David Canterbury; phony soldier survivalist
I don’t watch those survival reality shows, mostly because every three seconds, I’d be having someone file a FOIA on prospective phonies. For example, there’s David Canterbury who left, Discovery Channel’s “Dual Survival” last year. He claimed to be a a sniper, airborne, and a “scout”, whatever he thinks that is. Here’s his resume`.
![Canterbury Bio](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Canterbury-Bio-232x300.jpg?resize=232%2C300)
Turns out, he was an MP, not that there’s anything wrong with that, but a 2-week Army Special Reaction Team sniper course at Fort McClellan, is not Sniper School at Fort Benning. His assignments were as an MP in Korea and Fort Carson, which means he arrested grunts out after curfew (in Korea) and wrote tickets for California stops at stop signs (at Ft Carson). And, oh yeah, no basic airborne school. It appears that he was let go from the show because of the lies.
![Canterbury FOIA](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Canterbury-FOIA-228x300.jpg?resize=228%2C300)
Canterbury has admitted he was less than truthful about his military career which probably led to his release from the show. Now he runs his Pathfinder School, LLC in Jackson, Ohio.
Category: Phony soldiers
Ah hell, I liked that guy on the show-he was an interesting contrast to Kody’s hippy ways.
I wondered why he left…..
I was also wondering why there was all of a sudden a new guy on there.
I now have to wonder if the SF dude on “Man, Woman, Wild” is legit. It is sad that we have come to this.
I swear I was the tailgunner on the USS Blizzard-DQ3.49 during the Snow Wars in ’02. I will swear that to my dying day on the third Tuesday of next week.
You know those ads for ‘enhancement’ stuff? They really only apply to the ego. 🙂
Well, he does say in his ad that he was “near” the DMZ in Korea. That’s an attention getter, I’ll say. He also says he was an animal control officer for two years. Great. Just what I was looking for, an expert dog catcher.
I saw some show with another fellow who walked around in bare feet all the time, no matter where he was. Is this that show?
Hey, I was an MP and in Korea in 84! I also went through a Counter Sniper course in Ft Hood and assigned to an SRT. Does that mean I can have my own TV show and make millions?!?! Damn, I’m missing the boat!! Oh yeah, I worked with Presidntial security (US Secret Service) while in DC, What will that get me??
@ Twist. That’s be “Mykel Hawke” – he had his named changed to that spelling legally – and apparently he’s a legit long tab holder from the reserves.
Nobody would have given a f-k if the dude was an MP and he stated that truthfully on his bio, but NO! Folks just have to make shit up to pump up their resume/ego/creds. Now he’s gone from the show and his credibility is in tatters. There’s a lesson in there somewhere…
CH–problem is, the powers that be (i.e., producers) of these shows don’t know what a regular joe does. All they hear, or want to hear, is SF/SEAL/Ranger/PJ/high-speed/low-drage super secret squirrel. And with the money or potential follow-on money involved, the temptation for some just becomes too much.
Some are legit, but as we’re seeing now, some aren’t.
yes air cav, that was this show. i saw it once and all i could think was “has this dude ever been suvival camping?” every summer me and some buddies go extreme camping in the rocky mountain wilderness area, no supplies but a rifle, sleep role, and knife. last summer, one of my buddies brought a long his little brother. he made a comment about something he had seen on this show and i wanted to slap him
Part of what I find disappointing is the fact that he legitimately knows a few things regarding bushcraft, as he demonstrated for quite some time on his YouTube channel before he was ever signed on for the show.
Here’s his words on the matter.
Jackson, Ohio … my home town. Haven’t been there in 15 years, one more reason to not go back.
@10. Thanks. As for your survival excursions, my hat is off to you. (Well, it would be if I had a hat on.) I’m more of a Comfort Inn type of guy. Survival stuff always sounds appealing but me, I’d rather just hear about it, not live it.
Hey Gravel, speak of the devil. Do try to sign on here once a week, will you. Somebody was wondering where you have been.
The guy that replaced him appears to be completely full of shit too. In his bio he claims he was Marine force recon, a “Green Beret”, and a member of a “highly classified counter-terrorism unit” that I’m sure he is alluding to be CAG or Delta Force or whatever they call it now. I suppose it is possible but I think it would be highly unlikely for someone to have spent time in Marine and Army Spec Ops units. Discovery channel must be run by a bunch of mouth breathers if they get taken for a ride like this twice.
2/17, I’m more of a Holiday Inn Express-type guy myself; I’ve done enough outdoorsy stuff in my 11 Charlie days; I NEED my creature comforts now 🙂
Righto – the guy has good knowledge and skills; had he simply relied on his ability more than a colourful resume, he’d still be on the show, maybe? 🙂
I was the Admin NCO for a company of MPs in Korea. Maybe I should wear a brassard around. I was “Military Police” (administration). 😀
If you’re talking about Joe Teti, I have a lot of hearsay about him, apparently he did serve in some reserve SF unit (but never finished the selection course) says people who know him, but we can’t find his records, so yeah there are some doubts.
When does it end?
Like my 20 year HS reunion.
After 30 min, I wondered what I was still doing there.
He is giving the rest of us MP’s a bad name .. What a Douche Nozzel !
Funny…his school is called Pathfinder! Did he claim that school as well?
As for his “replacement” Joe Teti… he is SF qualified via 20th Group.
Crap! I liked Canterbury on the show. I’m pretty sure Mr. High Speed replacement is phony as a 3 dollar bill! Joe Teti
What? Someone would embellish their resume for a staged “reality” show?? Shocking. (not)
I just saw Cantebury’s “apology.”
Fuck that motherfucker.
“Did I embellish things on my resume…I did.” No kidding
“I did it number one to better my family.” That is how you better a family-lie?
“There was nothing sinister in my plan, and I thought there (it) was not a big deal at the time.” Really?
“I was naive to television, naive to the entertainment industry, naive to the way thing were.” Really…no I think they were naive to your bullshit!
“No harm no foul” …really?
What a douchebagging liar and a phony!
I have more respect now for barefooted hippies.
Just another poodle turd poser.
This is one of the reasons I don’t watch any of the reality shows. They generally wouldn’t know reality if it jumped up and bit them on the a**.
“Survivorman” was better. Les Stroud gave a lot of common sense tips on surviving in the wilderness, but he quit in 2008 because he couldn’t take spending 7 days a week alone in the wilderness any more. He didn’t embellish his resume, either.
There are only a few people I would look to for real instruction on surviving when stranded in the bush. And, anyway, I’m at a point now where my trips to the bush are convenient to a nearby McDonald’s. Or a Burger King, no ketchup, extra pickles.
They all appear to be related.
The one turd wants to share a campfire with me.
What the fuck?
There are calls to be made.
I love this shit!
@21, 99% of MPs give the rest of MP’s a bad name. 🙂
the only things ive heard on any of those survival shows actually worth a damn, other than Les Stroud, was basic common sense things. bare foot hippie burning out the insides of logs to make a bowl is of almost no use due to the time it takes to complete that task, much less a large enough log to make a boat. cool little skill to have if ya want to practice in your back yard and have the days it would take to complete, but worthless information to have when trying to survive with out resources
@30 – GT, please keep us informed!
@14 2/17 Air Cav,
I check this site 10-12 times a day. I just don’t track all the comments for all the postings.
If someone was looking for me they can email me any time:
GRAVEL at CFL dot RR dot COM (not case sensetive.)
As a side note … I’m about to embark on the long 6-7 month process of dealing with the VA to get a new wheelchair. It’s a pain in the ass and a lot of NEEDLESS hoops to jump through. I was sort of hoping to “blog” the process and post it here, if Jonn will let me (even if someone else actually posts it for me … I don’t want the keys to the place) so that other people will see what it actually takes to get stuff done through the VA.
Call up their “store” and ask to buy some Stolen Valor.
Dude gets pissed.
Then tell him you want it bubblewrapped and overnighted.
Also, call up the brother. The legal guy. The number is on the website.
It is worth it.
My wife and I love that silly Dual Survival only because we are waiting for him to step on a nail or something. Who in their right mind goes without shoes in the snow or whatever.
Other posters are right. Survivalman was a badass as he not only out there by himself but had to carry all that camera gear. He quit because it was killing him. Those idiots on Dual Survival have the camera crew which if you think about it, are often downstream from their “Impossible descent.”
I was a Boy Scout. Do I get a show now?
Andy Kravetz, reporter
Peoria (Ill.) Journal Star
I pick up Backwoodsman magazine whenever I can, and think I’ll subscribe tonight to keep up over the deployment.
Anyway, Cody Lundin seems to be more the primitive living type than a practical survivalist (though I wouldn’t discount his skills in the latter category), and has had a few articles featured in the magazine. The last issue I picked up had an article about him, and he seems like an interesting guy.
I watched a couple episodes of Dual Survival but never got into any of those types of shows.
Speaking of Mykel Hawke, guess who’s on the cover of the May/June Backwoodsman: http://www.backwoodsmanmag.com/
@36. Andy: Your comment made me laugh. I saw a show in which Maybe a Ranger and his trusty sidekick, Barefoot of the Ouch Tribe, were descending a death-defying waterfall. When the cameraman (already down and filming upward toward the heroes) panned to the side, I saw a crease in the hill that a 5-year-old could have skipped down. That’s probably the route the camerman took.
@34. I think that would be cool, Gravel. Maybe a thread that you can keep feeding. If I can be of help–you talk, I write–I’m there.
@39, I saw the same thing on “Man vs. Wild”. Bear had to climb down a vine that he said was the only way down. The crew was already at the bottom filming.
Thats funny.
Hey, they can do a reality series on submarine life! We can call it, “Fuck, I’m Bored!” In it, we can show the challenges of performing the Vulcan Death March, as well as clever ways of escaping officer’s flashlights and getting a nice little nap during Field Day!
Oh, and the midwatch conversations, especially the, “Who would you rather bang?” ones. That would be a SERIOUS ratings pull.
I’m gonna be rich, people. Seriously Brinks-truck-backed-up-to-my-house effin rich.
@43. Sparky. I never made it past that first line. If the rest is as funny as that, I’ll have to limit myself to just one line a day.
Sparky, It’s not a reality show, but the onion did a parody on a video game of real Army life.
Twist…Patrick Hrabe. Look it up on YouTube. Holy crap he’s funny, even for a coner.
They should hire this woman in his place:
Bear Grills states at the beginning of the show that some events are staged to illustrate survival techniques for the benefit of the audience.
It is right there in big letters at the beginning of each show.
He is Honest about it.
Bear Grills states at the beginning of each show that some events are staged to illustrate survival techniques for the benefit of the audience.
It is right there in big letters at the beginning of each show.
He is honest about it.
Wondered why he left the show.