Duckin’ around

| December 19, 2013

So, GLAAD, whatever that is, has their panties in a twist because Phil Robertson, of Duck Dynasty fame, quoted from the Bible to explain what he thought of the gay lifestyle. I won’t link to it, because I’m sure you’ve read it. People are more engaged about that than they are about veterans getting their COLA cut to balance the budget so we don’t have to cut benefits to illegal aliens. But, I digress.

I don’t watch Duck Dynasty just like I don’t watch any of these “reality shows”, but I do know something about it. Folks tried to get me to pull up Sy’s military records so they can talk ill of his career, I suppose. I didn’t do it, because he served during Vietnam when most people wouldn’t and that’s good enough for me. As far as I know, he never claimed any medals or honors, so I left well enough alone.

I saw some BS article a few weeks ago about how the Robertson family used to be clean cut and buttoned down until the opportunity for this show arose. So? All it proves is that the media is jealous of success and they’re always trolling around for information to tear successful people down. Somehow it makes them feel better about their own miserable existence, I suppose.

Well, now they’ve succeeded somewhat with Phil. But, in my opinion, this whole discussion says more about GLAAD than anyone else. Yes, there are people who still think that homosexuality is a sin and a deviancy. GLAAD has a problem with that and they want to be the thought police. No one is supposed to vocalize their distaste for the gay lifestyle.

My problem is not with the gay lifestyle, it’s with people like GLAAD who want to shove their lifestyle down our throats, so to speak. The more you push me into doing what you want, the more I’ll resist. GLAAD isn’t making any allies with this militant approach to squelching the dissent. In fact, their militancy will probably give rise to a counter-militancy. A&E didn’t do themselves or GLAAD any favors by laying off Phil for a spell either.

I’m no bible-thumper, but I’ll defend Phil’s right to be one, especially when he has the courage to do so in public. Just like I defend gays’ rights to say what they want to say in public.

But anyway, here’s an interview with Terry Bradshaw who talks with Jay Leno about Phil’s younger days;

In conclusion, if the media doesn’t want to know the answers to their questions, they shouldn’t ask. If Phil doesn’t like the way he’s being treated, he should decline to answer questions like that one. And GLAAD should just take a massive dose of Midol and shut up.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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I stand with Phil. If only to spite GLAAD. Fuckin fascists.


Is GLAAD the reason the Tribune stopped publishing that Indian Summer cartoon every fall?

Don’t wory, people, there is such a thing as backlash. The GLAADwraps are having their little day in the sun and at some point, the sun will leave them in the shadows. The more they shriek, the more obnoxious they make themselves.

Green Thumb

There is a fundamental difference between liking something and tolerating something.

Too bad GLAAD is unable to understand that concept.

Shame it is.

Welcome to the Great NW!


I’m with Phil on so many counts. But, it doesn’t matter because Phil doesn’t give a shit what anyone else thinks. That’s why I like him.

vietnam war protestor a.k.a. u.s.s. liberty

Phil maybe right have you ever seen ann the man coulter on fox? Now thats bestiallity with an elephant! And black people were much happier when they were being lynched by the ku klux klan. I am sure nascar driver wendell scott was thrilled when he was told we are taking the win away from you because you would have to kiss the WHITE blue eyed blond trophy girl if we didn’t take the win away from you! As they say its mighty white of you!


I understand A&E is going to offer “vietnam war protestor” a reality show.

It will be called, appropriately enough, “Dumbf**k Dynasty”. And it will have a cast of one.


#5: you might want to look at happened to Monkress et al before wading in here. Might also take some English grammar courses if you want to be taken seriously.

Joe Williams

Pissant is off his meds AGAIN. Can anyone translate this bunch of words? Joe


VWP check your drawers dude, smells like your brains are leakin’ out.


Who left the garbage can lid off the can?

Oh! It’s vwpisspot, again. I should have known. No brains, no headaches.

vietnam war protestor a.k.a. u.s.s. liberty

@6 My first show will be on lbj not letting the navy go to the aid of the U.S.S. Liberty when it was being attacked by israel!

vietnam war protestor a.k.a. u.s.s. liberty

My next show will be asking republican neo-con super patriotic draft doggin chicken hawk cowards where were you during the vietnam war? And where were your kids during the iraq war?



And his next show will getting down on his knees to fellate Nancy Pelosi.

Mr Blue

The vietnam wannabe protester hour…
I would guess that your speaking style makes your prose look like Shakespeare.

I can almost see the look of sheer WTF on the faces of your guest as they strain for meaning in the wall of “uh, um, like, you know, ah, um, derp,you know, like, um, ah”.

Hell, even the most left wing gamma male would be driven to shaking you by your lapels and screaming “WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY!!!”


So, you’ll note in this story that several Republicans are listed as having served in Iraq or Afghanistan, or had relatives that did (some Dems as well). Not to mention Sarah Palin’s son or McCain’s. But then vwp’s version of reality is like so many other lefties-the actual truth matters less than the easily repeatable meme. You’d almost feel sorry for such an obvious mental defective, except that he’s so odious.

Mr Blue

#15- Do remember that the kid is pretty much just a parrot… or for those that remember “Animal Farm”, a sheep. It can pretty much bleat out talking points, but actually analyzing those bits, doing his own research, learning actual facts, not really.


The mans words were completely taken out of context and spun by GLAAD (shocker there huh)… his response today to what he did say, and the reaction to it.
I myself am a product of the 60s; I centered my life around sex, drugs and rock and roll until I hit rock bottom and accepted Jesus as my Savior. My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together. “However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.”


After reading those last two VWP comments, I can definitively say that “Dumbf**k Dynasty” suits him to a “T”. IMO he’ll be perfect in the lead – and sole – role on the show.

I wonder if I’ll get royalties for coming up with the title? Guess I’d better trademark the idea. (smile)

Perry Gaskill

Careful, Jonn. You said “Midol.” Someone might be offended.

If you’re a person of a deeply cynical persuasion it’s not hard to imagine that the Duck Dynasty food fight is actually all about money:

GQ gets to sell more magazines because Phil Robertson said something controversial.

GLAAD gets to play the victim card and collect more donations for its non-profit with a strident protest over what Robertson said.

And A&E gets to stroke advertisers, some of whom might possibly be offended– maybe– by what Robertson said, with a hipper-than-thou demonstration of spineless political correctness.

Seems like a big win for almost everybody. Except Phil Robertson.


Hondo-first episode: vwp wanders out into traffic and is hit by a bus. Entire episode is that clip shown over and over. Highest rated show in TV history.


This entire thing has the lasting power of Andy Warhol’s ’15 minutes of fame’, applied to whoever makes the loudest noise.


Phil Robertson is laughing, all the way to the bank.

Meanwhile, the sun will come up in the east tomorrow, those who want to will find something about which to become offended, whining libbies will continue acting idiotic, and members of the US military will continue to protect the US Constitution.


I’m so sick of the gay/lib/whatever groups trying to force their agenda on the rest of us. There is a petition on Yahoo News. I signed it and left a bit of verbiage for the “sexually questioned” ones who are always attacking us.

No reference to this site, nothing that would require a “Community Service Volunteer” only First Amendment and don’t get in my face with your bulls**t.


1. I was in the Army
2. My kid did two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan.

What’s your point? We both knew what we were doing. I have as much right to my opinion as you have to yours. You don’t know me yet you insult me. Dude, you have low self-esteem and you are projecting it onto other people. Try to become a happier person. Get some help. Life is too short to be pissed off all the time. Especially at people you don’t even know. Besides, there are too many of us 🙂


This group is just tryin to further the premise that Christianity is bad. They do it because Christians won’t tell them to piss off and instead appease these jerkoffs that feel they are entitled to everyone celebrating their deviant behavior less you suffer their manufactured outrage. They won’t try it on groups that deserve it because those groups aren’t push overs like modern Christians.

I think the show is stupid and so is arts & entertainment tv but this nonsense about anyone being offended over opinions regarding their behavior will be the death of our society.

Common Sense

I don’t watch TV.

Phil has the right to say whatever he wants and A&E have the right to object and suspend him. Everyone else has the right to be outraged one way or the other.

From my point of view, the constant outrage about comments here and there is getting old (White/Black/Green/Purple Santa/Jesus anyone?). There are far more important things to be outraged about like cuts to vets retirement, cuts to military training, $17 trillion debt and climbing, Obamacare killing our economy and healthcare system, government regulating anything and everything, killing our economy and making us far less free, etc., etc., etc.

Another point, as much as I admire Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz, the Duck Dynasty debacle is NOT about the First Amendment. The Bill of Rights is about our rights in regard to government, i.e. the Federal government can’t restrict speech or owning firearms. It has nothing to do with facing the backlash from something you said, right or wrong. Private people and companies cannot violate your rights under the Constitution, only government can do that. Freedom of association is another important right.

Stoned Gunman

Common Sense hit the nail on the head.

Just An Old Dog

Anytime you are in the spotlight and are “employed” by the media you can either dance to their liberal tune or face the consequences. It’s a matter of A&E deciding that Phil’s statement was “improper”. It has nothing to do with free speech, its about an employer deciding to cut lose an employee that makes them look bad. The idiot women who flipped the bird at Arlington and the Theatre Ticket girl who ranted about Military Discounts were both shit-canned because of their behavior. The mistake that A&E has made is thinking that a small activist group with a twisted agenda like GLAAD speaks for an entire community or their customer base. A&E needs to really think about it. How many people who are avid “Duck Dynasty” Fans are so offended by Phils comments that they will stop watching it or stop buying DD products? The answer is probably a fat whopping zero. BUT, there is already a large grass roots movement to boycott DD products and the show if Phil is not put back on. The Roberts already have over 60 Million in assets and their original product line “Duck Commander”. The family is digging their heels in. If A&E decides to keep up their bullshit then another network will gladly pick up the Robertsons and start a show. The biggest loser will be A&E who will lose millions in order to appease a group of people who don’t watch the show anyway. The only thing GLAAD will have accomplished is making A&E lose money, another network and the Robertsons richer and exposing themselves as assholes.

vietnam war protestor a.k.a. u.s.s. liberty

@24 you don’t meet the criteria of a vietnam war draft doggin super patriotic chicken hawk neo-con coward. Now my first guest has already anwsered the question before in 2007 in iowa when he was running for president. willard was asked if he and his five sons supported the iraq war so much how come none of them had served in the military by a vietnam vet his anwser “My sons are serving their country they are helping me get elected president!” My question After your pro-draft collage demonstration how come you didn’t go into the service let alone vietnam? Willard: mormon missionarys are exempt from the draft. Where was I? I was on an impotant mormon mission to the working girls of paris and the french riviera showing them how to put on their mormon magic underware!

Mr. Blue

#29- Off in your little fantasy world again, are we? Guess it makes your mommie happy when your’re on the computer playing hippie. Keeps you out of trouble.

But truth be told, if your were to get the Dumbf**k Dynasty show, the actual words out of your mouth would still be “Um, an like you know umm like mormom? you know, ummm like under you know like you know umm and you know? like un, the draft, you know?and um, like ummm somthing, you know?”

And, at that point, Keith Olberman, the only person desprate enough to actually appear on your show*, would grab you by your pencil neck, shake you vigorously, and shout “Get! To! Some! Kind! Of! Damn! Point! Stupid! Kid!!!”, and would finish his spot by giving you both a wedgie and a swirlie.

*He would try asking Maddow, but she would smack him around, call him a bitch, then steal his lunch money. And then give him a wedgie.

Cylon War Protestor AKA The Other Whitey

I just had an idea: how about VWPieceofshit gets a guest appearance on Duck Dynasty, maybe a little point/counterpoint with Sy. Wouldn’t that be fun to watch? Compared with VWPissant’s inane and fragmented bullshit, Sy Robertson would sound like Winston fucking Churchill.

On the original topic, fuck GLAAD, period. I know gay folks who find those asswipes every bit as annoying as the rest of us. Phil Robertson has a right to speak his mind. A&E is within their rights to suspend the show, and give up the obscene amounts of money they make off of it (how long do you think THAT will last?). But nobody, be it GLAAD, CAIR, PETA, the KKK, or any other collection of assholes gets to restrict speech or religion.

2/17 Air Cav

So, I’m driving somewhere or other yesterday and a conservative radio station is pretuned to my radio. A caller to the show says (and I must paraphrase), ‘My straight Christian friends are much more tolerant of my being gay than my liberal friends are of my being Christian.’ And that there is the money line.


Looks like it may be a moot point, peeps. The Duck Dynasty crew are in discussions with A&E over whether or not they will even continue the show, because if Phil isn’t there with them, they aren’t interested in doing the show.

See, the problem with the GLAADwrappers is that they don’t really believe that anyone is really straight. They don’t like being stereotyped but they’re VERY happy to do it to other people and they do get their Depends in a bunch when someone tells them to f#@$k off.

They want other people to accept their differences, but they are completely unwilling to accept other people for who and what they are.


Ex-PH2: you mean they’re (gasp) extremists, like radical Islamist jerkwads and the Westboro Baptist Church a-holes?


Hondo: 🙂 Yes.


Well then, maybe those three groups should get together and have a party. Since they’re all extremists, they should get along just swimmingly. (smile)


They need their own planet, Hondo – something far away from here.


I finally got into Duck Dynasty this summer and found a connection because of their values and lifesytle is what made this country great.

Having grown up in the Northeast and relocating back after my first 4 in the Army, i am not only bothered but disgusted at the snobbery by the latte crowd here who look down on any rural type of tradition, especially the importance of faith and family.

I was lucky to grow in upstate NY for a bit before coming back to the NYC metro area again. It’s really just sad and pathetic how our country is declining. But it’s nothing new. Different century same ole crap:

“Never try to get revenge: leave that, my dear friends, to the Retribution. As scripture says: Vengeance is mine — I will pay them back, the Lord promises.” (Romans 12:19)


The douche nuggets at GLAAD are facing backlash now for their shrill denunciation of Phil Robertson. People are tired of being bullied by the gay thought police and are finally waking up.


VWP, I’m sure Sarah Palin meets your definition of a “super patriotic chicken hawk neo-con coward”. I served with her son in Iraq in 2008-2009. Heck the first time I met him I smoked him for doing dumb Private shit on my COP. A buddy of mine said “dude, you just smoked a Vice Presidential candidate’s son”. I replied “well he shouldn’t have been doing dumb shit”. To be fair, I didn’t know who he was at the time.

2/17 Air Cav

So, last night I turn on the tube, the idiot box, the TV and, lo and behold, I see Duck Dynasty. But wait, says I, “I thought that Phil was now persona non grata. He’s been banished for calling sinful that which is sinful–not to mention sick.” But she who must be obeyed (thanks Rumpole and Haggard) points out that the show is a rerun. So, that’s it, huh? Principle only applies to new episodes. Oh. Okay.


Not only that Air Cav, but A&E admitted that they have a years worth of episodes already taped, and would likely air them even though they were suspending Phil.

Principles? What principles?


I am the Robertson’s biggest fan in the big city here.

I fully support this man and his family.

If you don’t believe that this guy speaks the truth, listen to this clip, regardless of your belief … he is a good and righteous man:

crewchief guy

Hey vwp, try starting a new paragraph when the speaker changes. for example,

“Hey vwp, you’re a complete and utter moron.”

“Nuh-uh, my mommy told me im special!”

See how much clearer that is?



Like I’ve said, I’ve never watched the show, and most likely won’t, but I definitely support the guy’s right to speak his mind.

And yes, even though he espouses a faith in something that I believe to be a bunch of bunk, I respect the hell out of his devotion to family, personal honesty, and willingness to defend his principles in the face of hostility, and he does it with class.

You don’t have to agree with someone 100% to respect them.

Miss FrostJaws

I’m an atheist. I recognize this man’s fundamental right to say whatever he’d like to say about gay people or anybody else. What he doesn’t have the right to do is say whatever he likes, free from condemnation from the groups of people that he is slandering.

Not hard to understand.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Never seen the show, probably never will….not much interested in a bunch of hillbillies selling sh1t on TV….but that’s me…this is not at all about the first amendment it’s about an employers right to manage on the job speech and behavior. Try going to work and telling your boss to f@ck off and see how far you get with your first amendment claims to maintain your employment.

Putting that aside, what did he say exactly?

That he believes a little magic man in the sky will decide who is worthy of life everlasting and who is not….that black folks were happier before the civil rights movement made them unhappy.

I think it’s been pretty obvious where I stand on little magic men in the sky guiding your earthly behavior….it usually involves painting a group different from you as something to be despised, or worse killed….so he’s a bigot based on religion nothing new there for a white trash douchebag from the south, and he thinks black folks were better off and happier when they were picking cotton with him in the fields…wow another shocking opinion held by a bigot….so what’s news here?

A bigoted, big mouth who is not fond of gays or post civil rights movement blacks ran his mouth and got fired…sounds like a great outcome….except Mr. Robertson makes a lot of money for A&E so I suspect he’ll get a little sensitivity training and things will be back on track and money usually trumps stupid every time…

On the flip side it’s interesting to see how quickly this happened to Mr. Robertson when Mr. Bashir said his stupid and disgusting comments it took nineteen days for him to lose his job….once again proving liberals tolerate terrible things said about conservatives far more easily than the reverse…

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Before anyone gets their panties in a bunch over the white trash comment, Mr. Robertson self-identified as white trash, I’m just quoting his own comments regarding himself and what he is.


I gotta say I hated Terry Bradshaw in the 70s – was a big Landry/Cowboys fan back then – but I can’t help but like his goofy ass nowadays :).