Dahlia Wasfi the lying POS

| October 25, 2010

Dahlia Wasfi was born in Iraq and fled the Hussein government with her family when she was six years old. In recent years, instead of blaming the Hussein government for conditions in Iraq, she’s found it more profitable to rage against the US. In this video which someone sent me, she makes the outrageous claim that since World War Two, 90% of causalities of wars have been civilians. You’ll notice that she’s on Iran’s PressTV – the English language press arm of the Iranian government.

Ya know, if you factor in The Sudan’s persecution of Christians, the Rwandan genocide, the killing fields of Cambodia, the Vietnamese extermination of opponents, she might be right. But, of course, her assertion is that 90% of the casualty in US wars have been civilians.

It shouldn’t surprise you that Wasfi was a vociferous supporter of Carl Webb and his philosophy that IVAW should support the killing and maiming of US troops. The length of time that Wasfi spent in Iraq during the war there can almost be measured in days – she spent three months there in 2006 and plays the expert. She banks on your acceptance of her expertise on the subject of Iraq based merely on her parentage.

Every bio that I can find on her says the same thing about her education “Dr. Wasfi graduated from Swarthmore College in 1993 with a B.A. in Biology, and in 1997 graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.” Graduated with what degree? She calls herself a doctor, but it seems to me that she mention what in what endeavor was her doctorate. See the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine has several areas of study, some have little to do with medicine.

Given her activism, I’m guessing that whatever her degree was in, it probably wasn’t as profitable as yapping about shit with which she’s unfamiliar.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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Army Sergeant

Since you cite IVAW in this, I feel I should mention that Dahlia Wasfi no longer is associated with IVAW, because we’re not crazypants enough for her.

Old Trooper

Well, AS, some of your compatriots are………I’m just sayin


So, of the 1 + million dead Iraqi’s, how many can YOU prove were insurgents???
How many days have YOU spent in Iraq???


1+Million? Provide a link, please, and not the Lancet Study. Or something that Wikileaks claims they have.

Old Tanker

Hell, wikileaks only went as high as 100,000 and the New York Times found numerous names listed twice…

WOTN Editor

Oh, I believe that 90% of those killed in Iraq may have been civilians. While that sounds damning, it should be (in context), a call for Support of Our Troops.

See, the enemy actively targeted civilians and Our Troops actively targeted the enemy that was targeting civilians. That is not to say that civilians were never accidently killed by our actions, but that except in rare cases, Our Troops never purposely killed civilians.

Al-Qaeda, JAM, Special Groups, and Hezbollah, all of which are still present and active in diminshed capacity as a result of Our Actions, targeted weddings, funerals, and even playgrounds, markets, and mosques. Their goals were body counts and they didn’t care how many Muslims were killed to attain them.

So, yes, 90% of Iraqi fatalities were probably civilians but 89% of fatalities were Iraqi civilians killed by the enemy.

Wayne Clemmons

Dahlia Wasfi is a good friend of mine. I’ve known her for 30 years now (we met in 4th grade). We graduated high school together (she was the valedictorian), and attended Penn Med at the same time. So let me give you a few insights:

1.) She is a Medical Doctor, so…..she gets to call herself “Doctor”

2.) She devotes herself full-time to her activism, so she could certainly make a hell of a lot more money practicing medicine than she does fighting for what she believes in. Your implication that she’s doing what she’s doing because it’s more profitable than what she could do with some lame Ph.D. holds no weight.

3.) She is smart…like ridiculously, freakishly smart. So she doesn’t have to lie in order to win arguments; she can do that easily with cold, hard logic. She speaks the truth fearlessly and with conviction. So you can rest assured she believes everything she says.

4.) If the truth hurts, say “Ouch”. The number of civilian deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan are in the millions. Do the math. Like I said, Dahlia is really good at math.

So I would actually believe the super-smart woman who puts her money where her mouth is more than some loudmouthed blogger who has to stoop to name-calling, and making hiliarously misinformed comments trying to question her motivations. I’m just sayin…


The Old One

The “DOUCHE” is strong in this one, Master Yoda!!!


Wayne, maybe your doctor friend needs to go back to practicing medicine.

Right now, she’s setting herself up to be used as a puppet by people that, given the chance with the tables turned, will kill her for what she is (an educated woman, a medical doctor) and what she says (her activism).

Old Trooper

Hey, Wayne, or should I call you Dr. as well, since you went to Penn Med with her? Being freakishly smart doesn’t mean anything if you lack common sense. I know freakishly smart people that can’t even put the same color socks on in the morning; so your point is mute. She’s throws out a number like that (90% of deaths are civilians) without putting up the hard numbers; so guess what? You damn right we are going to question her logic. Let her put the cold, hard logic down with cold, hard numbers, not something we take her word for.


The problem, Clemmons, is that the “…loudmouthed blogger…” here and some more of us put OUR money where are mouths are by actually serving in shit holes like Iraq and Afghanistan or other garden spots during our years of service…taking it to the enemy.

What about you Clemmons…have you been there?

Your friend goes back to IZ for 3 months as some half assed “journalist”, and that makes here a SME?

And the fact that she hold an MD degree means exactly jack shit when it comes to an understanding all of the myriad, complex aspects of warfare, National Strategy and the implications of responding/not responding to fundamentalist Islamic attacks on the West.

How “…ridiculously, freakishly smart…” means very little when she’s clearly out of her lane and depth.

As for her motivations, it’s clear to me: she apparently hates the country that took her and her family in.

90% civilian/non-combatant deaths? Bullshit.

Just sayin…


Still waiting on the reliable documentation of ‘millions’ of civilian deaths….

Tick – tock

Tick – tock

Tick – tock


Wayne, She may be smart as you claim, but she sure does make a lot of “vague” statements that indicate either a lack of understanding of the situation or even military principles and law. 2:25 “Ethnic cleansing and genocide we as Americans are conducting” in Iraq. So U.S. forces are actively targeting and killing specific ethnic groups. I can tell you that in 2004-2005 there was a great deal of ethnic killing occurring between Shia and Sunni neighborhoods. However, I do believe that this was being conducted by Iraqis against each other. 3:17 “Murder and indiscriminate killing are the nature of modern warfare” I would love to show her the Casualty Damage Estimate reports that I had to conduct before every mission my unit conducted in Iraq and Afghanistan. I guess I didn’t need to fill them out and plan missions if indiscriminate killing was allowed. 3:20 “90% of casualties in wars are civilians since WWII” Quite an interesting statistic with no solid evidence. Is that 90% of total population or 90% of all deaths? Even taking high end Vietnam data (between 800,000 to 1,200,000 civilian deaths) the % of civilians killed is only 37% of the total deaths (1,100,000 NVA, 880,000 SVA, and 56,000 US. 5:28 “Passing of the brutal occupation as humanitarian” If the U.S is a brutal occupier than I would hate to see how they describe the other militaries in history. My unit in 2004-2005 handed out over 2.4 million in loans to our Iraqi neighborhood, paid people to use their land for COPs and assisted Iraqi Army units in training. It was even more brutal in 2009 when my MiTT team coordinated all actions through the Iraqi military and the U.S units could not go off base without the Iraqi Division Commander’s approval. The problem that TAH has with the women is that she is spouting anti-war rhetoric without providing a single bit of documented evidence to support her claims. Passing herself off as an expert with no credential besides being a peace activist does not make her right. I may not be a PHD,… Read more »


Jacobite, you beat me to the same idea by an hour. Still waiting on “me” and “Wayne Clemmons” to provide a shred of evidence of the “millions” of deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan.
And, as Old Trooper said, what good is being “freakishly smart” if you don’t have the common sense that God gave a fence post?


Daniel, Well spoken. Thanks.

Dahlia Wasfi

There are several international health groups that document the dramatic rise in civilian casualties between WWI and WWII, and then since WWII. One is UNICEF: http://www.unicef.org/graca/patterns.htm. “‘Armed conflict kills and maims more children than soldiers,’ notes a new United Nations report by Graça Machel, the UN Secretary-General’s Expert on the Impact of Armed Conflict on Children.”
I’m probably more disgusted by the U.N. than you are, in terms of politics. But organizations like UNICEF and UNHCR are established in their reputations for data collection and analysis. Furthermore, in today’s conflicts, 1/3 of these 90% are children under 14 years old. These numbers are corroborated by the experiences of the Italian NGO “Emergency” that builds hospitals to treat victims in war-affected countries (http://www.emergencyusa.org/menu.php?A=001&SA=034&ln=En).

And yes, I graduated high school in 1989, college in 1993, and medical school (where I got an M.D.) in 1997.

If the inquiring minds at “This ain’t hell, but I can see Russia from my house” have any further questions, feel free to just ask.


Dr. Wasfi:
I do have a question: Do you still practice medicine, or only teach now?


“If the inquiring minds at “This ain’t hell, but I can see Russia from my house” have any further questions, feel free to just ask.”

So this is the type of discourse that can be expected from an enlightened, educated, and ‘ridiculously, freakishly smart’ luminary?

I’m still waiting on the documentation concerning millions of civilian casualties in Iraq by the way. I don’t suppose you would be able to provide that Dr. Wasfi?

Tick – tock

Tick – tock

Tick – tock

Michael in MI

“Furthermore, in today’s conflicts, 1/3 of these 90% are children under 14 years old.”

Considering that “Palestine” has children’s programming that indoctrinates their young with hatred, vitriol and the desire to kill Jews and Americans from the age of 5, not to mention that 14 years old in a 3rd world country — where many of them walk around with machine guns… ie in Somalia during the Battle of Mogadishu/Operation Gothic Serpent, in Iraq/Afghanistan) — are a LOT different than 14 year olds in America, it’s disingenuous to just put the 14 year old number out there without context. How many of these teenagers were killed while actively participating in jihad? How many were killed who were genuinely innocent? How many were deliberately put in danger by Muslims, as they do in “Palestine”, so they can turn around and blame their enemies when they attack military targets?

Anyone who was serious about wanting to protect children would be asking these questions. But it is obvious your agenda is not to protect the children, not to help prevent innocent civilian deaths, but to smear America.

Sorry, that’s not going to fly here or anywhere else where Americans don’t have an irrational hatred of their country. The fact that IVAW even kicked you out tells me all I need to know about how radical you are.

Michael in MI

So this is the type of discourse that can be expected from an enlightened, educated, and ‘ridiculously, freakishly smart’ luminary?

This is how liberals — specifically elitist liberals — judge who is “smart”. It is not based on merit or results, but based on from which schools they earned degrees, what degrees they earned and how well they can use big words and sound “intelligent” when they talk. That’s why the Left considers Sarah Palin to be an idiot and Barack Obama to be a genius messiah.

Nevermind that Palin has achieved more and produced more results in her lifetime than Obama. Nope, that doesn’t matter. She *sounds* dumb and went to small schools and came from a small town, so she’s dumb.

And nevermind that Obama has not achieved anything in his private life or political life which was not handed to him based on knowing the corrupt people in high places. Nope, that doesn’t matter. He’s super-smart! because he *sounds* smart, went to the liberal-approved “smart” schools and knows how to read such deep intellectual thoughts like “Hope!” and “Change!” off a teleprompter.

I’ll take the word of a GED-educated redneck with common sense over a Hahvahd-educated elite with no sense any day.

Wayne Clemmons

Mr. Lilyea,

Your reading comprehension leaves much to be desired. I said me and Dahlia attended Penn Med at the same time. Only someone with a reading problem could possibly interpret that sentence the way you did. Did I really need to include “as one another” for you to understand it as written? Really?




Dr. Wasfi,

Are you really using statistical data from the conflicts in Chechnya, Somalia, and Rwanda to state that the United States is “par for the course” (3:25) to achieving 90% of civilian casualties?

If that is the case, you are using conflicts where a side is purposely conducting genocide on the civilian population as comparison to U.S. Forces actions. Of course civilian casualties are going to be 90% because they are targeting the civilian population. This misrepresentation of statistics is disingenuous, scholarly inept or just plain lazy.

I am not stating that civilians haven’t died in Iraq and Afghanistan but your implications that we purposely target civilians for whatever reason you claim is absolutely absurd.


Is it just me or does the reporter sound a bit like Elmer Fudd?


“I said me and Dahlia attended Penn Med at the same time. Only someone with a reading problem could possibly interpret that sentence the way you did“. It’s a good thing you went to med school then, as you’d only end up a public school English teacher the way you mangle the proper construction of a sentence, and the use of pronouns, sir.
I would bet your prescriptions are just hilarious to read.

Wayne Clemmons

No prescription writing for me, UpNorth. I’m not a medical doctor. 😉 In the interest of full disclosure, though, I went to Penn Med for one of those “lame Ph.D.s” in Cell & Molecular Biology that your boy Lilyea has so much disdain for. That’s cool though…I’m used to the disrespect.

Oh, I realized I said something something really factually inaccurate up there. No, there have not been millions of civilian deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan. I should have said millions of civilian *casualties*. My bad…that’s a huge distinction and I take full responsibility for the error. I can admit when I was wrong.

There have been thousands upon thousands of civilian deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Does that make you feel better? Somehow it doesn’t make me feel any better. I would guess it doesn’t mean much to an Iraqi family burying a loved one either.


The main distinction is that Dahlia Wasfi and friends are going to extreme lengths try to make US troops look like blood thirsty murderers.

Or the fact that a good part of the violence was caused by different groups in Iraq again each other. You have a PHD in Biology not foreign affairs. Your not a subject expert o what is happening to Iraq, more so to lecture those here who have been to Iraq.


Dear Wayne–of course, under Saddam, there WERE in fact MILLIONS of deaths of Iraqis and Iranians due to his murdering his people and because the war HE started, just in case you were forgetting that little tidbit.

Wayne Clemmons

Hey Sporkmaster…what is the thing with you guys and degrees? I mean really, what is the fascination? I don’t have a Ph. D. in Shit Sandwiches either, but I know they don’t taste good. I didn’t even have to take a bite before I figured that one out.

So if I don’t have Ph.D. in foreign affairs, or spent time dodging bullets in Iraq, I can’t figure out that America’s involvement there is just about the biggest shit sandwich of all time?


I’ll check back with you guys after I’ve done some more reading on the culinary delights of shit sandwiches.



I can’t figure out that America’s involvement there is just about the biggest shit sandwich of all time?

Sounds like you have a pretty fucking low threshold for shit sandwiches, mboy.


We do not have a problem with higher education or disagreeing with topic like Iraq, what we do have a problem with is having our character being swiped at from people who have no clue what happens in the day to days events in places like Iraq.

Your friend here is all but saying that we slaughter people daily and at random, like many people have tired to to in the past. . Despite when we can prove otherwise. Or when we take risks to make sure that the people get help that they need. Yet despite all of this people like her still go at it. That is what we mean when we say to full understand how places like Iraq work, you need to be her first hand to really see that.


Yet she’s not familiar with it firsthand due to the fact that she enjoys the blanket of security proffered by her adopted country, the one she chooses to lambast and denigrate.

Does that fact escape you, Mr. Clemmons, or are you consciously choosing to ignore it?


though i can believe that most of the iraq and afghanistan vets signed up and served with lofty ideas of defending america and “freeing the poor iraqis” and liberating the “poor afghan women” from the scourge of saddam and the taliban and did not necessarily go there with the intention of making a maximum of civilian casualtiesthe facts remain what they are… loads of civilian lives lost in a war that did NOTHING to “ensure the safety and freedom of amuuurica” (attempt of phonetic recreation of bush’s pronounciation).
one of the facts not even touched upon was the massive use of depleted uranium weapons in both iraq and afghanistan… so contravening international law… remember how ABC weapons are banned from use??? depleted uranium can be classified as both atomic/radio-active and chemical weapons because of its inherent properties when deployed and thereby vaporised into nano-particles too small not to be breathed in even when wearing a gas mask… the result is a dramatic rise in leukaemia and other cancers and in the birth of both stillborn and severely disabled children… no one is including these cases in official lists of casualties either, but these are the casualties these wars will make till the ends of time because the genetic damage has already been done…
using agent orange during the vietnam war was an unconscionable choice and we are now into the third generation of both civilians and vets and family suffering, while little to no clean up action has been undertaken by the us gvt… Can we really expect any better this time around? at the very least the use of du weapons was a crime against humanity and we need an american/british equivalent of the nuremberg and tokyo tribunals… and no… i was just following orders is no excuse here either…

protect your future offspring from excruciating disabilities and untimely agonising death… don’t serve in these wars…

Michael in MI

protect your future offspring from excruciating disabilities and untimely agonising death… don’t serve in these wars…

Yeah, that makes complete sense. If only we’d just disband our military, then these wars would just go away and we’d all live in peace and harmony. Idiot.


Have you ever had to deal with Agent Orange-related disabilities, POS? Have you ever been to Iraq or Afghanistan? (I’ve not.) Have you ever spoken with a woman who’s had her first opportunity to vote at the age of 36 or 42? (I have.)

And lastly, do you have any data to back up your claims other than “I heard from X that Y said this, so it must be true”?


@Michael in MI even if you do not believe in the possibility of peace, maybe you should consider demanding that the us gvt adheres to the rule of law as to pertaining to the non-use of weapons of mass destruction and refusing to comply with orders to commit crimes against humanity as is your duty under international law @ROS i am lucky enough not to one of those afflicted by the aftermath of agent orange but i am in contact with plenty american families who suffer its effects to this day and have a hard time getting the help they are due by the american gvt i have not yet been to iraq nor afghanistan but am in the process of planning a visit in 2011 if all goes well, 2012 if there are delays in collecting sufficient medical aid to warrant a visit. i have spoken to grandmothers who have not yet had the opportunity to vote because they fled the dire situation in their country before they had had the chance to vote i have also been in contact with women who had to bring their children suffering from various rare cancers to my country because they could not get the chemo needed because the drugs needed were on the embargo list as they “could be used to fabricate chemical weapons” as to whether i have any back up to my claims? which of the claims are you refering to? that depleted uranium weapons were used at all? that depleted uranium weapons can be counted as chemical and atomic weapons of mass destruction? that contamination with depleted uranium causes high incidences of birth defects and cancer? i have a bookshelf of back up to my claims, ranging from plain english to what you might consider scientific gobbledygook. anyhow….. would you really accept any supporting data handed to you by a pacifist? How about doing your own research into the matter? you could start by looking up what leuren moret has to say on the matter… an american du expert…. from there you can go as broad and as… Read more »


That’s all I needed to know.


Michael in MI

even if you do not believe in the possibility of peace,

There is no possibility of peace, because humans are inherently flawed creatures. There will always be evil in the world, always be evil people and always be a need for good people to fight the evil people in order to protect the innocent. It has been such throughout history and will be for the foreseeable future, until someone figures out a successful Serenity-like drug to make everyone ‘peaceful’.

maybe you should consider demanding that the us gvt adheres to the rule of law as to pertaining to the non-use of weapons of mass destruction and refusing to comply with orders to commit crimes against humanity as is your duty under international law

If I knew what in the world you were talking about here, I might be able to respond. The US government is using WMD? WTF?

Michael in MI

Ahah, didn’t read the response to ROS. The ‘depleted uranium’ conspiracy theory. Waste of time even addressing that nonsense.


And thus my response, MiM. 😀


“i have not yet been to iraq nor afghanistan but am in the process of planning a visit in 2011 if all goes well, 2012 if there are delays in collecting sufficient medical aid to warrant a visit.”

If you do go, please be sure to contract with a competent, well known security contractor who can and will protect you.

I do NOT want to read/hear about US/Coalition Special Operations Forces having to plan and execute a Hostage Rescue mission to bring your worthless ass out of there.

Although the reality is, they will plan and execute such a mission, as tasked, at the risk of their lives, TO SAVE YOURS.

And don’t even presume to lecture us about our “…duty under international law” until you have the fucking balls to sit down with and lecture AQ, Hizbollah, the Taliban, LeT, and every other fundamentalist, Islamic terrorist organization on the planet about their “…duty under international law”.

Good luck with that; come back and let us know how that works out for ya.


God this is a hoot. The self proclaimed learned intellectual can barely keep his head above water with respects to common grammar,(Clemmons)yet wishes to remind all and sundry that he and Wasfi have a college education while trying to intimate someone may have something to learn about reading. Reading comprehension is not the issue here, after all, what you offer must be intelligible before it can be understood. Clemmons, the lack of understanding anyone may have concerning what you wrote does not stem from any profound ability to express yourself, it’s rather the opposite. You’re really, really, bad at it.
This is the type of education my tax dollars help pay for? I want my money back. LOL

The one thing I have always found astounding is how folks like Clemmons, Wasfi, and POS really don’t understand how idiotic they sound. They are not necessarily inured to criticism, rather they just really don’t possess any sense of personal fallibility. Character defect or mental defect, someone with considerably more psychiatric training than me should judge, but there’s no denying the loopiness in their social interactions or world view.


ROS and Michael

Come on. You don’t want to hear about the bogeyman called DU?

Man if we are going to have trials for the use of WMD then it’s going to get pretty crowded.

I just wonder why no outrage against Russia, France, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Japan, China, South Korea, or South Africa. I guess the US is just easier to degenerate.


And no one tries to milk a dry cow.



Oh yeah one other thing. Quoting Leuren Moret does not gain any credibility.

1. Anyone that uses the term American occupiers in a research paper is clearly biased.

2. She continues to use the 67% of Gulf War veteran children have birth defects fact even though it has been disproven in numerous reports.

3. She is the biggest proponent of DU causing the rise of diabetes in the US.

These are not good signs when looking for credibility.


They will quote anyone who espouses support of their agenda, no matter how biased or lacking in credibility those people are.

Michael in MI

ROS, Daniel

I think I figured out what we are doing wrong. It’s obvious that the way you earn credibility is ending your comment with a witty # remark.

Let’s see, how about…




or maybe



Hmm… I was going to make a comment directed to Ms. Wasfri and/or Mr. Clemmons, however I’m still thinking on it.

#48 Michael in MI:
A sense of humour too?


The only POS I see here is the author of the post. What difference does it make why Dr. Wasfi’s family emigrated? Why ‘split hairs’ on exactly how much genocide the US and Britain have committed in Iraq, when we can, instead, simply take a peek at those ‘international law agreements we (the United States of America) signed? Hey, according to INTERNATIONAL LAW, all wars of offense are illegal. Ergo, whether certain people wish to wanker away while imagining it was “only” ‘x’ number of murder victims, not the 1.3 number, if one can ignore genocide, it becomes, uh, irrelevent because we broke the law in invading a sovereign nation that had not attacked us. Sporkmaster:The Iraq war is legal due to the conditions that stopped the fighting in the Gulf war in 1991. I will post the documents when I have more time to back this up. The time after the Gulf War the UN made it were that Iraq was to follow certain resolutions in regards to stopping Chemical and Biological programs. Here is a Resolution 1441 that should be interesting to note a few things in it. Recalling also its resolution 1382 (2001) of 29 November 2001 and its intention to implement it fully, Recognizing the threat Iraq’s non-compliance with Council resolutions and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and long-range missiles poses to international peace and security, Recalling that its resolution 678 (1990) authorized Member States to use all necessary means to uphold and implement its resolution 660 (1990) of 2 August 1990 and all relevant resolutions subsequent to resolution 660 (1990) and to restore international peace and security in the area, Further recalling that its resolution 687 (1991) imposed obligations on Iraq as a necessary step for achievement of its stated objective of restoring international peace and security in the area, Also the continued resolutions that all supported us being in Iraq in order to rebuild it. If the UN really thought our actions were illegal you really think that they would have kept renewing the Resolutions for us to be there until the US-Iraq… Read more »


The author of this post does more when he files his morning report, than you’ve done in your entire life.

And you wouldn’t know genocide if it bit you.