Hippie thinks she’s funny

| September 19, 2012

The family of Private First Class Caleb Killian proudly submitted an article to their local “alternative newspaper”, the Madison County Crier announcing his graduation from boot camp. The hippie who owns the newspaper took liberties with article and published her own “alternate” version of what would make the article sound sweeter to her drug-ravaged ears;

So, of course, her incessant yapping caused an uproar in the community. As is the wont of hippies, Frances Madeson reveled in the attention and then spends hundreds of words lecturing the community on how she’s smarter than they are.

I wanted to establish the practice that if you send me stuff (and I hope that you will, the more challenging the better), I’m going to use it creatively to promote thought, even critical thinking.

There’s that “critical thinking” bullshit excuse that hippies use every time they’re wrong and piss off the community. It was a simple announcement that gets published in small newspapers across the country every day, but this drug-adled spaz had to make a big deal out of it.

Luckily for her, the family are more rational than she ever was on her best day and responded thusly;

“We as a family are extremely proud of our son and his accomplishments. He has always been an exceptional and driven individual. Caleb had other opportunities, yet chose to join the USMC. We respect him for that decision. The current situation concerning the Madison County Crier and its editor, Frances Madeson, has become extremely convoluted. Our community coming together in support of one of their own has been incredible. The dialogue that is currently taking place is equally as incredible. There have been many articulate views expressed by those in the community insulted by her actions (and follow-up responses). While she has now written hundreds of words further criticizing the community, she has yet to write the three simple words everyone, especially my son, deservedly needs to hear, “I am sorry”. If her desire is to see change, then perhaps she should begin with humility.”

Thanks to karlen for the link.

Category: I hate hippies

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I am sure I will not be the only one seeing red halfway through the alternate version. Frances Madeson is in desperate need of a barrel slap or muzzle thump.


Lighten up, Frances…

Old Tanker

Kumbyefuckingya…one word comes to mind, Twit (I know that’s getting close Twist, it’s just coincidence!)


Well, looks like we have a true ditzus maximus sighting . . . .


Nobody calls me Frances. You just made the list, buddy. And I don’t like nobody touching my stuff. So just keep your meat-hooks off. If I catch any of you guys in my stuff, I’ll kill you. Also, I don’t like nobody touching me. Now, any of you homos touch me, and I’ll kill you

Just Plain Jason

Don’t be a dumbass hippie in Missouri…duh.


Bet it is starting to get a bit lonely in her corner of the universe.
She started whining about JROTC in the lead article and got this: “Dr. Burlison: People around here generally don’t take the dark view of the military.”


Guys, it gets better even. The ditz wrote a page-1 article on her current issue advocating removal of the JROTC from local school systems. (Follow the link above to read it – it’s the article that continues on page 3.)

A box of rocks would give her a run for her money in the common-sense department.


H1: looks like great minds think alike. (smile)


One word: WHAT?


The family left a proper and even-minded response, though… Kudos to them for being dignified.


Notice how quickly she bailed after his response?


Typical. Elsewhere in the issue, Ms. Madeson interviewed the local school superintendent and she launched a diatribe about JROTC in the schools and “could this possibly be the year we can evict the U.S. Military from the Fredericktown School System…”

It never ceases to amaze me when hippies justify their own uninformed, bigoted, prejudicial viewpoints, while slamming anybody with a viewpoint contrary to their own. In this particular case, Ms. Madeson would like to deprive school kids of a completely voluntary opportunity to participate in JROTC, simply because of her views of the military. What if someone wanted to cancel one of her pet programs (and I’m sure there are many) simply because they didn’t like the program? Then that person would no doubt be labeled some kind of racist, homophobe, sexist, fascist, etc, etc. But it’s OK when Ms. Madeson does it.



Oops, Hondo beat me to the JROTC thing. I spent too much time typing up my blurb. My bad.

Green Thumb

Welcome to my world.

I have to deal with this Hippie BS everyday here in the great NW.

She is almost as bad as the posers. Almost.

Just Plain Jason

Honestly guys I am telling you that shit doesn’t fly in Missouri. She is trying to get it going but it is going to have it stomped out really quick. Notice how she mentioned in her letter that advertisers dropped her and she had to get a new ad manager. Yeah she is pretty much done, you gotta keep your hippie shit quiet. We tolerate the happy farmer kind of hippies, but not the lets get rid of the military types around here.


Well something in this one’s brain housing group has clearly gone awry.

I find it a bit sad that, in hijacking someone else’s moment in the sun to spew forth her propaganda, she did so to someone who has pledged to defend her right to do so.


Kumbyefuckingya. Too funny! Thanks, Old Tanker!

Just Plain Jason

From the KPLC page.
More sniveling on her FB page.
Mean kids.



Veritas Omnia Vincit

What an 4ss…i don’t think she expected the good Doctor’s response to her last question either…she was trying to find out if the kids in Missouri were little fatties so she asked about health trends and the good Doctor told her that hunger was their biggest problem because families are struggling in Fredericktown like they are all over the country….60% of the district’s families are eligible for free or reduced cost lunch and breakfast at school because of the loss of income.

That’s the real problem, no work and no money and weak prospects…instead of decrying JROTC perhaps she could complain about p1ss poor policies that leave families on the dole.


I know it won’t make a difference, I know the people who NEED to read and understand it won’t, but I couldn’t leave these things unsaid. I posted on the “paper”‘s Facebook page the following:

I think it’s remarkably unfortunate that one person chose to hijack an individual’s accomplishment (aren’t we supposed to celebrate the individual, not use them?) to further their own political/sociological agenda. Compounding the issue is they chose to (as Jeff above me appropriately said) “deface” this announcement. And accomplishment, it is. Having graduated from Marine boot camp, I can attest to that. Worse still is the implication that only the things the author deemed “worthy”, like drum circles and astronomy, were inserted instead of respecting this Marine’s values and leave them unedited. Finally, I find it even more regrettable that this individual chose to hijack, deface and insult someone who has pledged their right to do so.


Green Thumb, I’m sure you can have some fun with this.


I just posted a link to this thread with the comment on the MCC webpage…..

” Well folks, good job. You just bought yourself national attention. I hope you can handle the heat and also the spotlight. You’re going to need some SPF 100+. Way to go DBs. ”

Nuke em. Idiots.

Scouts Out

I gotta say, I’m a bit disappointed that this idiotic column wasn’t more offensive. This broad should take lessons from this guy:




If she owns the rag, she is welcome to print whatever suits her fancy. The concept with which she is not likely to be familiar is that there are consequences to actions, and that those who disagree with her are just as free to express their opinions as is she.

Way to go, all.



They’re hippies. I don’t think they have the testicular fortitude to spew forth that kind of bullshit, no matter how much they might dearly want to.



Yah, I read her crap about “If you don’t come back by Sep 21, you can never come back” to the advertisers who left. That carried with it the hint of desperation, to my mind.


My other thought is this….remember Forrest Gump?… The “Idiot, Retard, Moron?” Yeah, look at him vs. his drug addled hippie girlfriend.
YES, YES I know it’s a work of fiction but think about the basis in fact that was behind the cultural representation of the themes… There were folks that went and performed their service and returned and were successful and productive members of society that should be proud of their accomplishments. Then there are hippies.


Any fool is entitled to their opinion.

Ms. Madeson is merely proof that some fools edit/publish newspapers.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@31 Would that she were the only fool who did so….


Mz. Madeson needs to find a job more suited to her talents.

Chasing cars comes to mind.

Hack Stone

The only advertisers that she will have left will Ben & Jerry’s and Mother Jones magazine. Good luck sustaining a newspaper with no advertisers. Someone needs to tell her that Jerry Garcia is dead, and he ain’t coming back. And that she also needs to shave her armpits.


@34…….I frecking *hate* patchouli.
Take a shower and use *SOAP*.

Hack Stone

Maybe we can dispatch Eric Cartman there to do his hippie eradication program. One of the funniest episodes of South park ever.

Hack Stone

For those that may have missed the episode, here is a recap: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Die_Hippie,_Die

Joe Williams

Is there a parent company that everybody file their complAints and outrage to . Her pretense of superior intellince of her readers is a insult to ball her readers. I would fire her in a second and try to her BLACKBALLED from even reporting. For sure her title of edioer has swelleg head and importance beyond reality. Semper Fi Joe.


@37…Aw Hack….now you get extra coolness points.
” Respect Mah Authoratah!!!” LOL!!



At least she’s only running a paper. Entirely too many fools run for office.

Old Tanker


If we could just get politicians to do what the Mayor in that episode did when she realized her mistake we’d be better off!

Hack Stone

And who the hell is Pete? Pete Rose? Pete Seeger? pete Townshend? They are always saying to give Pete a chance.


Now this is funny:

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Nik, no kidding…far too many fools indeed…

I am hoping we see a lot of these young leaders in the military running for office over the next 10-20 years. We could use the experience and discipline to guide our nation through what will surely be a turbulent couple of decades….


Amen, VOV, Amen.

Running for office and running the board room.


@44 & 45….Internet High FIVE!! We can only hope.

Oh and just in case anyone is interested…here is the link to the RAG and the only reason I posted this is in case anyone wants to take the time to contact their advertisers and then comment to them directly letting them know how we feel. Those that stay, well shame on them or at least at their own peril. Those that have left, then they are wise (imho) to do so.



Hippie Punching for Dumbies:


In the words of the great Nelson Muntz: “Ha, Ha your industry is dying”.

Yeah, it’s possible that the paper has a wealthy benefactor, but more likely it relies heavily on all those adds on almost every page (evil commerce and capitalism). If those businesses decide they don’t want to be associated with the paper any longer, it is D-U-N done.


Judging from the comments on their facebook page, the residents of Madison County are not very happy with this woman.


Not only was her rewrite stupid and juvenile, it made no sense. Hand to hand massage? WTF is THAT crap?

This just in: News Print earnings at lowest level since 1950’s. Wonder why…….