Meet Lt S###bag

| November 23, 2011

Cakmakli nominates Lieutenant Shitbag for next year’s tournament;

Compete with a close-up of his phony finery;

The story is over at

The SEALs are letting an awful lot of people be SEALs without going through BUD/S these days. I guess that’s why he’s wearing the miniature version of the badge. I think he’s the second Marine SEAL we’ve seen in the last few months. And when did the Marines start wearing pleated gray Dockers?

Category: Phony soldiers

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USMC Steve

I am of the belief that it was and still is a felony to impersonate a commissioned officer in any of the armed forces. Is that still so?



Don’t see his 1st Cav patch either. Or is that big yellow ribbon on the upper left supposed to symbolize the big yellow Cav patch? I’m not in the US Seal Corps, so I don’t know that ribbon.


#1 USMC Steve: believe so. Howsomever, since the judicial decisions to consider this free speech, justice has been de-linked from criminal actions.


I want to say that the yellow one is the campagain ribbion for the Spanish American war. Also how many SEALS have Army ribbions? Totally missed the dockers thing.


He likes watchin fires too, apparently.


That’s not even a Marine buckle. And TWO separate NDSM’s? Plus I thought that Marines didn’t wear Navy marksmanship ribbons (both rifle and pistol on there, but no “S” or “E” for sharpshooter or Expert.)

It’s like he dumped a whole bag of shit on his uniform and went, “Yeah, that’ll impress people and get me laid.”

Uh, not so much, shitbag.


We can wear them if we went through their pistol and rifle course, and sometimes sailors go through both our rifle and pistol course. I’ve known a few Marines that wear them, but it’s not too common.


But this guy must be out of his freakin mind if he thought anyone would look at him as anything but a poser.


Looks pretty real to me. I think I fought next to this guy at Phuck Dhat.


I think I found that yellow ribbion on the top left. Problem is that it was stopped in the mid 60s.

Oh and good eye on the two NDSMs.


Shit, all he needs now is a female’s shirt and some mismatched and bloused boots and he’d be the Marine’s answer to Soup Sandwich.

Gentlemen, I think we have a highly-seeded entry going into next year’s tournament.


Spork–if I looked that up right, that one on the top left is a Marine Corps Reserve Ribbon. Yeah, right above the Silver Star. And yeah, they stopped with that one in 1965.



#11 Quick!! Someone slip him some shoe cleaner for that spaced out look, that would complete the picture.


Jonn, it’s getting to the point where I’d like to strangle some of these fuckers until their eyes pop.

And miracle of miracles, nobody jumping in by post 4 to call us racists for calling the phony fucker out.

There is a Christmas after all, kids!


He’s also wearing Lt bars that are meant to be worn on the shoulders on Service Alphas. What a tard….


Nicely coordinated for color there, Jr ribbon monster. Guy. Fella. Er, I-couldn’t-find-any-pink-or-purple flak daddy.

Is anyone sure this isn’t just a Halloween costume? And having an upside down star a new distress signal?


I found the one for the bottom left.

Yea and how the ICM has a star but not the ACM.

Adirondack Patriot

His name is Jorrel “Church” Sampana, according to the (evergrowing) thread at

Looks like Jonn will have no shortage of candidates for the next SV Tournament.


The bottom left one is the Selected Marine Corps Reserve Medal, sort of a Good Conduct medal for reservists, awarded for every four satisfactory years in the SMCR (not the IRR).
I’m pretty sure he beat up a boy scout and stole his belt as well.
Oh, his ribbon rack is way out of place too; should be centered over the pocket and 1/8″ above it. Looks to be much to high and too far to his right. And there are Irish pennants all over his shirt pocket; his cover is worn improperly (too high on his forehead), the Iraq Campaign Medal is upside down…. Shall I continue?

Frankly Opinionated

I am no professional psychologist, (but I did take one home from the bar one nght), but the look on his face suggests that he is being dressed down at the time of the photo.


this guy bears a striking resemblance to the photoshop phony from the last tournament

Old Trooper

@15: You racist bastard!!!!

Merry Christmas to you, too. 😛


OMG, this guy just made me laugh…this is too funny. If I would have ran into him I would have been, “Are you fucking serious? Really?” and started looking at the top of his head for the scar on the top of his head the hanger left from the failed abortion…


OK does he not look like Kerwin’s brother or something:


The guys at have identified him as a North Korean Army General. They have a photo to prove it in post #277.


This clown is a real doozer…. all the action guy ribbons and just an LT? Hell, he should have gone all the way and made himself a major. Then it would be apropos- A real life “Major Doozy”. If you are going to fuck up… fuck up big! He is a “major” disappointment for me.

2-17 AirCav

This seemed to be the appropriate place to post the following, inasmuch as pretenders and posers will never know the following: Tomorrow many of us will be with family for a Thanksgiving day of turkey, football, and squabbling. We will think of loved ones who are no longer at the table and say a prayer of thanks for them and our many blessings. We will remember others too, those who made the supreme sacrifice in service to our country. Below is a sampling, by year, of those whose sacrifice was made in South Vietnam on Thanksgiving Day itself. When I started this small effort, I quickly found that there were far too many men to list here whose casualty date fell on Thanksgiving. Perhaps you will read their names and know one. In a very real sense, of course, regardless of our age, our dates of service, our branch–we knew each of them. God bless them all and God bless their families. Thanksgiving Day Casualties, South Vietnam, 25 November 1965 Arthur Melvin Gordon, Private First Class, US Army; Age at Loss:19 William Martin Savoren, Lance Corporal, USMC; Age at Loss:19 Donald Raymond Bonko, Captain, US Army; Age at Loss:28 Thanksgiving Day Casualties, South Vietnam, 24 November 1966 Grady Edward McElroy, Private First Class, US Army; Age at Loss: 22 William Hixson Hardwick, Private First Class, USMC; Age at Loss: 20 John Neto Rodrigues, Staff Sergeant, US Army, Age at Loss: 36 Thanksgiving Day Casualties, South Vietnam, 23 November 1967 Francis John Muraco, Corporal, USMC; Age at Loss: 21 Gary Doyle Roerink, Private First Class, Us Army; Age at Loss: 20 Leonard Leroy Bevels, Sergeant, US Army; Age at Loss: 25 Thanksgiving Day Casualties, South Vietnam, 28 November 1968 Laurence E Williams, Private, US Army; Age at Loss: 19 John E Moulden, Specialist Four, US Army, Born 28 November 1945; Age at Loss:23 Lonnie Michael Reeves, Lance Corporal, USMC, Age at Loss:22 Thanksgiving Day Casualties, South Vietnam, 27 November 1969 Wylie Clarence King, Corporal, US Army; Age at Loss: 20 Angel Luis Acevedo-Millan, Specialist Four, US Army; Age at Loss: 20… Read more »


I love the pleats on the khakis.


Personally, I think anyone wearing a SpecForce tab should be sent to that SpecForce training for “disciplinary action.” It doesn’t matter if the guy or gal is a civvie or a PX Ranger, send them to the school and let the Black Hats give them something to whine about… and cry about… and scream about… and moan about… and bleed about…

Doc Bailey

Jesus. These people don’t even try. I mean seriously, he’s out of shape, his rack is fucked up the uniform is too new for that to be a 1LT.

The rack is beyond fucked up and why why WHY did this dumb-ass get a minautre trident?


They knew of Ballduster and the USAF Choadmaster months ago


The original post (a couple hours before the thread) by the man who confronted him at the event is here….


I wonder. If this kid went to an OWS-IVAW event, would anyone call him out as a fraud (on the enemy’s side, not ours)?


This wannabe Lt. Shitestain needs to quit pretending to be a Marine. Any true poseur POS pretends to be a SEAL semen or Special Forces doggy. (Just some friendly joshing to the sister services)


I’m the guy in the black shirt in the first picture. I confronted this imposter, looked him in the eye, and got told bald faced lies.
Have no mercy for this shit bag. Not only did he impersonate a Marine, he stuck to his guns after I offered him a chance to recant. He is a liar, and I have no time or tolerance for such people. Burn him down.

Doc Bailey

Its the sad fact that people want the “Men now a bed in England will hold their manhood cheapened whence speaks a Veteran. . .” without having to be the “few we happy few”

Frankly Opinionated

@#37 Evolved_Tactical :
What part of the country is this in? Where does this turkey go for a drink/work/etc.
What event were these photos taken at?


@#21: If you go to the military photo link provided in the original article, it does describe the impostor being questioned and dressed down, so yes, his expression is of someone being dressed down in the photo.


Apparently Lt. Shitbag has realized the err of his ways, after several “prompts” from the MP crowd on facebook. Link to the admission and APOLOGY (pretty rare these days).

Post #180


@39 Frankly Opinionated

The pic was taken in San Gabriel, CA. The poser-in-question is a biology/psychology major at LMU (rumor is he’s pre-med). The pics were taken at a parking lot sale for the airsoft retailer Evike.


An airsofter commando? Oh my, this just gets better and better. Everyone get ready, his fellow airsofter will soon ride to the rescue.

The Sniper

The guy’s actual name? Ho Lee Fuk. That reminds me of when I was an Army SEAL in the Battle of Bull Run. Of course, I was assigned to a tanker unit at the time…


I know this guy. What a tool. Nobody likes him. Even more people hate him now.

Retired NCO

I have to concur with the all of you, this guy is a real loser. A wanna-be poser who probably couldn’t get into the military, for obvious reasons, so he walks around pretending. Two NDSM’s spaced apart? Yes, you can wear two of the same ribbon if the first is filled with devices and you subsequently are awarded another you can then place another ribbon below it in precedence. I don’t see any devices on either of his supposed NDSM’s – also, he wouldn’t have been in long enough to have been awarded two NDSM’s – my two were awarded approximately ten years apart.
His ribbons are out of order, some of which haven’t been awarded in decades.
The clincher – the Navy SEAL’s Trident. This guy is a real dip-sh*t.
If I had a young troop in my chain of command pull this crap I would have climbed up his little butt and kicked field goals.
I am glad there was someone in the crowd with a sharp eye who confronted this imposter and called him out. Let’s honor the real hero’s who have served, and who continue to serve.


His Iraq Campaign Medal Service Star is upside. Attention to detail people!!


His Iraq Campaign Medal Service Star is upside down. Attention to detail people!!


This dirtbag (and anyone else who impersonates a veteran, lies about their service, or illegally obtains benefits) should be made to look them in the eyes and apologize to EVERY single friend or family member in Section 60 at Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day.


Overseas Service Ribbon before GWOT medals?


[…] Lt Mini-Bud […]