Lesbian Marine bilks Corps with phony marriage
So it seems this female Marien decided that she wanted more money to live with her partner, so she married a male Marine to take advantage of the extra pay, then her partner did the same thing with another Marine. Now the corporal is looking at a year in the jug and loss of her pay and allowances and her rank.. And, oh, she owes the Corps $75,000 in ill-gotten gains.
But I guess that could never happen now that Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is finished, right?
Thanks to Sporkmaster for the link.
Category: Military issues
This has occurred since marriage was allowed for Soldiers.
Validates the assumption that people will game the system regardless of their sexual orientation.
Have to agree with you, CI. A guy in my unit was married to a gal from another company that happened to be a lesbian. They lived in the same house, off post, but so did her girlfriend. Of course, that was long before DADT was even a thought.
As for her being in the Army and a lesbian; we all knew it, no one said anything about it, she wasn’t in our unit (combat unit, no women) and no one really cared. I do believe it was probably one of the worst kept secrets there was in our unit. However, if the brass had found out and done something about it, I don’t think anyone would have bitched about that, either, because we all knew the regs and if they got caught; they got caught and that would be that.
Okay, I suffered the video. The narrator says that the lesborine knew she had done something wrong. Huh? Since when is fraud wrong? Then there’s the wonderful logic delivered by the wife at that end. Wife objects that her husband, lesborine, should not be demoted because her rank has nothing to do with it. Move over Clarence Darrow. There’s a new lawyer in town. Jeez.
She is going to the brig because she is a covicted thief, not because she is a lesbian.
I believe that all of them have earned a Big Chicken Dinner by making false claims against the government. And, instead of whining about the “unfairness” of the punishement they ought to remember that if you do the crime, you earn the time.
How is this any different than stealing shit from the motor pool and selling it at a surplus store?
Holy shit–they’re being subjected to the same laws as the rest of us and face the same penalties, and STILL they bitch.
Just further proof that it was never about “equality” with this crowd.
Step 1) Commit Fraud against the United States
Step 2) Hide behind “minority” status
Step 3) ???
Step 4) Profit!
Doc, there is really no difference at all. This crack troop is a thief, and nothing more. And from the video, not a particularly intelligent thief.
Bust her, burn her, and boot her with a Dishonorable.
The poor schmucks who married these things must be catching it big time. After all, it’s no violation of any law to chide someone because of their spouse’s sexual homosexuality! (At least, not yet.) I think I’d be requesting duty in Antarctica or something.
There was a reason why the military used to require CO’s approval of a marriage. It had nothing to do with morals or “picking the right souse.” It was to deter fraudulent marriages for benefits.
We had a female who married one month before we deployed and then divorced one month after we returned. You know what we could do about it? Nothing. She gamed the system and the system is made to be gamed.
“Souse” should be “spouse,” but sometimes the spouse is a souse.
Thanks, Steve, the 3 B’s. This waste of space should be removed from the Marines right after she does her time in the brig, and how much does her “wife” owe the taxpayers? She gamed the system, too. She ought to be standing in front of a federal judge.
Yes, what she did was wrong. I also think the policy was wrong. No, gays are not going to stop asking for rights. We pay taxes, we contribute to society, we should have the rights of full citizens. We gays have been paying extra benefits for you straights long enough, it’s time for you to pony up.
There it is. Mentions queers and it shows up.
#6 NHsparky: Holy shit–they’re being subjected to the same laws as the rest of us and face the same penalties, and STILL they bitch.
Just further proof that it was never about “equality” with this crowd.”
You are so full of shit, or purposely blind. The fact is that if it weren’t for DOMA and DADT this subterfuge would never of happened. They’d of gotten the same pay and the State wouldn’t be spending tons of money prosecuting and jailing 4 marines for the “crime” of two of them falling in love. To me this is further evidence that DADT didn’t work.
#15 “There it is. Mentions queers and it shows up.”
Funny, how you’re always there right with me, partner. By the way i’m a he, not an appliance.
Oh fuck you and the fucking horse you fucking rode in on, you butt-hurt drama queen.
Straights have been subject to the “phony marriage” thing for DECADES now, and have been getting busted AND SENT TO PRISON FOR IT.
Only thing, that dumb fucker isn’t looking at just a year, he’s looking at 25 YEARS, assclown.
The Marine in question was more than allowed to live out on town ON HER OWN DIME, as I did when I was single and got sick of the barracks (Clinton authorized E-6 single BAQ/VHA just after I transferred to shore duty and got married anyway.)
I’ve seen more than a few folks get the dogshit hammered out of them for bilking the system. The fact that someone who is a lesbian is crying the poorass not for being a lesbian, but for being a THIEF, is the subject at hand here. Yet she doesn’t want to accept that and immediately pulls out the “protected group” card.
Do try and keep up, won’t you?
@14: In case you haven’t noticed; it’s not a “right” to serve in the military. If you would look at most of the comments, they have nothing to do with whether they are lesbians, but rather the defrauding of the gummint and as I noted where I agreed with CI, it has been going on a very long time in the history of the military.
“We gays have been paying extra benefits for you straights long enough, it’s time for you to pony up.”
Bwaahhahhaaaaa. “Extra benefits.” Troll bait of the first order.
By the way, Insipid, were the parents who paid for your upbringing gay or straight?
Insipid. Fail.
we should have the rights of full citizens
Name one right you don’t have.
Homosexuality used to be “the love that dare not speak its name.”
Now it doesn’t know when to shut the fuck up.
The only “right” you don’t have is to be listed on said partner’s insurance or as next of kin in a life or death situation. No one really cares if you are gay. What we care about is the rule of law and that the military is certainly allowed to be different and have different standards than the rest of the goddamned world.
And it’s for that reason you feel cheated, like you haven’t gotten what you think is owed you. Get over it. DADT was an okay policy because those that abided by it showed they were there to serve, and not whine about their sexual preferences and what was different for them or not. Hint: The age old Army practice of “Deal with it” applies. Remember- The Military is and can treat people equally because the only fucking thing that matters is whether or not you are Male or Female and doing the job you signed up for.
Now, use your head here. The subterfuge you speak of happens all the time and I can name a hundred scenarios-DOMA and DADT don’t mean jackshit when it comes to that. Rule of law, not love governs here. And you’re whiny preaching shows you are blind and Sparky is spot on.
Actually, Defend, in a lot of companies you CAN list domestic partners as emergency contacts or beneficiaries to your estate. It’s not the government that doesn’t allow it, it’s private businesses that don’t, and their numbers are getting fewer and fewer.
Hey I just want to throw this out, Insipid you do realize that fraud is a crime right? It doesn’t matter her sexual orientation. SHE LIED FOR PERSONAL GAIN. It would be no different than lying to the VA about all the combat you saw if you were a TOCroach.
If they couldn’t afford to live off base she shoulda worked her ass of to get promoted so she COULD live off base. Personally I don’t know why she’d want that. The B’s never did me wrong, and if I overextended my paycheck on booze (as soldiers are wont to do) there was always the DFAC.
#18 NHsparky: “Oh fuck you and the fucking horse you fucking rode in on, you butt-hurt drama queen”
So many things hillarious about that sentence:
1. You start off by saying “Fuck you and the fucking horse you fucking rode in on” and end it by calling ME a drama queen? Of course i guess in Old Sparky world all queers are “drama queens”. And when he-man Sparky goes ape-shit in his rhteoric it’s just merely “vigorous debate” or somethin’. For whatever it’s worth, i’m not effiminate, unlike the uber-straight Marcus Bachman.
2. But-hurt? What is this obsession you have with the act of gay sex, Sparky? And why does every conversation about gay rights, turn into some lurid description of gay sex in your mind?
I’ll stipulate that the women did do wrong. However i also maintain that the law itself is also wrong. If straights can get marriage benefits, then gays should be able to get marriage benefits. Whether you want to get rid of one or add the other is up to you.
As far as the guy doing 25 years, he should. He had an entire racket going. But your case had more to do with immigration fraud than anything else.
@14: Old Trooper: In case you haven’t noticed; it’s not a “right” to serve in the military.
I reject the notion that the only “rights” one has are the ones spelled out in the Constitution. I think you should have the right to join the military and serve regardless of your sexual orientation.
I’m not defending their fraud, just denouncing the policy.
OK – so what exactly is required of persons who marry that would allow them to collect benefits?
Really not sure I see the difference between this situation and many other marriages that include infidelity with assorted whoevers.
Thanks for not answering my question, drama queen. That pretty much tells me and anyone else reading this all that need be said.
Oh, and insipid–it’s not the “law” that says you can’t get married–it’s the CHURCH. What about that confuses you so?
I reject the notion that the only “rights” one has are the ones spelled out in the Constitution. I think you should have the right to join the military and serve regardless of your sexual orientation.
So 98-year old blind paraplegics have the “right” to serve as well? Or do standards only apply to those attributes that suit your purposes?
And no, dumbass, the Constitution does NOT spell out the rights of the people. For all your legal prowess you sure are in desperate need of a clue. The Constitution, if I need remind you, determines the authority of the government, not the people; in other words, if the Constitution doesn’t allow the government to do it (based on legislation and judicial review, as well as executive enforcement of laws) then they can’t. You know, enumerated powers, shit like that.
Serving in the military is a “right????” On what planet?
Service of any kind is never a right! Service of any kind is a duty, an oblgation, and all sorts of other things, but a right? Service is what you give to others, not something you receive.
XXXX!! Sorry. To serve your Country is a privelege. You have a right to vote. You have a right to bear arms, freedom from religion,etc…
I reitterrate that the Military is allowed to be elite and hold the standards different than any civilian entity. End of story.
@30 – “it’s not the “law” that says you can’t get married–it’s the CHURCH.”
I don’t think this is correct. The church doesn’t issue marriage licenses. Churches also not the 30 states that have adopted Constitutional prohibitions against same sex marriage
Try to get married in a Catholic church if you’re gay, licensed or not.
@29: Thanks for not answering my question, drama queen. That pretty much tells me and anyone else reading this all that need be said.
Fine it’s illegal for gays to marry the person of their choice in the majority of states, it’s legal for an employer to fire you based ONLY on your sexuality in the majority of states, and a gay person married in Massachussets doesn’t have the right to have their marriage recognized by other states.
I think it’s going to actually be even easier to defraud the government if homosexuals are allowed to get married. You would have PVT Snuffy marrying his battle buddy just to get paid more.
And the command team might be too scared of political correctness to do ask the hard questions.
“it’s legal for an employer to fire you based ONLY on your sexuality in the majority of states”
Um; where did you get that info?
it’s legal for an employer to fire you based ONLY on your sexuality in the majority of states,
Uh, no, sorry. Try again.
@34 – No arguments there, but law supersedes the church [writ large] in this matter.
@27: No, serving is a privilege, not a right. When you join the military, you voluntarily give up some of your Constitutional rights and fall under the UCMJ. One that you may, or may not, know is that you give up some of your civilian protections of the 1st Amendment. You can’t speak out, publicly, against the CiC or those appointed above you. You must adhere to grooming standards and a code of conduct that your Constitutionally protected civilian friends do not have to. There are so many things that differ from the civilian counterpart that you should already know about that it’s not worth going into more detail. Everyone that is, or has been, in the military already knows all this. That’s, also, why we know it’s a privilege and not a right.
Sorry CI, but marriage was a religious institution long before it was a legal one. Frankly, the government has too much of a hand in marriage as it is.
@38, Old trooper:
NHSparky, Marriage is a legal as well as religious partnership. I’m only arguing for the legal right. I’m still for separation of church and state.
Right up to the point where a church refuses to marry you and you sue. Tell me that won’t happen.
Again, using dubious sources to “prove” your point is, to put it mildly, laughable. Nah, gaylife doesn’t have an agenda or slant to it, nooooooo…
How about you try this:
Old trooper, just because there’s laws governing rights doesn’t mean its not a right. I’m assuming that you believe there is a right to own a handgun. While you and i may disagree on that I’m assuming you’re sane enough to agree that there needs to be at least SOME laws governing who and what you’re allowed to fire the weapon at.
While we both may believe in freedom of the press, i assume we both will agree that a Newspaper shouldn’t be allowed to publish detailed instrucitions on how to build an atomic bomb.
And of course there’s the old Oliver Wendell Holmes statement about shouting fire in a crowded theater.
Insipid you do realize that ALOT of states have laws on the books that the employer doesn’t need a reason to fire you.. They can fire you- just because. Again, why do you think gays should get EXTRA protections in those states?
I didn’t know about.com was equivelent to gaytimes, Sparky. While the eeoc information may be interesting, i was referring to States, not the Federal Government.
Yes and no Melle, an employer cannot fire you because they discover you’re Jewish or because they find out you’re over 40. If they do they’re faced with a big lawsuit. In most States, the same is not true for gays.