Bruce Mim; phony Navy SEAL in your school

Tman sends us a link to an article by our buddy, Dan Noyes at KGO in San Francisco about Bruce Mim, a high school principal who was pretending to be a Navy SEAL.
George Berg thought it would be a routine matter — he objected to a book assigned to his son, a sophomore at Rohnert Park’s Technology High School, because it contained explicit descriptions of child sexual abuse. Any parent has the right to opt out and ask for their child to read another book.
But the principal, 47 year-old Bruce Mims, continued to push Berg’s son to read the book and the conversation took an odd turn.
“Principal Mims brought up his prior military service and something to the effect of that you never forget the smell of dead bodies,” Berg said. “When my son told me this, it sent all sorts of red flares up.”
Our buddy, Don Shipley, makes a guest appearance (sadly, without Mrs. Shipley) in the video report;
So Mim was allowed to resign but without everyone knowing why, until Noyes got a hold of the story. Now maybe his perverted ass will be kept away from other young boys, thanks to Noyes and his report.
Category: Phony soldiers
Of course they made him go away quietly. So he could show up in some other school and start his crap.
But Stolen Valor is a “victimless crime”, people. Never forget that!
So being gay and being adopted make you pose as a Navy SEAL.
Yeah…not really buying that excuse.
Usually, if you’re in the state teachers’ system, you stay in one district unless your family moves elsewhere.
But this guy has gone from school district to school district and no one questioned it?
Gay and adopted made him a bitter liar, so he insists that kids read explicit books about sex abuse of children.
You don’t have to be a parent to see that this whole thing doesn’t sit right.
This Man is a Child Predator, The superintendent is protecting Him… Is This a CATHOLIC school By any Chance?
@4: appears to be a public high school in the Cotati-Rohnert Park School District.
He probably has a contract or signed agreement with the school district that says he gets paid his full annual compensation, regardless, but if he’s fired it will cost the district more.
He is being protected is my best guess because I have an odd feeling that this is just the tip of the iceberg.
No McCorkle. I understand he’s a gay Protestant.
Here we have a classic case of SV, a Veteran who nails him with the help of an excellent news team, a former Marine administrator who, no doubt, jumped at this and allowed the clown to resign (did you ever try to fire a gov’t enployee?), and one guy named McCorkle wants to know whether school is a Catholic one. Piss off, as the Brits say.
Ya, I’m the guy. No McCorkle it isn’t and you should probably recalibrate that measurement against true statistical data, or continue to (un)think your feelings about Catholics. This news piece was only a fraction of the whole story, but how can you cover such a perversion of trust (and all the other things that happened) in a 5 minute segment? He mixed up some of the timelines and who I sourced for information, but that’s alright. Mission accomplished.
Well done, Mister Berg. Too many parents would have just shrugged their shoulders and figured the teachers/administration knew what they were doing when they assign that crap.
One disgusting piece of shit, and a school principal to boot…
@10. You have purged the system of a knucklehead who, despite the abbreviated news segment, clearly does not belong ‘guiding’ your child or anyone elses. Nice work.
Mission accomplished, indeed!
Am guessing from the set jaw of the superintendent that he would much rather have beat the crap out of this fool.
Well done, all.
Bravo, Mr. Berg!
Good job Mr. Berg.
The new mission for those close to the story should be to watch and ensure this oxygen thief doesn’t get the opportunity to quietly slither into some other unsuspecting community and start his little ‘game’ again.
@4 Not all Catholics are child molesters. But of course, you knew that.
And what was a book with explicit descriptions of child sexual abuse doing being assigned to children in a school, anyway?
ok, hold the fuckin phone right there. He ran around claiming to be a SEAL because he was adopted and for being kicked out of the navy cause he was gay?
Talk about a non-apology apology “It’s not my fault” bullshit.
Hey, I’m not gay, served as a paratrooper and I think I’ll run around claiming to be an astronaut and blame it on watching a horrible Buffy The Vampire Slayer movie.
@14: yeah, superintendent was not amused in the least although I wonder at his judgement if that clown ran around claiming to be a former seal and he didn’t say “hold on a sec, maybe I should take a look at this” but he probably is like 99% of people out there thinking no-one would lie about something like that, would he?
Four Words:
School Yard Throat Punch!
@ 4 … Take your Anti-Catholic rhetoric and go to hell (with the Devil)!
I am Catholic School raised and educated and so is my son!
Tkae your complaints to:
Student Berg: Sir, my dad doesn’t think this book is appropriate and request I be allowed to read an alternate one
Bruce Mims: Do you…like movies about gladiators?
Student Berg: He thinks the content is inappropriate
Bruce Mims: You ever…seen a grown man naked?
Student Berg: I’m not sure what you are getting at Sir
Bruce Mims: Have you ever been…in a Turkish Prison?
Man, I bet it was just so darn hard for this principal to be a gay liberal minority in San Francisco. Such a tough life.
Thank God Mr Berg intervened when he did. Like many stolen valor cases, this is just the tip of the iceberg with this freak. I have no doubt he was attempting to seduce Mr Berg’s son with his explicit book and his stories of being a SEAL.
What is frightening is that the piece of shit has a history of “resigning” positions on a regular basis. Being he is in the San Fran area there is a strong liklihood that the “Gay Mafia” and the politically correct atmosphere are the only reasons this asshole isn’t in jail for child molestation.
I would bet every penny I have that this asshole has molested a teenage boy in the past.
@4; Do you also think that Mormons have multiple wives?
F’n clown.
Ugh….this is 10 minutes away from my Hometown. What a Douchenozzle.
A lot of these posers seem to like to hang around kids. With some it might be pedophilia (I.e., this guy), but with most I think it’s just that we’re generally more gullible and more prone to hero worship, feeding their egos. I’ve never met one in any of my schools (thank God), but when I was 13 I spent about six months in the sea cadets (look it up if you don’t know what it is). The good news-I learned a huge amount about the military that I never would have learned otherwise (like how to wear the uniform, allowing me to see the flaws in poser uniforms :)). The bad news-it was poser central. The unit commander was an f18 pilot with 25 years in the service. He had bombsight glasses like nothing I’d ever seen, and he was pushing 400 lbs. The only way you could have fit him into a cockpit was with a crowbar and Vaseline. The district commander was a seaman in the fifties on a super-duper sekwit skwirrel CIA spy ship (which he had one grainy photo of-he said its existence was still classified and that was the only photo he had of it, although evidently it was just normal enough that he could tell anyone who would listen about it). His ship had been captured by Soviets, and eventually released through the diplomatic work of Henry Kissinger himself. It was until later that I found out his story was almost an exact recounting of the USS Pueblo. He came *this* close to being kidnapped and shot by Shining Path Maoist guerrillas when they docked in Peru. The guy who actually did anything with the kids was a private in the army reserves (although at least he didn’t claim any ridiculous things). And the rest of the “officers” had no idea what they were doing and had never served in the military. And all of them were super mean SOB’s who made us do ridiculous ego-boosting bullshit. I got out pretty quick. That seems to be pretty common poser behavior. A lot of… Read more »
@4: No, It isn’t a Catholic school.
@22: Well, not exactly like that… After I said that first line (which is very accurate, actually), he went to the office and got out the rulebook and whatnot and started talking about “this is the curriculum that WASC accredited us for last year”. The conversation that Mims veered into mortality was days later, when he “apologized” for “intimidating” me.
After that, things just snowballed. I was assigned a replacement book I had completed in freshman year, and that was its own fiasco. Then Mims called me in one day and tried to tell me about the “lesson I want you to take from this book”. As you might expect, my mind was more focused on how I had a class to get to. That set my father off even more, and he talked to the Superintendent. The rest of what I know is covered by the video.
@24: I’m not sure how to respond, other than that I’m straight.
@27: Yep, he had a serious ego. The one thing I can thank Mims for is helping my relationship with my father – I no longer complain about my dad’s ego.
“I have daddy issues because I was adopted and I’m gay”
Oh, fuck him.
A22 O4E –
well done, sir!
@ 27 … I am getting tired of you wise ass attitude.
” I spent about six months in the sea cadets (look it up if you don’t know what it is).”
Don’t you dare speak to any of us like you do anymore or I will move to have your ass thrown out of here.
You are young, smart, and full of piss and vingar … we got that. It does not give you license to spout off at anyone here who has earned at least in some precincts an ounce of respect.
Show a little more respect to and for your elders!
If you were my son … you would be in the leaning rest for 1000 push ups!
@ 28 … Junior Berg. Good on you! Carry on!
Chief I am not reading the same thing you are in HS Sophomore’s post at @27. The part about ” I spent about six months in the sea cadets (look it up if you don’t know what it is).” could be construed as being a bit obnoxious, but overall he seems to be a pretty good kid.
HS Sophomore, review before you post,,, If it deals with the military or cadet programs we either have been there, done that, or have enough sense to look it up without a 10th grader telling us to do it.
MCPO, has HS Sophmore posted something else on the boards that I’m missing? Just seems like your reaction to his post is a bit over the top based on #27s actual content.
I didn’t see that as obnoxious at all, I interpreted it as an inexperienced poster trying to be helpful and or chatty. Interesting.
MCPO: I think Just and Old Dog got that one about right, and you might have overreacted a bit.
— break —
HS Sophomore: IMO you should listen to Just an Old Dog; his advice is sound. You’re certainly not talking to/with a bunch of naive youngsters here. Thinking a bit before hitting the “Submit Comment” button is highly recommended.
I was just thinking about what makes up an
“Average Poser” so I looked at the past 26 entries in Stolen Valor.
Interesting Stats
10 of the 26 have had brushes with the law, from petty theft to murder.
Age wise they break down at about a 50-50 split, above and below 40 years old.
Of the 26 only 16 ever served at all.
Of the 16 that served only 10 finished their service without getting booted
The Breakdown of claims were 12 Army 9 Marine and 9 Navy.
7 of the 9 Navy claimed to have been SEALs.
7 phonies claimed to be SF or Ranger, 7 claimed Sniper, 2 claimed CIA and 3 claimed to have been POWs
There was 1 female poser.
11 of the 26 were seeking or had received financial or material gain from their claims
It is designed to be over the top. I have read all of his posts.
They are quite snarky and a tad bit arrogant considering the company he keeps.
Just the way I see it!
Good news is he is a fan of TAH and that is a very positive thing!
Hondo and Jacobite,
Non-satirical response to your posts above.
It was designed to be an attention getter. It is not an over-reaction nor is it over the top IMO. Now you may see it differently than I. However if you add the satire quotient to it … it is just fine.
@31-sorry, didn’t mean anything by it. I never said I was better than anyone. Not trying to offend. I just didn’t expect anyone to know what it was (it’s not that well known an organization, after all). I’m just sharing my experiences of these guys and my thoughts on them, same as everyone else. I fully understand that spending a few months in the sea cadets is definitely not comparable to the military (and yes, a lot of us do have that comlex, and it pisses off real vets).
HS Sophomore … Apologoy not required! Carry on young man. I enjoy 99.99% of your material!
BTW I was schooled by the Irish Christain Brothers!
HS Sophomore: sounds like you’re head and heart are in the right place.
Someone once said the following: “God gave us 2 ears and one mouth so we could listen 2x as much as we speak.” I’ve always found that damned good advice – particularly when you’re the FNG. Then, maybe 5x or 10x is a better idea.
But don’t keep your mouth shut if you feel you have something of value to contribute. Just consider the audience before speaking up.
In any case: stick around. When you get to know him, even MCPO is a decent sort – well, about as decent as folks from that strange water-based military service ever get, anyway. (smile)
Beer thirty … have a good weekend!
Look to anyone I might have offended with the “look it up quote”-I am sorry. I only assumed most people wouldn’t know about sea cadets because it’s a pretty obscure organization, and on a previous post about a poser who wangled a position with the army cadets (his name was Patrick Haab), a lot of people didn’t know what the army cadets were. Ergo, I assumed a lot people wouldn’t know what the sea cadets were. I guess I could have phrased that a bit more politely, or just eliminated it. Sorry, I’ll make sure I think a little more carefully before I post. Thanks for that sound advice, Hondo and Old Dog. And MCPO-alright, if my posts sound arrogant and condescending, could you please link the offensive comments to me and maybe include a sentence per on why they are so? Thanks. You never know, you may be right. Another person’s opinion can be very valuable.
Again, another example of SV just being the ‘tip of the iceberg’ on these people. SV is just an ‘indicator’ condition, it seems.
@22: one of the funniest movies of all time and one that spawned and entire genre.
HS Sophomore:
Ah, you remind me of myself when I was your age. I discovered conservative blogs when I was in high school and how much fun it was trolling liberal blogs. It was back in those days that I really learned how to debate. I was able to have conversations with other conservatives and I argued relentlessly with liberals and after a while I was able to really refine my style in the art of debating. I still enjoy it on occasion when I’m not working or going to school. Glad to have you here, I look forward to hearing your input. Remember though, that the vast majority of us here have been there and done that. I’m sure your opinion will be as informed as possible given the limited amount of life experience you have. Some things are best for the older folks lol.
@28 Jake Berg
See the movie Airplane Jake…here…here is the part I was referencing
@47…careful, sonny–you’re exposing your age.
I got my first computer when I was a HS junior. A Commodore 64. Without a floppy drive. All my work was saved on a 300 baud cassette.
Yeah I did date myself a bit there lol. It’s all good anyhow. I had games on floppy disks when I was young, and a cassette walkman and VHS tapes and the like lol.