And…it’s death
Fox News is reporting that Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood murderer has been sentenced to death. No article yet just this;
Chief Tango sends a link from the Washington Post;
Nidal Malik Hasan was sentenced to death Wednesday for killing 13 people and wounding 32 others in a 2009 shooting spree at Fort Hood, Tex., the worst mass murder at a military installation in U.S. history.
Dressed in Army fatigues, Hasan, who turns 43 next month, listened impassively as the death penalty was handed down by a panel of 13 senior military officers in a unanimous decision. If even a single panel member had objected, Hasan would instead have been sentenced to life in prison.
Category: Terror War
Never happen.
Aka the government has acquiesed to Hasan’s request for martyrdom
It’s exactly what he wanted, morons.
“He is not giving his life, we are taking his life. This is not his gift to God, this is his debt to society. This is not a charitable act, this is the cost of his murderous rampage,” said Col. Michael Mulligan, lead prosecutor. “He is not now, and he never will be, a martyr. He is criminal. He is a cold blooded murderer.”
Afarid Al is spot on. He will rot but he will not be put to death.
Line on the left, one cross each….
Appeals can be long and drawn-out.
Here’s another link:
Doesn’t the POTUS have to approve the death penalty? Or am I wrong?
Not holding my breath.
IMO this is excellent news.
I personally don’t care if this is what Hassan wanted or not. He deserves his chance to explain his crimes to the Deity before he spends the rest of eternity with Shai’tan. I have no qualms about us helping him expedite that process.
My guess is that there’s still a good chance he’ll die in prison before his appeals are exhausted. But at least IMO this phase has concluded correctly, even if entirely too late.
I hope they sell tickets or show it on tv.
Sparks: you are correct. That’s the first step in the remainder of the process at which true justice could be obstructed.
Yes! Excellent news.
If only it actually WAS a death sentence, this would be good news. Unfortunately, between mandatory appeals etc, this is more likely a life-without-parole sentence.
He’s a martyr either way, why not pick the option where he’s no longer stealing air and getting paid? Rot in hell Hasan, you piece of shit.
Not even going to lie. The second I read this I literally did the success kid meme reaction.
No death penalty.
Rat Bastard should live 100 years, wheeling himself around in pain every day and then die screaming, alone in the dark.
So, now, he will sit in a military prison medical facility for the next twenty years while absolutely dick happens. He wasn’t sentenced to death, he was sentences to being a political pawn for the rest of his natural life.
I volunteer for the firing squad, henchman, or whatever means necessary to put this bastard to death. Preferebyl the sentence will be carried out very soon. Appeals be damned. He’s nothing but a chickenshit shooting unarmed troops. Kill the SOB now!
Any chance we can piss on his dead corpse? He’s “not a terrotist”… so it shouldn’t violate any laws of war.
I wish I could say I’m pleased, but now I’m just tired. I’ll be very surprised if they ever get around to carrying out the sentence. This isn’t justice — it’s more like finally getting around to putting down a rabid dog.
May this Muslim Extreme Islamist and Confessed Terrorist burn in hell for eternity.
They will keep and study him. Much like Manson, Sirhan Sirhan and others.
The POTUS has to personally sign the order for death. Last POTUS to do so was Kennedy. Hasan will die naturally from complications from his wounds long before there is the political will to execute him.
In the meantime, how does the verdict and sentence help his victims, who are still getting screwed by Obama, Hughes and Odierno?
He will spend 20 years going through the mandatory appeals. He will never be executed. Mayne now he can just fade into obscurity and be forgotten. His execution should be immediate, slow, and public, but again there is a difference between what should be and what is
Before he goes to the death chamber he should be told that his dead body will be autopsied and wrapped in a green pig skin. Then buried face down with the soles of his feet pointing toward Mecca. Happy martyrdom goat fuckr.
As much as he deserves it … I wish he had been sentenced to life without parole instead. Sentencing him to death (whether or not it’s ever carried out) is tantamount to giving him what he has wished for. He wants to be a martyr.
I hope it’s many years of changing his own diapers
I like an idea someone posted on another site. Don’t announce when and where he’s executed. Just do it, cremate him, and have someone scatter his ashes at some random location. Don’t answer any questions about him beyond “no comment” and go on with life.
@11 Hondo, I believe you mean Iblis. Shai’tan can be any run of the mill demon. Some sects consider Shai’tan the Islam equivalent of the antichrist.
Short of giving him a 5.56 lobotomy (what should have happened on scene) this is the best outcome I think we could hope for. This is what he wants, but I for one would be more than happy to oblige.
@25, Bush #43 signed a death warrant in 2008. The case did went back for appeals AFTER the signature. Hasan’s case likely won’t get to POTUS before the end of POTUS #45; IF #45 has two terms.
Assuming he waives all appeals after the mandatory ones are through.
Good! He deserves an eternity in hell. I hope the wait for his execution is long so he can sit in a cell rotting while he waits for the end.
That’s ok, I’ll die of old age before this buttplug takes a dirt nap.
LZ: that would be more technically correct. I was using the more common term, but that’s indeed less correct.
Wait wait wait wait wait .. if I recall correctly (I haven’t been in a Holiday Inn in a while) don’t ppl in the death corridor get 62 automatic appeals?
That’ll take the dude what? some nice 35 years in prison? by that time nobody will remember him at all …
And yet we’re STILL not allowed to carry concealed weapons on post. One soldier with a gun could have saved a lot of lives and lot of legal battles.
People who keep on bringing up martyrdom or it being what that assmonkey wanted… just stop!!
Just because said assmonkey may desire it, does not mean that we cannot at a time, place and method of our choosing make him pay for his crimes.
If he wanted Martyrdom, he would have put a bullet into his own brain housing group that day. If he wanted Martyrdom, he would have worn a suicide belt and blown himself to bits…
Now it is our turn, he lost his chance to sacrifice himself for Jihad. Now he gets to die not as a martyr but as a murdering scumbag.
No firing squad. That’s for soldiers, to give them a chance to die a soldiers death, facing the enemy on their own two feet, with their personal honor intact. (Read about Marshal M. Ney sometime). Set up a gallows, measure out the rope and get it over with.
People keep talking about appeals, not too sure he’ll go for an appeal. Remember he’s looking for martyrdom vie the judicial process. He’ll speed this thing along as long as he can. That said, the final death warrant has to be signed by the Commander in Chief, and I don’t think President Obama will do that. I don’t believe he supports capitol punishment, particularly a controversial one like this.
As least our fellow soldiers feel like we do; Not that there was much doubt. Stay strong out there, people, and keep an eye on each other.
@ 30. Love that idea, quiet anonymity.
ANCCPT: fully concur, and have been saying that for some time. Turncoats don’t deserve a soldier’s death; they deserve to be treated like a criminal.
I’d personally be OK with a Middle-Ages-Style English drawing and quartering, but the SCOTUS would never permit that under the 8th Amendment. And in any case, the governing Army Reg (too lazy to look it up at present) now prescribes lethal injection.
In other words: he’ll be put down like a rabid dog. I can accept that.
Martyrdom, Schmartyrdom….
*Pushes everyone out of the way* Where do I sign up to be the OIC of THAT detail? I have the old Army manual for executions and would love to use it!
Well, with the trial behind him and Syria on the front pages, there are certain people who will no longer have to walk on eggshells around him. No more special treatment–and you can bet your sweet ass he was dealt with very nicely while awaiting trial. Step #1 is that beard. It comes off. Then comes the form of address, the response time to his ‘concerns,’ and the various and sundry other matters that are now be responded to quite differently. He is no longer an accused major. He is a convicted prisoner. I hope he stays around long enough to suffer.
The whole thing troubles me deeply; on many levels. I read about a SSG that got outside unharmed, and then realizing that there were still soldiers in the building, re-entered the building to assist his fellow soldiers out and was shot five times as a result. He got a Soldiers Medal….The same decoration I have seen awarded to Specialists who assist on car accident scenes.
Let me reiterate: Our soldiers are so dedicated to each other and their cause that THEY WILL ATTACK ARMED GUNMEN UNARMED….And yet, it’s an issue of ‘workplace violence’.
I know I’m just a dumbass nurse corp officer. I know I know little of the UCMJ or the USC. I know I know nothing about the legal strategies behind the prosecution, but I do know this: Our fellow soldiers charged towards the sound of guns. Without IBA, without personal weapons, or a command structure in place, because that’s what they are supposed to do, and because the soldiers inside would do it for them. And, it’s not just them…These actions would occur on any post in the US military where soldiers were in danger.
It humbles me that I am expected to lead such men and women and infuriates me that their courage and dedication to duty is not being honored in the way that we, as soldiers traditionally honor each other.
@34 – need a lawyer to confirm but I believe in a death case the appeal is automatic and not waivable.He doesn’t get the option.
If we’re denied the pleasure of a slightly too-short drop to watch him twitch and choke, they can always eliminate the anesthetic part of the drug cocktail – one of the anti-death penalty groups claims the remaining drugs are highly acidic and it would feel like fire had been injected into his veins. I can live with that… as long as he doesn’t.
Justice delayed is justice denied.
This was a mighty cluster-fark from day one. We owe the jihadis nothing. We must execute him because we fulfill our sense of justice, not theirs.
While I’m happy with the verdict, I agree that the sentence will probably not be carried out.
Not missing any sleep over what this fool wants or even needs. He lost all right to any concern long before his attack on our troopers.
Meanwhile, the soldiers who have been horridly dishonored by clueless idiots (who unfortunately make policy decisions way beyond their abilities to do so) are well comforted by our honor and regard for them. Our cumulative sense of brotherhood with them, while valuable to them, does not feed their children or heal their wounds.