Mailahn returns

| June 4, 2012

I guess the world’s youngest Sergeant Major, “Ronad” Mailahn, is ready to concede that maybe not all publicity is good publicity. He just emailed this to POW Network;

I admit I was not in the corps but I did serve in the army I said I was in the corps cause a lot of my friends that was made fun of the army I was wrong in doing so very wrong now that I admited to this please take my name off your web page and could u send this to the hell website and have them remove this off there site as well I just want to live my life this lie has caused me to lose jobs due to the fact it was on the web and I don’t need to lose anymore job opperinitys u have my permission to post this on the site
Ronad Mailahn Jr

See, here’s the thing “Ronad” (so many possibilities there), I could take that post down right now, but the internet always remembers. I’ve had to explain that about a hundred times to people who’ve made the same request. The whole point of this exercise is that there’s a price to pay for stupid shit. If we can’t get the government to arrest you for this malfeasance, then we have the internet – a modern version of the stocks and dunking chairs in the village square.

And, oh, pretending to be a Marine is one thing, but pretending to be a Sergeant Major with a whole bunch of crap that you didn’t earn is quite another. You didn’t think about us, or the Marines who have died in that uniform when you strapped it on, so please don’t ask us to consider your feelings and remove anything that might hurt your widdow feewings. And pay back the money to the girls’ softball team that you looted.

This actually started as a comment on the original thread, but the whiny little turd deserved an entirely new post to complain about. Still waiting on the call from your “lawer”, you illiterate goat roper.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Oh be still my beating heart, that I love this site so.

Cruc, poetic today, Cruc


So now he’s Army? Oh, dis gun b gud.

200 posts by Wednesday is my call on this one.

Hey, Roland? It’s obvious you weren’t a Boy Scout since your girlfriend managed to undo those knots and get the fuck away from ya, man. “Moooooooooo” means “NO”, dude.


You’ll get left alone when you stop LYING. Go look that word up, if you don’t know what it means.


Damn, Jonn – now the original thread about Mailahn will never top 650 posts and become number 1 all-time on TAH. (smile)


These guys never fail to entertain.


Aside from his obvious poseur douchbaggery….he’s not very acquainted with punctuation is he?


Could be, Jonn. But if your article about Mailahn prevented someone from hiring a lying low-life bastard thief, well, I’m personally OK with that too.


If there’s a hell, I’m going there for making fun of the retarded! And I’m going to love every minute of it! This guy is a NEVER ending source of entertainment!


This guy has been waging war on grammar for 40 years, which I think entitles him to wear some of that shit he has on.


“. . . made fun of the army . . .”

What? Made fun of the army? This is an outrage !! I, who have been in the U.S. ARMY, do not agree that it was all fun, and, I am displeased this loser is not man enough to stick up for his own country’s army !!


I didn’t notice him wearing the ribbon for the “Royal Order of the DMF” in any of the photos on the original thread, TSO. But he definitely appears to qualify.


What a fuckstick. Can’t spell, can’t punctuate, an can’t stand up for the service he was in.

I think the real reason he lost those job opportunities is because he wrote his resume the same way he writes his email – like a complete and total moron.

I was Navy, I’m proud of that, Ron on the other hand is a pussy and deserves all the shit he gets.


He “Nonads”, go suck on shotgun til it cums in your mouth.


Oh Hell… his grammar is contagious… someone shoot me now!! ROS! HELP!!


this guy flip flops more than john kerry did.


.”…this lie has caused me to lose jobs due to the fact it was on the web…”

Fuck him. Maybe he got these “jobs” because of his lies?


Crocodile tears… He exerts much more energy attempting to convince everyone to take the posts down than demonstrating being actually contrite. His message is still all about him and what he’s lost. Typical case of sorry I got caught… Along those lines, I get that he’s borderline illiterate, but one would think that a truly recalcitrant individual would at least take the time to spell his own name correctly.


ee mailman

that sounded really sincere

Yat Yas 1833

Let’s see…he claimed to be a Marine Sergeant Major, he called us names trying to cover his lies, he threatened to sue people, he stole from kids…screw him. This Marine isn’t going to forget or forgive.


He took down all the pictures of himself in the Marine uniform, but he’s still got a number of passive references to the Corps and multiple Corps-related interests and books (though I’m skeptical he can actually read) listed on his Facebook page. I’m guessing there’s some truth to the recent comment one of his peers made on the original thread about him still claiming Marine in real life to anyone who’ll listen. So fuck you, “Ronad,” you poser bitch. My friends died in that uniform, so enjoy reaping the whirlwind of your lying, conniving lifestyle. Hope you like the fame, cocksucker.


What a loser. For some misguided reason he continues to prove it daily.

Naw. We are not likely to remove the evidence you worked so hard to provide us that you are a lying criminal. Even if we could.


Instinct–don’t give him any ideas. Next thing you know he’ll pretend to be SUBPAC Force Master Chief High-Speed Low-Drag, although I never met a COB or CMC after that many years on the boat who wasn’t able to get through the Weapons Shipping Hatch without having someone grease their hips and throw in a candy bar.


Back when the previous post was at the top of the blog’s hit parade, I dinged him with a number of emails about his lying and posturing. He kept promising to cough up the DD-214 that would prove us all wrong. But he kept dragging his feet, of course.

Guess he finally realized that he wasn’t smart enough to write a coherent, gramatically-correct sentence, much less falsify a 214 well enough to stand even the slightest scrutiny. Of course, he didn’t have the cojones to admit that he didn’t have a 214 to show us…he just quit answering my emails. Guess he was hoping that all of this would just finally go away. NOT.

Just as well he didn’t get anywhere in the service anyway. He’s too dumb to comprehend how to pull the pin out of a grenade.


By the way, Mailman, what happened to that law suit you threatened to file against the pownetwork? Paperwork somehow get lost at the court house?


He’s still trying to figure out how to find an attorney when he spells it “lawer.”


It’s kind of amusing the way he referred to the blog:

“could u send this to the hell website”


If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times…

because of this type of stuff…I LOVE THIS WEBSITE!!!!

As stated above, this Marine has lost too many friends, and I refuse to forgive and forget.
Someone tell this douche-bag to pull a “Kurt Cobain”, I would do it, but I’m in Afghanistan and can’t get on his facebook page.

Ron Mailahn

Like I said I was wrong in what I did all I want now is to be left alone I did what u all wanted so now will u take this info off this site
And the pow site as well.

Jon The Mechanic

Post us a link to the public admission that you are a fraud and a charlatan, with details as to your lies, and where you began to make ammends for your past misdeeds.

Once I see that, I would consider forgiving you for being the slime I scrape off my boots after I get out of the field.


That’d be a no go, Mailahn.


That can’t really be Ronad can it? First, you are far too much fun so why would they ever remove evidence of what you are from this or any other site? You wanted attention and now you have it so enjoy your 15 minutes shit weasel.

Besides, as someone said in an earlier post, I have no doubt that you continue to tell people (in face to face conversation) that you are or were a Marine. Maybe those mean people that made fun of the army were actually making fun of you Ronad.

Faking it is always bad but it is particularly so when young men are dying and getting sent home with nothing more than a Purple Heart and a few campaign awards and people like you cash in on that.


We’ll know soon enough if he’s also lying about having served in the Army. FOIA in process.


#29 I’m sure that they will take it off the website…as soon as you go to every Marine’s family that has lost a loved one and apologize. Then stop by every Wounded Warrior Battalion, and personally tell them what you’ve done and beg their forgiveness…and finally…shove your head in between your legs and kiss your own ass.

In other words…no…because if they take it off here..I will make a website and that will be the only thing on it.


TTM, have you tried “https” in the address line for facebook?


They blocked the social networking sites for gov’t computers.


Try , I have no problem getting on.


He’s still blaming US for his troubles, huh? Sorry, bub, but YOU demanded the attention and now you decide you don’t like it and want it to stop?

Here’s a clue: Life ain’t like that. Ronad, you set this up – you pay the consequences.

And you have not yet paid for your misdeeds.


Ronnie–you wanted attention. You’re getting it. I don’t see a problem here, do you?

And have you paid your child support and restitution to the softball league and fire department for all those pron lines you were calling?


Ronnie, you have to have HAD a job in order to lose it. Just sayin’


Well, BT (bird turd) answered me yesterday. His first missive:

“I gave u what u all wanted now all I wanted u guys to do is leave me alone and no I did serve in the Army john ask my x wife she can tell u I served in the army took my basic at ft lost in the woods then went to ait for 62 echo then went to korea then tex the transferd to woodbury n guard and recived a honable dishcharge I said I was sorry for my lie now go insult someone else cause I’m done with u your website and the other website”

Nice try, bird turd. I got curious and looked up ARMY MOSs on line. This was my reply to him:

“You’re a lying sack of shit. There is NO SUCH THING AS AN MOS 62E in the Army. Wait till we get the results of the FOIA request that was submitted for your military records (if you have any military service, that is), it’ll be posted at thisainthell. Then we’ll really know the truth.”

Then this PS from him:

“Why u are at do some checking on my x brother in law john he said he served in the army and got a honable discharge well I did some checking he was kicked out for screwing up so bash him he tells everone he served faithfull xxxxx xxxxx [name deliberately left out]”

I replied:

“Who gives a damn about your brother in law? Did he falsely represent himself out all over the internet as a Marine Corps Sergeant Major, dress in Marine uniforms that looked like he’d slept in them, and then make wild-assed threats about filing lawsuits when he was “called out” about his lies? Nope, so we really couldn’t care less about him.”

I swear…if brains were dynamite, “Ronad” wouldn’t have the werewithal to blow his nose.

Hondo, can’t wait to see the results of the FOIA. It should push Ronad’s status up in the latest poseur competition even higher.


Actually, Marine_7002, from what he told you it’s possible he might actually be telling the truth. At one time, MOS 62E did exist and actually was an engineer MOS (Heavy Construction Equipment Operator). It was converted to MOS 21E in FY2004.

We’ll see what his FOIA says – if NPRC can locate his records based on the info I sent them.

Ptolemy in Egypt

Hondo’s right.

Commanded at FLW back in the day and remember the old engineer MOS- his claim would appear to ring true.

Besides- no poseur would ever claim to have done basic at Lost in the Woods– unless they had actually been there. Leonard Wood just doesn’t roll off the tongue like Jackson or Benning do…and the level of sucktitude of that place has to be seen to be believed.

My wife thanks “Ronad” for the laughs. She normally doesn’t give a shit about stuff like this, but was absolutely rolling when I read the blog entry to her out loud.

As the great sage Butthead would say: Ronad is a walking “waste of bum wipe.”


Well, heck. I stand (or sit) corrected. Never occurred to me that the MOS could have been changed/merged. D’oh!


I am very glad to see this. Having given him the nomme de moron of Gunny Driveway, I am glad to see a happy ending. Sorry I just saw this, I spent last night with my friends Msrs Jameson and Glenlivet paying respects to a friend who was KIA on 04JUN10. Seeing this wannabe finally admit his bs on the same day I honor a friend who gave his life for his soldiers reinforces my faith in a just and fair (I didn’t say loving) God.


So sad. He can’t even spell his own name!


Ron, as an actual Marine who has lost friends (again, actual Marines) I have only this to say: go fuck yourself, you piece of shit. You brought this all on yourself, so I hope Jonn and POW Network does not take any of it down. Again, you are too stupid to realize that even if they do it will NEVER go away because the internet NEVER forgets.


BT (Ronad) sent his apology to, and they accepted it. They took down his “phony” page and put him on the “Apologies and Clarification” section

He sent me some photos of his DD-214. While they don’t show his entire 214, there’s enough there that I’m convinced he really did serve in the Army for a while.

Hopefully he took down all that crap he posted on Facebook (I’m not on Facebook, so I can’t check) and everywhere else.

I give him a year, tops, before he indulges in another round of jackassery.


According to one of his (alleged) peers posting on the other thread, he still tells his family he’s a dyed-in-the-wool ooh-rah Chesty Puller hardass. And while he did take down the pictures of himself in uniform (query what he did with the actual uniforms?) his Facebook interests make it clear he’s still infatuated with the Marine Corps. Which is fine, in and of itself, as long he doesn’t going back to posing. Personally, I think a year is far too generous. I’m confident we’ll see “Ronad” on POW Net’s main page again soon.