Marine stands guard for “honorary Marine”

| May 3, 2012

From RBB and our buddy Weasel Zippers, the story of 12-year-old Cody Green who won his third bout with cancer, but was losing to an infection brought on by the chemotherapy and the Marines who adopted him for awhile;

Cody had leukemia since he was 22 months old, but beat the disease three times. Although he was cancer-free, the chemotherapy lowered his immune system and Saturday afternoon, he died from a fungus that attacked his brain. Members of the Marines decided to step in and do something.

“They decided Cody, with the strength and honor and courage he showed through the whole thing, he should be a Marine,” said Cody’s father David Snowberger.

Cody was given Marine navigator wings and was made an honorary member of the United States Marine Corps. For one Marine, that wasn’t enough, so he did even more.

“The night before Cody passed, he stood guard at Cody’s door at the hospital all night long for eight hours straight,” said Snowberger.

Boy made honorary Marine before death:

Category: Marine Corps

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I can already tell this will go huge viral before a week is out. As well it should.


God Bless Cody, United States Marine Corps (Honorary).
God Bless the United States Marine Corps.

tabla rasa

God bless this young man, his family, and the Marines.


Damn. The weather changed in here. Kinda foggy, misty. Wet on the cheeks. RIP Cody. God bless the US Marines.


Wonderful display by these members of the Corps. Thank you.

RIP Cody.

(Allergies acting up again.)


Between reading and watching this and George Will’s column today, I am not ashamed to say I am wiping tears from my eyes repeatedly.


Well done, Sergeant. Well done.

Rest in peace, Cody Green.

Sgt Pepper

RIP Marine Green.


That’s class. RIP Cody.

B Woodman

Darn. It’s wet in here for some reason. Having a hard time typing.
God bless the Corps – every one of them.


Semper fi Cody. Guard the gates of Heaven well my brother.


Marines. Simply the best.


Allergies acting up badly…

God bless all Marines, especially the littlest one.

RIP Cody.

Just Plain Jason

Thanks Guys…this is a nice story.

Yat Yas 1833

And when he is reporting, to St. Peter he tell,
Another Marine reporting Sir, I’ve served my time in hell.

Pvt. Green, At ease, your watch is done.

Young Sergeant, you have done the NCO Corps of the Corps proud. Semper Fi.

(damn leaky eyeballs)


Damn….there’s nothing I can add. If this doesn’t get to you, you’re just not alive.


God, that’s heart wrenching… Rest in peace Cody. What an honor it must’ve been.


You put up a good fight, Marine.

May your soul rest in peace, amen.

Laughing Wolf

The local Marine League has some amazing people in it. They are a dusty lot though, hate it when it gets in my eyes like this. The ones involved are staying on the QT, as they don’t want anything to detract from Cody. All I can say to them and to Cody is Semper Fi!


[…] Marine Stands Guard For Honorary Marine.  A twelve-year-old boy. […]


Rest In Peace Honorary Marine Cody Green. :`(
Such a bittersweet story of a brave young man and how awesome of our Marines to do what they did for Cody…esp the one Marine who stood guard for Cody all night until he passed away. Fly with the Angels now, Cody…


Rest now Marine. You have served the Corp well, and now you have earned the honor of resting with the Higest of commanders.


Rest in Peace Marine…you have served your country in the best way that you could by being a brave young man and taking on a challenge, you now stand gaurd next to GOD’s side, you will serve him well.

To the Marine that stood gaurd watching over him…Thank you for watching over our young Marine…He deserved it, we all appreciate what you did. Semper Fi.

IUS Police Officer
Master Sergeant, United States Marine Corps, Retired



Enigma 4 You

“And When the Army and the Navy look on heavens scene, they will find the Gates are Guarded by United States Marines”

Damned Allergies…


Rest in peace, Cody.

God bless our Marines.


Truly the Few and the Proud. I think I need a new MacBook, this screen is a bit blurry.


Story gave me chills. Awesome job Brothers.


Rest your weary head, Cody. You fought a battle that few have won. I have no doubt that when the pearly gates opened, the streets of heaven were lined with Marines to guide you. Marines, this Soldier thanks you.


I showed my lovely wife this story tonight after we tucked our little six year old boy in bed. And with her by my side this Old Goat shed tears like a Wounded Sea Dog for Cody and the Marines.


[…] h/t This Ain’t Hell […]


That boy has ten times the bravery I would have had, and I’m not afraid or ashamed to admit it. God bless him, and God bless the Marines who watch over him.

Troy J.

Semper Fidelis!! Rest in peace young Marine, and Godspeed!!


Damn… My wife must have cooked with extra onions tonight…

That is honor.


This kid successfully beat leukemia three times. THREE TIMES. Before he reached his teen years. I would have had a tough time beating it ONCE.

Hopefully Chesty and Lou Diamond met Cody at the pearly gates and escorted him down those streets guarded by Marines like that Sergeant who so faithfully attended to him in his last hours.


God Speed, Cody.


Truly, truly, that was well done, Marines. See you in a while, little brother.

Mr. Buckshot44

sometime, somewhere, somebody is gonna say something bad about the Marines. I hope I can point them to the picture of the Marine standing guard here, and why……….


[…] […]


This old Navy guy ain’t afraid to admit it…this story’s got me choked up. Well done, Marines. And Godspeed, Pvt Cody. You’ve fought a much tougher fight than most of us ever will.


gods speed Cody


Yes. God Bless the Marines and Veterans of every branch of service. We all owe them a debt we can never repay

John Magurn

Yes! God bless the Marines and all our service members. We owe them a debt we can never repay.


Like the others here, I can only say “well done, Marines”. And God speed, Cody.

Joe Cain

No Man left Behind! Thank You Marines for standing guard over a fallen marine. Semper FI and God Bless, Joe


The giving of the title is Honorary.
The title is not.
RIP Marine
Semper Fi


[…] story of the Marine who stood guard outside the hospital room of the dying young cancer patient, Cody Green, that we discussed a few months back. Of course, he inserted himself into the story, though he […]

Corporal nobody

Great story, very inspiring
semper fi brother

Mother of a new Marine

Words cannot express the honor, privilege, pride, joy, and complete humbleness I felt when I was on Parris Island to witness my son’s graduation from Marine boot camp on Oct 5, 2012. And when I read a story like this that exemplifies the Marines core values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment, and what those Marine’s did for that boy and his family, I am humbled even more. But what humbles me most is the courage, honor, and commitment Cody and his family showed during this awfully challenging time in battling cancer. He was too young to die, but his legacy lives on, and his story will inspire many young men and women to come. Thank you Cody for your bravery, thank you Cody’s parents, thank you the Marine’s, and thank you to his principal and all those wonderful students who supported him before his passing and there after! Truly inspiring!

Yat Yas 1833

@ 49 Mom of a New Marine, God bless you for raising a son who had the wherewithal to enlist in my beloved Corps. Now that you’ve seen what Marines are like, you must realize that your son will do the same thing, for the next Cody, when required. Love him, support him and be faithful to our Corps.