Slut or Felon?
Let me be clear right up front, I don’t like O’Keefe, and although I liked Rush’s books, I stopped listening or purchasing anything by him after the drug issue. So, I have no dog in this hunt in that I really don’t give two shits.
But the cognitive dissonance and dishonesty from the left on this is starting. First, for those that don’t know the O’Keefe thing:
During the Feb. 24 edition of Olbermann’s show “Countdown,” Shuster called O’Keefe a “convicted felon,” something that is not true. Shuster also said that there was a “rape allegation facing” O’Keefe, something that also isn’t true. That claim, according to O’Keefe’s lawsuit, was related to allegations political activist Nadia Naffe made against him last year. The transcript of Naffe’s court deposition attached to O’Keefe’s lawsuit, however, proves he was never alleged to have raped her. It also shows that a judge dismissed Naffe’s allegations that O’Keefe harassed her.
Ok, easiest to steal from wiki here, but here are the elements:
For example, in the United States, the person first must prove that the statement was false. Second, that person must prove that the statement caused harm. And, third, they must prove that the statement was made without adequate research into the truthfulness of the statement. These steps are for an ordinary citizen. In the case of a celebrity or public official trying to prove libel, they must prove the first three steps, and must (in the United States) prove the statement was made with the intent to do harm, or with reckless disregard for the truth. Usually specifically referred to as “proving malice”.
So, with O’Keefe, is he a felon or a rapist? The obvious answer is no. Those are facts, not opinions or some other thing that is subject to the vagaries of interpretation. Dude is not a felon. Proceed onward.
Compare that with Limbaugh who called a chick a slut. Politico has some bullshit today from various Democrats, two of which read:
Christopher Hahn
Democratic consultant; FOX News contributor: He should, he won’t and he will be sued. Congratulations Rush, for the first time something you said actually created another member of the one percent. Unfortunately for you, she, like most enlightened millionaires, will have no use for you.
Peter Fenn
Democratic media consultant: Not only should Limbaugh issue an apology but he should be sued for libel and should see the sponsors of his show withdraw.Limbaugh has long cloaked his outrageous statements and outright falsehoods under the claim that he is an “entertainer.” There is nothing entertaining or enlightening about these latest comments.
Now, unlike the word “felon” which has a specific meaning, what the hell is a slut? Someone have an objective, empirical sentence? A Felon is a person convicted in court, or who has pled guilty to statutorily designated felony violations. Anyone know a definistion for “slut?” He didn’t say she let the entire dorm run a train on her or anything else. She testified before congress as to her sexual activities, and he ascribed to that a perjorative, that might not even be a perjorative, since a group of feminists are proudly organizing “slut walk.”
So am I to understand from Democrats that stating an opinion regarding someone elses character (slut) is legally actionable, but making a purported factual statement about someone being a felon, when that individual either knows that they are not, or should know, is NOT legally actionable?
Who wants to tackle that one for the left for me?
BTW- the legal standard that gives Rush the easy out is this one, from the CACI v. Randi Rhodes case:
The First Amendment also “provides protection for statements that cannot ‘reasonably [be] interpreted as stating actual facts’ about an individual.” Milkovich, 497 U.S. at 20 (alteration in original) (quoting Hustler Magazine, Inc. v. Falwell, 485 U.S. 46, 50 (1988)). This safeguard includes protection for “rhetorical hyperbole, a vigorous epithet” and “loose, figurative, or hyperbolic language.” Milkovich, 497 U.S. at 17, 21 (citation and internal quotation marks omitted). The safeguard is necessary to “provide[ ] assurance that public debate will not suffer for lack of ‘imaginative expression’ . . . which has traditionally
added much to the discourse of our Nation.” Id. at 20. Whether a statement can reasonably be interpreted as stating facts about an individual — whether it is rhetorical hyperbole, for example— is a question of law. See Hatfill v. New York Times Co., 416 F.3d 320, 330 (4th Cir. 2005) (“The question whether a statement is capable of having a defamatory meaning is a question of law to be decided by the court.”).
Category: Politics
I need a playbook. This is like using the ‘n-word’…it’s all in the context…and who is using it…and if it’s Black History Month…and if Chris Rock needs a laugh…
I’d totally kick someone’s ass if they disparaged Hannah Giles.
C’mon, TSO, you know the deal. Different party, different rules.
Well, in one of the places where I did some of my growing up, a floozie meant a female with a snap in her skirt, a wiggle in her walk, and mischief on her mind. However, she became a slut if she 1) seduced someone else’s man/ men, 2) broadcast her amorous adventures, and/ or 3) did it for a living.
I think we are at the “it means what I want it to mean” stage again, like the Caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland.
Cognitive dissonance is a beautiful thing. The Democrats are using the exact same tactics they flipped out over during the Bush Administration. I guess proverbially pissing on a dead man’s grave the day after he died wasn’t classy enough.
It’s sad our conversation has sunk to this level. The idea of the loyal opposition is a quaint old notion; now it’s winner take all, kill or be killed, metaphorically speaking.
Perhaps it would be clearer if the actual testimony of Sandra Fluke was considered.
Google “Sandra Fluke Testimony” or use this long ass link:
Slightly easier link. (On a side note, she is a wrecthed writer. She should have editted this thing.)
Rush is still a hypocritical shit stirring asshole who does nothing but muddy our political system.
FCOD, one could say the same of Olbermann or Maddow or Sharpton, but none of that should be legally actionable, which was my point.
So TSO – what do you think about O’Keefe’s chances if he files a suit?
Probably reasonably low, just because Defamation law suits are tough. He defnitely has the facts to make it succeed, but lawsuits like this are tough. I would imagine a settlement. See for example this lawsuit here:
@TSO I agree it shouldn’t be legally actionable, I just really dislike the talking heads like Limbaugh so when I get into a conversation about them I just see red and then I black out.
Rush is still a hypocritical shit stirring asshole who does nothing but muddy our political system.
Within the context of the post, I’m curious, where exactly is he wrong in his portrayal of Sandra Fluke and Her Amazing Technicolor Vagina?
@14 I’m not sure where I fall on the health insurance covering contraception debate because I don’t know enough about it, but just because a person campaigns for contraception doesn’t make them a slut.
Also to be clear I am not condoning what Olbermann did, this mud slinging and bullshit has gone way overboard both ways. It also accomplishes nothing but making it harder to find and hear the real news and “truth” of situations.
Seems like she’s been on this crusade for about three years now at the university level.
“Fluke came to Georgetown University interested in contraceptive coverage: She researched the Jesuit college’s health plans for students before enrolling, and found that birth control was not included. “I decided I was absolutely not willing to compromise the quality of my education in exchange for my health care,” says Fluke, who has spent the past three years lobbying the administration to change its policy on the issue. The issue got the university president’s office last spring, where Georgetown declined to change its policy.”
She researched a Jesuit college and had decided to attend there with the intent to get a religious organization to change their rules.
Sorry, but we’ve gotten WAY too far off the beaten path when it comes to healthcare and insurance of same.
Time was, we had it for “catastrophic” cases like surgery, chronic diseases, etc. Now we want to have it for every little sniffle and scratch.
One of the biggest immediate issues I had with Obamacare is the fact that I couldn’t use my HCRA for OTC meds. Why the fuck not? Hint: Prescription meds are much more lucrative than those pesky OTC meds that work just as well.
The problem with our society of immediate gratification is that we want to be well again, we want total wellness, and we want it immediately. Healthcare and longevity at any cost, dammit! Well, problem is, if you’re willing to pay any cost, then any cost is usually what you’ll end up getting stuck paying.
just because a person campaigns for contraception doesn’t make them a slut.
To be clear, she wasn’t campaigning for contraception per se…she was/is campaigning to make institutions like Georgetown pay for contraception. Fluke herself presented the economics of the annual cost for contraception, which brings into question the need for the taxpayer to subsidize someone sex life to the tune of $1000 per year per participant. The implication I got from Limbaugh on the subject is this; if you can’t afford to fuck, keep your pants on.
I don’t get the big deal about women being responsible for contraception. Don’t men carry condoms in their wallet/sock/pocket anymore?
Besides, I thought leftist women like Fluke used abortion for contraception.
This all comes down, in my book, to the left’s obsession with being able to live their lives in any manner they so wish, without having to be concerned with the consequences of their choices.
Besides, I thought leftist women like Fluke used abortion for contraception.
I’m sure she wants that paid for as well…health issues and all…
<3 Claymore. I've been saying that to my kids for years! 😉 kidding!
Interesting reading what a bunch of guys think about women’s health and behavior. I wonder what actual women think?
Oh, neveremind – I see NHS commented….
🙂 I am a female. I pay for my own contraceptive. or the results from a lack there-of.
Hey, Joey. Here’s a comment on “women’s health” for ya. If Ms Fluke decides to bang her way through college bareback, she is increasingly at risk for STD’s. So, rather than worry about forcing a Catholic institution to reimburse her for “contraception”, maybe she ought to worry about her long-term health prospects.
Again, contraception isn’t about “health”, it’s about lifestyle.
As for Sparky commenting, isn’t that what the First Amendment is all about? Or is Freedom of Speech gender-specific?
$3000 sounds kind of high, I mean she could get the shots or the implant things that last a longer period of time. She could go to Planned Parenthood the price of their pills is based on what your annual income is, but my guess is that she does not want to spend her money on something that isn’t fun, but that’s one of the cornerstones of being a grown up. I would also not be willing to pay for her car maintenance which is also something that you have to pay for that isn’t fun, but is part of being a responsible adult.
So, in the entire DC area there is no other place (walk-in clinic, PP, etc.) that provides birth control, so she wants to change a religious institution’s policies in order to further her own sexual conquests? Am I reading that correctly? All righty then.
I’ll assume she’ll be petitioning the church to change its views on premarital sex in the near future.
Oh, neveremind – I see NHS commented…
So says the guy with two undescended testicles. Gotcha.
Interesting reading what a bunch of guys think about women’s health and behavior. I wonder what actual women think?
Don’t care what they think…I’m not in favor of paying for 60 year old men’s boner pills so they can satisfy their 25 year old trophy wife either. In essence, if you want me out of your fucking sex life, stop asking me to subsidize it.
NHSparky: I thought he lost them on that famous exploit of derring-do, Operation WallClimb.
And as for Joe’s comments 22 & 23 above – once again, failure to do basic homework does in another lib (see comment 24). (smile)
Claymore: dead on-target, sir. Good shot.
Not a Rush fan, if it wasn’t for folks like him McCain would be Prez instead of Obama…not a lot better, but better.
Here’s what he said:
“What does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She’s having so much sex she can’t afford the contraception.”
I dunno, I think he needs to rely on his entertainer defense for this one.
Off to go read the
Let me see if I have this straight. This individual exercises free will and chooses to attend a school, knowing that said school doesn’t subsidize her lifestyle choices, and she chooses to tell Congress and the world about how she doesn’t have enough money to have all the sex she wants in the expectation that Congress will force that school to pay for her choices?
And Rush is now the bad guy for pointing out how incredibly fucked up that is?
Christ, if the Dems got this wrapped up every time one of their own pundits engaged in verbal douchebaggery on the air they’d never get anything done in Congress.
And I’m still trying to see where that’d be a bad thing.
If I remember the original question…
The young woman “testifies” to Congress that she and others there at university have so much sex that they cannot afford contraception. Uh. Seems like she has not only defined herself but many others as sluts. Or any number of other less than flattering terms.
The simplest of rules applies here. Don’t want me to be involved in your life? Fine with me because I don’t WANT to be involved in your life. But – when you demand that I pay for your choices, you are involving me in your life.
Yeah – forcing me against my will to pay for your life choices gets my attention. Sticking your hands into my pockets (or bank account) gets my attention.
So, madame slut attorney (or is it attorney still in training?), when are you gonna buy me a Ferrari? That’s what I want, and since I want it you should pay for it. That makes as much sense as you expecting me to pay for your contraception. And has just as much to do with “women’s health issues.” ‘Cause, you know, all womanhood would be much better off if I get what I want. And we’d all be healthier.
Vroom, vroom.
And there we have the definition of “slut”: Student Lawyer Undergoing Training.
OWB @35, well said!
There is NOTHING to the allegation of rape re: O’Keefe.
Apparently a girl is butt-hurt because she got too drunk and demanded that O’Keefe take her home. O’Keefe was too busy at the time.
See Patterico’s site for a thorough deconstructing of the BS allegations.
This is the link the Bronze is mentioning:
Did she not realize this would come out?
Sparky, she probably didn’t, after all, no one but enlightened “progressives” are “nuanced” enough to check on anything.
So when is she supposed to have time to go to class and actually learn something? Or does she just get the ‘Oral Exam’ results from her professors?
Wasn’t there a jazz musician called Felonious Slut, no got that confused its Thelonious Monk
Radar: Limbaugh also continued on to say, “OK, so she’s not a slut. She’s ‘round heeled.’”
A bit of selective quotation, perhaps? Or did you just miss the latter?
With full context, it’s rather obvious that the statements were hyperbole and cannot ‘reasonably [be] interpreted as stating actual facts’ about Ms. Fluke.
@ Hondo, point taken. I still partially blame Rush for Obama beating McCain and us having to deal with socialized healthcare at all.
Radar, why not put the blame where it belongs. On McCain. It was his campaign that decided to take the “high road”, maintain that famous “Senate Collegiality”, and basically let Obama set the tone.
Don’t care what they think…I’m not in favor of paying for 60 year old men’s boner pills so they can satisfy their 25 year old trophy wife either. In essence, if you want me out of your fucking sex life, stop asking me to subsidize it.”
Fuckin A right!
BTW Here’s some more on the sweet, innocent, little dear.
From jammie wearing fool:
Regardless, this is all a distraction meant to keep the feminazis and their recruits marching full tilt toward the full-on takeover of the Roman Catholic Church, orthodox Jewish Synagogues, and the few Christian Protestant churches.
Fluke is a flake, and is entirely free to go fuck herself. Or do we have to pay for that too?
I really couldn’t give a smaller damn about her. The worst part of the entire sitchyayshun to me is that the POS in the Casa Blanco phoned her to voice his support.
What. The. Hell.