Why Does Obama Bow?

| June 22, 2012

This is a topic rife with psychological and political implications, most of which will not be welcomed in the liberal world of Obama supporters. This supposedly most confident man we elected to lead our country to greatness back in 2008 seems to have some inherent tendency to show deference to foreign leaders of countries of far lesser global importance and strength than our own.

Why is this, the average American might ask?

My immediate assessment is that this is simply a manifestation of the huge fraud perpetrated against the American people in 2008 when we elected an inexperienced, first-term senator, whose major life accomplishment had been as a former community organizer, to be the president of the United States. He didn’t deserve the position nor the honor. Nor did he deserve the phony Nobel Prize for Peace bestowed for nothing more than being Europe’s loudest, leading, liberal barking dog. He well knew he didn’t deserve the office or the honor and now, in moments of meeting more intelligent, more accomplished and more deserving politicians in the world, men and women of actual accomplishment in their own countries, he simply can’t restrain himself from displaying his own acknowledgement of the fact that he is undeserving of being where he is. Call it Affirmative Action Induced Inferiority Syndrome, or AAIIS.
We did not become the most wealthy, the most powerful, the most influential nation in the world by accident, as it appears this affirmative action president appears to believe. That achievement came through hard work and sacrifice and a willingness to show the world through our always determined and, yes, even sometimes belligerent, posture that we, the people of America, believe that we have found the path to freedom and prosperity for humanity through our capitalistic economy and our republican form of government. A president who had come up the hard way, without the preferential treatment Obama received because he was half-black, might better understand the truth of that. He might have a better sense of why his country leads the world in prosperity for our citizens and realize the fact that most Americans would love to lead all the other citizens of the world to the same levels of freedom and prosperity.

But this guy, supposedly the most powerful man in the world, bows down? I’m of two minds here, the first being that he’s suffering from AAIIS and is simply insecure and unsure of himself. That would seem to be borne out by his wimpy acquiescence to the horrid disrespect shown him by the Russians on repeated occasions. The other, more sinister, view I must consider is that he intentionally seeks to debase our nation in the theater of world politics for purposes of advancing his socialist agenda. Remember the basic tenet of socialism: it is a leveling of all things, including nations.

What more graphic demonstration of the leveling of geopolitical power could there be than the leader of the world’s most powerful nation-state bowing to third world tyrants?

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Absolutely nothing to add, Poetrooper. Spot on.


“. . . supposedly most confident man . . .” —
exposing the aura of a Confidence “man.”
What is the word, the concept naming — millions voting for HUGE FRAUD ??

“. . . can’t restrain himself . . .” —
Out-Of-Control “Feelings” can be dangerous, especially when beneath the surface of a Make Believe “president.”

Incapable of Saluting Up — bowing down is all that remains.
Socialism’s nature — leveling by lowering

“Intentional Debasement” — The paw prints are everywhere .

Trenchant analysis, Mr. Poetrooper .


Outstanding analysis, can’t add anything to that.




Hey! He has a bad back. He has a lot to carry on his shoulders. You think it’s easy? He has a burden. And… SHUT UP, RACIST!


No. 5:
Hey! I have a bad back. I have a lot to carry on MY shoulders — like BO, for instance .


Ther’s a third possibility: He could be just an ordinary, dyed-in-the wool, garden variety, run-of-the-mill asshole.


No 6. BO and all his handout loving followers! My back is HURTING!


Outstanding analysis of very weak man with a ego bigger than life itself. Well put PT!!


We don’t dip the US flag to anyone or for anything… but this president decides to bow (kowtow?).


I am pretty sure No 5 was intended to be read with a heavy dose of sarcasm.


I’m probably more cynical than most, but since this premise is being predictably framed as unique to the current administration ……….and the body language of a POTUS doesn’t alter my opinion of my country or my values………it’s failing to move the needle much on my give-a-damn-o-meter.


I’m suspicious of sales pitches, which is all I got out of those campaign speeches. And then he gets the job, and he’s still making sales pitches. Why didn’t he just shut up and get to work? He’s been coming off like this for 3.5 years: “Hey, I’m Earl Scheib! I can sign that bill for $29.95!”
Didn’t vote for him last time. Won’t vote for him this time.
My cat Mikey is smarter than either candidate running for the WH now. He keeps his mouth shut.

B Woodman

Affirmative Action Induced Inferiority Syndrome –AAIIS.
Next time, please start with a spew alert. Almost had to clean my Kindle.
Other then that, spot on. Thank you for the insight.


Maybe Obama used to be a dancing boy on Thursday nights back in Indonesia and he’s used to bending over for anyone of high standing.


@13 Ex-PH2: If you keep talking about your cat Mikey, you may be required to provide photographic evidence of said animal.



With or without his ribbons and medals?


Without, please. Don’t think we really need to know all that much about what he did the last time he was in the “sandbox”. (smile)


Oh, now, I only asked because he had a good career (now retired) showing in Household Pet classes at cat shows. He does have a nice collection of ribbons and medals that he won in return for schmoozing and headbutting judges shamelessly. 🙂

Just tell me how to post a photo. And I will not divulge his miscreances in the sandbox.


Used to be shocked at the bowing thing. Don’t really care any more.

My advive would be that he keep doing it. And often because each time he does he drops in the polls.

Joseph Brown

I think he’s a fag. Why else would he marry an amazon with bigger ‘nads than his own. Assuming he has ‘nads.


Its funny because when GW allegedly bowed to the same guy, it was on every news channel for weeks. Obama does it and I haven’t seen anything yet…

Maybe he was just in Japan, that was like a 90 degree angle bow, sheesh. What the heck is he doing down there?


When most of us were of young and tender years and figured the US of A was The Shit, we signed up and served according to our belief.

When Obama was of young and tender years, he figured the US of A was shit, and was a regular protestor against Reagan, foreign policy that eventually destroyed the USSR, nukes and Star Wars.

Now that we’re older, we stand as straight and tall as we physically can, and salute the flag, and bow to no man or woman.

Now that Obama’s older, and has seen the USSR fall, trillions in wealth created and distributed, working Star Wars, he dips his head in apology to other world leaders – embarrassed that there are still men and women like us who kicked the ass of anydamnbody who fucked with us. He’s actively worked for a surrender that we, our children, and grandchildren, just won’t give him.


@23 Absodamnlutely!


I can’t believe someone really took my last comment seriously! Holy shit!


Hell, he even bows to the mayor of Tampa Bay. Of course, maybe he just lost a football bet? http://youtu.be/hWHzM-wo5aU


Still the racist piece of shit. Trying desperately to hide your racist shit behind the veil of “analysis”. Since the peanut gallery inevitably makes the same tired points, I’ll rebut them in advance. Before anyone chimes in please read the points. 1. Not every criticism of Barack Obama is racist. It is wrong to accuse someone of racism simply because they are criticising President Obama. But it is also wrong to hide your racism behind political criticism and then to try and tar anyone who points out the racism with the “He’s playing the race card!” card. Calling Barack Obama an affirmative action President is racist. For anyone who doesn’t believe it try this little experiment. Go to your work site walk up to your black boss or co-worker and call them an “affirmative action” (fill in their title). Then take out your stop watch and time how long it will take you till your speaking with someone from human resources. My guess is that it will be within the hour. Why? Because calling a black boss or co-worker “affirmative action” is racist. In fact, if you start calling the President an “Affirmative Action” President in just about any office in the country they’ll haul your ass in for that. I had a co-worker that was hauled into human resources for saying “Why isn’t there a white history month”. I guarantee you that if there was a poll done outside of this site the vast majority of people would recognize calling President Obama an “Affirmative Action” as fundamentally racist. Which is why you’ll NEVER hear the Romney campaign- nor any of his surrogates- using the term “Affirmative Action” President. Why? Because they didn’t think of it? Racist Rush Limbaugh has been using the term for years now, plus it doesn’t take all that much brain-power to come up with the ad-homonym. They won’t use it because it’s racist, they know it’s racist and they know the public will recognize it as racist. Which is why poetrooper is not only a racist but he’s also a pussy because he won’t take… Read more »


TRDR…I don’t see anything racist here, is calling out someone for bowing considered racist now? I hardly think so.


No, but that’s not the part that I called racist. it was calling him an “Affirmative Action President” that was racist. It was claiming that he had it easy because he was half black that made him racist. It was his racist statements that made him racist.


I think he was leaning more towards the poser in cheif being incompetent. BUT that’s what happens when you drop the race card as often and freely as you do. People stop taking you seriously. Well, they would have to take you seriously to begin with, and I don’t think anyone ever has.



On another front,
“PARAGUAY — Legislature impeaches, removes President”
(Headline summarized)

I like Paraguay .


If you would bother to read my post before you commented, you wouldn’t look like such a dumb-fuck. I’m not dropping the “race card” i’m pointing out racism. The reason why i do it often, is because Poetrooper is often racist. If he stops being racist, i’ll stop pointing it out.

Why don’t you make the argument? Are you incapable of it? I’ll even begin the sentence for you:

Calling Barack Obama or any black man of any prominence “affirmative action” is not racist because…

Or stating that he had it easy because he is half black is not racist because….

But you won’t make that argument, so instead you regurgitate the same “no one takes you seriously” post that you always make. I don’t care what you think of me, i’m here to call a racist pieceo of shit a racist piece of shit.


Whoa – now there’s an authority I just have to respect! Louis CK. Yeah, he’s MKL Jr and WEB DuBois all in one.

insipid you crazy cunt, you forgot the key, legal definition of ‘racist.’ It’s effect. Racism is whatever anyone defines it to be.

Now, calling Obama an affirmative action Prez isn’t like calling him an oreo, right? Affirmative action = bad. Oreo = acceptable discourse. After all, Colin Powell, Michael Steele, and Alan West were called oreos by leftists, and that was totally cool with you.

There’s only 52 cards in a deck, and the racist card gets played 104 times a hand. So fuck you insipid – but feel happy – even Eric Holder calls you a coward for failing to have a conversation on race.


Look i’ve been on a LOT of liberal sites, go to Crooks and liars, huff po and Democratic underground and you’ll see my name there. I’ve NEVER heard anyone on any site calling any black Republican and Oreo. But yes, if someone on the left called Colin Powell an oreo or an “Affirmative Action Joint Chief’s Chairman” or an “Affirmative Action Secretary of State” i would absolutely call them a racist piece of shit. In fact i’ve called folks at Firedoglake racist on a few occaisions. I’ve never called them racist pieces of shit, because they’re not as overt as poetrooper. But here is a blog post where I did, actually call liberals racist:


So now that i’ve dealt with that strawman, are you going to deal with the substance of what i said and defend the term? Or are you going to make up more bullshit about what i’d do in some imaginary situation?


Dave-O i’ll say it again because you’re obviously learning impaired. Criticizing PBO is not racist. A picture of him with a bone through his nose is racist. Doubting his birth certificate is racist, A white house with Watermellons lining the front is racist. Calling him an affirmative action President is racist. Saying that he got to where he is because he is half black is racist. Pointing these things out is not playing the race card it’s stating.

Also, racism DOES have a definition. Here it is right from Meriam webster:

“a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race ”

If dismissinc all of President Obama’s accomplishments to some racial ADVANTAGE(!) isnt’ racism, then i don’t know what is.


Also, racism DOES have a definition. Here it is right from Meriam webster:

“a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race ”

So, for example, all those people in 2008 saying that Obama should be elected because he would be “the first black president”, or the ones saying people should vote against just another “old white man” for president… those are racists.


I wonder, then, if pictures of Obama bowing to various and sundry heads of state, and the occasional mayor, are racist? OR, is it just pointing out the obvious, he’s in over his head?

“Go to Crooks and liars, huff po and Democratic underground and you’ll see my name there”. No thanks, rational people usually demand pay to go anywhere near an open septic tank. Oh, and pointing out what you think is racism, is, in fact, playing the race card.


Insipid always says the same thing. Tells us we are stupid or just don’t understand or rascist. He does not have actual conversation but his same old rant.

A black man voting for a half black man to be president because he is half black is rascist in my book. A white man voting for a half black man to be president because he is afraid to be rascist is rascist in my book.

All the slurs said about Cain recently or former Pres Bush were so blatently racist and numerous and widely used it made me sick. I remember one mainstream Tv channel talking about how repubs were rascist because they backed cain.

I do not understand the race card. I grew up in a diverse community where I was white boy or pinchy whetto. I was also told as a small boy that those words aren’t rascist because I am white. The most persecuted person in this country or more accurately California (since I cant speak for other areas) is a vet. Since white male vets cant say they are being discriminated against I would further that by saying a white male combat vet.

I am sure typing my rational and very much my version of truth makes me a huge rascist


Russ, good advice, but on a slow night, it’s so much fun to whack-a-troll.
But, you’re right, the “you’re nothing but a racist” rant does get old in the first 15 or 20 seconds. It’s much like the 4-car fatal accident on the freeway, you know you shouldn’t look, but you can’t help yourself. Same with the occasional troll, one knows you shouldn’t respond, but sometimes, you can’t help it.


“I dream of the day when men are judged by the content of their heart, not the color of their skin” MLK A person that rises to their position, due to their skin color, or their sex, not their abilities, is the beneficiary of racism. Stating that they are an “affirmative action …” is a statement inferring that they don’t have the requisite qualities of their position. Judging their worthiness of their position based on their record or lack thereof is in full keeping with MLK’s dream. Was Obama elected to the Senate? Yes. That means he was more popular than the other guy. It doesn’t mean he was the best choice. It doesn’t mean he performed well in the Senate. As Chairman of the Subcommittee on Afghanistan, his first trip to the country was as a Presidential candidate. His record of sponsored/initiated bills reveals little of substance. His voting record is lackluster. Hell, he didn’t even serve a full term, so he didn’t even get “re-elected” by his constituency. His “successes” as President? He has failed to get Congress to do much of anything since he lost his party’s absolute majority in Congress in 2010, and even with it, he couldn’t pass a budget. He tripled the record budget deficit of 2008, and has maintained that new record, while cutting the military. He has sped up the bankruptcy of Social Security, by cutting the FICA rate, so that it wouldn’t go on his official deficit record. He fought a war in Libya, without authorization of Congress, and sent Panetta to the Senate to say he’d do the same or more in Syria if he sees fit. He has alienated the reluctant ally of Pakistan, and the elected President of a formerly strong ally of Afghanistan. He ordered the elected President of Egypt, a stong ally in the most democratic Nation short of Israel and Iraq, in Arabia to abdicate, and for the interim government to hold elections favoring the Muslim Brotherhood (an enemy of America) before other political parties could organize. He utterly failed when the Iranian people put… Read more »


President Kenyan Obama has plenty of “experience” bowing down on people. Barry recently invited his gay activist buddies to the White House for fruit cake & to practice the reach around. These f**kin maroons decided it would be so stylish to flip off the portrait of President Reagan. Why? Because their fragile psyche couldn’t tolerate the fact that Reagan had very little use for gay pride movement & should not receive any special consideration. Click on link if you want to be repulsed by such selfish idiocy.



I will start with your last point first. THERE IS NO “TIME LIMIT” ON BLAMING BUSH!!!” As long as it remains his fault,I will blame Bush. Since when the fuck is there a time limit on blame anyway? People still blame Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Genghis Khan for a lot of shit. Are they wrong? If someone is at fault they’re at fault. George bush was the guy who put the national body in the hospital, Barack Obama is the surgeon doing the repair. Barack Obama DID get in through his character. He’s FAR more successful in any real measurement then Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney is the son of a millionaire politiician who grew up to be a Millionaire politician. Barack Obama is the son of a single mother who was on food-stamps who grew up to the the First Black American President. His voting record in the Senate was lackluster towards the end because he was running for President. But before that he did manage to sponsor the Lugar-Obama nuclear proliferation act. The reason the Deficit went up had very little to do with Obama. It had mostly to do with The Bush Recession. It had to do with us losing 750,000 jobs a month when he got in office, it had to do with the economy contracting at 9%, it had to do with us losing a greater percentage of our wealth then we did in the FIRST Repubblican great depression. Make no mistake about it, if President Obama did not come in when he did, we’d be experiencing now economic turmoil to make the first Republican Great depression seem like the good old days. The deficit has to do with massive unemployment, caused by Bush’s policies so there’s more payouts to unemployment, and also less revenue coming in. It also has to do with President Obama putting the wars on the books. Here’s a rundown of where are debt comes from, most of it is from Bush policies: http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac143/ThisIsMyTime_2010/BushDeficitsVsObama.jpg He’s sent about 100 advisers to aid in capturing Kony and Libya was a success. It showed that… Read more »

Yat Yas 1833

Instupid!!! Where you’ve been?!? We haven’t had the pleasure of your retarded logic in a while! It’s good to see some things never change.


#32: No, dumb fuck, you ARE dropping the race card. Like you do every single time. I could make an arguement against you, but i’d get the same result conversing with a brick fucking wall, except i’d have less of a headache.


Leave it to Insipid to take an already irrelevant topic……and make it more irrelevant .


Ex-PH2: images that are already on-line can be included by using standard html image tags. You have to know the full URL of the image, though.


@ #46: With you there! Am personally willing to converse with those whose ideas are very different from mine, but when someone starts the conversation with calling me, or anyone else, a racist, there is little if anything further that they can say of value. It certainly isn’t worth my time to attempt civility with those who have no concept what it means especially after they demonstrate an unwillingness to attempt any sane exchange of ideas.


Well, I see that one of our resident 2-trick ponies (“you’re all racists” and “guns are bad and need to be taken away from the masses, 2nd amendment be damned”) is back.

Yeah, we know you’re fixated on racism insipid. You think everyone who has a different opinion than you do is racist. Keep on living in dreamland, fella.


Oh, and regarding blaming Bush: he deserves blame for any errors made by his administration. But he’s been out of office for nearly 3 1/2 years by my count. If it’s happened since then, the current Administration owns it now.

Alternatively, you can keep blaming Bush after you publicly ‘fess up that Clinton – not Bush – is to blame for 9/11. Your choice.

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