Alejandro Ramirez, phony Marine writes to apologize

| March 24, 2013


Earlier this month, our buddy Taco Bell sent us some Facebook screenshots of Alejandro Ramirez who claimed to be a Marine and decorated his uniform with some impressive stuff. Well, he was easy to spot as a phony and we could find no record of him anywhere. But, last night he emailed us to apologize;

To whom this consern to. I just wanna apologize to everyone and everyone that is serving today about my stupid action of acting a Marine that I am not. I always wanted to join the Marine Corp to serve this country but I couldn’t get in. But I’m serving this country in another way on volunteering the community as a fire fighter and try to be good role model for my 5 year old daughter and to my family. I deleted all my pictures and got rid of the uniform that I didn’t earn. Later on the road i dont want my daughter or my family to be bullied because of my stupidity action. I have totally respect for you guys that sacrifice for this country. Once again I do apologize to the Marine Corps and everyone that served in this country.

Well, at least he didn’t threaten to sue us or anything. So he gets merit points for that.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Jon The Mechanic

My grandmother is spinning in her grave due to the sadistic butchering of the English language in his apology.
However, he did send the apology so as long as we do not see another sighting of him being an asshat, he will be good to go.


Fairly rare to see a poser actually “man up” and publicly admit and apologize for his shitbaggery. Good for him if he’s sincere and has learned his lesson.

Unfortunately, the repeat offender rate is fairly high among outed posers. Hopefully we’ll not see him again doing the same.


Everyone steps on their crank (some more than others) but at least he owned up with what I think is a sincere apology. Now, he needs some English teaching.


You know what? Good for him. It takes courage and humility to admit to being wrong, and his apology, while ineptly written (he IS a firefighter) seems sincere.
Good on you kid; Be safe out there, and don’t do it again. You earned that fire uniform too, so respect it and someday you’ll understand why we get so hot when people wear things they don’t earn.

A Proud Infidel

OK Ramirez, you’ve had the balls to admit you blew it, as well as apologize, good deal! My advice ant that of many other fellow Vets: DON’T DO IT AGIN!! in today’s internet connections, forget about if, it’s WHEN you’ll be caught and your hoax will be dragged out in front of GOD and everybody. Some additional advice: Take some grammar lessons!!


Crap. Now I have to rethink my brackets for the next tournament. Ah well; he apologized in a mangled English kind of way and didn’t threaten anyone with a lawsuit. Hopefully, he takes this lesson to heart.


My favorite quote is “Don’t clam to be what your not. Just be who you are, that should be more then enough”.
For me apology excepted. To Alejandro Ramirez, I would say
you are more then you think you are, just be yourself.


Apology accepted, Ramirez.

But if you want to engage in dress-up, do it in a less harmful way, e.g., take your 5-year-old to a Renaissance Faire or a Star Trek or Star Wars SciFi convention. Those are a lot more fun and give you massive creative space to be whoever/whatever you wish.


He shows more honor than some flag officers I’ve encountered.


Yes, the apology for the infraction of falsely claiming to be a Marine is accepted.

That said, I do wonder about the claim of being a volunteer firefighter. Substituting one false claim for another is not OK. However, if he really is one, perhaps he will serve with honor in that capacity.

That is how it works. Once caught lying about anything it brings all other claims into question. Only time spent in productive activity will ever overcome that. It can be done.

B Woodman

Apology accepted. Conditionally. Like being a convicted felon who’s done time and is now out on parole. There will be people looking over your shoulder every minute for a long time.
“Trust, but verify.”

2/17 Air Cav

That’s a good start. Now he needs to write a 10-page essay on why what he did is wrong. It will not be graded on spelling.


As long as it’s not done again, apology accepted.

If he does do it again, game on.

Tim McCorkle

I’d callhim a Pinhead But Maybe That Cover is Just too Big.


He gets a pat on the back from me. That took some guts to sincerely apologize. Compared to the rest of the phonies and liars you guys expose, this guy shows to have some heart. Hopefully he won’t do it again.

Scalpel Shepherd

Couldn’t hack it to get into the Marine Corp, but he’s a fire fighter? I call bullshit on that one.


I’m skeptical.

I think he’ll be back.

Actions speak louder than words, Mr. Ramirez – so for me (and perhaps some others) to accept your apology will have to wait.


I hope to god that English is his 2nd/3rd language because his utter disrespect for proof reading and punctuation should be enough for him to draft another letter to the board of education stating how they have failed him…oh well, as I always say the world needs strippers and janitors.

Taco Bell

Good job Alex. To many guys out there just keep pushing the lie. You have done well to admit your mistake. Case closed.

Jon The Mechanic

I work with a couple of people who are volunteer firefighters. One is good, the other one gets assigned to traffic duty when they show up at a scene.
He may be one of those guys in the department who makes sure that bystanders don’t get too close to the scene, and helps trade out air bottles if someone needs a replacement.

Ptolemy in Egypt

Youw are costing me job oppertunyties. Cease & deisist- my lauwer will contact youw forthwith!- Gunny Driveway


@ScalpelShepherd: If you think firefighter=Marine then you are an arrogant firefighter. Yes I love firefighters, they save lives; but they don’t meet the same physical fitness levels nor do they assume the same risk Marines do. Trust me, I have visited relatives in an innercity fireman breakroom. Video-game systems are CLUTCH! Firefighters won much popularity after a single event in 2001 (including special attention from pornstarts). Other than that September event, firefighters have gone back to the status-quo.

@all: This isn’t a grammar lesson. Many real Marines I have served with do not master the English language to the standard you are holding Alejandro to during his apology.

@Ale-Alejandro: You have skills. Channel them. You have yet to find your calling in life and seek to be loved by the world; your child is one of your callings, and your decisions affect her, too. You seem to have a calling with the public; grab a microphone on open-mic comedy night at a club and tell us something entertaining. I know it was your dream to be a Marine, but sometimes people just get screened out for bureaucratic reasons; nasty paperwork, et al. You are an honest, nice guy; people will like you if you simply present yourself to them ‘as is’… as you are…

And take my advice, Ale-Alejandro: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS NEGATIVE-PUBLICITY! This topic has been researched by media-conglomerates since an attack on a mine-worker uprising by the government [and the company] in the early 1900’s. Tell your story, make some fun out of it. Tell the world you got busted, and spill your heart; then make some jokes. The only difference between ‘acting’ on stage and ‘acting’ a Marine is the level of pain and inconvenience people and families endured. You have a higher calling; your skills are justified. Leave the Marines alone; the audience wants you to present yourself- and audiences love it when people spill their hearts to overcome inner-demons. Man, I almost want to bring you to Hollywood!

Frankly Opinionated

@16 above. He DID say Volunteer firefighter. Living very rural, I would go with that. Not being “governmental” the volunteer FD has a lot more leeway in hiring. I knew a wheel chair bound person who was the department radio man.
I am willing give him a hand on his admission of fucktitude, and wish him well as a volunteer firefighter. If Firefighting was easy Cops could do it, but they may have a slot for an honest guy.

Frankly Opinionated

My saying “hiring” above was not meant to suggest Payroll and such, perhaps, “Accepting” would have been a better choice.


OK … next!


“i dont want my daughter or my family to be bullied because of my stupidity action”….

You mean told the truth that you are a fake and a dishonest person? That is not bullying!


[…] on Jonn’s site, “This Ain’t hell” (one of my daily reads) and to his credit, he wrote an apology letter for his actions.  He is one of the few to do that but in this day and age but you are and will […]


@ #4 ANCCPT… What was the comment “he IS a firefighter” supposed to mean? As a DoD certified Firefighter/HazMat Technician, as well as being an EMT-Paramedic, I find that to be offensive. In my firehouse of 22 firefighters, there are nine of us (including myself) that have Bachelors of Science Degrees. Five others have Associates Degrees, and one has a Masters Degree. The firefighter that has a Masters Degree has been accepted into the Occupational Safety and Health PhD Program at Eastern Kentucky University starting this fall. He is putting his GI Bill to good use. As firefighters, we are educated a lot better than our smoke eating predecessors. For upward mobility within the fire service, the completion of college level education is a must. That includes a grasp of punctuation, grammar, spelling, and everything else contained within the English language. If you were making a joke (possible.. I might be overreacting here) it fell a little short of it’s mark in my very humble opinion. We’re not the knuckle draggers we used to be.

Our motto is “Protecting Those That Defend America”. I’m very proud of the fact that I’m a firefighter and I have the United States Military to thank for training me and then the United States Government to thank for giving me a job in the civil service world.


@ 28 … I think you are over reacting a bit. No doubt everyone here respects the Fire Service.

And thanks for the clarification on the “knuckle draggers” issue.

Navy Boatswain’s Mates were getting pissed that they were lumped in with Fire Fighters!


Alex: Way to man up. There was a lot of great advice given and I hope you act on it. Remember the comments written above which gave you an at-a-boy for your letter to the site – that shows people are willing to forgive someone who apologizes. To me – it shows a lot of guts, someone willing to take responsibility, and a man that will never repeat this mistake.

I think this site should put you on probation – if you keep your nose clean and do as you say for 6 months, your page would be exsponged. But if you screw the pooch and take up your old ways, may the gates of Heaven release every U.S. Marine on your doorstep.

Since you wanted to be a Marine and couldn’t – why not volunteer to help our Wounded Warriors in your area? Yes, you will have to be honest and explain your actions but as many said, your public apology will serve you well. I think most will respect your guts to come clean, respect your volunteer service, and respect you as a man and father.

Drive on Alex, perhaps the next time we hear from you will be as Volunteer of the Year!



Wow. I can only eat the cheese and run today. I hope to weigh-in some more a little later. THAT, to me, is how a man responds. Almost a decade ago I got in legal trouble the only time in my life. The severity more than made up for it, though. Short version: when you are busted, make it easier on everyone and take your lumps.


@ #29…. too funny. I thought the true knuckle draggers in the Navy were the DC’s.


doc…oh, no. BM’s are the knuckle-draggers. Case in point–I’ve heard of SENIOR BM’s (think pushing 20) get chased around by an electrician with a piece of cable claiming he’s going to shock them, and they took it SERIOUSLY.


I venture to say this young man is not from the U.S. and is an illegal; hence, why he could not join the Marines. Yes, he apologized, but probably because his parents got after him for bringing attention to their situation. If he indeed does have a 5-yr old daughter, he certainly does need to set a better example and be a real role-model – like, how about applying for naturalization? If you truly respect those that defend this great Nation of ours, then do it legally and honorably, because our Soldiers are the best of the best and God bless them and God bless the United States of America!!



johnny ford

In truth, posers don’t bother me. If someone wants to pretend to be one of us, let them. They are fun to trip up when they try to “prove” their case…then they usually get rolled by someone else. Pure entertainment value. This ID10T’s apology, I guess, is ok.


So, he apologizes about being a Marine, but lies about being a fire fighter. Of course he is!


Wow, butcher the English language. Send it back, give me a 10,000 word essay in MLA format on why you felt the need to be so f’ing stupid as to pretend you are a Marine when you are not.


At least you recognized your issue and dealt with it. As for your volunteering take the energy you spent dressing up an put it towards your firefighter certifications. This will help you spend your energy wisely and you will set an example for others in your department to follow. Good Luck!

Cpl. Tac

Screw this guy. I’m serving as a Marine Reservist (SMCR) after my time on Active duty, and I am also a firefighter. This guy is a disgrace to our country and his community, and would be kicked out of my station if he ran with us. Apologizing does not “un-shit” on the reputation of the Marines that have gone before me, and those who will come after who have or will put in countless hours of hard work to attain something so sacred, it is preserved in the hearts and mind of each devil dog. The title. It may not mean anything to you idiots who have never served, but it means a lot to us. Semper Fidelis.


Ok he apologized but with my own personal thoughts this guy can stick it up his a$$. He should’ve thought first instead of waiting to get called out on it. So once again I’m a proud soldier and I hate these posers


Why are we thanking him for giving an apology. The only reason he came clean is he didnt want his family harassed about what he had tried to pull off. If not for his family he would have probably continued this facade. He didn’t do it to be sorry and sure doesn’t sound sorry to me. I have a husband that came home with several injuries that complicate his life and will only get worse as he ages. I am thankful that he came home and pray everyday for those that did not. So as far as this gentleman’s apology, I spit on it.


And I might add to my previous comment, my husband was in law enforcement before and after his deployment. So he has served his country in one way or another for 35 years.


WOW. Talk about asshats, seems to be plenty of them in this trail. He who is without sin, cast the first stone.
Who cares about his spelling or grammar, this isn’t school, this is reality. He screwed up and apologized. I dont care if he apologized because he got caught or because his parents made him do it. He apologized. There is not enough of that in our USA. Too many just slink away after screwing up. OBTW, how do we know that all of us are real?


Well……..At least he could spell Marine Corps correctly. I mean, that apology looks like it was thrown through an online translator and spit out for him to copy and paste. Whatever. I guess the apology is a solid first step in the right direction. I just can’t comprehend why people do this. Especially since he’s married and has a daughter. He’s almost certainly with them every day, so who does he think he’s going to fool? “Oh by the way hunny, when I left to go to the store for 30 minutes earlier, I really went to go be a Marine. But I’m back now!”


My nephew is a volunteer firefighter for the area. He IS NOT an illegal alien, as some think. He was born a US Citizen with US citizen born parents. He has learning disabilities and that is why his grammer is poor. Please before you trash someone – know what you are talking about. He has manned-up and finally admitted he was wrong. Move on.


This man gave a backhanded apology pure and simple… I am sorry I got caught and don;t want my family hassled. Well I am glad you feel that way but this is not a “manned up” apology. A man says I screwed up I am sorry and goes with that. He does not try and explain away the actions and whine away his guilt as he does buy saying I lied about being a marine but look how good I am by being a volunteer fireman. I am too… and I have never lifted a fire hose… because I live in the county we all have to join the fire department for lower insurance reasons. As a Disabled Vet I cannot do the physical work but I do support those who can. What certifications does he hold?

And it ticks me off to have served 20 years in the Navy… I served with honor and pride and see people lie and dishonor me and my fellow brethren who have served. I fought no wars… I was a simple Aviation Electronics Technician that was a Calibration and ECM Technician. My sons grew up and the oldest is a full fledged firefighter and my youngest son… he was KIA 09 March 2010 in Afghanistan. Sorry but I cannot truly accept this apology until he does so like a man. Say you did it.. apologize… correct the behavior and stop whining away your actions.

BTW learning disabilities aside… spell checker works wonders.


And sorry for my typos in the last post. I get riled up and type faster than my fingers think.

Cpl. Tac

Yeah… He who is without sin, Frank? I’m sorry, I forgot that he was apologizing for impersonating a bible study student. Plain and simple he decided to perpetrate a fraud and no matter what he says, it doesn’t go away. Maybe he should commit murder and apologize using your logic, Frank… Funny how impersonating a cop is a crime, but we can all do a bar crawl in what congress pretty much classified a fancy Halloween costume… This man is a disgrace to his family, and my country.

Cpl. Tac

By the way, Barts61, if your nephew is the one with a learning disability, what’s your excuse for misspelling ‘grammar’?