Marines against Shamar Thomas

| October 20, 2011

I know Sporkmaster has written a few times about Shamar Thomas, the huge clown who thought it was appropriate to pin his ribbons on his utility uniform and yell at police. Apparently, some other Marines have taken exception with his behavior and formed a Facebook group called Marines Against Shamar Thomas…and he’s not happy about it. Paul sends us these screen shots;

Category: Shitbags

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This dickwad can’t spell Fallujah right, I don’t think he was ever there! I know the spellings of everywhere I was stationed overseas, and IDK about y’all, but 10 days in Fallujah with no support or vehicle by themselves in Indian Country? BULLSHIT


Something I just looked up, but the Combat Action Ribbon is authorized for any Marine, captain level and below, who actively participated in ground/surface combat.

It does not specify that you have to be of a certain job, so I assume even a “lowly” supply guy is eligible for this.

This is unlike the Army’s CIB which is only for infantry MOS and CAB for the others. But in terms of ‘prestige’ I assume the CIB and CAR are equivalent?

Maybe some Marines can elaborate on this.


The following amplifying remarks are furnished as guidance.

(a) Personnel in riverine and coastal operations, assaults, patrols, sweeps, ambushes, convoys, amphibious landings, and similar activities who have participated in fire fights are eligible.

(b) Personnel assigned to areas subjected to sustained mortar, missile, and artillery attacks actively par­ ticipate in retaliatory or offensive actions are eligible.

(c) Personnel in clandestine or special opera­ tions such as reconnaissance, SEAL teams, EOD teams, and Mine Countermeasures operations are eligible when the risk of enemy fire was great and was expected to be encountered.

(d) Personnel aboard a ship are eligible when the safety of the ship and the crew were endangered by enemy attack, such as a ship hit by a mine or a ship engaged by shore, surface, air or sub-surface elements.

(e) Personnel eligible for the award of the Purple Heart would not necessarily qualify for the Combat Action Ribbon.

(f) Personnel serving in peacekeeping missions, if not eligible by the criteria cited above, are eligible to receive the award when all of the following criteria are met: -the member was subject to hostile, direct fire, – based on the mission and the tactical situation, not returning fire was the best course of action, and – the member was in compliance with the rules of engagement and his orders by not returning fire.

(g) The CAR will not be awarded to personnel for aerial combat since the Strike/Flight Air Medal provides recognition for aerial combat exposure; however, a pilot or crewmember forced to escape or evade after being forced down could be eligible for the award.

(h) Under Public Law 106-55, the CAR may be awarded retroactively to 07Dec41


This asshat has already gotten way more than his 15 minutes of fame.


#5. Sure looks like it.


Yep, Sic Semper Tyrannis!


I hope it’s true, then Leon Klinghoffer can RIP.


I hope so too, the Libyans and Al Jazeera seem to think he has assumed room temperature


@5 Another great victory for our country and wondeful president..

He has shown what the U.S. will do to thugs around the world while maintaining diplomacy and involving the UN and NATO while the previous administration was only concerned with making themselves more money.


TAH, and John, TYVM once again. You guys rule.


Doc Bailey

YAY Caveat Tyrannis!

Did Shamar really expect anything else?

Cedo Alteram

#2″This is unlike the Army’s CIB which is only for infantry MOS and CAB for the others. But in terms of ‘prestige’ I assume the CIB and CAR are equivalent?” This is an argument that some of the USMC/Navy personel make but I think a closer equivalent would be the combat patch. Though again, they don’t exactly mirror one another.


Hey Jerry – as big of a scumbag Qaddafi was the Achille Lauro hijacking/Klinghoffer murder was a Palestine Liberation Front operation organized by Muhammed Zadain (aka Abu Abbas). I was involved in the capture of the maggots at NAS Sigonella – a whole additional story. Abbas got his after we captured him in Bagdad in 2003.

Either way – one less piece of crap walking the planet today.


oh almost forgot – Shamar Thomas reminds me of Jesse McBeth and Lauro Chavez. His BS will be exposed very soon.


The only reason you guys hate this guy is because he has done more than most of you on this site. Besides Doc Bailey and Sporkmaster nobody has been to Iraq. I am an Iraq War vet and I am not the least bit offended by what he is doing. When did dissent become such a bad thing to you noodleheads? It’s how this country was founded.


Oh how can we measure up, those of us who never went to Iraq?

Oh woe is we who only served in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Macedonia, Korea, HOA, The Mog, the Fulda Gap, and Viet Nam?

We’ll never be such a BAMF as Herr Richter!


I’ve been to Iraq…..twice. Next?


Richter and Obama Girl go jerk each other off. I have two deployments (oef and oif) and what he did is a fucking joke. I’ll copy and paste what I said earlier on the marines against page…
Sgt. Shitbird I’m an Army 11Bravo and you have disgraced yourself and the uniform. I have never once gone out with an ACU or BDU top as a civilian attire or put my stack on one of those tops. You went out with the intent to draw attention to yourself. Better men in your branch have worn the uniform Butler, Puller, Bas…ilone, Daly (remember those guys?) and it’s a disgrace what you have done. But you sold your soul for 5 minutes of fame and you get to pal around with the likes of keith olbermann and Michael Moore who have called us baby killers and have supported the insurgency (Michael Moore calls em freedom fighters). I hope you sleep well at night dickhead

Adirondack Patriot

Hey Richter, it has nothing to do with his service in Iraq and everything with his disservice in America.

He is smartmouth punk who created a situation. he didn’t diffuse it. And if he was such a great orator, why did he wear his Marine uniform? Do you wear your military uniform when you go out and address the police?

He goes to community college and in his spare time he is a lackluster semi-pro football player (three tackles all season as a defensive lineman). If he feels Wall Street is hurting him, then he should quit playing semi-pro football and stop hanging out with 19 and 20-year-old students at Nassau Community College, and get a real job befitting a former Marine.

What has he done other than show up as a ranting idiot on a YouTube video? Nothing.


I see OG’s & “Richter’s” odoriferous presence has wandered in the back door. Who left it unlocked?


“When did dissent become such a bad thing to you noodleheads? It’s how this country was founded.”

I don’t have a problem with dissent.

I have a problem with dissent IN UNIFORM.

There’s a damn good reason we divorce our military from politics as much as we can.


I’m not quite sure how Qaddafi’s death is “another great victory for our country and wonderful president.”

I don’t think that anyone has a problem with dissent, but they do have a problem with wearing part of a uniform while doing it. Anyone can go play anarchist, abortion protestor, Westboro Baptist Church member, or whatever they want, just do use the uniform of current/former service member to add credence to your arguments.


Actually, Herr Richter, this country was not founded on dissent. There were, however, colonists who dissented from the liberty-loving path the majority of Americans took. These dissenters remained loyal to the King of England. Most of the dissenters came around but some, such as Benedict Arnold, took their dissent to new depths.


#22 Doesnt make sense does it? You’d think it would be portrayed as what it is: a victory for Libya by Libyans….remember one of the taglines of this regime is “let no crisis go to waste.”


#14, Suspected paid for by Qaddafi, but totally agree, good to see all of them rotting.


If you like Ballduster and Soup Sandwich, you just had to love Qaddaffodil. What a guy. His medals had medals. He is (or was) something of a mix between Il Duce and Pol Pot.

Adirondack Patriot

#10: Obamagirl, when you say Obama “has shown what the U.S. will do to thugs around the world,” do you mean this?

Old Trooper

Ah, there he is. Glad to see you join the party, Herr richter. You have no bearing on anything, fraud. You had your chance to prove your bona fides, including your CIB, but you blew it because you’re a fucking liar and you knew showing up would prove all of it.

Everyone here is tired of your usual amount of bullshit. Buh bye now.


His medals had medals, but he never seemed to be able to promote himself beyond LTC.


Nobel Peace Prize Prez Spikes Ball in Rose Garden

I don’t think “Peace” means what it used to mean.


Not sure it is such a big win. Who will replace him? It is common knowledge that the Libyan ‘freedom’ fighters are at a minimum sympathetic with Al Qaeda. At least we knew who Qaddafi was. Also, I believe there were reports that the Libyan rebels were killing black Libyans.


Sorry double post

Not sure it is such a big win. Who will replace him? It is common knowledge that the Libyan ‘freedom’ fighters are at a minimum sympathetic with Al Qaeda. At least we knew who Qaddafi was. Also, I believe there were reports that the Libyan rebels were killing black Libyans.

Doc Bailey

OG: HOW exactly is this president who got into this bullshit bass ackward, even close to responsible for this “victory” If anything this is just another tale of a tyrant meeting a justly deserved end. US involvement is only in rooting for his death.


BTW, Obamagirl, the previous administration did go to the UN and NATO for Iraq and Afghanistan. Remember Powel at the UN? Ever wonder what ISAF stands for? Did it ever dawn on you that there is a reason why service in Afghanistan is recognized with an Afghanistan campaign medal and a NATO Non-Article 5 medal? I’d really love to see you differentiate the reasoning behind your dislike of the Bush doctrine but your full support of the Obama doctrine.


It’s pointless trying to reason with OG, she’s dumber than a bag of cement and twice as useless.


So, I am relatively new here (been around for a little while and posted a couple of times) and just curious about the accomplishments of the ‘regulars’. I see that many of the regulars have either posted a DD214 or some other kind of proof, but some of the ‘regulars’ that continue to tout their accomplishments and bash others do not post any proof. It seems simple to me that if you are going to talk smack about someone’s accomplishments, that you should post yours to back up what you say. Not trying to start any trouble, just want to know what is so hard about posting proof for those that question the accomplishments of others.

Just Plain Jason

Hmmm…. Looking at the “I love me” shadow box my wife gave me for my birthday. Guess cause Richter said I’ll take my Iraq service ribbon out. Oh wait no I actually was in Iraq, but wait guys I’m confused didn’t we get rid of a dick-tater there? Wait that one don’t count…

This guy though, fucknut for using his uniform…


Yeah, many a Marine ain’t too happy with this dude right now….


@ Templar – I second that!


Not trying to start any trouble, just want to know what is so hard about posting proof for those that question the accomplishments of others.

Templar, anon: We have posted ours because the REAL phonies have tried to claim that we are in fact the phonies, etc. Yet when asked to post proof or retract, they do neither.

I’ve never claimed to be in the sandbox, but being on a fast attack I’ve been a lot closer to the “bad guys” than a lot of people who have never served on a submarine will either admit or believe. I know, those who have been there know, and that’s enough. Jonn has known me for something like 8-9 years now, and knows I’m not given to grand tales of derring-do.

OG and sphincterboy, OTOH, have made claims of their own service, telling us we’re poseurs, etc., with no way of backing up their own bullshit. Well, a lot of people around here got tired of it and called them out. Sphincterboy had a chance to meet Old Trooper in person, yet pussied out. OG makes bullshit claims that we’ll somehow falsify her records and “use them against her”. That’s where a number of us have posted our records, including 214’s and 2-1’s. As soon as I get a day (night) off, I’ll dig out my 214 and scan it as well. Nothing fancy, nothing special.

Old Trooper

Redacted: Yeah, they seem to be a little miffed with Thomas. I suppose if I were a Marine, whether I agreed with his position, or not, I wouldn’t be happy about him wearing his stuff all jacked up like he is. Wearing your rack on fatigues is something John F-ing Kerry, or some third world dictator, would do. I guess he never got the memo when he took NCO leadership. I would expect it from Kerry, but not a Sergeant in the USMC.


@NHSparky, thank you for the backstory.

John Riley

I WAS called a sh*tbird by my sergeant in Vietnam. I smoked pot, had long hair, and wore purple shoelaces. And THIS shitbird says that Shamal Thomas is an a-hole for trying to promote a personal agenda WHILE HIDING BEHIND HIS SERVICE TO HIS COUNTRY. He’s just another malcontent paraded by the leftists who want to destroy our country and traditions, and want what doesn’t belong to them. HE was the obnoxious bully at the scene, NOT the police. Now he’s not only been promoted to “General”, but he’s a Wall St. expert, as well. I agree with the blogger who said he believes there’s a tasing in this man’s near future. If only……..There are marchers in the streets advocating the overthrow of our country, and this sap joins them? ALL THE A-HOLE AMERICA HATERS NOW HAIL THIS CLOWN AS A HERO. THAT’S ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW.

Doc Bailey

Templar: You also have to understand that some have seen a LOT of service between wars, and some folks (especially the bubbleheads) get some bullshit treatment because they didn’t do the Hoah or Oorah sort of thing.

now don’t get me wrong I might throw in a “polish the ol torpedo” joke, but only in jest. Most of the folks that are “counter” (OG, Richter, King Brian etc) do not say those things in jest.


Doc, don’t forget that lousy POS Smedley butler. I was air force before army. I have heard all the jokes. Lol. If its from a brother…..I’m ok with it. From a know nothing shit head…its not. BTW….I don’t have a scanner or my info on digits. Just paper. Would love to post mine might have to get jonn’s fax number and beg him to post my dd-214s.

Joe Williams

What first caught my eye was a Coporal With a srvice stripe on his Blues blouse. Then came what is he doing wearing his Blues at a Polito Rally. The acting Master Guns in Utes justs pegs my BS meter. Both are NO LONGER ENTITLED to claim the title of Marine. Sgt 65-72 (RVN 6-66 thru 9-68)

Adirondack Patriot

Not for nothing, but Shamar’s “I Was There” plaque doesn’t mean shit. You can have any plaque made up at any of the haji marts in Buehring, Arifjan or KNB in Kuwait. You can go online and make yourself into a regular Audie Murphy.

SGT Fathead needs to put his DD-214 online, not some photo of a plaque. I just read he left the IRR on September 2, so he should have an up-to-date copy.


Wearing your rack on fatigues is not something a politician would do…it’s something a fake rapper like Soulja Boy would do…Its what you see in these urban clothing stores and rap video’s. Phony acts of Valor type crap. It just looks plain stupid and fake.

Christian J

We need more brave marines like Shamar Thomas. If it wasnt for the uniform he would have been thrown in jail by NYPD with no coverage. He is representing millions of americans slaves of this new wave 1% capitalism!! Go Marines!

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