DoD authorizes wear of uniform at pride activities
From NBC’s affiliate Channel 7 in San Diego comes the news that the Pentagon has authorized military members to wear their uniforms at the gay pride activities scheduled in San Diego this weekend;
“Based on our current knowledge of the event and existing policies,” the memo read, “we hereby are granting approval for service members in uniform to participate in this year’s parade, provided service members participate in their personal capacity and ensure the adherence to Military Service standards of appearance and wear of the military uniform.”
Local commanders previously had the authority to grant military personnel to wear their uniforms. However, approval at a higher level was granted “now since the event has garnered national media attention,” the memo stated.
So the Pentagon has capitulated to political pressure from the “national media attention”. I’m sure that something will happen that will make them come to regret this buffoonery, but they have to remember that Big Pentagon sanctioned it.
Thanks to Jeff for the link.
Category: Military issues
So, uniforms at gay pride parades are alright? I’ll wait for the revision of AR 670-1. I hope that they all remember to put thier little pony crap on them before they march.
I don’t agree with the decision…but I’m not going to lose sleep over it.
They are going to get what they asked for…. Hope they can deal with it.
Expect all the morons that want to wear their uniform to political events to start raising hell in 3…2…
>Expect all the morons that want to wear their uniform to political events to start raising hell in 3…2…..>>
Why is the moronic to expect “equal” treatment? Isn’t that what big military is all about these days “equal PC” treatment..
Would that be the uniform with the ass cut out of the pants?
I do not have an issue with it per se, but the 18-25 year old, immature “kids” screaming “Gay is the Way” and acting like idiots are going to screw it up for those who actually count..
Funny how that works.
Then when busted under UCMJ, they will scream discrimination and probably get it in our new PC Army.
I wonder if the greater gay military community has the fortitude to police its ranks?
We are circling the bowl….
Gee, fellas, when I was in the Navy we were told that we were strictly and specifically prohibited from participating in political events.
Wearing a uniform to a gay pride event? Is that political or social?
And while I’m at it, how come there aren’t any straight pride events? I feel so left out.
We are not circling the bowl, my man. We are already in the septic tank.
Can you not smell that “PC” aroma?
Let the PDA begin
You hit the proverbial nail right on the head.
Although I think the rules apply diffrently to the NG and reservists. I could be wrong, but I do not think so.
How can one participate in their personal capacity while in their official uniform? This doesn’t cut both ways. You’re either acting as a service member or you’re not. Soldiers on the field at a ballgame in uniform are representing the military. Weirdo at the Ron Paul rally was representing the military. If your uniform is jacked up or you say something stupid, it reflects directly on the military. I feel bad for the Judge Advocate who wrote that thing, although I suspect it was vetted by a civilian attorney from the general counsels office.
How the hell do you participate in a parade in uniform with others in uniform in a “personal capacity” when you are representing the U.S. military every time you put it on?
I ain’t trackin!!!
Guard and Reserve operate under a diffrent rule set.
I hear you guys, and agree wholeheartedly, but I did not write the rules.
I actually saw a NG dude run for a state rep postion under the military guise. He actually wore his uniform while campaigning. This guy was a shitbag to boot. People complained, especially us, but there was nothing the leadership could do about it.
The irony was that this clown was an 88M. Do not get me wrong, he was not a poser in the sense of the word. He did his time honorably as far as I know, however, he used his “deployment” status and “experience” to drive home his point to his partisan constituents.
Turd he was, but he got elected. This was 02-03 timeframe so the rules might have changed. I do not know.
Any help out there in cyberland to clarify this discrepancy?
And in the same breath these assclowns (both the “Bronies”, gheys, and their enablers in DC) talk about a return to “standards”.
Bitches, please.
@12 & 15: Reservists fall under the same rules. Per Navy uniform regs, “(1) Members of the Armed Forces (including retired members and members of reserve components). Wearing of uniforms is prohibited under any of the following circumstances: [blah blah blah]” The DOD Directive has the same language.
Personally, I don’t care if they wear their uniforms to the gay pride parade, but I do not like the double standard nature of the exception. Would they officially allow uniforms at something about (just for instance) abortion? I doubt it. The gay issue is a political one right now, like it or not, and to allow this is a mistake, IMHO.
I wonder if the greater gay military community has the fortitude to police its ranks?
Given the actions so far by their membership, I’d say that’s a great big, “Negative.”
@15 same thing in TX back in 04. Except it was an 05 (LTC) who used his “deployment experience” and “military service” as his campaign theme. Unfortunately for him, he ran as a Democrat and against Bush’s “failed policies in Iraq and Afghanistan.” Guess what happened to his career when he lost in a landslide? His “deployment experience” consisted of night battle captain for MNF-I
I believe the rules are the same for active duty as they are for NG/Reserve. The scenario you describe is a violation of the DOD regulation, as well as Joint Ethics Regulation. Even a guy on Title 32 status would be in violation for wearing the uniform during a political campaign. I can damn well bet that this is also spelled out within some state reg and applies to the orders violation section of whatever state law governs the NG (many states simply mirror the UCMJ, others even defer to the UCMJ). Similarly, one cannot dominate a campaign web site with a photo of the candidate in uniform. That is a blatant violation that military candidates try all the time. This doesn’t mean one can’t display a picture of the candidate in uniform, but it can’t be the dominate photo because, as stated in the greater context, it implies official military support and stature.
I would agree.
I did all my time in the IN.
We saw them, but they usually went to HHC or staff. Under MSG, 1SG or CSM protection.
Also, “standards” appear to be a thing of the past in the new, PC Army.
I (we) did not have to deal with this BS.
I’m out now so life goes on.
NG/USAR soldiers can not wear a uniform to a partisan political event or support a candidate in uniform. The idiot at the Ron Paul rally got hammered for that.
Here is the current guidance that covers AD/NG/USAR
Oh what..we didn’t see this coming. So when I wear my Obama sucks T-shirt I’ll just act like an oppressed minority. They are friggen caving to a group that lives by their sexual preferences. This won’t be a tasteful parade…ever see Zombies’ pics of these things?
@9 – I don’t believe this falls into the catagory of a political event. This doesn’t discount that fact that many people have turned into a partisan political issue….and the line is vague in that any issue on the planet can be used in a political context.
But this under technical definitions, I believe, falls in the arena of civic function, which in the past, has at least allowed local Commanders the latitude of approving the wear of the uniform.
They will be wearing the “new” uniform in this parade, as seen in this photo from Blackfive:
Now, since this is all about “equality” I DEMAND a parade for the women who like spam javelin and the men who love roast beef curtains.
Tangent beginning. I’m fucking pissed over this bullshit. We, as a military and a country have lost our way because of idiotic, misplaced priorities and buffoonery like this, coming from the highest levels of leadership. How can I enforce discipline and pride (pride in service not in the gay sense (which is stupid that I even have to clarify, but unfortunately, I do.)) when I get guidance allowing Soldiers to flaunt their sexual preferences while wearing this uniform? That would be the equivalent of me wearing my uniform during a flaming homosexual version of Mardi Gras or Oktoberfest (if Oktoberfest only served chocolate martinis and umbrella drinks). What does being in the United States Military have to do with being gay? Not a damn thing, in any way, shape or form. The only only thing they remotely have in common is that you can be a man, love the cock, and still serve. However, you don’t have to let everyone know, because you’ll find most people don’t care as long as you perform your duties as a Service Member, not a gay person, black person, female, or whatever else you may want to be. Since I’m on the tangent; There’s rumblings about a Gay Pride month now too. Really?! I mean WTF, over? Don’t we have enough months ‘celebrating diversity’? If you think about it, that is also keeping the diversity issue going. When you make a point of celebrating the differences in people, how the fuck can you expect us to see past each others differences and treat each other as equal? Unless EVERY SINGLE person is represented, which is impossible, then you are essentially saying that those who are, are better than those who aren’t. I want a single heterosexual white male month. I am the most underrepresented minority, not just in the military, but in American society apparently. When do I get my rightful rewards? Oh yeah, as soon as I get off my ass and work for it. Tangent over. I’m gonna pour some Single Malt, stike a match to a cohiba, grab a Hustler and… Read more »
Green Thumb-
I am National Guard and ran for state rep in 2010. I would have been crucified had I been dumb enough to campaign in uniform. AD is more restrictive on politics than Guard/Reserve, but neither one allows you to wear the uniform at a partisan political event.
As for the parade, since the Pentagon has blessed off on wearing uniforms, I assume that I as an NCO would be able to walk through the crowd and find everyone wearing their uniforms exactly according to standard, right? I hope there are plenty of cameras to record what happens.
when they’re prancing down the street, their haircuts had better be within regs and no tattoos below the wrist or visible on the neck. God knows we wouldn’t want them to look unprofessional
Are you F’in KIDDING ME?!!!
This goes beyond even what I thought would happen after the repeal of DADT.
“we hereby are granting approval for service members in uniform to participate in this year’s parade, provided service members participate in their personal capacity and ensure the adherence to Military Service standards of appearance and wear of the military uniform.”
If it’s their personal capacity, they should wear civvies. If they’re there as a member of the military, they should wear a uniform. That’s why, for example, that national guard schmuck got in trouble for speaking at the Ron Paul rally. because he was IN UNIFORM and thus speaking as a member of the military and not Joe Blow, private citizen.
Does anyone still think that “the same rules will apply to gay [sic] people” as I heard over, and over, and over again?
So, what happens when someone at a gay pride rally gives a speech advocating support for a particular political candidate or piece of legislation? Or a candidate for political office is invited to give a speech at same? Is it still a nonpartisan rally at that point? Do personnel attending in uniform have to leave at that point, or can they stay?
This policy is incredibly poorly thought-out.
It was a simpler world when we only wore our uniforms when on duty. When we went to things where we wanted to be ID’d as a military member or veteran we put on a T-shirt or cap saying so.
Not understanding why this is being made so frickin’ complicated. (Well, except that allowing stuff like this fits the agenda of marginalizing the military.)
Hey Bronies—Saddle up your ponies!!! (You Douche Bags!)
Anyone ever seen what one of those parades looks like? anyone following military uniform regs will look like they are lost or in the wrong place. The people that participate in these parades tend to look like freak shows and I hope that any self-respecting military member who wants to attend thinks twice about wearing their uniforms.
Some enterprising reporter is going ask a young service member a loaded question about POTUS BO’s citizenship & birth certificate. I can already see it – a soldier will respond “President BO was born in Kenya” with all seriousness. PAO’s ultimate nightmare.
Next up: Military personnel authorized to go to My Little Pony parades in uniform.
Mr. Panetta will soon realize his mistake after he witnesses the horror.
I’ll be the first one to say that I absolutely supported the repeal of DADT. What I don’t support is denigrating (NO, THIS ISN’T A RACIST TERM, RACE BAITERS!) the uniform at an event such as this! We’re not to wear our uniforms in bars when we’re drinking. We’re not to wear our uniforms at political events. Why the bleeding, flying fuck is this in any way different???
If an Obama or Romney sign, or poster, gets displayed, does the “parade” then become a political event?
And, Nicki, it’s “different” because this is one of the groups that the powers that be pander to. But, we knew that.
38 was sea dog
Return to the standards of previous years…how does all this fit in with that idea?
Kind of difficult to bust somebody’s balls for wearing a uniform they don’t deserve when a whole bunch of uniforms will be participating in a non-military function prancing around parades proclaiming the wondrous pride of same sex sex advocates, and how lucky the rest of us are to know the pride they have in themselves…talk about belittling the uniform…why not let folks wear their uniform in support of a commie or nazi rally next?
Nicely done…way to build morale….
What will come of this is pics of uniformed servicemen in public sex acts that routinely happen at the parties during these events. The brass is enormously naive if they aren’t considering this possible outcome.
*NSFW*Google Up Your Alley Fair, SF CA or Easter at Delores Park SF CA. for an example of what we can expect to see come about. *NSFW*
This is wrong and doesn’t make any sense really.
Maybe someone should tell these idiots that no one gives a crap if you’re straight or gay, but people do give a crap if you ram it down their throats like this.
Not for one second do I believe it’s appropriate for members of the military who are gay to do this kind of thing.
When do we get a straight pride month?
I think I will host an event for Active Duty folks. Straight Pride Day…you know, and we can toast to the days when gay people had to be the silent minority. Now, it seems the straight folks have no recourse anywhere because our tolerance is what got us to this point in the first place and there is nothing equal or fair about it.
I’m with OWB… Why not just wear a T-Shirt or hat? I don’t see how it benefits the military or the individual to swing the door of opportunity wide open to tarnish the wearing of the uniform.
It’s only a political statement, because gay rights aren’t very prevalent in our government. We wouldn’t have a problem with a guy wearing a military uniform to a black pride parade, would we? Or an Irish guy wearing his uniform on Saint Patricks day? Why is this even important to any of you?
Inappropriate use of the uniform is inappropriate use whether a black/gay/Irish parade…there are distinct rules and regulations for active duty and former military under which conditions it is acceptable.
Being proud of an inherent biological/genealogical/sexual construct does not constitute the patriotic use of the uniform.
Respect for the uniform and the service rendered by those who wear it is why it is important, had you worn it yourself perhaps you would understand that. And if you have worn it, a pity you still don’t understand.
@ #46: Well, yeah, actually. It is precisely because wearing the uniform to a black pride parade or doing something disgraceful with the uniform on Saint Patrick’s Day is not authorized that we have an issue with one group being so special that they now have permission to publicly disgrace the uniform – something blacks and the Irish are not officially sanctioned to do.
You see – it doesn’t matter to me which group is singled out for special treatment. It’s wrong. It’s counter to good order and discipline, among other things.
I find it very interesting you are saying that black pride and gay pride are similar.
Go down south and ask one of the old school civil rights activists what they think about that.
You might want to have your exit strategy planned before you do.
Gay pride and civil rights have nothing in common.
Futhermore, back when I was in, I usually took my uniform off after the duty day to include days off and non-offical or informal functions.
That way I could drink beer, cut up and have fun, etc without embarrasing myself or the Army.