President phones in Thanksgiving to troops

| November 28, 2013

Bush Thanksgiving

Stars & Stripes writes that President Obama took time out of his holiday to call some members of the military;

Hewing to past practice during his administration, Obama placed calls to several uniformed personnel. The White House said he talked to 10 service members – two each from the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard.

The White House said the president wished them and their families “a happy Thanksgiving.”

What? I didn’t say anything.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Do You Miss Me Yet?

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CC Senor

Obummer makes a habit of “calling it in”. Present!


Whenever I think there’s no way my respect for Obama could go any lower, he finds a way.

I’ll give him that–he never fails to disappoint.

B Woodman

More and more Obaomao reminds me of one of those classic put-down jokes from the old Cosby Kids cartoon: “He’s like a fancy plastic cup. All style, no glass.”


God, I love you.

Happy turkiversary, darling.

2/17 Air Cav

“Okay, we need two from each branch. Make sure we have a woman, at least two black males, an Asian, and, if possible, somebody with a -bey at the end of his name. Oh, and if you can find a white male who speaks with a lisp, that’ll be great!”

2/17 Air Cav

“Dammit. Didn’t I say Hispanic, too? Where the hell is the Hispanic!”

A Proud Infidel

@3, B Woodman, more “Like school on Saturday, no class!”. That was one of my favorite shows when I was a kid!

Did B. Hussein 0bama actually say anything other than “Present” when he called? Something which he set a record for voting as an alleged Legislator? I wouldn’t be surprised if he demanded that one of the recipients to be a Latvian lesbian dwarf that speaks with a lisp!


Exactly the same thing I was thinking.


“Who is it? Oh, okay, I’ll see what I can do. Hold on. I said hold on.” (Puts hand over phone mic.) “Hey, anyone here want to talk to the president?”

(Everyone looks around, shrugs.) “Which one is it?”


(250 people shake their heads.)

“Well, there’s no one here right now. Did you want to leave a message? Okay, I’ll tell ’em.” (Hangs up)

“What’d he say?”

“I don’t know. He mumbled and hemmed and hawed a lot. Couldn’t tell you.”


I wonder if he talked to a Navy Corpseman?

A Proud Infidel

OR a member of the Marine Corpse?


Did he have his secretary do a conference call with all of them on at the same time so he could get it over with in 30 seconds or less? Inquiring minds want to know……


@9 PH2..or something like this

1st Sergeant:

“Ok gents listen up…Alpha Company got picked out of every other unit in the Army to be one of the two who has a Soldier get a call from the POTUS on Thanksgiving Day we have any volunteers?

Come on guys we are talking the President here!

Johnson! you? Come on Smith you?

*sigh* turning to the XO

Sir…have the Training NCO print off an Alpha Roster and cut it up into individual names and dump them in his hat and come on out here…we’ll do this democratically”


He must have had some minutes left over on one of his plans! Well, at least that’s ten more calls than he made Sept. 11, 2012!


If they had a chow hall for the media, he would do a surprise visit and serve up food for the boys and girls.


Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

Oh, and screw the empty suit Emperor.

Club Manager

Do any of you think as big a turkey as we have for POTUS would actually venture out of a secure area on Thanksgiving?

At least we know where he could find a Lesbain Marine to call :>)

Eagle Keeper

Oh, the hu-MAN-ity.

I genuinely enjoy NOT having my Thanksgiving ruined by whatever clown happens to be residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Really, y’oughta try it!

“You can get anything you want at Alice’s Restaurant …” (One of OUR Thanksgiving traditions. Every year, after dinner.)

Eagle Keeper

.. but Thanksgiving blessings to all of you and yours!


Did he really tell them to have a Happy Thanksgiving? If so, it would be among his most declarative statements on record. Therefore it must be a lie.


Now to be fair, flying to some dirty place to visit troops could be a very expensive affair. It could cost almost as much as an Obama family vacation junket.

For those who need a reminder:

Simple, and classy. Note the sidebar list of US presidents who have visited their troops in the field. Not so rare, really. The CiC just has to care a little.


Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Dave Thul

In fairness, Pres Obama met the minimum standard for this occasion, just like a 180 on the PT test, 23 on rifle qualification.

That said, I disagreed with Pres Bush on a lot of politics, but as a leader I’d follow the man wherever the hell he leads.


@14: Zing! Good one.


Anyone willing to accept a Thanksgiving phone call from the prez will get a 4day weekend as a comp.

A Proud Infidel

Wanna bet the recipient will be “voluntold” to take the call despite the 4-day pass?

Mr. Blue

A likely transcript:
(phone rings)
“Please hold for the President”
[background:”Do I really have to talk to these idiots? I’m supposed to be playing golf…Oh, all right”]
“Greetings Insertnamehere I am President Barack Obama and I was calling to wish you a happy thanksgiving ask some personal questions pause for answer well that is great thank you for your service Christ, am I done yet? What do you mean I’ve got to call nine more of the…”

vietnam war protestor

Bush to soldier: Your on your fifth tour I’m on my zero tour. Oh I almost forgot “thanks for your service.” Other wise rich white kids like mine and romney’s would have to serve thats why we ended the draft so young rich white republican kids can’t be called draft doggers like their old man! It really hurts the feelings of vietnam war draft doggin neo-cons chicken hawks like john bolton who wants war with iraq to be asked what they were doing during the vietnam war! Actually the best anwser was by mitt romney when running for president in iowa was asked by vietnam vet”If you and your five sons support the iraq war so much how come none of them are in the military?” Mitt “they are serving their country they are helping me get elected president!” No war with china or iran! PEACE!

Just an Old Dog

@28 Casualties in Afghanistan under the democrap Obungler have been triple what the were under Bush And he has only held office just under 5 years while Bush had 7 years as CIC.


@28- Bush was ANG during Vietnam, qualified on a system that wasn’t used in theater. That is not “draft dodging”. His father was a navy pilot during WW2. That, also, is not draft dodging.

Bill Clinton burned his draft card and fled the country to escape service in Vietnam. That is draft dodging. Let’s hear how big of a scumbag you think he is.


Wow vietnam war protestor,
Take all day to think that one up? Your in the wrong decade! Vietnam has been over for years! Sheesh! Think of your own ‘humorous’ (I use the terminology lightly) one-liner. Quit borrowing the half dozen or so well-thought out ones written by the veterans and their supporters that came before yours! Damn trolls!

Hope you all ‘gobbled-gobbled’ until you ‘wobbled-wobbled’

Mr. Blue

Truth is, I kind of feel sorry for “vietnam” war protestor. The poor kid gobbled up all the brown acid that his grandma saved as a souviner from when she was at Woodstock, and the dumb, brain fried bastard thinks he was there (the fetal alcohol syndrome from his mamma not stopping the drinking ain’t helping either). So now all he can post is garbled 10 year old DU talking points- ones his mommie told him as a child back in the early oughties. Hell, he probaly thinks W is still the president, and that W is also Nixon.


im sure the 10 called were all flag officers he knew would want an excuse to kiss his ass.

VWP, is it hard being that big an idiot? does it come naturally or did ya have to work at it? are you aware that all modern presidents with out military service have been democrats? Self sacrifice and personal responsibility, 2 big things in the military, are not compatible with liberal ideology


VWP, 2008 Presidential and Vice Presidential Republican candidates both have sons that are combat veterans in the War On Terror. As a matter of fact I served with Palin’s son. He was being so below the radar that I didn’t even know who was until I got done smoking a Private for doing dumb Private stuff at my COP. It was later that a buddy of mine told me “dude, you just tore into the Governor’s son” that I realized who he was. My reply was “well he shouldn’t have been doing stupid shit”.

Old Trooper

@28: You’re such a complete dumbass that it’s not worth commenting on your stupid assertions, that have been thoroughly torn apart many times over many years. Plus, if you really are old enough to have protested during the Vietnam War (which I seriously doubt), then you really haven’t matured to the point of even being able to discuss things rationally, which means you have some sort of mental disability.

IOW You’re a fucking ritard.

The Other Whitey

Hey, VWPiece’o’shit, I see you ignored my advice about learning to use the written English language above the 1st Grade level. Not that I’m surprised, of course.

So let me get this straight, in your little unicorn habitat, Bush 43 was a draft dodger because he was an F-106 pilot in the ANG. Roughly a dozen ANG squadrons deployed to Vietnam and escorted B-52s on combat missions. His squadron was not called up due to luck of the draw. By that “logic” anybody who served in the Navy or Air Force would be considered “dodging”. And how about hundreds of thousands of soldiers who were stationed in Germany or Korea? Were they “dodging” because they didn’t get sent to Southeast Asia?

Bill Clinton burned his draft card and fled the country. He stayed at Oxford just barely long enough that he could come back with a college exemption. But that’s not draft dodging, because its okay as long as a democrat does it, right? You know the last Dem president to have spent any time in or around the military was Carter? But remember he was in the Navy, so he’s a draft dodger too according to your idiot standard.

Feel free to respond if you find something intelligent to say for once, like maybe admitting you’re wrong. Otherwise, get fucked in whatever undignified manner best suits you. Happy Thanksgiving.

2/17 Air Cav

My money says he never called at all. It was a voice double. He was too busy having his private Thanksgiving with guests whose identies were not released by the White House.


Since there are plenty of photos of Bush, Jr. in uniform during the Vietnam War, the motherless pissant vwp has his lack of ‘facts’ sticking out like a sore thumb.

And Phan Thi Kim Phuc, the 9-year-old girl running from a napalm bomb in that still photo taken shot by Nick Ut in 1972 was running from an attack near Trang Bang by the South Vietnamese Air Force. It was NOT something that US forces had done. She now lives in Canada with her family.

Everybody from MY generation who had anything to do with the Vietnam war knows what really happened then, but slovenly, drooling idiots like vwp, who weren’t alive or, even an idea in someone’s head back then, think they actually know something.

vwp is one of those illiterate wannabe slugs that want the ‘glory’ but not the real work. vwp can’t even spell a simple, commonly-used term from the 1960s and 1970s that everyone alive back then knew: draft DODGING. It’s DODGING, not DOGGING, you frog-eyed codpiece clamp. You are no more a protestor of the Vietnam war than a pair of Air Jordans. When you can’t even get your facts straight, you’re just a liar and a fake.

So in view of our annual Stolen Valor festival, which looms on the horizon, I think we should put vwp, the phoniest of the phonies, on the list for that.

It’s just a shame we don’t have a photo, but then, that would give away what we already know: that vwp is so functionally illiterate that he? is actually a product of the current education system. He can’t spell, can’t write coherent sentences, hasn’t the slightest grasp of punctuation, and even better, gets the facts wrong and lies like a Persian rug about it.

Dave Thul

#37 Hey 2/17 AirCav can we verify the whereabouts of the guy who plays Pres Obama on Saturday Night Live when the calls were being made? He does a pretty good impression.


I’ll bet it was actually a stunt double. Dave Thul is right.


@ #39: His location would be classified.


@38 Thank you and well said. VWP needed to hear that along with the other posts about him. I believe it is an absolute shame the way this POTUS has treated the military. He has made no bones about the fact he does not like the military and has been on point in cutting our forces to dangerously low levels. But he couldn’t get off his lazy ass and even go to say, Andrews AFB and have a turkey dinner with some troops. Much less show up in Afghanistan and serve dinner to some troops in harms way. I would put big money that the troops picked were just that, picked because no one volunteered to speak to him. Can’t wait for 2016. I don’t know who it will be but at least it will not be Obama. Happy Thanksgiving to all you posters at TAH. God bless America and God bless our troops.

JarHead Pat

You know we are doing a good job,when you get stupid trolls running there bullshit mouth.I think it’s a Hillary supporter,getting ready for 2016.Happy Thanksgiving.


Still trying to figure out what a draft dogger is.


Let’s see…

Bush 43: Snuck over to Ashcanistan on Thanksgiving to serve the troops Thanksgiving dinner. Didn’t do it for a photo op while cutting turkey, but actually stood behind the line for a couple of hours and then walked around with a tray of turkey for anyone who wanted a little extra. The press pool didn’t even realize he was there until the embedded journalists began sat-phoning and getting their broadcast antennas calibrated to send the images.

0bama: Makes 10 phone calls and then holds a press conference showing how much he respects the military and is thankful of what they do.


Can anyone explain, aside from it’s President Obama, why this is so ridiculous?

Bush made three visits to troops on Thanksgiving. The remaining five years he hung out at Camp David, The White House or in Crawford with his family. I could find no mention of the military anywhere in any of these non-photo-op years.

Obama visited Baghdad on Thanksgiving 2009. He has called troops (ten each year I think, though I didn’t read all of the news stories from each year.) He could do more. But, so could his predecessors. It doesn’t seem like this is anything to get overly worked up about.


See, that is what puzzles so many of us – so what if he makes 10 calls, 400 calls, or none at all? Why is it a news story? “News” used to be something out of the ordinary.

So, sort of in answer to #46, I dunno. It would be equally ridiculous to me being reported as “news” should you substitute any name at all in the report.

CI Roller Dude

I bet he called collect

2/17 Air Cav

Well, whenever an Emperor lowers himself to meet or speak with the peasantry, it’s news. What a goog king! The bastard. (“Hey, that’s the president of the…” Yeah, don’t remind me.)