Hasan guilty on all counts

| August 23, 2013

Of course, that’s not exactly shocking, it is encouraging. From CNN;

A military jury has convicted Army Maj. Nidal Hasan of 13 counts of murder and 32 counts of attempted murder in a November 5, 2009, shooting rampage at Fort Hood, Texas, making it possible for the death penalty to be considered as a possible punishment.

So, at least we got this far. Now we can begin the theater of sentencing. Of course, I can name DUI trials that have taken longer to get underway than this one, like Phil Monkress’.

Category: Breaking News, Terror War

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Country Singer

In a just world, Hasan will be forced to share a cell with Breanna/Chelsea.


Death is the only justice for Hasan.

The Al

In a truly just world, Hasan would have been convicted of terrorism, or at the very least charged with 14 counts of murder

Dave Thul

I say in a perfect world he would be put down by firing squad, and survivors should get first dibs for that duty.


“Hasan”, that’s the sound that a snapping neck makes when the trapdoors open.


OH, he WANTS to die. It will make him a martyr.

If he’s given the death penalty, it should take LONG appeal times, and in the end, occur with no publicized warning. Over and done with, dump him at sea.

Old Trooper

I hope he can’t appeal and base it on having incompetent council.

Combat Historian

In a truly just world, this convicted scumbag would be dumped in the middle of the polar ice cap during winter so he can slowly and painfully freeze to death…


it’s about fuk’n time! now,,,fry his nasty ass.


about damn time, im still hoping for a death sentence by means of Smitty’s pliers.


This trial has taken to long to get to this point. Hope the sentancing portion goes considerably quicker.

Green Thumb

Slow, steady pain and eternal damnation.


All this stuff about bacon and raw pork that…..

No….what you do is find a nice pig farmer our in the mid west and give him a stipend to NOT feed his pigs for about a week……then dump Hassan in the mud with his crippled legs in the feed pen and let the ravenous pigs have at him.


They need to bring back hanging, drawn and quartered would work also…. death by pirranah maybe?


I’ll be curious to see if he gets the death penalty.

Then I’ll be curious to see if they’ll carry it out.

To quote someone else on another thread, I’m going to wait sitting down.

Club Manager

Death for sure but first wrap him in a pig skin so he is not Martyred. That will leave more virgins for the rest of us who can still get it up.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

If he gets death it will be the needle right? No messy hanging or firing squads any more….nice clean death by falling asleep….

But death is death and that ends this piece of sh1t’s ramblings once and for all.


Freeze him, fry him, hang him, shoot him, into the pigs’ feed pen with him… Nah, the mil court will give him “life without…”


As I’ve said before:

Life sentence. Put him in general population. Yes, I know what’s likely to happen to him. No, I don’t care.

The Al

even better sentence- make him into “Chelsea Hasan,” send him to live in Afghanistan.

Just an Old Dog

I’d be for a life sentence with zero contact with the outside world, in an undisclosed location. He deserves to lead a long life, feeling his body slowly dying and his vital organs shutting down.
Shit in a bag, wallow in your own sweat, get bedsores and die in your own fetid stench, at the age of 90, you piece of pig shit.


I like feeding him to pigs too. Only afterwards collect the manure and incinerate it, the shoot the ashes into space so that his remains can never be buried and Allah will remain angry with him forever.


Oh…and a nice, steady diet of pork sausage and bacon. And a TV that only plays gay porn.

Green Thumb

“Of course, I can name DUI trials that have taken longer to get underway than this one, like Phil Monkress’. ”



I’m OK with either outcome.

Death, objectively, is the most just. Forget about whether or not Hasan wants it. You commit a crime this heinous, you forfeit your life, you lose the right to breathe the same air as decent people.

But yes, there’s something to be said for his having to live for several more decades, locked up in a cell and in his crippled body, deprived of “martyrdom”.


Phil figures that the deliberation for his trial will take less time.

I opt for a non-ADA accessible cell until he’s executed.


The panel rendered a verdict? Good.


OK so Phildo is up for the death penalty??

Former 11B

I can’t wait to see the justification Obama gives when he commutes this asshole’s sentence.


Martyrdom? If it means he’s dead, who gives a fuck? Let him die for what he believes in. IMO, it doesn’t mean what he faces in the afterlife will be all that pleasant.


@16, due to recent budget cuts, the virgins they receive are just 72 other terrorists. reviews of the laws and decrees found that no where was it promised that virgins would be female.

@23 Nike, hes a haji, he would like the gay porn. so long as he doesnt love another man, its ok to have sex with them. as the hajis say, “women are for babies, men are for pleasure”

Frankly Opinionated

Best possible sentence would be to put him in Solitary confinement, give him a cell phone that will only receive incoming calls, and only give the number to Paul K. Wickre, telling him that it is the new phone number of CV and Lilyea.
Top that, Y’all.
And, have a great weekend. I will, attending the Florida Phase Ranger School “Family Fun Day”.

Roger in Republic

Thirteen death sentences, 32 Life W/O parole, served consecutively. He can rot in his own shit for all I care. And make him shave!!!

A Proud Infidel

@13, ChipNASA, HELL, YEAH!! But before that, I also heavily favor Hasan first being smeared with lard, tied to a chair, and every one of his victims and their family members get to walk past him and stab him anyplace they choose with a 1″ icepick, let him feel some pain, then feed him to the hogs, the scent of his blood will send them into a feeding frenzy!!


since we have to cut Defense spending due to sequestration, I nominate Hasan’s colostomy bags and adult diapers as the first thing to be cut. Maybe he can be bunkies with Chelsea Manning at Leavenworth…….


Hasan doesn’t realize that those 70+ virgins he’s expecting are actually Catholic nuns with wooden rulers.


You guys are being FAR too nice about this. A bikini wax on the beard without trimming it first, then one jumpsuit for the rest of what’s left of his life, and solitary in a cell with a 2″ wide slit of a window letting in daylight, so that he can see what he’s missing. No contact with other people ever again. One book to read and no other, the first translation of the Bible into English from Latin – one of my ancestors worked on that and was executed by fire for heresy by Bloody Mary, may she rot in Hell along with Hasan — and one roll of toilet paper per week.
Food: mashed potatoes and water, three times a day, no seasonings. You can live a very long time on potatoes if that is your only food source. Remember that 123-year-old guy in Peru who lives on potatoes and mushrooms?
Oh, yeah, and stitcheg into the pages of that Bible, photographs of his victims, living and dead.


Oh, yeah — this just in: Hassan’s going to be sharing prisoner status with manning and Bales at Leavenworth.


Whatever happens, I’m sure they’ll all be kept busy.


Mmmm I say sentence him to death, BUT before doing that just right before baptize him make the FULL hardcore ritual with exorcism and all!

Yes I know it technically won’t count as you have to accept being a christian, but Mr Hassan doesn’t know that as in islam only takes you to say a prayer and you are a muslim 😛 his terror of saying “oohhh hoollyyyyy shieeeet just lost my 72 virgins and paradise!”

Now did anyone tell Hassan the 72 virgins don’t really have to be females? maybe he will get 72 suicide bombers who where virgins before being brainwashed into immolation.

And for kicks, tabasco on the genitals a Brandon Webb favorite (took it straight out of his book 😛 LoL)


@21–Leavenworth is bad enough, but I could handle him being on 23 1/2 hour lockdown at the Supermax in Florence, too.

B Woodman

#32 FO,
Ok, I’ll give it a try.
How about “flensing” of the skin, inch by inch, every day, with raw alcohol to clean the patch of freshly exposed flesh afterwards. And when the entire body has been flensed, start again.

Good enough for consideration?

Track you down

Since you are fucking wiht the reamainder of my life and I know where you are, your remainder will be as bitter as you have made it for me.

That WV filth deserves a beating in the face, while your wife watches. The Indiana, opening the door, deserves an aluminum baseball bat over and over, such that you never walk straight again, while your children watch.

Since you have diminshed me, I will take the same effort and diminsish you.

The three girls and Chip in FL, deserve a short shotgun to the torso. Don’t mistake enmity for luck. I will track you all down and casuse you irreparable pain, as the mirror as you have brought to me.

You have seriously underestmated the impact of your words, torment, and payback that you will recieve, as I tried this off and on for end of days.

Do you really think you could speak those utterances, and not be accountable?

You will be sorry for reaching into a stangers life. You will all be made to pay, now or in the future.

For your torment, and your hints, I wil track you down and push the most severe punishment I can find.

You will pay for what you said, as enmical to my life.

Idon’t care what military training you think you have. Open the door with a return right then and there.

This is past discussion. Each of you are on the pain list.

Dalles Wittegenfeld

Roger in Republic

Holy shit! Is that you Dallas? Or has some troll stolen your identity? I hope it’s not you. You had pretty much dropped off the screen, but if you have returned you need to stand by for some pretty serious abuse.
Threats like you just made can get you seriously shot in some circles. If you are not the infamous valor thief then you better look out as well. You don’t want Dallas hunting you down and threatening to beat you up. No matter who you are, I suggest that you crawl back under your rock


@42, Psul, is that you, douchenozzle?


Only real question now: Hanging or firing squad?


Oh, hey, can call his spasm of gunfire at Fort Hood “enemy action” instead of “workplace violence” now so our guys can properly get Purple Hearts and so forth?




Still cannot believe we are wasting time and resources on this scumfuck. He should have been disposed at the scene without question. Our involvement in World war fucking 2 was was shorter than this politically correct cowardice nonsense. This trial and the lengthy bullshit appeals regardless of the sentence only emboldens evil while offering no closure or results for the good guys.

It’s sad that we’ve become so well mannered that we can’t even take out the trash effienctly without looking incompetent.


42 looks like he has finally lost it. Proceeding right at the death threats! Hondo and TSO need to save that sucker for the legal parts!

Old Trooper

@43: I don’t believe it’s Dallas. The spelling and rambling sentences don’t fit Dallas, but more like a person who has english as a second language.