You’re disagreeable because of your military service

| February 17, 2012

The Huffington Post reports that “Military Service Does Number On Vets’ Minds, Study Suggests“. The upshot is that we’re all disagreeable;

“Military recruits are a little less warm and friendly to begin with and the military experience seems to reinforce this–as after service, men score even lower on agreeableness when compared to individuals who did not go into the military,” lead author Dr. Joshua J. Jackson, an assistant professor of psychology at the university, said in a written statement. “Interestingly, this influence appears to linger long after the soldier has re-entered the workforce or returned to college.”

Maybe we’re disagreeable because of the stupid, moron civilians we have to deal with who think that we’re all suffering from PTSD. Maybe it’s because we have had to face the realities of the world and then we have to come back to the plastic world which is more worried about millionaire crackheads who kill themselves and millionaires who have 30-day marriages. Maybe we’re disagreeable because most of the shit civilians worry about don’t amount to hill of crap.

And while we’re trying to do our work, the gabby shitbag in the next cube is on the phone calling across the office to talk about American Idol…while I end up doing her work at the end of the day just to make a deadline.

We have to listen to the whiners wonder how we’re going to get off our Middle East oil habit, but won’t allow us to drill for own. Or we get to listen to their false claims to “support the troops” while they raise our healthcare costs and slash our defense budget while pumping up welfare and social programs. Or meaningless debates over “payroll tax cuts” that benefit no one and we all know will have to paid back eventually.

Maybe our service to the country gave us an intellectual clarity to know the answers, but no one is asking us.

Thanks to Daniel for getting my blood pressure up.

Category: Shitbags, Veterans Issues

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Some of the best and hardest working employees I have are vets. The most disagreeable? The entitled little shitbag who thinks he deserves my office after working there for less than 9 months, and wants every Friday off so he can go bike riding in the North Georgia mountains every weekend. He doesn’t work for me anymore.


Amen, brother.

more super heroes

I once was a liberal, then I realized that the movement wasn’t any better than any other political movement. They’re all the same, I just made the mistake of siding with the pansies. Never happen again! Thanks Mr. Lilyea this certainly helped make me disagreeable, briefly.

Has some Methis under-odor to it, don’t you think?

@ 1, I hope you smiled when you sent him packing!


The study was based off students in Germany?


Don’t hold back, Jonn; tell us how you really feel.

Yat Yas 1833

Claymore, my last work group had 12 members. Of those 12, five of us were vets. Every year when Public Works did their audits the OAT (Operations & Analyzation Team) group was always in the top two. Fewest errors, highest ‘project on time completion’ average, etc. Why you ask? Because us vets did what had to be done to complete the mission. Now that I’m with B & R we’re always in the bottom 1/2, of the 15 members, only three of us are vets!? We can only carry so much of the load.

As for being disagreeable, I think Jonn the the head right on the nail.

Bubblehead Ray

If “More disagreeable” equals “Less inclined to believe liberal bullshit” I’d have to agree with his assessment.

CI Roller Dude

I don’t agree with anybody.

Zero Ponsdorf

Karlen #4: Yeah, saw that German thing?

I’m so disagreeable myself that I never read HuffPO’s garbage.


Can I carry your books to school Mr.Lilyea, like forever?


Disagreeable?!? I ain’t frickin’ disagreeable. Jerk frickin journalist, I’ll SHOW HIM DISAGREEABLE. (stomping out of room).

Actually, I thought the article was comical. It basically said we are unlike the nanny state libtards.


Wow….I already call bullshit on half the stuff we do, I better never get out.

AW1 Tim

I agree completely with Jonn. My son, for all his bitchin about the infantry and airborne and the Army and everything else, came home off active duty with a VERY disagreeable temper towards those he refers to as “slackers”, and after about a week being home, he cut ties with about 90% of his former friends.

He definitely has a “military mindset” if by that you mean he detects bullshit easily & quickly, he doesn’t like duplicitous lying crapweasels who won’t pull their own weight, and can’t stand the daily petty whining and complaining he hears, after he’s seen the REAL world and what “doing without” really means.

HufPo can go fuck themselves. Those assmaggots ought to have seen & done even 10% of what veterans have seen & done, and they’d be singing a different tune.


AW1 Tim

Now I’m worked up too. $#%&*^$#@%^ HufPo.

I think I’ll pour myself a few fingers of bourbon.

Just A Grunt

The #1 reason we are considered disagreeable. We don’t agree with the bullshit some grad student psyche graduate is spewing.

Having the courage of your convictions and not sugar coating everything to be politically correct will get you labeled as disagreeable.

Now, get off my grass ya commie, pinko, hippie, degenerate.

Liam B.

If Ariana Huffington is calling me disagreeable, then I am elated…thrilled….and take that as an esteemed compliment.

And now in true Disagreeable 11B fashion, Ariana good night and kiss my little white ass!


This is part of the battlespace prep for the post-Iraq war years. Remember the meme/message that Vietnam vets were all psycho? Unless they were anti-military or became hippies. Looks like the left’s going to that well again.

I remember studies in my psyche textbooks that “proved” wearing uniforms diffused personal responsibility and made it easier to kill. National Guard Recruiting posters in the campus library were defaced regularly.

The left needs it’s demons and vets are an easy target for them. Of course back in the 70’s and 80’s there were only 3-4 networks and most other news came from magazines. Now their phony “vets” are exposed for all to see. Expect this study to be branded about for a few years. The counter-recruiting turds will have a field day with this.


Sounds like another new age pencil dick wind chime corduroy psychologist trying to justify his waste of oxygen and massive student loans. The fact it’s HuffPo those mental midgets that go there will eat that up like dicks in a San Franciso bath house on Saturday night…Liam, make that Lilly white ass.

Mlyvers 95B

I wouldn’t consider myself disagreeable. Stern, yes. Low tolerance for stupid bull shit, yes. I have been out of the Green Machine for several years now and I still will lead, defend, reprimand, and instruct the men and women who depend on me for guidance and leadership like the NCO I was shaped to be.
I am currently in the Nursing Field and work as an RN in both the ER and ICU as a Charge Nurse, am I the guy you wan’t to coddle you heck no. But I guarantee if you come in with a GSW, Pneumothorax, MI, or Resp Failure my team and I are the crew you wan’t.


If “disagreeable” means I won’t pick up slack for shitbags who think their shit don’t stink, guilty as charged.


9-I’m trying to see how German students translates to US veterans, but it’s HuffPo. Can’t expect real journalism from that shit rag.


[…] this sounds awfully familiar.  From This Ain’t Hell. The Huffington Post reports that “Military Service Does Number On Vets’ Minds, Study […]


Of all the BS stuff the gets printed, Ariana Huffington is the worst. She can’t find more useless garbage to anal-ize than something so vapid, so remotely useless as a study of “disagreeability”? Why in the hell is she still working? Does anyone really give a damn about whether she wastes so much oxygen? There’s plenty of trees to replenish it with – maybe one day she can fall out of one and break her stupid frickin neck.

Next thing she’ll want to tantalize us with is a study of the amount of farting vets do – compared to some dreamy civilian control group. In California.


What she’ll *tantalize us with is”….Fat chicks

Old Trooper

Jonn; time to calm down my friend. Just click your heels together 3 times and say “there’s no place like kicking bleeding heart, whining maggot, progressive commie ass”.


[…] “This Ain’t Hell”: “Military recruits are a little less warm and friendly to begin with and the military […]


If disagreeable you mean me telling the moppy haired frat house faggots behind me in my class to shut the fuck up because no one else will. Then yes I am disagreeable.

Doc Bailey

Oh so I was an Onry SOB before I went to war and was told my sacrifices didn’t really matter? Gee that explains sooo much.

Hey here’s a thought how about this narrative: I was a young horny 19 year old who got to go to distant lands have awesome adventures, and came back to have more fun that law allows (good thing they don’t know hugh?). After a lot of hardship that would break lesser men, I was called a “murderer” or at least part of a system that loves skipping through the bushes willy-nilly killing every bunny, and child and innocent gun totting Militiaman we see. We do it cuz apparently we love to see the body parts fly, oh and we’re evil. Did I mention we’re bad?

Gee why should I be bitter?


@25 Old Trooper – ROFLMBO!


Mama said military members are so ornery cuz they got all them teeth and no tooth brush.


Uhm, a little less warm and friendly?? Do they know what I do part time??


I retired 15 years ago now, and I must admit having had some difficulty adjusting to civilian employment. I went to work for a “Beltway Bandit” under contract to the Gober’ment. I think it’s because a service member’s BS meter is finely tuned and the political machinations are sometimes difficult to understand. Everyone was angling for the next promotion, and CYA’ing to let some else take the fall if they made a bad decision. Sometimes just getting a real decision was a job in itself.


I didn’t need HuffPo to tell me that I’m disagreeable, and have been ever more so as I progressed through my military career.

In fact, I’m downright hostile to bullshit political rhetoric from all corners; unbelievably cantankerous to the current sense of entitlement by those who have given nothing to society; and positively curmudgeonly toward infringement upon my liberties or those of my fellow Americans.

Old Trooper

@31: I do, and I’m envious; ya bastid!


Yeah! We are (generally) disagreeable simply because we know that there are no unicorns in the real world. We also know what the meaning of is is; that sleeping in a tent, cultivating vermin and disease serves no useful purpose; lying repeatedly about people doesn’t make the lies magically into the truth; and when called upon to do so we know what it takes to survive just about anything.

The left continues to be astounded that any group of people would focus on what people DO and base our respect upon that rather than hold those who do nothing in high esteem. In their delusional world we are misfits because we understand that it takes more than talking about nutrition to put food on the table.

Old Tanker

Fuck off……


I want some clarifying…Germany…a DOD school, what? And they can shove that damn study where the sun doesn’t shine…The high school students have never done anything outside their comfort zone. And then you have the new recruit who must learn to put up and shut up for the team. And we learned quickly how to get it all done. We also learned that there were more ways than one to conquer something. If that is disagreeable, TFB.




So if disagreeable = independent and educated, then agreeable = slavish and selfish?


This study was published in the same journal that published an article saying prejudice, and right-wing thinking were linked to intelligence levels.


I’ve had a LOT of experience with strangers from the US military, and I never saw any such effect, possibly because I wasn’t busy provoking it.


Is laughing included in disagreeable conduct? That is what I usually do when confronted with one of these types of morons. Point and laugh. It must be what they want, right, or they would make some effort to look, smell, or act like a normal person?

Warm and friendly? We lack warm and friendly?? How would they know??? Just ’cause we are selective with whom we share our warm and friendly doesn’t mean we lack it.

I just keep chuckling over this attempt. They certainly are having to reach waaaaaaay out into lah-lah land for punishing remarks to make about us. Well, not punishing exactly. Maybe more like disparaging. No, that’s not right either. Discriminating? Does that work? No, not really. Negative? No, they actually made a complimentary assessment.

So, was this part of their smear campagin an abject failure?

It was sooooooo much easier for them when they had all those folks dodging the draft.


I for one, am happy that we all agree to disagreeable conduct amongst our ranks and that my friends, is just fine and dandy by me. Next problem….hehe!


My business opinion – what a stupid thing to even attempt to quantify. So, as implied, scoring high on agreeableness is the socially expected behavior, in other words “good”? On the contrary, disagreeableness is a good trait – it implies you think things through, evaluate situations, and have the courage to formulate and express your opinion – not just go with the flow.

My ex-military opinion – go f*** yourself Dr. Jackson.


@28 Who called you a murderer Doc?


@44 – Andy, if you are disagreeable, then you won’t buy the President’s propaganda when he tries to shovel it to his Occutard cult of followers.


Dave…I was called a killer when I was in recruiting back in the day despite the fact the only times I ever held or fired a weapon was qualifying on one or during repel boarders drills. I wore a uniform, and that was enough for them to affix the label to me.


Jonn pretty well hit the nail on the head. There’s nothing I can think of to add other than the fact that “the two shall never meet.” Those who have done it, and those who haven’t will never truly be able to find any common ground upon which to fully relate to each other again. Even those who support us wholeheartedly will admit that they don’t really, fully, understand us, they just accept us on our own terms.

It’s useless to hope for things that will never be.


@47 Ok.. But who was calling you that some naive college student or some lowlife?


Your rant just proves how disagreeable you are. You can not point out the shortcomings of civilians without them feeling uncomfortable and gassy.