Threats, threats and more threats
There’s nothing I like as much as a legal threat letter. But a close second is an actual threat letter with words spelled wrong, rampant and senseless hyperbole, and the uneducated twaddle of a person wearing a cheap ass Guy Fawkes mask. This morning, we hit the trifecta.
Let’s go back. Remember that the only problem with Joe Teti is whether he was an “OIF OEF Veteran” when he did not serve in the armed forces, but rather as a contractor. From there, he threatened lawsuits. Over the word “veteran.” And now, his minions have our email address, and I get horseshit like this sent to us:
From: Thala | Annonymous <>
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 5:42 AM
Subject: We are annonymous
We highly recommend that you delete blog posts about combat veteran “Joe Teti”
We support great people, who do good things.– consider this your only warning“We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.”
Gratis email til alle overalt:
And this:
From: “” <>
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 3:49 AM
Subject: You guys fucking suck dick you coward ass pussies!!
Hide behind your screen and have mommy hold your little dicks, you guys don’t deserve to be breathing and have no balls to confront a person face to face. If I knew you personally, I would smash your face in for JOE TETI. Pieces of shit deserve nothing and I will be contacting all of your advertisers and letting them know we will continue to inform their followers if they don’t remove their ads. You deserve nothing and are nothing!
From: lucian gandolfo <>
To: “” <>
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 1:23 AM
Subject: You should be exiled.
Joe is a true and humble American hero. Why you are messing with probably one of the most deadliest people in this country is beyond me.. and thousands of people are backing Joe in this situation. You cowards will not win. I’d be scared out of my mind to even think of showing your faces around the public.
Category: Politics
Funny stuff…it’s amazing how the jackasses come out of the woodwork when they think it suits them. My sole contribution to the Teti thread was quoting Mykel Hawke’s bio (and the fact that he felt a need to clarify his service), but I welcome these heavy hitters to come visit me. It would require a flight to a not-so-nice place, but I’m sure they’ll make the trip.
Joe Teti left the military to become a contractor. What he did is none of my concern, but I respect his experience and his service was definitely more “high speed” than mine has been. Regardless, the minute he signed a contract to become a reality show star, he became a public figure in my book, and misrepresenting himself through a vague bio opens him up to the same criticisms any other public figure receives.
I don’t understand what their beef with TAH is. I just reread the original posting, and all it says is that he did serve in the Marine Corps and the Army, and although he did go downrange, it was as a contractor, so his claim as an OIF OEF veteran is a “gray area”. The site contacted Joe Teti, discussed the issue with him, and left me with the impression that the conversation ended amicably, with no hurt feelings on either side. Am I missing something? Is there a TAH decoder ring I need to purchase to find the hidden messages in that thread?
If there is Hack, I also didn’t get it.
@3- you guys are sending out stolen valor dog whistles and expect us to believe you don’t know it? I watch Hardball, and I’ll have you know that you’re not fooling me. Next thing we know, you’ll actually admit to driving pickup trucks!
You sicken me, TSO.
“If I knew you personally, I would smash your face in for JOE TETI.”
That’s a nice sentiment. I don’t get it. No one disparged Joe, called him Teste or Titty or anything like that. No one said he wasn’t the Deadliest Man in the World or threatened him with “this is your only warning ” or “Expect us.” In fact, the only issue that existed before the threats began was the “combat veteran” claim, and views of that language were hardly unanimous here at TAH. So, we now have learned much more about Teti, thanks to the friends he apparently keeps. Nice.
Well apparently some think their hero is beyond reproach, and even though he has made very public statements about his life and career that those should not be questioned either.
It is funny, I saw another Public Figure who kind of blazed the way in the television/Reality Entertainment Survival venue, who has a pretty damned impressive SOF Resume state that despite any and all contract work he performed, he did not consider himself a “Combat veteran” for those ventures. He was and is a Combat veteran in his eyes by having also gone to combat as a Soldier in the US Army.
I think perhaps, Mr. Teti could learn a thing or two about humility, and exaggerations of ones resume from that man. I wonder if it was Mr. Teti who was being addressed in that other persons post?
Mr. Teti is not a combat veteran of the US Military. Not by the standards we as veterans understand it. Semantics…
He had the oppurtunity here to make his voice heard, and did so. If he is butt hurt because many others do not agree with his version of what it means to be a combat veteran, that is his issue and perhaps one of his fans could send him a box of tissues. Where is that Hurt feelings report when you need it?
Shorted an ‘a’ in “disparged” above. Please add. Also, unless there are time zone issues, it seems that the threats are coming in around closing time for the saloons.
i am having a rough week and could use a good means to vent my frustration. yall mind if i give out my address to these guys and let them come see me?
yall are a lot nicer to joe teti then i would be. he is not a combat veteran, and forgive me if im wrong, national gaurd SF units arent what i would call high speed. if you need to explain your military credential claims, you know full well you were blowing smoke. I was airborne infantry, i went through infantry OSUT, then airborne school, and went to a airborne unit. there is no explaination needed, its pretty straight forward. my oldest brother did 5 different tours in iraq and afgan, he doesnt claim to be a veteran of OIF or OEF, because he isnt! Joe Teti needs to man up and admit he was full of crap. i laugh at his followers trying to act all tough behind a computer screen while complaining about us hiding behind a computer. the vast majority of us here actual combat expirience, and id wager to bet are far more dangerous than Joe Teti
As Gutfeld does on The Five, I’d like to ban the use of the expression “Dog Whistles”. But then, maybe not necessary. I have one and my Lab ignores it.
The irony in all of this is nobody attacked Teti. He was looked into because he predecessor was a phony and Jonn found out he was a real veteran. The only issue was whether or not he should be considered a combat veteran as a contractor that we were discussing amongst ourselves.
Here’s Lucian, he’s in the DEP!
@9. Dip it in gravy. He’ll respond every time!
Oh, and Teti found that “Archslayer” whackjob…LOL
This is what has Teti’s panties in a bunch. If you notice. The only time Dual survivor is shown is on a screen save from his Twitter account.( Which he has since changed the title . The idiot is using Cokkie Souths Archslayer’s blogspot to try to dis-credit me. So unlike a liar to use another liar’s false claims. Teti bragged himself up to much & was caught doing so. Now he is crying like a little bitch.And all he had to do was change his BIO & professional Resume. He doesn’t want to comply. So he will be exposed for the lies that he is claiming !
Oh, the irony, on many levels.
Attacks for telling the truth should always be considered an admission by the attacker. Draw your own conclusions about what is being admitted but some folks just cannot stand the truth, apparently.
He’s using Artur “Cookie” South, MSSA/E2/USNR (Discharged) and busted phony SEAL extraordinaire, as his backup? Geez. Talk about yer “questionable choices”! (smile)
If he is a GWOT Veteran. Then show me the award orders of the medals he would have earned. Contractors aren’t Veterans & CIA Agents aren’t Veterans. Plus if his job with the CIA was so damn Top Secret. Then why is he commenting about it?
Hack, TSO: it’s not so much a decoder ring as a special piece of headgear that lets you understand the mind-control beams that the Gummint is aiming at you. If you haven’t got one, you can make one at home. All you need is a very thin sheet of some kind of metal; I hear that most of these guys use aluminum.
Bawaaahhhhhhh using South as a source of ‘intel”…. lmfao.
Joe Teti, you may want to do a little more research into your source of intel there. All this over semantics of who is and who is not a Combat Vet.
I have to say, before all this I was willing to give him a pass on that, I know a few contractors none of whom claim combat vet status based on that but stilll some of them were in some hairy shit.
His OIF/OEF Vet Claim… he cannot go to the VA and be recognised as one. No contractor can. My personal feeling is we need to do away with the use of contractors as it is..
Now just going to sit back and watch the prima donna “star” and his wittle fan club of wannabes have their little temper tantrums.
Little Lucian says that this video makes him nervous just watching it. Sounds like the lad is lacking in self-confidence. Drill Sergeants at Benning will help him with that.
It’s too early for this.
Don’t these children have schoolwork to do?
Wonder if the facesmasher’s email came from San Berdoo. There is a ~40 year old dude out there associated with that email address and the company KP Limited is in that part of Cali as well.
Contractors with weapons have no business in a combat zone! If you guys are going to send them a list of addresses let me know you can add mine to the list. I could use some stress relief….
I wonder what KP Limited Inc thinks of their employees using their marketing email to send obscene and threatening emails?
Excuse me but it just dawned on me to ask whether Joey was ever in combat. Yes, I know that he was a civilian contractor in the ME and I know that he was not in combat when he was in the military, but it does not follow that he was in combat as a civilian contractor. Was he? If he was, that’s fine, he earned his civilian contractor pay. If not, well…
@6 – This is the closest thing I could find, so it may apply in some respects. It needs to be revised a bit for internet cases, though.
@24. Probably not as much concern as some of their clients would have.
I’d take a *credible* threat from ‘Annonymous’ fairly seriously. Of course it’s only serious if they can spell the name of the freaking semi-organization correctly, or else it looks a lot like sock-puppetry. As near as I’ve seen, a blog of grumpy old men who were generally fine with the guy until his comments started isn’t the usual target of an Anonymous ‘protest.’ I’d imagine phony emails are a lot closer to something that would gather their attention.
Uh oh…you got on Anonymous’radar. Prepare to be assaulted in a fashion the likes of which you have never before seen…if they can actually peel their fatasses away from their computer in their mom´s basement slowly waddle up the stairs. By the time they get to the top, they’re going to be wheezing so hard that they’ll have to sit down and take a break. That’s when they’ll spot the bag of Cheetos in the half-open cupboard, grab that, and say “Fuck it, I’m going back downstairs”
Wow, I just visited Teti’s FB page and that’s about all I can say. Asskissers and starstruck commenters abound there. I was never an avid watcher of “his” show–in fact, I’ve yet to see an episode with Teti in it. The interview I read with Cody Lundin gave me a newfound respect for him; he may be a bit different than many of us, but he seems to be a genuine person, and the couple of episodes I watched weren’t too bad back when Canterbury was still on. For a reality survival show, that is. I browsed the comments and found a recurring theme of thanking Joe for his service, while urging him to “kick [our] ass” (or offering to do so themselves). Since most of us here are veterans ourselves (and many of us are recognized by the Armed Forces of the United States as combat veterans), I guess that being respectful of people’s service only applies to TV “stars” or “special” individuals. Those of us who’ve quietly done our jobs without elaborating and becoming a public figure are mere “wannabes”. The comment made a few days ago about Teti’s post 9/11 adventures in Las Vegas led me to conduct a quick Google search. I found the following article at the top: That says it all for me: while a generation of young Americans (myself included) gave up civilian careers and other plans to join the military and make a difference, Joe Teti was trying to pitch himself as an SME on terrorism, while making a quick buck in the process. One would think that with his unique skillset and resume, he’d have tried to get back into uniform. Instead, he took contract work, guaranteeing a much larger paycheck than he’d have gotten had he gone back to SF. Now, when it suits him to play up his patriotism and combat experience, he uses ambiguous language to make it seem like he actually deployed as a Soldier. The nature of the beast is that many more people will side with Teti on this, as he is the better… Read more »
@30 +25
If it really is Anon. They usually dont go after private blogs over free speech.Shutting down or attacking a blog over people exercising their free speech on a free internet isnt like them unless they are provoked,think Westboro baptis church kind of provocation.
Might be a fringe member, or someone who affiliates themselves with Anon. Who knows.
I will continue to wonder whether Teti ever engaged in combat as a civilian contractor. Of course, military records can often establish whether one was in combat. But he was a civilian contractor and I have no idea how combat engagements can be determined or verified.
“He survived a decade of combat in the world’s harshest and most dangerous theater of war, now this super warrior is testing his ability to stay alive — on TV. (NY Daily News Jan 1, 2013)
“He is a combat veteran of Operation Uphold Democracy and Operation Maintain Democracy in Haiti, as well as OIF (Operation Iraqi Freedom) in Iraq, and OEF (Operation Enduring Freedom) in Afghanistan.” Source:
“New this season is Joseph Teti, a combat-tested special operations veteran….” Dual Survival Press Release
“Joe Teti knows a thing or two about spending time in the field. As a combat veteran of Marine Force Recon and the Special Forces, Teti lends his survival experience to the SURV-TAC 7—a 7-inch long 1095 Carbon Steel fixed blade from TOPS Knives.”
There is quite a bit of irony with the threats from the Joe Teti minions like lucian gandolfo who claim American values and heroism but then attempt to suppress open debate as to what constitutes a “combat veteran” by threatening the lives and business of people who engage in that debate.
All Teti had to do was issue a mea culpa stating that he regards himself as a combat veteran, understands why this term is debatable with regard to contractors, and then change literally one or two words of his bio to reflect that his combat-zone (OIE/OEF) experience was in the capacity of a contractor. He could then go into great detail about his experiences as a contractor, coupled with his pre-9/11 military experience, and Teti would have come across as respectable and honorable. Instead, he doubles down and calls out some incompetent minions for no ascertainable reason whatsoever.
@24 – You wonder what KP Limited thinks of their employees using company e-mail to send e-mails like that? You should call them, TSO, and ask. Usually, company e-mail has some kind of personalization attached to it. KP Limited may not even be aware of that e-mail.
Well he called everyone here out as cowards and jealous types. Nice way for him to discredit everyone here that has served or is serving. Guess that rockstar mentallity has locked in, Guess this is how he respects debate between his “brothers in arms”.
His Facebook post says it all to me, he isnt the quiet professional he trys to make himself out to be. He is just another TV show clown getting his ego massaged by his clueless fans. Fans he told to barrage Jonn and the other on his board with emails and comments for exercising their 1st amendment rights to free speech. He has seriously lost any respect he might have garnered from me by doing that.
I’ll take him up on his offer to meet face to face, tell him to fly me out and we will have a nice long talk about respect and the lack thereof.
“Joe Teti is one of a few individuals in the world that holds an instructor certification in tactical tracking operations from legendary tracker and former Rhodesian SAS (Special Air Service) and Selous Scout, David Scott-Donelan.”
….perhaps Joe should understand his history before bragging about who trained him to do what….
Yes, I’m curious about what he means by ‘jealous’.
Jealous of what? That’s a red flag for insecurity.
Didn’t he voluntarily send Jonn references that people had given him?
When your website address contains the words “Lone Operator” you know damned well that the dude is a poser: they call them “teams” for a reason. Hell, even snipers aren’t lone operators since they go out in teams. The only “lone operator” you will find in the military is not a combat guy. I’ve seen some MI types that sometimes work alone, but even they have a lose team into which they fit.
You know what’s cute about this? “Anonymous” barely qualifies as a group. They certainly don’t qualify as an organization. They’re not organized. At all.
It’s kinda like being threatened by the shoppers of WalMart. It’s by no means a selective group. There’s no overall level of competence just because someone says they’re in Anonymous. And they’re not a hive mind. They often disagree with each other on what, if anything, should be done.
Sure, some of them are accomplished hackers. Some of them, on the other hand, are at best talented wannabes.
Basically Anonymous is the equivalent of standing on a chair in WalMart and saying “Hey, I’m gonna go trash K-Mart because I don’t like what they did. Who’s with me?”
And some of the people who send out emails threatening people on the behalf of Anonymous only heard about them on TV, googled up their little catchphrased and thought they’d fool someone.
Screw him. He was not in the military while in combat, then not a combat veteran. Sure he may have been a contracter and seen combat. Awesome for him. Sure he may have been in military, awesome for him.
I know a spoon who crossed into Iraq with me back in 2003. He is a combat veteran.
I know an AAFES guy who rolled into Quyyarah west three months later to open a tiny shopette. He is not.
Anyone wants to argue can come out to Bagram Afghanistan, and argue the point with me face to face.
@33 – You posted: “He survived a decade of combat in the world’s harshest and most dangerous theater of war, now this super warrior is testing his ability to stay alive — on TV. (NY Daily News Jan 1, 2013)”
Funny how the NY Daily News makes it sound like they’re actually going to try to kill him on T.V..
I dont find Titties military record to be impressive at all, much less qualifying him as some sort of super soldier or most deadly man alive. Ive got a CIB and Ranger tab on my uniform, i dont see anything on his records that equals either of those.
Dicky Chappelle was a WWII and Vietnam war photojournalist who was embedded with the Marines in Vietnam. She was with them when she was killed by a piece of shrapnel from a grenade that exploded, killing four Marines and severing her jugular vein.,_Chapelle.jpg
She was a veteran combat photographer, but she was not a combat veteran and she would have said so emphatically.
I thought anon was against all forms of censorship? I guess they are only against censorship of issues or people they support.
That’s the thing. Anonymous isn’t anything, including anonymous.
They’re kind of the digital equivalent of the Occu-tards.
Some of the Occupy people were after financial “equality”. Some were after anarchy. Some were after other goals. Some of those goals overlapped, some did not. Some just wanted to get stoned, break shit and rape people. They didn’t have any specific mission statement or some such. They were just people with a lot of anger and little self control and self respect.
Anonymous is like that. Some hate the financial system. Some hate the government(s). Some hate censorship. Some hate the military.
When someone in Anon gets their back up over something, they send out a message saying, “Hey, I’m gonna mount a DDoS attack on __________. Who’s with me?” Whoever agrees with them pitches in at the appropriate time, and the ones who don’t agree stay out of it, or maybe even tip the authorities off.
Teti is a public figure, because of the show. As a result, he’s going to have the usual “cult of personality” following. No matter what level of attitude Teti decides to engage in here, I wouldn’t blame him for the moronic statements of the wingnuts that follow him. He doesn’t/can’t control them.
As I said in the original story, so much for quiet professionalism. These fools are pathetic.
Combat experience is relatively rare. When I think of combat, I envision a fight in which combatants are trying to kill one another. It is an exchange of deadly force. Combat theatre experience may or may not involve combat. The potential is there, the rockets may be falling, the IEDs may be exploding, but the exchange of deadly force is absent. Teti claims to be a “combat veteran” and as has been repeatedly pointed out, he is a Veteran and he worked (not served!) as a civilian contractor isn the ME. Now, I am asking whether he was in combat. If someone knows, please do share.