Freak out
One of my moles sent me a screen shot of a conversation at Matthis’ Facebook and it’s actually pretty funny. It seems that they all think Army Sergeant is an old friend of TSO and me who we convinced to join the IVAW to spy for us. Their evidence? She was at the wedding last weekend;
Matthis tries to incite the rabble into believing that all of the records we’ve got came from Army Sergeant because of her unique access to IVAW files. How does he explain the fact that records mostly came on FOIA request forms? Well, he can’t. Because he’s got a case of the ass at IVAW, he’s trying to undermine the organization. That’s fine with me. Undermine away you meth-addled, phony soldier, paranoid freak. Give me a vacation.
But honestly, Selena hasn’t ever given us any information. She got us into the Winter Soldier thing and that was it. We had a generally cordial relationship which has flared up at times. She’s posted, what, twice on TAH. So have other former members of IVAW – because we’re a big tent.
They excoriate Army Sergeant for commenting here. Carl Webb has commented here, too – he’s in that conversation with Matthis. He’s made more comments than most of you. What does that prove? Sara Beining commented here – she’s in that conversation.
But what’s really ironic is that, if Army Sergeant is such a big super spy for TAH, why did I get screenshots of the conversation from someone else? She’s not “friends” with Matthis, so I had to send the screen shots to her. IVAW is shot through and through with spies for TAH. All kinds of people send me dirt on these guys – most of it I don’t even use, because it’s kind of creepy, frankly.
Actually, the biggest favor Army Sergeant did for TAH was demonstrate that we treat people decently even though we disagree with them. Even Jose Valasquez, the executive director answers my emails. Those VoteVets clowns don’t though.
But the whole conversation is a good demonstration of how conditioned Matthis’ sheep are to his faux dismay at the betrayal because Army Sergeant didn’t go to the IVAW Man-haters Club meeting. If Matthis hands you a glass of Kool Aid, you’d better not drink it, guys.
I’ve got thirteen more screen shots, I may post them later if I feel like it.
Added: My mole wrote to tell me hs’s not a mole…he’s a ninja. Now Matthis has reason to be scared if TAH has a squad of ninjas.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects
I just want to see the video when Army Sergeant goes up and knocks Matthis out with a right hook.
Would have been cooler if you said “super secret ninja squirals”…just sayin
You DO know that sorta defending AS will add fuel to his wittle bitty fire? I was following the FB exchange when she tried to explain her absence from the woman’s retreat. Think CYA nicely done, BTW.
OTOH none of the wedding pix show her in that F-ing t-shirt so maybe you guys HAVE subverted her?? <— A potentially GOOD thing.
Oh, so THIS is what “compromised” IVAW?
Mm hmm.
Bless their hearts.
The feigned betrayal bit is one of Matthis’ favorite tactics to use. Peddling guilt, low self-esteem, and victim consciousness are simply tools for maintaining control… control over what seems to be a diminishing crowd of drama queens.
Oh, by the way, AS was at the wedding, Here’s a picture of her being her graceful self before she even had a drink.
Hahaha… cute! She can play it off as doing the Macarena! LOL
When I dance they call me Macarena
And the boys they say que soy buena…
I am very disappointed. My son has pontificated time and again about how the TRUTH must be known and here again he is concerned about keeping secrets. I wish I could say “My son Walks his Talk” but here again is evidence he does not. I suspect the IVAW is his next target and we will soon see “Confessions of an IVAW execrator”.
execrator — good word, Dr. C!
Wait a second here, AS got an invite to the wedding and I didn’t? I think I am offended. I probably do better wedding gift than AS and probably drink less.
Still relaxing in my camp chair with popcorn watching the inevitable collapse continue! It is getting kinda sad though how much he and IVAW have fallen. Its almost pathetic to watch Matthis’ mental state collapse like this.
Almost, but not quite 😀
Thing is… Move On and Code Pink, et al, are still out there doing THEIR dance.
Keep watch out of the corner of your eye in what’s left of the IVAW, but, also keep in mind that clowns are the easy targets.
Yeah, I know they won’t believe me about Selena’s non-participation in our intelligence-gathering operation. But I’m telling you guys, why bother talking to them?
The part I find funniest is that we haven’t really attacked them, we’ve just told the truth about them. So they “hate” TAH and me – for what? Telling the truth about them? I’d understand the “hate” if we lied about them. Even Jose Vasquez told me that he appreciates that we keep them honest and on their toes.
Word is that Matthis is busy editing his “friends” list but he still hasn’t got any of my ninjas. Pretty soon he’s going to be an Army of One.
I´ll believe everything you say, because This Ain´t Hell is a reliable unbiased source of information that would never try to cover their ass to suit their agenda. There is no way one of your sources is one of the people who you pal around with, that simply doesn´t make any sense.
I´ll excoriate Selena for being an apologist on this blog more than anything. I feel no need for IVAW to apologize to or associate with people who have to redact their true feelings about Koran burning and muslims in general. You just be thankful your little wedding party wasn´t bombed by remote control planes. There is a word for people like you here in Germany, can you guess what it is?
You have proven the point that you will court those who make good tools, congrats, its a concept as old as the hills (thats even older than you are).
To all the IVAW members who leak information here, if you don´t like whats going on than bring your complaints to the table, or get the hell out. No one forced you to join IVAW or to stay in the organization, if you can´t tolerate what is going on than leave, I am sure as hell considering it.
@ Mr. Chiroux, you are a pathetic excuse for a father, how about you actually try to sit down and talk to Matthis instead of smearing your own sons name all over the internet. My family may not wholly agree with what I do, but to try to openly ruin and discredit your own son because his beliefs are different than yours has to be one of the worst examples of parenting I´ve seen in awhile. Here is a site just for people like you:
Really, you tell the truth about IVAW? LOL!
You really put me in my place with that LOL, Chris.
Where is that? West Virginny?
Chris, I’m curious what it is you mean by your statement, “I feel no need for IVAW to apologize to or associate with people who have to redact their true feelings about Koran burning and muslims in general.” I don’t understand why you think there is something wrong with having negative feelings about the Islamic religion. (I ask this in all sincerity.)
“To all the IVAW members who leak information here, if you don´t like whats going on than bring your complaints to the table, or get the hell out. No one forced you to join IVAW or to stay in the organization, if you can´t tolerate what is going on than leave, I am sure as hell considering it.”
More proof to me that you guys do more to destroy yourselves than we can ever do on this blog.
Debra, I think he’s saying that I’m pulling my punches on the Koran-burning issue to appear more moderate than I am, because like the rest of those closed-minded half-wits in the IVAW, they stereotype us and if we don’t fit the stereotype, we’re lying.
Chris, who deserted from the Army before his deployment to Afghanistan tells us why in his testimony at Winter Soldier Europe about his deployment to Iraq;
I arrived at Camp Victory in Baghdad on Thanksgiving Day 2005.
They were having a giant turkey that day in the DFAC (cafeteria). Some other things they had in the DFAC were made to order. There were Philly cheese steaks, a good salad bar, a juice bar, Baskin Robbins Ice Cream, and food better then anything I had ever seen before. There was a Pizza Hut, a giant PX store, a Subway, an Arby’s, a Greens Beans, and a Popeye’s Chicken too.
When you’re expecting a combat zone and you walk into something like this you have to wonder “What the hell is going on here?”
Oh, and he’s haunted by the memory of hooking up a fiber-optic line to Abu Ghraib miles from the prison.
Tough, terrifying shit, Chris.
@Debra- My point exactly. Most of you are xenophobic bigots. IVAW has nothing to seek here.
When someone says they would rather kill muslims than piss them off (didn´t even say radical extremists, just muslims), you don´t feel thats a little bit cold blooded? 23% of the world or about 1.57 billion people are Muslims. If you´re all for global depopulation than just come out and say it.
And, Chris, how far from West Virginia were you raised? Pennsylvania? I can see Pennsylvania from my deck.
I gotta say, you really pegged the douchemeter with your limp-dicked and cowardly attack against Dr. Chiroux. I have to believe that you are attacking him because you’re jealous that he actually tried to help his meth-addled son, and then had the common sense to walk away. had your own bad experience with your father?
Lemme tell you something. I also reached a point where I had to tell my own son to leave. He wouldn’t listen to anyone. He was bull-headed and refused any help offered him. Only after he realized that I wouldn’t be his enabler, that I wouldn’t countenance his digressions, that he would be on his own without any help from me, did he finally have an epiphany. He finished HS, and is an infantryman with the 173rd Airborne. He’s made something of himself, and understands that anything worthwhile, especially respect, must be earned.
Mattis never has had that epiphany. His father is to be commended for his actions, and not excoriated from someone like you.
Thats me! And damn proud of it, I served as a fobbit, as over 2/3rd´s of the armed forces who were sent to Iraq have, I didn´t choose my duty in Iraq, hell it wasn´t even my MOS. Who said I was haunted by my Iraq experience? I had it good, but that doesn´t mean there wasn´t a lot of f-cked up stuff going on.
And who said anything about Pennsyltucky? Mr. Lilyea, both you and I know you are pulling your punches here as far as your post regarding Koran burning goes. I can read, and I did read it before you redacted it. Where is that integrity there you bold truth crusader?
Everyone read it before I redacted it…in fact they can read it right now and it’ll be before I redacted it.
And in your Winter Soldier Europe testimony you said you were haunted by the memory of hooking up the Abu Ghraib fiber optic cable. Your words;
Later I was asked to reconnect a fiber optic cable that was labeled Abu Ghraib. The reality of it all would slap me in the face repeatedly over the course of the deployment.
Your dorky words. It’s not that I think you’re a wimp for being a fobbit…I think you’re a wimp because of the weak-ass excuse you use for explaining your desertion to the other wimps in the peace movement.
And in your bio for the IVAW board election, you said you were from Pennsylvania.
Chris, Webster’s says a bigot is “a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance.” Note the “especially” is not exclusively. Want to see a bigot? Look in the mirror.
I think the whole Koran burning thing is stupid beyond belief. I don’t think men in uniform (see Patraeus) should comment on people exercising their First Ammendment rights – no matter how stupid. It is, however, as stupid as it is pointless.
HOWEVER, it is no more disgusting than your buddy Matthis burning a flag in support of his own dogmatic, even bigotted, beliefs. Burning icons is burning icons – condem them all or shut up.
Also, can I get some love on my feelings of exclusion since AS got an invite and I didn’t!!!
Chris, don’t you think that the reality of Shariah law is maybe just a little tiny bit cold-blooded? Why is it wrong for a person to feel defensive about that and to want to protect his family and culture from that sort of thing? Is it bigoted to have a fear of the extremities of Islam, which is simply the religion itself taken in its literal word? Is it bigoted to be appalled by what they do to women? Again, I ask you this in all sincerity.
And before you start flinging the insults and accusations, I would like to state that I have had educated Muslim friends and acquaintances in the United States and have spent a very large amount of time working for them and with them on a daily basis over a period of many years in an academic enviroment. And they are nothing remotely like what you hear about on the news about what the Shariah law is doing to one of their sisters in Iran. Then again, they seem more American than they do Islamic or Iranian. Oh, but I suppose you think it’s xenophobic and bigoted to say that, too.
Let me be clearer… The IVAW has diminished to clown-dom. Mind you, clowns do frighten me if I come across them. But I still think the IVAW has become a sideshow… thanks to Jonn. Perhaps it’s time to declare victory?
It is foolish to ignore any potential threat, but the IVAW is one of those things, I think, that we can keep at the periphery?
Tomorrow we’ll still be faced with a plethora of threats.
Why are people here giving this Chris douCHE anything but the door. He comes of as a Keith Olberdork level of lib/progressive/dipshit.
Wouldn’t know reality if it bit him in the rear.
And Matthis? What a Drama Queen.
Chris, having been to both Afghanistan and Iraq, the Victory PX is so very small, the chow sucked worse than MRE’s and I was sooo thankful to not have to 1) Piss into a tube, 2) be able to talk to the family more, 3) I actually had a working HVAC unit in my room, 4) I had a glass window-as opposed to chicken wire, and lastly 5) I paid my dues and didn’t bitch. Chris, my advice: COWBOY UP or SHUT UP!
Southern Class, if you think this is bad, you should see all the drama on Facebook…
biting my tongue here…
@Ponsdorf: I have actual, photographic evidence of the existence of Ass Clowns, someone just happened to spraypaint one onto Flintsone Palace on VBC… Hahahahahahaha!
@ Mr. Lilyea, I think there is a little piece missing there, you know it was there and so do I. You can try and twist it and turn it however you like, however in the end I know you are a liar just the same.
@ Debra, Yes Sharia law is fucked up, I´m sure the 1,000 years of Catholic rule on the European continent was much better. They only burned witches, nothing as barbaric as stoning women. What you fear is the extremes of every religion and a theocratic state. However keep up the good work, I´m sure your token Muslim friends appreciate the fact that you harbor negative feelings towards their beliefs, and I´m sure your continued constructive engagement with the Muslim community will foster a good neighborly feeling with the other 1.57 billion muslims on Earth, and facilitate a reform within muslim theocratic states.
And when are you people going to stop saying that I was complaining about bad living conditions on Camp Victory. Please.
Shariah law is TODAY, not just ancient history! It is only getting WORSE. Where is the consciousness???
@Chris, Boyo, you went beyond complaining. I saw it in my unit with the “new breed” of “Soldiers” (I hesitate to use that term with some of them, they tried to get over and do less work than PVT’s even four and five years ago) they bitched when the internet was down, or the hot water went out or the DFAC ran out of doughnuts, and God help them when incoming fire came in-on the OTHER side of the base! Its rejects like you that make me embarrassed to have to call you a Brother in Arms. Bitch when you are out at a firebase and the Clip doesn’t make it for several weeks, and reduces you to MRE’s once a day.
Chris – when you find yourself at the bottom of an intellectual hole as you do here, it is bet to stop digging. You are making no sense at all. If you condemn the burning of Korans as a protest but not the US Flag by your buddy Matthis you are being intellectually inconsistent, if not dishonest.
I have trouble with extremists of all varieties, particularly when they try to force their views on me. Your arguments show that you are not open to any view but your own and that anyone who disagrees must be a bigot, which, by definition, makes you a bigot.
I have friends of all stripes, political affiliations, and religions. I can have philosophical debates with them as long as they are open to perspectives other than their own – you do not seem to fit in this category.
Chris and other Lib/progressive sorts, muslim apologists, compare Islamic acts of today to the ancient history of Christians. Slavery was once legal, even expedient here in the US, (thanks to the muslims who gathered them up for the traders), but that was abolished as not being “the right thing”. Christians once lived the old testament. Today that is no more than a history piece. Islam on the other hand, continues to live in its 7th century mentality of utter domination, subjugation of women and dhimmis, and is in no way comparable to Christianity today. WTFU or STFU.
@ Debra How exactly do you propose to deal with Sharia law? Was it Islam or Sharia law you had a problem with? Because I seem to remember seeing a comment up there saying you had a problem with the beliefs of nearly a quarter of the Earth´s population.
If its Sharia law, then why not pressure politicians to accept refugees and asylum seekers from those countries? I would be all for that.
If its Islam, why single out Islam? Is it because that faith is not your own? Is it because it has its share of kooks and extremists just as every other religion on Earth? (Except for Buddhists, I´ve never heard of Buddhist extremists).
@ Lucky……..umm I was kind of complaining about the exorbitant waste of taxpayer dollars on Camp Victory, but okay, whatever, you obviously know everything I´ve ever talked about. I was expecting and I was prepared to live a more spartan lifestyle, I wasn´t expecting KBR disneyland. There were power outages every now and then, but honestly, it was KBR disneyland and I was lucky I got deployed there in 2006.
@ Susan You have problems with extremists of all varieties and read This Ain´t Hell? Thats a joke. I have yet to hear anything remotely intellectually stimulating on this blog or this thread for that matter. This website is devoted to criticizing other people, not for providing any sort of platform for the people here to promote their own vision.
@Chris, whatever, I stand by my Cowboy Up or shut up statement. Deal with it or leave, better yet, deal with it AND leave.
@ Lucky Umm where should I leave to exactly? I´m not in the Army, I´m not in the US, you can keep it. I´ll say whatever the hell I want, whenever the hell I want, and quite frankly I am quite tired of “dealing with it” (whatever “it” means).
Also, Chris, FYI, one of the Iranian women I used to work with, immigrated to the US around the time of 9/11 with her children, barely speaking English when I first met her. Still we would talk and there were always certain things I could understand from her, like about her children and the happy glow on her face just to be alive and in America. I’ll never forget how she would look at me with such a puzzled look when I would complain about our government’s meddling in the Middle East and the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq. She thinks America is wonderful, that it does no evil, and praises God everyday because she is so happy and grateful just to be alive and in the United States of America with her children, and not in Iran.
That’s a real story of a real Iranian woman. Are you going to take her story away from her, Chris?
@ Debra please show me one point where I said I support the theocratic regime of Iran. Its not like I said other nations should offer asylum to refugees from countries like Saudi Arabia or Iran or anything. Please, shove more BS into my mouth, I´m really liking the taste of this dialogue. And besides, you still haven´t answered my question.
Are you against Sharia law, or are you against the beliefs nearly a quarter of the planet happens to share?
By deal with it, I mean stop “gracing” us with your presence.
Chris- That “nearly a quarter of the planet are living in the 7th century does not, in and of itself, qualify them as anything other than what they’ve established themselves to be. I continually hear from you apologists that it is but a small percentage of “them” who are radicalized, and it hurts the majority of them when we look down on them. For a moment, I will give it that the radicalized are but a small percentage. Given that, why then do not the other majority of them shut the radicals down so that the world can see that they are a true religion of peace love and unicorn farts?
The more I read Chris’ comments, the more heterosexual I feel. 😉 And to think, this all got started over some jackass comments made by our favorite-est IVAWesque personality.
Now, back to the slightly less homoerotic behavior of my dogs.
I’m fm2176 and I approve the prior message…
I apologize for the lack of intellectual input placed by my more primitive predecessors.