John Paul Gibeau; phony CSM, forger
From Scotty comes documentation in regards to John Paul Gibeau who tried to convince a court when he arrested for assault, that he was a 22-year veteran, retired Sergeant Major, and, well all of that stuff he’s wearing in the picture above. That his behavior was the result of his deployments to the War Against Terror. That he’d been wounded in Tora Bora region of Afghanistan while he was hunting bin Laden. Further he told the court that his only child had been killed in an automobile accident in 2006
Then he presented the court with a letter, supposedly from his VA doctor. That got the VA police involved and they determined that the letter from the VA was a forgery and that the VA doctor did not exist. The prosecutor in his statement to the court (at Scotty’s place) does not seem amused.
Here’s a news story. Our friends at Professional Soldier were on him in March.
Well, here’s his FOIA;
And his 2-1;
That almost fits his story, doesn’t it? I’m guessing that the court reinstated the one-year sentence that they vacated when he told them his sob story, but I can’t find an article that verifies that.
ADDED: Scotty says that the bench warrant is still open on him, so if you see this clown on the street, tell your local PD and let’s get him locked up.
ADDED 10/21/1014;
Category: Phony soldiers
8 years in, discharged as an E-1…
Well hello, Sh*tbird.
HHhmmmm…. good record until he screwed up. Looks like a court martial and that he got kicked from the Q course.
Must have wanted it badly. And blew a fuse when it all happened.
This guy is a real prize, an over-achiever, to be sure. Imagine, making it to PVT E-1 in only 8 years!
As far as I know, He is still wanted for Forgery in Washington State.
#3 LOL yeah and he is still trying to hang on by making up and tacking on 14 more years. Living a fantasy, a life that he wish he had lived if he didnt blow a fuse.
I think I see RIP listed in there as well, wonder if he earned his Ranger tab?. man, how bad do you have to screw up after 8 years to get booted as an E1? As he was an 11B, you would think he would have known better than to go overboard with the badges. So, 11B, 8 years, with trips to RIP, and probably SFAS, think he was a E6 before he got crushed? I don’t see PLDS or BNCOC listed, but he probably has PLDC at a min.
(For explanation, see (smile)
What a worthless POS. And waste of oxygen.
Gibeau-meister had to be a E-5 or 6 at the most. Got be a real piece of shit to show people that picture. Wonder what was going through his mind when he put that ACU top on and paraded around the house with his tighty whities on.
Definitely an SbFC, Shitbird First Class, now he’s being all the dirtbag he can be!! Bubba & Thor are gonna have fun with his ass (pun intended)!!
I actually remember this BS now. Professional Soldiers busted him awhile back indeed. Funny becuase he was posting on fishing sites and animal sites or some crap. And someone called him out as a phony on that and he disappeared. He tried to flex his muscle saying “He can make one call” to get someone busted and arrested.
Andy: according to the more complete FOIA reply at Scotty’s (see 1st link in article), the tool has neither tab (Ranger or SF), no CIB, no HALO – just jump school, expert marksman and an EIB.
Yeah, leaving at 8+ years as an E1 IMO means a major screw up. I’d guess either (a) courts-martial followed by a punitive discharge, or (b) a longish downward spiral resulting in him getting busted all the way down to E1 in stages, followed by a chapter discharge.
Scotty, you seem to have a knack for finding the extra retarded ones
FWIW: according to the article at the second link above, Gibeau received a BCD in 1996. Assuming that’s accurate, it looks like it was indeed a court-martial conviction followed by a punitive discharge that put him out.
According to PS guys, he spent 8 months in confinement at Fort Lewis and was sent to Fort Sill after for outprocessing I guess.
Definitely was a Court Martial.
More effing poser bullshit (sigh)…
He could have been an e-1 3rd or 4th award when he got out.
They just never know when to slow their roll of stupid, do they?
This asshat may be on one of the sites I admin. I’ll double check, if he is make contact and see what I can drag out of him. I do recall having a member living in Queen Creek, AZ. I thought it odd but now, okay…
The turd is a “Substandard Private Major” or SPM for short. He should have “SPM Gibeau (US Army Reject)” on his profiles.
How could you tell if SPM Gibeau is lying? Either his lips are moving, or he’s typing something.
He got the Big Chicken Dinner…and I’ll bet that he will get a lt more now!
I’m impressed. He made E-1 in 8 years. It took me 3 years to make E-5. He must have set a record.
Ex-PH2: I’m pretty sure that was E1 (2nd Award). Or maybe 3rd or 4th, as JPJ suggested above. (smile)
— break —
NHSparky: as a wise man once put it: “Ignorance can be cured, but stupid is forever.”
All the Army posers seem to be in love with the triple stack and SF flash. Guess it’s the Army’s version of Navy SEAL. Since I started coming to this site, I am suspicious of anyone with a big story. I wasn’t much, but I did my time and I’m proud of that. Considering that according to Gallup polls only 13% of all US adults actually served in the military, just serving is something to brag about.
@ 25, dont worry there have been posers who posted in comment sections too. There are probably a few still around
Hey SbFC…
Take off that uniform, you worthless fuckstick.
People have died in that uniform,
bled in that uniform,
cried in that uniform,
proudly served in that uniform.
You didn’t.
Take it off!! Time 1996, before someone kindly rips it off of you!!
MrGameandShow@26, and those posers that call out the other posers are a special kind of Wickre.
John Paul Gibeau has 18 line items in the Washington state court records dating back to 1995. It looks like one or two are divorce filings but he has been sued by the state and most look like criminal or traffic charges. This guy has been a scofflaw for a long time. I wonder if his Army troubles are connected with his lousy record off post. Maybe the army got tired of his lawless behavior.
@25; Posers like this is the reason I don’t wear, even though I’m authorized, the SF patch as my “combat patch”.
@25–I think it’s far less than that. I’d be interested to see what the numbers are like since the implementation of the all volunteer force in 1973.
Try to find out how many guys under 55 ever served. 3-4 percent, maybe. Certainly not 13 percent. I was one of I think four in my graduating class to join the Navy. If the numbers for the other services were consistent, that would be about 12-14 (maybe) for all services. But I had a graduating class of nearly 500.
@31: The 13% I’m sure includes all the WWII, Korea, and Vietnam vets, who sadly are all leaving us at a fairly rapid rate. If we’re talking adults under 55, then 3-4% is likely, perhaps even overly generous…
Even including all veterans, the percentage 13% seems way high.
The VA probably has the best handle on this. In 2011, their estimate was less than 10% of the US adult population were veterans: 21,596,951 veterans out of a total potential population (the population age 17 and older, US and Puerto Rico) of 222,306,675. That works out to approx 9.715%. I doubt that’s changed by +3.25% in less than 2 years.
I’m pretty sure that total for Veterans includes those currently serving (the VA has a vested interest in this number being as large as possible). If not, add approximately 1.5 million to the “veteran” category – but that still only gets the percentage up to about 10.39%, not 13%.
It’s not hard to figure out he did time in the pokey on JBLM it says “RCF” (Regional Correctional Facility) as one of his assignments on his 2-1…
It looks like he went to RIP but the copy is so poor I can’t tell if he went to one of the Ranger BNs after RIP. If not, it’s a good indication that he didn’t make it through RIP. Also, I wonder if he made it through SFAS or not. Since there isn’t a follow on the SFQC, either he wasn’t selected or got into the legal troubles between selection and the “Q”. I’d also say that, given the amount of time spent on division and regimental staffs as a junior NCO or soldier, he wasn’t a shit hot Infantryman.
Comrades in Arms:
What’s especially sad is that the guy didn’t need to be a poser, and set himself up for a big fall.
He actually was a paratrooper and an infantryman.
At some point, he was awarded the Good Conduct Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, and the Southwest Asia Service Medal.
He even earned an Expert Infantry Badge, which is VERY difficult to accomplish.
Okay, so he TRIED, but didn’t get accepted into Special Forces.
A lot of guys try it and don’t make it.
I never did any of the stuff he did.
Yes, I went to the old Republic of Viet Nam.
But, I was in the Signal Corps, not Infantry, and I never once jumped out of a perfectly good airplane while in flight.
Years later, when I was a cavalry scout in a mechanized infantry unit, I learned how difficult it was to earn the Expert Infantry Badge, something I never accomplished.
In other words, he WAS a good soldier, doing an outstanding job.
So, WHY was it necessary for him to mess it all up with a bunch of lies?
Even with the disgrace of a court martial, he still has all that stuff legitimately recorded on his DD-214.
Can this guy still salvage what’s left of his wrecked life?
What a needless tragedy!
Thank you.
John Robert Mallernee
Armed Forces Retirement Home
Gulfport, Mississippi 39507
@36–the guy didn’t need to be a poser
According to the 2-1 and BCD, I’m guessing he wouldn’t want to brag that shit up.
@35: It looks like after RIP, he went to an airborne battalion in Italy (you can just barely make that out on the enlarged copy on Scotty’s website). So I’m guessing that, no, he didn’t make it through RIP, either.
But, hey, getting BCDed out of the Infantry as an E1 is kinda the same thing as being a retired Special Forces SGM, right? Right?
I served with a guy in Alaska that had a CIB from the 82nd from the Gulf War, Airborne, Air Assault. He was really good at being an infantryman, probably like this guy…they weren’t handing out EIBs then or now, just couldn’t stay out of trouble. Got out after almost 8 years as an E-2, and that was promoted back from E-1 after his last reduction in rank.
It’s too bad he has to be a poser. His real record isn’t something to be ashamed of. Oh, well, I hope he fixes his life and becomes a credit to what he actually did.
@38, I’m sure about it, Hayabusa, especially if he’s read enough comic books and watched John Wayne in “The Green Berets” often enough! (/exit sarc mode)
He definitely qualifies for the ESDB, Expert Shitbird/Dirtbag Badge!!
Failed RIP? I’ll wager he QUIT. The same for SFAS. Guys like this always talk a lot of bullshit, but when the “rubber meets the road,” they’re always found wanting. Given what I read above he was probably a get-over artist in his platoon, got caught doing something illegal (Forgery, maybe?), BCD’d and then continued his shenanigans in civilian life. I have no sympathy and even less mercy in my heart for him. Hopefully he’s found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Why is this shithead wearing his name tape on the left and “U.S. ARMY” on the right on his ACU? I just noticed this; a CSM who can’t tell his military right from his left? I guess the SGM Academy at Bliss will have to add that to their syllabus
Holy name tape on the wrong side, Batman! What a turd!
I didn’t even notice the name tape. It looks like he first enlisted to go to the Ranger regiment, didn’t make RIP and went to an airborne unit in Italy until he ETS’d. Did 6 years in the USAR and enlisted back into the AC to go SF, didn’t cut selection, went to division staff as a coffee runner, a very short time with a line unit, then to BDE staff as a coffee runner. It looks like his trouble really started after the second enlistment.
They need to give e tra jail time for stupid.
@41 ” Guys like this always talk a lot of bullshit, but when the “rubber meets the road,” they’re always found wanting. ”
John Giduck in a nutshell along with all of the other Basic Training failures that later lie about their non-deeds.
@46: I remembered when we reported to reception station at Jackson back in the summer of 1979. One of the Benning-bound trainees at reception station was a tall strapping lad who already got himself a ranger buzzcut and wore a t-shirt with the ranger tab on it, and talked a lot of shit to anyone who would listen about how he was a real badass and was going to join a ranger battalion after 11B OSUT. Anyway, once we got to Benning for OSUT, I ended up at Sand Hills, while the ranger-to-be ended up at Harmony Church. About six weeks later, while I was on main post at the Army hospital updating my med records, I ran into some fellow trainees I met at Jackson reception station who ended up at Harmony Church. I asked about the ranger-to-be, and they basically laughed and told me that the “ranger-to-be” was a pussy who couldn’t hack it when the drill sergeants tore into him, and got bounced out on a trainee chapter discharge after about two weeks because he couldn’t stop crying and whimpering and hiding in the corner of the barracks. So much for the ranger haircut and t-shirt and trash-talkin’…
It’s amazing that all of this has come from the DV case, when I spent a long time trying to confirm crap he told me. I took that photo of him, that was the day he was off to screw some mans wife on Ft. Lewis and I busted him.He was saying that he was called in for some kind of work on base.
As far as y’all calling him out. It hasn’t worked, he has BS’ed his way out of all of it. AND for the life of me I can’t figure out WHY people still believe him. 5yrs of that shit and I’m still the bad guy in all of it. And the reason his life is ruined.
Don’t worry, its all going to catch up with him: All the lies, all the DV charges, 3 divorces, all ending in DV. One of those divorces and DV being against his wife, who was an officer at the time; hence the Army court Marshall and discharge and most of all the disgrace to Vets who have served by posing as a decorated soldier. We will heal, he won’t.
You know you’re sh** if after eight years of service you only have the rank of E-1. Pitiful.