Derek Kent Rose, the forgery sex offender

| June 10, 2012

Mary at POW Network sends us their research on Derek Kent Rose who was arrested in Virginia last week for receiving stolen property and not registering with the sex offender registry. Apparently, he was also caught forging his DD214 a while back and using the Wounded Warrior program telling the tale that he was in a HMMV accident which killed four of his fellow Marines and he caught a TBI while they died in his arms. Here’s the DD214 he began to alter with an X-acto knife;

And how it ended up;

Really? It takes Marines a 4-week course to learn night land navigation? And at least he didn’t go for Force Recon or Scout Snipers and just made himself an MP. That ought to make you MPs feel a little better.

But here are his assignments from his FOIA, so unless he was a traffic control MP in the DFAC chow line, it doesn’t reflect any possibility for his self-awarded Combat Action Ribbon;

So, as with most of these phonies, he’s guilty of other stuff besides forging his records;

POW Network has several examples of the little perv embellishing his record, and wearing uniforms and phony finery that he bought but didn’t earn. you should check it out.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Al T.

I don’t savvy “Marine speak”, but discharged as an E-1 and what seems to be 30 days in confinement (lower right, assignments) is telling.


Looks like an RE-4 discharge code too. Yep. Le turd.


So, he was using the Wounded Warrior Program and claimed to have gotten a “TBI from a Hummer accident in Falujah, Iraq”.

With a DD214 showing service from 1994-1996.

Didn’t ANYONE who saw a copy of any of his DD214s notice something fishy about that claim?


What the hell is a Humanitary Medal, Cold weather service medal or a North Atlantic Medal? What a complete waste of a human being, I really don’t know why he is still breathing, f-ing scum.


Also it is a Sea Service Deployment Ribbon, and a Overseas Service Ribbon. Commendation is spelled wrong, how did this pass even a cursory look?


Oh the webs one must weave, when one first practices to deceive.


Ive known Derek since he was 16 and pretending to be a Marine. I also have his first born child. Although he has NEVER been apart of our lives since then, I ask that you respect the idea that there are many very young children out there whom will read this and possibly take it personally. The last thing we need is a very stable child to read something on his biological father like this and internalizing it. Please be careful, because these children don’t know these things about their biological father and when you google Dereks name this is the first thing that comes up. My son longs to join the Marine Corp, and is currently in a University with a double major. Pre med being one of them. Please be responsible and understand while you are voicing your concerns Derek has 5 children whom don’t know these things about him…to protect them.




So basically you’re saying it’s better to lie.


Easy for you to say when your not the child reading this and internalizing it. We as mothers do what we can to protect our children. Respect that! No, Derek is not a good person, and has been troubled for as long as I can remember. But his children don’t have to pay the price for his mistakes. While my adult child is VERY stable due to how he was raised. Im not asking for a smart ass comment or your judgement on how we protect our children from this idiot, Im asking for you to respect the small children and consider that your comments on these public forums are seen by and effect these kids! THats all. If it were your child your trying to protect you might think differently. If we as mothers chose to protect our children by not explaining what a monster Derek is, that our choice. IM ASKING FOR YOU TO CONSIDER HIS CHILDREN WILL SOMEDAY READ THIS!


@7 The longer a lie goes on, the more it festers. And the world could care less about protecting anyone. You better start facing the world the way it is, not the way you want it to be. And if you want to do those children a favor, YOU tell them the truth…before someone else does.


FYI…2 of his young children have attempted suicide due to his bullshit! a 14 yo and a 12 yo. I hope you feel better! Im not worried about my child,MY child is obviously stable. Im worried about the constant criticism his 2 little girls go through! not to mention every time you put shit about Derek on the internet you re-vicimize the child that was assaulted by him. BE RESPONSIBLE, don’t criticize me for caring about children that are constantly hurt by this idiot. This world isn’t your to dictate. Wether or not the mothers of his children tell the entire truth is up to us. His 6 yo can get on this page and see this crap, all of his kids can! BE RESPONSIBLE and care more about the children in this then your self serving comments!


Maybe if you start directing your blame at someone who IS to blame, you might actually do some good. Child predators count on the covering up of their crimes to continue to victimize children. Only when people know who he is and what he’s done will he be stopped.


I only pray someday you don’t know how these children feel. Or that you are not in the position to have to try to protect your child from a man like him. These kids don’t deserve to read how you all just disregard their lives. I could care less about Derek….I care about the kids. Derek is back behind bars where he belongs! There is a great reason why he has never met my child nor ever had contact. But there are other children whom have suffered greatly because of him. I pray these children don’t read this and consider how cruel you have been towards their feelings. They are children…they don’t look at things so black and white. The understand things from a childs point of view. They don’t rationalize things like you do. Be kind, stop being such a cold hearted asshole. Your just as evil as Derek! And GOD knows you and only you are responsible for your actions whether you see the ramifications or not! And believe me, his 2 young daughters don’t deserve to hear what you have to say. They don’t know the worst of it, mostly because they have both already tried to take their own lives. Their psychologists are the ones that determine when and how much they know. How absolutely cruel of you to disregard the fact that these children are seriously effected by this. I don’t care if Derek is responsible, I don’t care where he is or what he does, I care about the innocent children he has wrapped up in this mess. Is he dishonest…ABSOLUTELY, he is a criminal, with a criminal mind. You can chose to stop talking shit and just take into consideration that children….his children will read this! COME ON! Is your opinion so important to put out there that you bare no regard to the children you are insulting and hurting…Just stop!


@14 The only information on this thread deals with forged military documents. No fewer than four other sites list his sex offender status.

You’re fishing in the wrong pond.


Hate to tell you, but I’d rather know the truth about my birth parents (if I didn’t already) than have unrealistic expectations only to be let down.

And as far as the two girls, perhaps there are issues besides being teased as to why they’re “attempting suicide”? Have you or they sought counseling?

Denial of what this man is isn’t going to make it any easier for anybody when the truth is inevitably revealed. You may think you’re doing your children a favor by shielding them from the truth about their father. Let’s just put it this way–you’re not.


I agree with Ms.B. Just leave it alone. From a father with children and had a sister whom has committed suicide due to our fathers wrong-doings, Ms. B is right. @15 and @12 You need to read the pleas of this mother and hear her angst. She is only concerned about the children, not your freedom of speech.


Thank you!


I’m curious–he’s in VA. You’re not. How’s that work?


So, just let the posers and shitbags get away with what they do? That’s the very definition of irresponsible.
And, no, ignorance is not bliss, it’s ignorance. As PN said in #15, you’re both fishing in the wrong pond.
This is about his military records, nothing more. See the last line of the article, “the little perv embellishing his record, and wearing uniforms and phony finery that he bought but didn’t earn”.


I have one child with him, he has never met my child, nor will he ever. I simply asked for you guys to be responsible with your comments, because of his other children. Derek has 5 children by 5 different women. The children or obviously in counseling, as far as myself…Im stable and so is my child. Thank you for your concern though. I am not shielding my child, I know what the other two mother have experienced finding their respective children in that state. I know what Dereks mother said on her death bed as she died of breast cancer. I know how embarrassed his own father is to have him for a son…the only ones that get hurt by your irresponsible, hurtful disregard to these children are the children. Not my child, the little girls and 2 little boys. I am not wrong in asking GROWN MEN to be responsible with your words. Who cares how YOU think this world should turn, and what YOU think is right when it comes to these children and understand their fragile minds. Put something bigger before yourself….the future of these children’s lives, including the one he victimized. I wish I knew the story on the sex offender deal, but I don’t…probably better that way. But consider that these kids don’t know how not to internalize this and take it all personally. Derek plays major mind games and has devastated these kids with the mess he has made. I would say what he has done to them mentally is far worse then forging documents…consider that when you again respond with your selfish rattling on how you think we as mothers should parent our children. Like I said, you will not see the ramifications of this…they see and feel it everyday.


Jonn, no, I’m shocked…Shocked, I tell you.


Why does it matter where I am..I said earlier, I have nothing to do with him. I don’t care where he is. I haven’t talked to him in 5 years, and haven’t seen him since before my child was born. I smelled a rat and ran from him. I wanted a better life for my child, that meant not having anything to do with Derek.

Yat Yas 1833

Having children and grandchildren of my own, IMHO YOU are doing the children more damage than us. You say your son is in college yet knows nothing about his father? What are you telling him? A Forrest Gump, “Your daddy is on vacation.” What’s gonna happen when he does find out? Did his other children try to commit suicide because of their father? If so, I would suggest they already know what he is. You do know computers and ISPs have parental control features that can block sites, right?

Children are a lot smarter than you’re giving them credit for. When my four year old grand daughter started asking about my “I love me” wall (I’m a Marine Sgt), I explained it in a way she could understand. I told her, “A long time ago I went to be with a bunch of guys to learn how to hurt the bad guys.” Then we sat down and went trough my Recruit Training graduation book and photo albums. Between the photos and my explanations she understood at her level.


I am not in control of what the others have told their children. I only can control what I tell my child. Mine has never given a shit about his father. He has never asked and Im sure when or if he is ever interested he can figure out everything just as I have. He is secure with himself and with whom he was raised and how he was raised. I doubt he will get hurt by this as I come from a very stable and well respected family. All very deep in the military, in fact my father was a military magistrate. Both my parents are former Marines, and my father served in the Air Force, and Army as well As for Dereks 2 boys, I don’t speak to their mothers as often as the 2 little girls mothers. So I don’t know. My heart aches for the girls.


@26 If you check out this site a bit further, you’ll find out that the forging of military documents is only one example of a repeated pattern of criminal behavior. Very seldom is that the only offense; usually it’s the tip of the iceberg.

Exposing the fraudulent documents is sometimes the catalyst to exposing the other crimes as well. Domino effect.


@ NHSPARKY, Curious how you know where I am.


@John, how do you have my email address when the administrator states it will not be published?


@pinto nag, Derek started his criminal spree when he was 16. Ive never known anyone to NEED TO LIE like he does. I was afraid when he got out of jail in NOV, and knew he would continue. But I can do nothing.

SGT Kane

Because he’s one of the administrators? And because the IP address is logged (and only the administrators can see it)? And because its not that hard to trace back and IP address to a geographical location?

Those would be my guesses. This public service announcement saves me from having to be snarky about parenting.


SGT. Kane, Thank you for that. Then if he is soooo smart he should also know who my father is. I am contacting my attorney. Do your homework asshole before you threaten me! You know who I am and where I am? Cute! STALKER!!!!!


@32 Uh…B…IP stands for Internet Protocol. It’s your internet address, not your physical address.


Oh, Noes. Jonn, another libel/slander/lawer lawsuit is coming.


Apparently, idiotic assholes such as the perv in question attract other idiots (that would be you). I’m anxiously waiting for Jonn’s lawyer line post……

Now, as a mother of 4 who procreated with an abusive alcoholic myself, I can guarandamntee you that your projection of accountability on others not at fault only serves to exacerbate the degree of humiliation those children endure. Instead of saying “oh, don’t talk about it lest the children learn about the reality of the matter” – and at 14 and 12, they are ready for that reality – you should probably pull your head out of your ass and focus on helping the girls’ mothers show them that the crimes of the father are not the responsibility of his children, especially since your son has adjusted to well in spite of the shared DNA. Did you ever think about that?


At John the administrator, Ive gotten your numerous emails threatening me, and as you well know, you should not abuse the information you receive via your site i.e.. my personal information my home address and my name. You should not abuse access to my information to continue to personally email me and threaten me. Your threats via email have been forwarded to my attorney, and I would assume, if you know whats good for you, to cease all contact with me PERIOD! Its harassment and unprofessional!


Wow is she crazy. Her email was never published, and she contacted you.

I look forward to getting the complaint stating a cause of action which is…..Who knows. Unprofessionalism isn’t a crime, even if her initiating emails and you responding actually qualified as such.


Yeppers. It will also be interesting to see how someone who doesn’t seem to know what an IP address is plans to prove Jonn sent her anything. I’m guessing she’s not exactly an expert at interpreting SMTP headers, either. (smile)


Jonn, I thought I attracted teh crazies, but I must now humbly bow to your superior abilities.

WE’RE NOT WORTHY!!!!!!!!!!


Lady, put down the kool aid. Holy cow.


I guess you shall see. I never said I was receiving death threats. You are harassing me via email and now continuing in your thread. I guess that leave nothing more to prove. Your threatening emails and your harassment is enough. GROW UP and leave me alone. Emailing the administrator asking to remove my posts isn’t wrong on my part. After thinking about it I believe that in anger I may have said too much and defending children to a bunch of idiot bullies isn’t worth it. You enjoy bullying people from behind a desk…because you can. You sir emailed me harassing me. Once you speak about where I live and receiving threatening emails from you in my personal email account frightens me frankly….its absolute abuse. Your a liar and should be ashamed of how you treat people and need to cease harassing me! Its not a good idea.


I hope you can still get notifications from this i would really like to speak with you


I’m curious, why isn’t it a good idea? What are the repercussions?


Out of curiosity, if your son has never known his father, why in the flying blue hell would he care if he is a fraud.

Yat Yas 1833

B-Ridiculous, please get back on your meds! At first you were practically crying begging us to stop, now it’s “…and defending children to a bunch of idiot bullies isn’t worth it.” Which is it?! While with the fire service, every person I served with would die trying to save/protect a child. I’m not talking about hurt feelings, I mean men and women willing to give up their lives for children. We thought it was worth it.

Also, if you knew this turd was a pathological liar, why did you spread your legs for him? It seems to me a normal person would run away as fast as they could. I met and married my wife while I was in the Marine Corps so she knew what kind of man she was getting.


that guy

its funny how john has nothing to do with his spare time but build a website and bash on someone who plays no significant roll in there lives. stop bashing on this lady whom only means good by asking for people to stop making post suck as “why is he still breathing”. if you are going to abuse personal information which brakes privacy acts then she very well has a case. get a life. btw websites can be trased back to the computer that updates it. get off your high horse your not the only one that can use a computer


So it’s our fault if your kids see this blog? Jesus lady, how about taking a measure of responsibility for your kids and paying attention to what they’re looking at on the internet? Stop trying to blame everyone else for your inabilities as a parent.

that guy

im her son and all i have to say is shut the fuck up you dont even know what the fuck your talking about you just want to be apart of internet drama get a life


Sure I do, I read the article 😉

that guy

then you should understand she has one child not kids she is not worried about me she is worried about my sisters which you odiously can give two fucks about so if you indeed read this article then maybe you need to put them glasses that are sitting right next to you on and reread the post. and here are one of your gay ass winks 😉


If she was concerned for your sisters she would pay attention to what they’re doing on the internet, or at least suggest that to the mother of your sisters. Lord knows what they’ve seen online.

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