Teens beat Okinawa vet (UPDATED)

| August 23, 2013

I awoke to about twenty tips to this story this morning, so I’m guessing that you want to discuss it. An 89-year-old veteran who was wounded at the battle for Okinawa, Delbert Belton, was randomly beaten by two teens in a parking lot near Spokane, WA. From KXLY;

Witnesses say Belton was in the parking lot of the Eagles Lodge at 6410 N. Lidgerwood, adjacent to the Eagles Ice-A-Rena, around 8 p.m. Wednesday when the two male suspects attacked him as he was about to head inside to play pool.

Police responded with K-9s to track the suspects’ scent but were not able to locate them.

“It does appear random. He was in the parking lot, it appears he was assaulted in the parking lot and there was no indication that he would have known these people prior to the assault,” Spokane Police Major Crimes Detective Lieutenant Mark Griffiths said.

Belton died from his injuries Thursday morning at Sacred Heart Medical Center.

UPDATES: CNN says a suspect has been arrested;

A juvenile has been arrested by Spokane police in connection with the beating death of an 88-year-old World War II veteran this week, police said Friday.

The male suspect has been charged with first-degree robbery and first-degree murder.

Twitchy: James Woods leads calls for justice in murder.

Category: Shitbags

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Combat Historian

Absolutely sickening…

Bubblehead Ray

Time to hold a Dungaree Liberty


Time to crack heads. May he RIP.

Old Trooper

Fuckin’ animals.

@3: And step on necks.


The Rev’s Sharpton and Jackson will be all over this as will Barry. /s


This is precisely why I’m not a police officer, because if I caught scum like this I’d probably beat THEM to death. Fair Winds and Following Seas, brother.


Black on white and will get sparse media coverage…school bus beating in Gulfport, shooting of death Australian man in Oklahoma, and murder of this elderly man. CNN to their credit has done some reporting of the Oklahoma shooting and made mention of Delbert Benton’s passing this morning. MSNBC absolutely will not touch a black on white crime…yeah, ive been watching…its been Antoinette Tuff, Bob Filner, James DiMaggio/Hannah Anderson, Obama’s dogs, and forest fires (not one mention of Christopher Lane – not one). Where’s the useless POS POTUS and the race hustlers now?


RIP old warrior, there is a special place in hell for shitbags such as these….I hope the Marines find them before the cops


A couple of punk kids. When caught, I hope they get the “royal treatment” behind bars. I’ll wager those two didn’t see someone that they could learn from. They simply saw another victim to take advantage of – An old man on his way to play some pool.

Hopefully, those two murdering POS’ will be caught quickly.


If I still had my father, he would look like Mr. Belton. I am seething with anger over this and Chris Lane’s murder, but my anger is not only directed towards the scum that committed these murders but at the media, White House, and the usual race baiting suspects, Sharpton, and Jackson.

Rest in Peace sir. You’re with your wife and your buddies that left you in Okinawa. Be assured your murderers will not be going to the same place.


@7. I live near Duncan OK and used to work there for a while. It a great little city and I’ve got a lot of friends there. Sadly, I’ve been expecting something like the Christopher Lane shooting for some time. Due to it’s proximity to Lawton OK, many of the gangers from there have spread to Duncan. The Stephens County Sherriff’s Dept and Duncan PD ignored the threat for years and let those jokers establish a foothold. Now it’s too late, and a young man has lost his life because three kids were “bored.”


If the president had two sons, they would look like these boys.



Kill Them.


and the race baiters are silent. this and Mr. Lane’s murder can be directly attributed to jesse and al stirring up “the black community” over a thug getting shot attacking a man in florida. They wanted to make travon martin into a saint and paint the white men as evil (wait, zimmerman was hispanic? we will call him a white hispanic and say he identifies himself as hispanic) now we have these thug wanna-bes turning into real thugs and attacking people for no reason other than their skin. isnt that what jesse and al are supposed to be trying to stop? racially motivated crimes?


The reason he was attacked was because he was vulnerable at 88 years young. They wouldn’t have tried it if he was in his prime. Maybe a group of WW2 vets should gang up and beat some teenagers to death, would that be a hate crime???


The cities are teeming with these kind of feral animals. Most raised with virtually no parental influence in single parent homes. Meantime, the race hustlers are busy out stirring up animus so they can make a buck.


Jesse Jackson Frowns upon this.


The attack on Christopher Lane was because those three kids were bored. He was probably also seen as easy prey.

I’m guessing about this one, but it’s probably the same thing; they were bored, and looking for someone who was easy prey.

I’m glad that the WWII vet reference was included in the news stories, but I doubt it will have much effect on people who have their own agenda.

Meantime, rest in peace, old warrior.


I am at a loss for words as to how I feel about this crime against humanity…
This is a direct result of the policies and programs installed by liberals as far back as LBJ.
I am certain that these kids mother’s are well acquainted with the manner of making a living off of the government teat…
These pukes need to be beaten to death, period.

Old Trooper

@14: In Tennessee, there was a similar murder that happened a week before Lane’s, where a white guy was walking to his car and 3 blacks approached him and shot him, killing him. Some of his family dispute the police claim that it was an attempted robbery, since the victim still had his wallet, cell phone, and car keys. This type of thing is happening all the time, we just don’t hear about it, because it doesn’t involve a white hispanic and a saintly black youth.


Can’t speak to TV coverage, but this morning this story is on the Fox, CNN and MSN homepages.


I hope justice comes swiftly for these sub-humans. Just sickening.

RIP Delbert. A Warrior comes home now and no doubt St. Pete is putting him on the fast track.

A Proud Infidel

It would be really nice if they quit referring to animals like the attackers as “Victims of Society”,… and treated them the way they need to be! To me, situations like this are examples of the “diversity” that the likes of B. Hussein 0bama & Co. want to inflict on every town in America!


All of the punks in both Oklahoma and Washington are rabid animals. They should be put down. I don’t want to hear about socio-economics and race and all of that bullshit. These animals obviously cannot live in civilized society for whatever reason. I don’t give a shit if their parents loved them or if they even had parents. They chose the thug life. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Enough of this bullshit!!!

May God Bless and Keep Delbert Belton. Thank you for your service sir. You did not deserve to die this way at the hands of lesser men who have no concept of honor or respect or decency. Hopefully your grieving family will gain some measure of comfort knowing that you were a good and decent man and you will receive your just reward from a loving God.


RIP Delbert …

Will the POTUS now make a nice long statement and get enraged and all? I’ll wait sitting down I get tired after 2 or 3 months standing up, is so sad


Friggin animals. Words cannot describe my level of disgust.


RIP, Mr. Belton. May God comfort your surviving family and friends.

And may justice be swift – and total – for your murderers.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@24 We seem to have lost the will to kill anyone who has shown a proclivity for violence against us. In an effort to convince ourselves how civilized we’ve become we can no longer stomach the thought of executing those who deserve to be executed.

This type of murder happens every day without much national recognition, robbers beat up the easiest prey they can find and some kids just beat up whomever they encounter because they can. At some point we will either choose to once again become a disciplined, law-abiding society with no tolerance for troublemakers from the smallest of infractions to the most severe or we will become a nation of shut-ins afraid to leave our homes for fear of what the mobs of “feral animals” might have in store for us.

Tx Gunner

So when is white America going to stand up and hold rallies demanding justice for this man and his family, or start rioting when the prosecutor offers these little shits a plea agreement.


@29, I don’t know, but I bet it would scare the living shit out some of the race baiters of we did!!!

Green Thumb

This is sad.

Spokane is a shithole and has been for some time.


these acts remind me a lot of arabs. someone thinks/looks/acts differently than you, kill them!


@#20. Old Trooper, to add to your reference to that “attempted robbery”, in addition to the victim still having his possessions, the shell casing from the shot that was fired, landed about 10 feet from the victim. So, no, it wasn’t an upclose robbery attempt, but, I’m sure that the department spokesperson was told to tell it like it was a robbery, not a black-on-white crime.


At the minimum the two “suspects” should each be shot in the leg like the vet was in WWII. Then put them away for ever.


The race-baiters don’t think of white as a color… or a race… or much of anything except a money tree and a target.


…and for those of you who want to warehouse these bastards, explain to me — why? You have so much money you like keeping savage animals in cages? They’ve forfeited their place among humans. Kill them and use them for the only thing they’re worth: compost.


Looks like an arrest has been made.


One has been arrested in this brutal murder.


I held my nose and went to MSNBC to see if anything about this is on it. Big surprise..nope. They are however spinning the murder of the Australian athelete into being about gun control.


Crap, teach me not to refresh before commenting.

Combat Historian

Tragically, the likes of Reverand Al and Jesse Jackson (and yes, comrade president obamao) have so poisoned the well of American racial relations through their antics that abominations like this are viewed through racial angles. If this elderly veteran was a Tuskegee Airman or a Japanese-American Nisei vet of the 442nd, I know that we would be just as outraged and seething with anger…


I was reading the FB comments trying to find out where to send flowers and saw this (I do not know Matt I found his comment in the news and followed his profile):

Matt Buster commented on a link.
19 hours ago
Del will be missed. I lived next to him for the past 17 years. He was a good guy. This is totally senseless.

(then later in the comments)

Matt Buster thank you for kind words. I know everyone here is still shaken up. To add to the sadness it appears the thugs have now tried to break into his house. The neighbors are all on edge.

I guess that’s how they picked them up … So this dudes will cost us 180k USD per year, why can’t we get the “If 3 ppl see you commit murder you get the chair” Texas way? put the express lane on this ones (and before I get asked the question of “what if it was your family”) I would put MYSELF in the express lane if I comited a murder like that.


Contrary to what libtards like to deny, evil exists in this world and must be destroyed when found. There is no redeeming rabid dogs, you just put them down. And I really don’t care if they’re teenagers. If they’re old enough to take a life, they’re old enough to forfeit theirs.

RIP and thank you Mr. Belton.


@40 They posted it … 1 minute ago (yes 1 minute ago) talk about the “Oh shit everyone thought it was a big deal, FINE let’s get it going then”

@42 I saw a bunch of ppl super extra enraged on the zimmerman case, can I have the same rage for this one? I was waiting for the POTUS to say something but I know better now, but maybe the others .. I’ll wait sitting down.

What gets me is that they will immediately go “Oh well you can’t blame ALL they are just thugs” but the same people are quick to enrage and claim “justice”, they forget one thing, they forget lady justice has a blindfold, justice knows no color and no race, but due to the administration agendas, there are some lines that are pushing wider and wider, when I was reading the comments I saw comments such as:

“Remember, the greatest generation was a WHITE generation” I couldn’t give a rat’s ass the color of this man’s skin, he put his life in danger so others could have a better world but this enrages more and more racial discrimination in both sides, hell I’m brown and even I found myself saying some very harsh words to myself about this kids.


i cant wait to see what the DUmbasses say about this one.


Looks like they caught one of the little fuckers. He’ll roll on his buddy I’m sure. They didn’t name him yet, so I assume he’s a juvy and until charged as an adult probably won’t be. Some real pieces of shit in the news this week.


Many of us could not care less the color of this man’s skin or the color of the skin of the thugs who killed him. What was done to him is simply outrageous. It’s a national outrage that so many consider irrelevant factors like skin color, age and other stuff as important before they feel outrage when a heinous crime is committed.

Some of us believe that all crimes of violence are hate crimes without regard to details of the participants anatomy. Sure, those details may have something to do with motive, but have nothing whatever to do with the gravity of the offense. (There may be a legitimate use of that motive when deciding the penalty, but guilt or innocence should be based solely upon the facts of whether a crime was committed and if this defendant did it.)

Meanwhile, the fact that thugs felt it was OK to attack this elderly man is what is outrageous. I really don’t care whether they were looking for someone old, someone white, or just the next guy they saw. If it is true that they then went to his home for continued illegal activity elevates the creepiness of it all considerably.

Combat Historian

@47: some real pieces of rabid animal shit indeed…