.Ah … HS Soph was named … I am covering him because he is only 14.
Yes … Bernath thought it would be a good idea to sue a child!
Master Chief…I think Jonn listed those NOT NAMED in the action.
I meant NOT NAMED as in your proper name, listed by screen name. There are also another 50 or so John Does.
Can we hold a raffle for the John Doe slots? Many use the proceeds for a defense fund?
You just caused me to spit a mouth of very good coffee all over my cat.
Ah …
Really?!? A Proud infedil did not make it? Surprising. He usually chalked full of good lines.
Oh that makes sense then haha. What a frivolous piece of work.
I was surprized at that too.
That Proud Infedeal@%¥ is one snarky dude!
As Elvis woulda’ said, “Thank-yuh, thank-yuh ver’ much!”!
He included HS Sophomore because he once wrote a comment about us employing space alien Nazis, so that goes to a conspiracy, if I remember that line in the lawsuit.
That only makes sense … the use of space based Nazi, IRA, AQ, Mafia, Gang Bangers et al to wit and as to should always prove hither to and trigger forth with to a frivolous law suit.
Just sayin’!
You only used one as to…
10 points from the Navy!
Was there a particular quote from me? Or just generally got lucky?
Like bushes and other not living things, I think the sound of gravel under his feet triggers the PDST in him … That is why you were included … I think!
Au contraire Master Chief, I am alive!
*Rustle Rustle*
What about me? I blew his comb over off one day. Am I listed?
You also have a second count of rustling the bushes outside his hovel, making him lose fecal and urinary continence in his depends.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Bernath shits himself and threatens to sue God at the sight of a cockroach scurrying out from beneath his fridge, MEHH, maybe he just sits in the corner rocking and drooling all over himself instead?
Space Aliens,… So then if i were to say, “DANIEL A. BERNATH, if you ever get abducted by space aliens, STAY AWAY from getting anal probed, if at all possible, IT WILL GIVE YOU BRAIN DAMAGE!!”
The aliens should visit here before abducting Bernath. He would love being anally probed and they could never get rid of him.
Sophomore made the list, but I didn’t?
Dang, I gotta step it up…
He is only 14?! I’ve got kids his age and older! Hell I’ve got underwear older than him! That is one smart boy though, gives me hope for the next generation. My kids think the only reason our house doesn’t take flight when the ceiling fans are on is because they are pointing down.
But yay! My second lawsuit with you guys. Can we get matching jackets now?
Heheheheheh, she said “underwear”….
I’m a bit put out that I didn’t make the cut, either.
I got that too:
WHAT COLOR … Tell us more!
ME TOO, izzit the flannel-lined leather thong?
Nothing but the best for you misfits.
I love burlap!
*SNORT!*, *GRUNT!* Are we talking, like, black nylons, spike-heeled leather boots,.. WAIT, DISREGARD, I’m a happily married man!!
I can see it now: “TAH LAWSUIT TEAM”!
Team TAH…fuck yeah!!!
+1, needs some t-shirts or something with that on it
Maybe sump’n like “SUE ME, BITCH, what’cha waitin’ for?”
“Line forms to the left.”
Pinto Nag on FB isn’t me. I’m not on FB, so if I’m named and he used FB to “find” me, he’s barking up the wrong tree.
Rats. Maybe I’ll get on the next one.
I made the cut??!! Mom would be so proud…
So, either he has Ex-PH2’s real name or she didn’t piss him off enough? Something tells me that it’s the former, because I can’t imagine Bird bath not going after her.
No, Bobo, that fuckless whipstick doesn’t have my real name because I’ve never posted it anywhere.
I could do that, and since there are over 500 women in this country alone with the same name as mine, I could get them all together to file a class action against that deviant pustule on Satan’s hairy ass!
Leave Theresa out of this. She is having trouble with her farm in South Dakota and has little time for his BS!
Hey Bird Bathes have uses so don’t bring them down to his level
I am NOT named on that screen names list?
Oh, I am HURT!! HURT, I tell you! That is SO unfair!
I’m the one that came up with all those pejorative nicknames like bernastypants and bernutsless and that fracking cowhorn tooter can’t even include li’l old me?
What does it take to get some respect?
You got mine. That’s for damn sure! 🙂
OldSarge: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3, etc.
JUST lemme know when and where I need to show up to take part in the group hug for you, Ex-PH2, and I’LL DO MY DAMNDEST to be there!! OH YEAH, I PROMISE that I’ll also bring along a five gallon bucket of respect JUST FOR YOU, Ma’am!!
Tell’ya what, I might even be able to smuggle my 3MTA3 Satellite Sniper’s Plasma Rifle up there as long as we can find a decent 15-800km range, and we’ll find out JUST WHO is the better shot!
Proud, you’re on! I just received the newest and most sleekest version of the CAT-3/64 Bukki One-AI automatic with laser targeting and the phased pulse repeater.
Sleek, shiny, and sweeet! What a beauty.
Not sure if I am named in Bernath vs. Hyatt et al. I googled “Bernath vs. Hyatt et al” and there appear to be several of them over the past few years. Imagine that. As I recall, when Bernath posted his “list” here, at the time the only thing I had done was affirm that he was, in fact, a Notary Public. Little did I know that I was dancing too close to the flame and making the bush quiver. Oh well…between this and CPT. SCOTT at NRHPD, I going to have some splaining to do with my parole officer. Dammit, just when it looked like I was going to turn my life around…I coulda been a contender….if only I hadn’t put that pallet of potting soil in the handicap zone. I’m hardcore.
So there’s still some hope that the rest of us are John Does? Well, isn’t that special.
Would that be John Doe of Somewhere, USA? Or the other one?
Wouldn’t it be “jane doe” in the ladies case? Just saying. 😎
We could go all “Spatacus” on him in the court room!
“I am John Doe!”
And I made the list by name. Pretty funny, really, some of the things he thinks are threats. Either they’re taken completely out of context or completely wrong (hint: GFY does NOT stand for, “gonna fuck you”, Bernath.)
Just for the record, when DullASS and Bernath read this, no, I’m not at work, no, I’m not using company assets to post this, so you can stop bothering them. I’ve had enough conference calls with HR, management, and the company owner, thank you.
The fact that you took the most wonderful woman in the world, and two of the most charming, sweet, innocent, and beautiful children in any world, and dragged them into your pile of shit website is what is going to turn the stomachs of a jury, Bernath. Fair Use doesn’t cover pictures of minor children when parental consent isn’t obtained. And the stress you’ve caused THEM is what drives me now.
I look forward to my day in court, Bernath. I look forward to seeing your face as this bullshit “lawsuit” of yours gets tossed. I look forward to you being ordered to take your disgusting little page down for good.
I don’t give a shit if I ever see a dime from you, because you hid behind your wife like a gutless coward. You brought this shitstorm on yourself. You cannot blame me, Jonn, TSO, or anyone else for the situation in which you find yourself.
Consider that before you make your next move, Bernath.
I’d tell Bernard to GFY, but I’d rather skull f@$! His soul myself. What’s a guy gotta do to get some respect and named in a lawsuit? This is too much fun to miss
What an honor! I don’t recall taking him on much except to call him Bernasty. I did suggest he save some of his batshit stuff until the Tourney gets closer. Hollywood is capable of going weapons grade stupid. Sadly, my boy Round Ranger has gone to ground and probably won’t even make fecal 4…yet another failure for him in life.
Comparing some of the “Super-morons” we have here now to The Round Ranger is like comparing a diesel engine to a bottle rocket when it comes to longevity!
As one of my High School Teachers would say (He was former AF Special Ops and “THAT Cool Teacher”), “Heheheheheheheh…”
I say we have someone come up with jackets with something like “TAH LAWSUIT TEAM, try us, BITCHES!!”
OK-so what do we need to do? I mean, I’ll be happy to contribute to a defense fund, but is this one action against everyone listed or do we need to look at getting some representation individually?
If you don’t get served, I wouldn’t worry about it. If you need a lawyer, you can join the rest of us, but you’ll have to sign a separate agreement with the lawyers. I’m working on them for NHSparky and Flagwaver. Waiting for a reply.
OK-but for now I’m going to send you some cash to help out unless you advise against it.
Naw, just click the ads. I’d rather get money from Google than from y’all workin’ folks.
Sounds like he needs to get orders to appear in every state which has readers of TAH resident.
On the other hand, I can understand why he is filing (or more accurately, attempting to file?) all these restraining/retraining orders – he can’t get TAH out of his head and simply wants to get rid of us. In his demented mind, he just can’t make the connection that having nothing to do with him, and absolutely no desire to be within a couple of states of him, would delight all of us. All he needs to do to make that happen is to quit lying about himself, maybe apologize to the folks he has maligned, and get on with his life.
But he won’t. He seems to prefer to prove his mental state to everyone.
Jonn, do I know that guy you are working with or is it the other guy we both know?
That is a good question.
My counsel is very good to me, however I have not seen my first invoice.
The larger issue here is protections under the law fore those who out frauds who are “Valor Thieves”.
Bernath and his followers will become the new poster boys for Stolen Valor …
I am “all in” at about 50k!
I don’t know where I am in all of this, but I’ll send Jonn and Master Chief a small donation each.
Please don’t send me any money.
It is too early. This may be over before it ever really gets going.
Bernath and his crew have attracted MUCH attention. Their behavior and actions are being scrutinized very closely.
More to come …
I will be chatting with the Ninga SREYWAL Unit Group Battalion Troop Squad tomorrow and we will have plan for execution.
I didn’t make the cut at all.
I coulda had class! I coulda been somebody! I coulda been a contendah!
↑↑↑↑↑ just for the “On The Waterfront” reference, Poobah.
Damn. Didn’t make it. Oh well. It’s sort of like the Valor Thief Troll Entry draft. Sometimes you have to wait till next round. 😀
Don’t feel bad about not making it. I didn’t make it either. I’m shocked and saddened at…OOOO – BACON! (It’s breakfast time at FOB Lebben!)
Been reading this blog for a couple years but only have a few comments. I need to stop lurking so much and start commenting more.
Here’s a start.
I’ve left turds in the toilet with more intelligence than Danny Boi.
Sounds like you have a decent sheriff there. Not always the case – a lot of politics at that level. Deputies/ground pounder LEOs are rarely legally competent. Usual attitude is “what I say IS the law until a judge says otherwise”. Which is not the best way to build rapport between the agency and the civilized portion of the citizenry. A whole other discussion.
Oh, and Bernath can go piss up a rope. Douche waffle oxygen thief.
You’re asking a lot of someone who can’t find much lift up the “limp biscuit” that he sees as an “yellow water” hose.
Glad to see that I’m not the only one who thinks “Limp Bizkit” sounds more like a uniquely male affliction than a name for a band . . . . (smile)
Strange band name… some good music though.
In our neck of the woods (Colorado) the sheriffs and their deputies are usually the good guys, while it’s the city police who are the politicized screw ups.
CS- what neck ‘ the CO woods are you in? I’m north of the gold dome…
I’m not so forgiving concerning those cops. This wasn’t their first rodeo – they do that RO stuff for a living so their only reason for not knowing was their own stupidity. Too bad their incompetence cost you your 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 14th amendments. “Oops” don’t cut it.
True, but going nuclear would take time, money, and lawyers (but I repeat myself) for the same outcome, plus establish an us/them relationship with his local LEOs. I’m sure the deppity running this fiasco gave up a pound of flesh to the sheriff’s ass chewing, and is perhaps a better, wiser minion for it.
Or not. But a mistake was made, and it was fixed. No harm no foul.
Plus, when they brought the guns back I hope they felt obligated to take a stack of complimentary wanted posters of our favorite FAKE CPO.
Flies, honey, shit like that. Good on Jonn for handling it as well as he did.
And, a Sheriff who owes him one….
Yeah-ignorance of the law is no excuse for us plebes, it should not be for those tasked to actually enforce the law.
Damn, that monkey has landed on his head countless times after falling out of the stupid tree, quadruple batshit crazy!! Every man passes away sooner or later (Yeah, referring to Daniel A. Bernath as a Man is a stretch, “Adult Human Male” takes up too much space in a post), and what will people say about Daniel A. Bernath after his time comes?
Just refer to him as “AHM”.
For example: DAB the AHM…
Or make it MAH – Male, Almost Humanoid.
I’m glad I thought of that, and I’ll add AHM – Alleged Human Male!
Or you could just refer to him as Smegma breath.
Green Thumb’s classic description is pretty much right on: “Turd”.
Simple, concise, very accurate. I can see it now:
Here Lies
Daniel Bernath
HereAlways LiesDaniel Bernath
There! I fixed it for you.
So, let me get this straight, officers Barney and Fife use the “I’m just following orders” defense for violating the law?
Please tell me that the Sheriff is going to give them remedial training on search and seizure.
Instinct, that comparison is funny. You should look up the name of the Mineral County Sheriff.
Sounds like the Deputy was named Fife too
We hanged people at Nuremburg for “…only following orders.”
I did a search on my screen name, found a European organization that actually uses it. 😯
I wonder if Daniel Alan Bernath, never a CPO in any capacity, tried to serve them with some retraining orders.
This European organization wasn’t the source of my username, I actually based that on ancient Asian folklore of a hero that didn’t give up despite impossible odds.
If that non CPO actually tried to harass the above organization, he’d end up looking like a dumb ass on an international scale. 😈
Daniel Alan Bernath, you’re not going to scare this community into believing that you were a CPO in any capacity, even non Navy veterans see that you’re not one of those. 😀
I always thought it was some kind of a take on Top Gear’s F1 driver!
One of my favorite shows….
Quick note: There have been many Stigs over the years, some even switching out mid season or for other obligations to their teams.
“Some say that his first name really is “The”, and that if he went on Celebrity Love Island they’d all be pregnant, including the camera men. All we know is he’s called the Stig!”
No where’s that like button?
I know, right?
This is why Cheezy Chevy won’t win the tourney. Crash is showing the kind of A grade crazy needed to win in the big leagues.
Makes one wonder what Crash could have really been had he used his powers for good… and not been a crazy, dishonest skunk to boot.
I told Dennis Howard Chevalier that his games has kept him in second place. Daniel Alan Bernath is my number one pick for the Stolen Valor Awards.
Hasn’t been awarded the horse’s ass medal? Daniel Alan Bernath, you need to add “yet” in that statement. At this rate, we’re going to change that fact. 😈
Maybe we could get one horse’s ass medal, cut it in half, and that’ll be Dennis “BLOBFISH” Chevalier’s award, thus making ‘ol Blobfish a HALFASS like he’s been at best all of his life!! AS TO the other half, means to hang it to another ribbon and a necklace to hang it on can easily be made, and that part can go to another halfass, maybe DullASS Whipandeatboogers?
Dennis will always be second fiddle in anyones life. He will always finish second…can’t even get this Top Dog Stolen Valor Championship right.
If this was about him it would be titled “the cereal failure”.
Maybe a “constellation” prize could be made for him. Instead of a horse’s ass, his medal would have a blobfish in the front, and a block of cheese in the back.
Don’t worry Crash, you’ll always be a horse’s ass to us, medal or no.
I told Dennis Howard Chevalier that his games has kept him in second place. Daniel Alan Bernath is my number one pick for the Stolen Valor Awards.
Hasn’t been awarded the horse’s ass medal? Daniel Alan Bernath, you need to add “yet” in that statement. At this rate, we’re going to change that fact. 😈
I made the list? As a screen name?
I’m not listed on FB as Gravel, nor do I use my real name.
Wait. So you aren’t Mike Gravel the presidential candidate from Alaska?
Not sure if you ask seriously or jokingly, but no. And Jonn has my email and real name, you’re welcome to the information TSO.
Those idiots didn’t even offer a bottle of your favorite tipple, after all the hassle they put you through?
Well, after perusing the copy and subsequent comments, and adding a few of my own, I have some other things to add.
1 – Did you get your ammo back, also?
2 – Your spare bedroom is too close for braindead dribbulous bernutsless to spend any time there, because his breath would probably peel the paint off the walls.
3 – I have been busy in my own universe most of the day, and want to know why things inevitably blow up like this when I go do something useful.
4 – I’m having trouble convincing Delilah T. to hold off on those PI/Hong Kong stories, because she’s as disappointed as I am that I wasn’t named, especially since that useless boil in Satan’s armpit started this mess by trying to post a nasty and untrue comment on my blog.
However, she does have a personal message for burntwitless: GO FUCK YOURSELF SIDEWAYS, SHITHOLE.
Ask Jonn to see the letter he sent to my S/O and several people in the company I work for.
Weapons grade insane doesn’t even begin to cover it.
Was it written by DumBaSS wItLesS&wAndeRinG or psul the uncool?
If you’ve seen his shitty little page you’re probably seen about 80-90 percent of what he sent to S/O and my employer.
It’s the highlighting, the disjointed sentences, nonsense statements, and absolutely whackjob accusations and basis for threatening to sue my employer than make this so funny, if it weren’t so sadly pathetic.
And this guy claims to be a lawyer, mind you.
Oh darn! A Google search of my name would lead you right to me. Because I’m the only one who ever used this completely obscure name. /sarc
I have been using it since about 92 or 93. Back when BBS’s were the “in” thing before everyone had a website.
Wow, i never read this guys stuff, until right now…what nut.
What a friggen moron. Glad things worked out for you and can’t wait until real justice is served.
Like I said, you didn’t have to say anything to him in order to make the lawsuit – some of my comments were back in 2011. One comment included in the restraining order was a C&P from a post that wasn’t even meant for him, but he edited it and put it in an email to Wickre to look like I made the email threat. One comment is from an email from TSO him and he credits it to me once and to TSO the second time. He has pictures in there that didn’t come from the blog. One is supposed to be some of my guns and I haven’t owned a lever-action Marlin 30-30 since 1979.
‘Zactly. The funny part about the letters he sent to my company were made literally YEARS before I started working for them.
Although some of the folks were interested about the PI and wondered what that was all about.
Good thing I didn’t mention Thailand.
So he made false statements and presented false and altered evidence to suit his asinine needs in the RO?
I’m sure this applies to the actual content of the lawsuit as well.
I won’t even ask the obvious question about how this affects the outcome of these things.
Periodically, I lurk on ShORtBuSRiDER41’s Google+ page. I laughed darkly at one of his latest stunts; he pulled a bunch of pictures off of Jonn’s Google+ and Facebook pages and then labeled them as Jonn watching child porn as well as an illiterate ranting screed about how Jonn is a pedophile. That alone should probably be enough to get him convicted of libel in any court in the country; he’s showing reckless disregard for the truth accusing Jonn of a federal crime without any evidence whatsoever, and sending it to a large audience via an easily googleable we page. I’d like to see Birdbath defend his ass against that.
I just asking because I truly do not know. With something like this where he is suing screen names and such, can you post the papers because it involves the group or is there some law about it? I just don’t understand the laws about court documents and privacy.
How long before Chevy (aka Hollywood; AKA LtCol; AKA CPL) fires up his bullshit blog in glee that TAH is being sued?
Chevy has to do something so that Bernasty doesn’t win the tournament by acclamation.
Big Boy Denny won’t mention that, he is too dumb to realize what Bernath has done.
Does make me wonder if Dennis actually read Bernath’s page.
This fool really needs to run out in front of a speeding bus.
I’ve been a lurker around here for a long while but this really pissed me off. This slobbering mongoloid doesn’t get that his actions are just making us close ranks and making this community stronger.
No, no. You don’t want the bus driver to get hurt.
I doubt the driver would even notice. After all, he would be just running over a bag of hot air anyway.
Why risk damaging a perfectly good bus?
Well done Jonn, to handle things so calmly, I don’t think I could have done it.
My family has run into fabricated legal stuff before, very unpleasant and scary. It concerns me that nutcases can make incredulous stuff up and the entire legal and police system acts on it. You would think they would have to investigate or something before someone shows up on your doorstep.
No doubt Birdbath considers you get served and having your weapons temporially taken as a victory. Just like he tricked a judge into signing a retraining order that barred Dan Hyatt from going to work because he listed his own workplace at the address of the federal courthouse.
The sad part is that your local PD was so ignorant about the law that they fell for it.
Dan Bernath = gargler of balls.
WOW! ONLY FIFTEEN, AND I’VE ALREADY BEEN SUED! I’m going places in this world 😀
So, a TAH vote; do I send Bernath a facebook message with my name, the. Screenshot and post the ensuing fireworks when he realizes who I am?
So, a TAH vote; do I send Bernath a facebook message with my name, then screenshot and post the ensuing fireworks when he realizes who I am?
You’re to smart a kid to let these idiots get to you. Keep on doing what you’re doing and you have a great future ahead of you.
Btw, I’ve got a 14 year old daughter. We should talk. Haha! I’m going to play the role of a crazy matchmaking Mother. Just kidding!
Oh? If she’s anything like you, I’d be happy to marry her on the spot. Send me her email 😀
Ohhhhh god……..teenage hormones and TaH.
I’m going to be having a drink come out my nose and on my keyboard again. Good thing I bought a washable Logitech keyboard after the last time. Lol
p.s. really need that like button.
She’s not as nice as I am. Hehe!
Send him a rectal shot.
That would be right up his alley.
Stay out of it!
Let John and the others handel it. Concentrate on final and other things teen agers these days are in to. But I willl agree with the others you give us hope the next gen isn’t completly lost.
Stay the hell out of it. From what I’ve read from you on here you are one of the few of this new generation that stands a chance to make something of himself. As someone about to turn 31 sitting in a college class with 18/19 year old kids I can only shake my head at them. To think that they can vote pisses me off.
Your smart kid, stay out of it.
As was said before, you give us older Vets hope for the new generation. My 3 kids are aged 12-6 and if they come out half as good as I’ve seen here based on your comments, then I’ll be a lucky father.
First off, two of the people on the list are close friends of mine. One is guilty of having liked a comment I made and the other lives in Australia.
Some of his other “evidence” in the paper is crap about my posts on facebook and here. He seems to think that a picture of Jesus whipping money changers in the temple and a repost of a funny picture (neither of which concern him) constitutes a threat. Heck, my friend made a comment on the second picture and that got him on the lawsuit.
Otherwise, he seems to think that me complaining about how slow the VA is, telling people how he photoshopped the picture used in the “wanted” sign, and that he is threatening people with lawsuits are direct threats upon him.
Oh, I also made mention that I visited VFW Post 3452 and that I have a friend who is part of that post. I met up with him and we hung out for a bit while I was going from the VA to my home.
So, yeah. If any of y’all want to give me a call about this (now that I know your actual name), my contact information is on Bernath’s website. 😛
Or ask the admin here for my email.
Hello. My name is John Doe. Yeah, yeah, I know, no real names. OK, I’m OWB, not John Doe. And I’m a TAH poster.
One day at a time. One day at a time. Each day without seeing one of these posers is a blessing. Especially that bernasty guy.
But he will probably want one of those subpoena thingies or a retraining order delivered to me anyway. Here in south Florida.
That’s OK. Continuing to not be anywhere near him is just dandy with me. John Doe. Errr, OWB.
Oops, should have said Arizona. NOT south Florida.
Here’s a song for you….
To the tune of Sublime’s “I smoke two joints”
GFY with a cactus in the morning
GFY with a cactus at night
GFY with a cactus in the afternoon
It makes you feel all right
GFY with a cactus in time of peace
GFY with two cactus in time of war
GFY with a cactus before you GFY with a cactus,
And then GFY with a cactus some more
See you court … Dumbass!
You ef’ed with the wrong MCPO!
Master Chief,
Check your message traffic for an item that may be of interest.
I just have a technical question here. If there’s a whole list of John Does, then am I being sued, too?
‘Cause I checked to make sure just before supper, and I definitely do not qualify as a John. But if there’s no Jane Doe, then that means I’m left out. And frankly, I am not giving up my girls just to be a John.
So where does that leave me?
Theresa … Stop it we all know you are not a man. Stop trying to confuse DB.
How is the issue with the cattle on the ranch?
The cattle issues have consisted of 3 bull calves and 12 heifer calves, all healthy and bawling loudly for mama. The remaining herd is steers, and they will shortly become roasts and steaks. And corned beeves. And maybe plate beef or meatloaf.
Oh, and Mikey likes radish leaves, so this year, he gets his very own potful.
Hanging out with the rest of us who didn’t get sued?
Daniel A. Bernath THE PHONY CPO/PHONY OREGON ATTORNEY, you will keep losing!!
Well, this clown just went off the deep end head first. I am sorry to hear about this crap that Jonn and the rest of you are going through on this. However, from what I’ve seen this may be a bridge too far for Bernath. Keep up the fight and hopefully we’ll see this bastard get his IN COURT (so this pussy doesn’t think I’m threatening him). What a useless piece of poser shit.
Living here in the great Northwest. You all should know, we had a pollution alert. The only thing I can figure, is that Bernath must have came back from Florida to Tigard via Portland.
This dude is a walking clown show.
A turd’s turd.
Some literature I’ve considered adding to my reading list:
A Turd for All Seasons
Turds and the Man
For Whom the Turd Rolls
The Turd at Poop Corner
De Bello Cloacae (The Turd Wars)
The Old Man and the Commode
You might want to consider the following movies that have Birdbath as the subject.
High Plains Turd
For a few Turds More
A fistfull of Turds
Gone with the Turd
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turds
The Turds of Iwo Jima
The Turd Who Fell From Grace with the Sea
The Turdinater
Broketurd Mountain
A clockwork Turd
Full Metal turd
Lord of the Turds
Ace Ventura, Turd Detective
The Passion of the Turd
Beverly Hills Turd
How could you forget such classics as:
The Turds
Turd on a Wire
The Turd Man
Three Men and a Turd
Mutant Ninja Turdles
Dr. Strangeturd
To Flush a Mockingturd
The Longest Turd
Really? You forgot the Tennessee Williams classic “Turd on a Hot Tin Roof”!
Or even “A Turd For All Seasons”?
Or listen to The Byrds classic “Turd, Turd, Turd”!
Mehh, while we’re at it, how ’bout movies and TV Shows like:
48 Turds
A view to a Turd
The man With a Golden Turd
Happy Turds
That 70 Turds Show…
Are those shows an hour long or turdy minutes?
Then there’s such gems as:
The Brown Panther
Turd Grit
Turdman of Alcatraz
The Turdfather, Pts 1, 2, and 3
Turdy Rotten Scoundrels
Twelve Angry Turds
The Empire Turds Back
Battleturd Galactica
Game of Turds
The Walking Turd
I was going for just a few literary classics. Time constraints, you know. Movies do take less time, though.
Here are a few classical plays I wanted add to the list.
Richard da T’urd
The Importance of Being a Turd
The Turd Proposal
The Merry Turds of Windsor
Twelfth Turd
Oedipus the Turd
and a couple of lighter movies:
Turds of the Fall
Turd Alone II (in New York)
New Turd, New Turd (you know the song that goes with that)
Turds! Turds! Turds!
Top Turd
The Turd King
The Hunt for Red Turd
The Siege of Firebase Turd
The Big Turd
When Turd Met Commode
Ber-neverwas definitly qualifies for the annual Green Turd award.
First, Jonn you did the absolute right thing. Not only did you not get arrested, but now the Sherrif in you county knows what craziness is going on should Bernath try this crap again.
Second, to those not listed, be glad. Lawsuits consume time and energy like termites through rotting wood even when they are baseless. It is all fun until you have to spend a few days in depositions, then not so much. Also, juries are notoriously unpredictable. You never know what they will do.
True, Susan, and there is always counter-suit.
Rats!!! I’m not on the list of TAH members being sued by the crappy lawer. What, I’m not worthy? Bernath!!! You cum guzzling infected pustule in a syphilitic whores twat!!!
You need to have that autocorrect looked at. 🙂
That was all me, fat fingering the bloody keyboard.
“Poppyhead” just might explain a thing or two.
Daniel Alan Bernath, world class loser, valor thief, failed reverse mental abortion and all around moron. What the hell did Oregon ever do to deserve you? Did I make the lawsuit now?
California didn’t want him.
What does it say about someone that the land of nuts and flakes doesn’t want you?
I’m not sure exactly, but it can’t be good.
1) I pull a couple of double shifts at work and this is what happens when I don’t pay attention.
2) I never got picked for the winning side in Red Rover either. I suck.
But what about Duck Duck Goose?
Geez, I go off to school to become a LEO and the lunatic fringe goes off the deep end. Sounds like a certain deputy and two troopers need to go back to the academy and relearn orders of protection. Bernath needs to crawl back in his hole and STFU.
Luck in battle all when court goes into session. Pin him to the wall.
This man makes my ass itch! He’s so crazy his tighty whiteys done turned to brownie frownys and he doesn’t even know it!
Bernathnasty reminds me of a family that lived a few miles from my hometown in the early seventy’s. His name was Daniel too.
On welfare with lots of kids. Welfare Dept. bought (or leased) them a five bedroom house. His claim was a bad back. Always went around town with his back brace on the outside of his shirt so you would know he was “ailing”. Everybody knew that was a joke.
One day my friend and I drove out by the town dump site (untended back in those days) looking for some ground squirrel targets. As we came over the saddle “Lol and Behold” there was Daniel dumping a pickup load of defunct refrigerators. He never heard us approaching until we were within about forty yards. When he turned around and spotted us he calmly reached down, picked up his back brace and put it on. I guess he didn’t need it while unloading all his expired appliances.
Kind of reminds me of some coyote excrement in Tigard, Oregon that drives into a pallet of potting soil, hobbles around on his canes, claiming to be a mistreated, disabled Vietnam vet. Yeah right!
Oh, about the other Daniel I mentioned. His wife was the “slip and fall” expert. It quickly escalated to three falls a week in various stores, with resulting lawsuits and minor insurance payouts. Within a month or so she was not allowed into ANY store unless accompanied by an employee. “Oh the Humanity” how did bernastypants miss out on that gravy train?
Bernastypants, perhaps that’s a new angle you can try in Tigard. Sad to say, I’m sure Tigard is already on to you.
Question for Jonn: how are you going to get that aircraft back from Florida, or wherever it’s at? Or just sell it there?
Bernastypants: never a CPO, never an HCPO, never anything of value to society, just a coyote turd on the high desert.
WHOOOAAAA, WAITAMINNIT, you’ew sayin’ that MRS. Bernastypants is “a slip and fall expert”, just as slimy as he is? Well damn, “birds of a feather” I guess… Your story reminds me of a scumbag I once had to work with on a job who bragged of how easy it was to get money from frivolous stunts, like his brother in law who weighed 200+ that got about 5K from standing and jumping on a cheap plastic chair until it broke and got a Bernutless (AHM) breed of lawer to sue on his behalf. Maybe next we’ll hear about Mrs. Bernasty suing these stores because she feels humiliated about having to be escorted?
I think he’s talking about a lady married to a different guy named “Daniel”, Proud Infidel. At least, that’s the way I read it.
AAAWWW shitsky, not enough coffee before reading and posting, but I wouldn’t put it past any woman that dared to stay married to DANIEL A. BERNATH THE PHONY COP/OREGON ATTORNEY!
*OOP!* make that Daniel A. Bernath the phony CPO!!!
Proud Infidel,
Not Mrs. Bernasty. The “slip and fall expert” was married to a different Daniel.