Feinstein: Vets aren’t competent with weapons
John Cornyn introduced an amendment to Feinstein’s scary black weapons ban that would exempt veterans from the ban like it does for law enforcement. Feinstein responded that PTS would preclude the possibility of that;
The problem with expanding this is that, you know, with the advent of PTSD, which I think is a new phenomenon as a product of the Iraq War, it’s not clear how the seller or transfer of a firearm covered by this bill would verify that an individual was a member or veteran and there was no impairment of that individual with respect to having a weapon like this.
I think we have to – if you’re going to do this, find a way that veterans who are incapacitated for one reason or another mentally, don’t have access to this kind of weapon.
Maybe in Fenstein’s life PTS is new phenomenon, but the rest of us have been aware of it since the Civil War. Of course, Feinstein’s whole problem is that she didn’t think. I’m guessing that it’s new to her because she has never paid attention to events going on around her. And she took the opportunity to blame Bush for this “new phenomenon”.
The whole rest of the planet knows how a gun dealer would verify a veteran’s qualification for the exemption, except Feinstein. There are veterans with PTS in Afghanistan today who suffer from PTS and they’re walking around with their scary black rifles and doing their job. We could mention the fact that soldiers with PTS don’t often use those guns to harm themselves or others. Well, except in the media circus.
As Senator Cornyn points out in the video, veterans with mental problems are already excluded from gun purchases, anyway. But Feinstein doesn’t know that because it doesn’t much interest her that laws are already in effect in that regard, because she’s in too much of a hurry to “do something”. And, oh, by the way, it was the military that trained the police back in the 80s.
Thanks to Andy & Richard for the links.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
Stupid is as stupid does.
well DiFi has proven she’s not competent to understand the Constitution so doea that mean she should be banned from introducing legislation? Or better yet should be banned from elections?
An insight into how flabbergastingly stupid Democrat law makers are. I also like the desiccated chairman imediately speaking over John Cornyn’s refrence to the lack of logical consistency in the Democrat’s arguments. Thou shalt not engage in critical thinking.
DiFi can go f**k a cactus.
And you might think that other more intelligent Demonrats (hey! anything’s possible!) might step up and tell The DiFi to STFU & STFD.
(chirp .. . chirp. . . chirp. . . . . )
Nope. Nothin’. Still waiting.
Good old DiFi. Only military can catch “Teh PTSD” in her world. Dipshit. I’ve seen military, LEO’s and JSTRM civilians diagnosed with it. Case in point–girlfriend and I stayed at a B&B run by a couple last summer. One of the owners was working in a building 4 blocks from WTC. Watched both buildings come down.
Gee, what do you think that might do to a person’s psyche, Dianne?
She’s at the age she can’t control either her brain or her bowels, and it’s getting more and more difficult to tell the difference between what’s coming out of either one.
The longer this “debate” goes on, the more stupid shit the libturds are gonna say, and the less of their agenda they’re going to be able to shove down our throats. But then again, they know that. We’re almost 3 months past Sandy Hook. That door is closed, unless you’re in NY, MD, CO, et al…
Diane Feinstein suffers from PMS which prohibits her from rational thouht. PMS Progressive Mental Syndrome
Diane Feinstein. Dumb Fuck. DF. Hmmm. Coincidence?
Vets aren’ t competent with weapons… What about cops? How many stories of “accidental shootings” that crosses the newswires? Don’t forget the DEA agent who shot himself in the foot with a Glock in front of a classroom full of kids.
Old Trooper, I second that motion.
Feinstein is comedy gold!!! Whenever pro gun groups need a boost, just look at the loony shit that comes spewing out of her mouth and you cannot help but feel encouraged that you are on the right side!!! We have to use her words against her. She is an irrational bag of crap who has an extensive record of crazy talk. USE IT AGAINST HER!!!
I was going to apologize to all of you for DiFi’s portion of my generation, but then I looked up her age to see if she was my generation. But she’s not MY generation, therefore, I don’t have to apologize to you guys for her existence or her stupitidy.
She was born in 1933. She’s 80. I kid you not.
I will happily satirize her embarrassing and very stupid persona.
I do wish that when these bimbo women who get into politics reach the age of seniority, they would embrace it instead of trying to hide it. Just what’s wrong with gray hair? What’s so hard about pointing at it and saying “This is wisdom, punk ass. STFU.”?
What this really says is how f$cked the voters are….they keep electing her like the 4ssholes in my state who keep putting John Kerry in office…
I have really come to the conclusion that the vast mass of the general public is composed of folks who just have no f$cking idea what’s going on beyond the end of their driveway.
I don’t seem to recall anything in the bill of rights about us vets getting nicer guns than everybody else, either. That seems like a mess. Where would the line go? Would a boot camp failure have more access to weaponry than a civilian who has taken a week long class on it? And here’s a news flash, not all vets were ever gun qualed. (I wasn’t) But as far as I’m concerned everybody should have access to reasonable weaponry. I draw the line of ‘reasonbable’ as anything in the hands of our civilian police forces (including swat and atf).
“Only police and the military are competent to have firearms. Except the military, because we don’t trust them, er, um, I mean because they have the PTSD. Yeah, PTSD-which is this new thing caused by Iraq.”
Where are all our lefty trolls to defend this nonsense? This may even be too stupid for the Dude to try to spin.
Ex-PH2 “Just what’s wrong with gray hair? What’s so hard about pointing at it and saying ‘This is wisdom, punk ass. STFU.’?”
Well DiFi obviously can’t say that, so she may as well dye.
“I have really come to the conclusion that the vast mass of the general public is composed of folks who just have no f$cking idea what’s going on beyond the end of their driveway.”
Driveway? I thinks that should be hallway, VOV.
@13 It is particularly aggravating to see people “liking” speeches given by Obama when he is doing precisely the opposite of what he is saying that he is doing.
Sequestration is the one that sticks out in my mind in this regard. I marvel at the President’s ability to stand there with a straight face and falsely accuse the Republicans of doing exactly what he himself is doing.
I’ll repeat myself from another thread: DiFi is merely again demonstrating her abject ignorance (and given her age, perhaps mental decline associated with aging and/or age-related dementia). PTSD is hardly “new” – stress reactions and/or psychological disturbances related to direct participation in warfare have been documented since the Battle of Marathon in Ancient Greece in 490BC.
It’s also hardly new among US veterans. Documented cases of post-war reactions with symptoms resembling PTSD exist from the Civil War (it was called “soldier’s heart”), World War I (“shell shock”), and World War II/Korea (“battle fatigue”). Indeed, even the term “post traumatic stress disorder” predates the Gulf War (1991). The term appears to have been formally recognized as a psychiactric/psychological disorder in 1980.
Finally, PTSD is also by no means limited to military veterans. One of the earliest documented instances non-combat-related PTSD is noted in the link above. Samuel Pepys documents symptoms that appear to be PTSD in both himself and other survivors of London’s Great Fire in 1666.
In short: here DiFi is simply a blithering, ignorant fool. As usual.
PTSD, Shellshock, Battle Fatigue or whatever else you want to call it has been around as long as human beings have experienced great mental distress in their lives that has left a lasting imprint on their brains. In other words, it’s been around forever. Feinstein is wrong once again. Can she even dress herself without screwing that up. Does she try to eat cereal with a fork? What an incredibly dimwitted person.
Whatever label you want to slap on it, it’s a common result of being under fire in war time in ANY country on this planet.
It does NOT apply to ALL veterans.
I noticed when I was watching that video last night that DiFi appears to be unable to comprehend or remember what she reads. Also, her speech is slower than the moderator, who appeared to be older than DiFi is. Even Mark Kirk (R-IL, also a vet), who had a stroke, doesn’t speak that slowly although he has a good reason to do so.
Hmmm…. You know, that old bat could drop dead in her tracks. Plastic surgery and Clairol are only cosmetic changes. No matter what you do, you’re still gonna die some day.
Unfortunately a lot of Liberals are still lapping up her ignorance.
@18: They call that projection and the progressives are masters at it. Unfortunately, we have been churning out a whole lot of dumbed down, low information voters in this country and they have been breeding, so it doesn’t surprise me that they haven’t a clue what is really going on. Just saw a headline that states “80% of HS grads in NYC can’t read”. That should tell you all you need to know, because these are the ones that will continue to vote for the progressives.
This Bitch, I swear……
That Expert marksmanship medal of mine with the “rifle” and “pistol” bars was earned, not purchased.
DiFi represents the Kalifornia perfectly.
we are circling the drain because our country is being led by the bourgeoisie. these poeple are so far disconnected from blue collar america that they think ptsd is a new phenom ? wow.
@9 beretverde
A local Sheriff’s deputy here had his weapon found by his 3 year old son who then accidentally shot himself and died…incredibly sad…
@26. The disconnect well predates the current regime and congress. It’s their collective ignorance that is shocking to me. I guarantee that most would fail a 20-question test on the Constitution and, furthermore, that if each were forced to write an essay on the essence of representative government, the results would be a mixture, by and large, of platitudes and incoherence.
DiFi’s stupidity is so mind-numbingly dumb, I had to go read the column with posts on Don Shipley’s hair to clear my head. I also spent some time watching that video.
I suggest it as a remedy to anyone who needs to think clearly after listening to DiFi’s drivel.
@14: I think that’s the point that Cornyn is trying to make, because DiFi exempted law enforcement and retired law enforcement (much like Dicktaster Coumo in NY). What I want DiFi to answer is this: How many current and retired law enforcement are also Vets? Are they still exempt or would they be included in the Vet category for catching the PTS?
@27… horrible.
Old Trooper, don’t confuse common sense questions with DiFi’s bullshit. It just does not compute. Her brain does not think in those terms. She has not thought this through more than a couple of sound bites for the evening news.
They are not interested in measures that will inconvenience their base, criminals and the mentally ill; they are only interested in limiting the rights of law abiding responsible citizens.
I don’t want an exemption anyway. It smells to me of buying my compliance with the ban.
Hey! Funny me but I figure the whole debate is unconstitutional. Another point, Does Leahy always mumble like that? He talks like he had a serious stroke and is impaired.
Hey Diane-
your unstable. You need to have a ban for yourself.
Your still an overbering and arrogant bitch- you havent changed since i seen you as high school student in 99.
Do the people a favor go away. Stop your uneven madness. Go get laid- Find a lover who will ring your bell, something. Lack of a love life is what people like you do when fustrated. Leave politics and Find some hole and retire their.
Quincy P: the term “bourgeois” is generally held to mean “middle class” and/or “commercial/industrial interests”. The fools running things in DC today are more akin to “out of touch” royalty than either of those groups.
We may be led by fools today, but they’re not in any way members of the “bourgeois”.
Hondo, ‘disconnected royalty’ might be correct if any of them had any royal ancestors. But they don’t.
It is more appropriate to use either of these terms: ‘delusions of grandeur’ or an 18th-century slur “self-important mushrooms”.
Other set-downs come to mind, such as hoity-toity, stuck-up cow, and social climber. I’m sure there are more.
We could ahve another smackdown on this subject. The fact is that DiFi clawed her way to where she is now the same as every other politician did, using convenient lies to get there.
Facts don’t matter to people like her.
As Hondo points out “post tramatic stress” is not new but I find it odd how DiFi goes through the liberal logic contortion to try and blame it on Bush. “Caused by the Iraq war” is the new version of “its Bush’s fault.” Same logic that turns “it blizzards during winter and is hot during the summer” into GLOBAL WARMING!!!
Ah, the Iraq war. What about the Gulf War? The Balkans? Vietnam? Korea? World War II?
Ex-PH2: I was talking about the combination of their behavior, personal wealth, and entitlement mentality – not their ancestry.
Hondo: 😉 That’s where ‘delusions of grandeur’ is so applicable.
And you know how bad fungi are; really hard to get rid of. Ever deal with mold on your siding? I swear, if I find anything on my house after winter goes its wsy — anything that even remotely resembles DiFi — I’m going to send a photo of it to Jonn.
The stuff they get on that power trip must be more addictive than any of us realize.
@32: Sorry Master Guns; my bad.
Ex-PH2: mold on exterior siding? Pshaw. Try dealing with mildew in the Deep South. (smile)
For mold, full-strength chlorine bleach should work pretty well if the surface can handle it. Works great to remove mildew on external trim when you’re prepping it for painting. Best to do apply it on a breezy day and use a sponge or rag (and gloves) vice a sprayer, though. And it’s a good idea to do so on a day with light winds and stay on the upwind side of where you’re working as much as possible, too.
The whole “retired LEO” exemption thing is just a bribe to the police unions and officers anyway. Which is disgusting.
2000 psi power washers do a good job too, and Home Depot/hardware stores sell some power washing solutions you can use that’ll take care of that stuff for quite some time.
Oh, wait–the libtards are coming out now…what does anyone NEED with a 2000-psi washer! How much water does it hold? WHAT? You mean it hooks up to a HOSE which has an UNLIMITED supply???
We need to pass laws against this!!! Harrumph!! Harrumph!! HARRUMPH!!
This may have been said already, but aren’t a lot of LEOs military vets? Catch 22?
Oops, @30 OT asked the same thing. Sorry Bro.
Spade: there’s precedent, unfortunately. Seems to me that Federal law already has some other exceptions regarding firearms and current/retired LEOs.
I can understand exceptions for current LEOs, but I have heartburn with those that apply post-retirement. You’re no longer a public servant after you retire.
Mold – yes, mold, algae, mildew, and always on the north side of my house, which gets no sun in the summer time. The south side stays clean. So I get out the mold/mildew shooting solution, attack with a broadcast spray pattern, then attach the pressure washer and continue until all vestiges of the enemy have succumbed to my attack.
I also cook.