“Somebody needs to pay”

| December 1, 2011

I picked this up from my buddy, Baldilocks on Facebook. Angel Adams, mother of 15, is mad that no one is giving her free shit. She blames Family Services for her problems – I guess it can’t be because she can’t say ‘no’. The father of ten of her kids is in jail. Family Services paid her rent and gave her furniture, but she says that’s not enough.

She says “Someone needs to pay”, but somehow I get the feeling that she doesn’t mean her.

Category: Society

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Can’t feed ’em? Don’t breed ’em!


somebody needs to be spayed….

Miss Ladybug

She’s obviously never heard about using a condom…

Toothless Dawg

This Country needs a lot fewer ‘babydaddys’ and a lot more fathers …

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

I have worked my a$$ off for my entire adult life, and now I’m unemployed in the worst economy since the Depression.

This woman makes my blood boil.


Hey, Angel, send the bill to the DNC, Debbie Watercan-Schlitz and Barry. It’s all about the chirrun, they’ll be happy to help out.
Oh, and next time, hide the satellite dish in back of the house. “Somebody’s gotta pay”? Sorry, nope.
Hey Jonn, send Angel Joe’s IP address, let her contact him for some cash.


Let’s do some math, shall we? Angel is 37. She as 15 kids, 12 of which are minors. That means she has 3 which are “of age”, which I believe in Florida means they’re over 17 years old. For the sake of this experiment, let’s assume that all of her kids are no more than a year apart…that means Angel started her career in being a uterus-baby-welfare-cannon at the ripe age of 19.


…scratch that, she could have had to have been as young as 15 when her first “Gift From God” showed up.


I’ve been laughing my ass listening to Adam Corolla just rip assdouches like Ms. Adams. Just hysterical! http://www.glennbeck.com/2011/12/01/adam-carolla-tears-ows-millenials-a-new-one/


She started late if her first one was at 15. I though a girl my wife knew was bad–five kids starting at thirteen, all but two with different fathers; not to mention at least two abortions and two miscarriages, oh, and she’s only about 27 or 28 now. At least the subject of this story had ten with the same father.

It’s funny how the system is expected to bail these people out. I’d love some help for my family, supporting a wife and five kids on E-6 pay is hard…oh, wait a minute, we don’t fit the proper demographic.


And before Joe or any of the other douchenozzles comes in here and pipes up about the Duggars, et al, keep one small issue in mind:

The Duggars don’t accept public assistance.

Old Trooper

Another of the entitlement crowd that the progressives and the race baiters teach that we owe them. Screw you, chick, the “somebody that needs to pay” is you, not me. I see it all too often, where I hear that attitude come through. Then, I know some others that work their asses off and earn their way and don’t tell anyone else that they need to pay.

I’m not surprised in the least. It still doesn’t stop me from being pissed off, though.

Adirondack Patriot

As a conservative, I don’t involve myself in someone else’s morality until someone else looks to me to pay for their immorality.

I don’t care if Herman Cain had a consensual affair with a woman if because I don’t have to pay for it. On the other hand, I DO care if someone tells me to take my morals and shove them, and then turns around and asks me to pay for her immoral acts.

When liberals throw morality out the window, tell them they also throw out our “responsibility” to pay with it.


First thing out of that stupid anchor’s mouth should have told where this one was going.
“Did the system fail her?”
Stop subsidizing stupidity.


Pretty pathetic, a poster child for irresponsibility. But please don’t equate her with millions of conscientious, hard working people with a sustainable number of children who got laid off thru no fault of their own. I know you guys think every person who takes a dime of assistance is Ronnie’s fictitious Cadillac drivin’ welfare queen, but that’s not so simple.

Virtual Insanity

“I know you guys think…..”

Joe, you have put words in my mouth. Keep your hands out of there, it’s very unsanitary.


AP? Would you buy me a beer? lol!


Joey, this post is about Ms. Adams, not anyone else.
And, the “Cadillac drivin Welfare Queen is no work of fiction. Been there, seen it, way too many times. And, had it pointed out to me how I was subsidizing their life.
If one drives thru the portion of town I worked in, there were far more Buicks, Cadillacs and Lincolns than there were Taurus’s, Malibus and the like. Now, the vehicle du jour is the Escalade, Navigator and Expedition. And, if you drive through in the early a.m., like around 10a.m., they haven’t moved from the night before, so the owners ain’t at work.


Joey–don’t come up to Maine or Mass. I guarantee you’d see enough shit to swear off your liberal philosophy forever.

Case in point–some chick today FINALLY got nailed for pulling down unemployment bennies for the last two years. While she was working. Something on the order of $40K worth of unemployment benefits alone, not including Section 8, medical, EBT, etc.

No, Joey–where I have a problem is a system where a family of four with an income of $20K a year has MORE disposable income than the same family of four with an income of $60K a year.


Oh, and yeah, there’s lots of folks out there working “under the table”. And here you were telling us paying taxes is patriotic.

Doc Bailey

so exactly who is responsible for her continuously getting pregnant? Experience would have taught most people by now, to i dunno look into Condoms, or birth control.

2-17 AirCav

I object to the imprisoned male being called the father of 2/3 of the offspring. Call him the sire or the sperm donor, but please don’t call him the father. As for the broodmare, there is no need for me to watch the video. Like UpNorth, I have seen things among the taker class that would make heads spin.


She if she follows the urban Amazon pattern: males expunged from the family at around puberty, off to the gangs as Initiates, while keeping the daughters so they can be impregnated and bring in more income.

enigma for you

This crap really pisses me off, 12 kids plus her getting assistance including all medical care, the cost of her having the kids and its all somebody elses fault?

We have real hard working folks who are out of work looking for a job everyday anyplace they can and she is taking the help from the people that earned it, Earned as in paid taxes for years VS this real POS who only takes.


SHE needs to pay. Clinics give condoms out for FREE. This is disgusting.

Frankly Opinionated

Once again Joey shows his gullibility: “….Ronnie’s fictitious Cadillac drivin’ welfare queen….”. That kool-ade is really becoming tainted, isn’t it? I too, have seen the Cadillac/Escalade/Expedtion, crowd as they pay with their EBT cards and then pack it all into the back of the big rides, with the rubber band tires and spinner rims. Saw one lock his and go into Walgreens, with a mouth full of gold teeth and a red white and blue EBT card in his hand.
Scrue you Joe, go back to your OWS post.


Her kids aren’t a product of god. They’re a product of basic biology. She should learn how to use contraceptives.

If she doesn’t learn that simple lesson, maybe she can learn another and starve to death.

Adirondack Patriot

And you know all of those kids are going to grow up to be self-sufficient, contributing members of society. They will not feel sorry for themselves, or invoke some illusory “400 years of oppression” meme, or play the race card.

No. They will recognize the monumental failings of their absent fathers and their self-entitled mother, and they will boldly strike out on the path of success. They will break free from the chains of social welfare and turn their backs on the poverty pimps who created such a dungeon of dependency.

Or not.

Doc Bailey

@26: not to bring up a Theological discussion. . . but yeah all condescension aside yeah Christians kinda do believe God makes every child but we also have free will. The two thoughts are not mutually exclusive.


Hell, if she just files a tax return, with the standard deduction, and the Earned Income Tax Credit, she’s got to be clearing $60K from the Feds. So, where’d all of our money go? Not a bad price for not being able to keep your knees together.

PowerPoint Ranger

Hey Joe, if you knew that the Cadillac driving welfare queen was a myth, I guess you should have told the Chicago PD who took her Caddy away, not to mention the NYT reporter who wrote an article about it.


Eagle Keeper

Doc (27),

And from the theological to the practical:

She purports belief in God; I’m curious how many churches she approached for assistance before going for the coerced redistribution of wealth angle?

Or maybe she just believes in the “god” Caesar? You know, “The State is my shepherd, I shall not want. The State makes me to lie in green pastures.”

Bubblehead Ray

Just one word of advice for Angel that would have kept her from this situation.



15- A good deal of these guys are take gov’t money, so yeah fucking hypocrites.

Doc Bailey

@29: Good point PPR. I remember in California, just south of Lake Huntington, I was at a gas station and a woman of ethnic background, and she tried to pay for her gas in food stamps. After looking at the gas pump she was trying to pay on the attendant refused to accept the payment. Why? Brand new Escalade. She was quite upset at that.

@30: most churches will help just about anyone, even when they are beyond undeserving. And whatever happened with the poor richard’s almanac, “God helps he who helps himself”

USMC Steve

I think a better and more logical course of action is to force sterilize this useless ho.


If she wants free sht, give her a free sterilization.


I think that we should support people that cannot adequately support themselves, to an extent. Breeders like this woman is the problem in the inner city neighborhoods. No doubt, at least fifteen of her children will turn out just like her or just like the “babies daddies.” Pregnant by fifteen and a breeder themself or in a gang/jail.

This woman wants help? Okay, child services should move in and take all of her kids, then strip her of all of the public assistance she is getting. Maybe giving her one last little assistance with job training.

Fifteen kids and she wants the public to support her? You know, we don’t support people’s drug or alcohol habits, why should be support her sex habit?

I wish that we could forcefully sterilize people like this, but as an American I know that we cannot. We have the right to do as we see fit within the law, but that right comes with a responsibility. This woman is not responsible.

If she wants assistance, why doesn’t she just charge these babies daddies before he has their kids? Oh wait, that would be prostitution and illegal.


Welfare should be a hand up NOT a hand out. I am sick to death of seeing people driving Expeditions, Excursions, and other vehicles worth tens of thousands of dollars (oh and dont forget all the aftermarket shit they pile on like wheels,stereos,etc) and paying for their food with EBT cards.

If you cant afford to raise your kids, dont have them. There are resources available to you to ensure that you dont have kids. Yes, I understand that no form of birth control except abstinence is 100% reliable but for the love of god at least try. No the system didnt fail this woman, she failed herself and her kids. I can only hope that her kids will grow up to be productive members of society but I wont hold my breath.


Disclosure: I’m the token mother of ten on this board…. three adopted.

This is on the news because of the novelty of her having 15 kids, but worse than a few people with 15 kids is 100,000 people with 2 or 3 kids and depending on the government. Her behavior is completely typical of long term welfare moms, (I’M NOT TALKING ABOUT DISABLED, RECENTLY DIVORCED, ABANDONED , ABUSED, LAID OFF….) My experience in the city is that this isn’t the generation of huge families in public housing, but it is the second or third generation of some families in the system. (The kids of the moms who had 12 kids…)
Most of the welfare moms I come across aren’t that into having a million kids. They have two and the government supports them. It’s what they know.
What makes people mad is that people who don’t work have EVERYTHING they want given to them. Phones, internet, new coats every year. There is NO incentive to climb the ladder– they already have more crap than average people.
And when you look at the poverty level- obviously they aren’t taking into consideration the free stuff they get that the rest of us are paying for.

“helping” has created a second class, a class of poverty and government dependence. 🙁


Also– she was saying someone needs to pay –figuratively– because she blames the system for putting her in this situation, ie: incarcerating her um… partner. It wasn’t his crimes, whatever they were, that caused this…oh, no.. lol it was that they took him and that left her. Just more refusal to accept responsibility.


ONE MORE THING… my son who just left for the Navy worked in the liquor store of a grocery store… he said the only times he ever had to call the police was when he’d refuse to accept the EBT card for liquor and the MOMS with KIDS IN THE CART would get violent and belligerent.
First week of the month they’re paying with the welfare cash debit card, Fourth week they’re using change from the floorboards of the car.
crazy stuff.


@ BooRadley: For me its not so much the fact that she has 15 kids as it is that she thinks that everyone owes her something because she has all these kids. I dont care if a person has 1 kid or 15, the entitlement attitude is what pisses me off to no end.

As far as the second and third generation of welfare recipients, I couldnt agree more. I went to school with 3 kids whose parents had always had some form of assistance and never seemed to have jobs that paid better than minimum wage. The two girls are still living at home with their ( I believe not sure lost count a few times esp since the state took a few of the kids away) combined total of 6 kids and are receiving government assistance. One person in that whole house has a job and I doubt that she makes much more than minimum wage. They dont have a nice car or even a nice place to live but they can still afford to have expensive cellphones,internet, and cable TV. Any time one of these kids so much as has the damn sniffles they are on their way to the UMC emergency room since the state will cover emergency treatment there if you cant afford to pay for it. Then they have the nerve to bitch and complain on their facebook pages about how hard their lives are because they are always broke and they want/need something and the government money isnt paying for it.


This was well explained in the first 10 minutes of the movie Idiocracy. The educated wait until they have the time and money to be parents, the uneducated are like rabbits. After a few generations and the beauty of exponential growth, the gene pool is forever skewed.


For those of you whoo haven’t seen it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXRjmyJFzrU


What Flagwaver said. She has demostrated she is totally irresponsible. Make her kids wards of the state, help her with one last chance to get a job to support herself. But again, you guys seem to conflate losers and lifetime welfare recipents with responsible, hard working breadwinners who have recently experienced hard times (due to Bush totally hosing our economy – but that’s another story). At least admit there is a difference between the two.


No need to “admit” anything, Joe. You are the only one who seemingly has an issue with distinguishing the obvious differences.


Nobody ever said there was, Joe–but isn’t it amazing how quickly and dilligently people start looking for work when the gravy train starts drying up? Sorry, but I’ve run into too many “responsible, hard working breadwinners” who just said “fuck it” and took a two year vacation courtesy of their fellow taxpayer, and if they did do any work, it was under the table.

Please tell me I’m wrong. I fuckin dare ya.

Scouts Out

Of course you’re not wrong about that, NH but you’re always going to have free riders and people who game the system. Quite a few guys I served with are claiming disability benefits from the VA despite the fact that they are entirely capable of working. And I’m not talking chump change eirher. At least three of them are getting 50% which pays out somewhere around a grand a month. It’s fucked up but I don’t see a way of fixing it without making it much harder for people who actually need the money to get it.


Hey, how ’bout you, beyatch! J-O-B!


So, Joey, any other DNC talking points you’d care to toss around? No one here, other than you is doing what you accuse the posters here of doing.
Here’s one little clue for ya, Joey boy. Since January 20, 2009, it’s been O’s economy, Debbie Watercan Schitz said so. So did 0. And, if you need further clarification, see Butt-Boy Bawney Fwank, Freddie and Fannie.