Phillip Dale Monkress; phony SEAL in FL

| May 9, 2013

The discussion on Monkress has moved here.

Editor’s Note: Monkress needed a bump up to the top. His lawyer is sending threatening letters to our friends and I guess she decided after a phone call with me, that her threats would only be a day’s welcomed distraction. Someone is walking the halls of Congress with Monkress’ DD214 today asking questions. I’ve added some more evidence that Monkress called himself a Navy SEAL, which seems to be their defense these days, that he never said he was a SEAL. So Lori Benton of Ford & Harrison, Attorneys at Law, you know our number.

Someone sent us some information on Phillip Dale Monkress who was outed late last year by POW Network as a phony SEAL, but he’s still rockin’ the lie, so it’s time to call out the pitchfork brigade. Here’s picture of him in his motorcycle club, the US Military Veterans’ Motorcycle Club;

Notice the Trident peaking out from his vest? Well, here are his records;

Aside from the fact that Captain Larry Bailey, a real SEAL, says there’s no record of Monkress in the system, his records don’t mention BUD/S, well, unless a Computer System Maintenance Technician is the same as a SEAL in Navy talk. Here are his assignments;

He’s the CEO and president of “All-Points Logistics” in Titusville, FL, and according to the screenshots at POW Network, he works with US government contracts and claims he’s a Native-American. I wonder if that is even true, as well, since clearly, he wasn’t a SEAL. Someone at the DVA OIG ought to check on his claims of being a 100% disabled veteran, too.

ADDED: It seems the lawyers are trying to make the point that Monkress never called himself a SEAL, but here’s a page from the Brevard Business News which reprints a slide presentation in their publication;

Monkress APL ad
And an alert reader found a Florida Today article behind a pay wall. Scroll down and you’ll see where the article calls Monkress a Navy SEAL. Where’d the reporter get that idea?

Florida Today Monkress article
Here’s an ad that BBN ran in their publication about a business conference. But Monkress never claimed to be a SEAL, right?


Category: Phony soldiers

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I wonder if we give his MC this page with his records on it; would he be forced to leave?


Yup, nothing.

Boot Camp – Apr 87 – Jun 87
Data Systems Tech School – Jun 87 – Aug 88
Sub Tender Duty, with a TAD to Bethesda – Sep 88 – Aug 92
Also, broke dick on shore duty (LIMDU) Mar 90 – Feb 91.

Got out in Jacksonville in Apr 92.

I do not know if DS was even a source rating for the SEAL’s back then.

George (CPO (Ret))

Bubblehead Ray

I also notice his records indicate he was discharged as a DS2 and he’s wearing 1st class PO pin. Possible he was frocked, but, considering his SEAL claims I don’t think he deserves any benefit of the doubt.

What a turd


I know that guy … not personally, but he’s been in my Legion Post a time or two. (I live close to Titusville.)


a white dude claiming he is part Native American? Never seen that before.



“a white dude claiming he is part Native American? Never seen that before.”

He claims it for his business. For small businesses trying to get government contracts the only thing better than being a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business is being a Native American Owned Small Business. If you check out the link to All-Points Logistics that Mr. Lilyea put in the original post you’ll see that Mr. Monkress is claiming his business is both.

Green Thumb

Yet another bullshit artist.


I’ll assume his “grandmother was a Cherokee princess”.

What rolls is he claiming to be on?


Screen-Capped every page of his business website.


Obviously this shitfor brains wasn’t loved by mommy and suffers from low self-esteem. Asswipe 😐


He entered the Navy from OKC. If he’s from OK originally, the claim of Native American ancestry is plausible. Many tribes were relocated to reservations in OK during the 1800s. It was formally considered “Indian Territory” until the late 1800s or early 1900s.

Whether it’s true or not is another question.

Requirements for tribal membership vary from tribe to tribe. As I recall, it generally doesn’t require 100% NA heritage – some allow membership with substantially less NA ancestry, 25% (or less) if I recall correctly. In OK that’s quite plausible.

No, I’m not defending this ass – claiming SEAL qual and rank you didn’t earn is BS. But he may technically qualify for tribal affiliation – and thus NA Owned Small Business status.

Or he might be lying through his teeth.


It’s 1/16 or less in many, Hondo, and if he is in fact indigenous, he’d be on a roll. Much like my brother and I are just under half at 3/8, we have eligibility for 3 different registers. My niece, under those qualifications, is 5/8 and eligible for our 3, plus my sister-in-law’s 2 since she’s Kiowa and Wichita and they also both register at 1/16.

If he’s claiming status as a NA-owned small business, I want to see his damned roll number. It would only take a simple phone call to Anadarko to confirm.


Well, this gets more interesting. Our esteemed colleague was an IT guy for Chickasaw Nation Industries.

I’ll know soon if that is indeed the tribal affiliation he holds as one relinquishes other tribal affiliation with tribal citizenship.

Yat Yas 1833

Ok Squidlies, riddle me this. What is a DS and why does his FOIA say DS2 but the other thing only lists a DS3 throughout? If I understand/remember correctly, the lower the number the higher the rate, right?


@#6: If he would only claim to be a woman as well, he’d have a small business set-aside trifecta!


Yat Yas 1833: DS2 is a data systems technician, 2nd class. Pay grade is E5.

My guess is that he received a promotion to E5 between Apr and Aug 1992. But there might be another explanation. One of the Navy vets here will have to weigh in on that.

Doesn’t excuse him wearing E6 insignia in the photo, though.

Tim McCorkle

Mare Island for Crypto School…
Back in “80’s while Seawolf was in Drydock, I introduced a Senior Chief from Experimental Dive Unit… to a Young E3 who was Scamming the Waves at the Chow Hall By wearing the Budweiser Badge… Senior and Three of his friends sat at the Six Place table with the Young man and His Girl friend… When These HIGHLY DECORATED real Seals took Off their Fowl weather Jackets exposing Ther beribboned Chests and Large Shiney Badges I Thought the Kid was Gonna Choke…. I think The Senior Chief Got a Date with the Wave too.

Yat Yas 1833

Thanks Hondo. Why can’t everyone else have simple MOS identifying systems like us? The AF has an 18 number/letter combo and the Navy? Forget about it!

Doc Rio

man of very low self esteem.

I would like to take him on a night swim open sea.

There are more of them than there is of us.



Found this through a facebook search of “Phil Monkress”:

Here’s his facebook page:

And you’ll find this among his photos:


@Yat Yas I hear you… I still have to use the NEC Manual these days (working as a Navy Civ). When I retired I was a 9201/9202/9203/9502/9138/9124 🙂

Anyway, since he was at Bethesda as a patient and then LIMDU for a while, he may be 100% disabled. Sounds like he got hurt on the tender.


Seems like you guys have now cast reasonable doubt on two of three charges here.
I’m just curious how complete the research before trashng someone here.


TR: I think you need to look again, amigo.

1. He’s wearing an unauthorized SEAL trident – BUD/S ain’t in his records. He’s absolutely busted on that one.
2. He’s wearing PO1 brass (see comment 3 above) – his FOIA shows he left the Navy as a PO2 (that’s an E5; PO1 is an E6). He’s absolutely busted on that one, too.
3. The NA preference claim may or may not be accurate; that one needs further research to determine whether or not he really does have tribal standing. Might or might not be true, and pretty easy to check. I suspect ROS will do exactly that.

To me, that looks like 2 “charges” above are accurate, and 1 is pending further evaluation and might also be accurate.

Given this guy’s already proven he’s willing to lie about his military qualifications and former rank by wearing stuff he doesn’t rate, I don’t find it a stretch to think he might have lied to the VA too.

Green Thumb

This clown looks like he just got off shift from his bouncing/doorman job at the Double Douche Bar.

.Wow at the money he's made!

the website to his motorcycle club has a guest book and email contact. Looks like he can be outed there. Looks like he made a lot of money based on his military claims

Zero Ponsdorf

I spent time with the SEALS/UDT. I was an E5. Used to ride a ’62 Panhead. Family says I’m 1/16 Native American.

I want one of them Budweisers too.

Not to be confused with the other Brian

Why do these guys always look like they’re about to drop a load in their pants when they take these “tough” guy pics?


Surprised he didn’t have nerve to wear rank of Major – a former Major in SEAL Teams would have created a lot more buzz. He’s already wearing one fictitious gold – go for the daily double.


According to his records, he is a DS3….unless he got frocked to 2nd class on the way out. When I was in, around that time frame, I don’t recall the DS rate as a source for SEAL recruiting. And hell, I got Cherokee blood too…but I sure as hell ain’t a SEAL! Another Twidgett with some serious delusions of Grandeur! And he musta got CAP-ed for that first class crow on the way out as well…..or maybe his SEAL command did that for him????


Is it just me, or does it seem like a lot of poseurs are associates, wanna-be’s, or members of motorcycle clubs or organizations, complete with military ‘color’s all over their vests?

Not casting judgement on those in clubs or bikers in general, just an observation.

Green Thumb

I was told if I wanted a bike I could file the insurance as I picked up my divorce papers.

Funny how that works…


Wow, what a tough guy!


Green Thumb: Understand, amigo. CINC-House said I could have one – right after I took out a $5M life insurance policy. I decided I didn’t really want another bike that badly. (smile)

Green Thumb

@33. Not tough. Just beat down.


no shit, there I was: a Comanche Colonel Seal doing a HALO into Ho Chi Min City to take out The Dear Leader when we were called off to Moscow for a night drop with hang gliders …

Yat Yas 1833

Guys, my former wife (nee Murphy), sons and daughter are registered members of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. My daughter checked, as far as she could, and there is no “Phillip Dale Monkress” registered with the Choctaws. She’s trying to get ahold of a cousin who is employed by the Nation in Denton, Ok. For what it’s worth!?


@37- He’s supposedly Chickasaw. We’ll know in the morning how truthful that claim is, as well as whether or not he’s defrauded anyone by receiving business grants using that claim.

Yat Yas 1833

@ 38 ROS, that’ll work! A Bro I served with is a Chickasaw from Chickasha, OK!? I’ll give him a holler, tomorrow, and see if he can find out anything. Trace is a good man and a good Marine so I know he’ll do what he can.


Phillip Dale Monkress aka Bitter Over The Hill White Man Tells Many Tall Bullsh*t Stories…


I know that it will come as a surprise to most, but Mr. Monkress is not in the Chickasaw database, thus he does not hold tribal citizenship and is not on their rolls. If he’d like to claim citizenship with another tribe, I would be happy to confirm or deny that as well.


Hey TR:

“Seems like you guys have now cast reasonable doubt on two of three charges here.
I’m just curious how complete the research before trashng someone here.”

Your are correct. He is GUILTY AS CHARGED. Says who?

Say me! The Master Chief!

Yat Yas 1833

@ 41 Hey ROS you stole my thunder!?;)


I’m sorry, YY. The next roll we’ll check in tandem.:-D

Yat Yas 1833

ROS, Roger that and when we’re done I’ll buy the beer or other refreshing beverage!


It’s a deal! 🙂

John Deer Green
Apparently not the owner. Some funky shit going on, huh?


To answer some of the questions posed here:

Navy general rating exams for PO3, 2, and 1 (E-4,-5, and -6) are taken twice a year, in March and September. The results are announced around the beginning of June/December, and “frocking” takes place usually in January/July. They don’t “promote” everyone at once; based on your score/cutoff, you get a particular month when you start getting paid for it. When I was in, the first group got paid on January/July 16th, and so on through June/December 16th.

From E-4 to E-5 requires a minimum of one year TIS, and from E-5 to E-6 requires a minimum 3 years as an E-5. So while this guy MIGHT have made E-5 anytime after the March 1991 exam (making his TIR 01 July 1991) there’s no way in hell he ever saw an E-6 exam, considering he was out of the navy less than a year after making E-5 at best.

A few things stand out to me. He gets out of DS “A” School, goes to the USS Canopus (or Can-o-pussy for you bubbleheads), and is a patient at Bethesda from 03 Jan 90 to 01 Feb 90…a total of 28 days. Hmmmmm number one. He then rides a desk and fetches coffee for a year or so at TTF King’s Bay before going back to the Can-o-pussy in February 91 (which explains the SDCD–Sea Duty Commencement Date) with a PRD (Projected Rotation Date) of November 1993. He extends in April of 1991, most likely to ensure he has sufficient time to meet PRD requirements.

HOWEVER…he then transfers off Canopus in April 1992 and is at transient barracks until his discharge in August of that year.

DS2 I MIGHT believe. Native American I MIGHT believe. Everything else about this guy stinks.


Corretion to last–E-4 to E-5 requires 1 year time in GRADE, not service. That date is based on when you “made” E-4.

Case in point: I knew guys who came into boot camp as E-3 (nukes) who then went over to Snipe’s Castle for MM “A” or EM “A” school (then self-paced.) In theory (and I saw, in reality) a kid could come in, go through boot camp, blow through all the self-paced exams and get his automatic “pushbutton third” (promoted E-4.) Let’s say this all happened in the March-June timeframe. If the kid had his PARS, Military Leadership exam, etc., done by 30 June, he could then in theory take the E-5 exam in September (his TIR date was 01 January, even if he didn’t put on/get paid for his E-4 until 30 June.) This means IF he took and passed with a high enough score, he could in theory be wearing E-5 before he even had a year in the Navy, and possibly even be getting paid for it.

But that isn’t the case with this guy.

And while there have been A FEW cases of command advancement to E-6, one of the prerequisites for CAP to E-4, 5, or 6 is that all requirements be met for advancement, including TIR requirements. Again, no way this guy ever made E-6. Ever.


Sparky – never having delt with DS’s I don’t know, but I wonder if he could have STAR’d for E5?

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