War on (Conservative) Women

| November 26, 2013

Marilinda Garcia

Pat sends us a link from the New Hampshire Journal in regards to the announcement yesterday by Republican Marilinda Garcia (pictured above) that she intended to run for the 2d Congressional District seat, currently occupied by Democrat Anne Kuster. According to the article it only took minutes for Democrats to begin to demean her.

Within moments of her announcement, prominent Democratic State Rep. Peter Sullivan attacked Garcia on Twitter using sexist language and imagery. Sullivan compared the three-term State Representative, who holds a Master’s degree from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, to reality television celebrity Kim Kardashian. He went on to refer to her as “[Republican State Rep.] Al Baldasarro [sic] in stiletto heels” and “a lightweight.”

Yeah, I looked at Wiki and Ms. Garcia is a little more than a nothing like Kardashian;

While Garcia attended high school, she was a member of the Greater Boston Youth Symphony Repertory Orchestra and the Greater Boston Youth Symphony Senior Orchestra, as the Principal Harp. She attended Tufts University and the New England Conservatory of Music (NECM), earning joint bachelor’s degrees in 2006.

After graduating from Tufts and NECM, served as a court appointed special advocate for abused and neglected children. She also began teaching the harp at Gordon College, Phillips Exeter Academy, and St. Paul’s School as an adjunct professor in music. She also attended Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, where she obtained her Masters degree in Public Policy in 2010.

Garcia was elected to the New Hampshire House in 2006, at the age of 23.

We hear about the Republicans’ “war on women” with no real evidence of any such war, but the way that the Democrats treat conservative women is absolutely disgusting. Ms. Garcia is obviously an accomplished and educated young woman and to reduce her to a pair of shoes and one of the media’s favorite tarts is completely unwarranted. I’ll just sit here and hold my breath while I wait for Democrats to justify this misogyny.

Category: Politics

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Old Trooper

Well, well, well; the leftist bastards have already shown their hand. They’re afraid of her, because she’s smart, young, and accomplished. The trifecta of doom for leftists. Just like they did with Palin; they are starting the misogyny early in an attempt to discredit her with personal attacks, since they’ve got nuthin on the ideological front.


Tolerance, they cried.

War on women…project much, liberals?


Justify it? They can’t justify it. There is no justification.

They’re afraid of her and everything that she represents.

If they weren’t afraid of her, and women like her, then Sullivan wouldn’t have come up with that utterly rude crap.

Geezo-pete, this is like looking at kids on the playground at recess in grade school. No, wait – it’s worse than that. There should be more than a backlash for this crap.


You see, she’s not a “real” woman because she doesn’t think or act the way she is supposed to. So that makes it OK.


Did we go back to the post-WWII 1940s, and nobody told me?

2/17 Air Cav

Peter M. Sullivan, huh? That’s right. His initial are PMS. His bio says little but does include that he is a former Army NG and reservist. He won his seat with 122 votes. No, not BY 122 votes but WITH 122 votes. In 2011, he won a run-off by FIVE votes, 44-39. No doubt, this is the most attention he has ever received. I hope he enjoys it.

Old Trooper

I will say this, though, that the definition of republican is different, depending on which part of the country you’re in. Republican doesn’t always mean conservative. Chaffe, Snowe, etc. are not that conservative (in fact; didn’t Chaffe switch parties?), but are NE republicans. That woman that was annointed as the republican endorsed candidate in upstate NY was far from conservative.

So, I will withhold judgement on whether Ms. Garcia is conservative until after I find out more about her record and positions in several key areas. But, it is looking good if she has the left this nervous already.


Surprise, surprise–no mention of the unfounded, tasteless, and tacky attacks on this woman in any of the “mainstream” NH media outlets.

But had this been a douchebag GOP hack calling out a Democrat woman, oh, stand the hell by, people….


@7, That is very true, however in the context of their respective regions they are inevitably more conservative than the Dems they are competing with. I don’t have an issue with a Snowe in Maine or a Christie in NJ or a Romney or Brown in Mass because those are heavily blue areas and while a true conservative would obviously always be the best possible option I’d rather have a centrist Republican than a whacko leftist like Elizabeth Warren. By the same token Democrats in the south and in the red parts of the west and midwest tend to not be as bad as their Northeastern and Californian counterparts.

That all said I know nothing about Garcia or her positions, and NH is the least liberal state in the northeast so it’s possible she actually is a conservative. But even if she’s just a centrist that’s still helpful if she can win elections in that part of the country.


because any woman in politics that isn’t a Democrat is WRONG! Can’t you see ladies? It’s like when they savaged Sarah Palin. The funny thing, she is college educated,had a job of power, and her husband only had a HS diploma and was the one that did most of the child care I guess. Wasn’t that the femnazi ideal?


@9–there are plenty of conservatives in NH, even of the libertarian bent. Sadly, a lot of us are cancelled out by the flatlanders, Massholes, and college students that seem to have nothing better to do than fuck with people who want to simply be left alone.


But the real question is……Can she make a mean sammich??

/I keed, I KEED!!! 😉

Green Thumb


I hate to say it but Democratic women/hippie chicks/earthy women/rich liberal women cannot stand good looking, all-American, hardworking intelligent women, from any background.

Odd, Huh?

Well actually. no. The problem lies in the fact that they cannot quantify them.

Gotta love the Great NW!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Liberals do the same thing with conservative blacks and latinos, they have painted the conservative movement as a bunch of racist cranky old white guys. When they run into someone who doesn’t fit that mold it threatens their core identity, so they react accordingly.

They are the biggest hypocrites of all, they constantly talk about diversity of culture and celebration of ideas and they don’t mean a word of it. They want to rule by edict not consensus or compromise.

Sadly there are some on the far right who appear to be adopting a similar approach to governance, no compromise no consensus.

The democrats last victory in the elections has been somewhat Pyrrhic in nature, the republicans would do well to understand the full implications of that as opposed to thinking it is opening the door to some sort of pendulum swing mandate.

Americans are mostly a moderate electorate whether the left or right like that is irrelevant it’s a reality. There is no real mandate for a left or right agenda, there might be a slim minority for such an agenda if it’s implemented with tact. As the left is discovering with Obama care most Americans are not fans of having programs jammed down their throats…

Old Trooper

@14: I will disagree with your last paragraph. The country, in general, is center-right and has been, basically, since the beginning. The problem lies in where the political ideology is, on the scale. The shift to the left for democrats and republicans only make it appear that people like me, that are really center-right, to be rightwing extremists. I haven’t moved while I have watched both parties shift to the left and even a “moderate” republican is to the left of center these days. When JFK would be considered a rightwing extremist by today’s standards, that should tell you something about which way the scale has shifted.


This rather explains why most women on the left side of the political fence are becoming more and more as homely as a bucket of mud.

Maybe it’s just as well they advocate birth control. Then they won’t breed.


Holy Bodacious Voting Booths Batman, I … I … I … am vovovovoting for for her!

Screw the libs, they are pissed becuase she is SMART and so happens to be Good Looking!


NH Sparky … getter done up there!

2/17 Air Cav

@14. “As the left is discovering with Obama care most Americans are not fans of having programs jammed down their throats.”

I see the rejection of OBAMACARE differently. What’s happening now is that the folks who were in favor of it now understand it a tad better. They see that it actually means something negative TO THEM in THEIR lives. So, they’re pissed. The roll-out fiasco was just a sideshow. Folks know now that they have few choices now with regard to health insurance and fewer choices with regard to their actual health care. And it scares them and it angers them. Good, I say. The more individual Americans are adversely affected by The Emperor and his cvourt in Congress and the federal agencies, the better.

Mr Wolf

Need a contribution button—

May havta register in NH. Wouldn’t be hard 🙂

My bet- if she truly IS conservative, she could likely make the ‘list’ this year with others like Megyn K., Margaret Hoover, MM, Dana P, MKH, Dana Loesch, and S.E. Kupp…..

The Other Whitey

Aaaannd if she were running as a Dem, they would be praising her to the heavens as a New Soviet Woman–uh, I mean “Model Product of Higher Education”! After all, she’s a music student, member of academia, active in social causes, (plus she’s hot) she’s checking all the right boxes. Buuutt…she didn’t drink the liberal koolaid along the way? Burn the witch!!!

Seriously, how the hell do you equate a resume like hers to a famously-stupid, fake-ass (literally), Armenian pornstar-wannabe?

Fucking hypocrites…

A Proud Infidel

She must be qualified if the lefties are crapping their drawers over her that quickly!!


She better have a hide like a rhinocerous, because she’d going to get fire-bombed.


Black liberal: Right-thinking progressive”:
Black conservative: Uncle Tom

Illegal Latino liberal: Undocumented aspirant for Americal liberties
Any Latino conservative: ignorant Tio Tom macaroon

Female liberal: Progressive icon
Female Conservative: Ignorant bimbo etc.


Who does this uppity female think she is to reject the liberal plantation? She must be punished for advocating her dangerous ideas. Ya know, like any stuff about individual choice, responsibility, and goofy things like respect for what she has actually done rather than how well she talks about doing stuff. Or something.

She is obviously a nut case. Banish her. She may not even belong to la Raza! How DARE she!!

Yeah, any “minority” who decides on their own that the DNC is not representing them well must be ridiculed so that the rest of the “minorities” continue to vote properly. They all must be kept barefoot and helpless, at all cost.

SSgt Obvious

Right… the douchebag comments of one douchebag Democrat is worse than the GOP’s institutional attacks on women.


I’m interested – could you give a few documented examples of what you’re talking about, SSgt Obvious?


@ #25: Could you itemize a few of those institutional attacks on women by the GOP? Just because I have never observed them does not mean that they do not exist, so, please enlighten me.


Disagreeing with the left in any manner equals a vicious attack on (pick whatever sympathetic minority group you like) because only the left is virtuous and wants to help others via the power of the state. Policies that allow people to help themselves or others outside the purview of the state don’t count because they actually require individuals to take action and don’t allow lefties to wallow in smug self-satisfaction and smarmy superiority. Repeat ad nauseam, ad infinitum, ad mortem.

A Proud Infidel

@23, I’ll add “Drug Dealer” is an “Unlicensed Recreational Pharmacist” to them as well.

Liberalism is a Mental Disorder, liberals prove it every day with their deeds, words, and hypocrisy. Remember how B. Hussein 0bama’s kids were declared “off limits” by the left while they went full throttle on Sarah Palin’s?

The Other Whitey

@25 Of course we wage “institutional war” on women. That’s why we want to change the fact that abortion clinics have less regulation than tanning salons and are frequently a lot more like Gosnell’s house of horrors than Dems like to admit. That’s why we oppose Planned Parenthood, the white-supremacist eugenics organization founded by an American Nazi. That’s why we support harsher penalties (including death) for rapists. That’s why we want to treat women like adults responsible for their own choices with their own bodies rather than subsidizing birth control and telling them they can’t be trusted to make their own decisions.

In the immortal words of Red Foxx, “Bitch, please.”


@25–I’m somewhat of a bullshitter myself, but I always love learning from a professional.

Please, do go on!


SSgt Obvious will not be able to give any examples of “institutional attacks on women” by the GOP because they don’t exist. S/he is nothing more than a drive by troll.


@25 I guess you what you meant was that under the Obama administration, the earning power of women has shrunk every year he has been in office. Or despite the fact that liberals accuse conservatives of attempting to deny a woman’s reproductive rights, what conservatives have actually done is make sure that laws are in place to protect women from butcher shops like the one run by Kermit Gosnell in Philly. Or the best one of all, liberal women yelling for free birth control on one hand while telling conservatives to stay out of their bodies. That one has always made me shake my head.

So in conclusion, go fuck yourself and you can take that as an institutional attack on your stupid comment with not a damn bit of evidence to back it up.

SSgt Obvious

To start, you could look at anything said by Rush Limbaugh in the last several years. However, it wouldn’t be fair, or smart, to hold an entire group of people accountable for the stupid remarks of one person. You could look at Mark Obershain who proposed a bill that would require women to report the death of a fetus (including miscarriage) to police within 24 hours or face up to a year in jail and a $2,500 fine. Then, there’s the fight against equal pay for equal work. There’s also the Red States’ attempts to ban abortion, even when the mother’s life is in danger. Shutting down Planned Parenthood, despite the fact that less than 3% of their work is abortions, the rest is contraception, education, OB/GYN care, and cancer screening. This, while trying to make it harder for women to get contraception at every turn; including deeming that a corporation can have a religion, in order to keep from insuring birth control pills. Honestly, it’s tough to find GOP attacks on women that aren’t also racist, classist, or religiously xenophobic; otherwise, this post would be much longer.


“…treat (insert whoever, it really doesn’t matter) like adults responsible for their own choices…”


SSgt Obvious

@32: You say “drive-by troll”; I say “someone with a limited ability to bang his head against a wall during a conservative circle-jerk”


racist, classist, or religiously xenophobic

Bang your head against whichever wall you like, there’s nothing in there that can be damaged.


@36, You came over here from DU didn’t you?

“attempts to ban abortion, even when the mother’s life is in danger.”

Even when the mother’s life is in danger? Do you honestly think that anyone with two brain cells to rub together will believe your little fairy tale?


“To start, you could look at anything said by Rush Limbaugh in the last several years. However, it wouldn’t be fair, or smart, to hold an entire group of people accountable for the stupid remarks of one person.” Like what, for instance? “You could look at Mark Obershain who proposed a bill that would require women to report the death of a fetus (including miscarriage) to police within 24 hours or face up to a year in jail and a $2,500 fine.” Who is Mark Obershain? When and where did he propose this bill? And how, exactly, would this bill relate to your original assertion? “Then, there’s the fight against equal pay for equal work.” Really??? Again, who, when, where did this happen? “There’s also the Red States’ attempts to ban abortion, even when the mother’s life is in danger.” Is this issue not a state’s right to decide? And again, what does this have to do with the GOP? (I happen to live in a Democrat dominated state where abortion is severely restricted. Obviously, it would not be so without the full support of Democrats.) “Shutting down Planned Parenthood, despite the fact that less than 3% of their work is abortions, the rest is contraception, education, OB/GYN care, and cancer screening.” Where has the GOP shut down Planned Parenthood? And why should tax dollars be supporting it anyway? “This, while trying to make it harder for women to get contraception at every turn; including deeming that a corporation can have a religion, in order to keep from insuring birth control pills.” How? Where? You stating it does not make it so. (Would your same standard apply if I asked you to support something which you find offensive, or immoral, or whatever?) Please enlighten us by revealing a few of those turns you mention above. “Honestly, it’s tough to find GOP attacks on women that aren’t also racist, classist, or religiously xenophobic; otherwise, this post would be much longer.” May have to give you this one, since you have provided no evidence of your original assertion, it is logical to… Read more »


Then, there’s the fight against equal pay for equal work.

Go ahead and please explain that one.

Oh, wait–I’ll do it for you. You have two candidates for a job, one man, one woman. In which case is it more likely the candidate will not have 1–the amount of experience, 2–the diversity of experience, 3–continuous work in the field as the other candidate?

Now ask yourself, scooter–I’m a manager who is going to hire someone to do a job for me, and compensate them based on their experience and abilities. If the job is counting widgets, they’ll almost certainly get paid the same. If it’s a union shop and they fall under the same job category, they’ll get paid the same. If one is in a position (exempt) where negotiation of salary is part of the process, who would you pay more to–the man who has spent an entire career in a particular field, or the woman who took “X” years off to raise kids, etc.?

These things DO count, ya know.

Oh, and speaking of wars on women, even the Democrats have a nice little policy of eating their own when it comes to women in political office, etc. Please, challenge me on it. Not a hair on your ass.

Green Thumb

Guys, be careful w/ this clown.

These folks will never be wrong. It is not fashionable. And many of them have never studies comparative politics. Quite simply: I believe what I want because that is what I want, expect, entitled to, my right or I deserve.

Just like the woman that I knew that though PED were solely responsible for testicular cancer. I pointed out that it can be caused from other issues, but told me she was not buying that.

See what I mean. And this young lady is in law school now.




But our pathetic little troll left something out:

“…after being unable to resolve the problem of women potentially being prosecuted for miscarriages, he withdrew the bill and stated that he is “strongly against imposing any added burden for women who suffer a miscarriage, and that was never the intent of the legislation.“[3]


@38, of course it does, Twist. It went over so well at the coffee house last night, when it tried it out on the other progs.
Now, for the obviously impaired “Ssgt” Obvious, Limbaugh has no position of authority in the GOP. As a matter of fact, the GOP goes out of it’s way to ignore what he says, to their detriment.
You might want to take your complaint about “equal pay for equal work” up the the Regime, they currently pay women in the WH less than the men.
Meanwhile, Obviously Inept has yet to post a single documented example. And, I’d go along with #32, Obvious is a drive-by troll.


@34, I hate to tell you my friend, but in the “Red States” abortion is not all that popular, so for once, elected officials are actually doing the work of the people in trying to pass laws that are much more restrictive on abortion. Mostly the laws are being passed to avoid unregulated abortion which leads to chop shops like the one Gosnell ran in Philly. Sorry you consider that bad for women, go tell the ones he killed or maimed. You are looking at wrong data for planned parenthood. 51% of Planned Parenthoods yearly income comes from abortions. 40% if abortions in this country are performed by planned parenthood. Taxpayers fund 46% of planned parenthoods operation each year. Broken down, funding is like this, 320 million a year for clinical visits (abortions make up a large percentage of this), 223 million a year donations and 487 million a year in federal funding (tax dollars). Annual revenue is over a billion a year. Prenatal services, or those for women who plan on keeping a child are a mere 0.28% of services provided by planned parenthood. Planned parenthood provided almost 1.5 million of the plan B abortion pills through their clinics, most of which is funded by taxpayers. Now you want to blame Rush Limbaugh for comments that he made. Rush is an entertainer, although an influential one. What you fail to mention, is that despite the incendiary comments that he sometimes makes, the son of a bitch is right most of the time. I guess if we are going to hold Rush to a certain standard, maybe we should hold your homeboy Bill Maher to the same standard. You know Bill Maher. He is the guy who called Sarah Palin a cunt. But conservatives are the ones who declared war on women. You also would try to change corporate culture in certain businesses in order for them to deny if they are religious based. I don’t think that it is against the law yet to be religious, although liberals are working on that. Here is the thing. If you disagree… Read more »



Well, except for entertainment purposes … 🙂

I keep asking myself what part of the universe do these beings inhabit?

Oh wait, an alternate Reality, where 3+3= 1 and the square root of 21 is 6.43×10^14, is not of this universe at all. Sorry, my bad …



Don’t forget Letterman’s comments about Mrs. Palin’s younger daughter, Master Guns.

For that alone, I would be very blessed to meet Letterman in a dark alley one day …

Old Trooper

@34: Well, you lost your argument within the very first sentence. Rush Limbaugh??? Really?? How about Ed Schultz? How about Bill Maher? Martin Bashir?? Dave Letterman? Oh, that’s right, they don’t count, because they’re all edgy and stuff.

You should probably go back and get the updated talking points from OFA/Soros/DU and try, again, because the stupid is strong in you.


First of all, it’s Mark OBENSHAIN, not ObeRshain, you moron.

Second, I found a reference to the 2009 bill SSGt obviouslystupid and prejudiced was referring to, here: http://rhrealitycheck.org/article/2013/05/20/virginia-ag-candidate-sponsored-fetal-death-bill-for-women-who-miscarry-or-deliver-stillborns/

It was NOT aimed at throwing all women into jail who suffered a foetal death, which includes miscarriages, it WAS aimed at those responsible for not reporting the delivery of a fetus that died and hiding the remains.

Aren’t misinformation, rumor, and low depth of knowledge wonderful things?

Further, since we do have religious freedom in this country, anyone has the right to refuse to pay for someone else’s birth control, whether it’s based on religious objections or anything else. I fail to understand the whiney pleas from that dingbat law student who wants ME to pay for HER birth control pills with my tax dollars. Nobody paid for my birth control pills. I paid for them out of my own pocket.

However, I thoroughly support the use of all forms of birth control products and methods by any left-leaning individuals, as long as I don’t have to pay for them.

That way, they won’t breed.

2/17 Air Cav

“Hey. I got a question. How are you planning to get back down that hill?”

Obvious, like Grimes in Hombre, seems to have failed to take that into consideration.


@47 and 48, please stop trying to confuse SSgt Obvioustroll with facts and figures. It will make his head hurt and his eyes fill with tears and he will scream into the howling wind “Damn you DU talking points, you have failed me again!!!”


I’m sorry, Gunny. I just keep thinking that if his mother had had an abortion instead of deliverying him, we wouldn’t be subjected to his self-centered drivel.