Matthis update

| February 16, 2012

Matthis made a celebrity appearance at a recruiting station, somewhere. I’m guessing it’s in New York City since his squeeze Elaine Brower is there, and she doesn’t leave the city very often. But, apparently, he’s been busy eating up his VA benefits in college. Those benefits that he didn’t see a value in earning when he was called back to active duty.

Yeah, the evil military and the evil US government that let him continue his education despite the fact that he answer the call. Ingrate.

His Facebook page listed a mention of him in the Chicago Tribune. the author of the article, Robert Koehler, mistakenly described him as an Afghanistan veteran in an article about the subject we discussed last week about “war porn”;

As Matthis Chiroux, an Afghan vet and war resister, pointed out recently in an excellent essay, the phenomenon of “war porn” — the photographic record of desecrated corpses — is widespread within the ranks and aggravated by our long, slow defeat in the war on terror: our inability to impose our will on a living enemy. “Historically, defeated or nearly defeated armies have been guilty of some of the most serious atrocities,” Matthis writes.

I wrote the author yesterday to inform him that Matthis isn’t an Afghanistan veteran and have yet to get a response from him. I guess what Mathis writes is more important than who he is. But if the messenger is corrupt, the message is corrupt.

Category: Media, Shitbags

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That whiney little fuckstain just needs to go away.


Why the fuck do these people parrot everything someone says. Fuck!


I think Mattis and Elaine are fuck buddies. He treats her like a filipina and she whines nasally he sons name over and over.

more super heroes

I despise the hypocrisy of this creature. I find his willingness to lie about his combat service deplorable.

I tried to find some other than uncouth way of expressing my disgust with this individual and the megalomaniacal mannerisms of this narcissistic swine, however, true words of dissatisfaction are left lacking. So I will impart words of wisdom in a more base court way.

Matthis Chiroux is a poster child for birth control. Though his family may care about him, as they should, he is still a hot steamy sack of cat shit. His worth as an individual has been weighed numerous times in the past, oh say 10 years, and frankly IMO its time to flush that turd down the toilet. I would call him a turd-burglar, but alas another imposter has recently received that honor.

So I suggest a new and more suiting name be found for Matthis “the pansy non-warrior” Chiroux.

My suggestions:

1) Mega Crotch-Cricket
2) Mutant Syphilis Spore
3) Felch Rag
4) Bloody Ass Belch

Any better ones?

Just to further my point. On the day he admits he’s a total joke and fraud, I will dress up as Klinger (a-la-MASH) and report to my 1SG the following day.


Eventually karma, fate, Justice, catches up. While I’ll be glad to crack some 20yo MacAllans when Chiroux is arrested on suspicion of rape, I don’t want him to be a martyr.

Details leaked out to the press that the alleged rape, like most everything else, is an embellishment made for self-serving purposes.

Considering his pattern, I doubt he even raped a woman in the Phillipines. Probably bought some postcards from a Phillipine woman, and then imagination took over.


That parroting thing was very annoying. So was whatever he was ranting about, but I doubt he’ll ever tire of the limelight or whatever it is he’s sticking into his veins.


Christ, what a joke. Jumped the shark years ago, and now I’m just waiting for him to jump INTO the shark tank.


44 seconds of annoyingness.


I watched it for about 10 seconds. It’s definetly worthy of a bean bag round to the dome piece, perhaps in combination with a taser and pepper spray. Hell let the K9 loose on him too for good measure.


If it looks like a turd, and smells like a turd….. Then accordingly it must be Matthis

Doc Bailey

Saw an old lady running down the street
Had a cute on her back, jump boots on her feet
Said, “Hey old lady where you goin’ to?”
She said “US Army Airborne School”
“Whatcha gonno do when you get there?”
“Jump from a plane, float through the air”
I said “Hey old lady ain’t you been told?
Airborne School’s for the young and the bold”
She said “Hey dirty Leg who you talkin’ to?
I’m an Black Hat at the Airborne School”

Doc Bailey

D’OH wrong thread. I need to get more sleep.

Doc Bailey

here’s what I don’t get. Can this dip shit not just say what he needs to say? Why do the retards have to repeat everything. I mean he says “hi I’m Matthis” and the stupid gutter feeders repeat that. I really don’t get that.

One more question. Matthis is learning all about the wrongs we’re doing while he’s in College? Is this somehow different from the bullsh*t he was saying before he went to college. And since he is now in college where he is (i hope) expected to cite his sources. . . what sources is he getting this information from. Specifically. I’d like a detailed list of wrongs and footnotes explaining the sources being cited.

Doc Bailey

the Boy Scouts? Really? Ok now I’m going to go Eagle Claw on his ass!


He probably sold drugs CLOSE to some boy scouts. Stolen Valor needs to be reinstated so that we can prosecute his ass.


Hey Dave Ockuly (Dave O)! I remember when Matthis beat your ass and forced you to apologize to him on your graduation day in AIT for talking shit about his family. You not still sore about that, are you? Is that why you haven’t seen him in 10 years and still need to keep tabs? Or is it that Stratford never loved you like she loved him? Anyway, you’re still pathetic. I thought you should be reminded of that.


Why does that matter Este? That has nothing to do with Matthis tarnishing the reputation and good name of ACTUAL Afghan Vets. He just isn’t one, he does not meet the criteria, never will, and should be prosecuted for Stolen Valor as soon as the USSC rules it constitutional.


Okay, Este–even if what you say is true and taken at face value (of which I have my doubts) how does that discount the observations of everyone else here, and the actions of that worthless little shitbag druggie Methis?

I eagerly await your….aw, shit. Ain’t happening, is it?


@ 16


Ad hominem attacks on a poster while we’re discussing someone who’s lack of honor and truthfulness is so solidly established and documented?

Wow, that’s desperate. Just about the juvenile response we’ve all come to expect, lol. Sorry darlin, that’s wasted effort around here. Cheers


“when Matthis beat your ass”…. What the fuck did Methis do, lick him to death? GTFOH, este. This shitstain couldn’t whip a Phillipine hooker, he sure as hell couldn’t do better stateside.


To Este… Whoever you are, I hope one day you will have enough information to understand everything that occurred, from AIT onward. Whether DaveO is Dave Ockuly or not has nothing to do with the topic at hand, or the method with which it is presented. I loved and continue to love Dave in the same manner I did in AIT. He is a good, kind man who is not out to harm people. I gave that same kind of love to Matthis years ago. It is something that should be given to every human being – in high hopes not that it is returned, but that it is learned. Unfortunately, the hand that gave to him was bitten. Very, very hard. So please, before you speak ill of anyone else, look in the mirror and ask yourself if one day you want someone to speak that way of you.

A friend of M at BC

You should take your own advice, Blanka, as someone who “speaks ill” very often. And you should move on. To my knowledge, Matthis has never “spoken ill” of you, despite your wild cloak-and-dagger online assaults. He is the most patient person I know with people like you. If it were me, I’d have smacked you all down years ago, especially after you admitted to the assault in your book.


Interestingly, all of these Matthis defenders are avoiding the central issue that Mathis does not qualify as an Afghanistan veteran, and is consequently lying and/or misleading people into thinking otherwise.


At #22. I have nothing against you and wish you nothing but the best with your friendship. Maybe you will succeed where I failed. I moved from the past, but what I’m doing here is protecting a friend of mine, not stabbing at yours. However… If you want to prove the point you are making in your above statement, please give me the name of one person who knows me personally and seconds your opinion. Otherwise, the only cloak and dagger assault everyone sees here is that of you. I came out against Matthis to avenge myself for what was done to me (and I assume this was before you met him). I admit to what I wrote before quite clearly, in the same manner that Kristofer Goldsmith, Brandon Neely, Robert Chiroux and countless others have done. Countless, friend. Good luck to you, and try not to be so quick to judge others.


Uh, “friend”? How come Methis hasn’t turned himself in for rape yet?

Just askin.


How come he hasn’t admitted to lying about his service in Afghanistan yet?


How is this ass wipe not an Afghanistan vet? He went to Afghanistan right? just because he didn’t do anything doesn’t take away veteran status for him.

As for him being a deserter thats obviously not the case if he is getting his gi bill benefits.

The guy is a piece of shit but most of you guys are also because you twist facts to suit whatever argument you’re trying to make at the moment.


I don’t know or care about whatever side arguments are going on here, other than that they detract from the primary point that Matthis is lying about his Afghanistan service. In fact, Matthis just a few weeks ago tried to announce on Huffington Post that his DD-214 was tampered with by some unknown person conspiring against him. Matthis quickly erased that post after his conspiracy claim was called out as completely ridiculous and actually called more attention to his lies and consequently, lack of credibility to speak on combat veterans issues.

The truth is that Matthis’s meal ticket is the false guise that he is an Afghanistan veteran. What his defenders here fail to acknowledge or address is the fact that Matthis is not an Afghanistan veteran, and is therefore lying about this status in order to further his aspirations as an activist.


@27… The definition of an Afghanistan veteran is one who has earned the “Afghanistan Campaign Medal.” Matthis did not earn that medal, which has specific (and easy) requirements mostly relating to length of stay, regardless of what one does in country. Matthis did not meet even the most minimal of standards to earn this medal, and therefore is not an “Afghanistan veteran.”


He was in country for what? 2 days? Hardly a vet.


#16 Este,

Wrong DaveO. I’ve never been to AIT in any form or fashion. Apology denied.


@29 Fair point


@32 I find that somewhat hard to believe but I will take your word for it, my experience with the VA is they aint giving out shit unless they have to and if they find out later that you weren’t entitled to it they are coming after you hard core to get their money back. Those assholes have been busting my friends balls for $1,000 for benefits he earned.

Good to know this cat is skating

Yat Yas 1833

Wow! Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to apologize to you all for misrepresenting myself! Mea Culpa. According to DUIDave, I’m a Viet Nam veteran. All my discharge paper work says VIET NAM era VETERAN! We won’t let pesky little things like criteria get in the way!? Sheesh.


To educate the NEOPHYTES on this blog: in order for one to be considered a Veteran, by the DOD, the Legion, and the VFW, one must be in country no less than 30 consecutive days, and have alearned a campaign award or badge such as CIB, CAB, CMB etc. Matthis has none of that, and therefore IS NOT A VETERAN OF AFGHANISTAN!


@35 until you get a CIB you can kiss my ass


#35 is a Marine, and therefore not eligible for the CIB, different service branch you mouth-breathing Bilge Rat, but thanks for playing, how about reading up on the Marine Corps Combat Action Ribbon, which serves the same purpose then eating a pistol?


For Award of ACM:
30 consecutive days in the OEF AO
60 non-consecutive days in the OEF AO
Exception is if you are killed in the OEF AO within the first 30 days, award is automatic.

AR 600-8-22


For the love of God, why won’t this mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, meth addicted, admitted rapist just go away? He adds about as much to an itellectual debate about the issues as a re-fried bean fart.

I feel so bad for his father every time I see his face anywhere.


Thank you for the Reg, I will have to remember that one for the future!

Robert Chiroux

From phone conversations years ago and pictures I believe Matthis was in and around Kabul for about two weeks on a journalism assignment. I recall him recounting being in a Humvee and a child stepped out and pointed something at them that appeared to be a large caliber muzzle and the gunner nearly opened fire but it turned out to be the open end of a boot. He never recounted any other moment of feeling “in serious danger” related to being in a warzone. I also recall from conversation and pictures that his trip to Palawan, again on assignment as a journalist was very upbeat as he got to see how our military often goes in to provide superb humanitarian support. At the time there was no mention of raping a civilian. I also recall from phone conversations my son was extremely positive about his service when he was initially released from active duty but that shifted diametrically only when he received orders to return to active duty for the Iraq surge. The 1st amendment guarentees my son the right to pretty much say what he wants, but when his recounting of the past is inaccurate that same amendment gives me the right to correct it. My son often refers to “Speak Truth to Power” but his father would be content with just “Speak Truth”.


Doctor Chirioux, if he was in with my folks, the Humanitarian ones (Civil Affairs), covering us, then he wouldn’t have been near too much craziness. 2007-8 was when the Talibs and other elements started to target us. Afghanistan in 2004-2005 wasn’t all that bad in the grand scheme of the wars time frame, aside from the incident involving Marcus Luttrell’s team, and a couple Chinook crashes.


With as much shit that comes out of this dudes mouth you would think by now his ass would be jealous of it. Unfortunately guys like him have the right to say what they want and the sheeple have the right to believe him.


Just out of curiosity, how would Mister I’ve Been To College have us deal with threats to the United States abroad? how would he have us deal with situations such as Libya and Syria? I would love to hear his ‘college edumicated’ thoughts on the subject…. Granted, I would only be able to stomach about 30 seconds of that shit


You know, I really don’t like Mathis and his antics, but every time I see his father attacking him in public like this, it makes me more sypathetic. If I had a father as screwed up as Chiroux Sr., I’d probably be doing some pretty crazy stuff to. Seriously sir, what’s wrong with you? I’ve never seen a father do to his son what you do to your, and I know some REALLY BAD FATHERS. I mean, I blame you for everything Mathis does, really. He probably thinks by attacking the country, he’s really attacking you for being such a horrible Dad. I mean, what kind of self-respecting father would make such terrible statements about their own son, even if you are telling the truth? I know much prouder veterans with more combat than you with way crazier kids than Mathis, and they still feel protective for them. You can’t stop attacking yours. The only time I see your name, you are attacking your son. No wonder he’s bat-shit crazy. Who wouldn’t be. If you guys want people to hate Matthis, fine. But having his father attacking him like this all the time just looks unnatural. It makes me feel sympathy for him. Everybody knows that real fathers, even bad fathers, always stick up for their kids.


@46 – I just read @42 again to see if I skipped something the first time. What are the “terrible statements”?
Is “just speak the truth” one of them?


I think that if I was claiming to be a veteran of Afghanistan my father would be saying worse things than “the 1st ammendment gives my son to say whatever he wants but it also gives me the right to correct him”. He must be really super horrible.


@46 “Everybody knows that real fathers, even bad fathers, always stick up for their kids”. You think that good fathers are supposed to stick up for bad sons? You really oughta check the links to the other stories on Methis on this blog.
And, I don’t think that Jonn sent Dr. Chiroux a telegram or an e-mail asking him to “attack” his son.
Methis is a big boy, he’s fully responsible for what he does. But keep on enabling him.


46 Tracy – Dr. Chiroux did stand up for Methis – at first. Until Methis started making wild ass accusastion of all kinds of abuse against his Dad that evidence showed were patently false. Dr. Chroux’ statements here, if boiled down, come to “he is lying and I am sorry for any grief he is causing others.”