An explanation of sorts

| August 14, 2013

A number of you have asked us why all of the Wickre discussions were closed to comments. It wasn’t anything that you guys did, it was Wickre. He’s the reason we can’t have nice things. He started using your screen names to post comments, well, here they are, rather than try to explain their content;

Sockpuppet Psul

You’ll notice all of those comments, screen shot from my “Trash” folder, are from the same IP address, one that we’ve identified as one of the ones Psul uses along with a scad of others.

He started posting them a little after 11 o’clock the other night. I think he was doing it to set us up for a lawsuit because he couldn’t find any comments that y’all have made about in the manner he’d like. But, I didn’t want to stay up all night babysitting his punkass, because unlike Psul, I have job, for a few more months anyway. And then he sent me this email;

I have had it with you. You get your stupid blog off my name or everytingn you thought about will occur.

Lawsuits, damages, court hearings, Va I will haul down your site at IBM get seavey fired from his cush job and turn you over to the VA

Paul Wickre
VP DHS Business Development

F*cking idiot moron, what does the VA care about what I do? He takes his cues from Wittgenfeld who is going to sic his mental health professional on us. But Wickre didn’t darken our virtual doorstep yesterday. I guess he cried himself to sleep and was nursing the biggest hangover of his life all day yesterday.

Category: Shitbags

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Paulie NoNuts needs to be tossing salad in the “pound him in the ASS” lockup…I’m sure that Jonn and TSO have enough to turn over to local/Fed LEO’s to make Paulie’s miserable life a living hell.


To be fair, he was just posting what all of us were thinking. Nice to see that he finally agrees with us. Too bad he couldn’t exert any of the effort he is wasting here on finding a job.

I can just imagine what his response is when his unemployment counselor asks him what has he been doing to secure a new job.


BTW, there should be a new Wickre tribute song dropping later tonight, maybe 19:00’ish EST. Get those long distance dedications in now.


Perhaps he meant “turn you over the AV”

Because that might have more meaning…I don’t what meaning but something more than turning you over the VA.

hey, look at that shiny stuff….

Combat Historian

psulie’s a nutcase (personal opinion)…


@#5. No doubt.

I don’t wish him ill, only some time in jail for the crimes he continues to commit. Perhaps the prison shrink can provide some help. Incarceration is to rehabilitate, right?


Dear gods, he has got to be the most worthless human allowed internet access there can be.

Think of how mentally messed up a person really has to be to freak out over a blog, to the point of trying to FRAME the blog, and totally forgetting that everyone knows IP checks would show who wrote the stuff.

Dear Psul Paul Wickre. Your sad life is nothing more than pure entertainment to us.


I guess I don’t post here often enough to get the sock puppet treatment by Paul Wickre. I’ll have to work on that.

I would like to thank Paul Wickre for giving me a goal to work towards. While Paul Wickre is mostly an example to others on how not to act, to me he is an inspiration and a new objective to achieve.

Frankly Opinionated

By him posting things in an attempt to set the site up as “criminal”, attests to our claim that nothing we have done to date is criminal.
And, by so doing has moved himself even deeper into the Gooooooooooogle anals, (sp. as intended), of infamy.
Paul K. Wickre once again affirms that he is a LIAR.
And once again, Pauli Boi, you have shown us in full color that you are a 100% PATHETIC LOSER.</b?
The more I see of him, I think that he and Dullass Wideass sucked from the same breast as babies.


I heard the VA might take your birthday!


Hey Psul, if your going to use my name, please learn to spell your words. I know it’s hard with all the voices in your head, but you just sound so like a poop throwing monkey.


Paul Wickre (GOOGLE PIMP SLAP) – If you want the ridicule and humiliation to stop, here is the simple answer (broken down Barney-style) for you and the other members of the “Lucky Sperm Club”:


Spend more time on your family and looking for real employment (that may be a challenge based on your “notable” criminal record) and get help for your substance abuse and anger issues. Living in the DC area will not guarantee you a $500k/year job (just look at the homeless people hanging out at the nearest intersection or the Metro station)


I just find it kind of really sad that all of the posts were about him pretending to be other people telling him to kill himself. That kinda stuff has got to be INCEPTION level self loathing trying to sneak through.


#11 – Heidi, spell check is a foreign concept for Paulie NoNuts to understand and use… probably hard for him to find when he’s deep in the bottom of a bottle to T-Bird or MD 20/20 fueling his inner rage.

Old Tanker

I see NH Sparky just became “MH” Sparky too…

And I was hoping to be “Young” Tanker…darn the luck…


@8. Don’t feel bad, Psul didn’t single me out either.

I think he’s got a serious case of self-loathing.


Paul Wickre’s habit of sniffing bicycle seats in the junior high school parking lot has caused brain damage.


Wow, I go off the Internets for one lousy day, and Teh Crazy(tm) hits the fan???


This guy is a loon!

AW1 Tim

Well gosh, Jonn.

I decided last night to hit the rack early and apparently missed a good (sock) puppet show. Sigh.

I’ll say this much: The past month I’ve had a huge increase in spam on my own site, by an order of magnitude. I guess I’m gonna have to take a look at the IP addy’s of those posts and see if there’s a connection. Wouldn’t surprise me that Psul would try and branch out after his epic fail here. Just my opinion, though. YMMV. 🙂

Tom Huxton

Nothing on the web ever goes away
Every typo curse or rant
Read your work twice, be sure when you hit “send”
it is saved elsewhere to retrieve some day
You can forget, but the internet can’t
Your work will be saved; the web has no end

OIF '06-'07-'08

Damn, missed “BITCH BOI” again, but yet, there is a line that Psul crossed with posting under the screen names of other individuals, like how the only way that would work is to post from different IP addresses, but with only a few working brain cells that “BITCH BOI” now has, that would have been a stretch for him to figure out.

By the way, I have figured out Psul’s actual IQ, just count the number of remaining brain cells he has left, and that number actually diminishes every time he comes here to post his MD 20/20 drunken rants.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Oh, and by the way “BITCH BOI” your number of remaining brain cells you have left now stands at 62.


Sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad.

As to, as to, as to, as to, as to.

Loser, loser, loser, loser, loser.

Can’t wait to see Psul and Phildo in pretty orange jumpsuits.

Can’t wait, can’t wait, can’t wait, *CAN’T WAIT*!


Maybe, just maybe, Paul K. Wickre realized that by being caught trying to impersonate other posters, he has destroyed whatever credibility HE thought he still possessed. (In truth, he has had none for a very long time, but now maybe that realization has finally penetrated his wall of self-delusion.)


Gee, I was finally sockpuppeted. And such a poor job of it, too, especially since I haven’t once even remotely suggested that wickre go and blow his own brains out. (Or anyone else, for that matter. I don’t do that.) Hell no, I was being nice when it was difficult to do so with anyone, never mind that crank wanker, by giving him job-hunting advice at this post: Did he think no one would figure out it was him sockpuppeting US, as poorly as he writes? That’s just plain dumb! He couldn’t even take a moment to figure out how each of us writes, to his own detriment. Not once in my life, even in writing stories, have I ever used ‘GOTCHA!’ But then, why am I not surprised? We all know he’s so stupid he doesn’t even know he’s alive. Here’s something you need to understand, wickre, since we all know you’re reading what’s posted on this blog: ALL EMPLOYERS NOW DO BACKGROUND CHECKS on prospective employees, and THAT INCLUDES YOU. YOU, paul k wickre, have a long history of malfeasance, including aggressive behavior toward police officers and harrassing both the police and the state’s attorney. ANY EMPLOYER WILL FIND THAT FIRST without ever going to a blog that posts references to it. EVERYTHING YOU’VE DONE, including the restraint orders against you, is available to the public through the courts, not through blogs. If you are really that stupid — and I believe quite firmly that you are — you have a serious problem with reality. NOTHING WE HAVE DONE OR SAID has any bearing on whether or not you will ever be hired by any employer anywhere. What YOU HAVE DONE IN THE PAST is YOUR UNDOING of YOUR OWN LIFE. You’ve have had EVERY fracking chance on Earth to make your life better and you blew off all of them by being an asshole. That’s not an opinion, it’s a fact. I have NO SYMPATHY for you, at all, wickre, because whatever is happening to you now is YOUR OWN FAULT. And that is a FACT.… Read more »


‘Wickre didn’t darken our virtual doorstep yesterday’. Hmmm… there is more here than meets the eye, obviously.

And perhaps we’ll all know what that ‘more’ is eventually. 😉


Good ole Psul Wickless. He always knows a way to embarass his family name.


Does he use spell check or does he just yell at and threaten his computer until it finally just says, “screw it” and doesn’t bother anymore?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

No great loss about closing those threads, far too much time and energy spent on a someone whose life was ruined long before he ventured here…..left on his own he was a drunken reprobate before being hired by Monkress, left on his own he will return to being what he was, someone whose entire life is a shining example of how not to live.

Being a drunk who fights with the police as proven in his arrest and court records tells you everything you need to know about the man.

The claims and tales of drunken troublemakers carry the same heft as a child’s helium balloon….they float away when left unattended.

He is typical of men without honor, the lies, the difficulty with abiding by the law, Mr. Wickre is a man without honor or character. Men of honor and character don’t get drunk and fight with the police, they don’t appear over a dozen times on arrest records…..

Good riddance, let’s get back to discussing history with Hondo and politics and veterans concerns while exposing all the other posers stealing the valor of honorable men and women and never again worry about the likes of this fellow.



Twas me. Further, I don’t think he’s capable of anything that doesn’t absolutely reek of falsehood and duplicity.


This is what happens when children who are told they are special little snowflakes get older–note that I did not say grow up.


As I am not really shocked because he’s done this before, but you would think that he could understand that we know how each other write. (No, never mind he blames all the internet’s problems on us, he understands nothing!) I am the one who says buttfart not Heidi (though I’m glad someone pays such close attention to me.

I like many of the other’s that were sockpuppeted have never wished ill on Paul. I just want him to get what he deserves. But not suicide! Never that would I wish on anyone. My family has had 2 personal tastes of it and no matter what or who I would never wish that on anyone. Suicide doesn’t hurt the person but it does destroy the family, and although Paul’s family “might” be guilty of having bad taste in who they love they are still innocent in all this.

So Paul I will never wish you to “suck start a shotgun” I would wish for you to get some mental health help, and that one day all the ill you’ve done and caused comes back to you 3 fold. Karma, she’s a bitch!
The only bad thing I’ve ever thought about you was wishing you slam your pee-pee in a car door. But that’s not bad, some people even enjoy it, so I hear. Happy days to you and your’s!


Heidi, I would only wish that the toilet seat would fall on his head while he’s puking into the toilet from one of his drunken binges.

It’s Karma, you see. 😉

I guess rehab didn’t work so well for him, any more than it did for Lindsay Lohan. You know, if you put those two together in one spot, they would implode and a whole new universe would form out of the reaction. You see, something good would happen that way. 🙂


It is humorous that Paul K. Wickre decided to use the screen names of some of the most articulate and well spoken posters here as sock puppets, then proceed to “Wickre it up” with his horrible spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation. Yeah, no one would have caught on that NH Sparky can’t spell his own screen name (it self populates, you jackass).

So, by attempting to fraudulently set up TAH for legal action, based on, from the content of the sock puppet posts, TAH calling for his death and his inability to find employment, does this open Paul K. Wickre up for legal action by TAH?

Secondarily, if Paul K. Wickre is sitting happy on his $26M and his newly acquired very expensive British POS, why is he so concerned with finding some kind of employment, to the point of attempting to set the stage for a fraudulent lawsuit against a blog? Inquiring minds want to know.

Thanks for the explanation, Jonn. I was actually up the other night when the threads closed down and was trying to post a comment. I figured that there was some behind the scenes Wickering going on.




Green Thumb

Paul (of the Ballsack),

Sir (Opinion), you are of the, shall we say, past tense.

Can we please speak with the leader or the CEO of APL about your current employment status and associated standing?

A good start would be to express some loyalty (your call, it seems) to the “Non-Existent CEO” , as he cleans out the APL safe, to take some responsibility or quite simply, give a statement.

And Sir, (Question), How did you get your security clearance? Was it through the FBI?


Reminds me of the story I saw this morning about the fella who spends all his time screwing with eBay… bidding up auctions and then defaulting on payment, posting malicious slander, etc, hiding behind a Guy Fawkes mask (how original) – turns out to be an ‘overweight middle-aged guy who spends mpst of his time as a recluse in his house on his computer’ per the article. Wow, what a shock… Psul has a soulmate. I’m envisioning a grossly overweight bearded lardass wearing a tiny backpack, me.

Frankly Opinionated

Green Thumb, Paul K. Wickre got his security clearance, not through the FBI, but through the CBI, (Cereal Box Insert).
He is such a PATHETIC LOSER.

Green Thumb


Don’t be such a Phildo.

It not Paul’s (of the Ballsack) fault that everyone is picking on him.


Ya know, I’m not really sure whether to be flattered or pissed that a douchetool of Psulie-boi’s stature decided he wanted to try to imitate me. Now while I have perhaps made a suggestion to him to go suck a grenade once, that comment would be considered sarcastic in nature owing to the near-impossibility of someone in Psulie’s standing to legally obtain said grenade. And to be fair, that comment was in reply to his claim that he’d hack my phone, etc.

Now that comment, based on his previous actions towards me and other posters here, I take seriously. And while I admit my sentences can get a bit Faulkner-esque from time to time, I’m not given to, 1–misspelling my own screenname, 2–misspelling most words over four letters, 3–randomly capitalizing letters in one of the best movies of the past 50 years (hint, Psulie–it’s “Godfather”, not “GodFather”), 4–sounding like a 4th-grader who’s just had a shovel taken to his head.

Suicide? Bit harsh, Psulie. But rest assured, while I won’t push you off the cliff, I won’t pull you back from the edge, either. Your misery is a creature totally of your own making. We here have done nothing to add to it. Your pain and misery in life can be traced back to a single individual, and he looks you in the mirror every morning.

Or early afternoon, depending on how long it takes you to sleep off the bender.


I have no problem dueling wits with the unarmed, and Paul K. Wickre definitely fits that bill. The fact that he would attempt to pose as someone he’s not to get his way is not at all surprising. However, the fact that he is trying to make it look like we suggest suicide is disturbing on a number of levels.

I do wonder as to his mental state. I am concerned that he might have been trying to set us up as a reason for a suicide attempt. With a heavy depressant, such as alcohol, and the proclivity for his unstable mood swings, it would be highly plausible that he was trying to set up as the reasoning for a suicide attempt.

He has said that it is his life’s goal to get this blog taken down. With the amount of backlash over the appearance that the blog was responsible for his attempt, it could have done just that. Not to mention, it would also have solved the monetary problems that he may be facing from his unemployment.

Anyone with any form of psychological profiling background can see that he is in a spiral. Besides the heavy alcoholism (which would explain the disjointed writing and errors to his spelling and grammar), there is also the fixation on this site as the sum total of the ills against him, and his recent unemployment. On top of that, he seems to live in a psychologically constructed fantasy of him being wealthy and influential, which has repeatedly been questioned and disproved on this blog (another reason for his fixation).

As I said before, I do not hate Paul K. Wickre. I am concerned for his health and mental well-being. Sure, he is a kitty-cat cock-sucking monkey-fucker, but that does not make me any less concerned for his well being and those who may be around him.

2/17 Air Cav

I welcome the end of Wickre here. As I heard a circuit court judge say to a repeat offender appearing before him for sentencing, “Sir, there is nothing more that can be done for you. You have been given many chances to straighten yourself out and you took none of them. I therefore relegate you to the junkheap of humanity.” He then sentenced the guy to about a billion years in prison. The junkheap of humanity is a wonderful turn of phrase. Wickre sits atop that junkheap–IN MY PERSONAL OPINION.


Geez, I’m gone for a month and miss all the fun!


Funny thing about Wickre…

He claims to be of the “upper crust” of either D.C. and Maryland society (several Jaguars, expensive home, free tickets to Wolftrap, etc.,) – yet his incoherent ramblings and poor keyboarding and sentence structure skills leaves one to wonder what this guys background really is.

IMO, he’s like the one last guest at a dinner party who just won’t leave and won’t seem to shut up – no matter how late it is.

AW1 Tim

Welcome back, Lucky. Hope all is well with you and yours.


Thanks Brother Tim, it isn’t but thanks! Blackfive got me linked in with a trip out to Montana with an Equine Therapy program for Vets, TSO has been on one of the trips, and I leave for ten days Friday.

TopGoz (Not Psul)

I didn’t see my name on there. I feel cheated.


Sorry to hear that, Lucky.

You ever need to talk, vent, whatever – your brothers- and sisters-in-arms are here. Ask Jonn for my contact info if you feel the need.


@47 Lucky, be strong buddy and I might not be a brother in arm, but I’m a good listener and my phone is always on for anyone here that needs it, feel free to ask for it for my contact info if you desire 🙂


*facepalm* Sorry for the Psul-like grammar I’ve been having a horrible day let me rephrase..

Lucky I might not be your brother in arms dude, but my phone is always on and you can call me anytime if you need anyone to talk, feel free to ask Jonn for my contact information.

There … God .. no posting for me today .. just .. no posting

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